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Your slides should cover:

1. The name of the web resource you are presenting and a summary of its
contents or purpose.
2. How you decided that this web resource was reliable.
3. How the resource may be useful to you during your degree or future career.

Summative assessment
Create a word document and write a 1000 word personal reflection on how you think
you will use technology to learn your future subject e.g. business, engineering or
The 1000 word reflective account must draw on your previous formative activities
from the workbook and group blog, these can be provided as hyperlinks or as
When you have completed your workbook and uploaded your word document below
you will be ready to submit your workbook for assessment.
More information on the assessment, instructions for completing your esubmission
and details for accessing support can be found on the Assessment Page .

Shebby (2013) Steve Jobs' management style. [online]. [Accessed 2 May
Available at: <>

Lambert, P. (2003) Armed conflict: a pacifist experience and the implications
for counselling. Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and
Psychotherapy, 3(2), pp.75-83.

Lawrie,G., and Cobbold, I. (2004) Third-generation balanced scorecard:
Evolution of an effective strategic control tool, International Journal of
Productivity and Performance Management, 53 (7), pp.611-623.
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Online Library
Blogging and Forums

Visit the internet detective website.Read the section called "The Good, The Bad and the
Ugly " and take the quiz .
What were the most important things you found out from this website and why? How
did you score on the Quiz? Have you identified any areas you need to work on to
help you prepare for internet research during your future studies?

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