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Complete with the object personal pronouns

1. Im doing my homework. Dad is helping _________ .

2. Goodbye children, Ill call _________ later.
3. Where is ohn! I ha"e to speak with _________ .
#. $iss olanda is "ery nice. %ll the children like _________ .
&. 'he car is "ery dirty. I am cleaning _________ .
Circle the forms in parentheses appropriate in standard English.
1. ()im, )e* and +rank ca,ght the most -ish.
2. .arlo looked -or /arry and (her, she* at the party.
3. 0o, and (me, I* had better go.
#. Grace in"ited both 1etsy and (me, I*.
&. 'he 2aplans and (,s, we* are going in o,r car.
3. 'he waitress bro,ght Glen and (me, I* the wrong orders.
4. $r. 5oss dri"es 'im and (her, she* to school on $ondays.
6. Why don7t yo, sit between (her, she* and (me, I*.
8. 'he books belong to (them, they* and (,s, we*.
19. 'he man asked (her, she* and Da"id se"eral :,estions a-ter the program.
11. $rs. ;eilsen was worried abo,t yo, and (them, they*.
12. 1etween yo, and (me, I*, we think he7s a -ra,d.
13. ;either (them, they* nor (,s, we* were ready at si<.
1#. Do yo, blame =pence and (me, I* -or lea"ing!
1&. >ither (her, she* or (him, he* broke a record.
13. $y parents and (me, I* "isited %tlanta last year.
14. $y a,nt arranged a to,r -or (,s, we* to,rists.
16. (=he, )er* and her -riend took ,s to ?layscapes, a -ancy playgro,nd.
18. $y dad took photos o- (we, ,s* leaning on some sc,lpt,res.
29. Isam, ;og,chi, a -amo,s sc,lptor, designed (they, them* and the whole area.
Use a subject or object pronoun to complete each sentence correctly.
EXAMPLE $y mother and __ I___ became c,rio,s abo,t ;og,chi7s li-e.
1. ;og,chi7s apanese -ather and %merican mother in-l,enced ____________a lot.
2. ;og,chi7s interest in nat,re led __________ to design pieces -or o,tdoor areas.
3. @ne o- _________ is a bridge in ?eace ?ark in apan.
#. 'he two sc,lptors I7"e st,died are ___________ and %le<ander .alder.
&. $y -riend 1rad and I did a proAect abo,t the two o- __________ last year.

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