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Bilateral mandibular enlargement/ involment seen in:

(A). Chertrubism (B). Osteoma
(C). Central giant cell granuloma (D). Lichen planus
Q2) deformation resulting from perpendicular force
a.shearing stress
b.tensile stress
c . tensile strain
d.compressive strain
Q3.Osteosarcoma canarise from?
(A). Paget and cherubism
(B). Cherubism and osteopetrosis
(C). Paget and polyostoticfibrous dysplasia
(D). Polyostotic fibrous dyplasiaand cherubism
Ans. (C). Paget and polyostotic fibrousdysplasia
Q4.Among Hepatitis,syphilitic glossitis, plummer vinson syndrome, Mikulicz's syndrome which
resembles histologically/morphologically closesest to
Squamous cellcarcinoma is most likely to occurs in ?
(A). Syphilitic glossitis andplummer vinsons syndrome
(B). Syphilitic glossitis andMukilicz disease
(C). Plummer vinsons disease andHepatitis A
(D). Hepatitis A and Mikuliczsdisease
Ans: (A) Syphillitic glossitis andplummer vinsons disease
Q5.Condition in whichthere is unusual gingival involvement?
(A). Pyogenic granuloma (B).Primary herpes
(C). Pemphigoid (D). Recurrent aphthae
Ans. (D). Recurrent aphthae
Q6. Riga fededisease is associated with?
A) Natal teeth B) Multipleimpacted teeth
C) Permanent incisor D) Primaryincisor
Ans A) Natal teeth
Q7.In case ofOrthodontically treated median/midline diastema which retainer should be used?
(A). Hawley appliance for 6months
(B). Hawley appliance for 12months
(C). No need of retainer as it isself corrected
(D). Lingual bonded retainer
Ans. (D). Lingual bonded retainer
Q8.While placingorthodontic brackets in fluorosed teeth, acid etching is done with?
A) Phosphoric acid
B) HCl acid
C) No etching required in case offluorosis
D) Hydrofluoric acid
Ans A)Phosphoric acid
Q9.A child suffersfrom trauma which causes lateral luxation of the primary central incisor. The
incisor is notin occlusion and does not cause interference. What should be done:-
A. The incisor should be allowedfor passive and spontaneous repositioning itself
B. Be repositioned and splinted
C. Reduce the opposing teeth
D. Reduce both the affected andthe opposite tooth
Ans A. Theincisor should be allowed for passive and spontaneous repositioning itself
Initial, urgent care forlateral luxation cases includes repositioning the tooth and
Q10. In a stainlesssteel crown on a deciduous molar with overhanging margins, gingival pain and
Inflammationoccurs due to:
A) Plaque entrapment B) Excesscement
C) Crown margins causingirritationD) overextended margins
Ans. A) Plaqueretention/entrapment
Q11.Spacemaintainers are categorized into which level of health protection:-
A. Rehabilitation B. Specificprotection
C. Disability limitation D.Health promotion
AnsB. Specific protection
Q12.Apregnant lady uses fluoridated drinking water. All of the following are trueregarding exposure
To the fetus to fluorideconcentrationexcept:-
(A). Placenta acts as a regulatorand reduces the concentration of fluoride reaching the fetus
(B). Placenta acts as a regulatorand increases the concentration of fluoride reaching the fetus
(C). Placenta has no role influoride regulation to fetus
(D). Placenta acts as a barrierto fluoride ions.
Ans.(B). Placenta acts as a regulator and increases the concn. Reaching the foetus
Q13.Preventiveresin restorations (PRR) are used in:
A) Non-cavitated pit and fissures
B) Cavitated pit and fissurewhich requires retoration
C) Deep caries to preventprogress of lesion
D) Wide cavity to prevent cuspfracture
AnsB) Cavitated pit and fissure which requires restoration
Q14. Best physiologic medium totransport an avulsed tooth, which is not to be reimplanted
A) Milk B) Coconut water
C) HBSS D) Viaspan
Ans D) Viaspan
Q15. In a patientwith acute pulpitis, it is difficult for the patient to locate thesource of painin the same
arch. Thisis because:-
A. No nociceptors are present inpulp
B. Less proprioceptors arepresent in pulp
C. Patient cannot speak
D. Patient is unable to openmouth
Ans B. Lesspropioreceptors in the pulp.
Q16.Which is more proneto fracture?
(a) Mandible
(b) Zygoma
(c) Frontal
(d) Nasal
Ans:(d) Nasal
Q17. Increase in ANB angle suggest of?
(a) Maxillary prognathism
(b) Mandibular retrognathism
(c) Maxillary retrognathism
(d) Decrease overbite
Ans:(b) Mandibular Retrognathism
Q18.Which of the followingcyst is commonly associated with vital adjacent tooth?
(a) Dentigerous cyst
(b) Globulomaxillary cyst
(c) Lateral cyst
(d) Periapical cyst
Ans:(b)Globulomaxillary cyst
Q19.Which is most commonly ligated after ainjury to inferior thyroid artery during thyroidectomy?Care
should be taken to preserve which nerve in thyroidectomy ?
(a) Recurrent laryngealnerve
(b) Externallaryngeal nerve
(c) Vagus
(d) facial nerve
Ans:(a) Recurrent largngeal nerve
Q20.Anti Tobacco Day is?
(a) 31 may
(b) 1 novemeber
(c) 7 april
(d) 1
Ans:(a) 31 MAY
Q21. A young lady of age 22 years with sore thorat for 3 days,along with the fever and headache, On
examination she was found severely dehydrated,her BP was found to be 90/50mmHg and tiny red spots
were found to the distal cuff of sphygmanometer. Most common cause is?
(a) plasmodium falciparum
(b) Neisseria meningitidis
(c) Brucella
(d) salmonella
Ans:(b) Nesseria
Q22.A patient come to dentist with decayed mandibular molar, On cavity preparation the mesiobuccal
cusp and distobuccal cusp were found to behaving deepcaries, Treatment of choice is?
(b)Cast Metal
(c)Intermediate restorative material
(d)Glass ionomer cement
Ans:(b) Cast Metal-
Q23.Which of thefollowing is involved in group 1 functional appliance?
(a) Activator
(b) Bionator
(c) Twin block
(d) Oral screen
Ans:(d) Oral Screen
Q24.Carotid sinus baroreceptors are present/ originates from
(a) Common carotid
(b) External carotid
(c) Internal carotid
(d) Aorta
Ans: common carotid.
Q25.Most common signof airway obstruction
A) Slow ponding pulse B)Strenous breathing
C) Increased pulse rate D) Decreased pulse rate
Ans:(b) Strenuos breathing
Q26.Centric holding cusp is:-
A) Mesiobuccal cusp of maxillary 1st molar
B) Mesiolingual cusp of mandibular 1st molar
C) Distolingual cusp of mandibular 1st molar
D) Mesiopalatal cusp of maxillary 1st molar
Ans: (D) Mesiopalatal cusp of maxillary 1st molar
Q27. C factor is associated with -
(a) Amalgam shrinkage
(b) Amalgam condensation
(c) Composite shrinkage
(d) Glass ionomers
Q28. Which is the form prepared during cavity preparation in which enough room is established so as
the max restorative material can be placed without fracture ?
(A) outline form
(B) resistanceform
(C) retention form
(D) convenience form
Ans: (B).resitance form.
29. Which type ofsilver amalgam alloy needs least Hg?
(a) Lathe cut
(b) Spherical
(c) Hybrid
(d) Admixed
Ans:(b) Spherical
30. Whichof the following is not a part of facial artery
(a)inferior alveolar
(b)inferior labial
(c)Sup labial
(d)Lat nasal
Ans:(a)inferior alveolar
31. Which of following is notassociated with corrosionin presence of saliva in oral cavity?
(a) Carbonates
8(b) Sulphides
(c) Oxides
(d) Chlorides
Ans:(a) Carbonates
Tin chlorides and oxides are thecorrosion products
of low copper alloys whereas copperoxide is the
corrosion product of high copperalloys. It also occurs due to formation of oxides, sulfides or
32..Histopathological feature of ameloblastoma in afemale patient
(A). Centralloose tissue with mitotic figures
(B). Peripheralpalisading cells with central loose stellate reticulum
(C). Peripheralpalisading cells with artefact stroma
(D). spindle formation wid abundant osteoid deposition
Ans.(B). Peripheral palisading cells with central stellate reticulum
33.Which of the following is true microdontia of lateral incisor?
(a) Peg lateral
(b) Natal teeth
(c) Neonatal
(d) mulberry teeth
Ans:(a) Peg Laterals
34.Posterior triangle ofneck isfurther subdivideddivided into two halves by
(a) Lateral belly of trapezius
(b) Sternocleidomastoid
(c) Superior belly of omohyoid
(d) Inferior belly of omohyoid
Ans:(d) Inferiorbelly of Omohyoid.
35. A 12 year old boydeveloped sore throat grayish pseudomembranous coveringover tonsils and
pharynx.Causative organisms?
(a) Gram positive bacillus
(b) Gram negative baccilus
(c) Single stranged rna viruses
(d) A catalsae positive bacilli occurring in clusters
Ans:(a) Gram positive bacillus
The microorganism isCorynebacterium diphtheria.
36.Injection of 2%LA with adrenaline in blood vessel causes/ injection of local anaesthetic in a patient
gives response as -
(a) Hypertension and tachycardia
(b) Hypertension and bradycardia
(c) Hypotension and tachycardia
(d) Hypotension and bradycardia
Ans. (a) Hypertension and tachycardia/ hypotension & tachycardia
37.Role of plasticizer in synthetic resins in dentistry?
(a) To increase the smoothness
(b) to increase the bulk of the material
(c) To reduce softening or fusion temperature
(d) To delay the polymerization.
Ans:(c) To reduce softening or fusion temperature
38.Nasal epistaxis occurs due to?
(a) The anteroinferior part or vestibule of theseptumcontains anastomoses between the one vein & one
artery .
(b) The anterosuerior part or vestibule of the septumcontainsanastomoses between two arteries of the
superior labial branch of thefacial artery
(c) The anterosuerior part or vestibule of the septumcontainsanastomoses between two veins of the
inferior labial branch of thefacial vein
(d) The anteroinferior part or vestibule of the septumcontainsanastomoses between the septal ramus
of the inferior labial branch of thefacial artery
Ans:(a) The anteroinferior part orvestibule of the septumcontains anastomosis between the septal
ramus of thesuperior labial branch of the facial artery/ ????? correct the source of epistaxis n how it
happens , dis needs ur correction.
(a). In statistics, sample means?
(a) A group of sample
(b) Individual unit in a sample
(c) The units in which sample is given (kg, mm etc)
(d) Sub set of a sample
Ans. (b) >(d)
Q.39. (b). A sampling unit is defined as?
(a) A group of sample
(b) A subset of sample
(c) Every representing member of the sample
(d) Limited number of Population
Ans. (c)>(b)
40. schilders principle of biomechanical preparation in root canal therapy is
a minor apical foramen diameter should be minimally enlarged
b.minor apical foramen diameter can be enlarged at least three to five times that of first binding file can be transportedanywhered.the canal anatomy can be altered
41.. the recent spread of Swineflu was in the news, this type of transmission can be
Q42.The wavelength of conventional light curing tip is?
(a) 400-500nm
(b) 200-300nm
(c) 1000-2000nm
(d) 600-700nm
Ans:(a) 400-500
43. physiological medium for storage of tooth
44. after a trauma in a child a tooth which got avulsed ws reimplanted & reviewed for 2 yrs shows no
mobility, pain, infection or swelling but there is a marked periapical resorption seen on iopa suggestive
1.replacement resorption
2.external resorption
3.internal resorption
4.cervical resorption
45 a tooth like process I seen in the mandibular anterior region n two months old child the treatment
needed is
a.excise under la
b.dont excise and reassurethe parents
c.dont excise as it may become a tooth later after 6 months following root completion
d. excise under GA.
46. metallic oxides are in porcelain ARE added for all except
a.impart colour
b cosmetic purpose
c.increase strength
d.improve bondingo the metal.
47). Which is not used to measure vertical dimension of the face?
(a)Willis gauge
(b)Verneir calliper
(c)Bolley gauge
(d)Boos biometer
Ans:(d) Boos biometer
Willis Gauze To measure vertical height of the face
Boley Gauge To record the measurement between borders of maxillary and mandibular
Boos Biometer The pressure measuring instrument used to record The general bite force
Clinical methods of measuring occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) Most clinical methods of measuring
OVD are based on measuring the rest vertical dimension (RVD) and reducing this by 2-4 mm to provide
sufficient free-way space.
Instruments for measuring Occlusal vertical dimension include:
1. Willis bite gauge. 2. Callipers. 3. Screw jack.
Q48.Condensationpolymerisation reaction can be seen ?
Ans:(d) Polysulphide .
49). pulpotomy in young permanent tooth with open apex in a child is done to
a.induce root formation
b.prevent tooth fracture
c. reduces spread of infection
d. closure of apex.
ANS D closure of apex.
50. novel acidic non amelogeninprotein needed for matrix & inorganic deposition
c. sialolin
D. flagellin.
51. universal immunisation schedule in Indiainclude all except
ans b human papilloma virus
52. in a stainless steel crown on a deci. molar wid overhanging margins, gingival pain and infiammation
occurs due to
a plaque retention
b.cement leakage
c. crown margins causing irritation
ans A plaque retention
53) Millenium development goals as set by the UNO/WHO was passed in the year ?
development goals planned in
37. According to concept of primary health centre in hilly areas cover a population of
38) Freedom of centric or discrepancy between centric relation and centric occlusion correlates
(A). 0.15-0.25mm
(B). 0.20-0.40mm
(C). 0.5-1.5mm
(D). 1-2mm
Ans. (C). 0.5-1.5mm
38.Nasal epistaxis occurs due to?
(a) The anteroinferior part or vestibule of theseptumcontains anastomoses between the septal ramus
of the superior labialbranch of the facial artery,
(b) The anterosuerior part or vestibule of the septumcontainsanastomoses between the septal ramus of
the superior labial branch of thefacial artery
(c) The anterosuerior part or vestibule of the septumcontainsanastomoses between the septal ramus of
the inferior labial branch of thefacial artery
(d) The anteroinferior part or vestibule of the septumcontainsanastomoses between the septal ramus
of the inferior labial branch of thefacial artery
Ans:(a) The anteroinferior part orvestibule of the septumcontains anastomoses between the septal
ramus of thesuperior labial branch of the facial artery
(a). In statistics, sample means?
(a) A group of sample
(b) Individual unit in a sample
(c) The units in which sample is given (kg, mm etc)
(d) Sub set of a sample
Ans. (b) >(d)
Q.39. (b). A sampling unit is defined as?
(a) A group of sample
(b) A subset of sample
(c) Every representing member of the sample
(d) Limited number of Population
Ans. (c)>(b)
40. schilders principle of biomechanical preparation
a minor diameter should be minimally enlarged
b.minor diameter can be enlarged at least three to five times that of first binding file can be transported d.the canal anatomy can be altered
41..Swineflu has spread in almost all the countries. It is considered to?-
Q42.The wavelength of conventional light curingtip is?
(a) 400-500
(b) 200-300
(c) 1000-2000
(d) 600-700
Ans:(a) 400-500
43. physiological medium for storage of tooth
44. after trauma high pitched metallic sound
1.replacement resorption
2.external resorption
45 a tooth like process in two months old child advice is
a.excise under la
b.dont excise and reassure
c.dont excise as it may become a tooth later
46. metallic oxides are in porcelain for all except
a.impart colour
b cosmetic
c.increase strength
d.improve bonding
47). Which is not used to measure vertical dimension of the face?
(a)Willis gauge
(b)Verneir caliper
(c)Bolley gauge
(d)Boos biometer
Ans:(d) Boos biometer
Willis Gauze To measure vertical height of the face
Boley Gauge To record the measurement between borders of maxillary and mandibular
Boos Biometer The pressure measuring instrument used to record The general bite force
Clinical methods of measuring occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) Most clinical methods of measuring
OVD are based on measuring the rest vertical dimension (RVD) and reducing this by 2-4 mm to provide
sufficient free-way space.
Instruments for measuring Occlusal vertical dimension include:
1. Willis bite gauge. 2. Callipers. 3. Screw jack.
Q48.Condensation reaction occur in?
Ans:(d) Polysulphide .
49). pulpotomy in young permanent tooth with open apex for
a.induce root formation
b.prevent tooth fracture
c. reduces spread of infection
d. closure of apex.
ANS D closure of apex.
50. novel acidic non amelogenin
c. sialolin
D. flagellin.
51. universal immunisation schedule include all except
ans b human papilloma virus
52. in a stainless stell crown on a deci. molar wid overhanging margins, gingival pain and infiammation
occurs due to
a plaque retention
b.cement leakage
c. crown margins causing irritation
ans A plaque retention
million development goals planned in
37. according to concept of primary health centre hilly areas cover a population of
54. After depositionof the local anaesthesia transientbell's palsyoccurs due to injection into the
(a) Parotidfascia/gland
(b) Submandibular
(c) buccinators muscle
(d) temporalis muscle
Ans:(a) Parotid Gland
55 Minimum conc of oxygen in nitric oxide oxygen relative analgesia
Q56. Medial squint is caused by?
Ans:(c) Abducent
Q57)1.Riga fede disease associated with (answer natal tooth)
Q58).Enameloma refers to
a. True neoplasm of enamel derivative which has not reached complete maturation
b.globule of enamel
59). Increased spatulation time with dental plaster/ stonecauses
a.reduced setting time
b.increased hygroscopic expansion
c.increased compressivestrength
d.increased surface hardness
60)13. Nasal intubation contraindicated in
a.lefort 1
b.lefort 2& 3
d. maxillary sinusitis
ans b lefort 2 &3
61) facial nerve true all except
a)it supplies anterior belly of digastric )
b)secretomotor to submandibular gland
c) large motor n small sensory root
d) parasympathetic to palatal andnasal glands
ans is A
62). Spheno-occipital synchondrosis fuses by what age:?
(A) 3 years (B) 9 years
(C) 13 years (D) 16 years
Ans (C) 13 years
63) dontrix is spring mounted hanginginstrument used to measureorthodontic force. calculate the length of the arches
64)gin which of the following unusual gingival involvement seen (twice repeated in the paper )
b.recurrent aphthae
65)in statastical studies, data is
a.representating arithmetical unit of sample in kg,mm etc
b.obsevational records
c.unit of sample
d.collection of sample
66)test used to represent difference in height of two group of children in two classes in school
a.chi square
c.unpaired t
d.student test
ans is A
67) Cleft of face is mostly due to check page
A.Failure of ectodermal processes to fuse in midline
B.Abscence of mesodermal portion or failure of ectodermal processes to grow over mesodermal
68median rhomboid glossitis due to
a) atrophy of filiform
b)atrophy of fungiform
c)persistance of tubercular impar
d) incomplete mucosal development seen in the midline of dorsum of the tongue.
ans is c
69) Phrenic nerve supplies to
70) bilateral parasymphyseal fracture muscles involved
a.genioglossus & anterior belly of digastric
71) The Cribiform plateconnects the ?
(a) Nasal cavity and oral cavity
(b) Nasal cavity and orbit
(c) Anterior cranial fossa and nasal cavity
(d) Anterior cranial fossa and orbit
72)Specific plaque hypothesis states that:
a) All plaque is pathogenic
b) Plaque is pathogenic where signs of disease are present
c) Only specific microbes cause caries
d) Special tests are available for caries detection
73) hand cutting instruments with ss has carbon content of
a.0.6-0.8 b.1-1.2
c.6-7 d .10-15
74) Which of these is not true about throat packing?
A) Done when patient is awake B) Should be done after induction of GA
C) Prevents soiling of trachea D) Prevents contamination of pharynx or prevents entry of blood into
Ans. (A) Done when patient is awake
75) setting time of alginate at 20c
a.1-2 minutes
b.3-4 minutes
c.5-8 minutes
76) deep cervical fascia split to enclose
a.sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
b.sternocleidomastoid and diagastric
c.trapezius and digastric
d.trapezius and omohyoid
77) which is added to increase ropacity in porcelain/ceramic restorations
a.aluminium oxide
b.ferric chloride ...
d. benzoyl peroxide
78) material added not to reduce the haardnessof orthodontic wire
a silicon
c carbon
79) . begg retainer the retentive bow is given from
a.molar to molar
b.first premolar to first premolar
c.second premolar to second premolar
d.canine to canine
80) Which of the following is added to methylmethaacryalte to avoid polymerization on storage:
a) polyacrylic acid
b) benzoyl peroxide
d. methylene
81) oro antral fistula in maxillary third molar best treated by
a.buccal mucoperiosteal flap
b.palatal mucoperiosteal flap
c.bridge flap
82) A child 3 n half yrs old hvn delayed developmental changes as compared to normal children with
speech / memory/ co ordination but likes to playwid herself n remain in her own way ?
a) autism
b)mental retardation
c)specific learning disorder
d) aDHD
83). Epidural plexus ( aiims 2014)
A. Vertebral canal outside to duramater
B. vertbrl canal inside d duramater,
c. junctn of middle nd post cranial fossa
D. ant.cranial fossa
84) microdontia seen in lateral incisor is called
a.peg lateral
c. Hutchinsons teeth
85) a child with extra x chromosome has
a Dilaceration
b) dens evaginatUs
c)impacted teeth
Ans d Taurodontism
86) ) manipulation of ss steel at room temperature is
a.strain hardening
87) AMONG the following pathologies autoinoculation is present in :
d. candidiasis
88) chance of malignancy in
a)syphilis and plummer wilson syndrome
b) syphillis n mikuliz disease
89).Christmas disease is due to deficiency of
(A). Hagemann factor( B). Platelets
C. Plasma thromboplastin antecedent D. Plasmathromboplastin component
Ans. (B). Plasma thromboplastin component (PTC)

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