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Child Development 143: Math and Science for Young Children

Curriculum Plan
Topic/Title of Lesson Making Leaf Rubbing Animals ____ Focused
Domain _Physical _________
Goal to int!oduce child!en to lea"es and ho# can to enhance
thei! kno#ledge of #ays to colo! using en"i!onmental things
$b%ecti"e fo! child!en to colo! the animals on thei! pictu!e
using lea"es
P!ocedu!e &!st teache! #ill take the child!en outside and pick
the lea"es f!om t
the fall #eathe! ' ne(t child!en #ill ha"e an animal picked out
)e(t they #ill #et the leaf %ust a little bit ' then sat the leaf of
the #hite colo!ed
sheet of pape! #ith the animal d!a#ing on it' put it out d!y by
a heate! fo! a day ' Finally child!en #ill get the!e pictu!es take
the lea"e o* and see #hat colo! it left on the pictu!e+
Ad"anced P!epa!ation , ha"e the animals p!inted out ' make
su!e the teache! picks a !ight day in the fall #hen the lea"es
a!e changing colo!s
List Mate!ials lea"es ' a cup of #ate! ' d!a#ing of an animal
De"elopmental -ene&ts cogniti"e ' language ' social
Futu!e Plans instead of child!en going outside the teache!
could ha"e the lea"es !eady fo! the child!en to use and the
child!en don.t ha"e to use a pape! of animals to see the
a*ects of a leaf colo! can tu!n on a sheet of #hite pape! +
Child Development 143: Math and Science for Young Children
/tudents. )ame __________________________

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