Commerical Parking Services Contract Issues Register

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Commerical Parking Services Contract Issues Register

Contract RM
Dunfermlime AD/GT
Dartford RW
Romford RW
National Theartre RW
Hilton Heathrow RW
Kettering RW
Addenbrookes RW
Portsmouth RW
Commerical Parking Services Contract Issues Register
Contract Issue
Court Order to repair damaged vinyl coating on upper level of car park
price matching contract term to orchards (Old waitrose car Park)
Unsigned contract / revenue decline on core estate behind Deal book and
budget forcast in 2014 by 138K apcoa income
Rates review completed 8K reduction per annum april / Deplap challenge by
landlord / Arbitration to be concluded
Contract expired 31.3.2014
New contract 5 year commenced Nov 2013, tenancy of will signed covering 12
Contract expiry 30/11/2014 / 2 month extention requested
Contract ommited exemptions
Held over figure from captipal sum agreed / apcoa maintenance liabilty
exonorated from May
Enforecment contract agreed
Contract expires 30/6/2016
Contract extention confirmed via PO until September
new contract from Nov 2013
Status @ April14
Meeting with Scottish solictor - follow-up actions to be progressing
Liability access at negatived 50% revenue reduction, no action until review
of replacement for waitrose established
Review of trading forcast income undertaken, effeciancy saving rest of year
confirmed by 7/5, contract terms negioation required following
Rates done and will be reflected in April accts / Delap works being priced by
P Wills for assessment by GT / await Abritration conclusion
agreement in place, intruction letter received, Deal book to GT, once
approved contract to be drawn up
Main contract reviewed , amended and returned by DC. Awaiting Hilton
response to amends
side letter required once agreed
side letter required once exemption list agreed with client
side letter required once installation date agreed
client signed / now can be exchanged GM signed
operation exit programme to be established by RW
required for letter exchange required following on from offical receipt of
currently unsigned with GT and DC?

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