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4th Grade Reading I CAN Statements (Weeks 1-6)

Literacy Standards:
RL 41
I can identify key details and examples in a text.
I can explain the diference between explicit and inferred information.
I can explain how details and examples from the text support making
RL 4!
I can identify specifc details about characters.
I can identify specifc details about settings.
I can identify specifc details about events.
I can describe a character's actions and thoughts based on evidence in the
I can describe the setting based on evidence in the text.
I can describe events based on evidence in the text.
RL 44
I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text.
I can recognize words in a text that refer to characters found in mythology.
I can use my knowledge of mythology to determine meaning.
In"#rmati#na$ Standards:
RI 41
I can draw inferences from a text and refer to details and examples in the
RI 4%
I can determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by
key details.
I can summarize informational text using key details.
RI 4!
I can explain what happened and why in a text using information that is read
in historical, scientifc, and technical texts.
RI 44
I can identify general academic words and phrases relevant to grade topics
in a text.
4th Grade Reading I CAN Statements (Weeks 1-6)
I can identify domain!specifc words and phrases relevant to grade topics in
a text.
I can determine the meaning of academic and domain!specifc words or
phrases relevant to grade topics in a text.

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