Curriculum Plan Summer 2014 13

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Child Development 143: Math and Science for Young Children

Curriculum Plan
Topic/Title of Lesson Classroom Scavenger Hunt___ Focused Domain
_physical and Cognitive_________
Goal: to introduce children ho to search for things ith clues
!"#ective: children ill learn ho scavenger hunt for things
$rocedure %rst the teacher the teacher ill give each child a
paper of & clues
Leaning toards the area and here ill it "e in the
classroom' Children ill get in groups to search for the o"#ects
in class
(dvanced $reparation: prepare to put the o"#ects in the areas
that the children ill "e searching for
List )aterials: a piece of paper * a magnifying glass
Developmental +ene%ts: cognitive * language * social
Future $lans: children can scavenger hunt #ust "y #ust having a
sheet of paper ith clues and children have to guess hich
ords matched the clue
Students, -ame: __.esha

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