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Michelle Belanger

SEI 525
AEPS Assessment Report
October 28, 2012
Identifying Information
Name: Trevy K.
Birth date: July 26, 2008
Age: 4 years, 3 months
Gender: Female
Address: 331 Cumberland ave, Portland Maine.
Date of Report: October 28, 2012
Examiner: Michelle Belanger

Background Information
Trevy lives at home in an apartment with her mom, dad and younger sister
who is 2 years old. She attends Youth and Family Outreach 5 days a week and has
been going there for a little over a year. Trevy has never been in a childcare setting
before attending Youth and Family Outreach. Treys mother reports that Trevy was
born after a full term normal pregnancy with a typical delivery. She was born in the
Congo in Africa and her and her mother and father fled to the United States when
Trevy was 2 years old. They have been in Maine ever since. Trevy speaks English
and French. Because of the trauma Trevy may have seen or experienced in the
Congo she is currently receiving Play Therapy once a week for 50 minutes per week
through the Opportunity alliance. This is done in the classroom and in the therapy
room on site at Youth and Family Outreach.
Trevy was recently evaluated by CDS for concerns with social and
developmental growth. She was referred for an in depth Developmental Evaluation
to take place at YFO in mid November.

Methods and Setting
Trevy was assessed for this report using classroom observation, parent and
teacher report and direct testing. She was observed in her natural preschool setting
both indoor and outdoor environments. Instruments used in the assessment were
the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) for Infants and
Children and the Pre-Las for academic language for English Language Learners.

Behavioral Observations
As reported all of the assessments were done in the classroom setting. For
all parts of the assessment Trevy always appeared to be in a good mood, smiling and
laughing and giggling. Trevys teachers report that she is always in a good mood
and seems really happy and up. She often is smiling and laughing and enjoys what
she is doing in the classroom. Some of her strengths is that she enjoys dress-up play
and outside, gross motor play. She will often watch herself in the mirror in the dress
up area making faces at herself. She is affectionate towards her teachers and says
hello and gives them a hug upon arrival for the day.
Things that cause Trevy distress are transitions, mealtime and
overstimulation. She gets upset when the other children in the room are running
around too fast and she cannot communicate her needs and wants to them or her
teachers. She receives reminders from teachers and mom to use her words when
she needs something. When she gets over stimulated in the class she tends to go
into the alone space or into a center where no other children are. She tends to play
by herself but will be with other children if they engage her into play. She will sit
next to or follow a group but not engage in play. Even at center time she plays
solitary even when the other children are in the center. She does not initiate
conversation but will respond to requests and questions from other children. She
seems to get lost throughout the day. She receives constant reminders about what
is expected next (after coming in from outside Trevy will hide in the block area
instead of washing her hands for lunch.) She will get upset when a teacher comes to
remind her about the expectation that she will wash her hands and sit at the table.
At meal times she will sit at the table but will quickly get up and throw her
food away without eating anything. Her mom reports that she does in fact eat most
things at home. When told she needs to eat or drink something Trevy usually (3 out
of 5 times) will become visibly upset and need consoling. She will serve herself food
and pour a glass of milk but most times just plays with it or takes a bite or two
before getting up to throw it away.
Her classmates will typically console her when she becomes upset, they do
this by sitting next to her or holding her hand, they will also check in on her to see
that she is OK. She is well liked among her classmates and they typically try to
engage her into play. In the dramatic play are children were observed trying to give
Trevy a baby to play with Trevy took the baby and left the area and played with the
baby away from the other children. Her peers will typically ask her yes or no
questions, to which she will answer. She was not observed engaging her peers into
conversation. It was also observed that she does not initiate play among her friends.
In some observations she appeared scared of her friends, cowering away or
flinching when they approached her.
Trevy has trouble answering who, what, where and why questions. When
asking Trevy about what color an item was she would say the name of the color then
go on to name several other items that are the same color without prompting. She
also would repeat the question that was asked. When the teacher asks, What color
is this? Trevy answers, What color is this? This is green, and the plant is green
and I have a green bike at home. She is much more adept to answer yes or no
questions, however at times it was observed she did not understand the question.
For example when at the meal table she will be asked if she wants a banana, she
answers no, then she will sit down and take a banana and eat it.
Throughout the day Trevy needs a lot of support and reminders about what
comes next and what she needs to do. Transitions are hard for Trevy and she will
get upset when transitioning from outside to inside or vice versa.

Family Resources, Concerns and Priorities
The parents are concerned that Trevy may not be socially and
developmentally ready for her entrance into Kindergarten next fall. They are
concerned she has trouble communicating her needs and wants to teachers and
peers. They have noticed Trevy has not made any connections to similar aged peers
in her class and children in the neighborhood. They would like Trevy to receive any
and all services in the Least Restrictive Environment and have also expressed the
desire to learn how to help her additionally at home.
The strengths of the family are that they are very close and have a large
community of support. They attend and are very active in their church. Mom has
her degree in education and stresses the importance of education to her children.
She also recognizes the importance of early intervention services and is happy to
have these evaluations done and Trevy to start any and all services she may need.
They are concerned that the traumatic experience in The Congo has affected Trevy
to the point where she is immature in her social development.

Previous assessment and evaluation results
Trevy was recently evaluated by CDS on 10/23/12. She was referred due to
parent and teacher concerns over her social development as well as overall
cognitive and her extreme difficulties with transitions. CDS referred Trevy for some
more developmental testing which will take place at Youth and Family Outreach in

Assessment Results
Fine Motor
The Fine motor domain assesses areas that require a high degree of control
and precision. This includes writing, drawing and cutting with scissors.
All observations were done on Trevy at the writing table and in a one on one
situation sitting down with Trevy. At the writing table, observations as well as
direct testing was done.
Trevy exhibited some ability to preform fine motor activities. She is able to
write her name and the name of her sister. She can write her sisters name with
some help of which letters are needed. She writes with a low 3-finger grip on the
writing utensil and has a right hand preference.
She showed some trouble in holding scissors and cutting paper as well as
copying complex shapes. She also needed to be talked through copying simple
shapes and a person. I needed to ask her to draw a head and then draw a body.
Only then would she draw what she had said was a head and a body although they
did not look like a person because it was not touching on the paper. This could have
been because perhaps she did not understand the terms that I was using or perhaps
she does not have much experience using scissors, as mom reported they do not use
them at home.
Trevy obtained a raw score in fine motor of 20, for an area percent of 67%.
This score shows that fine motor is an area that Trevy could use more practice and
assistance in.

Gross Motor
The gross motor domain assesses large muscle activity such as arms, legs and
the core. It includes running, jumping and balance.
For Trevy all gross motor activities was observed, directly tested for or
reported to by her family. The direct test and observation was observed on the
playground at her preschool.
Trevy was very adept in the gross motor domain. She can run and jump with
ease. Her balance and coordination with gross motor skills are great. She often will
hop around the playground. She also enjoys playing with a ball; she can dribble,
throw and catch with ease and very consistently.
Trevy seems to have some trouble around coordination with skipping and
riding a bike with training wheels. Instead of skipping she ended up hoping, even
when shown a skip she was unable to reproduce the action. Her mother says when
put on her bike with training wheels that she often moves the bike by walking the
bike with her feet on the ground.
Trevy obtained a raw score of 29 out of 34 for an area percentage of 85%.
This score shows that Trevy is quite proficient in gross motor. It is also clear that
Trevy really enjoys gross motor play. When she engages in gross motor play she is
all smiles and laughs and will show distress when needing to transition from outside
play to inside play.
Adaptive Area
The adaptive area assess real life skills such as dressing, undressing, personal
hygiene and mealtimes.
The adaptive skills were assessed using parent report and observations
throughout several days at mealtimes, bathroom and outdoor transition time.
Breakfast, lunch and snack are all served family style at preschool with the
milk being served in pitchers for the children to pour into glasses. Trevy is very able
to pour the correct amount of milk into her cup and serve herself food. She was
observed scoping scrambled eggs from a large bowl onto her plate and using thongs
to serve herself a piece of toast and then she used her fork and ate the eggs. This
was done with no spilling and also serving herself the correct amount of eggs.
She is also completely potty trained and lets the teachers know when she needs to
use the bathroom. After she uses that bathroom she flushes the toilet and washes
her hands. She is also able to pull her pants up and down before and after using the
bathroom. Trevy is also able to dress herself. She can put on pants and over the
head shirts with an adult holding the shirt for her. She can successfully put on her
coat and zip it up on her own.
Trevy does not seem to eat all the foods she serves herself. She does not try
most foods she is served. She will put them on her plate but most the time does not
eat or even try them. She needs reminders to eat the food and then she will try it.
Some times she washes her hands and arms several times at one turn at the sink and
needs reminding about keeping on task. She also cannot tie her shoes after she puts
them on, but will ask for assistance. She also has trouble manipulating buttons and
snaps. Mom report that most of the grooming is done for her and fastening of
closures. She says that this is an area at home can be exposed to more. She doesnt
know why she does not eat the foods that are served at school because she does eat
the same foods at home.
Trevy obtained a raw score of 56 out of 80 for an area percent score of 80%.
This shows that she has high function in her adaptive skills with some area for
practice and improvement.
The cognitive area assesses the way the child thinks. It tests concepts,
problem solving and literacy skills among other skills.
Cognitive skills were tested using direct testing in a small group and one on
one with a teacher. They were all direct tests and observation.
Trevy was able to identify many different colors and shapes. She can also
follow three step directions that follow the routine of the day. She can also count to
11 and recalls events right after they happen. She is also able to recognize printed
Trevy had a lot of difficulty with concepts and only seemed to master a few of
size, qualitative and quantitative, and special and temporal relations. She could not
categorize objects even when given examples on how they should be categorized.
She also had some trouble with sequencing objects by size and also retelling story,
even using picture cues as a reference. Her Play is very immature as she does not
stay engaged in play or plays in games with rules. Phonologically she can repeat
what you say but when asked a question about words or letter sounds cannot create
the sound.
The raw score was 56 out of 108 for an area percent score of 52%.
The social communication area assesses the ability to engage in the rules of
conversation and academic language. This was assessed using observation and
eliciting conversations at different times throughout the day.
Trevy does use words or phrases to obtain information and engages in turn
taking in conversations. She does use a lot of correct grammar in her speaking
including possession, regular and irregular past tense verbs. She also uses correct
pronouns in her speaking as well.
The largest concern with Trevy in social communication is that she does not
initiate conversation she only replys to others questions or commands. Only after
being engaged by another person will she start to communicate. She also will ask
one question at a time without clarification for processing things or wondering how
or why things are the way they are.
The raw score was 62 out of 98 with an area percent score of 63%.
The social area assess how the child interacts with their environment and
with others as well as participation with others and knowledge of self and others.
Items in the social domain were assessed using observation and teacher
reporting as well as direct testing in form of interview type questions.
Trevy was able to tell me her name, although needed to give her a reminder
about her last name. She was also able to tell me the gender of herself and others in
her family and the classroom. She was also able to tell me her age.
The areas that Trevy had some trouble with are in her interactions with
others. She consistently has trouble initiating and engaging in play with others. She
also has trouble resolving conflict with others and typically a teacher needs to step
in and help. During small group time Trevy often looses focus in the activity and
will get up from the group and go sit in the alone space or hid in another area of the
room. Trevy needs a lot of reminding through the course of the day about where
and what she should be doing. She also needs assistance when entering into play
and engaging with the other children in the classroom. She does not seek out others
for play and when others seek her out in play then she does not stay engaged long in
play. It was reported that she does not follow games with rules and will often seek
alone time when challenged if she does not follow the rules of a game.
Trevy scored a raw score of 39 out of 94 for an area percent score of 41%.

Summary and Recommendations
Trevy is a happy little girl who enjoys being in school and is comfortable in
her surroundings. Based on the results of the testing and classroom observations
the biggest concern is socially with Trevy. Her solitary play and lack of initiation
into social situations is concerning to both her teachers and parents. Cognitive
development is also a concern.
Gross motor and adaptive are areas that Trevy has a good grip on and
teachers should continue to provide experiences for her to become independent and
use her gross motor skills.
She enjoys gross motor activities and the test scores show this is the area she
is strongest in. Her teachers and parents feel that with more practice her fine motor
skills will significantly improve. This practice will be in the classroom and at home
by providing more opportunities for her to practice writing skills. Exposure to
different writing material and cutting instruments will be good ways to build on her
current skills.
Cognitively I feel that working in a small group or one on one with items to
sort and classify will give Trevy the exposure to these concepts. It is critical to start
out with simple concepts such as size or color sorting, then build on those skills
after she has mastered them.
Socially if feel the best thing to help Trevy would be to pair her up with one
or two other children in small group activities and then model correct social
behavior and conversations. This would be helpful for Trevy to gain new skills in
entering into social situations and become comfortable with one or two peers that
she can engage in play. Starting in a small group may be less overwhelming for
Trevy to initiate social play situations and conversations.
I feel that it is most important to follow through with the developmental
evaluation and work with whatever recommendations they suggest and incorporate
them into the classroom.
I look forward to working more with Trevy and helping her through this year
of preschool.

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