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WHITE house

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This is not a “model essay.” You should not use it for educational
purposes. It is basically a day in the literacy life of a graduate
student, wife and mother of a toddler and does not represent reality.


For writing and reflect on that field experience in a 3 to 5
assignment two page essay in MLA format with pictures
it is necessary embedded in the text. For purely academic
The Red Clock Diary to purposes I have
already committed
2:00AM-read the instructions
on a temperal thermometer the fatal flaw of not
and read temp-no fever putting my essay in
7:15AM read dosing
MLA format;
instructions for children’s
ibuprofen and allergy meds thereby, negating
4:30pm-read message from the possibility of an
husband who took baby to A. However, my
doctor-sinus infection-fever-
stasis-I am an idiot and can’t strengths do not lie
figure out how to take a document in personal narrative
child’s temp literacy as the and frankly, I believe there are some of my
author sees it students that could/did do a better job than I. I

Literacy Journals 1AM assessed sleep needs-

deprived but took more notes, re-
6AM Driving back to school I listen
to the Beowulf in Old English. I only
12AM: took notes on El Conde read parts of the 3+ books we have understand a few words; is this lit-
Lucanor, El Cantar de Mio Cid, for ENG675, searched class notes, eracy?
El Libro de Buen Amor, tres continued writing Week in Review,
artículos académicos para la interspersed with Camargo’s Finn
clase de epañol, Las Cantigas... Episode in Beowulf, the Beowulf,not
as an appositive but as that I read...
will showcase some of their work later in the text, freshman at TEXAS A & M. I’m told by several
ppl that
I am not trying to be self deprecating, simply I’m the “go to girl” cuz I kno how to help
realistic. I spent several hours grading Monday ppl outta
their situations. I'm protective of my
evening and was amazed at the quality of work friends, so if you hurt them be prepared to
that my students had. I believe there could be get you’re a** kicked! I have a boyfriend
who I feel strongly about. I don't cheat and
seated amongst the students that are in my classes I don't play games SO GUYS DON'T COME UP AND
the next JK Rowling or Tolkien, maybe even a ACT LIKE YOU GOT SOME THING I CAN'T LIVE
Yeats. I read several of their in-class- AND I DON'T WANT IT!!! I want to thank BRIT
constructions to another TA; she asked if I had all forsetting my baby boy Sean and I up!”

honors classes. The technical answer is no, but DESTINY

after you too read some of their work , you may Groups of dancing corpses circling to
angelic tunes.
ask the same question. Each of us has a story, a
text within ourselves. As instructors I think our Macabre sense of madness lit by
job is to help each student construct, relate, and bonfires on corpse dust dunes...
find the voice that echos that literacy experience.

Krystal wrote about an artifact. I am not sure if it
relates to literacy or not, but the writing and the
description are precise.

There are threads sticking out in some places and a

permanently stuck pice of gum under its velvet pink tongue.
Its cushiony soft texture has been worn out in a few spots.
A marble sized black ball is keeping it from every being
symmetrical. Its brown and white color has not, as of yet, CHELSEA
Every Christmas my Papa gathers up
been faded due to constant washing.
all the kids and before opening presents
we sit around the fireplace and read the
BRITTNEY-TXT story of Jesus’ birth. My Mema was the
one every year that none of the kids
“HeY EvErY BoDy, Most ppl know me well
dared to cross. If one of us tried to
enough to know at least the basic facts but
for ppl who don’t… I'm a sneak a peek,she would snatch us up and
spank us. Then her words would be,
“Don’t you remember Jesus always comes I realize that these three examples of writing are
first?” This past year was our first
not “my” literacy experiences, but it does relate
Christmas without her, and nobody moved
until I got up and went to the Christmas the caliber of students and writing that I
tree and grabbed that sacred book. As I encounter this fall semester of 2009. Therefore, I
grabbed the book, I had a flashback of submit that these are valid literacy experiences for
when I was little and My Mema lived
upstairs from me. Every me as their instructor. Since the “purpose” of this
morning she would bring her paper is to document literacy
bible, and have a quiet time experiences from the field work and our
with me after my parents and research, I will continue.
sister left for the day. I
never noticed until I got
older that before she would
shut the bible, she would
always read me the same
verse. “You can do all things through
him whom strengthens you” (Philippians

Ryan or Klink, as some of the other students refer
to him, is writing his literacy experience through
music. I do not mean to say that he is a musical
composer, although he may one day very well be.
I mean to say that he wrote a beautiful essay on
music (as in the notes) as a text that he “read.”

I personally like to think of music as the

use of two unique languages, much like someone the next day
who is bilingual, that work together to create total “Morning has
harmony for the user to manipulate the language broken, blackbird
onto an instrument. Much like the alphabet basic has spoken,” and I
rhythms must be mastered before even expanding read more student
to a chord, or a word, and then combining all this papers and discuss
into a full bar phrase or a sentence. Rhythms texting, literacy, and
break down from a whole note, which takes up an peer reviews with my
entire phrase, and then to a half note, which students. During the
breaks down the whole note into half and discussion one student states the reasons that she
continues in this manner. Once the simple would prefer peer reviews face to face. “When
rhythms are mastered the user can develop these someone reads your paper and you read theirs,
“letters” into words and eventually entire phrases. and then we about the things we liked or maybe
didn’t understand, it’s like, well, a conversation
about writing.” I just smile, shake my head, and "Reading does not consist merely of
then tell her how brilliant she is. She is, brilliant I decoding the written word or lan-
mean, and I get to be the instructor. Another guage; rather, it is preceded by and in-
student hands me a note with a movie and she
tertwined with knowledge of the world.
says I remind her of the teacher in the movie. My
eyes well up with tears, the note is thanking me … [R]eading always involves critical
and I have no words to say. perception, interpretation, and rewrit-
ing of what is read."
-- Paulo Freire & Donaldo Macedo, Liter-
the critics acy: Reading the Word and the World
This embracing of
literacy as more
than just books,
reading, and
writing has many critics. It seems to me
reminiscent of the history of higher education
when it was not considered “true study” unless in
was “difficult” such as the study of Latin or
Greek. English was not considered of enough
merit to study by itself.

If as writing teachers we are content with the
status quo regarding writing and the way students Victoria
view writing then we should not open anymore As I wrote this paper however, I felt no
doors in the halls of literacy. However, if we wish dread or anger as I was easily able to
write it. I exclaimed to my mother,
to inspire students to value their writing as well as “I just wrote my first paper without be-
others then we must expand the writing focus to coming
include the ever changing horizon of critical frustrated.”--

but since I did not get home until after ten, I could
not read them then. So, they sit waiting and I

what is literacy? write wishing... In continuance to that drive home,

I listened to one of Conan Doyle’s stories about
Sherlock Holms. Several books are available now
as an audio text. Since the poor yellow road
Driving the two hours home, I listened first to my
Beowulf class, then the medieval Spanish class that runner’s demise while I was DWR (driving while
I am taking. Incidentally, I have books beside me reading), I have preferred this audio version of
texts, at least while driving or running the
begging to be read, their glossy black covers,
unopened, creamy crisp pages, with no personal
annotations. They arrived yesterday, my books,
Also, not only does
As the day nears an end,
boast some of the
literally, it is 13 minutes
leading experts in the
before midnight and my
field of literacy studies,
battery light is almost
we also boast bards and
gone, I will settle down
an “Open-mic” on
El Conde Lucanor and Los
Thursdays. Is the
Romances Viejos. When
rendition of their text
sleep overtakes me, the
considered literacy?
paperback books will fall
to the tightly woven
Berber carpet and wait
their retrieval on the
morrow. Incidentally,
while studying Chaucer,
I did dream in Middle
English and wonder
since I did not
understand the majority
of the text, was this a
literacy experience?
Writing Assignment (WA2)
Document your everyday literacy experiences. Create an image in words for your reader to view your
literacy experiences through your eyes. Walk your reader through your day by describing in detail what
your literacy experiences are. What do you read? What do you write? What surprised you about
documenting literacy in this way? By the end of your paper your reader should know you better.


WA2 Research Revise

1 3
To develop research
skills by documenting
2 To better
To use the field data
everyday literacies and connect
findings to compose an
through the diary study the way
essay reflective of the
and clock activity literacy
functions in
our lives,
why is it

4 experiences in our lives

To explain and explore

the multi-faceted aspects
of literacy by creating a
vivid image of those

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