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Satan. Take your Bible out. Start reading very

carefully and have Blessings!

Posma Situmorang,

So many Christians are seeking the Holy Spirit In my possession I have about 20 books on Holy
Baptism. They have been trying various methods Spirit gifts, or filling, or anointing, or
to achieve it. Without even knowing the nature even Baptism, written by authors ranging from
of the baptism, they worship,they pray, they the unfamous ones to the most well known (
give offerings, they cry,they weep Billy Graham ). The writers came from
pitifully,in hope of getting it. Some have different sects and from the traditional one
obtained baptism without knowing whether they up to the most “modern” charismatic. I do not
obtained the GENUINE ONE or just the fake have the authority to be the critics for each
baptism, from SATAN. book, but anyhow, Holy Spirit uncovered for me
some very important facts:
Which is the correct method of achieving
Holy Spirit Baptism? How do you know you have 1. Almost all of them teach
already obtained genuine one? that Holy Spirit filling or
anointing can be “grasped” by
every converted Christian,
depending on how serious he or
Asking something do not know of, is foolish; she pursue it! Pitifully, the
seeking and grasping something you do not know books do not teach the correct
the nature of, is ridiculuous! method of pursuit!

So if you claim that you’ve achieved Holy 2. Almost all of them ignore
Spirit Baptism without understanding the Jesus’ teaching in John 14:15-
nature of it, be ready fellow Satan will 17. they do not teach that
surely ridicule you at certain moments. OBEDIENCE is the only way to
As Jesus do, I love you also, dear reader, so obtain the company of the
prevent yourself from being ridiculed by comforter, as promised by

1 2
light of this verse, and the following one (
John 7:24 ):
Fact #1 does not bother me too much, it is (24) Judge not according to the
Biblical, no doubt about it, although one appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
should learn the correct way of pursuit. But
Fact #2 really disturbed me! Discarding I believe that it is well understood that,
obedience from Christian life is enough to righteous judgment can only be attained by
ruin our spiritual life at once. Just like taking Jesus’ doctrine as THE ONLY REFERENCE.
what happened in Eden. A single disobedience Failing to perform that way means that you do
is enough to ruin Adam’s and Eve’s happy, not abide in Jesus’ doctrine anymore! Please
everlasting life! read and meditate carefully on one fact at a
time, real slowly, in order to gain maximum
Please study John 3:36 carefully, it not benefit.
difficult to see that one can be a beliver
only if he/she is obedient. Without obedience
one ? SATAN. Yes, without obedience, we soon HOLY SPIRIT IS ONE PERSON [Entity] OF THE
become Satan’s disciple! Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit.
It is clearly seen now that discarding She is not substance, neither a medium like
“obedience” by many converted Christians for water or air, even that Holy Spirit is
the sake of obtaining Holy Spirit gifts, show called”Pneuma” in the original language of the
that rebellious spirit has been reigning Gospel, which means air or something
Christiandom. This is the most advance Satanic compressible. Considering Her as spirit, some
deceit ever!! Be aware, Christians, tacher failed to regard Her as a Person,
called Comforter by Jesus ( John 14:15-17)
Considering Her as Spirit, some evangelists
Let me lead your attention to a very important were misled to think that they can “use” the
verse concerning the teaching of our Lord, Spirit as a medium to perform baptism, just as
Jesus, Namely 2John 1:9, it is usually done with water baptism, using
(9) Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not water as medium. Really they saw some
in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He phenomena, some spiritual experience felt by
that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, hath the “ baptized “ persons, but the phenomena
both the Father and the Son. could simply be worked out by Satan, the false
holy spirit.
You will be the judge of the facts to be
presented, and you must judge them in the Do you want to have the correct feeling
toward the Person, Holy Spirit? See Her as a

3 4
dear mother, a soft hearted lady. To attain to show that “ I have been baptized with Holy
heavenly purposes, She never force Her way Spirit”!!
trough, could never get angry, yet easily The effort to interprete some events in the
sadden by our transgression. Please dear ACTS ( done by several authors ) as Holy
reader, do not treat Her carelessly, it will Spirit Baptism, is usually driven by
saddened Her and She will leave you for worse! preoccupation, ambition driven to define HSB.
And again, the false holy spirit will take Her This may lead to deception.
place instantly!

Moreover, saddening the Mother may invite the

anger of the Father, and you will never escape THE NEW TESTAMENT DOES NOT RECORD ANY
the judgment of the coming judge. Hence, HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM.
behave yourself in your communion with Holy
Spirit. Meditate on John 19:26-27, where Jesus If you thing there, those are only events
taught us allegorically about Holy Spirit which are THOUGHT BY SOME AUTHORS to be HSB!
represented by Mary! Accept Her in your If only there are definite records of Holy
household, and be agood son to Her!! Spirit Baptism, the definition of HSB can be
easily constructed.
Some authors think that the descending of
If you do not agree with this statement, Spirit of God at the completion of water
please show me the passage where it is defined baptism performed by John the Baptism for
and explained specifically. Any definition of Jesus (Matt 3:16-17),
Holy Spirit Baptism found in various books are (16) And Jesus, when he was baptized, went
made by the author him/herself! Should there up straightway out of the water: and lo, the
be any definition in the Bible, it must be for heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the
Jesus to define, because He is the Sole Spirit of God descending like a dove, and
Authority to perform that Baptism. lighting upon him,(17) and lo voice from
heavens, saying, This is my beloved Son, in
Peter did not dare to define it, whom I am well peased.
nevertheless Paul the good Apostle. If there
are events where the phenomena give us the Please note that it was Jesus who saw the
impression of HSB, we should not carelessly dove-like Spirit. Deductivenly Jesus must had
regard the events as HSB. told the discples about the descension of the
Spirit who in turn told the happening to the
Be carefull, fellow Christian. Even an Gospel writer. Yet, Jesus did not claim that
ambition to define it is enough to lead us event to be a Holy Spirit Baptism!
astray. The next to come will be the ambition

5 6
The Gospel of Mark and Luke recorded the same
happening, in rather different details, but 2.5 ALTHOGH (1) HOLY SPIRIT DESCENDED ON JESUS
neither one state the happening as Holy Spirit AND (2) JOHN THE BAPTISM CLAIM JESUS IS THE
Baptism. The Gospel of John recorded the story HOLY SPIRIT BAPTIZER, JESUS NEVER STATE
with different spectator. John the Baptist HIMSELF BEING ALREADY BAPTIZED WITH HOLY
also watch the event, and later testified SPIRIT!
Even more Jesus has never promise to give Holy
32. And John bare record, saying, I saw Spirit Baptism to His disciples. If you point
the Spirit descending from Heaven like a dove, out to Acts 1:5, let us read it carefully and
and it abode upon him. critically.
“… but ye shall be baptized with the Holy
33. And I knew him not: but he that sent Ghost not many days hence”.
me to baptize with water, the same said unto
me, upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit Notice that Jesus did not say:” I will baptize
descending, and remaining on him, the same is you”, but “you will be baptized “ instead,
he that baptized with the Holy Ghost. hence it is not a promise, but a PROPHECY!
Read also carefully what is written in John
I herewith invite all of you, book authors on 14:15-17, Jesus did not promise to baptize
Holy Spirit, of those who used to baptize with with the Holy Spirit, but only promised to
“ Holy Spirit “, would you dare to interprete pray, to ask the Father to give “another
the mentioned happening as Holy Spirit Comforter”
Baptism, while the Bible and Jesus Himself
have never claim it that way!! Why then?
THE BIBLE RECORDED PEOPLE BEING FILLED WITH A humble person, Jesus must have a certain
HOLY SPIRIT,YET NEVER STATED THE FILLING IS admiration to Holy Spirit, one of the Trinity.
PRECEDED BY THE BAPTISM. Jesus would never consider Holy Spirit as
merely a medium for baptism! Therefore,
John the Baptist (Luke 1:5), Elizabeth (Luke servants of the Lord, do not ever offer any
1:41), Zaccharias (Luke 1:67) are recorded to Holy Spirit Baptism to others! We do not have
be filled with Holy Spirit, but it was not that authority! And we will never have!!
stated that they have been baptized with Holy
Spirit. It is a fatal error if we believe that 2.6 JESUS STATED”I AM BAPTIZED WITH…”, WHILE
Holy Spirit filling must be preceded by HSB! EVERY CHRISTIAN AGREE THAT JESUS WAS
Also, the Bible had never stated that any ALWAYS FULL OF HOLY SPIRIT,
Filling is a HSB! Do not ever accept doctrines
that is originated from human intelligence, we Let us read Mark 10:38,
are not abiding in Jesus! Doctrine that way.
7 8
(38) “… Ye know not what ye ask: can ye baptism were the disciples lacking of ? You
drink of the cup that I drink of? And be know the answer:
baptized with the baptism that I am baptized

From the statement “I am baptized with”, it is Therefore, fellow Christians, please don’t you
very clear that Jesus was having a certain dare to add another baptism to the already
baptism ( not stated ) with which He determined by Jesus Christ. You are creating a
challenged His disciple to accept also! If New Gospel that way. A Gospel of err!!
they dare! And that certain baptism for Jesus,
at the Moment of the speech, was not finished
Alas, certain interpreters consider that to be
a baptism of suffering. They are not aware Does it mean that Jesus was lacking
that their interpretation tends to add another something,especially if compared to His
“sacrament”of baptism into the Gospel. This is discipes? Does it mean that I am lacking
another form “ not abiding in Jesus” doctrine. something if I never had it? No way, brothers
( and sisters )
If we want to be honest,critical and stay Feeling lacking of new tongue may lead us to
in Jesus,doctrine, if we are standing freely jealousy. And feeling jealousy (as Satan had
from self interest, free from interest of sect experienced long ago) will lead us coveting
or theology, the most correct name for the on new tongues, especially those possessed by our
going baptism Jesus was bearing is no other fellow Christians. That is coveting other’s
than HoLY SPIRIT BAPTISM!! Watch that, up to possession. That is a transgression to the
that moment, Jesus, the Son of man, had not tenth of the TEN COMMANDMENTS.
had Holy Spirit Baptism! For the time being we
can speculate that HSB is a lifelong The transgression change our status to
baptism(ooops, do I drive the conclusion too become children of Satan then, sooner or
early?). We’d better assure that n the latter later, Satan can simply accuse us in front of
chapter. the Father,saying:
Reading trought verse-39, Jesus statement “Ye “Lord,these people are all my children,
shall indeed drink the cup that I drink of; since they act over ambitiously like myself.
and with the baptism that I am baptized Therefore I have the right to provide them
withal shall ye be baptized,” shows us that with gifts they are longing for. New tongues.
Jesus with the disciples, ALTOGETHER WILL I will give everyone of them a new tongue. MY
receive a CERTAIN BAPTISM. What kind of NEW TONGUES”

9 10
terms SHOULD NOT BE READ as “ in ten days”!
That is the way many Christians posses new Jesus doctrine does not tolerate err like
tongues, satanic ones, fake new tongues. Being this. We will compare the terms “not many
afraid to loose it, they would not dare to days” with the terms “ this generation shall
test the spirit ( 1John 4:1 ). They just enjoy not pass” used by Jesus in Matt 24:34,
it. I was led bye Jesus Christ to councel (34) Verily I say unto you, this generation
several of them, with complaints of fake shall not pass, till all these things be
happiness, fake joys,fake gifts, fake fruits fulfilled.
etc. Because they possess false holy Spirit.
As a matter of fact, “this generation shall
not pass” has last for about 20 centuries, yet
2.8 THE BIBLE DOES NOT STATE THAT WHAT not all the prophecies in Matt 24, have been
HAPPENED AT THE DAY OF PANTECOST IS HOLY fulfilled! Therefore we have no right in
SPIRIT BAPTISM. interpreting “not many days” to be “ten days”!
We have to study Jesus’ language and terms
A lot of authors, and clergies state of tend very carefully in order to understand Him
to believe that what happened at the day of better and better.
Pentecost ia HSB! If you can free yourself
from pre occupation, and read the Bible very
carefully and critically, you will see it
differently. Please do it and you will agree 2.10 THE BIBLE DOES NOT STATE WHAT HAPPENED
that the Bible does not mention any Holy IN
Spirit Baptism happening at the upper room. EFESUS (ACTS 19:1-6) IS HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM !
Acts 19:3-4 had been abused by some clergies
2.9 IN ACTS 1:5, JESUS DID NOT SAY THAT THE to justify a second water baptism for those
DISCIPLE WILL BE BAPTIZED WITH HOLY SPIRIT who have had sprinkled water baptism. They
WITHIN TEN DAYS! hide the truth in that record that Paul did
not give second water baptism to the disciple
Human intelligence tendenciously relates in Ephesus.
Jesus’ statement in Acts 1:5,”… but ye shall
be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days Act 19:6 records event “when Paul had laid his
hence”. With the happening at Pentecost, and hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them;
furtherly concludes that the happening at and they spake with tongues, and prophesied”.
Pentecost is a Holy Spirit Baptism. This again is abused by “holy spirit”
baptizer”at present time to justify their hand
Again we must read the verses critically laying on others, in order to” produce holy
and accurately. “ Not many days”, in Jesus spirit filling”. At least.

11 12
Baptist. See also Luke 11:1 which records the
Still, the Bible does not mention anything disciple words to Jesus,”Lord, teach us to
about Holy Spirit Baptism in the whole pray, as John (another imitation)also taught
passage! his disciples.

If any of you want to argue”why then Jesus did

2.11 JESUS HAD NEVER PASSED THE AUTHORITY TO not forbid his disciples from imitating John,
PERFORM HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM TO HIS DISCIPLES. you may look for the answer in Matt 13:24-30
(especially verse 30),”Let both
I challenge you “ holy spirit baptizers” to (Jesus’doctrine and doctrines of err )grow
show the verse where Jesus passed or delegated together until the harvest:….”
the authority to His disciples! Either Holy
Spirit Baptism or even the less: Holy Spirit It must be a will of the Father, God Almighty,
Anointing. If you refer to John 20:21-23, then passed on to us trough Jesus, that both kinds
you are in err. Let us read, of teaching be let to grow together. Therefore
the Lord does not interfere or halt the
(21)…”Peace be unto you: as my Father hath doctrine of imitation till present time.
sent me, even so I send you. (22) And when he Therefore, it is left for us to decide,
had said this, he breath on them, and saith whether to adopt that doctrine or discard it
unto them, Receive ye (not the baptism of, from our spiritual life!
writer) the Holy Ghost;(23) Whose soever sins
ye remit, they are remitted unto them, whose 2.13 EVEN WATER BAPTISM HAS NEVER BEEN
soever sins ye retain, they are retained. INSTRUCTED BY JESUS FOR THE DISCIPLES TO
It is correct to say that Jesus sent His
disciple. But He did not passed the authority Again, to believe this you have to read Jesus,
to anoint others with Holy Spirit, leave teachings in a very orictical and accurate
alonbe the baptizing of others. What Jesus fashion. The only instruction for baptism
passed at that time was only the authority to issued by Jesus Himself is recorded in Matt
judge someone’s sins, wether they could be 28:19
remitted or must be retained. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in water mentioning the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Ooops, you must have notice error generated in
This is clearly stated in John 4:2! It was His quoting the verse. The correct quotation
disciples that enjoyed imitating John the should be:

13 14
impurities of teaching you obtained in the
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, past. The purpose of this chapter has been
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and achieved, if you agree with most all of them.
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. You must become a little children before you
Do you see it now? In the first quotation, it can agree with all the facts, before you can
is clearly stated that the disciple must enter the Kingdom of in Heaven (Matt 18:3),
baptize others in water. But it is a wrong you must learn to read and understand what is
quotation. The correct one does not instruct written as it is. Without performing any
the disciple to rely on water, but on the name enrichment of interpretation; otherwise you
of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy may get lost in your own interpretations.
Danying any single fact means that you are not
We may now wonder about one fact: how come, ready to bear the coming presentation. In this
presently, all Christianity baptize the case I would rather advise you to put this
followers relying on water? We have honest and book aside. Maybe in the future, at correct
straightforward answer on this. It is a moment the Lord will let you reread it.
heritage through the spirit of imitation! And
the spirit is working to the present!

Our present time clergies imitate the method

of baptism from their predecessors who 3. THE NATURE OF WATER
imitated it from their predecessors, and so BAPTISM
on, up to the twelve disciples who imitated it
from John the Baptist, who ( according to
history) imitated it from some secluded Jewish
Before entering the discussion on Holy Spirit
sect (the Essene?)!
Baptism, it is good to meditate on the nature
of water baptism, to gain better understanding
Do you realize that this very spirit ( of
of the nature of HSB later.
imitation resides in every baby since the day
of birth? Do you also realize that Satan is
the very master on imitation? The proof to 3.1 WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN THE PROGRESS OF
this is in the garden of Eden! So be aware BAPTISM.
brothers and sisters.
You may imagine the baptizer standing in
Dear fellow Christians, the middle of the water, calling for the new
disciple or the baptize to come to him.
I do hope the presentation of those facts may
have brainwashed your mind from various 3.1.2 The beginning of Baptism.
15 16
The baptize start walking toward the the readers will reply: “Baptism is a
baptizer, while the water gets deeper and happening in the past. An event! What then ?
deeper each step. You may imagine his body is
gradually immersed deeper and deeper, starting Your answer is not incorrect. But try to
from the angkle up to the knee, further to the meditate again on the ‘ happening’ described
loin, and so on. in 3.1. Read it again critically. Isn’t it a
CHAIN OF EVENTS? Hence a PROCESS, isn’t it ? A
3.1.3 The hesitant Baptizee. process of gradually immersing the whole body
You may imagine that at one time or of the baptize. The baptism is started with
another, the baptize may be hesitant. He may ankle deep immersion, further to knee deep, on
halt his steps for some moments, Sometimes he to loin deep immersionm and still further
needs encouragement to step further. The until the whole body is immersed.
deeper the immersion the more hesitant he may
be ( especially if he is not able to swim ) We tend to compare the time spent during
baptism to our lifefime, to perceive that it
3.1.4 Avoiding Baptism. was only an event in the past. But if we
We can even imagine a case where the consider every instant ot second-by-second
baptize is so hesitant or doubtful that he passed through the baptism, we can then regard
completely retreat from the procedure. He may it as a process! It is necessary to understand
step back, get out of the water and avoid the this concept in order to correctly understand
baptism forever. However, in most cases the the Holy Spirit Baptism.
baptism is completed rapidly, soon the baptize
may forget the baptism at all.
3.1.5 The”Point” of No Return”.
In other cases, it may happen that some It is necessary also to consider the above
baptize reached point where, it is no use for question, suspecting that Holy Spirit Baptism
him to step back, Probably because he had been happens with the same scheme. It is easy to
wet to the loin. Let us call in the Point of see that baptism can only happened under the
No Return! Does the Point of no Return exist willingness of two parties: the baptizer and
also in Holy Spirit Baptism. the baptize. Lacking one party’s willingness
is enough to postpone, or even avoid baptism.
3.2 BAPTISM, AN EVENT OR A CHAIN OF EVENTS? The same rule applies also for Holy Spirit
Baptism. HSB can only happened under the
Are you ready a little surprise? Please willingness of two parties, Jesus Christ the
imagine how a baptism ( or yours-) proceeded Baptizer, and you or me, the baptize, lacking
and answer the above Question. I think most of your willingness is enough to prevent HSB.
Lacking the will of Jesus Christ is not likely
to happen. I believe Jesus Christ never
17 18
hestitate to baptize anyone who is pursuing With good understanding of the BAPTISM
it. As long as the baptize fulfills certain PROCESS, come nect another significant
per-requisites. Let me express an important question to answer:”how long a time will a
observation now: baptism take to completion?”
With the observations presented at 3.1.,
LACKING THE UNDERSTANDING ABOUT THE NATURE it is easy to see that Baptism will last
OF HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM MAY LEAD TO THE LACK OF according to how faithfull, or how hesitant
WILLINGNESS TO ACHIEVE THE BAPTISM !! the baptize is. The more faithfull he is, the
shorter a tme will the Baptism take. The
That is why it is very important for us to baptizer usually wait for the baptize
clearly understand the nature of Holy Spirit patiently. On the other end, hesitant baptize
Baptism presented in this little book. wil delay the baptism quite considerably. Do
you think u can agree with me to say that the
3.4 WHAT IS THE RIPE TIME FOR BAPTISM. same phenomenon will take place also in Holy
Another principle we should realize concerning Spirit Baptism.
baptism is the time for baptism. Who
determines the time? I trust that you can 3.6. WHEN WILL THE BAPTISM BE COMPLETED?
answer correctly:”of course the Baptizer, nit
the baptize.” Yes, brothers and sisters, the Provided with the observations in 3.1. it is
Baptizer has the right to determine when he an easy question to answer the above question:
would like to baptize a baptize that has the Baptism is completed when the baptize has
FULFILLS CERTAIN PRE-REQUISITES. already immersed from toes to head! Do you
believe that God demands that to happened also
One important thing for us to realize, for Holy Spirit Baptism to completion? That
although Jesus Christ never hesitate to YOUR SPRIT be fully immersend in HOLY SPIRIT?
baptize, we should not, on the other side
think that we can tell Him to baptize us, or
to baptize others we point, any time we wish.
The choice of time is His,nevertheless. God’s
time can never be overruled by humane.
The same principle applies also to Holy 4.EZEKIEL CHAP 4-7: HOLY
Spirit Baptism. Therefore you now have an SPIRIT BAPTISM ?
opportunity to re-check your understanding
concerning the nature of Holy Spirit Baptism
I enjoyed so much the guidance of Holy Spirit
you are longing for. An opportunity to perform
in pursuing the nature of Holy Spirit Baptism
corrections whenever you find any err!.
which have been widely and erroneously
practiced by certain evangelists there years.
3.5 HOW LONG A TIME WILL BAPTISM TAKE? The err has spiritually ruined so many people;
19 20
spiritually ruining converted Christians with chapter also pictures how Ezekiel was
maturing faith who otherwise may become very brought into the living water and
useful to spread the Kingdom of Heaven! immersion deeper and deeper. Therefore
the record must be an allegory to Holy
These maturing Christians tend to stop growing Spirit Baptism.
in their spiritual life. They tend to halt
their service to the Lord, stop with the work You are now ready to investigate Ezekiel’s
of fishing of men demanded by Lord Jesus. They experience, led by his leader, “ the man”,
prefer to stay within “their holy temple”, along the river of living water which
worshipping and praising the LORD, deceived by allegorizes Holy Spirit Baptism. But you will
the feeling by the thought that they have be in better shape if you have read Ezekiel
complete achievement of Holy Spirit Baptism! 46:19-24 and 47:1-12 beforehand. The passages
are recorded in the annex of this book. Please
Holy Spirit has led me to understand that read it .
Ezekiel 47 is an allegory to Holy Spirit
Baptism. You may ask: “ Why Ezekiel chapter 4.1 THE VISIONS OF EZEKIEL.
47?” The Following is a simple answer,
especially for those who are reluctant to do Some Bible commentaries regard Ezekiel
length thinking. And this little book chapters 40-48 to be “ The Visions about the
contained only experts from the original book, New Age”. In the sequence of Visions Ezekiel
isn’t it ? saw the New Holy Temple of God, and also the
coming of God into the Temple, together with
a. Holy Spirit is allegorically pictured by His Glory. These visions were intermingled
Jesus with “ living water”. It is with various heavenly intstructions concerning
clearly recorded in John 7:37-40. “worship” and “ duties” of God’s people, about
Ezekiel 36:25-27 records also the same “offerings” and spiritual norms of the new
allegory! You may study those passanges God’s people. The passages concerning Holy
carefully. Spirit Baptism is contained in the final part
b. With the”Baptison” meaning of immersion, of chapter 46 and the first of chapter 47.
Holy Spirit Baptism or “immersion into
Holy Spirit” must be allegorically
pictured in the Bible as an “immersion 4.2 THE TRESPASS OFFERING AND THE SIN
into a living water”
c. Therefore, logically, we may naturally OFFERING.
look for passger within the Bible
recording “some immersion”into “some In chapter 46(verse 19-20), Ezekiel was led by
kind of living water”. No other than his leader, to observe the place where the
Ezekiel chapter 47 has a lengthy record priests shall boil the trespass offering and
concerning living water. Furtherly, the
21 22
the sin offering. This is the preceeding phase Genesis 22:2, God instructed Abraham to:” take
before the journey along the living water. now thy son , thine only son Isaac, whom thou
lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah;
In our life as Jesus’ Followers, as the new and offer him there..” Yes, brothers and
God’s people, this first step into the new sisters, offering that please the Lord our God
life or into the Kingdom of Heaven is the best one you have; the one you love
is”repentance”, isn’t it? Repentance is the most! And Jesus’ crucifixion was an extreme
very first commandment of Jesus(Matt 4:17) case of offering we ought to follow.
issued at the very beginning of His service.
Without respentance, one could not gain Thefore, the most precious offering for Jesus
remission of sins, leave aline sanctification! Christ our Lord is YOU YOURSELF stated in the
second this SUBMISSION. This is implicitly
Verse-20 emphasizes that the offering may not stated in the second commandment of Jesus (
be brought out of the inner court, the place Matt 14:19 ):” Follow me, and I will make you
of boiling and baking. Not to be brought to fishers of men.” I instruction! And denying
the “utter court”, the next place for Ezekiel ourselves ( Matt 16:24 ) comes hand-in-hand
to observe, in order NOT TO SANCTIFY God’s with submission, agree?
people. Yes,brothers and sister, It is clear now that the following phase
sanctification is not carried out after repentance in our spiritual life is the
simultaneously with by some other methods! Do daily exercise to deny ourselves and learn to
not mix up “ repentance” and “sanctification” submit ourselves under His control. And all
such as seen by some people. these need time exercises, diligence and


After the two phase, Ezekiel was brought to
In verse 21-24 (of chap -46), Ezekiel waws led the “door of the house”, or the Tample, to
by “the man” to the “utter court”, provided “behold waters issued from under the threshold
with boiling place to boil sacrifice of God’s of the house” ( Ezekiel 47:1 ). The waters ran
people. This is different from the out eastwardly,further and further. This must
abovementioned offering. The ephasis. Is on be the living water. Verse 47:9-12 prove that
thanksgiving and worship. Therefore, for us, to be the living waters, since it gives life
as the new God’s People, thanksgiving and for fishes and other water creatures. And on
offering must be important parts of our both banks of the river grow” trees for meat,
Spiritual life, after repentance. whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the
fruit thereof be consumed”. The fruit shall be
We must be aware that, in the Bible’s records, for meat and the leaves for medicine.
alongside every worship, God’s people must
offer their best possession. For example, in
23 24
You may perceive that the terms used here the others are brothers. And who is the
are very similar to those used in the Book of Master? Jesus, together with Holy Spirit,
Revelation ( 22:1-2), picturing also the isn’t it ? Therefore you must reject every
living water. By the way, for whom is the life with Holy Spirit, offered by any servant of
given. the Lord, those brothers of ours! Otherwise
you will be led by the false Holy Spirit to
Brothers and sisters, the life is given TO destcrution.
FISHER ( Ezekiel’s terms: Ez 47:10), given to
FISHERS OF MEN ( Jesus’ TERMS: Matt 14:19)! Do not you ever forget that Satan can
Readers without experience of fishing for men, easily”transformed into and angel of light
your hearts may be pierced, but I have to (2Cor 11:14)”! With the same ease Satan can
convey to you the truth, however hurting may control his servants to appear like a servant
it be: THE ( ETERNAL) LIFE IS INSURED ONLY FOR of God! Even appearing more holy that most of
FISHER OF MEN! the Lord’s servants! And these Satan’s
servants in disguise are those who like to
Moreover, you can observe the living water ( offer “instant Holy Spirit Baptism” for those
that is: you can have personal experience with who are not in watch.
Holy Spirit) only after you passed the two
preceeding phases, the first one: repentance Reject their offer clearly, and the true
and the second phase: worship and offering. spirit behind them will emerge! They will
start judging you, or threatening, or getting
4.5 THE SOURCE OF THE LIVING WATER. mad at you, even terrorizing you, or even
worse, condemn or curse you! The real
Ezekiel recorded that the source of the living behaviour or Satan will emerge Sooner or
water is the DOOR of “ the house” or the Holy later. Therefore, brothers and sisters, keep
Temple ( 47:1-2 ). Do you remember the message watching and praying(Matt 26:41) in order to
in John 10:9 about THE DOOR? Jesus is the maintain your eternal life.
door, the true source of the living water,
Source of Holy Spirit! Do not ever accept any
spirit from other sources! Satan may easily 4.6 HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM, THE PROCESS..
give you the fake on, the spirit or err. Do
not accept any spirit, even from persons with Ezekiel 47:3-5 clearly explain the sequence of
most holy appearance! events that will happen to us, if we are
willing to accept Holy Spirit Baptism. We
In the Kingdom of God on earth (Luke 17:21) ought to study this carefully ( the writer is
there are only two hierachies of “ citizens”: using the King James Version Bible, you may
The King and his servants. Matt 23:8-10 use others, not much difference will turn
explains this clearly: there is only ONE out):
25 26
3.And when the man that had the line in his “the man” was neither GOD, since Ezekiel
hand went forth eastward, he measured a recorded(46:1)” Thus saith the LORD GOD”,
thousand cubits, and he brought me through the instead of “Saith the man”.
waters; the waters were to the ankles (4).
Again he measured a thousand, and brough me Now,if “the man” is not of Satan, he is
through the waters; the waters were to the neither GOD, nor angels, who “the man” must
knees. Again he measured a thousand, and be? He is spiritual or esoteric for sure. But
brough me through; the waters were to the anyhow Ezekiel called him”the man”! Ez 43:5-6
loins. (5) Afterward he measured a thousand; confirmend also that” the man” is also a
and it was a river that I could not pass over: spirit. Therefore,
for the waters were risen, waters to swim in,
a river that could not be passed over. IT IS SAFE TO CONCLUDE THAT” THE MAN” IS JESUS
One specific terms may catch your eyes while CHRIST!!
reading these passages, as it caught mine in
the past:”the man”.”The man” had been carrying Jesus used to call Himself “the Son of Man”.
Ezekiel or move him around”the house”, or the Do you remember how pilate address Jesus with”
temple, withoutr others knowing, out of sight ECCE HOMO” (John 19:5) which means:” behold,
of the Levite being present there! “The man” the man”!
must be a spiritual person. To be
critical,”the man” may be from God, or he may Moreover, since chapter-40”the man” used to
be from Satan. measured this, measure that, measuring and
measuring all the time! Do you smell the aroma
But consider Ez.40:2,” the hand or the LORD of “ judgment” in all those passages? Again,
was upon Ezekiel”, therefore “the man” could this lead us to the Personality of Jesus
not be of Satan! Moreover, he showed Ezekiel Christ, the Judge and the only Person holding
around”the house”, the New Holy Temple, doing the authority to baptize with Holy Spirit!
various measurements, which satanic force This very Person,”the man” had led Ezekiel
would have nothing to do with! through the journey of Holy Spirit Baptism.
This very Person, Jesus, also will lead every
Being sure that”the man” is not of Satan, why WORTHY CHRISTIAN through life’s journey of
did not Ezekiel use the terms”angel of God”? Holy Spirit Baptism, which we will about to
It must be because “the man” is not an angel! investigate. No other person!!
In chapter-1, Ezekiel had had experience with
spiritual beings he simply called “ 4.6.1 Follow the water.
creatures”, which we understand as angels. But
clearly Ezekiel did not mean “the man” to be The next phase for Ezekiel was when”the man”
the same as “the creatures”. Hence “the man” led him to go one thousand cubits eastward,
is neither and angel. and “THE MAN” BROUGHT Ezekiel trough the
waters, ankle deep.
27 28
In our case, for a certain distance, or time,
wi will be led by Jesus to walk with Him in 4.6.4 Loin-deep Water.
ankle deep water. It is the feet that
determine our steps in life, hence our steps One thousand cubits further, again “ THE MAN “
will always be cleanly washed by Holy Spirit. BROUGHT Ezekiel through the loin deep waters.
That is if we stay within “the water”, within
His guidance. Clearly we must stay walking in For our case, we can imagine that in loin deep
the water, no more on land, where dirt and living water we are even less free to move
dust will make our feet filthy. Jesus’ around. “ The water” now partly dictates our
followers shall not go into filthy places movement ( in life ). Our heart ( resting on
where they may become unholy! loin’s level ) started to be sancitified by “
the water”. The role of Holy Spirit start to
Look that the other organs of Ezekiel’s body dominate our life, our role diminishing.
was not touched by the waters. In our case,
the hands, it is for collecting our daily
bread, is not bound by Holy Spirit yet, hence
4.6.5 The Point Of No Return.
Verse ( 47:5 ) indicates the Point of No
we may still rests is still unwashed.
Return for the baptize who walks through the
Spiritually speaking, the heart has not been
living water. Please read:
sanctified yet. The same situation occurs to
the other organs: the mouth, the eyes, ears,
(5) Afterward he measured a thousand; and it
head and brain within. They will be sanctified
was a river that I could not pass over: for
in the latter process, only after we pass the
the waters was risen, waters to swim in, a
present stage!
river that could not be passed over.
4.6.3 Knee-deep Water. For our case, in such a situation, the living
water is so deep that one ought to swim,
In the next phase, the waters got deeper, wetting his whole body, in order to move
reaching the knees, and again, “ THE MAN” around. And watch for the words”could not be
BROUGHT Ezekiel through the waters. passed over”, two times mentioned in this
single verse. To us, this mean that “once you
For us, the immersion of ourselves knee deep move into its depth, you will stay within,
in Holy Spirit means that our steps of life because you are not able to pass over”! THE
are even more bound to Holy Spirit. Following POINT OF NO RETURN, you see? Let me present to
Jesus to such depth means that we are loosing you one very important observation:
our willingness to go around filthy place.
Sanctification of our Steps of life may In the three preceending stages, “ THE MAN
considered completed at this stage. “ BROUGHT Ezekiel through the water’s depth,

29 30
but this stage is different: “ THE MAN “ DID cross. It may cost us our physical life, but
NOT BRING Ezekiel in to water’s depth! surely we gain the eternal life, of course
reigning together with Christ eternally.
Why ?
Jesus faced the Point of No Return in
It is explainable by an investigation from our Gethsemany. Please read Matt 26:42,53. Jesus
side, not from Ezekiel’s. For our case, at was free to choose whether to accept the cross
this stage of Holy Spirit Baptism, God demands or avoid it by asking the Father to send
TOTAL SUBMISSION from us. VOLUNTARILLY! We are twelve legions of angels! But Jesus with His
free to choose whether to go into the depth or total submission, VOLUNTARILY choose the Cross
stay at the last stage ( and any other stages, and accept the ultimate suffering in order to
a kind of “ stalemate” situation) until the fulfill God’s plan! Jesus’ prayer was: “THY
hour of our physical death, or seven retreat WILL BE DONE, FATHER.”
back, back to the old life! Jesus, the “sone of men”, after the
crucifixion, after the completion of Holy
Please observe that in the three Spirit Baptism was transformed do become Jesus
preceending, we, Jesus’ followers are free to Christ, the Ruler of the Kingdom of God, The
retreat back to our old life, just like what Eternal Judge, the Sole Baptizer to baptize
we may have seen around us: Laymen, even men with Holy Spirit!
Clergies and Evangelists left Jesus to return
to their old life. They become the, followers Only after His total submission, He was
of the “666”, I mean obey John-666, or granted the authority to baptize men with Holy
correctly John 6:66, Spirit. Before that, Jesus only stated that
(John 14:15-17) He “Will pray the Father to
(66) From that time many of his disciple went give another Comforter” to His disciple!
back, and walked no more with him.
So brothers and sisters, do not ever accept
Yes, brothers and sisters, retreat from”the any offer of Holy Spirit Baptism or Holy
living water”, and you become an easy prey for Spirit anointing or Holy Spirit whatever from
the ‘666’, Satan! men who had not shown his total submission!
And total submission can only be proven at the
I am now addressing to you that have been hour of death!
enjoying Holy Spirit guidance along the way,
you that have had testimony of Christ. We must You may also consider Stephen’s case in
realize that sooner or later we will face The Acts 6:8-7:60. See how he was accused in front
Point of No Return, where we must take the of the council. See how he was full of Holy
ultimate decision of our lives. If the Spirit, such that the council(6:15)’saw his
decision is “yes”, then at this pont, Matt face as it had been the face of an angel”.
16:24 requires us to carry our full-sized Wasn’t it because Stephen had already been
31 32
“immersed” to the head in the living water”? We have seen this happene in Jesus’ life. In
See also the foretaste of heaven given to Paul’s, Peter’s Stephen’s and other’s lives.
Stephen, when he beheld the glory of God, and Everyone of us is being led dto this point.
Jesus standing on the right hand of God(7:5). The Question is:are we ready to endure it
There was, beforehand, the Point of No Return through Because (Matt 24:13).
for Stephen, since he chose not to”cease
speaking blasphemy”(6:13) as accused by the “HE THAT SHALL ENDURE TO THE END, THE SAME
scribes. And this decision of Stephen cost him SHALL BE SAVED”
his physical life! To gain glorious
everlasting one! He that shall endure to the end ( of Holt
Spirit Baptism), the same shall be saved!!
We also know that James was killed by
Herod with a sword. Peter died at reversed
crufixion. Paul also lost his life due to his 4.6.7 The Blessings at the End of Time.
testimony of Christ! Once they all had passed
the Point of No Return! And they had chosen Ezekiel 47:12 has even stated the blessings
VOLUNTARILY to follow through the guindance of that will be given to those had shown total
Holy Spirit! To complete the Bapstim! submission and had followed the Baptism to the
Are you ready, brothers and sisters in Christ,
to take that kind of decision at chosen time (12) And by the river upon the bank thereof,on
of God? Please understand that tha handicap this side and on that sidem shall grow all
for you to gain that ULTIMATE SPIRITUAL GLORY trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade,
is your own limit of submission. From Christ’s neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed:
side, He eagerly want that EVERY CHRISTIAN it shall bring forth new fruit according to
reach that glory! his months, because their waters they issued
out from the sanctuary and the fruit thereof
4.6.6 The Completion of Holy Spirit Baptism. shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for
At this point, I trust that you have catch
the nature of Holy Spirit Baptism correctly. This verse is very similar to the ones in the
You may now clearly see that the role of Holy book of Revelation. This promise is also for
Spirit keeps on augmenting on us. And our take you and me, if we pass the exam of total
our own way of life is gradually surrendered submission! Are you ready?
to Holy Spirit. This process keeps going along
our service to the Lord, until we reach the
completation of Holy Spirit Baptism.

33 34
of Holy Spirit Baptism! This basic truth on
Holy Spirit Baptism can be expressed as:


------------------------------------ Brothers and sisters in Christ,

As demanded by 2John 1:9, do not be misled by

teachings which based on other than Jesus’
doctrine. Holy Spirit Baptism is not obtained
by requesting, asking for begging, like
beggars do! It is to be obtained by giving.
Now that we already understand the nature of This is in line with what Jesus taught us (
Holy Spirit Baptism, it is time for us to Act 20:35 ): it is more blessed to give than
determine, whether we still want the Baptism to receive! Every born again Christian must
or would prefer to forget it. From the realize that he/she is with Holy Spirit all
preceeding discussion, it is clear that there the time, unless he/she “ cast” Her Out, by
is no point in asking for the Baptism from any grieving Her. We can stay in the living water
living man ! all the time, as we wish. The difference
There is not point in asking on and on as between us is the depth of immersion. That is
taught in several books, with Luke 11:13 as in the level of our submission to the LORD!
the basic. That verse concern not on the
Baptism, but for asking Holy Spirit, hence the One may be still in anke-deep water, while
guidance. The Baptism is ready for you to others may already be more deeply immersed. It
grasp. Jesus Christ, the Baptizer has been depends on how willing are you to submit
waiting for you all the time. It is left for yourself, how willing are you to ford the
you to voluntarily immerse yourself deeper and water deeper and deeper through your life.
deeper into the living water. That is to be Following “the man”, Jesus Christ, trough the
more and more submissive all the time. journey through “the water”, in Holy Spirit!
We need not ask for the Baptism. It is
there all the time. What we need to do is the We, born again Christians are being baptized
other way around: to surrender, to submit in Holy Spirit since the day of our
ourselves to Holy Spirit guidance. Give Her conversion! And the baptism will last until
our service, obediently, that is the process the day we die!!! If you are eager to proceed

35 36
on with Holy Spirit Baptism, come pray able to enter into total submission, for the
together with me; I also experiencing the sake of Your Glory!
Baptism and am proceeding through to pass the
Point of No Return: In the name of Jesus I Pray, AMEN

Most dear Lord Jesus, - 0 –

Now that I understand the nature of Holy

Spirit Baptism, understanding that it is free
me to grasp, and also understanding that the
handicap to achieve it completely is within my
own self, due to my lacking of submission, due
to my earthly desires; now I want to express
my eagerness to proceed through Holy Spirit ANNEX: EXERPTS FROM EZEKIEL CHAP 46 & 47:
Baptism completely, with your guidance, Lord!
( From the Authorized King James Version
Lord Jesus, I want to be searched by Holy Bible).
Spirit; just in case there are still hidden
sins in me, forgive me Lord Jesus, wash me in EZEKIEL Chapter 46.
Your Holy Blood!
19. After he brought me through the entry,
In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke every which was at the side of gate,into the holy
evil spirit that will intervene with the chambers of the priest, which looked toward
process of Baptism; out you go devil, I do not the north: and, behold, there waws a place on
want to partake in your filthy works. I am the two sides westward.
Jesus’ disciple, and I am His, forever, to be
sanctified for the glory of Jesus Christ. 20. Then said he unto me, This is the place
where the priests shall boil the trespass
I invite You, Holy Spirit, to guide me through offering and the sin offering, where they
the Baptism, please work within me to convince shall bake the meat offering; that they bear
me of my weaknesses, which I will surrender to them not out into the utter court, to sanctify
you to get improvement, to be strengthen, in the people.
order that I may perform services ro please
You, my Master, my Saviour. 21. Then he brought me forth into the utter
court, and caused me to pass by the four
Teach me to submit myself daily, Lord corners of the court; and, behold, in every
Jesus, and give me courage to surrender to corner of the court there was a court.
your will, in order that at Your chosen
moment, according to Your Plan, I shall be
37 38
22. In the four corners of the court there 5. Afterward he measured a thousand; and it
were courts joined of forty cubits was a river that I could not pass over:
long and thirty broad: these four for the waters were risen, waters to
corners were of one measure. swim in , a river that could not be
23. And there was a row of building round passed over.
about in them, round about the four, 6. And he said unto me, Son of man, hast
and it was made with boiling places thou seen this? Then he brought me, and
under the rows round bout. caused me to return to brink of the
24. Then said he unto me, these are the river.
places of them that boil, where the 7. Now when I had returned, behold, at the
ministers of the house shall boil the bank of the river were very many trees
sacrifices of the people. on the one side and on the other.
8. Then said he unto me, These waters
Ezekiel Chapter 47 issued out toward the east country, and
go down into the desert, and go into the
1. Afterward he brought me again unto the sea: which being brought forth into the
door of the house; and, behold, water sea, the waters shall be healed.
issued out from under the threshold of 9. And it shall come to pass, that every
the house eastward: for the forefront of thing that liveth, which moveth,
the house stood toward the east, and the whithersoevar the rivers shall come,
waters came down from under from the shall live: and there shall be a very
right side of the house, at the south great multitude of fish, because these
side of the altar. waters shall come thither: for they
2. Then brought he me out of the way of the shall be healed; and every thing shall
gate northward, and led me about the way live whither the river cometh.
without unto the utter gate by the way 10. And it shall come to pass, that the
that looked eastward; and, behold, there fishers shall stand upon it from En-Gedi
ran out waters on the right side. even to En-eglaim, there shall be a
3. And when the man that had the line in place to spread forth nets; their fish
his hand went forth eastward, he shall be according to their kinds, as
measured a thousand cubits, and he the fish of the great sea, exceeding
brought me through the waters; the many.
waters were to the uncles. 11. But the miry places thereof and the
4. Again he measured a thousand, and marishes thereof shall not be healed;
brought me through the waters; the they shall be given to salt.
waters were to the knees. Again he 12. And by the river upon grow all trees for
measured a thousand, and brought me meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither
through; the waters were to the loins. shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it
shall bring forth new fruit according to
39 40
his months, because their waters they
issued out of the sanctuary: and the Written by : Posma Situmorang hJ.
fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the Indonesia.
leaf thereof for medicine.
Distributed by : 1 true Way.

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41 42

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