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Context: Further
Selected Essays on
Creativity, Parenting,
and Politics in the 21st
Cory Doctorow
Last updated 2 !u"ust 2#11
Th$s %oo& $s d$str$%uted under a Creat$'e Commons
!ttr$%ut$on(NonCommerc$a)(*hare!)$&e +.# )$cense.
That means,
-ou are .ree,
to *hare (( to copy/ d$str$%ute and transm$t the
to Rem$0 (( to adapt the wor&
1nder the .o))ow$n" cond$t$ons,
!ttr$%ut$on. -ou must attr$%ute the wor& $n the
manner spec$.$ed %y the author or )$censor 2%ut
not $n any way that su""ests that they endorse
you or your use o. the wor&3.
Noncommerc$a). -ou may not use th$s wor& .or
commerc$a) purposes.
*hare !)$&e. 4. you a)ter/ trans.orm/ or %u$)d
upon th$s wor&/ you may d$str$%ute the
resu)t$n" wor& on)y under the same or s$m$)ar
)$cense to th$s one.
5or any reuse or d$str$%ut$on/ you must ma&e
c)ear to others the )$cense terms o. th$s wor&.
The %est way to do th$s $s w$th a )$n&
!ny o. the a%o'e cond$t$ons can %e wa$'ed $.
you "et my perm$ss$on
6ore $n.o here,
*ee the end o. th$s .$)e .or the comp)ete )e"a)ese.
The Creat$'e Commons )$cense at the top o. th$s .$)e
pro%a%)y t$pped you o.. to the .act that 47'e "ot some
pretty unorthodo0 '$ews a%out copyr$"ht. 8ere7s what
4 th$n& o. $t/ $n a nutshe)), a )$tt)e "oes a )on" way/ and
more than that $s too much.
4 )$&e the .act that copyr$"ht )ets me se)) r$"hts to my
pu%)$shers and .$)m stud$os and so on. 4t7s n$ce that
they can7t 9ust ta&e my stu.. w$thout perm$ss$on and
"et r$ch on $t w$thout cutt$n" me $n .or a p$ece o. the
act$on. 47m $n a pretty "ood pos$t$on when $t comes to
ne"ot$at$n" w$th these compan$es, 47'e "ot a "reat
a"ent and a decade7s e0per$ence w$th copyr$"ht )aw
and )$cens$n" 2$nc)ud$n" a st$nt as a de)e"ate at W4:O/
the 1N a"ency that ma&es the wor)d7s copyr$"ht
treat$es3. What7s more/ there7s 9ust not that many o.
these ne"ot$at$ons (( e'en $. 4 se)) .$.ty or a hundred
d$..erent ed$t$ons o. Context 2wh$ch wou)d put $t $n top
m$))$onth o. a percent$)e .or repr$nt essay co))ect$ons3/
that7s st$)) on)y a hundred ne"ot$at$ons/ wh$ch 4 cou)d
9ust a%out mana"e.
4 hate the .act that .ans who want to do what readers
ha'e a)ways done are e0pected to p)ay $n the same
system as a)) these hotshot a"ents and )awyers. 4t7s 9ust
stupid to say that an e)ementary schoo) c)assroom
shou)d ha'e to ta)& to a )awyer at a "$ant ")o%a)
pu%)$sher %e.ore they put on a p)ay %ased on one o. my
%oo&s. 4t7s r$d$cu)ous to say that peop)e who want to
;)oan; the$r e)ectron$c copy o. my %oo& to a .r$end
need to "et a license to do so. Loan$n" %oo&s has %een
around )on"er than any pu%)$sher on Earth/ and $t7s a
.$ne th$n".
Copyr$"ht )aws are $ncreas$n")y passed w$thout
democrat$c de%ate or scrut$ny. 4n <reat =r$ta$n/ where
4 )$'e/ :ar)$ament has 9ust passed the D$"$ta) Economy
!ct/ a comp)e0 copyr$"ht )aw that a))ows corporate
"$ants to d$sconnect who)e .am$)$es .rom the 4nternet $.
anyone $n the house $s accused 2w$thout proo.3 o.
copyr$"ht $n.r$n"ement> $t a)so creates a ;<reat 5$rewa))
o. =r$ta$n; that $s used to censor any s$te that record
compan$es and mo'$e stud$os don7t )$&e. Th$s )aw was
passed w$thout any ser$ous pu%)$c de%ate $n
:ar)$ament/ rushed throu"h us$n" a d$rty process
throu"h wh$ch our e)ected representat$'es %etrayed
the pu%)$c to "$'e a hu"e/ "$.t(wrapped present to the$r
corporate pa)s.
4t "ets worse, around the wor)d/ r$ch countr$es )$&e the
1*/ the E1 and Canada ha'e %een ne"ot$at$n" a secret
copyr$"ht treaty ca))ed ;The !nt$(Counter.e$t$n" Trade
!"reement; 2!CT!3 and ;Trans(:ac$.$c :artnersh$p;
2T::3 that ha'e a)) the pro%)ems that the D$"$ta)
Economy !ct had and then some. The p)an $s to a"ree
to th$s $n secret/ w$thout pu%)$c de%ate/ and then .orce
the wor)d7s poorest countr$es to s$"n up .or $t %y$n" to a))ow them to se)) "oods to r$ch countr$es
un)ess the do. 4n !mer$ca/ the p)an $s to pass $t w$thout
Con"ress$ona) de%ate/ us$n" the e0ecut$'e power o. the
:res$dent. !CT! %e"an under =ush/ %ut the O%ama
adm$n$strat$on has pursued $t w$th "reat enthus$asm/
and pres$ded o'er the creat$on o. T::. Th$s $s a
%$part$san )unacy.
*o $. you7re not '$o)at$n" copyr$"ht )aw r$"ht now/ you
w$)) %e soon. !nd the pena)t$es are a%out to "et a )ot
worse. !s someone who re)$es on copyr$"ht to earn my
)$'$n"/ th$s ma&es me s$c&. 4. the %$" enterta$nment
compan$es set out to destroy copyr$"ht7s m$ss$on/ they
cou)dn7t do any %etter than they7re do$n" now.
*o/ %as$ca))y/ screw that. Or/ as the s$n"er/ Wo%%)y and
un$on or"an$?er Woody <uthr$e so e)o@uent)y put $t,
;Th$s son" $s Copyr$"hted $n 1.*./ under *ea) o.
Copyr$"ht A1B#CB/ .or a per$od o. 2C years/ and
any%ody cau"ht s$n"$n7 $t w$thout our perm$ss$on/ w$))
%e m$"hty "ood .r$ends o. ourn/ cause we don7t "$'e a
dern. :u%)$sh $t. Wr$te $t. *$n" $t. *w$n" to $t. -ode) $t.
We wrote $t/ that7s a)) we wanted to do.;
E'ery t$me 4 put a %oo& on)$ne .or .ree/ 4 "et ema$)s
.rom readers who want to send me donat$ons .or the
%oo&. 4 apprec$ate the$r "enerous sp$r$t/ %ut 47m not
$nterested $n cash donat$ons/ %ecause my pu%)$shers
are rea))y $mportant to me. They contr$%ute
$mmeasura%)y to the %oo&/ $mpro'$n" $t/ $ntroduc$n" $t
to aud$ences 4 cou)d ne'er reach/ he)p$n" me do more
w$th my wor&. 4 ha'e no des$re to cut them out o. the
=ut there has to %e some "ood way to turn that
"eneros$ty to "ood use/ and 4 th$n& 47'e .ound $t.
8ere7s the dea), there are )ots o. teachers and )$%rar$ans
who7d )o'e to "et hard(cop$es o. th$s %oo& $nto the$r
&$ds7 hands/ %ut don7t ha'e the %ud"et .or $t 2teachers
$n the 1* spend around D1/2## out o. poc&et each on
c)assroom supp)$es that the$r %ud"ets won7t stretch to
co'er/ wh$ch $s why 4 sponsor a c)assroom at 4'anhoe
E)ementary $n my o)d ne$"h%orhood $n Los !n"e)es>
you can adopt a c)ass yourse). here3.
There are "enerous peop)e who want to send some
cash my way to than& me .or the .ree e%oo&s.
47m propos$n" that we put them to"ether.
4. you7re a teacher or )$%rar$an and you want a .ree copy
o. Context/ ema$) .reeconte0t%oo&@"ma$).com w$th
your name and the name and address o. your schoo).
4t7)) %e posted to
http,// %y my
.antast$c he)per/ O)"a Nunes/ so that potent$a) donors
can see $t.
4. you en9oyed the e)ectron$c ed$t$on o. Context and
you want to donate someth$n" to say than&s/ "o to
http,// and .$nd a
teacher or )$%rar$an you want to support. Then "o to
!ma?on/ or your .a'or$te e)ectron$c
%oo&se))er and order a copy to the c)assroom/ then
ema$) a copy o. the rece$pt .ree to de)ete your
address and other persona) $n.o .$rstE3 to
.reeconte0t%oo&@"ma$).com so that O)"a can mar&
that copy as sent. 4. you don7t want to %e pu%)$c)y
ac&now)ed"ed .or your "eneros$ty/ )et us &now and
we7)) &eep you anonymous/ otherw$se we7)) than& you
on the donate pa"e.
47'e done th$s w$th .$'e o. my t$t)es now/ and "otten
more than a thousand %oo&s $nto the hands o. readers
throu"h your "eneros$ty. 4 am more "rate.u) than
words can e0press .or th$s (( one o. my readers ca))ed $t
;pay$n" your de%ts .orward w$th $nstant "rat$.$cat$on.;
That7s a hec& o. a th$n"/ $sn7t $tF
Table Of Contents
5oreword %y T$m OGRe$))y
1, Hac& and the 4ntersta)&, Why the Computer 4s Not a *cary 6onster
2, Teen *e0
+, NatureGs Darede'$)s, Wr$t$n" .or -oun" !ud$ences
, =eyond Censorware, Teach$n" We% L$teracy
B, Wr$t$n" $n the !"e o. D$stract$on
I, E0treme <ee&
J, 8ow to *top -our 4n%o0 E0p)od$n"
C, What 4 Do
K, When 4Gm Dead/ 8ow W$)) 6y Lo'ed Ones =rea& 6y :asswordF
1#, Rad$ca) :resent$sm
11, ! Cosmopo)$tan L$terature .or the Cosmopo)$tan We%
12, When Lo'e 4s 8arder to *how Than 8ate
1+, Th$n& L$&e a Dande)$on
1, D$"$ta) L$cens$n", Do 4t -ourse).
1B, New -or&/ 6eet *$)$con La))ey
1I, W$th a L$tt)e 8e)p, The :r$ce 4s R$"ht
1J, -ou *hou)dnGt 8a'e to *e)) -our *ou) Hust to Down)oad *ome 6us$c
1C, Net Neutra)$ty .or Wr$ters, 4tGs !)) !%out the Le'era"e
1K, :ropr$etary 4nterest
2#, M4nte))ectua) :ropertyN 4s a *$))y Euphem$sm
21, *ay$n" 4n.ormat$on Wants to =e 5ree Does 6ore 8arm Than <ood
22, Chr$s !ndersonGs 5ree !dds 6uch to The Lon" Ta$)/ %ut 5a))s *hort
2+, Why Econom$cs Condemns +D to =e No 6ore Than a =)oc&%uster <$mm$c&
2, Not E'ery C)oud 8as a *$)'er L$n$n"
2B, Why 4 WonGt =uy an $:ad 2and Th$n& -ou *hou)dnGt/ E$ther3
2I, Can -ou *ur'$'e a =ene'o)ent D$ctatorsh$pF
2J, Curated Comput$n" 4s No *u%st$tute .or the :ersona) and 8andmade
2C, DoctorowGs 5$rst Law
2K, Reports o. =)o""$n"Gs Death 8a'e =een <reat)y E0a""erated
+#, *tream$n" W$)) Ne'er *top Down)oad$n"
+1, *earch 4s Too 4mportant to Lea'e to One CompanyOE'en <oo")e
+2, Copyr$"ht En.orcers *hou)d Learn Lessons .rom the War on *pam
++, Warn$n" to !)) Copyr$"ht En.orcers, Three *tr$&es and -ouGre Out
+, 5or Whom the Net To))s
+B, 8ow Do -ou Pnow 4. Copyr$"ht 4s Wor&$n"F
+I, News Corp Prem)$no)o"y, What Do the T$mes :aywa)) Num%ers 6eanF
+J, :ers$stence :ays :aras$tes
+C, L$&e Teena"ers/ Computers !re =u$)t to 8oo& 1p
+K, :romot$n" *tat$st$ca) L$teracy, ! 6odest :roposa)
#, :ersona) Data 4s as 8ot as Nuc)ear Waste
1, 6emento 6or$
2, Lo'e the 6ach$ne/ 8ate the 5actory
+, 1ntouched %y 8uman 8ands
, C)ose Enou"h .or Roc& GnG Ro))
!uthor =$o"raphy
T! O"Rell#
Edw$n *ch)oss%er" once sa$d MThe s&$)) o. wr$t$n" $s to
create a conte0t $n wh$ch other peop)e can th$n&.N !nd
oh/ how we need that s&$)) todayE
4n t$mes o. trans$t$on and uphea'a)/ we are )$tera))y Mo..
the mapN o. past e0per$ence that $s our norma) "u$de to
what to e0pect and how to th$n& a%out $t. 4tGs at t$mes
)$&e these that we need conte0t(setters to shape how
we understand and th$n& a%out the chan"es .ac$n" us.
4t was c)ear .rom the .$rst that Cory Doctorow $s one o.
the "reat conte0t(setters o. our "enerat$on/ he)p$n" us
a)) to understand the $mp)$cat$ons o. the techno)o"y
%e$n" un)eashed around us. We are .ortunate that
un)$&e many who pract$ce th$s trade/ who )oo&
%ac&ward at recent chan"es/ or .orward on)y a year or
two/ Cory uses the power o. story to .rame what $s
"o$n" on $n )ar"er terms.
5rom h$s .$rst no'e)/ Down and Out in the Magic
Kingdom/ to h$s )atest/ For the Win/ Cory he)ps us
ma&e sense o. the wor)d that $s un.o)d$n". The $deas
%eh$nd h$s stor$es are tools to think with a%out hard
pro%)ems $n .utures .ew are e'en presc$ent enou"h to
pred$ct. What &$nd o. economy m$"ht we %u$)d when
phys$ca) "oods are '$rtua))y .reeF 6$"ht we see )a%or
un$ons $n 66OR:<sF 8ow m$"ht youn" adu)ts .o$)
the sur'e$))ance soc$etyF
L$&e Cory/ 4 )$'e $n the .uture/ or what m$"ht appear to
%e the .uture to those who arenGt yet aware o. how the
wor)d has a)ready mo'ed on. 4 am surrounded %y
so.tware de'e)opers/ $nno'ators/ and entrepreneurs/
each o. whom $s %u$)d$n" e)ements o. a new wor)d. -et
e'en those who are at the cutt$n" ed"e o. techno)o"y
need a conte0t to th$n& $n. 4tGs easy .or them to "et
cau"ht up $n tr$'$a)$t$esO$n %u$)d$n" the ne0t
"enerat$on o. consumer app)$cat$ons/ $n creat$n" sh$ny
toys rather than ser'$ces o. endur$n" 'a)ue.
!nd $tGs here that CoryGs pro.ound mora) sense comes
to the .ore. 8e $s pass$onate a%out the potent$a) o.
techno)o"y to %u$)d a %etter wor)d/ and e'an"e)$ca)
a%out our respons$%$)$ty to ma&e $t so.
!nd $. each o. CoryGs no'e)s and stor$es $s pac&ed w$th
$ns$"ht a%out poss$%)e .utures/ h$s essays are/ $.
poss$%)e/ an e'en more pure dose. 8ere $s your chance
to see a humane and thou"ht.u) m$nd com$n" to "r$ps
w$th )$.e as $t $s now/ and as $t $s %ecom$n".
CoryGs wr$t$n" $s d$dact$c $n the %est sense. Each o. h$s
stor$es or essays teaches us someth$n"/ o.ten many
th$n"s/ a%out the wor)d to come and what we need to
&now to sur'$'e and prosper $n $t. They teach
enterta$n$n")y/ %ut they do teach. !re you ready to

$a%& and t'e Interstal&(
W'# t'e Co!)*ter Is Not a S%ar#
Wt' a lttle %o!!on sense, )arents 'a-e
not'n. to fear fro! lettn. #o*n. %'ldren
s'are t'er s%reen t!e
MDaddy/ 4 want someth$n" on your )aptopEN These are
a)most $n'ar$a%)y the .$rst words out o. my dau"hter
:oesyGs mouth when she "ets up $n the morn$n"
2"enera))y at B a.m.3. =e$n" a )$.e)on" ear)y r$ser/ 4 ha'e
the morn$n" sh$.t. =e$n" a parent $n the 21st century/ 4
worry a%out my todd)erGs screen t$meOand stru"")e
w$th the temptat$on to )et the TL or )aptop %e my
%a%ys$tter wh$)e 4 "et throu"h my morn$n" ema$).
=e$n" a wr$ter/ 4 yearn to share stor$es w$th my two(
4 canGt c)a$m to ha'e .ound the answer to a)) th$s/ %ut 4
th$n& weGre e'o)'$n" someth$n" thatGs rea))y wor&$n"
.or usOa m$0 o. techno)o"y/ storyte))$n"/ p)ay/ and
2adm$tted)y3 a )$tt)e e)ectron$c %a%ys$tt$n" that )etGs me
"et to at )east some o. my ema$) %e.ore %rea&.ast t$me.
*$nce :oe was t$ny/ sheGs c)$m%ed up on my )ap and
shared my )aptop screen. We )on" a"o r$pped a)) her
.a'or$te DLDs 2she went throu"h a per$od at around 1I
months when she de)$"hted $n putt$n" the DLDs
sh$ny(s$de(down on the .)oor/ stand$n" on them/ and
s&at$n" around/ sand$n" down the sur.ace to a
per.ect)y unreada%)e .o" o. m$croscratches3. Twenty(
some mo'$es/ the who)e run o. The Muppet Show/
some ==C nature pro"rammes. They a)) .$t on a +2<=
*D card and my w$.e and 4 %oth &eep a set on our
)aptops .or emer"enc$es/ such as $n(.)$"ht me)tdowns
or the occas$ona) restaurant scene.
4 use a .ree/open source '$deo p)ayer ca))ed LLC/ wh$ch
p)ays pract$ca))y e'ery .ormat e'er $n'ented. -ou can
te)) $t to e)$m$nate a)) $ts user $nter.ace/ so that $tGs 9ust
a s@uare o. mo'a%)e '$deo/ and the <nome w$ndow(
mana"er $n L$nu0 )ets me set that w$ndow as M!)ways
on top.N 4 shr$n& $t down to a posta"e stamp and s)$de
$t $nto the top r$"ht corner o. my screen/ and thatGs
:oesyGs %$t o. my )aptop.
When she was )$tt)er/ weGd do th$s .or 1# or 2# m$nutes
e'ery morn$n" wh$)e she went .rom awa&e to awa&e(
enou"h(to(p)ay. Now that sheGs more act$'e/ she
usua))y re@uests someth$n"Oo.ten someth$n" .rom
-ouTu%e 2we a)so down)oad her .a'our$te -ouTu%e
c)$ps to our )aptops/ us$n" detur).com3/ or sheG)) start
.eed$n" me &eywords to search on/ )$&e Mdo""y and
%unnyN and weG)) ha'e a )oo& at what comes up. 4tGs
n$ce shar$n" a screen w$th her. *he po$nts at th$n"s $n
her '$deo she )$&es and as&s me a%out them 2pausa%)e
'$deo $s "reat .or th$sE3/ or 4 not$ce stu.. 4 want to po$nt
out to her. !t the same t$me/ she a)so )oo&s at my
screenO%rowser w$ndows/ ema$) attachments/ etc.O
and as&s me a%out them/ too.
=ut the .un comes when we $ncorporate a)) th$s $nto
our storyte))$n" p)ay. 4t started w$th Hac& and the
=eansta)&. 4 to)d her the story one morn$n" wh$)e we
were on summer 'acat$on. *he )o'ed the %oom$n" 5EE
54 5OE 516E %ut she was pu??)ed %y$)$ar $deas
)$&e %eansta)&s/ cast)es/ harps/ and "o)den e""s. *o 4
pu))ed up some $ma"es o. them 2us$n" 5)$c&r $ma"e
search3. Later/ 4 .ound two or three d$..erent an$mated
'ers$ons o. Hac&Gs story on -ouTu%e/ $nc)ud$n" the
a%so)ute)y smash$n" 6a0 5)e$scher 1K++ 'ers$on. These
rea))y $nterested :oesy 2espec$a))y the d$..erences
%etween a)) the adaptat$ons3/ so one e'en$n" we made
a Le"o %eansta)& and had an ama?$n" t$me runn$n"
around the house/ p)ay(act$n" Hac& and the =eansta)&
w$th 'ar$ous stu..ed an$ma)s and such as characters.
We made a "o)den e"" out o. wadded up a)um$n$um
.o$)/ and a harp out o. a coat(han"er/ tape/ and str$n"/
and chased up and down the sta$rs %e))ow$n" "$ant(
no$ses at one another.
Then we went %ac& to -ouTu%e and watched more
harps/ made sure to )oo& at the "eese the ne0t *aturday
at 8ac&ney C$ty 5arm/ and now e'ery t$me we ser'e
someth$n" sma)) and %ean()$&e w$th a mea) at home/
thereGs $ne'$ta%)y a "ra%%$n" up o. two or three o. them
and toss$n" them out the w$ndow wh$)e shout$n"/
M6a"$c %eansE 6a"$c %eansE -ou were supposed to se))
the cow .or moneyEN <reat .un.
E'ery parent 4 &now worr$es a%out the $nstantaneous)y
mesmer$?$n" nature o. screens .or &$ds/ espec$a))y )$tt)e
&$ds. 4G'e heard e0perts ad'$se that &$ds %e &ept away
.rom screens unt$) the a"e o. three or .our/ or e'en
)ater/ %ut thatGs not 'ery rea)$st$cOat )east not $n our
house/ where the two adu)ts do a su%stant$a) amount
o. wor&/ soc$a)$s$n"/ and p)ay .rom home on )aptops or
=ut the )aptop p)ay weG'e stum%)ed on .ee)s right. 4tGs
not pass$'e/ mesmer$sed/ $so)ated TL watch$n".
4nstead/ $tGs a shared e0per$ence that $n'o)'es )ots o.
$ma"$nat$on/ phys$ca))y runn$n" around the house
2screech$n" w$th )au"hter/ no )essE3/ and m$0$n" up
story(wor)ds/ the rea) wor)d/ and p)ay. There are st$))
t$mes when the TL "oes on %ecause 4 need 1# m$nutes
to ma&e the porr$d"e and )ay the ta%)e .or %rea&.ast/
and 4 st$)) stand $n .a$nt awe o. the screenGs capac$ty to
hypnot$se my todd)er/ %ut 4 wou)dnGt trade those
how)$n"/ h$)ar$ous/ raucous "ames that our networ&
use $nsp$res .or anyth$n".

Teen Se/
6y .$rst youn" adu)t no'e)/ Little Brother/ te))s the
story o. a &$d named 6arcus -a))ow who .orms a
"uer$))a army o. youn" peop)e ded$cated to the
re.ormat$on o. the 1.*. "o'ernment %y any means
necessary. 8e and h$s .r$ends use crypto"raphy and
other techno)o"y to su%'ert secur$ty measures/ to
d$str$%ute re'o)ut$onary )$terature/ to )$%erate and
pu%)$sh secret "o'ernmenta) memos/ and hum$)$ate
"o'ernment o..$c$a)s. E'ery chapter $nc)udes some
&$nd o. how(to "u$de .or accomp)$sh$n" th$s &$nd o.
th$n" on your own/ .rom t$ps on d$sa%)$n" rad$o(
.re@uency 4D ta"s to %eat$n" %$ometr$c $dent$ty system
to$n" the censorware used %y your schoo)
networ& to contro) what &$nd o. th$n"s you can and
canGt see on the $nternet. The %oo& $s a )on" hymn to
persona) )$%erty/ .ree speech/ the peop)eGs r$"ht to
@uest$on and e'en o'erthrow the$r "o'ernment/ e'en
dur$n" wart$me.
6arcus $s 1J/ and the %oo& $s $ntended to %e read %y
youn" teens or e'en precoc$ous tweens 2as we)) as
adu)ts3. Natura))y/ 4 ant$c$pated that some o. the
po)$t$cs and techno)o"y $n the story wou)d upset my
readers. !nd $tGs true/ a .ew o. the re'$ewers were
cr$t$ca) o. th$s stu... =ut not many/ not o'er)y so.
What 4 d$dnGt e0pect was that 4 wou)d rece$'e a torrent
o. correspondence and entreat$es .rom teachers/
students/ parents/ and )$%rar$ans who were an"ry/
worr$ed/ or upset that 6arcus )oses h$s '$r"$n$ty a%out
two(th$rds o. the way throu"h the %oo& 2secondar$)y/
some o. them were a)so o..ended %y the .act that
6arcus dr$n&s a %eer at one po$nt/ and a sma))er
m$nor$ty wanted to &now why and how 6arcus cou)d
"et away w$th ta)&$n" %ac& to h$s e)ders3.
Now/ the se0(scene $n the %oo& $s anyth$n" %ut
e0p)$c$t. 6arcus and h$s "$r).r$end are &$ss$n" a)one $n
her room a.ter a c)$mact$c scene $n the no'e)/ and she
hands h$m a condom. The scene ends. The ne0t scene
opens w$th 6arcus re.)ect$n" that $t wasnGt what he
thou"ht $t wou)d %e/ %ut $t was st$)) 'ery "ood/ and
%etter $n some ways than heGd e0pected. 8e and h$s
"$r).r$end ha'e %een to"ether .or @u$te some t$me at
th$s po$nt/ and thereGs e'ery $nd$cat$on that theyG)) "o
on %e$n" to"ether .or some t$me yet. There $s no
anatomy/ no "runts or s@uea)s/ no sme))s or tastes. Th$s
$snGt there to t$t$))ate. 4tGs there %ecause $t ma&es p)ot(
sense and story(sense and character(sense .or these
two characters to do th$s deed at th$s t$me.
4G'e spent enou"h t$me e0p)a$n$n" what th$s Mp)ot(
sense and story(sense and character(senseN means to
enou"h peop)e that 4 .$nd myse). creat$n" a MTeen
trans"ress$on $n -! )$terature 5!Q.N
ThereGs rea))y on)y one @uest$on, MWhy ha'e your
characters done someth$n" that $s )$&e)y to upset the$r
parents/ and why donGt you pun$sh them .or do$n"
Now/ the answer.
5$rst/ %ecause teena"ers ha'e se0 and dr$n& %eer/ and
most o. the t$me the worst th$n" that resu)ts .rom th$s
$s a .ew days o. soc$a) aw&wardness and a han"o'er/
respect$'e)y. When 4 was a teena"er/ 4 dran&
somet$mes. 4 had se0 somet$mes. 4 d$so%eyed author$ty
.$"ures somet$mes.
6ost)y/ $t was OP. *omet$mes $t was %ad. *omet$mes $t
was wonder.u). Once or tw$ce/ $t was terr$%)e. !nd $t
was thus .or e'eryone 4 &new. Teena"ers ta&e r$s&s/
e'en stup$d r$s&s/ at t$mes. =ut the chance on any
"$'en n$"ht that snea&$n" a %eer w$)) destroy your )$.e $s
damned s)$m. !rt $snGt e0act)y )$&e )$.e/ and sc$ence
.$ct$on as&s the reader to accept the $mposs$%)e/ %ut
un)ess your %oo& $s a%out a un$'erse $n wh$ch
d$sappro'$n" parents ha'e coo&ed the phys$cs so that
e'ery act o. d$so%ed$ence )eads sw$.t)y to destruct$on/
$t wonGt %e 'ery cred$%)e. The pathos that parents
wou)d )$&e to see here %ecome %athos, maw&$sh and
tr$'$a)/ hea'y(handed/ and preachy.
*econd/ %ecause $t $s "ood art. !rt$sts ha'e $nc)uded
se0 and se0ua) content $n the$r "enera)(aud$ence
mater$a) s$nce ca'e(pa$nt$n" days. ThereGs a reason the
Lat$can and the Lou're are .u)) o. nudes. *e0 $s part o.
what $t means to %e human/ so art has se0 $n $t.
*e0 $n -! stor$es usua))y comes natura))y/ as the )$tera)
c)$ma0 o. a com$n"(o.(a"e story $n wh$ch the
ado)escent characters ha'e underta&en a ser$es o. )eaps
o. .a$ths/ do$n" conse@uent$a) th$n"s 2)y$n"/ te))$n" the
truth/ %e$n" no%)e/ su%'ert$n" author$ty/ etc.3 .or the
.$rst t$me/ ne'er &now$n"/ reall &now$n"/ what the
outcome w$)) %e. These .$"urat$'e )osses o. '$r"$n$ty are
one o. the ma9or themes o. -! no'e)sOand one o. the
ma9or themes o. ado)escenceOso $tGs art$st$ca))y
sat$s.y$n" .or the .$"urat$'e to %ecome )$tera) $n the
course o. the %oo&. Th$s $s a common )$terary and
art$st$c techn$@ue/ and $tGs 'ery e..ect$'e.
4 adm$t that 4 rema$n %a..)ed %y adu)ts who o%9ect to
the se0 $n th$s %oo&. Not %ecause $tGs prud$sh to o%9ect/
%ut %ecause the o..(camera se0 occurs $n the m$dd)e o.
a story that .eatures r$ot$n"/ "raph$c torture/ and
deta$)ed $nstruct$ons .or success.u) truancy.
!s the parent o. a youn" dau"hter/ 4 .ee) stron")y that
e'ery parent has the r$"ht and respons$%$)$ty to dec$de
how h$s or her &$ds are e0posed to se0 and se0ua))y
e0p)$c$t mater$a).
8owe'er/ that r$"ht $s )$m$ted %y rea)$ty, the )$&e)$hood
that a h$"h(schoo) student has made $t to her 1th or
1Bth year w$thout encounter$n" the .acts o. )$.e $s pretty
)ow. WhatGs more/ a &$d who enters pu%erty w$thout
understand$n" the %$o)o"$ca) and emot$ona) .acts
a%out her or h$s anatomy and what $tGs .or $s "o$n" to
%e 2e'en more3 con.used.
!do)escents th$n& a%out se0. !)) the t$me. 6any o.
them ha'e se0. 6any o. them e0per$ment w$th se0. 4
donGt %e)$e'e that a .$ct$ona) dep$ct$on o. two youn"
peop)e who are $n )o'e and ha'e se0 $s )$&e)y to $mpart
any new &now)ed"e to most teensOthat $s/ the 'ast
ma9or$ty o. teena"ers are apt to %e .am$)$ar w$th the
e0$stence o. se0ua) )$a$sons %etween 1J(year(o)ds.
*o s$nce the reader $snGt apt to d$sco'er anyth$n" new
a%out se0 $n read$n" the %oo&/ 4 canGt see how th$s ends
up $$n" w$th a parentGs r$"ht to dec$de when and
where the$r &$ds d$sco'er the e0$stence o. se0.

Nat*re"s Darede-ls(
Wrtn. For Yo*n. A*den%es
4 &now/ at the end o. the )ast co)umn 4 prom$sed that
th$s $ssue 4Gd ta)& a)) a%out 6acropayments/ %ut that
was %e.ore 4 .ound out that th$s was Locus!s spec$a)
youn"(adu)t *5 $ssue/ and as 4 happen to %e on tour
w$th my .$rst youn"(adu)t *5 no'e)/ Little Brother/ 4
th$n& 4Gd %etter put o.. 6acros .or a month a ta)& a
)$tt)e a%out what 4G'e )earned a%out wr$t$n" .or youn"
5$rst o. a))/ -! *5 $s "$"ant$c and $n'$s$%)e. The
num%ers spea& .or themse)'es, a -! %estse))er $s )$&e)y
to %e mo'$n" ten t$mes as many cop$es as an adu)t *5
t$t)e occupy$n" the compara%)e s)ot on the "rownup
)$st. L$&e many commerc$a))y success.u) th$n"s/ -! $s
)ar"e)y $"nored %y the power %ro&ers o. the .$e)d/ rare)y
show$n" up on the 8u"o %a))ot 2and when was the )ast
t$me you went to a <o)den Duc& !ward ceremonyF3.
-et so many o. us came $nto the .$e)d throu"h -!/ and
$tGs -! *5 that w$)) %r$n" the ne0t "enerat$on $nto the
<enre -! .$ct$on has an army o. promoters outs$de o.
the .$e)d, teachers/ )$%rar$ans/ and spec$a)$st %oo&se))ers
are &een)y aware o. the d$..erence the r$"ht %oo& can
ma&e to the r$"ht &$d at the r$"ht t$me/ and they spend
a )ot o. t$me try$n" to .$"ure out how to con'$nce &$ds
to try out a %oo&. P$ds are natura)s .or th$s/ s$nce they
rea))y use %oo&s as mar&ers o. the$r soc$a) $dent$ty/ so
that "ood %oo&s sweep throu"h the$r soc$a) c$rc)es )$&e
ch$c&enpo0 ep$dem$cs/ $n.ect$n" the$r )an"ua"e and
out)oo& on )$.e. ThatGs one o. the most wonder.u)
th$n"s a%out wr$t$n" .or youn"er aud$encesO$t
matters. We a)) read .or enterta$nment/ no matter how
o)d we are/ %ut &$ds a)so read to .$nd out how the
wor)d wor&s. They pay &een attent$on/ they ar"ue
%ac&. ThereGs a conse@uent$a)$ty to wr$t$n" .or youn"
peop)e that ma&es $t $mmense)y sat$s.y$n". -ou see $t
when you run $nto them $n person and .$nd out that
there are &$ds who read your %oo&/ "oo")ed e'ery
aspect o. $t/ .$"ured out how to rep)$cate the %est %$ts/
and ha'e turned your story $nto a ho%%y. We wr$n" our
hands a )ot a%out the "rey$n" o. *5/ w$th "ood reason.
Hust ha'e a )oo& around at your re"$ona) con/ the one
youG'e %een "o$n" to s$nce you were a teena"er/ and
count how many teena"ers are there now. !nd yet/
youn" peop)e are read$n" $n )ar"er num%ers than they
ha'e $n recent memory. :art o. that $s sure)y down to
8arry :otter/ %ut on th$s tour/ 4G'e d$sco'ered that
thereGs a )e"$on o. unsun" heroes o. the &$ds()$t
These are %oo&se))ers )$&e !ndersonGs o. Naper'$))e/ a
su%ur% o. Ch$ca"o. !ndersonGs operates a )o'e)y
%oo&store/ the &$nd o. .r$end)y $nd$e shop that we a))
ha'e cher$shed memor$es o./ %ut thatGs not the ma$n
e'ent. They also ha'e a M%oo& .a$rN %us$ness that $s run
out o. a near%y warehouse. Th$s $n'o)'es .$))$n" truc&s
w$th c)e'er/ ro))$n" %oo&cases that snap shut )$&e a
c$"arette case/ each one pre(stoc&ed w$th care.u))y
curated t$t)es. These are sch)epped out to schoo)s
across the 6$dwest/ assem%)ed $n $mpromptu schoo)(
"ym %oo& .a$rs. Th$s matters. 4t matters %ecause you
donGt "o to the %oo&store unt$) you a)ready &now you
)o'e %oo&s. -ou need a "ateway dru" to "et you
hoo&ed on the harder stu... Trad$t$ona))y/ th$s was the
non(%oo&store reta$)er/ the pharmacy/ the
supermar&et. That was %e.ore d$str$%utorsh$p
conso)$dat$on too& p)ace $n the wa&e o. the r$se o.
nat$ona)/ %$"(%o0 reta$)ers )$&e Wa)(6art. The
contract$on $n d$str$%ut$on )ed to a mass$'e reduct$on
$n the num%er o. t$t)es stoc&ed outs$de o. %oo&stores
across the )and. E'en as the %oo&stores "ot %$""er and
more e)a%orate/ the '$ta) $nduct$on system o. .$nd$n"
the r$"ht %oo& on the r$"ht sp$nner rac& at the r$"ht
a"e was co))aps$n". We &now what happened ne0t, the
co))apse o. the m$d)$st/ mass$'e mer"ers and
ac@u$s$t$ons $n pu%)$sh$n"/ the shutter$n" o. many
)on"stand$n" careers $n the .$e)d. *o when !ndersonGs
pu))s up a truc& outs$de your schoo) and puts the
%oo&s r$"ht there/ where you canGt m$ss them/ $t starts
to ta&e %ac& that '$ta) terr$tory that we )ost 2# years
a"o/ starts to %r$n" &$ds %ac& $nto the .a$th.
Wr$t$n" .or youn" peop)e $s rea))y e0c$t$n". !s one -!
wr$ter to)d me/ M!do)escence $s a ser$es o. %ra'e/
$rre'ers$%)e dec$s$ons.N One day/ youGre someone whoGs
ne'er to)d a )$e o. conse@uence> the ne0t day you ha'e/
and you can ne'er "o %ac&. One day/ youGre someone
whoGs ne'er done anyth$n" no%)e .or a .r$end> the ne0t
day you ha'e/ and you can ne'er "o %ac&. 4s $t any
wonder that youn" peop)e e0per$ence a camarader$e as
$ntense as com%at(%udd$esF 4s $t any wonder that the
parts o. our %ra$n that "o'ern r$s&(assessment donGt
.u))y de'e)op unt$) adu)thoodF Who wou)d ta&e such
%ra'e chances/ such e0$stent$a) r$s&s/ $. she or he had a
.u))y .unct$ona) r$s&(assessment systemF
*o youn" peop)e )$'e $n a wor)d character$?ed %y
$ntense drama/ %y cho$ces w$se and .oo)$sh and a)ways
%ra'e. Th$s $s a %oo&(p)otterGs dream. Once you rea)$?e
that your characters are )$'$n" $n th$s state o.
he$"htened conse@uence/ e'ery p)ot(po$nt ac@u$res
moment and $mport that &eeps the pa"es turn$n".
The )ac& o. re"ard .or -! .$ct$on $n the ma$nstream
$snGt an a)to"ether %ad th$n". ThereGs someth$n" to %e
sa$d .or )$'$n" $n a d$sreputa%)e/ "hetto$?ed %ohem$a
2someth$n" that o)d(t$me *5 and com$cs .ans ha'e a
&een apprec$at$on .or3. ThereGs a )ot o. room .or
art$st$c/ po)$t$ca)/ and commerc$a) e0pectat$on o'er
here $n )ow(sta&es )and/ the same way that there was
so much room .or e0per$mentat$on $n other "hettos/
.rom h$p(hop to ro)ep)ay$n" "ames to d$me(no'e)s.
*ure/ weGre 'u)nera%)e to mora) pan$cs a%out
corrupt$n" youth 2a phenomenon as o)d as *ocrates/
and a char"e that has %een )e'e)ed at e'eryth$n" .rom
the wa)t? to the 9u&e%o03/ %ut $. youGre upsett$n" that
&$nd o. person/ youGre pro%a%)y do$n" someth$n" r$"ht.
R$s&(ta&$n" %eha'$orO$nc)ud$n" $))(ad'$sed soc$a)/
se0ua)/ and su%stance ad'enturesOare character$st$c o.
youth $tse)./ so $tGs natura) that anyth$n" that co(occurs
w$th youth/ )$&e *5 or TL or '$deo "ames/ w$)) carry the
%)ame .or them. 8owe'er/ the .r$"htened and eas$)y
o..ended are do$n" a %etter 9o% than they e'er ha'e o.
co))aps$n" the hor$?ons o. youn" peop)e/ deny$n" them
the p)easures o. "ather$n" $n pu%)$c or on)$ne .or .ear
o. meteor(str$&e(rare )ur$d pedoph$)e %o"eymen/ or on
the pretense o. .$"ht$n" "an"s or schoo) shoot$n"s or
some other ta%)o$d horror. L$terature may %e the )ast
escape a'a$)a%)e to youn" peop)e today. 4tGs an honor
to %e wr$t$n" .or them.

Be#ond Censorware(
Tea%'n. Web Ltera%#
T'e Proble!
Contro) o'er the way &$ds use computers $s a rea)
po)$t$ca) .oot%a))/ part o. the w$de(ran"$n" de%ates o'er
ch$)d porno"raphy/ %u))y$n"/ se0ua) predat$on/ pr$'acy/
p$racy/ and cheat$n".
!nd $. those sta&es werenGt h$"h enou"h/ cons$der th$s,
The norms o. techno)o"y use that todayGs &$ds "row up
w$th w$)) p)ay a &ey ro)e $n tomorrowGs wor&p)ace/
nat$ona) compet$t$'eness/ and po)$t$ca) d$scourse.
8oo(%oyOpoor &$dsE
The $dea that &$ds can run techno)o"$ca) c$rc)es around
the$r e)ders $s hard)y new. 4n 1CJC/ the new)y )aunched
=e)) *ystem was crashed %y $ts operators/ youn"
messen"er %oys whoGd %een redep)oyed to run the
nascent phone system and $nstead treated the nat$onGs
.ra"$)e commun$cat$ons $n.rastructure as the raw
mater$a) .or a ser$es o. pran&s and $))(conce$'ed
Today/ &$ds are st$)) way ahead o. the "rownups who
supposed)y contro) the$r schoo) and home networ&s. 4n
my $n.orma) $nter'$ews/ 4G'e d$sco'ered a"a$n and
a"a$n that &$ds are a %ottom)ess we)) o. tr$c&s .or
e'ad$n" networ& .$)ters and contro)s/ and that they
propa"ate the$r tr$c&s )$&e cra?y/ trad$n" them )$&e
%u%%)e("um cards and amass$n" soc$a) cap$ta) %y
he)p$n" the$r peers "a$n access to the who)e w$de We%/
rather than the narrow s)$ce thatGs '$s$%)e throu"h the
crac& $n the .$rewa)).
4 ha'e to adm$t/ th$s warms my heart. !.ter a))/ do we
want to ra$se a "enerat$on o. &$ds who ha'e the tech
sa''y o. an 4ran$an d$ss$dent/ or the ham(.$sted
$ncompetence o. the "o'ernment those d$ss$dents are
runn$n" c$rc)es aroundF
=ut 4Gm a)so a parent/ and 4 &now that $t wonGt %e )on"
%e.ore my dau"hter $s us$n" her networ& access to "et
at stu.. thatGs so '$)e/ my eyes water 9ust th$n&$n" a%out
$t. WhatGs more/ sheGs "o$n" to %e e0posed to a 'ast
panop)y o. pr$'acy dan"ers/ .rom the mar&et$n" creeps
whoG)) trac& her around the We% to the spyware 9er&s
whoG)) try to $n.ect her mach$ne to the cra?ed spoo&s at
a"enc$es )$&e the N*! who are )$tera))y out to w$retap
the ent$re wor)d.
!dd to that the poss$%$)$ty that the d$sc)osures she
ma&es on the networ& are )$&e)y to .o))ow her .or her
who)e )$.e/ e'ery em%arrass$n" utterance preser'ed .or
etern$ty/ and $tGs c)ear that thereGs a pro%)em here.
=ut 4 th$n& 4 ha'e the so)ut$on. Read on.
T'e Sol*ton( No Censorware
LetGs start %y adm$tt$n" that censorware doesnGt wor&.
4t catches 'ast amounts o. )e"$t$mate mater$a)/
$$n" w$th teachersG )esson p)ann$n" and
studentsG research a)$&e.
Censorware a)so a))ows enormous amounts o. %ad stu..
throu"h/ .rom ma)ware to porn. There s$mp)y arenGt
enou"h prudes $n the 'ast censorware %o$)er(rooms to
accurate)y c)ass$.y e'ery document on the We%.
Worst o. a))/ censorware teaches &$ds that the norma)
course o. on)$ne )$.e $n'o)'es %e$n" sp$ed upon .or
e'ery c)$c&/ tweet/ ema$)/ and 46.
These are the same &$ds who weGre desperate)y try$n"
to warn away .rom d$sc)os$n" persona) $n.ormat$on
and comprom$s$n" photos on soc$a) networ&s. They
understand that act$ons spea& )ouder than words, 4.
you w$retap e'ery student $n the schoo) and pun$sh
those who try to "et out .rom under the a))(see$n" eye/
youGre say$n"/ M:r$'acy $s worth)ess.N
!.ter youG'e done that/ thereGs no amount o.
admon$shments to 'a)ue your pr$'acy that can ma&e
up .or $t.
On the other hand/ censorware pro'$des a %r$))$ant .o$)
.or a curr$cu)um un$t that teaches 21st century med$a
)$teracy $n ways that are mean$n".u)/ $n.ormat$'e/ and
)$&e)y to ma&e &$ds and the networ&s they use %etter
T'e Lesson Plan
8ereGs my out)$ne .or a curr$cu)um o. med$a )$teracy
2addressed to the students3,
1. Wor& w$th your teacher to se)ect +# $mportant
&eywords re)e'ant to your curr$cu)um. Chec&
the top B# resu)ts .or each on <oo")e or
another popu)ar search en"$ne/ and record how
many are %)oc&ed %y your schoo) .$rewa)).
! study underta&en %y the E)ectron$c 5ront$er
5oundat$on $n 2##+ .ound that up to B# percent
o. pa"es re)e'ant to common 1.*. curr$cu)a
were %)oc&ed %y 'ar$ous commerc$a)
censorware pro(ducts.
4n th$s e0erc$se/ students )earn comparat$'e
search$n"/ stat$st$ca) ana)ys$s/ and "a$n "reater
.am$)$ar$ty w$th the$r own curr$cu)a.
5urther study $nc)udes $dent$.y$n" those
su%9ects that are more apt to %e %)oc&edO.or
e0amp)e/ s$tes re)e'ant to reproduct$'e hea)th/
%reast cancer/ rac$sm/ etc.
2. Peep a )o" o. the $nappropr$ate pa"es you
encounter wh$)e %rows$n"/ $nc)ud$n"
porno"raph$c pa"es/ adware/ ma)ware/ and so
on. Comp$)e a chart show$n" how many t$mes a
day your schoo)Gs censorware .a$)s to protect
the students $n your c)ass.
6ore stats here/ $ntroduc$n" the $dea o. %oth
M.a)se pos$t$'eN and M.a)se ne"at$'e.N Th$s a)so
opens the de%ate on what $s and $s not a M%adN
pa"e/ demonstrat$n" how su%9ect$'e th$s &$nd
o. c)ass$.$cat$on $s.
+. 4nter'$ew your teachers a%out the ways that
censorware $nter.eres w$th the$r teach$n".
E'ery teacher has stor$es a%out cue$n" up a
'$deo $n the morn$n" to use a.ter )unch/ on)y to
d$sco'er that $tGs %een %)oc&ed $n the $nter$m
and %)own the$r )esson(p)an. <ather$n" these
stor$es he)ps students understand that
censorware a..ects e'eryone $n the schoo)/ e'en
the teachers who are supposed)y $n char"e o.
the$r care and educat$on.
. 4nter'$ew your .e))ow students a%out the ways
that they censorware 2e."./ )oo&$n" .or
un%)oc&ed pro0$es %y search$n" .or Mpro0yN on
<oo")e and mo'$n" to the JBth pa"e o. resu)ts/
so deep that $tGs un)$&e)y to ha'e %een
cata)o"ued %y the censorware compan$es> or
e'ad$n" %)oc&s on messa"e(%oards %y us$n"
random/ anc$ent %)o"(postsG messa"e areas to
conduct secret con('ersat$ons3.
D$scuss Msecur$ty throu"h o%scur$tyN and
Msecur$ty theater/N and whether a secur$ty
system can %e sa$d to wor& $. $t can %e so
tr$'$a))y e'aded %y &$ds.
B. Research the corporate reputat$on and
pract$ces o. the censorware company that
supp)$es your schoo).
6any censorware compan$es ha'e 'ery d$rty
hands. 5or e0amp)e/ *mart5$)ter 2now a
d$'$s$on o. 6c!.ee3 $s a h$"h(pro.$)e supp)$er o.
censorware to repress$'e re"$mes. *mart5$)terGs
so.tware was recent)y used $n the 1n$ted !ra%
Em$rates to %)oc& news a%out a mem%er o. the
roya) .am$)y who had %een '$deo(recorded
%ruta))y tortur$n" a %us$ness(assoc$ate.
Learn$n" to research the cred$%$)$ty and
conduct o. peop)e who pro'$de $n.ormat$on on
the $nternet $s the &ey to understand$n" wh$ch
$n.ormat$on can and cannot %e trusted.
I. Contact the censorware company and as& .or
the cr$ter$a %y wh$ch $t rates pa"es. !s& .or the
reason that the .a)se pos$t$'es $dent$.$ed $n step
1 were c)ass$.$ed as o%9ect$ona%)e.
J. Research how to .$)e a 5reedom o. 4n.ormat$on
!ct 25O4!3 re@uest and use the procedure to
d$sco'er how much your schoo) or schoo) %oard
spends on censorware.
4ma"$ne what &$nd o. nat$on weGd ha'e $. e'ery
h$"h(schoo) "raduate &new how to .$)e an 5O4!
re@uestOonce youG'e )earned th$s/ no c$'$cs/
h$story/ or po)$t$cs c)ass w$)) e'er %e the same.
C. =onus mar&s, :resent your research to your
%oard o. educat$on.
<et on the a"enda .or an upcom$n" meet$n". :resent
your .$nd$n"s, Our censorware .a$)s to protect us $n
these ways> $t $nter.eres w$th our educat$on $n these
ways> $t $s techn$ca))y $nsu..$c$ent $n these ways> the
company $s unworthy o. pu%)$c .unds $n these ways>
the money cou)d %e spent on th$s/ that/ and the other.
Than& you.
! un$t )$&e th$s/ underta&en as a year()on" pro9ect/
wou)d "raduate a "enerat$on o. students who
understand app)$ed stat$st$cs/ r$s& and secur$ty/ c$'$c
en"a"ement/ )e"a) procedures/ and the means %y
wh$ch you can e'a)uate the $n.ormat$on you rece$'e.
What more cou)d any soc$ety as& .orF

Wrtn. In T'e A.e Of
We &now that our readers are d$stracted and
somet$mes e'en o'erwhe)med %y the myr$ad
d$stract$ons that )$e one c)$c& away on the $nternet/ %ut
o. course wr$ters .ace the same ")or$ous pro%)em, the
de)$r$ous wor)d o. $n.ormat$on and commun$cat$on
and commun$ty that )ur&s %eh$nd your screen/ one a)t(
ta% away .rom your word(processor.
The s$n")e worst p$ece o. wr$t$n" ad'$ce 4 e'er "ot was
to stay away .rom the $nternet %ecause $t wou)d on)y
waste my t$me and wou)dnGt he)p my wr$t$n". Th$s
ad'$ce was wron" creat$'e)y/ pro.ess$ona))y/ art$st$ca))y/
and persona))y/ %ut 4 &now where the wr$ter who do)ed
$t out was com$n" .rom. E'ery now and a"a$n/ when 4
see a new we%s$te/ "ame/ or ser'$ce/ 4 sense the tu" o.
an attent$on %)ac& ho)e, a t$me(s$n& that $s 9ust wa$t$n"
to .$)) my e'ery d$scret$onary moment w$th d$stract$on.
!s a co(parent$n" new .ather who wr$tes at )east a
%oo& per year/ ha).(a(do?en co)umns a month/ ten or
more %)o" posts a day/ p)us assorted no'e))as and
stor$es and speeches/ 4 &now 9ust how short t$me can
%e and how dan"erous d$stract$on $s.
=ut the $nternet has %een 'ery "ood to me. 4tGs
$n.ormed my creat$'$ty and aesthet$cs/ $tGs %ene.$ted
me pro.ess$ona))y and persona))y/ and .or e'ery
moment $t stea)s/ $t "$'es %ac& a hundred de)$"hts. 4Gd
no sooner "$'e $t up than 4Gd "$'e up .$ct$on or any
other p)easura%)e '$ce.
4 th$n& 4G'e mana"ed to %a)ance th$n"s out throu"h a
.ew s$mp)e techn$@ues that 4G'e %een re.$n$n" .or years.
4 st$)) somet$mes .ee) .ra??)ed and $n.o(whe)med/ %ut
thatGs rare. 6ost o. the t$me/ 4Gm on top o. my
wor&)oad and my muse. 8ereGs how 4 do $t,
*hort/ re"u)ar wor& schedu)e
When 4Gm wor&$n" on a story or no'e)/ 4 set a
modest da$)y "oa)Ousua))y a pa"e or twoOand
then 4 meet $t e'ery day/ doing nothing else
wh$)e 4Gm wor&$n" on $t. 4tGs not p)aus$%)e or
des$ra%)e to try to "et the wor)d to "o away .or
hours at a t$me/ %ut $tGs ent$re)y poss$%)e to
ma&e $t a)) shut up .or 2# m$nutes. Wr$t$n" a
pa"e e'ery day "ets me more than a no'e) per
yearOdo the mathOand thereGs a)ways 2#
m$nutes to %e .ound $n a day/ no matter what
e)se $s "o$n" on. Twenty m$nutes $s a short
enou"h $nter'a) that $t can %e c)a$med .rom a
s)eep or mea)(%rea& 2thou"h th$s shou)dnGt
%ecome a ha%$t3. The secret $s to do $t e'ery
day/ wee&ends $nc)uded/ to &eep the
momentum "o$n"/ and to a))ow your thou"hts
to wander to your ne0t dayGs pa"e %etween
sess$ons. Try to .$nd one or two '$'$d sensory
deta$)s to wor& $nto the ne0t pa"e/ or a "on
mot/ so that youG'e a)ready "ot some mater$a)
when you s$t down at the &ey%oard.
Lea'e yourse). a round ed"e
When you h$t your da$)y word("oa)/ stop. *top
e'en $. youGre $n the m$dd)e o. a sentence.
Espec$a))y $. youGre $n the m$dd)e o. a sentence.
That way/ when you s$t down at the &ey%oard
the ne0t day/ your .$rst .$'e or ten words are
a)ready orda$ned/ so that you "et a )$tt)e push
%e.ore you %e"$n your wor&. Pn$tters )ea'e a %$t
o. yarn st$c&$n" out o. the dayGs &n$tt$n" so they
&now where to p$c& up the ne0t dayOthey ca))
$t the Mh$nt.N :otters )ea'e a rou"h ed"e on the
wet c)ay %e.ore they wrap $t $n p)ast$c .or the
n$"htO$tGs hard to %u$)d on a smooth ed"e.
Don7t Research
Research$n" $snGt wr$t$n" and '$ce('ersa. When
you come to a .actua) matter that you cou)d
"oo")e $n a matter o. seconds/ don!t. DonGt "$'e
$n and )oo& up the )en"th o. the =roo&)yn
=r$d"e/ the popu)at$on o. Rhode 4s)and/ or the
d$stance to the *un. That way )$es d$stract$onO
an end)ess c)$c&(trance that w$)) turn your 2#
m$nutes o. compos$n" $nto a ha).(dayGs $dy))
throu"h the we%. 4nstead/ do what 9ourna)$sts
do, type MTPN where your .act shou)d "o/ as $n
MThe =roo&)yn =r$d"e/ a)) TP .eet o. $t/ sa$)ed
$nto the a$r )$&e a &$te.N MTPN appears $n 'ery .ew
En")$sh words 2the one 4 "et tr$pped up on $s
M!t&$nsN3 so a @u$c& search throu"h your
document .or MTPN w$)) te)) you whether you
ha'e any .act(chec&$n" to do a.terwards. !nd
your ed$tor and copyed$tor w$)) reco"n$?e $t $.
you m$ss $t and %r$n" $t to your attent$on.
DonGt %e ceremon$ous
5or"et ad'$ce a%out .$nd$n" the r$"ht
atmosphere to coa0 your muse $nto the room.
5or"et cand)es/ mus$c/ s$)ence/ a "ood cha$r/ a
c$"arette/ or putt$n" the &$ds to s)eep. 4tGs n$ce
to ha'e a)) your phys$ca) needs met %e.ore you
wr$te/ %ut $. you con'$nce yourse). that you can
on)y wr$te $n a per.ect wor)d/ you compound
the pro%)em o. .$nd$n" 2# .ree m$nutes w$th the
pro%)em o. .$nd$n" the r$"ht en'$ronment at
the same t$me. When the t$me $s a'a$)a%)e/ 9ust
put .$n"ers to &ey%oard and wr$te. -ou can put
up w$th no$se/s$)ence/&$ds/d$scom.ort/hun"er
.or 2# m$nutes.
P$)) your word(processor
Word/ <oo")e O..$ce/ and OpenO..$ce a)) come
w$th a %ew$)der$n" array o. typesett$n" and
automat$on sett$n"s that you can p)ay w$th
.ore'er. 5or"et $t. !)) that stu.. $s d$stract$on/
and the )ast th$n" you want $s your too) second(
"uess$n" you/ Mcorrect$n"N your spe))$n"/
cr$t$c$?$n" your sentence structure/ and so on.
The pro"rammers who wrote your word
processor type a)) day )on"/ e'ery day/ and they
ha'e the power to %uy or ac@u$re any too) they
can $ma"$ne .or enter$n" te0t $nto a computer.
They donGt wr$te the$r so.tware w$th Word.
They use a te0t(ed$tor/ )$&e '$/ Emacs/ Te0t:ad/
==Ed$t/ <ed$t/ or any o. a host o. ed$tors. These
are some o. the most 'enera%)e/ re)$a%)e/
power.u) too)s $n the h$story o. so.tware 2s$nce
theyGre at the core o. a)) other so.tware3 and
they ha'e a)most no d$stract$n" .eaturesO%ut
they do ha'e power.u) search(and(rep)ace
.unct$ons. =est o. a))/ the hum%)e .t0t .$)e can %e
read %y pract$ca))y e'ery app)$cat$on on your
computer/ can %e pasted d$rect)y $nto an ema$)/
and canGt transm$t a '$rus.
Rea)t$me commun$cat$ons too)s are dead)y
The %$""est $mped$ment to concentrat$on $s
your computerGs ecosystem o. $nterrupt$on
techno)o"$es, 46/ ema$) a)erts/ R** a)erts/ *&ype
r$n"s/ etc. !nyth$n" that re@u$res you to wa$t
.or a response/ e'en su%consc$ous)y/ occup$es
your attent$on. !nyth$n" that )eaps up on your
screen to announce someth$n" new occup$es
your attent$on. The more you can tra$n your
.r$ends and .am$)y to use ema$)/ messa"e
%oards/ and s$m$)ar techno)o"$es that a))ow you
to sa'e up your con'ersat$on .or p)anned
sess$ons $nstead o. demand$n" your attent$on
right now he)ps you car'e out your 2# m$nutes.
=y a)) means/ schedu)e a chatO'o$ce/ te0t/ or
'$deoOwhen $tGs needed/ %ut )ea'$n" your 46
runn$n" $s )$&e s$tt$n" down to wor& a.ter
han"$n" a "$ant MD4*TR!CT 6EN s$"n o'er your
des&/ one that sh$nes %r$"ht)y enou"h to %e
seen %y the ent$re wor)d.
4 donGt c)a$m to ha'e $n'ented these techn$@ues/ %ut
theyGre the ones that ha'e made the 21st century a
"ood one .or me.

E/tre!e Gee&
4 am %y no means the "ee&$est *5 wr$ter wor&$n" $n the
.$e)d today> on the power()aw cur'e o. "ee&$ness/ there
are many anc$ent and "nar)y masters %e.ore whom 4
am %ut a no'$t$ate/ %are)y @ua)$.$ed to chec& the synta0
$n the$r she))(scr$pts. *tross/ 4Gm )oo&$n" at you here.
Ne'erthe)ess/ 4 am .ar more "ee&y than a'era"e/ and
that "ee&$ness has crept $nto my wr$t$n" pract$ce $n a
way that $s 'ery c)ose to per.ect)y "ee&y $nasmuch as $t
pro%a%)y costs me as much e..ort as $t sa'es me/
$nasmuch as $t de)$"hts me/ and $nasmuch as $t po$nts
the way to c$'$)$an app)$cat$ons that someone e)se
m$"ht want to de'e)op $nto products that the )ess
"ee&$.$ed may en9oy.
4n that sp$r$t/ 4 you three @u$r&y )$tt)e tass)es .rom
the .r$n"es o. techno)o"y and *5 wr$t$n",
1. Business: Book donation progra
Th$s $s the )owest(tech entry on the )$st/ %ut $tGs a)so
the most "enera))y app)$ca%)e. !s you &now 2=o%3/ 4
"$'e away a)) my %oo&s as .ree/ Creat$'e CommonsR
)$censed e(%oo&s the same day they "o on sa)e $n
stores/ on the "rounds that .or most peop)e/ a .ree e(
%oo& $s more apt to ent$ce them to %uy the pr$nt %oo&
than to su%st$tute .or $t.
=ut thereGs a sma)) m$nor$tyOmost)y other "ee&sO.or
whom the e(%oo& $s all they want/ and who/
ne'erthe)ess/ want to see the wr$ters they en9oy
compensated 2%)ess GemE3. They wr$te to me w$th some
'ar$at$on on/ MCanGt 4 9ust send you a donat$onFN !nd
my answer has a)ways %een no/ %ecause,
1. 4 donGt want to ha'e to %oo&&eep/ .$)e ta0es on/
and otherw$se trac& your DB>
2. 4 donGt want to cut my e0treme)y 'a)ua%)e and
use.u) pu%)$sher out o. the )oop>
+. 4 donGt want to reduce my pr$nt(%oo&sG se))(
throu"h rates 2wh$ch determ$ne ad'ance s$?es/
pr$nt runs/ and %oo&store orders3.
*o/ trad$t$ona))y/ 4 as&ed my readers to compensate me
%y donat$n" a %oo& to a schoo) or )$%rary or ha).way
house. =ut/ pract$ca))y spea&$n"/ th$s $snGt 'ery use.u)
ad'$ce. 6ost o. us ha'e no $dea how to "$'e %oo&s
away to schoo)s or )$%rar$esOdo you 9ust show up at
the recept$on des& w$th a %oo&/ sho'e $t $nto the c)er&Gs
hands and say/ M8ere/ th$s $s .or youFN
*tart$n" w$th my no'e) Little Brother/ 4G'e %een do$n"
someth$n" d$..erent, 4 actua))y pro'$de a matchma&$n"
ser'$ce to connect donors w$th w$))$n" rec$p$ents. 4
h$red an ass$stantOthe ta)ented O)"a NunesOto
mon$tor throu"h a "oo")ema$) address that 4 pu%)$shed
$n a so)$c$tat$on to schoo)s/ )$%rar$es/ etc./ te))$n" them
to ema$) the$r wor& contact deta$)s $. they wanted a .ree
copy o. the %oo&. O)"a 'etted these to ensure that they
werenGt .a&ers or scam art$sts/ and then posted a
"eo"raph$ca))y sorted )$st o. wou)d(%e donees to my
Then/ 4 put the word out to potent$a) donors that there
was an easy 2or at )east easier3 way to compensate me
$. you )$&ed the e(%oo& and d$dnGt need the hardcopy,
'$s$t your .a'or$te %oo&store and %uy as many cop$es as
youGd )$&e .or any o. the or"an$?at$ons that so)$c$ted
donat$ons/ then ema$) us the rece$pt so we can cross
them o.. the )$st. Hud"$n" .rom donor ema$)s/ many o.
them 9ust "a'e to the .$rst outstand$n" re@uest/ others
)oo&ed .or re@uests .rom the$r re"$on/ and others
9ud"ed %y mer$t. *ome donated se'era) cop$esOas
many as 1BE !s 4 type th$s/ weG'e "$'en away we)) o'er
2## cop$es to peop)e who rea))y wanted the %oo&. 4 "ot
the sa)es num%er/ my pu%)$sher "ot the sa)e/ the )$%rary
or schoo) "ot the mater$a)/ and the reader "ot to .ee)
)$&e s/he had pa$d .or the 'a)ue s/heGd rece$'ed.
Now/ th$s wasnGt cheap. 4 needed to h$re someone w$th
the "ood 9ud"ment to te)) scammers .rom honest
peop)e and w$th the 8T6L s&$))s to .ormat and update
the pa"e. 4 de.$n$te)y spent at )east tw$ce as much as 4
made on th$s pro"ram. !s a commerc$a) 'enture/ $t was
a .)op.
=ut as a proo.(o.(concept/ $t was a r$n"$n" success.
There is a mar&et opportun$ty here .or someone who
wants to automate the ser'$ce. 4 en'$s$on someth$n"
run 9o$nt)y %y/ say/ the !mer$can L$%rary !ssoc$at$on
2or may%e the 4nternat$ona) 5ederat$on o. L$%rary
!ssoc$at$ons3 and the !dopt(a(*choo) pro"ram 2to
ease 'ett$n"3/ that wor&s w$th a coup)e do?en
%oo&se))ers/ nat$ona) and )oca)/ and )$sts %oo&s %y a))
&$nds o. authors and re@uests .rom a)) o'er the wor)d.
Donors can e$ther "et a su""est$on .or a %oo& to
donate 2perhaps %ased on pre.erences )$&e M*c$ence
5$ct$onN or M-oun"(!du)t No'e)sN and M*choo)s $n 6y
!reaN or M*choo)s $n the Nat$onGs :oorest S4: CodesN3
and/ w$th a .ew c)$c&s/ donate a %oo&/ rece$'$n" a ta0(
deduct$on rece$pt $n return.
2. !esearch: "#itter eets notekeeping
4Gm $n the m$dd)e o. a research($ntens$'e no'e)/ .or
wh$ch 4G'e read some B# or I# %oo&s. 4 made e0tens$'e
notes as 4 d$d/ unconsc$ous)y .a))$n" $nto a Tw$tter(sty)e
shorthand $n my )on" te0t(.$)e/ .or e0amp)e,
New%orn %a%$es are swadd)ed t$"ht)y at %$rth/ $t
tames them. 4. you arenGt swadd)ed/ you "row
up w$)d and rest)ess. *oc$a)$sm JK Ach$na
Ach$)dhood Acontro)
Louche %oy wear$n" w$de(%ottom Mtrumpet
trousersN and sh$rt ro))ed up to e0pose h$s %e))y
on a hot day. *oc$a)$sm CI Ach$na A.ash$on
MDr$n& '$ne"arN $s Mcon9u"a) 9ea)ousy.N *oc$a)$sm
1BB Ach$na As)an" Aromance
These notes are .rom Socialism #s $reat%/ L$9$a Shan"Gs
ama?$n" memo$r o. )$.e $n rura) Ch$na dur$n" the
per$od o. econom$c re.orm and $ndustr$a)$?at$on. The
hashta"s 2Ata"3 are )oose cate"or$es that each note
seemed to .$t $nto wh$)e 4 was wr$t$n" them down.
These notes/ and hundreds more/ )$'e $n a te0t .$)e.
!s 4 made these notes/ 4 had a sense that/ somewhere/
thereGd %e a pro"ram that wou)d parse throu"h them/
"enerat$n" a ta"(c)oud Tsee p$ctureU w$th c)$c&a%)e
)$n&s to d$..erent hashta"sG contents. 1n.ortunate)y/ as
th$s .$)e "rew )on"er/ 4 rea)$?ed that no such pro"ram
4 put the ca)) out to the readersh$p at =o$n" =o$n"/ the
%)o" 4 co(ed$t/ and Dan 6cDona)d/ one o. my readers/
came throu"h w$th a .antast$c )$tt)e :er) scr$pt ca))ed
ta"c)oud.p) that does e0act)y th$s/ pars$n" a)) my notes
$nto a data%ase that 4 can search or @uery '$sua))y/ %y
c)$c&$n" on the c)oud.
Now/ as 4 wr$te the no'e)/ th$s has %ecome an
$n'a)ua%)e a$d, .or one th$n"/ $t )ends $tse). to a &$nd o.
casua)/ c)$c&y %rows$n" $n wh$ch one hashta" )eads to
another/ to a search(@uery/ to another ta"/ e0p)or$n"
my notes $n a way that $s %oth serend$p$tous and
5or another/ the .ormat $s one that comes natura))y to
me/ %ecause o. a)) the other ser'$ces 4 useOsuch as
Tw$tterOthat emp)oy th$s te)e"raph$c/ %r$e. sty)e.
DanGs :er) scr$pt $s .ree)y )$censed and can %e
down)oaded .rom per)mon&s.or"/FnodeV$dWJ#J+I#.
$. Process: Flash%ake
4 &now a )ot o. arch$'$sts and one o. the$r most
common )aments $s the d$sappearance o. the d$st$nct
dra.t manuscr$pt $n the d$"$ta) a"e. :re(d$"$ta)/ authors
wou)d create a ser$es o. dra.ts .or the$r wor&/ o.ten
%ear$n" hand(wr$tten notat$ons trac&$n" the th$n&$n"
%eh$nd each re'$s$on. =y compar$n" these dra.ts/
arch$'$sts and scho)ars cou)d ")ean $ns$"hts $nto the
authorGs menta) state and creat$'e process.
=ut $n the d$"$ta) era/ many authors wor& .rom a s$n")e
.$)e/ mod$.y$n" $t $ncrementa))y .or each re'$s$on. There
are no d$st$nct/ $nd$'$dua) dra.ts/ mere)y an eterna))y
chan"$n" scro)) that $s .ore'er $n .)u0. When the %oo&
$s .$n$shed/ a)) the $ntermed$ate steps that the
manuscr$pt went throu"h d$sappear.
4t occurred to me that there was no reason that th$s
had to %e so. Computers can remem%er an $nsane
amount o. $n.ormat$on a%out the mod$.$cat$on h$story
o. .$)esO$ndeed/ thatGs the norm $n so.tware
de'e)opment/ where code repos$tor$es are used to &eep
trac& o. each chan"e to the code%ase/ not$n" who
made the chan"es/ what s/he chan"ed/ and any notes
s/he made a%out the reason .or the chan"e.
*o 4 wrote to a pro"rammer .r$end o. m$ne/ Thomas
<$deon/ who hosts the e0ce))ent Command L$ne
podcast 2http,//thecommand)$ne.net3/ and as&ed h$m
wh$ch 'ers$on contro) system heGd recommend .or my
.$ct$on pro9ectsOwh$ch one wou)d %e eas$est to
automate so that e'ery coup)e o. m$nutes/ $t chec&ed
to see $. any o. the master .$)es .or my no'e)s had %een
updated/ and then chec& the updated ones $n.
Thomas )o'ed the $dea and ran w$th $t/ creat$n" a scr$pt
that made use o. the .ree and open(source contro)
system M<$tN 2the system used to ma$nta$n the L$nu0
&erne)3/ chec&$n" $n my prose at 1B(m$nute $nter'a)s/
not$n"/ w$th each chec&($n/ the current t$me(?one on
my system c)oc& 2where am 4F3/ the weather there/ as
.etched .rom <oo")e 2whatGs $t )$&eF3/ and the
head)$nes .rom my )ast three =o$n" =o$n" posts 2what
am 4 th$n&$n"F3. 5uture 'ers$ons w$)) support p)u"($ns
to capture e'en r$cher metadataOsay/ the )ast three
tweets 4 tw$ttered/ and the )ast three son"s my mus$c
p)ayer p)ayed .or me.
8e ca))ed $t M5)ash%a&e/N a neo)o"$sm .rom my .$rst
no'e)/ Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. 4 was
4tGs an $ncred$%)y r$chOe'en narc$ss$st$cOamount o.
deta$) to capture a%out the wr$t$n" process/ %ut thereGs
no reason not to capture $t. 4t doesnGt cost any more to
capture a)) th$s stu.. e'ery 1B m$nutes than $t wou)d to
capture a da$)y .$)e(chan"e snapshot at m$dn$"ht
w$thout any add$t$ona) deta$). !nd s$nce <$tOand
other source repos$tor$esO$s des$"ned to )et you
summar$?e many chan"es at a t$me 2say/ a)) the
chan"es %etween 'ers$on 1 and 'ers$on 2 o. a product3/
$tGs easy to $"nore the metadata $. $tGs "ett$n" $n the
Now/ th$s may %e o. use to some not$ona) scho)ar who
wants to study my wor& $n a hundred years/ %ut 4Gm
more $nterested $n the $mmed$ate uses 4G)) %e a%)e to
put $t toO.or e0amp)e/ summar$?$n" a)) the typos 4G'e
cau"ht and corrected %etween pr$nt$n"s o. my %oo&s.
5)ash%a&e a)so means that 4Gm e0treme)y %ac&ed up
2<$t $s des$"ned to rep)$cate $ts data%ase to other
ser'ers/ $n order to a))ow mu)t$p)e pro"rammers to
wor& on the same .$)e3. !nd more $mportant)y/ 4Gm
&een to see what $ns$"hts th$s %r$n"s to )$"ht .or me
a%out my own process. 4 &now that there are days
when the prose rea))y .)ows/ and there are days when 4
ha'e to s@uee?e out each word. What 4 donGt &now $s
what e0terna) .actors may %ear on th$s.
4n a year/ or two/ or three/ 4G)) %e a%)e to use the
5)ash%a&e to "enerate some rea))y $nterest$n" charts
and stats a%out how 4 wr$te, does the weather matterF
Do 4 wr$te more when 4Gm %)o""$n" moreF Do M.astN
wr$t$n" days come $n a cyc)eF Do 4 wr$te .aster on the
road or at homeF 4 &now myse). we)) enou"h to
understand that $. 4 donGt wr$te down these
o%ser'at$ons and %ecome an emp$r$c$st o. my own )$.e
that a)) 4G)) "et are $mpress$on$st$c memor$es that are
more apt to re.)ect %ac& my own conc)us$ons to me
than to $n.orm me o. th$n"s 4 ha'enGt not$ced.
Thomas has re)eased 5)ash%a&e as .ree/open so.tware.
-ou can down)oad $t and start t$n&er$n" at
http,//%$t%uc&et) !s 4 sa$d/ $tGs not
the &$nd o. th$n" that an $n.o(c$'$)$an w$)) %e a%)e to
"et us$n" w$thout a )ot o. t$n&er$n"/ %ut $n the month
4G'e used $t/ 4G'e a)ready .ound $t to %e end)ess)y
.asc$nat$n" and use.u)Oand w$th enou"h $nterest/ $tGs
%ound to "et eas$er and eas$er.

How to Sto) Yo*r Inbo/ Fro!
4 )$'e and d$e $n my ema$)/ rece$'$n" hundreds o. non(
spam messa"es e'ery day. 4. 4Gm stat$onary and not
actua))y .eed$n" or p)ay$n" w$th the %a%y/ chances are
4G'e "ot my )aptop open somewhere near%y/ on)$ne and
down)oad$n" ma$). 4tGs my a)pha and my ome"a/ my
'ers$on contro) system 2$. 4 want to .$nd an o)d 'ers$on
o. a document/ 4 9ust .$nd the copy 4 ema$)ed to
someone ear)$er3/ my address %oo&/ my 9ourna)/ and
my con.essor. 4 ha'e o'er a m$))$on arch$'ed p$eces o.
ema$)/ "o$n" %ac& to 1KK1.
WhatGs more/ my $n%o0 $s a)most a)ways empt.
4G'e spent more than a decade t$n&er$n" w$th my ema$)
wor&.)ow/ per.ect$n" $t so that 4 can mana"e whate'er
)$.e throws at me throu"h my $n%o0. 4G'e come up w$th
a .ew t$ps and hac&s that ne'er .a$) to surpr$se and
de)$"ht my .r$ends and co))ea"ues when 4 show them
o../ and here they are/ .or the record,
Sort #o*r nbo/ b# s*b0e%t
Th$s $s my .a'or$te one %y .ar. 4. someth$n" %$" $s "o$n"
on $n the wor)d/ chances are )ots o. peop)e are "o$n" to
%e ema$)$n" you a%out $t/ and theyG)) "enera))y use
pretty s$m$)ar su%9ect )$nes.
When my dau"hter was %orn/ the ma9or$ty o.
con"ratu)atory ema$)s %e"an w$th the word
MCon"ratu)at$ons.N When 4Gd as&ed my .r$ends to he)p
me .$nd an o..$ce/ most o. the t$ps 4 "ot %e"an w$th
=est o. a))/ $. some spammer mana"es to "et a .ew
hundred cop$es o. a messa"e throu"h my .$)ter and
$nto my $n%o0/ theyG)) a)) ha'e the same su%9ect )$ne/
ma&$n" them easy to %u)&(se)ect and de)ete.
5ore$"n(a)pha%et spam $s a)so a dodd)e/ s$nce non(
Roman characters w$)) a)) a)pha%et$se at the %ottom or
top o. your $n%o0> $. you donGt read Cyr$))$c/ Porean/
8e%rew/ or *$mp)$.$ed Pan9$/ you can 9ust de)ete them
a)) w$th a coup)e o. &ey presses.
Colo*r1%ode ! fro! &nown senders
*omewhere $n the "uts o. your ema$) c)$ent $s a s$mp)e
too) .or add$n" Mru)esN or M.$)tersN .or the ma$) you send
and rece$'e. 8ereGs a s$mp)e pa$r that ha'e made my
ma$) more mana"ea%)e, .$rst/ add to your address %oo&
e'eryone who rece$'es ma$) .rom you> second/ chan"e
the co)our o. messa"es .rom &nown senders to a
d$..erent tone .rom your re"u)ar ma$) 24 use a sooth$n"
Th$s )ets you te))/ at a ")ance/ whether a messa"e $s
.rom someone youG'e seen .$t to send a messa"e to $n
t$mes "one %y. Th$s $s part$cu)ar)y use.u) .or p$c&$n"
m$s$dent$.$ed spam out o. your spam .o)der, anyth$n"
.rom a &nown sender that your ma$)er m$sta&en)y
stuc& $n there $s pro%a%)y worth a c)oser )oo&.
2ll )eo)le w'o !a&e #o* %ra3#
4. thereGs someoneOo.ten a stran"erOwho has .ound
you '$a the $nternet and ta&en $t upon her/h$mse). to
ma&e your )$.e a )$'$n" he)) %y send$n" you po$nt)ess/
ar"umentat$'e messa"es/ donGt re)y on your own $ron
d$sc$p)$ne to &eep .rom read$n" and respond$n" to
these mean )$tt)e darts.
4nstead/ create a .$)ter ca))ed M&$)).$)eN and add the
ema$) addresses o. these ant$(correspondents to $t/
then $nstruct your ma$)er to e$ther de)ete or tuc& away
these messa"es somewhere you wonGt ha'e to )oo& at
Half1res.n fro! !aln. lsts
6any o. us are o%)$"ed to 9o$n up to ma$)$n" )$sts .or
soc$a) or wor& or .am$)y reasons/ e'en thou"h most o.
the messa"es are $rre)e'ant to usO.or e0amp)e/ a )$st
.or p)ann$n" an annua) e'ent $n wh$ch you p)ay some
sma)) part. Res$"n$n" .rom these )$sts $snGt an opt$on/
%ut you canGt read them a))/ e$ther. ! n$ce m$dd)e
"round $s to wr$te a ma$)(ru)e that .$)es a)) ma$)$n" )$st
messa"es $n a Mma$)$n" )$stN .o)der/ Xe0ceptX .or those
$nd$'$dua) messa"es that conta$n your name 2M4.
su%9ect )$ne conta$ns Tname o. )$stU and %ody does not
conta$n Tyour nameU then...N3. That way/ youG)) %e a%)e
to respond $mmed$ate)y whene'er someone %r$n"s you
up $n con'ersat$on/ and the rest o. the messa"es w$)) %e
sa.e)y tuc&ed away .or you to to.
2ee) a )endn. lst
4 ha'e a )$tt)e te0t(.$)e on my des&top ca))ed
W!4T4N<.TXT that )$sts e'ery ca))/ ema$)/ parce)/ and
payment 4Gm wa$t$n" .or/ $n s$mp)e .orm 2e.".
W!4T4N< E6!4L 5red on d$nner 1/B/C or W!4T4N<
6ONE- Y+2.11 Re.und .rom Hohn Lew$s3. Once or tw$ce
a day/ 4 cast my eye o'er the )$st and see $. thereGs
anyth$n" that 4 shou)d ha'e heard on %ut ha'enGt/ and
send a rem$nder. Th$s has sa'ed more d$nner dates/
money/ and t$me than anyth$n" e)se on the )$st.

W'at I Do
5rom t$me to t$me/ peop)e as& me .or an $n'entory o.
the too)s and systems 4 use to "et my wor& done. !s a
hard(tra'e)$n"/ wor&$n" wr$ter/ 4 spend a )ot o. t$me
t$n&er$n" w$th my too)s and systems. !t the r$s& o.
descend$n" $nto se).($ndu)"ence 2e'ery co)umn$stGs
occas$ona) pr$'$)e"e3/ 4Gm "o$n" to try to create a %r$e.
$n'entory/ a)on" w$th a w$sh/to(do )$st .or the ne0t
5$rst/ the hardware,
Laptop, Th$n&:ad X2##. Th$s $s the ne0t(to(most(
recent 'ers$on o. Leno'oGs Th$n&:ad X(ser$es/ the$r
)$"htwe$"ht tra'e) note%oo&s. The X2## $s .ast enou"h
that $t ne'er .ee)s s)ow/ and )$&e a)) Th$n&:ads/ $s
remar&a%)y ru""ed and easy to do sma)) ma$ntenance
chores upon. 4 %ou"ht m$ne $n the 1P %ut 4 a
1.*. &ey%oard> 4 ordered one o. these separate)y and
d$d the swap $n 2# seconds .)at w$thout e'er ha'$n"
done $t %e.ore. 4 %ou"ht my own B##<= hard dr$'e and
<= o. R!6 separate)y 2manu.acturers a)ways "ou"e
on hard dr$'es and memory3 and $nsta))ed them $n
a%out .$'e m$nutes. Leno'o %ou"ht the Th$n&:ad )$ne
.rom 4=6 $n 2##B/ %ut 4=6 st$)) has the ma$ntenance
contract/ throu"h $ts 4=6 <)o%a) *er'$ces d$'$s$on. 5or
D1## or so a year/ 4 was a%)e to %uy an on(s$te/ne0t(day
hardware rep)acement warranty that means that when
anyth$n" "oes wron" w$th the )aptop hardware/ 4=6
sends a techn$c$an out to me the ne0t day/ w$th a)) the
necessary rep)acement parts/ no matter where 4 am $n
the wor)d. 4G'e %een us$n" Th$n&:ads s$nce 2##I and
ha'e had occas$on to use th$s ma$ntenance contract
three t$mes/ and a)) three t$mes 4 was .a'ora%)y
$mpressed 2)est you th$n& three ser'$c$n"s $n .our years
$s an $nd$cator o. poor hardware @ua)$ty/ cons$der that
e'ery other %rand o. computer 4G'e carr$ed .or any
)en"th o. t$me %ecame .ata))y wounded $n )ess than a
4 ha'e two d$..erent %atter$es .or the Th$n&:ad, a K(ce))
that we$"hs 1. pounds/ and a )$tt)e (ce)) that we$"hs a
mere 1# o?. 4 on)y use the K(ce)) wh$)e tra'e)$n", $tGs
"ood .or BZ hours/ e'en wh$)e power$n" a w$re)ess )$n&.
When 4Gm at home/ 4 spare myse). the add$t$ona)
we$"ht %y sw$tch$n" to the (ce))/ wh$ch ma&es my
da$)y wa)& to and .rom the o..$ce a )ot more
com.orta%)e .or my ach$n" )um%ar. The (ce))Gs on)y
"ood .or an hour or two/ %ut 4Gm rare)y away .rom a
power(out)et .or )on"er than that wh$)e at home.
4 ha'e a doc& .or the Th$n&:ad at the o..$ce/ connected
to a "ener$c *anyo mon$tor and a tru)y stupendous
Datamancer hand(made steampun& &ey%oard
2http,//datamancer.netO"o )oo&. Droo). Then come
%ac&3. 4 a)so ha'e a Lo"$tech !nywhere 6X mouse/
wh$ch $s the .$rst mouse 4G'e used $n years that rea))y
e0c$ted me, 'ery prec$se/ "reat er"onom$cs/ and a
whee) that you can unc)utch so that $t sp$ns .ree)y/
ma&$n" $t easy to "et to the %ottom o. a )on" .$)e. 4tGs
a)so 'ery sat$s.y$n"/ a )$tt)e whee e'ery t$me you send $t
wh$??$n". The doc& a)so has a DLD/CD dr$'e 2the
superporta%)e Th$n&:ad mode)s donGtO4 donGt m$ss
4 a)so ha'e a %ac&up dr$'e at the o..$ce, 9ust a "ener$c
.u))(he$"ht B##<= dr$'e that was cheap on !ma?on. 4
a)so ha'e a )$tt)e 1*=(powered "ener$c B##<= Kmm
*!T! dr$'e that 4 tra'e) w$th. When 4Gm at home/ 4
%ac&up to the .u))(s$?e dr$'e e'ery day when 4 s$t down
at my des&> on the road/ 4 run the %ac&up o'er
W$sh )$st, Leno'oGs 9ust sh$pped the X2#1, .aster/ w$th a
touchpad. Want. DonGt need $t $n any mean$n".u) way/
%ut 4 am :a')o'$an a%out up"rade paths. CanGt wa$t .or
the .ast/ )ow(power(draw so)$d state dr$'es to "et up to
B##<=/ the m$n$mum s$?e .or my needs.
:hone, 4G'e "ot a <oo")e/8TC Ne0usOne/ and )$&e T$m
=erners(Lee/ 4 can so)emn)y dec)are that 4 hate th$s
phone )ess than any other phone 4G'e e'er owned. 4
rooted the phone/ .o))ow$n" s$mp)e $nstruct$ons 4
.ound on)$ne/ and now 4 can use $t as a modem .or my
)aptop/ wh$ch $s $nsane)y awesome/ espec$a))y on %oo&(
tours and at con.erences where /### "ee&s ha'e
saturated the hote)Gs net connect$on. 4 ha'e *46s w$th
un)$m$ted data(p)ans .or T(6o%$)e 1.*. and Oran"e
1P/ and sw$tch depend$n" on wh$ch country 4Gm $n.
The Ne0usOne a)so comes w$th turn(%y(turn sate))$te
na'$"at$on and a <oo")e 6aps app that .actors $n )oca)
tra..$c data. !s such/ $t has ena%)ed me to sa'e D1#R
D1B/day when tra'e)$n" %y om$tt$n" the <:* .or the
renta) car. 1n)$&e $ts predecessor/ the <1/ the
Ne0usOne $s .ast enou"h to run the ste))ar !ndro$d
operat$n" system.
Now/ onto the )oca) so.tware,
Operat$n" system, 4Gm us$n" 1%untu/ a 'ers$on o. the
.ree and open <N1/L$nu0 operat$n" system that $s
des$"ned to %e easy to use and ma$nta$n .or non(techy
peop)e. 4 was once a 1n$0 sysadm$n/ %ut $t has %een a
)on" t$me/ and 4 wou)dnGt h$re me to do $t today.
1%untu Hust Wor&s. 4 recent)y had cause to $nsta))
W$ndows X: on an o)d Th$n&:ad and .ound that $t was
a%out a hundred t$mes more comp)$cated than "ett$n"
1%untu runn$n". When 4 trans$t$oned to 1%untu .rom
the 6acO*/ 4 had a wee& or twoGs worth o.
d$sor$entat$on/ s$m$)ar to what happened a.ter we
reno'ated the &$tchen and chan"ed where we &ept
e'eryth$n". Then the O* 9ust d$sappeared/ and $t has
stayed d$sappeared/ %rea&$n" $n ways that are ne$ther
more se'ere nor more .re@uent than any other O* 4G'e
e'er used.
The on)y t$mes 1%untu asserts $tse). as an art$.act
2rather than as $n'$s$%)e p)um%$n"3 $s when $t $s
$mpres(s$n" me w$th spectacu)ar Hust Wor&$n"ness. 5or
e0amp)e/ 1%untuGs .ac$)$ty .or .$nd$n" and $nsta))$n"
apps eas$)y a)so means that when you m$"rate to a new
computer 2someth$n" 4 do e'ery CR12 months3/ you can
9ust .eed the new 1%untu $nsta))at$on an automat$ca))y
"enerated )$st o. a)) the pro"rams you run and $t w$))
@u$et)y and e..$c$ent)y $nsta)) a)) o. them and "et them
con.$"ured. !nother e0amp)e, 1%untuGs support .or +<
w$re)ess modems $s 'ast)y super$or to the e0per$ence
on the 6ac and under W$ndows/ where the +< dr$'ers
are commerc$a) and typ$ca))y supp)$ed %y the ce))u)ar
compan$es. These propr$etary dr$'ers come w$th a))
&$nds o. crapware and )$&e to throw up %$" sp)ashy
screens announc$n" that you ha'e connected to the
$nternet 2w$th an $mp)$ed str$n" o. e0c)amat$on
po$nts, EEEEEEE3/ wh$ch "ets o)d the %a?$))$onth t$me you
p)u" $n the modem to "et d$rect$ons or chec& ema$). =y
contrast/ 1%untu uses $ts own/ pre($nsta))ed dr$'ers
that Hust Wor&, p)u" $n a modem/ and $t as&s you
wh$ch country youGre $n and wh$ch carr$er youGre on.
Then $t sets up the modem/ per.ect)y/ e'ery t$me 4G'e
tr$ed $t. 4tGs astound$n".
Ema$), 4 )$'e $n ema$). 4tGs pro%a%)y a "enerat$ona)
th$n"/ %ut 4 canGt understand the rece$'ed w$sdom that
the ne0t "enerat$on o. computer users pre.ers 46 to
ema$). 5or me/ ema$) $s a power.u) or"an$?$n" .orce/ a
1.B m$))$onRp$ece arch$'e that represents my ent$re
pro.ess$ona) and persona) h$story. O)d 'ers$ons o.
stor$es/ )etters to .r$ends/ commerc$a) ordersO$. $tGs not
$n my ema$) arch$'e/ 4 donGt &now $t.
4 use Thunder%$rd/ an $ndustr$a)(stren"th )oca) ema$)
c)$ent thatGs .ree and open/ o'erseen %y the 6o?$))a
5oundat$on/ %est &nown .or the$r 5$re.o0 %rowser. 4
.$nd the spam .$)ter$n" to)era%)y "ood/ and 4 au"ment $t
%y automat$ca))y add$n" e'ery ema$) address 4 rep)y to
to my address %oo&/ then us$n" a .$)ter to automat$ca))y
co)or ema$) .rom my past correspondents "reen/ so
that 4 can see at a ")ance $. thereGs anyth$n" $n my 9un&
.o)der .rom someone 4G'e pre'$ous)y traded ema$)s
w$th. 4 a)so co)or ema$)s %)ue $. theyGre .rom stran"ers
where 4Gm the MToN address 2as opposed to a CC3/
wh$ch $s a "ood way o. @u$c&)y spott$n" persona)
ema$)s as opposed to spam .rom :R peop)e.
4 store my arch$'ed ema$)s $n nested .o)ders, 5r$ends
22#1#/ 2##K/ 2##C...3/ =o$n" =o$n" 22#1#/ 2##K/ 2##C...3/
Commerce 22#1#/ etc.3/ *pea&$n" <$"s/Tra'e)/ !ct$'$sm/
Wr$t$n" 2<enera)/ then su%.o)ders .or each %oo& and
each ma"a?$ne that 4 re"u)ar)y wr$te .or3. 4 .$)e %oth
sent and rece$'ed ema$)s/ do$n" $t rout$ne)y throu"h
the day.
4 access my ema$) throu"h an **8 tunne)/ wh$ch $s
handy .or conte0ts where the networ&s %)oc& access to
my *6T: ser'er/ and $t &eeps my messa"es pr$'ate
.rom )oca) snoops. ThereGs a cron 9o% 2a re"u)ar)y
schedu)ed tas&3 that chec&s e'ery m$nute or two to
ma&e sure the tunne) $s up/ and $. $t $snGt/ $t restarts $t
2%ecause 4 )ose the tunne) e'ery t$me 4 chan"e networ&
On the mo%$)e s$de/ 4 use an open/.ree !ndro$d :O:
c)$ent ca))ed P(K ma$). 4tGs a )$tt)e pr$m$t$'eO$t cou)d
use %etter .$)ter$n" and status $nd$cators/ and $tGs a
hu"e pa$n $n the ass to unde)ete an acc$denta))y
de)eted messa"e w$th. =ut $tGs OP. 4 ha'e $t set to :O:
my ser'er %ut not de)ete messa"es un)ess 4 de)ete them
on the de'$ce too. 6y pattern $s to use the phone to
chec& 2%ut usua))y not to rep)y to3 ma$) %etween )aptop
sess$ons. 4 de)ete anyth$n" dum% or spammy 2so 4 donGt
ha'e to de)ete $t a"a$n on the )aptop3. P(K $s smart
enou"h to c)ear )oca) caches o. the messa"es once
theyG'e %een down)oaded to the )aptop and de)eted
.rom the ser'er.
W$sh)$st, 4 dream o. a .aster/ more ro%ust search .or
Thunder%$rd. 4 ha'e so much use.u) and $mportant
$n.o $n my arch$'ed ema$)/ %ut Thunder%$rd $s s)ow and
po&y when $t comes to search$n" throu"h a)) those
m$))$ons o. messa"es. 4 a)so m$ss the days when 4 ran
my own )oca) 46!: ser'er on my )aptop and used
se'era) ema$) c)$ents to access $t/ wh$ch )et me use one
c)$ent .or spam(.$)ter$n"/ another .or %)o"(%us$ness/
another .or search/ and another .or read$n"/ wh$)e
46!: &ept $t a)) $n synch. 4 "a'e $t up %ecause a)) those
mu)t$p)e cop$es o. my ema$) corpus o'er.)owed my
hard dr$'e. 4G'e "ot C<= o. ema$) arch$'es now/ and
&eep$n" or B cop$es o. them wou)d pro%a%)y %e more
do(a%)e than $t was se'era) years a"o.
=rowser, 4 use 5$re.o0/ a)on" w$th a sma)) "roup o. 'ery
use.u) p)u"$ns, Custom$?e<oo")e/ wh$ch )ets me see
more search resu)ts 21## at a t$me3/ w$th m$n$ature
thum%na$)s .or each> L$n&y 2wh$ch )ets me open a )ot o.
)$n&s at once $n mu)t$p)e ta%s/ use.u) .or art$c)es that
ha'e %een d$'$ded $nto mu)t$p)e sect$ons3> and T$nEye/
an $ma"e search too) that he)ps me .$nd the or$"$na)
'ers$on o. $ma"es that 4G'e )ocated $n anonymous
corners o. the we% 2"reat .or ma&$n" sure 4 cred$t the
r$"ht source $n a %)o" post3. 4 a)so )$'e and d$e %y
Ta%6$0 :)us/ wh$ch "$'es me much more contro) o'er
my ta%s/ $nc)ud$n" the '$ta) [[1nc)ose ta%GG .unct$on
that )ets me re(open a ta% that 4 c)osed $n haste. 4 )$&e
systems w$th .or"$'eness $n themOtheyGre much more
human than systems that e0pect $nhuman per.ect$on.
4 ha'e a coup)e hundred s$tes $n a .o)der that 4 open as
a ser$es o. ta%s a coup)e t$mes a day/ @u$c&)y ?$pp$n"
throu"h them a.ter theyG'e )oaded to see $. anyth$n"
new has %een posted.
Ca)endar, Thunder%$rd a"a$n. 4 )o'e e)ectron$c ca)en(
dars and my data%ase o. appo$ntments "oes %ac& to
the ear)y 1KK#s 2'ery handy .or )oo&$n" up that
restaurant 4 )o'ed that t$me 4 was $n =a)t$more3. 4 ha'e
yet to .$nd a "ood way to synchron$?e my ca)endar
w$th a mo%$)e de'$ce/ most)y %ecause e'ery ca)endar
'endor has dec$ded that a)) ca)endar entr$es shou)d %e
t$me(?one(dependent/ so $. youGre $n London when you
&ey $n a B:6 .)$"ht/ the computer Mhe)p.u))yN sw$tches
that to 12:6 when you chan"e the system c)oc& to
New -or& t$me. 4G'e "ot Thunder%$rdGs ca)endar set to
&eep a)) $ts t$mes $n London t$me no matter where 4
am/ %ut as soon as 4 synch $t w$th a mo%$)e de'$ce/ the
de'$ce tr$es to reset a)) my t$mes.
W$sh)$st, 4 want a s$mp)e way to share ca)endars
w$thout worry$n" a%out t$me?onesO$. an $tem says
CoryGs on a 12##h .)$"ht/N the person 4Gm shar$n" w$th
shou)d %e a%)e to &now/ w$th tota) certa$nty/ that the
M12##hN means M12##h $n the t$me?one Cory $s $n.N Th$s
wou)d ma&e coord$nat$n" w$th my w$.e/ my pu%)$shersG
pu%)$c$sts/ and my tra'e) ass$stant 'ast)y s$mp)er.
R**, 4 use L$.erea/ wh$ch $snGt a "reat reader/ %ut $s OP.
4tGs a )ot .aster than $t used to %e/ %ut $t has a s)ow/
non.unct$ona) search and has no way to "o %ac& to the
)ast $tem 4 ?$pped past too @u$c&)y. 4G'e "ot a coup)e
thousand R** .eeds/ %ut 4 donGt try to read them a))/
9ust wh$r past them s&$mm$n" .or $nterest$n"
W$sh)$st, 4 dream o. ha'$n" an R** reader that w$))
arch$'e e'eryth$n" $n e'ery R** .eed 4G'e e'er read/ and
)et me search $t/ .ast/ on my own hard dr$'e. SO6<.
Droo). !)) that persona)$?ed corpus/ $n hyper)$n&ed/
cached/ h$"h(a'a$)a%$)$ty )ow()atency ")ory.
O..$ce su$te, 4 use the .ree/open OpenO..$ce.or".
6ost)y 4 use the spreadsheet pro"ram to &eep my
persona) %oo&s/ us$n" )$n&ed spreadsheets 4G'e %een
twea&$n" s$nce 4 .$rst $ncorporated $n the ear)y 1KK#s.
6y accountant )$&es them so we)) that she o.ten as&s $.
she can share %)an& sets w$th her other c)$ents. 4 enter
rece$pts da$)y/ and "o throu"h the act$'$ty on my %an&
account e'ery morn$n" and chec& .or anoma)$es.
4 somet$mes use the OOo word(processor/ usua))y to
do )$"ht .ormatt$n" or .or %us$ness correspondence.
Wr$t$n", 4 use a p)a$n(9ane te0t ed$tor that comes w$th
1%untu ca))ed <ed$t. 4t doesnGt do anyth$n" e0cept
accept te0t and sa'e $t and )et me search and rep)ace $t.
There were a .ew te0t(wran")$n" .eatures $n ==Ed$t on
the 6ac that 4 m$ss/ %ut not 'ery much. 4 )$&e wr$t$n"
$n s$mp)e en'$ronments that donGt do anyth$n" e0cept
remem%er what words 4G'e thou"ht up. 4t he)ps me
res$st the temptat$on to t$n&er w$th .ormatt$n". 4 a)so
use <ed$t to compose %)o"(posts .or =o$n" =o$n"/
typ$n" the 8T6L %y hand/ wh$ch $s an o)d ha%$t .rom
the ear)y 1KK#s. 4 do use synta0 co)or$n" to he)p me
spot unc)osed ta"s/ %ut apart .rom that/ 4 donGt use any
automated too)s.
*cr$pts, 4 ha'e a .ew sma)) ut$)$ty scr$pts that 4 run .rom
the command )$ne as part o. my da$)y )$.e, thereGs a
%ac&up scr$pt that uses rsync 2a secure and smart .ree
$ncrementa) %ac&up scr$pt3/ and another rsync scr$pt
that uses 4ma"e6a"$c& 2a .ree $ma"e man$pu)at$on
)$%rary3 to res$?e and up)oad $ma"es that 4G'e sa'ed to
the des&top. ! reader created a 5$re.o0 %oo&mar&)et
.or me that automat$ca))y creates an attr$%ut$on )$n& to
5)$c&r pa"es/ wh$ch $s use.u) when cred$t$n" Creat$'e
Commons )$censed art 4G'e pu))ed .or use on =o$n"
4G'e wr$tten here %e.ore a%out 5)ash%a&e/ the 'ers$on(
trac&$n" pro"ram that Thomas <$deon createdO$t
sa'es a snapshot o. a)) my wr$t$n" wor& e'ery 1B
m$nutes/ a)on" w$th the )ast three son"s 4G'e p)ayed/
the )ast three posts 4 put on =o$n" =o$n"/ my current
)ocat$on and t$me?one/ and a .ew other en'$ronmenta)
Other, 4 ha'e a .ew other p$eces o. ha%$tua) ut$)$ty
so.tware. 4 use the <46: .or $ma"e man$pu)at$on>
d$"$Pam .or $ma"e or"an$?$n" and 5)$c&r up)oad$n">
Psnapshot .or soph$st$cated screenshott$n"/ =anshee as
a med$a p)ayer/ LLC .or '$deos 24 somet$mes put a
sma)) LLC w$ndow $n one corner o. my screen w$th my
dau"hterGs cartoons and sheG)) s$t on my )ap and watch
wh$)e 4 do ema$) or %)o""$n"/ and we can each po$nt to
$nterest$n" th$n"s $n each othersG w$ndows and ta)&
a%out them/ wh$ch $s "o)den3.
5$na))y/ on)$ne ser'$ces,
6y persona) %)o"s a)) run on Word:ress/ and 4 pay
6$&e L$tt)e/ a .ree)ance Word:ress adm$n$strator/ to do
a )$tt)e t$n&er$n" here and there w$th them. Recent)y/
we $nsta))ed e*hop/ wh$ch )ets me se)) my Random
8ouse !ud$o aud$o%oo&s as 6:+s d$rect)y .rom the
we%. 4tGs c)un&y %ut $t "ets the 9o% done and $tGs .ree/
and e'eryth$n" e)se was c)un&y and e0pens$'e.
=o$n" =o$n" runs on a 'ery custom$?ed 6o'a%)e Type/
supported %y one .u))(t$me mana"$n" ed$tor/ a part
t$me sysadm$n/ and a contract pro"rammer.
4 use The :$rate =ayGs 4:REDator pro0y ser'$ce/ wh$ch
costs \B/month and $s un)$m$ted, %y send$n" a)) my
tra..$c throu"h 4:REDatorGs ser'ers/ 4 encrypt $t $n such
a way that )oca) snoops canGt read $t. 4:REDator was
created $n response to *wedenGs Dracon$an $nternet
sur'e$))ance )aw 24:REDOthe 4nte))ectua) :roperty
R$"hts En.orcement D$rect$'e3/ wh$ch $mposes a duty
on 4*:s to spy on the$r users $n case theyGre $n.r$n"$n"
copyr$"ht. 4:REDator stores no )o"s/ and mo'es a))
tra..$c to the much(more(pr$'acy(respect$n" Denmar&
%e.ore pass$n" $t on.
There are p)enty o. )$tt)e %$ts and p$eces 4Gm om$tt$n"O
*eesm$c .or Tw$tter on !ndro$d> the cheap$e
=roo&stone porta%)e %attery char"er 4Gm try$n" out on
th$s tr$p/ the 1%untu %oota%)e ma$ntenance 1*= st$c&
4G'e "ot $n my %a". =ut "ett$n" $nto e'ery s$n")e )$tt)e
.$n$c&y deta$) wou)d .$)) a %oo& and "o .rom se).(
$ndu)"ent to sopor$.$c/ so 4G)) wrap $t up here.

W'en I"! Dead, How Wll +#
Lo-ed Ones Brea& +# Passwords
Tales fro! t'e en%r#)t( If #o* %are abo*t
t'e nte.rt# of #o*r data, t4s t!e to
n-est.ate sol*tons for a%%essn. and
se%*rn. t5and not 0*st for t'e 'ere and
5atherhood chan"ed meO.or the %etter. 4t made me
start to th$n& on )on"er t$mesca)es/ to ponder
cont$n"enc$es and cont$n"enc$es .or cont$n"enc$es. 6y
w$.e/ too. Now that our dau"hter/ :oesy/ $s 1I months
o)d/ weGre sett)ed $n enou"h to %e"$n ponder$n" the
WeGre ready to draw up our w$))s.
4t was a)) pretty s$mp)e at .$rst, $t was easy to say what
weGd do $. one o. us d$ed w$thout the other 2pass assets
on to the sur'$'or3/ or $. we %oth went to"ether 2$t a))
"oes $n trust .or the &$d3> e'en a)) three o. us 2a char$ty
"ets the money3. 4 thou"ht a%out a )$terary e0ecutor
2donGt want to r$s& my )$terary estate %e$n" $nher$ted
%y a ch$)d who may "row up to %e as we$rd a%out her
.atherGs creat$ons as some o. the nota%)e )$t$"$ous
cran&s who ha'e $nher$ted other )$terary estates3/ and
.ound a wr$ter 4 )$&e and trust who a"reed to ta&e
th$n"s on shou)d 4 snu.. $t %e.ore the &$dGs "otten o)d
enou"h .or me to &now 4 can trust her not to %e a nut
9o% a%out $t a)). We .ound a )awyer throu"h a re.erra)
.rom another )awyer whoGd a)ready done "reat wor& .or
meO4 chec&ed h$m out and he seemed .$ne.
Then we h$t a wa)).
What a%out our dataF
6ore spec$.$ca))y/ what a%out the secrets that protect
our dataF L$&e an $ncreas$n" num%er o. peop)e who
care a%out the secur$ty and $nte"r$ty o. the$r data/ 4
ha'e encrypted a)) my hard dr$'esOthe ones $n my
)aptops and the %ac&up dr$'es/ us$n" 12C(%$t !E*Othe
!d'anced Encrypt$on *tandard. W$thout the
passphrase that un)oc&s my &ey/ the data on those
dr$'es $s unreco'era%)e/ %arr$n" ma9or/ se$sm$c
ad'ances $n @uantum comput$n"/ or a .undamenta)
re'o)ut$on $n comput$n". Once your data $s
crypto"raph$ca))y secured/ a)) the computers on earth/
wor&$n" $n un$son/ cou)d not reco'er $t on anyth$n"
)ess than a "eo)o"$ca) t$mesca)e.
Th$s $s "reat news/ o. course. 4t means that 4 donGt ha'e
to worry a%out %e$n" mu""ed .or my )aptop/ or ha'$n"
my o..$ce %ur")ed 2e'en the cr$t$ca)(.$)es %ac&up 4 &eep
on !ma?on *+Gs remote stora"e .ac$)$ty $s "uarded %y
$ndustr$a)(stren"th crypto/ so 4Gm $mmune .rom
someone ra$d$n" !ma?onGs ser'ers3. The passphrase
$tse)./ a 'ery )on"/ comp)$cated str$n"/ $s on)y $n my
head/ and 4G'e ne'er wr$tten $t down.
Th$s $s .antast$ca))y )$%erat$n". 4Gm a%)e to )oc& $t a)) up,
my pr$'ate 9ourna)s/ my .$nanc$a) deta$)s/ 1B yearsG
worth o. persona) and pro.ess$ona) correspondence/
e'ery word 4G'e wr$tten s$nce the ear)y 1KC#s/ e'ery
secret thou"ht/ un.$n$shed $dea/ and wor& $n pro"ress.
4n theory/ 4 cou)d )$m$t th$s crypto"raph$c protect$on to
a .ew &ey .$)es/ %ut thatGs 'ast)y more comp)e0 than 9ust
)oc&$n" up the who)e she%an"/ and 4 donGt ha'e to
worry that 4G'e .or"otten to )oc& up someth$n" that
turns out to matter to me $n 1# or 2# years.
4 can e'en )oc& up a)) my passwords .or e'eryth$n" e)se,
ema$)/ %an&$n"/ "o'ernment ser'$ces/ soc$a)
networ&$n" ser'$ces/ and so on/ &eep$n" them $n a
master .$)e that $s $tse). "uarded %y crypto on my dr$'e.
*o .ar/ so "ood.
=ut what $. 4 were &$))ed or $ncapac$tated %e.ore 4
mana"ed to hand the passphrase o'er to an e0ecutor
or so)$c$tor who cou)d use them to un)oc& a)) th$s stu..
that w$)) %e cr$t$ca) to w$nd$n" down my a..a$rsOor
&eep$n" them "o$n"/ $n the e'ent that 4Gm
$ncapac$tatedF 4 donGt want to s$mp)y hand the
passphrase o'er to my w$.e/ or my )awyer. :art)y thatGs
%ecause the secrecy o. a passphrase &nown on)y to one
person and ne'er wr$tten down $s 'ast)y super$or to the
secrecy o. a passphrase that has %een wr$tten down
and stored $n more than one p)ace. 5urther/ many
countr$esG )aws ma&e $t d$..$cu)t or $mposs$%)e .or a
court to order you to turn o'er your &eys> once the
passphrase $s &nown %y a th$rd party/ $ts secur$ty .rom
)e"a) attac& $s "reat)y underm$ned/ as the )aw "enera))y
protects your &now)ed"e o. someone e)seGs &eys to a
)esser e0tent than $t protects your own.
4 d$scarded any so)ut$on %ased on putt$n" my &eys $n
trust w$th a ser'$ce that sends out an ema$) un)ess you
te)) $t not to e'ery wee&Othese Mdead manGs sw$tchN
ser'$ces are .ar )ess deser'$n" o. my trust than/ say/ my
w$.e or my so)$c$tor.
4 re9ected a sa.e(depos$t %o0 %ecause o. a)) the horror
stor$es 4G'e heard o. %an&s that re.use to a))ow access to
%o0es unt$) the w$)) $s pro%ated/ and the data necessary
to pro%ate the w$)) $s $n the %o0.
4 pondered us$n" someth$n" ca))ed *ham$rGs *ecret
*har$n" *cheme 2****3/ a .$end$sh)y c)e'er crypto
scheme that a))ows you to sp)$t a &ey $nto se'era)
p$eces/ $n such a way that on)y a .ew o. those p$eces are
needed to un)oc& the data. 5or e0amp)e/ you m$"ht
sp)$t the &ey $nto 1# p$eces and "$'e them to 1# peop)e
such that any .$'e o. them can poo) the$r p$eces and
"a$n access to your crypto(protected data. =ut 4
re9ected th$s/ tooOtoo comp)$cated to e0p)a$n to
c$'$)$ans/ and whatGs more/ $. the &ey cou)d %e
reco'ered %y .$'e peop)e "ett$n" to"ether/ 4 now had to
trust that no .$'e out o. 1# peop)e wou)d act $n concert
a"a$nst me. !nd 4Gd ha'e to &eep trac& o. those 1#
peop)e .or the rest o. my )$.e/ ensur$n" that the &ey $s
a)ways $n a pos$t$on to %e reco'ered. Too many mo'$n"
5$na))y/ 4 h$t on a s$mp)e so)ut$on, 4Gd sp)$t the
passphrase $n two/ and "$'e ha). o. $t to my w$.e/ and
the other ha). to my parentsG )awyer $n Toronto. The
)awyer $s out o. reach o. a =r$t$sh court order/ and my
w$.eGs ha). o. the passphrase $s use)ess w$thout the
)awyerGs ha). 2and sheGs out o. reach o. a Canad$an
court order3. 4. a s$tuat$on ar$ses that demands that my
)awyer "et h$s ha). to my w$.e/ he can d$ctate $t o'er the
phone/ or encrypt $t w$th her pu%)$c &ey and ema$) $t to
her/ or 9ust .)y to London and "$'e $t to her.
!s s$mp)e as th$s so)ut$on $s/ $t )ea'es a .ew )oose ends,
.$rst/ what does my w$.e do to sa.e"uard her ha). o. the
&ey shou)d she per$sh w$th meF The answer $s to
entrust $t to a second attorney $n the 1P 24 can return
the .a'our %y send$n" her &ey to my )awyer $n
Toronto3. Ne0t/ how do 4 transm$t the &ey to the
)awyerF 4G'e opted .or a wr$tten sheet o. $nstruct$ons/
$nc)ud$n" the &ey/ that 4 w$)) pr$nt on my ne0t '$s$t to
Canada and phys$ca))y de)$'er to the )awyer.
What 4 .ound surpr$s$n" a)) throu"h th$s process was
the )ac& o. any &$nd o. standard process .or mana"$n"
&ey escrow as part o. estate p)ann$n". 6$)$tary("rade
crypto has %een $n c$'$)$an hands .or decades now/ and
yet e'ery )awyer 4 spo&e to a%out th$s was %a..)ed 2and
the cypherpun&s 4 spo&e to were %a..)$n"O"$'en to
$nsane)y comp)e0 schemes that su""ested to me that
the$r e0ecutors were "o$n" to %e spend$n" months
unw$nd$n" the$r &eys %e.ore they cou)d "et on w$th the
%us$ness o. the$r estates/ and woe %et$de the$r
sur'$'ors/ whoGd %e )e.t $n the co)d wh$)e a)) th$s was
ta&$n" p)ace3.
6eanwh$)e/ 4Gm )e.t w$th th$s conc)us$on, $. youGre not
encrypt$n" your data/ you shou)d %e. !nd $. you are
encrypt$n" your data/ you need to .$"ure th$s stu.. out/
%e.ore you "et h$t %y a %us and doom your d$"$ta) )$.e
to crypto o%)$'$on.

Rad%al Presnts!
E'ery wr$ter has a 5!QO5re@uent)y !w&ward
Quest$onOor two/ and .or me/ $tGs th$s one, M8ow $s $t
poss$%)e to wor& as a sc$ence .$ct$on wr$ter/ pred$ct$n"
the .uture/ when e'eryth$n" $s chan"$n" so @u$c&)yF
!renGt you a.ra$d that actua) e'ents w$)) o'erta&e the
e'ents youG'e descr$%edFN
4tGs a .resh(scru%%ed/ earnest &$nd o. @uest$on/ and the
as&er pays the comp)$ment o. cast$n" you as W$se
:ro"nost$cator $n the %ar"a$n/ %ut 4 th$n& $tGs 9un&.
*c$ence .$ct$on wr$ters donGt pred$ct the .uture 2e0cept
acc$denta))y3/ %ut $. theyGre 'ery "ood/
they ma mana"e to pred$ct the present.
6ary *he))ey wasnGt worr$ed a%out rean$mated corpses
sta)&$n" Europe/ %ut %y cast$n" a techno)o"$ca)
$nno'at$on $n the starr$n" ro)e o. Frankenstein/ she was
a%)e to tap $nto present(day .ears a%out techno)o"y
o'erpower$n" $ts masters and the hu%r$s o. the
$n'entor. Orwe)) d$dnGt worry a%out a .uture
dom$nated %y the '$ew(screens .rom1KC/ he worr$ed
a%out a present $n wh$ch techno)o"y was chan"$n" the
%a)ance o. power/ creat$n" opportun$t$es .or the state
to en.orce $ts power o'er $nd$'$dua)s at e'er(more(
"ranu)ar )e'e)s.
Now/ $tGs true that some wr$ters w$)) te)) you theyGre
e0trapo)at$n" a .uture %ased on r$"or and sc$ence/ %ut
theyGre 9ust wron". Pare) ]ape& co$ned the word ro"ot
to ta)& a%out the automat$on and dehuman$?at$on o.
the wor&p)ace. !s$mo'Gs ro%ots were not supposed to
%e metaphors/ %ut they sure acted )$&e them/ re'ea)$n"
the "reat wr$terGs %e)$e. $n a wor)d where care.u)
re"u)at$on cou)d create pos$t$'e outcomes .or soc$ety.
28ow e)se to e0p)a$n h$s $dea that all ro%ots wou)d
comp)y w$th the Mthree )awsN .or thousands o. yearsF
Or/ $n the 5oundat$on ser$es/ the e0$stence o. a secret
soc$ety that &nows e0act)y how to e0ert $ts )e'era"e to
steer the course o. human c$'$)$?at$on .or m$))enn$aF3
5or some years now/ sc$ence .$ct$on has %een $n the
"r$ps o. a conce$t ca))ed the M*$n"u)ar$tyNOthe moment
at wh$ch human and mach$ne $nte))$"ence mer"e/
creat$n" a %rea& w$th h$story %eyond wh$ch the .uture
cannot %e pred$cted/ %ecause the post(humans who
)$'e there w$)) %e utter)y unreco"n$?a%)e to us $n the$r
emot$ons and mot$'at$ons. Read one way/ $tGs a so%er
pred$ct$on o. the cur'e o. h$story sp$&$n" $n.$n$ty(ward
$n the near .uture 2and many .utur$sts w$)) so)emn)y
assure you that th$s $s the case3> read another way/ $tGs
9ust the an0$ety o. a "enerat$on o. w$nners $n the
techno)o"y wars/ now con.ronted %y a new "enerat$on
whose .)u$d$ty w$th techno)o"y $s so awe($nsp$r$n" that
$t appears we ha'e %een out(e'o)'ed %y our own
*c$ence .$ct$on wr$ters who c)a$m to %e wr$t$n" the
.uture are more apt to %e hamstrun" %y the$r t$m$d$ty
than %y the pace o. e'ents. !n o)d saw $n sc$ence
.$ct$on $s that a sc$(.$ wr$ter can ta&e the automo%$)e
and the mo'$e theater and pred$ct the dr$'e($n. =ut the
dr$'e($n $s dead/ and the echoes o. $ts soc$a)
conse@uences are .ad$n" to ne")$"$%$)$ty> on the other
hand/ the .act that the automo%$)e was respons$%)e .or
the .$rst .orm o. w$de)y carr$ed photo 4D and $s thus
the pro"en$tor o. the ent$re sur'e$))ance state went
unremar&ed(upon %y Mpred$ct$'eN sc$(.$. *ome o. my
.a'or$te contemporary specu)at$'e .$ct$on $s $nstead
na&ed)y a))e"or$ca) $n $ts approach to the .utureOor
the past/ as the case may %e.
Cons$der =ruce *ter)$n"Gs The Caratids 2=antam/
2##K3/ an en'$ronmenta) techno(thr$))erO*ter)$n"
once de.$ned a techno(thr$))er as M! sc$ence .$ct$on
no'e) w$th the pres$dent $n $tNOset $n a m$d(twenty(
.$rst century $n wh$ch ")o%a) warm$n" has done $ts
catastroph$c %est to end human$ty. 5$na))y .orced to
con.ront the rea)$ty o. anthropo"en$c c)$mate chan"e/
human$ty .$??)es and .act$ons o.. $nto three warr$n"
camps, the D$spensat$on/ an !)(<orean "reen(cap$ta)$st
technocracy> the !c@u$s/ )$%ertar$an technocrats whoG))
%eta(test anyth$n" 2pre.era%)y on themse)'es3> and
Ch$na/ a technocracy %ased on the $dea that
techno)o"y can ma&e command(and(contro) systems
actua))y work/ $n contrast to the "$"ant$c mar&et .a$)ure
that destroyed the p)anet. The p)ay o. these three
$deo)o"$es ser'es as a %r$))$ant and $ns$"ht.u) cr$t$@ue o.
the contemporary approach to en'$ronmenta)
remed$at$on. *ter)$n" espec$a))y "ets the way that
techno)o"y $s a disruptor/ that $t unma&es the status
@uo o'er and o'er a"a$n/ and that a %att)e o.
techno)o"$es $s a %att)e $n wh$ch the sands ne'er stop
sh$.t$n". Cast$n" h$s ta)e $nto the .uture a))ows h$m to
$))ustrate 9ust how une'en our .oot$n" $s $n the present
dayOand the .act that the %oo& cons$sts o. humans
"ett$n" %y/ e'en "ett$n" ahead/ desp$te a)) the chaos
and de'astat$on/ ma&es The Caratids one o. the most
opt$m$st$c %oo&s 4G'e read $n recent days.
6o'$n" %ac& $n t$me/ thereGs W$))$am <$%sonGs Spook
Countr 2:en"u$n/ 2##C3/ a sc$ence .$ct$on no'e) so
.utur($st$c that <$%son set $t a year "e&ore $t was
pu%)$shed. Th$s was a %a))sy/ "en$us mo'e/ wh$ch
<$%son character$?ed as Mspecu)at$'e present$smNOa
no'e) that uses the tr$c&s o. sc$ence .$ct$on $n a
contemporary sett$n"/ te))$n" a story that re'o)'es
around techno)o"y and $ts e..ect on peop)e. <$%sonGs
prota"on$st $s 8o))$s 8enry/ a washed(up pop star who
$s wr$t$n" .or an art ma"a?$ne pu%)$shed %y a s$n$ster/
"$"ant$c :R .$rm. !n ass$"nment %r$n"s her $nto the
or%$t o. a set o. post(nat$ona) sp$es .$"ht$n" an o%scure
and '$c$ous %att)e/ w$th mot$'at$ons that are %a..)$n"
and/ e'entua))y/ wonder.u). Contrast$n" spy cra.t/
techno)o"$ca) art/ and the we$rd/ hy%r$d sem$(
"o'ernmenta) .$rm that $s character$st$c o. the twenty(
.$rst century/ th$s %oo& ma&es you .ee) )$&e you are
$ndeed )$'$n" $n the .uture/ r$"ht here $n the present.
<o .urther %ac& to Ho Wa)tonGs recent)y comp)eted
*ma)) Chan"e tr$)o"y, Farthing 2Tor/
2##I3/ 'a!penn 2Tor/ 2##J3/ and 'al& a Crown 2Tor/
2##C3/ a ser$es o. a)ternate h$story no'e)s set $n the
1n$ted P$n"dom a.ter a WW44 that ended w$th =r$ta$n
retreat$n" .rom the .ront and ced$n" Europe to the
Th$rd Re$ch $n e0chan"e .or an uneasy peace. Now that
peace $s .ractur$n"/ as .asc$st EuropeGs tota)$tar$an )o"$c
demands that a)) $ts ne$"h%ors %end to the$r ru)es/
norms/ and )awsOotherw$se the contrast wou)d ma&e
the who)e arran"ement un%eara%)e. 4. Europe $s
persecut$n" $ts Hews and a))$ed En")and $s not/ then
there $s an unreso)'a%)e co"n$t$'e d$ssonance %etween
the two states/ one that can on)y %e reso)'ed %y
En")and s)$pp$n"/ %$t %y %$t/ $nto a Mso.tN tota)$tar$an
m$rror o. Na?$ Europe. 4n th$s na&ed para%)e a%out the
eros$on o. )$%ert$es around the wor)d %rou"ht on %y
!mer$caGs War on Terror/ Wa)ton $snGt wr$t$n" a%out
the past any more than *ter)$n" $s wr$t$n" a%out the
.uture. 8er %oo&s are a re)ent)ess/ madden$n"/
$ne'$ta%)e story o. how "ood peop)e )et the$r "oodness
dr$%%)e away/ drop %y drop/ unt$) they .$nd themse)'es
ho)d$n" nooses.
*c$ence .$ct$on $s a )$terature that uses the de'$ce o.
.utur$sm to show up the presentOa t$me that $s
d$..$cu)t enou"h to "et a hand)e on. !s the pace o.
techno)o"$ca) chan"e acce)erates/ the 9o% o. the sc$ence
.$ct$on wr$ter %ecomes not harder/ %ut easierOand
more necessary. !.ter a))/ the more con.used we are %y
our contemporary techno)o"y/ the more opportun$t$es
there are to te)) stor$es that )essen that$on.

A Cos!o)oltan Lterat*re for
t'e Cos!o)oltan Web
*tand$n" $n 6e)%ourne a$rport on the day %e.ore th$s
yearGs Wor)d *c$ence 5$ct$on con'ent$on/ 4 .ound
myse). p)ay$n" the .am$)$ar road("ame &nown to a))
who tra'e) to cons, spot the .an. *omet$mes/ Mspot the
.anN $s p$tched as a pe9orat$'e/ a %$t o. .un at .ann$sh
e0pense/ a sneer a%out the .ann$sh =64/ =(O/ and
"enera) ha$r$ness. =ut there are p)enty o. peop)e who
are hea'yset/ and pract$ca))y e'eryone de%ar&$n" an
$nternat$ona) .)$"ht to 6e)%ourne $s %ound to sme)) a
)$tt)e .un&y/ and %eard(wear$n" $s hard)y un$@ue to
4. there $s one th$n" that character$?es .andom .or me/
$t $s a &$nd o. cosmopo)$tan$sm. Now/ we tend to th$n&
o. Mcosmopo)$tanN as a synonym .or MposhN or Mwe))(
tra'e))ed.N =ut thatGs not what 4 mean here, .or me/ to
%e cosmopo)$tan $s to )$'e your )$.e %y the anc$ent
sc$ence .$ct$ona) ma0$ms, M!)) )aws are )oca)N and MNo
)aw &nows how )oca) $t $s.N That $s/ the eterna) 'er$t$es
o. your cu)tureGs moment $n space and t$me are as
.)eet$n" and r$d$cu)ous as )ast yearGs w$tch(%urn$n"s/
%)ood()ett$n"/ &$n"(worsh$p/ and other assorted .orms
o. $do)atry and empty r$tua).
One o. sc$ence .$ct$onGs "reatest tr$c&s $s p)ay$n" M'ast/
coo) $nte))$"enceN and peer$n" throu"h a 6art$an
te)escope a$med Earthwards and not$c$n" 9ust how
we$rd and $rrat$ona) we a)) are. !t $ts %est/ sc$ence
.$ct$on $s a )$terature that can use the sa.e d$stance o.
an a)$en wor)d or a d$stant .uture as a $n
wh$ch a)) mores can %e ca))ed $nto @uest$onOth$n&/ .or
e0amp)e/ o. Theodore *tur"eonGs story o. the p)anet o.
enthus$ast$c $ncest(pract$t$oners/ M4. !)) 6en Were
=rothers/ Wou)d -ou Let One 6arry -our *$sterFN
pu%)$shed $n Dangerous (isions $n 1KIJ.
=eh$nd e'ery torturerGs mas&/ %eh$nd e'ery terr$%)e
crusade/ %eh$nd e'ery %oo&(%urn$n" and war(drum $s
someone who has .or"otten 2or ne'er )earned3 that a))
)aws are )oca). 5or"ett$n" that a)) )aws are )oca) $s the
u)t$mate $n hu%r$s/ and $t $s the pro'$nce o. yo&e)s and
%ump&$ns who assume that 9ust %ecause the do
someth$n" $n a part$cu)ar way/ all r$"ht(th$n&$n"
peop)e a)ways ha'e and a)ways w$)). 5or a m$)d
contemporary e0amp)e/ cons$der the TL e0ecut$'e who
%)$the)y asserts that her $ndustry $s sa.e/ %ecause no
matter what happens $n the .uture/ the ma9or$ty o. us
w$)) want to come home/ .)op down on the so.a/ and
turn on the "o"")e(%o0Odesp$te the .act that TL has
e0$sted .or )ess than a century/ a .)ash$n" eye%)$n& $n
the )on" h$story o. hom$n$ds/ most o. whom ha'e
"otten %y 9ust .$ne w$thout anesthet$?$n" themse)'es
w$th a s$tcom at the end o. a )on" day.
Wh$ch $s not to say that cosmopo)$tans donGt %e)$e'e $n
anyth$n". To %e cosmopo)$tan $s to &now that a)) )aws
are )oca)/ and to use that $nte))ectua) )$%erty to dec$de
.or yourse). what mora) code youG)) su%scr$%e to. 4t $s
the .reedom to $n'ent your own eth$cs .rom the
"round up/ &now$n" that the )ar"er soc$a) code youGre
re9ect$n" $s no more or )ess r$"ht than your ownOat
)east .rom the po$nt o. '$ew o. a 6art$an peer$n"
throu"h a not$ona) te)escope at us p$dd)$n" Earth)$n"s.
6y h$"h(schoo) roommate/ :ossum 6an/ was the 'ery
apotheos$s o. a sc$ence .$ct$on cosmopo)$tan. Educated
$n the rad$ca) 2and @u$te wonder.u)3 Wa)dor. schoo)
system/ :ossum dec$ded that @uant$tat$'e "rades and
cred$ts cheapened the )earn$n" process. *o e'en
thou"h he too& a .u)) roster o. courses/ he re9ected a))
"rades and cred$ts .or h$s 2@u$te e0ce))ent3 wor&/ and
ne'er rece$'ed a .orma) d$p)oma desp$te a )on" and
honora%)e career $n our a)ternat$'e secondary schoo).
:ossum was w$))$n" to recons$der anyth$n" and
e'eryth$n" .rom the 6art$an d$stance. One day/ he
not$ced that the $ns$des o. h$s &n$t sweaters were much
more $nterest$n" than the outs$desO%ust$n" w$th tasty
asymmetr$es and pretty )oose ends/ a topo"raphy that
was .ar more comp)e0 and chewy than the %or$n")y
re"u)ar mach$ne(made e0ter$or. 5rom that day
.orward/ he started wear$n" the sweaters $ns$de out.
2Today/ he he)ps coord$nate TorontoGs .ree schoo)/
Wh$ch %r$n"s me %ac& to spot(the(.an. Loo&$n" .or
.ans $snGt 9ust a%out )oo&$n" .or hea'yset peop)e/ or
"uys w$th %$" %eards/ or peop)e who are s)opp$)y
dressed. Loo&$n" .or .ans $s a%out )oo&$n" .or peop)e
who appear to ha'e "$'en a "reat dea) o. thou"ht to
how they dress and what theyGre do$n"/ and who ha'e/
$n the process o. app)y$n" a)) th$s thou"ht to the$r da$)y
)$'es/ conc)uded that they wou)d )$&e to %eha'e
d$..erent)y .rom the norm. 4t $s a%out spott$n" peop)e
who are dressed as they are not %ecause o. .ash$on/ nor
%ecause o. asp$rat$on/ %ut %ecause they ha'e dec$ded/
@u$te de)$%erate)y/ that th$s $s the %est th$n" .or them
to wear. 2=e.ore 4 "o on/ )et me hasten to add that
some .ans are s$mp)y %ad dressers w$th poor hy"$ene
and "room$n"O%ut thatGs hard)y the e0c)us$'e
pro'$nce o. .andom or any other su%cu)ture.3
ThereGs someth$n" com.ort$n" a%out cosmopo)$tan$sm/
espec$a))y $. you start o.. as someone whoGs a )$tt)e %$t
we$rd or o..(&$)ter. Cosmopo)$tan$sm com.orts you
w$th messa"es )$&e/ MThe head cheer)eader and the
@uarter%ac& may ru)e the schoo)/ %ut they ha'e no
more '$rtue than the peacoc& w$th the %$""est .eathers/
the "o)d.$sh w$th the %u)"$est eyes/ and $n most o. the
cu)tures that e'er e0($sted/ they wou)d %e thou"ht
u")y/ stup$d/ and r$d$cu)ous.N The hau"hty d$stance o.
cosmopo)$tan$sm )ets you a'o$d the m$sery o. the da$)y/
earth)y rea)$ty o. %e$n" a soc$a) par$ahO# ma "e a
Martian) "ut at least # can look down on all o& ou &rom
Mars and see our a"surdit &or what it is*
!nd once you start/ $tGs hard to stop. Read$n"
:attersonGs recent %$o"raphy o. Ro%ert !. 8e$n)e$n/
Learning Cur+e/ 4 was struc& %y how much .r$n"ey stu..
o)d R!8 da%%)ed $n, te)epathy/ rad$ca) po)$t$cs/
po)yamory 2or Mcompan$onate marr$a"e/N as $t was
ca))ed $n h$s day3/ nud$sm/ and a)) manner o. .unny
%us$ness/ a)) o. wh$ch $s re.)ected $n h$s %oo&s/ and a))
o. wh$ch can %e summed up w$th Ma)) )aws are )oca).N
That ta&es me to the We%/ and to MRu)e +N, M4. $t
e0$sts/ there $s porn o. $t. No e0cept$ons.N 2Char)$e
*tross has recent)y comp)eted a %oo& ca))ed ,ule -./
wh$ch sounds )$&e a hoot3. Ru)e + can %e thou"ht o. as
a &$nd o. $nd$ctment o. the We% as a cessp$t o. .rea&s/
"ee&s/ and we$rdos/ %ut seen throu"h the )ens o.
cosmopo)$tan$sm/ Ru)e + su""ests that the We% has
"$'en us a)) the .reedom to cons$der that the ru)es we
%$nd ourse)'es %y are mere)y )oca) @u$r&s/ and to ta&e
the )$%erty to turn our sweaters $ns$de out/ pract$ce
e0ot$c .orms o. 'e"etar$an$sm/ or ha'e se0 wh$)e
wear$n" "$ant anthropomorph$c an$ma) costumes.
Ru)e + %espea&s a certa$n soph$st$cat$onOa "ourmet
approach to )$.e. !s Pe'$n Pe))y po$nts out $n h$s
e0ce))ent new %oo&/ What Technolog Wants/ a
"ourmet $snGt someone who sho'e)s e'eryth$n" he can
"et ho)d o. $nto h$s "o%> rather/ $tGs someone who )oo&s
)on" and hard at a)) the a'a$)a%)e opt$ons and p$c&s the
ones he .$nds %est. Pe))yGs de.$n$t$on $s an $mportant
one/ %ecause $t pro'$des a roadmap to a soph$st$cated
approach to any product or pract$ce> .or e0amp)e/ th$s
de.$n$t$on ma&es the !m$sh $nto the wor)dGs "reatest
technoph$)e/ s$nce the a'ant("arde o. !m$sh hac&ers
try e'ery new techno)o"y/ e'a)uate whether $t .$ts we))
$nto !m$sh )$.e/ and report %ac& to the w$der
commun$ty/ who dec$de whether and how to adopt the
too) or ser'$ce %ased on what $t $s )$&e)y to do to the$r
)$'es. Wh$)e the rest o. us are "o%%)$n" up new
techno)o"$es )$&e they were D#.KK *uper =$" 6ea)s/ the
!m$sh are care.u))y twee?er$n" out the %est %$ts and
)ea'$n" the rest %eh$nd.
Ru)e +/ the !m$sh/ and .andomGs w$))$n"ness to wear
$ts sweaters $ns$de(out are the common thread runn$n"
throu"h the 21st centuryGs soc$a) trans.ormat$ons, weGre
.$nd$n" a )$.e where we ree'a)uate soc$a) norms as we
"o/ toss$n" out the ones that are empty ha%$t or worse/
and enthus$ast$ca))y adopt$n" the rema$nder %ecause
o. what $t can do .or our )$'es. That $s modern/
soph$st$cated/ "ourmet cosmopo)$tan$sm/ and $tGs e'er
so much more .un than the o)d cosmopo)$tan$smGs
o%sess$on w$th how theyGre wear$n" the$r cu..s $n :ar$s/
or whatGs on at the 6$)an opera.

W'en Lo-e Is Harder to S'ow
T'an Hate
Co)#r.'t law s set *) to )rote%t %rt%s,
w'le lea-n. fans of %reat-e wor&s o*t n
t'e %old
When a "roup o. .ans o. the Dune %oo&s rece$'ed a
copyr$"ht threat .rom the estate o. 5ran& 8er%ert/ they
too& the path o. )east res$stance, they renamed and
a)tered the$r re(creat$on o. the no'e)Gs sett$n"Oa
)o'$n" tr$%ute created $ns$de the '$rtua) wor)d o.
*econd L$.eOso that $t was no )on"er so reco"n$sa%)e
as an homa"e to 8er%ertGs c)ass$c sc$ence .$ct$on
The norma) th$n" to do here $s to ra$) at the stup$d$ty
o. the 8er%ert estate $n attac&$n" these .ans. !.ter a))/
they werenGt ta&$n" money out o. the poc&ets o. the
estate/ the chance o. trademar& d$)ut$on $n th$s case $s
$n.$n$tes$ma)/ the creators were ce)e%rat$n" and
spread$n" the$r )o'e .or the ser$es/ they are assured)y
a)) ma9or .ans and customers .or the products the
estate $s try$n" to mar&et/ the$r )$tt)e *econd L$.e re(
creat$on was o%scure and un$mportant to a)) %ut $ts
users/ and the estateGs )e"a) resources cou)d sure)y %e
%etter used $n .$nd$n" new ways to ma&e money than
$n .$nd$n" new ways to a)$enate $ts %est customers.
=ut thatGs not what th$s co)umn $s a%out. What 4 want
to as& $s/ how d$d we end up w$th a copyr$"ht )aw that
on)y protects cr$t$cs/ wh$)e )ea'$n" .ans out $n the co)dF
*ome %ac&"round, copyr$"htGs re"u)atory contours
a))ow .or many &$nds o. use w$thout perm$ss$on .rom
the copyr$"ht ho)der. 5or e0amp)e/ $. youGre wr$t$n" a
cr$t$ca) re'$ew o. a %oo&/ copyr$"ht a))ows you to
$nc)ude @uotat$ons .rom the %oo& .or the purpose o.
cr$t$c$sm. <$'$n" authors the r$"ht to choose wh$ch
cr$t$cs are a))owed to ma&e the$r po$nts w$th @uotes
.rom the or$"$na) wor& $s o%'$ous %ad po)$cy. 4tGs a
th$c&(s&$nned author $ndeed whoGd arm h$s most
de'astat$n" cr$t$cs w$th the wh$ps they need to score
h$m. The courts ha'e h$stor$ca))y a..orded s$m$)ar
)at$tude to parod$sts/ on much the same %as$s, $. youGre
en"a"ed $n the parod$ca) moc&ery o. a wor&/ $tGs a )$tt)e
much to e0pect that the wor&Gs author w$)) "$'e her
%)ess$n" to your e..orts.
The upshot o. th$s $s that youGre on much more so)$d
"round $. you want to @uote or otherw$se re.erence a
wor& .or the purposes o. ru%%$sh$n" $t than $. you are
do$n" so to ce)e%rate $t. Th$s $s one o. the most
per'erse e)ements o. copyr$"ht )aw, the rea)$ty that
)o'$n" someth$n" doesnGt any r$"ht to ma&e $t a
part o. your creat$'e )$.e.
The dama"e here $s two.o)d, .$rst/ th$s pr$'$)e"es
creat$'$ty that &noc&s th$n"s down o'er th$n"s that
%u$)d th$n"s up. The pr$'$)e"e $s rea), $n the 21st
century/ we a)) re)y on many $ntermed$ar$es .or the
pu%)$cat$on o. our wor&s/ whether $tGs -ouTu%e/ a
un$'ers$ty we% ser'er/ or a trad$t$ona) pu%)$sher or .$)m
company. When .aced w$th )e"a) threats ar$s$n" .rom
our wor&/ these ent$t$es &now that theyG'e "ot a much
stron"er case $. the wor& $n @uest$on $s cr$t$ca) than $. $t
$s ce)e%ratory. 4n the d$"$ta) era/ our creat$ons ha'e a
much %etter chance o. sur'$'$n" the $nternetGs norma)
%ac&"round rad$at$on o. )e"a) threats $. you )ea'e the
adu)at$on out and .ocus on the cr$t$c$sm. Th$s $s a
se)ect$'e .orce $n the $nternetGs med$a eco)o"y, $. you
want to start a company that )ets users rem$0 TL
shows/ youG)) .$nd $t eas$er to ra$se cap$ta) $. the .ocus $s
on ta&$n" the p$ss rather than ")or$.y$n" the
*econd/ th$s per'erse system acts as a censor o.
"enu$ne upwe))$n"s o. creat$'$ty that are worthy $n
the$r own r$"ht/ mere)y %ecause they are $nsp$red %y
another wor&. 4tGs $n the nature o. %e)o'ed wor&s that
they %ecome $n"ra$ned $n our th$n&$n"/ %ecome part o.
our creat$'e shorthand/ and %ecome part o. our '$sua)
'oca%u)ary. 4tGs no surpr$se/ then/ that aud$ences are
mo'ed to an$mate the characters that ha'e ta&en up
res$dence $n the$r heads a.ter read$n" our %oo&s and
see$n" our mo'$es. The ce)e%rated !mer$can sc$ence(
.$ct$on wr$ter *te'en =rust produced a .antast$c/ .u))(
)en"th no'e)/ M Own Kind o& Freedom/ $nsp$red %y the
te)e'$s$on show Fire&l. =rust d$dnGtOand pro%a%)y
canGtOrece$'e any money .or th$s wor&/ %ut he wrote $t
anyway/ %ecause/ he says/ M4 cou)dnGt he)p myse)..N
=rust c$rcu)ated h$s %oo& .or .ree and was )uc&y
enou"h that Hoss Whedon/ Fire&l!s creator/ d$dnGt see
.$t to %r$n" )e"a) act$on a"a$nst h$m.
=ut $. he had %een sued/ =rust wou)d ha'e %een on
much stron"er "rounds $. h$s no'e) had %een a sa'a"e
parody that underm$ned e'eryth$n" Whedon had
made $n Fire&l. The .act that =rust wrote h$s %oo&
%ecause he )o'ed WhedonGs wor& wou)d ha'e %een a
mar& a"a$nst h$m $n court.
Th$s $snGt a p)ea .or un)$m$ted )$cence to commerc$a))y
e0p)o$t the creat$ons o. others. 4tGs .$tt$n" that
commerc$a) $nterests who p)an on ma&$n" new wor&s
.rom yours see& your perm$ss$on under the
appropr$ate c$rcumstances. Nor $s th$s a p)ea to
e)$m$nate the '$ta) a$d to .ree e0press$on that we .$nd $n
copyr$"ht e0cept$ons that protect cr$t$c$sm.
Rather/ $tGs a '$s$on o. copyr$"ht that says that .ann$sh
ce)e%rat$onOthe noncommerc$a)/ cu)tura) rea)m o.
e0press$on and creat$'$ty that has a)ways accompan$ed
commerc$a) art/ %ut on)y )ate)y atta$ned easy '$s$%$)$ty
than&s to the $nternetOshou)d "et protect$on/ too.
That once an art$st has put the$r wor&s $n our head/
made them part o. our )$'es/ we shou)d %e a%)e to )$'e
those )$'es.

T'n& L&e a Dandelon
Re"u)ar Locus readers w$)) ha'e noted a recent .ront(
o.(the(%oo& $tem a%out my recent <ood News/ a )$tt)e
dau"hter named :oesy/ %orn to us on 5e%ruary +/ 2##C.
Th$s .eat o. nanoen"$neer$n"Omost)y accomp)$shed %y
my !)$ce/ w$th 2+ chromosomesG worth o.
pro"ramm$n" ass$stance .rom yours tru)yOhas "ot me
th$n&$n" a%out reproduct$on/ e'en more than usua).
6amma)s $n'est a )ot o. ener"y $n &eep$n" trac& o. the
d$spos$t$on o. each copy we spawn. 4tGs on)y natura)/ o.
course, we $n'est so much ener"y and so many
resources $n our o..spr$n" that $t wou)d %e a shoc&$n"
waste $. they were to wander away and .a)) o.. the
%a)cony or .)ush themse)'es down the "ar%a"e
d$sposa). WeGre hard(w$red/ as mamma)s/ to '$ew th$s
&$nd o. m$s.ortune as a mora) tra"edy/ a mass$'e
trauma to our psyches so deep that some o. us ne'er
reco'er .rom $t.
4t .o))ows natura))y that we $n'est a )ot o. $mportance
$n the $nd$'$dua) d$spos$t$on o. e'ery copy o. our
art$st$c wor&s as we))/ wr$n"$n" our hands o'er Mnot .or
resa)eN ad'ance re'$ew cop$es that show up on !ma?on
and tu""$n" our %eards at the thou"ht o. <oo")e
ma&$n" a scan o. our %oo&s $n order to $nde0 them .or
searchers. !nd wh$)e pr$nt$n" a %oo& doesnGt ta&e
near)y as much out o. us as "row$n" a %a%y/ thereGs no
"ett$n" around the .act that e'ery copy pr$nted $s
money spent/ and e'ery copy so)d w$thout %e$n"
accounted .or $s money ta&en away .rom us.
There are other or"an$sms w$th other reproduct$'e
strate"$es. Ta&e the dande)$on, a s$n")e dande)$on may
produce 2/### seeds per year/ $nd$scr$m$nate)y .$r$n"
them o.. $nto the s&y at the s)$"htest %ree?e/ w$thout
any care .or where the seeds are head$n" and whether
theyG)) "et an hosp$ta%)e recept$on when they touch
!nd $ndeed/ most o. those thousands o. seeds w$))
)$&e)y .a)) on hard/ uny$e)d$n" pa'ement/ there to )$e
.a))ow and unconsummated/ a .a$)ure $n the "enet$c
race to sur'$'e and copy.
=ut the d$spos$t$on o. eachOor e'en mostOo. the
seeds arenGt the $mportant th$n"/ .rom a dande)$onGs
po$nt o. '$ew. The $mportant th$n" $s that e'ery spr$n"/
e+er crack in e+er pa+ement is &illed with dandelions.
The dande)$on doesnGt want to nurse a s$n")e prec$ous
copy o. $tse). $n the hopes that $t w$)) )ea'e the nest and
care.u))y na'$"ate $ts way to the opt$mum "row$n"
en'$ronment/ there to perpetuate the )$ne. The
dande)$on 9ust wants to %e sure that e'ery s$n")e
opportun$ty .or reproduct$on $s e0p)o$tedE
Dande)$ons and art$sts ha'e a )ot $n common $n the a"e
o. the $nternet. Th$s $s/ o. course/ the a"e o. un)$m$ted/
?ero(mar"$na)(cost copy$n". 4. you %)ow your wor&s
$nto the net )$&e a dande)$on c)oc& on the %ree?e/ the
net $tse). w$)) ta&e care o. the copy$n" costs. -our .ans
w$)) paste(%om% your wor&s $nto the$r ma$)$n" )$sts/
ma&$n" I#/### cop$es so .ast and so cheap)y that
.$"ur$n" out how much $t cost $n a""re"ate to ma&e a))
those cop$es wou)d %e orders o. ma"n$tude more
e0pens$'e than the cop$es themse)'es.
WhatGs more/ the w$nds o. the $nternet w$)) toss your
wor&s to e'ery corner o. the ")o%e/ see&$n" out e'ery
.ert$)e home that they may ha'eO"$'en enou"h t$me
and the r$"ht wor&/ your stu.. cou)d someday .$nd $ts
way o'er the transom o. e'ery reader who wou)d .$nd
$t "ood and p)eas$n". !.ter a))/ the ma9or$ty o. )$n&s
%etween %)o"s ha'e %een made to or .rom %)o"s w$th
.our or .ewer $n%ound )$n&s $n tota)Othat means that
the $nternet has .$"ured out a cost(e..ect$'e means o.
he)p$n" aud$ences o. three people d$sco'er the wr$ters
they shou)d %e read$n".
*o/ )etGs st$pu)ate that you want to reproduce )$&e a
dande)$on and )ea'e mamma)dom %eh$nd. 8ow do you
do $tF
There are two cr$t$ca) success .actors .or
1. -our wor& needs to %e easil cop$ed/ to anwhere
whence $t m$"ht .$nd $ts way $nto the r$"ht hands. That
means that the n$m%)e te0t(.$)e/ 8T6L .$)e/ and :D5
2the pre.erred tr$um'$rate o. .ormats3 shou)d %e
d$str$%uted w$thout .orma)$tyOno )o"$ns/ no ema$)
address co))ect$ons/ and w$th a )$cense that a))ows your
.ans to reproduce the wor& on the$r own $n order to
share $t w$th more potent$a) .ans. Remem%er/ copy$n"
$s a cost/centerO$ns$st$n" that a)) cop$es must %e
down)oaded .rom your s$te and on)y your s$te $s
$ns$st$n" that youOand on)y youOw$)) %ear the cost o.
ma&$n" those cop$es. *ure/ ha'$n" a s$n")e/ centra)
repos$tory .or your wor&s ma&es $t eas$er to count
cop$es and .$"ure out where theyGre "o$n"/ %ut
remem%er, dande)$ons donGt &eep trac& o. the$r seeds.
Once you "et past the 'an$ty o. &now$n" e0act)y how
many cop$es ha'e %een made/ and .$nd the ?en o.
&now$n" that the copy$n" w$)) ta&e care o. $tse)./ youG))
atta$n dande)$ones@ue contentment.
2. Once your wor& "ets $nto the r$"ht hands/ there
needs to %e an easy way to consummate the
re)at$onsh$p. ! .r$end who runs a sma)) press recent)y
wrote to me to as& $. 4 thou"ht he shou)d re)ease h$s
ne0t %oo& as a Creat$'e Commons .ree down)oad $n
ad'ance o. the pu%)$cat$on/ $n order to drum up some
pu%)$c$ty %e.ore the %oo& went on sa)e.
4 e0p)a$ned that 4 thou"ht th$s wou)d %e a rea))y "ad
idea. 4nternet users ha'e short attent$on spans. The
moment o. consummat$onOthe moment when a
reader d$sco'ers your %oo& on)$ne/ starts to read $t/ and
th$n&s/ huh/ 4 shou)d %uy a copy o. th$s %oo&O$s 'ery
%r$e.. ThatGs %ecause M4 shou)d %uy a copy o. th$s %oo&N
$s $ne'$ta%)y .o))owed %y/ MWoah/ a youtu%e o. a man
putt$n" a )emon $n h$s noseEN and the moment/ as they
say/ $s "one.
4 &now th$s .or a .act. 4 re'$ew a )ot o. %oo&s on =o$n"
=o$n"/ and whene'er 4 do/ 4 )$n& to the !ma?on pa"e
.or the %oo&/ us$n" my Ma..$)$ate 4DN $n the 1RL. 4. you
.o))ow one o. those )$n&s and %uy the %oo&/ 4 "et a
comm$ss$onOa%out e$"ht percent. 4 can use !ma?onGs
report$n" too) to te)) e0act)y how many peop)e c)$c& on
my )$n&s/ and how many o. them she)) out money .or
the %oo&/ and hereGs the th$n", when 4 )$n& to a %oo&
thatGs out soon/ a'a$)a%)e now .or pre(order/ 4 re)$a%)y
"et )ess than ten percent o. the purchases 4 "et when 4
)$n& to %oo&s that are a'a$)a%)e .or sa)e now. N$ne out
o. ten =o$n" =o$n" readers who %uy %oo&s %ased on
my re'$ews donGt want to pre(order a t$t)e and wa$t .or
$t to show up )ater.
The net $s an unend$n" NOW o. moments and
d$stract$ons and wonderments and pu??)ements and
ra"es. !s&$n" someone r$d$n" $ts currents to underta&e
some &$nd o. comp)e0 dance %e.ore she can hand you
her money $s a )os$n" propos$t$on. 1ser($nter.ace
des$"ners spea& o. how e'ery add$t$ona) c)$c& %etween
thou"ht and deed )ops a hu"e num%er o. seeds out o.
the runn$n" .or "erm$nat$on.
4n my ne0t co)umn/ M6acropayments/N 4G)) wr$te more
a%out th$s consummat$'e act/ .or th$s $s the &ey to
endur$n" success as a dande)$on. 8ereGs the "$st,
e0pend )ess e..ort try$n" to ensure that sma)) sums o.
money are e0tracted .rom your .ans .or $nd$'$dua)
cop$es o. your wor&/ and .ocus $nstead on "ett$n"
)ar"er payouts/ ma&$n" each "erm$nat$on count .or
someth$n" more than a %uc&Gs roya)t$es.

D.tal L%ensn.( Do It Yo*rself
When someone wants to )$cense your art/ characters/
photos/ art$c)es/ or mus$c/ how does $t sha&e outF
Chances are that these ne"ot$at$ons $n'o)'e e0pens$'e
)awyers on %oth s$des o. the dea).
4. youGre runn$n" an en)$"htened company/ you m$"ht
ha'e a Creat$'e Commons )$cense han"$n" out there
.or non(commerc$a)/ M.ann$shN uses. 2Creat$'e
Commons pu%)$shes a su$te o. w$de)y adopted )$censes
that a))ow r$"hts(ho)ders to re)ease the$r wor& .or
shar$n"/ rem$0$n"/ etc.3
=ut somewhere %etween Creat$'e Commons and .u))(
%)own/ )awyer)y )$cense ne"ot$at$on $s a r$ch/ untapped
source o. $ncome .or creat$'e peop)e and .$rms w$th
port.o)$os o. $con$c mater$a). To cash $n/ you 9ust need
the coura"e to )et "o o. a )$tt)e contro).
Read on...
How We Got Here
=e.ore Creat$'e Commons/ there were )awyers. 4. 4
wanted to ma&e a 6$c&ey 6ouse ear(wa0 scraper 2such
a th$n" does e0$st/ and 4 once )ost an e=ay auct$on .or
$t3/ 4Gd need to h$re a )awyer who was su..$c$ent)y h$"h(
powered to "et D$sneyGs )awyers to return h$s ca))s.
!.ter se'era) thousand do))ars worth o. p$tch$n" and
dra.t$n" and ar"u$n"/ 4Gd "et my )$cense and cou)d "o
%ac& to my .actory and start cran&$n" out my own
spec$a) %rand o. cute and hy"$en$c de'$ces. :resum$n"/
o. course/ that D$sney was w$))$n" to "rant me the
)$cense at a)).
Th$s approach wor&s reasona%)y we)) .or certa$n &$nds
o. products and ser'$ces. Wh$)e 4Gm sure =ayer wou)d not to &eep a coup)e o. )awyers on hand to
ne"ot$ate w$th 8anna(=ar%era e'ery t$me $t wants to
chan"e the pac&a"$n" on 5)$ntstones L$tam$ns/ $tGs not
a "reat hardsh$p to ha'e them on sta...
=us$nesses )$&e =ayer &now how to ta)& to %us$nesses
)$&e 8anna(=ar%era, !n e)ectr$c$an m$"ht say that they
were M$mpedance(matchedNOthat $s/ they spea& the
same )an"ua"e/ emp)oy the same protoco)s/ and ha'e
the same %ase assumpt$ons a%out how the wor)d
shou)d wor&.
=e.ore the $nternet/ th$s state o. a..a$rs was/ %road)y
spea&$n"/ su..$c$ent. 4. there was such a th$n" as a
Mmom(and(pop '$tam$n manu.acturer/N they pro%a%)y
wou)dnGt %e so chee&y as to produce the$r own
unauthor$?ed 5)$ntstones L$tam$ns/ and $. they d$d/
theyGd e$ther %e so o%scure as to escape not$ce and
commerc$a) success/ or theyGd r$se to the )e'e) o.
corporate not$ce %y =ayer or 8anna(=ar%era/ who
wou)d crush them $nto paste.
!.ter the $nternet/ $t sudden)y %ecame poss$%)e to %e,
! mom(and(pop/ hand(cra.ted &$nd o.
producer> who
E0pected to %e a%)e to use trademar&s and
copyr$"hts> and
Who rose to the attent$on o. )ots o. peop)e> %ut
D$dnGt ha'e any money/ )awyers/ or e'en
Th$s was a "enu$ne)y no'e) s$tuat$on. 5ans whose .an(
.$ct$on stor$es had .ormer)y reached sma)) "roups o.
.r$ends now reached potent$a))y gigantic "roups o.
.r$ends. They were '$s$%)e to search(en"$nes 2and hence
r$"hts(ho)ders3. !nd/ techn$ca))y/ they were )$a%)e .or
enormous statutory dama"es that had %een put $n
p)ace to deter r$'a) med$a compan$es and
manu.acturers %y putt$n" a )$tt)e st$n" $nto the$r
pun$shmentO%ut that )$tt)e st$n" was a de'astat$n"
%)ow when app)$ed to $nd$'$dua)s.
Enter Creat$'e Commons...
Creat-e Co!!ons
!s a non(pro.$t "roup that pro'$des se'era) &$nds o.
)e"a) )$cens$n" a"reements .or use %y content creators/
Creat$'e Commons ser'es an $mportant purpose .or
todayGs Net cu)ture.
*$nce 2##1/ Creat$'e Commons has d$str$%uted these
)$censes .or .ree to creators a)) o'er the wor)d/
underta&$n" the 8ercu)ean tas& o. ma&$n" the )$censes
%$nd$n" $n do?ens o. )e"a) systems.
Commons )$censes are c)ean/ standard$?ed/ un$'ersa)
)$censes that )ay out s$mp)e ru)es(o.(the(road .or
Mdo$n" cu)ture.N They a))ow r$"hts(ho)ders to c)ear)y
commun$cate a set o. perm$ss$%)e uses .or the$r wor&s
that are o..ered to a)) and sundry.
5or e0amp)e/ Creat$'e Commons )$censes a))ow you to
ta&e my no'e)s and copy them/ share them/ trans)ate
them/ re.ormat them/ ma&e new wor&s out o. them
)$&e mo'$es and p)aysOpro'$ded that you do so non(
commerc$a))y. 4. youGre ma&$n" money at th$s/ you
ha'e to come and "et a )$cense.
4t wor&s "reat. 6y %oo&s are pu%)$shed %y rea)/ %r$c&(
and(mortar pu%)$shers who st$c& rea)/ reasona%)y
pr$ced )umps o. paper $n rea)/ we))()$t stores/ where
they chan"e hands .or rea) money. 6y .ans/
meanwh$)e/ are empowered to do pract$ca))y any non(
commerc$a) th$n" w$th the %oo&s that they want, P$ds
ma&e short mo'$es .or schoo) ass$"nments> adu)ts
trans)ate $nto .ore$"n )an"ua"es to hone the$r )an"ua"e
s&$))s> art$sts do draw$n"s and pa$nt$n"s .or the )o'e o.
$t. :eop)e podcast Gem/ ema$) them to .r$ends/ and
otherw$se ha'e a "ood t$me/ a)) the wh$)e "enerat$n"
the mar&et .or those phys$ca) %oo&s.
*o .ar/ so "ood.
6*estons of Co!!er%e
The $nternet $snGt 9ust .u)) o. noncommerc$a) .ans and
commerc$a) art$sts/ thou"h.
ThereGs a who)e cont$nuum o. product$on that the
$nternet has en"endered/ and @u$te a )ot o. $t $n'o)'es
money chan"$n" handsOsometh$n" Creat$'e
Commons $snGt @u$te e@u$pped to cope w$th.
Ta&e Etsy/ .or e0amp)e/ wh$ch $s amon" my .a'or$te
p)aces $n the ent$re noosphere, 4tGs )$&e e=ay .or
cra.ters. 4tGs .$))ed w$th $nnumera%)e creators who
ma&e phys$ca) o%9ects and them .or sa)e.
What &$nd o. phys$ca) o%9ectsF
What &$nd wou)d you )$&eF
Hewe)ry/ c)othes/ toys/ %oo&s/ scu)pture/ pa$nt$n"/ "ame
contro))ers/ hand(too)ed &ey%oards/ mas&s/ .ur(
n$sh$n"s/ ta%)eware/ co))a"e/ draw$n"s/ p$cture .rames/
mus$ca) $nstruments/ too)sOe'ery $ma"$na%)e product
o. the cunn$n" art$.$cerGs wor&shop. 4tGs )$&e the O)de
Cur$os$ty *hoppe/ come to '$rtua) )$.e and e0panded to
$n.$n$te s$?e throu"h se'era) spat$a) and tempora)
!nd $tGs 9ust a corner o. the maker+erse. 5rom ed"e to
ed"e/ the Net $s .$))ed w$th creators o. e'ery $ma"$na%)e
tchotch&eOand @u$te a )ot o. them are .or sa)e.
!nd @u$te a )ot o. that $s $))e"a).
ThatGs %ecause cu)ture $snGt a)ways non(commerc$a).
!)) around the phys$ca) wor)d/ you can .$nd mar&ets
where cra.tspeop)e turn .am$)$ar $tems .rom one rea)m
o. commerce $nto hand$cra.ts so)d $n another rea)m.
4 ha'e a car'ed wooden Co&e %ott)e .rom 1"anda/ a
6$c&ey 6ouse &$te .rom Ch$)e/ a set o. hand(pa$nted
P4** matr$osh&es .rom Russ$a. Th$s/ too/ $s a )e"$t$mate
.orm o. commerce/ and the .act that the '$))a"er who
car'ed my Co&e %ott)e was $mpedance(m$smatched
w$th Co&e and d$dnGt send a )awyer to !t)anta to "et a
)$cense %e.ore he started car'$n" $snGt a pro%)em .or
h$m/ %ecause Co&e canGt and wonGt en.orce a"a$nst
car'ers $n sma)) sta))s $n mar&etp)aces $n war(torn
!.r$can nat$ons.
4. on)y th$s were true .or cra.ters on the Net. Thou"h
they dep)oy the same cu)tura) 'oca%u)ary as the$r
de'e)op$n"(wor)d counterparts .or much the same
reason 2$tGs the same reason Warho) used Camp%e))Gs
soup cans3/ they donGt ha'e o%scur$ty on the$r s$de.
They )$'e %y the dou%)e(ed"ed sword o. the search(
en"$ne, The same too) that ena%)es the$r customers to
.$nd them a)so ena%)es r$"hts(ho)ders to d$sco'er them
and shut them down.
4t doesnGt ha'e to %e th$s way.
T'e Alternat-e
Creat$'e Commons wor&s %ecause a)) you ha'e to do to
M)$censeN a wor& .or re(use $s to .o))ow and )$n& and
read three or .our %u))et po$nts.
4t $s impedance/matched w$th Net cu)ture.
Lawyer()$cens$n" doesnGt wor& .or ma&ers/ %ecause
h$r$n" a )awyer to d$sco'er $. you can net DB se))$n"
three D2C t(sh$rts $s not cost e..ect$'e. E'en assum$n"
you can "et the )$cense/ youGd ha'e to ra$se the cost o.
the t(sh$rt to DB# to co'er the )awyer(t$me $ncurred $n
"ett$n" $t.
What wou)d an $mpedance(matched )$cens$n" re"$me
)oo& )$&e .or ma&ersF ! )ot )$&e Creat$'e Commons.
8ereGs one mode), 4ma"$ne $. you $nc)uded the
.o))ow$n" te0t a)on"s$de a)) your )o"os/ )$terature/
photos/ and artwor&,
M-ou are .ree to use the '$sua)/ te0tua)/ and aud$o'$sua)
e)ements o. th$s wor& $n commerc$a) pro9ects/ pro'$ded
that you rem$t 2# percent o. the "ross $ncome ar$s$n"
.rom your sa)es to doctorow@paypa).com. -ou are
re@u$red to rem$t these .unds on a @uarter)y %as$s/ or
on an annua) %as$s where the tota) ow$n" $s )ess than
ThatGs $t. 5or e0tra e..ect/ put $t on a We%pa"e w$th
down)oada%)e h$"h(reso)ut$on artwor&/ source '$deos/
+D meshesOwhate'er the pre.erred .orm o. a wor& .or
mod$.$cat$on m$"ht %e.
Oh/ you cou)d h$re a )awyer to tart $t up a )$tt)e. ThereGs
pro%a%)y a %us$ness $n th$s .or someone who wants to
.ound a .$rm de'oted to .$ne(tun$n" the )an"ua"e to
ensure $t wor&s $n mu)t$p)e 9ur$sd$ct$ons and who
wants to act as a payment c)ear$n" house.
=ut the po$nt o. th$s )$cense $s that $t $s pr$mar$)y
normati+eOthat $s/ $tGs a d$scuss$on %etween two
c$'$)$ans 2you and some potent$a) cra.ter3 a%out some
reasona%)e ru)es o. the road.
Comp)e0$ty $s your enemy here. Two or three
sentences are a)) you want/ so that the $dea can %e
a%sor%ed $n 1# seconds %y a ma&er at three $n the
morn$n" 9ust as she em%ar&s on an $nsp$red @uest to
scu)pt a +D 'ers$on .rom your )o"o us$n" .)attened pop(
The secret to s$mp)$c$ty here $s $n the )$cense .ee/ the
payment schedu)e/ and the en.orcement re"$me.
T'e Self1Ser-e Dfferen%e
! )awyer)y )$cense usua))y "enerates a .a$r)y sma)) per(
un$t roya)ty on a )ot o. sa)esOsay/ B to 1# percentOand
$s .ront()oaded w$th an $n$t$a) payment. =y char"$n" a
much h$"her per(un$t roya)ty and wa$'$n" the up.ront
.ee/ a ma&er can ta&e your )$cense on w$th a)most no
8e can/ .or $nstance/ scu)pt a steampun& assem%)a"e o.
your mascot and s$mp)y ra$se the pr$ce on the .$na)
$tem a )$tt)e to co'er part o. your cut. 8e st$)) carr$es
the usua) r$s& assoc$ated w$th ma&$n" art w$thout
ha'$n" a %uyer )$ned up $n ad'ance/ %ut he doesnGt
ha'e to worry that a.ter .$n$sh$n" $t/ youG)) come a)on"
and threaten h$m w$th a )awsu$t.
8ow do you en.orce th$s )$censeF -ou donGt.
Or rather/ you do/ %ut on)y when $tGs worth $t. Chances
are youGre not en.orc$n" a"a$nst most o. the )$tt)e "uys
these days/ %ecause you ha'enGt heard o. most o. them
Oand when your )awyers send threaten$n" )etters to
%e)o'ed Etsy se))ers who want to ce)e%rate your
products/ $t ma&es you )oo& )$&e a "oon.
4. youGre sane and smart/ you sa'e your en.orcement
e..orts .or the =$" <uys/ peop)e who are c)ear)y )$'$n"
%eyond the hand(to(mouth e0$stence o. a cotta"e
cra.ter/ .$rms that )$st a %unch o. re"$ona) d$str$%utors/
and so .orth.
*e).(ser'e )$cense en.orcement wor&s e0act)y the same
way. -ou assume that most peop)e are honest and
want to do the r$"ht th$n" 2a surpr$s$n" num%er o.
peop)e are/ espec$a))y when the r$"ht th$n" $s easy and
$mpedance(matched3. When you .$nd )$tt)e penny(ante
ch$se)ers ma&$n" out )$&e %and$ts/ $"nore them. There
are on)y so many hours $n the day/ and youGre %etter o..
spend$n" them ensur$n" that e'eryone who wants to
pay you can/ rather than wast$n" your t$me ensur$n"
that e'eryone who uses your stu.. pays.
When you .$nd the %$" operators/ you pay )awyers to
threaten them/ 9ust as you do now.
The on)y d$..erence $s that honest peop)e ha'e a way to
pay you that ma&es sense .or you/ and sense .or them.
ThereGs one other d$..erence %etween )awyer)y and se).(
ser'e )$cens$n", =y a))ow$n" a much w$der d$'ers$ty o.
author$?ed products to e0$st than cou)d poss$%)y
.)our$sh under a top(down/ command(and(contro)
re"$me/ you "et a .ree way to d$sco'er the
opportun$t$es that ne'er occurred to you.
E'ery cra.ter %ecomes your researcher/ %ear$n" a)) the
costs o. mar&et(test$n" e'ery conce$'a%)e 'ar$at$on on
your product. When someth$n" starts to rea))y se))/ you
can %r$n" the cra.ter $n(house %y %r$n"$n" out the
)awyers and ne"ot$at$n" a cheaper )$cense .or her that
"$'es you more d$rect contro) o'er the product$on and
A B*lt1In F*t*re
=ut what a%out the %rand/ the trademar&/ the a)m$"hty
The %rand $s easy. !dd a cond$t$on to your )$cense,
M!s a cond$t$on o. th$s )$cense/ your wor& must
prom$nent)y %ear the *EL5(*ERLE L4CEN*4N< )o"o
and the words, T84* WORP 4* CRE!TED 1NDER
T8E OR4<4N!L CRE!TOR* 5RO6 W84C8 T84* 4*
4T/ T8O1<8 T8E- !RE CO6:EN*!TED 5OR 4T*
ThatGs the who)e proposa), two para"raphs o. s$mp)e/
p)a$n()an"ua"e te0t and a )$tt)e/ eas$)y reco"n$?a%)e
)o"o/ and youGd "et yourse). a who)e wor)d o. cheap
and easy )$cens$n" that wou)d turn yesterdayGs p$rates
$nto tomorrowGs partners.
Th$s has the neat e..ect o. sat$s.y$n" the trademar&
@uest$on/ too, Not$ces )$&e th$s preser'e the $nte"r$ty o.
the trademar&/ ensur$n" that customers are
cont$nuous)y not$.$ed a%out the re)at$onsh$p o. your
mar&s and your author$?at$on/ protect$n" you .rom
)e"a) d$)ut$on.
4tGs $ne'$ta%)e that some 9un& w$)) emer"e .rom th$s
stu../ some o. wh$ch w$)) em%arrass you. =ut Creat$'e
Commons showed that cu)tura) and commerc$a)
cu)ture cou)d e0$st a)on"s$de one another> a se).(ser'e
)$cens$n" system a$med at %r$n"$n" Creat$'e Commons
to commerc$a) transact$ons shows that art$sans and
commerce can en9oy the same mutua))y %ene.$c$a)

New Yor&, +eet Sl%on 7alle#
ThereGs no pro"ress to report on the short story
co))ect$on th$s month/ %eyond a &ey )esson a%out %e$n"
the wr$ter and pu%)$sher o. a %oo&Owhen Mthe wr$terN
"oes on a %oo& tour/ Mthe pu%)$sherN doesnGt "et to do
product$on wor&.
!s 4 noted $n )ast monthGs co)umn/ ear)y t$me()$ne s)$ps
$n the product$on process .or With a Little 'elp pushed
me $nto the t$me that 4Gd earmar&ed .or a tour .or my
Mrea)N pu%)$shers 2Tor Teen and 8arper 1.P.3
support$n" my most recent no'e)/ For the Win. O.
course/ that )esson $s 9ust the &$nd o. th$n" 4 set out to
)earn when 4 started th$s pro9ect, wh$ch parts o. the
process can %e hand)ed %y moderate)y %us$ness(sa''y/
product$'e wr$ters/ and wh$ch parts need pu%)$shers/
pac&a"ers/ mana"ers/ and other he)pers .or.
The %roader prem$se o. my e0per$ment/ o. course/ $s
that the $nternet chan"es th$n"s. *pec$.$ca))y/ the
$nternet ma&es $t cheaper to coord$nate comp)e0 tas&s
than e'er %e.ore. Th$s $s the re'o)ut$onary th$n" a%out
$n.ormat$on techno)o"y, $t can automate coord$nat$on/
ena%)$n" th$n"s that used to %e e0pens$'e and comp)e0
to %e cheap and s$mp)e. The other th$n" techno)o"y
ma&es cheap $s e0per$mentat$on. ThatGs the spec$a)
"en$us o. 4T(%ased pro9ects, you can .a$) cheap.
Loo& at $t th$s way, start$n" a ma"a?$ne $s hard. 4t costs
money. 6a"a?$ne .ounders mort"a"e the$r houses/
con'$nce the$r .r$ends to @u$t the$r 9o%s and mo'e
across the country/ pr$nt )etterhead/ .e)) trees/ pu)p
them/ and co'er them w$th to0$c/ hea'y meta)R%ased
$n&s. 4tGs the &$nd o. th$n" you want to %e rea))y sure
a%out %e.ore you ta&e $t on. 4. JB^ o. the peop)e who
attempted to start a ma"a?$ne a%andoned the 'enture
$n a .ew wee&s/ $t wou)d represent a tremendous waste
o. t$me and money.
=y contrast/ most peop)e who start %)o""er or Tw$tter
accounts may 'ery we)) a%andon them. =ut start$n" up
a %)o""er or Tw$tter account ta&es a%out .$'e m$nutes.
!nd they cost noth$n". 4tGs the &$nd o. th$n" you can
e0per$ment w$th $n your spare e'en$n"s/ a.ter the &$ds
are $n %ed/ and the &$nd you can .a$) at w$thout )os$n"
Too Cheap to Fail
#t!s a good thing that #T makes &ailure so cheap) "ecause
#T also creates a range o& possi"le &utures so large that
it!s almost impossi"le to guess right a"out which
direction to tr &irst* Success&ul #T inno+ation is almost
ne+er a matter o& accuratel predicting the &uture and
then "uilding the "usiness that &uture demands*
Success&ul #T inno+ation looks more like this1
Once upon a t$me/ two n$ce .o)&s started a company
that made <ame Ne'erend$n"/ a wh$ms$ca)/
mu)t$p)ayer 5)ash "ame. They "ot a %unch o.
$nterest$n" peop)e on the$r ad'$sory %oard and on the$r
a)pha and %eta(test teams. ! sma)) s@uad o. ded$cated/
$n(house pro"rammers a'$d)y watched what the$r
p)ayers d$d/ around the c)oc&/ and they chan"ed the
"ame o.ten/ somet$mes as o.ten as e'ery +# m$nutes/
add$n"/ remo'$n"/ or twea&$n" .eatures/ and watch$n"
the p)ayersG react$ons.
One w$)d)y popu)ar .eature r$"ht o.. the %at was an
$ma"e(shar$n" system that )et p)ayers show the$r
.r$ends p$ctures they too& or .ound. 8ereGs my c)a$m to
.ame, 4 as&ed .or th$s .eature/ %ecause the woman 4 was
dat$n" )$'ed $n London/ and 4 )$'ed K/### m$)es away $n
*an 5ranc$sco/ and $t was too cum%ersome to share
p$ctures .rom our days %y ema$).
!s the <ame Ne'erend$n" team &ept twea&$n" that
$ma"e(shar$n" .eature/ the p)ayers went nuts w$th $t/
creat$n" a .eed%ac& )oop that e'entua))y )ed to the
$ma"e(shar$n" .eature ta&$n" o'er the "ame ent$re)y.
<ame Ne'erend$n" ended. =ut the product )$'ed on/
and $t was renamed 5)$c&r. 2!nd/ %y the way/ 4Gm now
marr$ed to the woman/ we ha'e a dau"hter/ and we
)$'e $n London.3
Wr$ters &now how th$s process wor&s/ too. -ou start
w$th an $dea .or a %oo&. -ou ro)) $t around $n your
m$nd. -ou M%eta(testN $t on your .r$ends/ p$tch $t to
your ed$tor and a"ent. !nd e'ery t$me you descr$%e $t/
$t chan"es a )$tt)e %ased on what you )earned the )ast
t$me you ta)&ed a%out $t. 4t costs noth$n" to chan"e the
way you descr$%e your none0$stent %oo&. !nd/
$terat$on %y $terat$on/ your &erne) o. an $dea
"erm$nates $nto someth$n" that youGd ne'er ha'e
pred$cted when you sat .$rst sat down to wr$te.
On the other hand/ no sane wr$ter wou)d dream o.
recast$n" her %oo& as a comp)ete)y d$..erent pro9ect
a.ter $tGs %een turned $n/ "one o.. .or copyed$t$n"/ and
%een put $nto product$on. ThatGs when
e0per$mentat$on "oes .rom cheap to e0pens$'e. ThatGs
when you start )earn$n" the hard way.
Th$s mar&s a &ey d$..erence %etween New -or&
pu%)$sh$n" and *$)$con La))ey. 1n)$&e New -or&
pu%)$sh$n"/ *$)$con La))eyGs products rema$n
e0per$menta) )on" a.ter they reach the mar&etp)ace.
<oo")e can chan"e $ts search )ayout $n seconds .)at/ try
$t out on a m$))$on searchers/ crunch the data/ re'$se
the e0per$ment/ and do $t a"a$n/ a hundred t$mes a day
$. they w$sh. !nd %ad $deas can %e 9ust as $nterest$n" as
"ood $deas/ %ecause when $t doesnGt cost anyth$n" to
.$nd out how %ad an $dea $s/ you can a..ord to %e
p)easant)y and enormous)y surpr$sed when $t turns out
that/ say/ peop)e rea))y do want to p)ay :ac(6an on
the$r search(resu)ts pa"e.
4 cons$der With a Little 'elp to %e a *$)$con La))ey
e0per$ment. 6y up.ront costs are m$n$ma). 4G'e spent
D2/2BI "ett$n" $nto product$on/ and ta&en $n a%out
D1/## $n payments. 4G)) pro%a%)y spend another D2##R
D+## %e.ore 4 sh$p/ and thatGs the )ast money 4 shou)d
ha'e to spend w$thout ta&$n" $n money .$rst, e'ery
t$me someone %uys an on(demand %oo& .rom Lu)u/ 4G))
"et pa$d w$thout e0pend$n" any cap$ta). 4Gm pr$nt$n"
and %$nd$n" my short(run hardco'ers $n )ots o. 2#/
a.ter %e$n" pa$d .or them. The aud$o%oo& CDs are a)so
produced on(demand %y a th$rd party/ wh$ch means no
cap$ta) costs .or me/ e$ther. *ett$n" up the donat$on
pa"e too& a .ew hours .$dd)$n" w$th :ay:a)/ and e'en $.
4 ne'er ta&e $n a penny $n donat$ons/ 4Gm not out a
penny e$ther.
The Standard Response
This is what Silicon (alle can teach 2ew 3ork1 make
experiments cheap* Don!t hire a pric) outsourced #T
compan to design a new) exciting "ook/ser+ice &or our
compan* Wh not hire our own de+elopers and a
+isionar tech person and tr something0 Wait until it
&ails) learn &rom that &ailure) and tr something else*
3our outsource #T compan will hate ou i& ou call
them e+er -4 minutes asking to tr a new &eature) or to
tweak or remo+e an existing one* But our in/house
people will lo+e the challenge and &reedom o& "eing
allowed to &ail &ast) iterate) and learn.
8ereGs what *$)$con La))ey canGt teach New -or&
pu%)$shers, how to pre'ent copy$n". Last month at
=E!/ pu%)$sh$n" CEOs a)) %ut %e""ed *$)$con La))ey to
present them w$th a un$'ersa)/ $nteropera%)e DR6
system that wou)d pre'ent copy$n" w$thout )oc&$n"
%oo&s to one 'endorGs p)at.orm. MOur .ondest w$sh $s
that a)) the de'$ces %ecome a"nost$c so that there
arenGt propr$etary .ormats and you can read where'er
you want to read/N :en"u$nGs Da'$d *han&s reported)y
4. you as& a .ew %$" tech compan$es to Mstandard$?eN a
.ormat .or your e(%oo&s that others can on)y
$mp)ement w$th the$r perm$ss$on/ theyG)) happ$)y start
p)ann$n" how to spend the money theyGre a%out to
ma&e o.. you. =ut DR6 $s $ncompat$%)e w$th the $dea
o. standard$?at$onOthatGs why *$)$con La))ey )o'es $t.
=ecause )ur&$n" $n the heart o. e'ery entrepreneur $s a
monopo)$st hop$n" to shut out the compet$t$on.
On the other hand/ .ormats donGt matter when thereGs
no DR6 $n the m$0. Ta&e .or e0amp)e the :u%)$shers
Wee&)y homepa"e. !s o. th$s moment/ $t conta$ns
em%edded o%9ects $n s$0 d$..erent .ormats/ ran"$n"
.rom H:E< to 8T6L. !s a reader/ 4 donGt ha'e to &now/
or care/ whether the :W )o"o $s a <45/ a :N</ or a
=6: %ecause there are pract$ca))y no restr$ct$ons on
renderers .or any o. these .ormats. !ny pro"rammer
who wants to ma&e a %rowser can "o to a consort$umGs
We% s$te/ "ra% some re.erence code .or d$sp)ay$n" $ts
.ormat/ and massa"e $t $nto her so.tware. *he can
twea& the code/ $t comp)ete)y/ or 9ust pay
attent$on to the parts that she cares a%out.
ThatGs how standards wor&. Hust )$&e standard("au"e
ra$)s opened the cont$nent to tra$ns %ecause they ne'er
spec$.$ed whose en"$nes cou)d run on them/ or what
&$nd o. .re$"ht they cou)d pu))/ un$'ersa) standards .or
e(%oo&s de'e)oped %y pu%)$shers cou)d do the same .or
the read$n" )andscape o. e(%oo& readers/ ta%)ets/ and e(
1n$'ersa) standards .rom rea) standard$?at$on %od$es
)$&e 4*O 24nternat$ona) Or"an$?at$on .or *tandard(
$?at$on3/ the W+C 2Wor)d W$de We% Consort$um3/ the
4ET5 2The 4nternet En"$neer$n" Tas& 5orce3/ or the
4D:5 24nternat$ona) D$"$ta) :u%)$sh$n" 5orum3 wou)d
st$)) attract a)) the tech "$ants/ %ut they wou)d a)so
attract e'eryone e)se/ .rom ?$ppy/ !DD(add)ed startups
to copyr$"ht ho)ders and act$'$stsOe'eryone w$th a
sta&e $n the outcome. These or"an$?at$ons w$)) ma&e
you a standard/ )$&e epu%/ .or e0amp)e. 4t m$"ht not %e
adopted the .$rst t$me around. =ut thatGs OP. =ecause
youG)) ma&e another/ and then another. !nd w$thout
DR6/ readers who %ou"ht your %oo&s $n the .$rst
.ormats wou)dnGt ha'e to worry $. a standard d$es and
$s rep)aced %y another.
There $s a )esson .or pu%)$shers $n how "$ants )$&e
*$)$con <raph$cs/ !)taL$sta/ and Commodore were
%eaten $nto the d$rt %y snot(nosed startups that used
the )ow cost o. e0per$mentat$on to outcompete them.
:u%)$shers shou)d ta&e a pa"e .rom those upstartsG
p)ay%oo&s. The coo) th$n" a%out *$)$con La))eyGs %rand
o. e0per$mentat$on $s that .a$)ure $s o.ten 9ust s)ow
success. !nd as e'ery "ood entrepreneur &nows/ the
%est way to dou%)e your success rate $s to tr$p)e your
.a$)ure rate.

Wt' a Lttle Hel)( T'e Pr%e Is
5$rst/ a pro"ress report, With a Little 'elp $s "o$n"
"reat "uns %eh$nd the scenes. The typo"rapher has
some 'ery n$ce samp)es .or me/ and the %oo& shou)d %e
$n my handsOor on my hard dr$'eOshort)y. The
sound ed$torGs near)y done w$th the aud$o%oo&/ wh$ch
has a )o'e)y handcra.ted @ua)$ty/ than&s to a)) the
'ar$ous en'$ronments $n wh$ch $t was recorded. !nd
4Gm dut$.u))y up)oad$n" "$"a%ytes o. scanned paper to
5)$c&r as part o. the spec$a) ed$t$on.
6eanwh$)e/ the myster$es o. pr$ce and pro.$t are on
e'eryoneGs m$nds these days than&s to the 6acm$))an(
!ma?on spat/ w$th commentators on %oth s$des o. the
de%ate draw$n" para))e)s to the tra$n wrec& o. a decade
the record$n" $ndustry 9ust went throu"h. Those
root$n" .or 6acm$))an po$nt to the way )$steners
a))e"ed)y a%andoned the$r w$))$n"ness to pay .or mus$c
Oe'en as a s$n")e reta$)er/ !pp)e/ "a$ned near(tota)
contro) o'er pr$c$n" and d$str$%ut$on. Those who ta&e
!ma?onGs s$de po$nt to the record$n" $ndustryGs
unw$))$n"ness to partner w$th $nno'at$'e techno)o"y
.$rms )$&e Napster/ wh$ch o..ered the R4!! a %)an&
chec& $n e0chan"e .or a )$cense to cont$nue operat$n".
They a)so po$nt to !pp)eGs s$mp)$.$ed/ KK cent/trac&
pr$c$n" as the %rea&throu"h that )$steners needed to
start pay$n".
4 th$n& theyGre %oth r$"ht. On one hand/ 6acm$))an
shou)d %e worr$ed a%out )os$n" contro) o. $ts dest$ny/
as !ma?on/ a s$n")e d$str$%utor/ see&s to )oc& readers
$nto $ts de'$ces and ser'$ces. =ut on the other hand/
!ma?onGs opt$m$st$c 2or/ some wou)d say/ cutthroat3
pr$c$n" on the cream o. the pu%)$sh$n" $ndustryGs
pro.$tsO.ront)$st hardco'ersO$snGt necessar$)y a )oser
.or pu%)$shers/ and $tGs poss$%)e that the wor)dGs )ar"est
on)$ne %oo&store 9ust m$"ht ha'e some $ns$"ht $nto
purchas$n" patterns that pu%)$shers need to hear.
W'at4s Yo*r T'eor#8
!ma?onGs DK.KK P$nd)e pr$ce/ $n part/ represents a
wa"er that there are enou"h new readers .or .ront)$st
hardco'er %oo&s that !ma?on 2and the pu%)$shers
whose wares $t se))s3 w$)) ma&e up the )ost pro.$ts .rom
)ower pr$ces w$th "reater sa)es 'o)ume. 6acm$))anGs
concern $s due/ $n part/ to the $nd$sputa%)e .act that the
peop)e who she)) out "ood money .or an e(%oo& reader
are o.ten prec$se)y the &$nd o. pr$ce($nsens$t$'e
consumers upon whom pu%)$sh$n" re)$es to %uy %oo&s
at .u)) pr$ce. 4t a)) comes down to wh$ch pro.$t(
ma0$m$?$n" strate"y you .a'or, pr$ce d$scr$m$nat$on or
demand e)ast$c$ty.
4n my )ast co)umn/ 4 d$scussed pr$ce d$scr$m$nat$on,
the $dea that you ma&e more money %y se"ment$n"
your customers %ased on how much theyGre w$))$n" to
spend. !t the e0treme end o. pr$ce d$scr$m$nat$on/ you
ha'e the a$r)$nes/ whose opa@ue pr$c$n" $s the %ane o.
tra'e)ers who canGt .$"ure out why a t$c&et that departs
a day ear)$er costs tw$ce as much. 4n pu%)$sh$n"/ pr$ce
d$scr$m$nat$on $s accomp)$shed throu"h Mw$ndow$n".N
Trad$t$ona))y/ the hardco'er comes out .$rst/ at the
h$"hest pr$ce/ so pr$ce($nsens$t$'e customers/ whose
thr$.t $s outstr$pped %y the$r $mpat$ence/ are ent$ced to
she)) out. Once that mar&et $s e0hausted/ the
paper%ac& comes a)on"/ and pr$ce(sens$t$'e customers
put the$r money $n the pot. *ome customers/ o. course/
wou)d %uy the hardco'er re"ard)ess o. whether there
was a cheaper opt$on a'a$)a%)e/ %ut pu%)$shers 2r$"ht)y3
%e)$e'e that $. paper%ac&s and hardco'ers went on sa)e
on the same day a s$?a%)e .ract$on o. the hardco'er
mar&et wou)d %uy the cheaper paper%ac&. Thus/ $. )ow(
cost e(%oo&s are re)eased s$mu)taneous w$th the
hardco'er/ thereGs reason to worry that P$nd)e and $:ad
owners 2%$" spenders who m$"ht otherw$se %uy the
prem$um $tem3 w$)) to down)oad cheap/
con'en$ent e(%oo&s.
Demand e)ast$c$ty $s the stra$"ht.orward $dea that new
customers w$)) come $nto your shop $. you )ower pr$ces.
The pu%)$sh$n" $ndustry a)ready pract$ces some
demand e)ast$c$ty, new hardco'ers/ .or e0amp)e/ are
pr$ced at D2J/ not DJB/ %ecause the h$"her mar"$n at DJB
wou)d not ma&e up .or the )ost sa)es .rom readers
unw$))$n" to pay the h$"her pr$ce. 6any $nternet
compan$es made the$r .ortunes on demand e)ast$c$ty.
<oo")e/ .or e0amp)e/ %et that char"$n" )ess .or ads 2and
us$n" c)e'er automat$on to ma&e money e'en on
e0treme)y cheap ads3 wou)d attract so many new
ad'ert$sers that they wou)d rea)$?e a su%stant$a) pro.$t.
E'eryone w$th a product to se)) pract$ces %oth pr$ce
d$scr$m$nat$on and demand e)ast$c$ty $n 'ary$n"
de"rees. =ut when the product youGre se))$n" $s d$"$ta)/
the correct rat$o o. one to the other %ecomes a )ot
harder to ca)cu)ate. 4. youGre se))$n" hard "oods/
whether %oo&s/ sho'e)s/ or %eans/ the math $s
easy, you canGt ma&e money $. you drop your pr$ce
%e)ow the mar"$na) cost o. product$on. =ut d$"$ta)
"oods/ )$&e e(%oo&s/ ha'e a)most no mar"$na) costs.
Th$n"s )$&e cred$t card process$n" .ees/ e)ectr$c$ty and
%andw$dth/ and a .ew other cons$derat$ons &eep the
cost .rom tru)y .a))$n" to D#/ %ut the )ow mar"$na) cost
o. se))$n" d$"$ta) cop$es opens up some 'ery e0c$t$n"
poss$%$)$t$es .or pu%)$shers. Cou)d the poo) o. peop)e
w$))$n" to %uy %oo&sOthe tota) num%er o. re"u)ar
readersO%e $ncreased %y dropp$n" the pr$ceF !nd
cou)d that $ncrease $n new customers %e )ar"e enou"h
to o..set )osses .rom sma))er mar"$nsF !ma?on c)ear)y
th$n&s so.
+ar&et T'eor#
=ut pr$c$n" and pro.$t(ma0$m$?$n" strate"$es arenGt the
who)e story. Consumer e)ectron$cs %uyer
demo"raph$cs t$)t hea'$)y to the co'eted 1CR+(year(o)d
whoG)) %uy anyth$n" s)$m w$th an e""she)) .$n$sh.
Turn$n" those %$" spenders $nto readers $s an e0c$t$n"
prospect .or anyone who cares a%out %r$n"$n" $n new
%us$nessOand 6acm$))an e0ecut$'es are &een)y aware
o. the opportun$ty e(%oo&s represent .or turn$n"
nonreaders $nto new customers. Tom Doherty/
pu%)$sher o. 6acm$))anGs Tor $mpr$nt 2Tor pu%)$shes
my no'e)s3/ $s pos$t$'e)y )um$nous on the $mportance
o. $nduct$n" nonreaders $nto the pract$ce o. re"u)ar
read$n". !nd thereGs no %oo&se))er on earth w$th more
nonreader customers than !ma?on/ wh$ch/ $n add$t$on
to %oo&s se))s e'eryth$n" .rom ser'er space to .ree?e(
dr$ed stea&s/ se0 toys/ and uran$um ore.
-es/ the pu%)$sh$n" $ndustry needs to attract new
readers. =ut as the recent s&$rm$sh o'er pr$ce su""ests/
the @uest$on $s, at what costF !t the heart o. the
6acm$))an(!ma?on spat $s the rea)$?at$on that
a))ow$n" !ma?on to dom$nate the e(%oo& mar&et w$))
on)y ma&e $t harder .or pu%)$shers to %a)ance the$r
$nterests w$th !ma?onGs. ThatGs %ecause the P$nd)e $s a
Mroach mote)N de'$ce, $ts )$cense terms and DR6
ensure that %oo&s can chec& $n/ %ut they canGt chec&
out. Readers are contractua))y proh$%$ted .rom mo'$n"
the$r %oo&s to compet$n" de'$ces> DR6 ma&es that
techn$ca))y cha))en"$n"> and compet$tors are )e"a))y
en9o$ned .rom$n" too)s that wou)d a))ow readers
to %rea& P$nd)eGs DR6 and mo'e the$r %oo&s to other
de'$ces. :r$ce con.)$ct as$de/ th$s $s the rea) cha))en"e
.or pu%)$shers/ %ecause $t means that e(%oo& customers
canGt %rea& w$th !ma?on w$thout 9ett$son$n" the$r
d$"$ta) )$%rar$es.
!ma?on re.used to a))ow any chan"es to $ts terms .or
my )ast %oo&/ %oth $n the !ud$%)e ed$t$on and the
P$nd)e ed$t$on/$n" to a))ow me to the %oo&
w$th some $ntroductory te0t a..$rm$n" readersG r$"hts to
mo'e the %oo&s to de'$ces that !ma?on hasnGt
DonGt hope .or a %etter sha&e .rom !pp)e/ e$ther.
!pp)eGs )on"stand$n" )o'e(a..a$r w$th propr$etary
.ormats and )oc&($ns w$)) 'ery )$&e)y ma&e the $:ad
e'ery $nch the roach mote) that the P$nd)e $s. !pp)e
p$tches th$s as a des$"n dec$s$on/ %ut $tGs a)so a
power.u) ant$compet$t$'e strate"y that ra$ses the cost
o. sw$tch$n" to a compet$torGs de'$ce.
There are other .orms o. mar&et dom$nance/ too.
!ma?on has the $nternetGs %est a..$)$ate pro"ram.
=)o""ers/ or anyone w$th a We% pa"e/ rea))y/ can "et an
a..$)$ate 4D .rom !ma?on and use $t $n the$r )$n&s to
!ma?onGs products. !ma?on pays a comm$ss$on .or
e'eryth$n" that a customer you send $ts way %uys. 5or
e0amp)e/ a customer who .o))ows a )$n& to a %oo& and
"oes on to %uy a te)e'$s$on earns you a t$dy sum that
!ma?on pays out once a month. 4 re"u)ar)y re'$ew
%oo&s and products on =o$n" =o$n" and use my
persona) a..$)$ate 4D to )$n& to !ma?on. 4n 2##K/ 4 so)d
more than 2B/### %oo&s that way/ at a comm$ss$on to
me o. ^ to C.B^. 4tGs not the #^ d$scount 4Gd "et $. 4
was %uy$n" %oo&s who)esa)e .rom 6acm$))an and
se))$n" them $n a %r$c&s(and(mortar store/ %ut 4 donGt
ha'e any o'erhead/ %oo&&eep$n"/ cash re"$ster/
emp)oyees/ or other e0penses.
ThereGs a reason that the We% $s .estooned w$th )$n&s
to !ma?on, $t pays to ma&e those )$n&s/ and $tGs easy.
Other reta$)ers/ $nc)ud$n" 4nd$enet/ :owe))Gs/ =orders/
=arnes _ No%)e/ and the ama?$n" =oo& Depos$tory
ha'e the$r own a..$)$ate pro"rams/ and 4Gd happ$)y )$n&
to those/ too/ $. there was an easy way o. do$n" so
w$thout ha'$n" to )a%or$ous)y hand(code s$0 )$n&s on
e'ery re'$ew. Th$s $s e'ery %$t as $mportant as DR6/
P$nd)e pr$c$n"/ and restr$ct$'e )$cense terms. :r$ce may
%e the hot $ssue now/ %ut pu%)$shers shou)d %e
th$n&$n" a%out the who)e p$cture. !n automated
system .or$n" readers more cho$ce $n the$r %oo&
%uy$n" wou)d a)so he)p correct the current $m%a)ance
$n the e(%oo& mar&et/ wh$)e $mpro'$n" the )$'es o.
%oo& %uyers and those who ma&e )$n&s on the We%.
Word:ressGs =oo&)$n&er p)u"($n $s a "ood start on th$s
Oyou can $nsta)) $t on your ser'er and $t turns a)) your
%oo& )$n&s $nto a pop(up w$th 'ar$ous reta$)ers that
readers can choose .rom/ and your a..$)$ate 4D $s
automat$ca))y added to each 1RL. :u%)$shers who want
to "et a 9ump on !ma?on cou)d choose to e0pand
=oo&)$n&er %y turn$n" $t $nto a Ha'a(*cr$pt )$%rary that
%)o""ers can $nc)ude on the$r We% pa"es w$thout
ha'$n" to $nsta)) ser'er so.tware and can use w$th
systems other than Word:ress. 5or e0tra po$nts/ they
cou)d .$"ure out how to t$e the ser'$ce $nto the 4*=N
reso)'$n" ser'$ces used %y )$%rar$es to automat$ca))y
.$nd other ed$t$ons o. a %oo& as we)).
!ma?on has done an $ncred$%)e 9o% o. .$"ur$n" out how
to cross(se))/ upse))/ and 9ust p)a$n se)) %oo&s. They
ha'e re'o)ut$on$?ed %oo&se))$n" o'er the course o. a
decade. !s a reader and a wr$ter/ and as a pu%)$sher
and a %oo&se))er/ 4 am constant)y ama?ed at how "ood
they are at th$s. =ut 4 donGt %e)$e'e $n %ene'o)ent
d$ctators. 4 wou)dnGt endorse a )oc&($n pro"ram run %y
a carte) o. *anta C)aus/ the Tooth 5a$ry/ and 6ohandas
<andh$. !s "ood as !ma?on $s at what $t does/ $t
doesnGt deser'e to )oc& $n the read$n" pu%)$c. No one

Yo* S'o*ldn4t Ha-e to Sell Yo*r
So*l $*st to Download So!e
T'e a%t-tes t'at are restr%ted b#
download l%en%e a.ree!ents ran.e fro!
t'e rd%*lo*s to t'e d*bo*s
8ereGs the wor)dGs shortest/ .a$rest/ and s$mp)est
)$cence a"reement, MDonGt '$o)ate copyr$"ht )aw.N 4. 4
had my way/ e'ery d$"$ta) down)oad .rom the mus$c $n
the $Tunes and !ma?on 6:+ store/ to the e%oo&s .or
the P$nd)e and *ony Reader/ to the "ames .or your
X%o0/ wou)d %ear th$sOand on)y th$sOas $ts )$cence
MDonGt '$o)ate copyr$"ht )awN has a )ot "o$n" .or $t/ %ut
the %est th$n" a%out $t $s what $t s$"na)s to the
purchaser/ name)y, M-ou are not a%out to "et screwed.N
The copyr$"ht wars ha'e produced some odd and
.unny outcomes/ %ut 4 th$n& the oddest was when the
record $ndustry %e"an to campa$"n .or more copyr$"ht
educat$on on the "rounds that youn" peop)e were
"row$n" up w$thout the mora) sens$%$)$ty that they
need to %ecome .unct$ona) mem%ers o. soc$ety.
The same compan$es that spent decades te))$n"
)awma&ers that they were e0p)$c$t)y not the "uard$ans
o. the mora)$ty o. the youn"Othat they cou)dnGt %e
he)d accounta%)e .or se0/ dru"s and roc&GnGro))/ .or
"an"sta rap/ .or dru"(.ue))ed dance(part$esOd$d a
comp)ete re'ersa) and %e"an to %eat the$r chests a%out
the corrupt$n" $n.)uence o. down)oad$n" on the poor
We))/ they "ot $t ha).(r$"ht, the .act that &$dsOand )ots
o. adu)tsOdonGt see anyth$n" wron" w$th destroy$n"
the record )a%e)s $s certa$n)y %ad news .or the record
compan$es. =ac& when Napster started/ the "enera)
.ee)$n" was that the record compan$es deser'ed to d$e
.or a)) the pac&a"ed %oy %ands/ .or d$scont$nu$n" the
s$n")e/ .or &$))$n" the %ac&)$st/ .or pr$ce(.$0$n" CDs/ and
.or notor$ous)y m$sera%)e contracts .or art$sts.
Then came the d$"$ta) r$"hts mana"ement/ the )aw(
su$ts 2.$rst a"a$nst too)ma&ers )$&e Napster/ then
a"a$nst tens o. thousands o. mus$c .ans3/ then the use
o. ma)$c$ous so.tware to .$"ht copy$n"/ the
procurement o. one(s$ded )aws/ the destruct$on o.
$nternet rad$o. =r$c& %y %r$c&/ the record compan$es
%u$)t the mora) case .or r$pp$n" them o.. 2and the
mo'$e compan$es/ %roadcasters/ e(%oo& pu%)$shers/
and "ame compan$es werenGt .ar %eh$nd3. !s the
copy.$"ht wore on/ wrec&$n" the enterta$nment
$ndustry %ecame an e'er(more attract$'e propos$t$on.
! decade )ater and the record $ndustry has .$na))y
%rou"ht %ac& the s$n")e/ and there seems to %e some
sem%)ance o. pr$ce(compet$t$on 2contracts .or art$sts
and the e0$stence o. %oy %ands st$)) "o $n the m$nus
co)umn o. course3. TheyG'e e'en "ot r$d o. d$"$ta)
r$"hts mana"ement .or the ma9or$ty o. mus$c sa)es/ and
the %ac&)$st $s much %$""er than $t was $n the record(
store days.
*o now the p$tch "oes, MWe "a'e you what you as&ed
.or/ youG'e %rou"ht us to our &nees. Now/ p)ease stop
r$pp$n" us o.. and start %uy$n" mus$c a"a$nOweGre$n" a .a$r dea).N =ut anyone who e0am$nes the
p$tch c)ose)y can see $t .or what $t rea))y $s, 9ust more
%a$t .or yet another trap.
4tGs that pes&y user(a"reement. When you "o $nto one
o. the .ew rema$n$n" record stores/ thereGs no c)er&
%es$de the t$)) chant$n"/ M=y %uy$n" th$s mus$c/ you
a"ree to the .o))ow$n" terms and cond$t$ons/N ratt)$n"
o.. an $ne0haust$%)e set o. r$"hts that youGre
surrender$n" .or ha'$n" the temer$ty to %uy your mus$c
$nstead o. r$pp$n" $t o...
4. the sa)es(p$tch .or a down)oad $s Ma .a$r dea)/N then $t
has to "e a .a$r dea). The act$'$t$es that these )$cence
a"reements restr$ct ran"e .rom the r$d$cu)ous to the
du%$ous/ thou"h 4 suppose reasona%)e peop)e m$"ht
d$sa"ree a%out the .a$rness o. se))$n" or )oan$n" out
your d$"$ta) mus$c co))ect$on.
=ut $tGs not the enterta$nment $ndustryGs 9o% to te)) me
what are and are not .a$r terms o. sa)e .or my
down)oads. 4. )oan$n" an 6:+ shou)d %e $))e"a)/ )et
them "et a )aw passed 2theyGre apparent)y "ood at that
Othe .act that they ha'enGt mana"ed $t to date shou)d
te)) you someth$n" a%out the reasona%)eness o. the
propos$t$on3. The one(s$ded/ un(ne"ot$ated )$cence
a"reement )ur&$n" %eh$nd the MChec& here to a..$rm
that you ha'e read and a"reed to our terms o. ser'$ceN
represents a w$sh.u) 2e'en de)us$ona)3 'ers$on o. how a
purchase wor&s.
4. the p$tch $s/ Mth$s $s a .a$r dea)/N then the E1L!
shou)d %e, M-ou can do anyth$n" w$th th$s/ so )on" as
you donGt %rea& the )aw.N
2ot M!%andon hope/ a)) ye who purchase here.N

Net Ne*tralt# for Wrters(
It4s All Abo*t t'e Le-era.e
4ma"$ne th$s, you p$c& up the phone and ca)) L$toGs/ the
excellent p$??a 9o$nt down the road where your .am$)yGs
"otten $ts .a'or$te pepperon$ and mushroom e'ery
5r$day n$"ht .or years. The phone r$n"s once/ tw$ce/
M!T_T, The num%er you ha'e ca))ed $s not en"a"ed/
%ut the rec$p$ent has not pa$d .or prem$um ser'$ce.
:)ease ho)d .or +# seconds/ or press [oneG to %e
connected to Dom$noGs $mmed$ate)y.N
Th$s $s not an ana)o"y to the Net Neutra)$ty .$"ht. Th$s
$s an ana)o"y to the 5compromise6 most "o'ernments
and re"u)ators 2$nc)ud$n" the 1.*. 5edera)
Commun$cat$ons Comm$ss$on3 are p)ann$n" .or the
$nternet. 4n the$r '$ew/ $nternet ser'$ce pro'$ders
shou)d %e a))owed to Mmana"eN and Mtra..$c shapeN the$r
networ&s to s)ow down pac&ets .rom the s$tes youGre
connect$n" to/ pro+ided the disclose that the are
doing it* 4n the '$ew o. the wor)dGs re"u)ators/ th$s $s
the "est we can hope .or .rom our te)ecomm po)$cy $n
the 21st century.
The carr$ers/ o. course/ hate th$s. They ca)) $t nanny(
state re"u)at$on. 4n the$r '$ew/ te)ecomm compan$es
shou)d %e .ree to retard the pac&ets you re@uest $n
per.ect secrecy/ as part o. a )ar"er strate"y to %)ac&ma$)
we%s$tes and we%(ser'$ces $nto pay$n" %r$%es .or the
pr$'$)e"e o. access to Mthe$r usersN 2that $s/ you and
Th$s $s pretty crummy news .rom the po$nt o. '$ew o. H.
Random $nternet user/ %ut $tGs e'en worse .or wr$ters
and other creators.
8ow do success.u) wr$ters use copyr$"htF !s
ne"ot$at$n" )e'era"e. Once youGre a success.u)/ non(
commod$ty wr$terOthat $s/ a wr$ter whose mere name
can se)) %oo&s and whose wor& canGt %e .ree)y
$nterchan"ed $n the pu%)$sherGs cata)o" or on the
%oo&se))erGs she). w$th another wr$terGs wor&O
copyr$"ht %ecomes a moderate)y use.u) too) .or
e0tract$n" .unds .rom pu%)$shers. Copyr$"ht %ecomes a
product$'e c)u%(w$th(a(na$)(throu"h($t w$th wh$ch to
threaten pu%)$shers who m$"ht cons$der pu%)$sh$n" a
we))(&nown wr$terGs wor& w$thout her perm$ss$on.
L$&ew$se/ copyr$"ht $s a use.u) too) .or pu%)$shers to
use $n threaten$n" each other/ shou)d one pu%)$sher
ta&e $t $nto h$s head to copy a compet$torGs copyr$"hted
%oo&s and se)) them. =ecause o. th$s/ a success.u)
wr$ter can e'en auct$on her copyr$"hts o.. %etween
more than one pu%)$sher.
=ut 9ust %ecause copyr$"ht can %e used .or )e'era"e
some o. the t$me/ %y some peop)e/ $t doesnGt .o))ow
that $t w$)) a)ways pro'$de )e'era"e, .or e0amp)e/ you
cou)d "$'e un&nown wr$ters hundreds o. yearsG worth
o. copyr$"ht/ and $t wou)dnGt e0tract one more penny
.rom any pu%)$sher/ anywhere $n the wor)d. Th$n& o.
poets, you cou)d "$'e e'ery poet $n the wor)d a
persona) poetGs d$sem%owe)$n" p$&e o. copyr$"ht
en.orcement/ and $t wou)dnGt ra$se the word(rate .or
poetry. Copyr$"ht $s on)y use.u) when $t pro'$des
)e'era"e> the rest o. the t$me/ $tGs a creatorGs 'est$"$a)
append$0 2at %est3 or a na""$n" h$ndrance 2at worst3.
Creators need )e'era"e/ and po)$c$es/ techno)o"$ca)
chan"es/ and )aws that create )e'era"e .or art$sts resu)t
$n more art$sts ma&$n" more money. Contrar$w$se/
chan"es to the )aw or techno)o"y that ta&e away
creatorsG )e'era"e end up do$n" rea) harm to creatorsG
!n open/ neutra) $nternet $s one where anyone can
start a &$c&(ass pu%)$sh$n" p)at.orm mere)y %y com$n"
up w$th a "ood $dea. T$m =erners(Lee .amous)y
$n'ented the We% .rom h$s des& at CERN $n <ene'a as
a too) .or shar$n" sc$ent$.$c papers. 6ere)y %y
d$str$%ut$n" we%(%rowsers and we% ser'ers/ T=L was
a%)e to $n'ent h$s re'o)ut$onary pu%)$sh$n" p)at.orm.
Nota%)y/ he d$dnGt ha'e to dep)oy an army o. corporate
ne"ot$ators to %oo& meet$n"s w$th su$ts at te)ecoms
around the wor)d and wor& out under what terms
e'ery 4*: wou)d 2or wou)d not3 a))ow the WWW to
tra'erse $ts )$nes. 1nsurpr$s$n")y/ =erners(Lee $s a
staunch ad'ocate o. Net Neutra)$ty.
L$&ew$se/ the creators o. -ouTu%e were a%)e to s$mp)y
&$c&(start the %$""est/ most success.u) '$deo watch$n"
Oand d$str$%ut$n"Op)at.orm the wor)d has e'er seen
mere)y %y in+enting it and sho'$n" $t out the door.
They %u$)t $t/ we came/ and no phone company "ot a
'eto o'er our des$re to watch -ouTu%e.
Th$s de)$r$ous wor)d o. .ast/ un.ettered $n'ent$on has
de)$'ered unto)d )e'era"e to creators. :u%)$shersOand
stud$os and record )a%e)sOused to %e the on)y e..ect$'e
way to reach a )ar"e aud$ence/ the on)y way to e0tract
money .rom them/ the on)y way to d$str$%ute creat$'e
wor&s to them. !s a resu)t/ on)y a .ew 'ery )uc&y/ 'ery
resource.u) creators were a%)e to .or"o the
enterta$nment "$ants and str$&e out on the$r own. The
rest o. us had to ta&e whate'er theyGd and )$&e $t
2at )east unt$) we "ot %$" enou"h to ma&e them %$d
a"a$nst each other3.
-ou donGt need to se).(pu%)$sh to "et a %etter dea) .rom
a pu%)$sher or other "ate&eeper, you mere)y need to %e
a"le to se).(pu%)$sh. ! ne"ot$at$on $n wh$ch the two
cho$ces are MDo $t my wayN and M<o pound sandN $s not
one that w$)) end we)) .or the supp)$cant. The mere
e0$stence o. a %etter opt$on than M<o pound sandN
ra$ses the .)oor on our ne"ot$at$ons.
4n other words, %ecause the $nternet had opened up
the poss$%$)$ty o. a myr$ad o. compan$es/ $nd$'$dua)s/
and co(ops pro'$d$n" d$str$%ut$on/ aud$ence/ and
$ncome to art$sts/ the o)d/ esta%)$shed $nst$tut$ons now
ha'e to compete w$th someone other than each other/
at )east at the %ottom o. the mar&et. !nd s$nce most
art$sts spend most o. the$r careers at the %ottom o. the
mar&et/ the )ar"est %ene.$t you can de)$'er to the arts $s
to create a who)e chaot$c mar&etp)ace o. ser'$ces and
p)at.orms c)amor$n" .or the$r wor&s.
Not that the te)ecoms rea))y care a%out th$s. !rt/
schmart. They 9ust want to "et pa$d/ and pa$d/ and
pa$d. 5$rst they "et pa$d when a company )$&e <oo")e
%uys a hept$))$on do))arsG worth o. $nternet access .or a
ser'$ce )$&e -ouTu%e. Then they "et your D1#R
DC#/month .or your home %road%and. Then they "et
pa$d a th$rd t$me %y char"$n" <oo")e to send %$ts to
your %road%and )$n&.
=ut the enterta$nment "$ants arenGt a)) that upset %y
the $dea o. ha'$n" to pay tw$ce to access the$r
aud$ence. 5or one th$n"/ they can a..ord $t. ThatGs what
the M"$antN $n Menterta$nment "$antN means. =ut more
$mportant)y/ thatGs how theyG'e alwas done it. 5ann$n"
out a horde o. %us$ness(de'e)opment ")ad(handers to
sort out the deta$)s o. d$str$%ut$on dea)s w$th d$sparate
channe) operators around the wor)d $s second nature
.or them. ThereGs a .)oor o. the$r corporate
head@uarters de'oted to th$s &$nd o. th$n". TheyG'e "ot
the$r own annua) p$cn$c and e'eryth$n".
Two("a)s($n(a("ara"e do not ha'e th$s asset. They ha'e
two "a)s. They ha'e a "ara"e. 4. Net Neutra)$ty $s
c)o%%ered the way the te)ecoms hope $t w$)) %e/ the
ne0t We% or -ouTu%e wonGt come .rom d$srupt$'e
$n'entors $n a "ara"e> $t w$)) come .rom the corporate
)a%s at one o. the .$'e %$" med$a consort$a or one o. a
hand.u) o. phone and ca%)e compan$es. 4t w$)) %e so)d
as a Mprem$umN ser'$ce/ and $t wonGt upset anyoneGs
mu)t$m$))$on(do))ar status @uo.
6ore $mmed$ate)y, $. the on)y way to use the $nternet
to w$de)y and e..$c$ent)y d$str$%ute creat$'e wor& $s to
con'$nce a %$" med$a company to carry $t on $ts
Mprem$umN ser'$ce/ &$ss your art$st$c ne"ot$at$n"
)e'era"e "ood%ye. Wh$)e art$sts ha'e %een "o$n"
%on&ers o'er threats to copyr$"ht/ the med$a t$tans and
the te)ecomm o"res ha'e @u$et)y .ormed a pact that
w$)) esta%)$sh them as permanent "ate&eepers to the
wor)dGs aud$ences.
Not %ecause reach$n" those aud$ences $s d$..$cu)t or
techn$ca))y cha))en"$n"/ %ut %ecause theyG'e sewn up
the mar&et.
!nd hey/ <oo")e must ha'e .$na))y "rown up/ %ecause
they 9ust .$)ed a 9o$nt %r$e. w$th Ler$?on to the 5CC
say$n" non(Neutra) networ&s are OP w$th themOwhy
notF 4tGs not as $. <oo")e w$)) ha'e trou%)e pay$n" the
dane"e)d. !nd the ne0t <oo")e w$)) ha'e to ra$se the
cap$ta) to %r$%e the wor)dGs 4*:s %e.ore they can e'en
set up shop.
6eanwh$)e, e'ery te)ecomm company $s as %$" a
corporate we).are %um as you cou)d as& .or. Try to
$ma"$ne what $t wou)d cost at mar&et rates to "o
around to e'ery house $n e'ery town $n e'ery country
and pay .or the r$"ht to %)oc& tra..$c and d$" up roads
and erect po)es and str$n" w$res and p$erce e'ery home
w$th ca%)$n". The re"u)atory .$at that a))ows these
compan$es to "et the$r networ&s up and runn$n" $s
worth hundreds o. %$))$ons/ $. not tr$))$ons/ o. do))ars.
4. phone compan$es want to operate $n the M.ree
mar&et/N then )et them, the 5CC cou)d "$'e them I#
days to "et a)) the$r rotten copper out o. our d$rt/ or
weG)) %uy $t .rom them at the "o$n" scrappa"e rates.
Then/ )etGs ho)d an auct$on .or the r$"ht to %e the ne0t
%$" te)ecomm company/ on one cond$t$on, $n e0chan"e
.or us$n" the pu%)$cGs r$"hts(o.(way/ you ha'e to a"ree
to connect us to the peop)e we want to ta)& to/ and
'$ce('ersa/ as @u$c&)y and e..$c$ent)y as you can.
8ereGs someth$n" e'ery creator/ e'ery .ree speech
ad'ocate/ e'ery copyr$"ht ma0$ma)$st/ and e'ery copy(
.$"hter shou)d a"ree on, a))ow$n" the channe)s to
aud$ences to %e cornered %y a hand.u) o. $ncum%ents $s
%ad news .or a)) o. us. 4t doesnGt matter that the )ame(
duc&/ se))out 5CC wonGt stand up .or us. 4t doesnGt
matter that CanadaGs CRTC and the 1PGs are no
%etter/ that re"u)ators around the wor)d are as
tooth)ess as new%orns. Th$s $s the %$" .$"ht .or usOthe
.$"ht o'er who "ets to dec$de who w$)) %e heard and

Pro)retar# Interest
Last wee&/ 4 .ound myse). w$de awa&e $n %ed ne0t to
my w$.e/ mu))$n" o'er an ema$) 4Gd "otten 9ust %e.ore
)y$n" down 2chec&$n" ema$) %e.ore %ed %e$n" as %ad a
ha%$t as eat$n" %e.ore %edO%oth o. wh$ch 4Gm try$n" to
stop do$n"3.
The ema$) came .rom a 'ery n$ce person who co(
curates one o. my .a'or$te $nternet resources, a
L$'eHourna) "roup de'oted to scann$n"/ post$n"/ and
d$scuss$n" o)d ad'ert$sements/ most)y pr$nt ads/
thou"h thereGs the occas$ona) -ouTu%e em%ed show$n"
an o)d TL or rad$o ad. !ds are .unny th$n"s/ a rea)
w$ndow $nto the ?e$t"e$st. *5 wr$ters ha'e )on"
understood the tr$c& o. p)ac$n" some we))(chosen ads
$n scene as a way o. show$n" the reader what &$nd o.
wor)d sheGs .o))ow$n" us $nto 2th$s "oes dou%)e .or *5
=ut .or the )on"est t$me/ ad'erts were cons$dered
unworthy o. preser'at$on. 4n the pre(1KJI era $n wh$ch
1.*. copyr$"ht )aw re@u$red .orma) re"$strat$on .or
copyr$"ht/ $t was unheard(o. .or compan$es to re"$ster
ad'ert$sements and depos$t arch$'a) cop$es w$th the
L$%rary o. Con"ress/ wh$ch housed a)) re"$stered wor&s.
4n many cases/ ad'ert$sements were om$tted .rom
m$cro.$)m/m$cro.$che preser'at$on $n order to sa'e
money. =ut any t$me 4G'e happened upon some pa)eo(
ma"a?$ne/ 4 $ne'$ta%)y .$nd the ads .ar more
$nterest$n"/ t$me)ess/ and pro'ocat$'e than the art$c)es
they ran a)on"s$de o..
*o these amateur arch$'$sts are do$n" wonder.u) wor&/
spe)un&$n" $n mounta$ns o. thr$.ted and hoarded pr$nt
sources .or the we$rdest/ .unn$est/ most charm$n" ads
o. yesteryear and shar$n" them w$th each other and
the wor)d. 4Gm rout$ne)y mo'ed to copy these ads to
the %)o" 4 co(ed$t/ =o$n" =o$n"/ o.ten w$th some
snappy commentary/ and a)ways w$th a )$n& %ac& to
the source/ wh$ch $s cons$dered .oundat$ona) "ood
manners $n %)o"dom.
Wh$ch $s how 4 came to %e mu))$n" o'er an ema$) $n
%ed. 4t came .rom one o. the "roupGs moderators/ and
she wasnGt p)eased w$th me. *heGd "otten the m$sta&en
$mpress$on that 4 had %een putt$n" the ads on =o$n"
=o$n" w$thout cred$t$n" the$r source/ and wanted me
to $mpro'e my %eha'$or. *he as&ed me how 4Gd .ee) $. 4
someone too& my wor& w$thout cred$t/ and su""ested
that 4 m$"ht e'en cons$der as&$n" perm$ss$on .rom the
or$"$na) posters %e.ore 4 too& the$r scans .or my own.
2=e.ore 4 "o .urther/ )et me state .or the record that
th$s was a)) a m$nor m$sunderstand$n" that was @u$c&)y
and am$ca%)y and reasona%)y reso)'ed/ and that 4 ha'e
noth$n" %ut "ood w$)) and "ood w$shes .or the L$nta"e
!ds "roup and $ts hardwor&$n" moderators and
Th$s note had me thorou"h)y %emused and somewhat
%e.udd)ed. 6anners are a)) we)) and "ood/ %ut the note
seemed to m$ss an $mportant .act, $t was ad'ocat$n" a
standard that/ $. app)$ed e'en)y/ wou)d )ead to the
e0t$nct$on o. the "roup $tse)..
=y and )ar"e/ the ads $n th$s mar'e)ous commun$ty are
$n the pu%)$c doma$n. Th$s means that they are not
copyr$"hted/ cannot %e copyr$"hted/ and that no one
has more c)a$m on them than anyone e)se. The pu%)$c
doma$n $s a)) around you, a)) the words $n our
)an"ua"e/ a)) the wor&s pu%)$shed %y the 1.*.
"o'ernment/ a)) o. *ha&espeare/ a)) o. D$c&ens/ a)) o.
We))s/ Lerne/ !usten/ etc. 4tGs our co))ect$'e
$nher$tance/ the )$m$t)ess resource .rom wh$ch a)) may
draw, D$sney can use $t to ma&e Snow White and the
Se+en Dwar&s/ and so can 4/ and so can you. *omet$mes/
we do "ood th$n"s w$th the pu%)$c doma$n 2%e$n"
marr$ed to an !)$ce/ 4 ha'e a pass$on .or wonder.u)
7lice in Wonderland ed$t$ons/ and there are many o.
these3. *omet$mes/ we do stup$d th$n"s w$th $t 26r.
=urton/ 4Gm )oo&$n" at your 7lice adaptat$on $n
part$cu)ar3. =ut no matter what we do w$th $t/ $t
endures/ and a)) and any may use $t as they w$sh.
*cann$n" a pu%)$c doma$n $tem does not attract a new
copyr$"ht to $t. Copyr$"ht rewards creat$'$ty/ not
Msweat o. the %row.N O. course/ $tGs on)y natura) to .ee)
a propr$etary $nst$nct to the product o. oneGs )a%or/ %ut
$n th$s case/ $tGs m$sp)acedOor at )east/ %est &ept to
!ny eth$ca) c)a$m to ownersh$p o'er a scan o. a pu%)$c
doma$n wor& shou)d %e treated w$th utmost susp$c$on/
not )east %ecause o. a)) the peop)e w$th stron"er c)a$ms
than the scannerE To %e cons$stent w$th the eth$ca)
pr$nc$p)e that one shou)d ne'er use anotherGs wor&
w$thout perm$ss$on 2re"ard)ess o. the )aw or the pu%)$c
doma$n3/ e'ery scanner wou)d ha'e a duty to as&/ at
the 'ery )east/ the corporat$ons whose products are
ad'ert$sed $n these o)d chestnuts 2the 'ery %est o.
them are .or %rands that pers$st to today/ s$nce these
'$'$d)y $))ustrate the way that our wor)d has chan"edO
.or e0amp)e/ see the 'ery .ran& Lyso) douche ad3. 5or $.
scann$n" a wor& con.ers an ownersh$p $nterest/ then
sure)y paing &or the adGs product$on o..ers an e'en
more compe))$n" c)a$mE
!nd the pu%)$shers o. the ma"a?$nes and the
newspapersOto scan $s one th$n"/ %ut what a%out the
.$rm that pa$d to phys$ca))y pr$nt the ed$t$on that we
ma&e the scan .romF !nd then there are the
copywr$ters and $))ustrators and the$r he$rsO$.
scann$n" an ad con.ers a propr$etary $nterest/ then
sure)y creat$n" the ad shou)d "$'e r$se to an e'en
"reater c)a$mF
We do ac&now)ed"e these c)a$ms/ at )east a )$tt)e. !
"ood arch$'$st notes the source. ! "ood cr$t$c notes the
creator. =ut that $s the e0tent o. the c)a$mGs )e"$t$macy.
4. we a..ord descendants and pu%)$shers and pr$nters
and comm$ss$oners the$r own )$tt)e poc&et o.
customary r$"ht(o.(re.usa) o'er the$r wor&s/ we wou)d
e)$m$nate the a%$)$ty to &eep these wor&s a)$'e $n our
cu)ture. 5or these owed courtes$es mu)t$p)y
"eometr$ca))yOth$n& o. the cha))en"e o. "ett$n" a)) o.
D$c&ensG or Twa$nGs .ar(.)un" he$rs to "rant perm$ss$on
to do anyth$n" w$th the$r ancestorsG wor&s. What a
)ops$ded wor)d $t wou)d %e $. ten secondsG scanner
wor& w$th the pu%)$c doma$n demanded 1## hoursG
correspondence and perm$ss$on(%e""$n" to %e Mpo)$teEN
The r$"ht to reproduce the pu%)$c doma$n $s a %ar"a$n,
you "et to ma&e your cop$es .or .ree/ and owe no one
anyth$n". =ut you a)so "et no c)a$m o'er your
reproduct$ons. To assert otherw$se $s a su$c$de(pact/ .or
no pract$ce as pure)y "reat as the L$nta"e !ds
commun$ty wou)d sur'$'e such a pr$nc$p)e.

9Intelle%t*al Pro)ert#: Is a Sll#
M4nte))ectua) propertyN $s one o. those $deo)o"$ca))y
)oaded terms that can cause an ar"ument 9ust %y %e$n"
uttered. The term wasnGt $n w$despread use unt$) the
1KI#s/ when $t was adopted %y the Wor)d 4nte))ectua)
:roperty Or"an$?at$on/ a trade %ody that )ater atta$ned
e0a)ted status as a 1N a"ency.
W4:OGs case .or us$n" the term $s easy to understand,
peop)e whoG'e Mhad the$r property sto)enN are a )ot
more sympathet$c $n the pu%)$c $ma"$nat$on than
M$ndustr$a) ent$t$es whoG'e had the contours o. the$r
re"u)atory monopo)$es '$o)ated/N the )atter %e$n" the
more common way o. ta)&$n" a%out $n.r$n"ement unt$)
the ascendancy o. M$nte))ectua) propertyN as a term o.
Does $t matter what we ca)) $tF :roperty/ a.ter a))/ $s a
use.u)/ we))(understood concept $n )aw and custom/
the &$nd o. th$n" that a punter can "et h$s head around
w$thout too much th$n&$n".
ThatGs ent$re)y trueOand $tGs e0act)y why the phrase
M$nte))ectua) propertyN $s/ at root/ a dan"erous
euphem$sm that )eads us to a)) sorts o. .au)ty reason$n"
a%out &now)ed"e. 5au)ty $deas a%out &now)ed"e are
trou%)esome at the %est o. t$mes/ %ut theyGre dead)y to
any country try$n" to ma&e a trans$t$on to a
M&now)ed"e economy.N
5undamenta))y/ the stu.. we ca)) M$nte))ectua) propertyN
$s 9ust knowledgeO$deas/ words/ tunes/ %)uepr$nts/
$dent$.$ers/ secrets/ data%ases. Th$s stu.. $s s$m$)ar to
property $n some ways, $t can %e 'a)ua%)e/ and
somet$mes you need to $n'est a )ot o. money and
)a%our $nto $ts de'e)opment to rea)$se that 'a)ue.
O*t of %ontrol
=ut $t $s a)so d$ss$m$)ar .rom property $n e@ua))y $mpor(
tant ways. 6ost o. a))/ $t $s not $nherent)y Me0c)us$'e.N 4.
you trespass on my .)at/ 4 can throw you out 2e0c)ude
you .rom my home3. 4. you stea) my car/ 4 can ta&e $t
%ac& 2e0c)ude you .rom my car3. =ut once you &now
my son"/ once you read my %oo&/ once you see my
mo'$e/ $t )ea'es my contro). *hort o. a round o.
e)ectrocon'u)s$'e therapy/ 4 canGt "et you to un(&now
the sentences youG'e 9ust read here.
4tGs th$s d$sconnect that ma&es the MpropertyN $n
$nte))ectua) property so trou%)esome. 4. e'eryone who
came o'er to my .)at phys$ca))y too& a p$ece o. $t away
w$th them/ $tGd dr$'e me %on&ers. 4Gd spend a)) my t$me
worry$n" a%out who crossed the thresho)d/ 4Gd ma&e
them s$"n a)) &$nds o. $n'as$'e a"reements %e.ore they
"ot to use the )oo/ and so on. !nd as anyone who has
%ou"ht a DLD and %een .orced to s$t throu"h an
$nsu)t$n"/ cac&(handed M-ou wou)dnGt stea) a carN short
.$)m &nows/ th$s $s e0act)y the &$nd o. %eha'$our that
property ta)& $nsp$res when $t comes to &now)ed"e.
=ut thereGs p)enty o. stu.. out there thatGs 'a)ua%)e e'en
thou"h $tGs not property. 5or e0amp)e/ my dau"hter
was %orn on 5e%ruary +/ 2##C. *heGs not my property.
=ut sheGs worth @u$te a )ot to me. 4. you too& her .rom
me/ the cr$me wou)dnGt %e Mthe.t.N 4. you $n9ured her/ $t
wou)dnGt %e Mtrespass to chatte)s.N We ha'e an ent$re
'oca%u)ary and set o. )e"a) concepts to dea) w$th the
'a)ue that a human )$.e em%od$es.
WhatGs more/ e'en thou"h sheGs not my property/ 4 st$))
ha'e a )e"a))y reco"n$sed interest $n my dau"hter. *heGs
Mm$neN $n some mean$n".u) sense/ %ut she a)so .a))s
under the pur'$ew o. many other ent$t$esOthe
"o'ernments o. the 1P and Canada/ the N8*/ ch$)d
protect$on ser'$ces/ e'en her e0tended .am$)yOthey
can a)) )ay a c)a$m to some $nterest $n the d$spos$t$on/
treatment/ and .uture o. my dau"hter.
Fle/blt# and n*an%e
Try$n" to shoehorn &now)ed"e $nto the MpropertyN
metaphor )ea'es us w$thout the .)e0$%$)$ty and nuance
that a true &now)ed"e r$"hts re"$me wou)d ha'e. 5or
e0amp)e/ .acts are not copyr$"hta%)e/ so no one can %e
sa$d to MownN your address/ Nat$ona) 4nsurance
Num%er/ or the :4N .or your !T6 card. Ne'erthe)ess/
these are a)) th$n"s that you ha'e a stron" $nterest $n/
and that $nterest can and shou)d %e protected %y )aw.
There are p)enty o. creat$ons and .acts that .a)) outs$de
the scope o. copyr$"ht/ trademar&/ patent/ and the
other r$"hts that ma&e up the hydra o. 4nte))ectua)
:roperty/ .rom rec$pes to phone %oo&s to M$))e"a) artN
)$&e mus$ca) mashups. These wor&s are not propertyO
and shou)dnGt %e treated as suchO%ut .or e'ery one o.
them/ thereGs an ent$re ecosystem o. peop)e w$th a
)e"$t$mate $nterest $n them.
4 once heard the W4:O representat$'e .or the
European assoc$at$on o. commerc$a) %roadcasters
e0p)a$n that/ "$'en a)) the $n'estment h$s mem%ers had
put $nto record$n" the ceremony on the I#th
ann$'ersary o. the D$eppe Ra$d $n the second wor)d
war/ they shou)d %e "$'en the r$"ht to own the
ceremony/ 9ust as they wou)d own a te)ep)ay or any
other Mcreat$'e wor&.N 4 $mmed$ate)y as&ed why the
MownersN shou)d %e some r$ch "uys w$th camerasOwhy
not the .am$)$es o. the peop)e who d$ed on the %eachF
Why not the peop)e who own the %eachF Why not the
"enera)s who ordered the ra$dF When $t comes to
&now)ed"e/ Mownersh$pN 9ust doesnGt ma&e senseO)ots
o. peop)e ha'e an interest $n the .oota"e o. the D$eppe
commemorat$on/ %ut to ar"ue that anyone MownsN $t $s
9ust nonsens$ca).
Copyr$"htOw$th a)) $ts @u$r&s/ e0cept$ons/ and car'e
outsOwas/ .or centur$es/ a )e"a) re"$me that attempted
to address the un$@ue character$st$cs o. &now)ed"e/
rather than pretend$n" to %e 9ust another set o. ru)es
.or the "o'ernance o. property. The )e"acy o. # years
o. Mproperty ta)&N $s an end)ess war %etween $ntracta%)e
pos$t$ons o. ownersh$p/ the.t/ and .a$r dea)$n".
4. weGre "o$n" to ach$e'e a )ast$n" peace $n the
&now)ed"e wars/ $tGs t$me to set property as$de/ t$me to
start reco"n$s$n" that &now)ed"eO'a)ua%)e/ prec$ous/
e0pens$'e &now)ed"eO$snGt owned. CanGt %e owned.
The state shou)d re"u)ate our re)at$'e $nterests $n the
ephemera) rea)m o. thou"ht/ %ut that re"u)at$on must
%e a%out &now)ed"e/ not a c)umsy rema&e o. the
property system.

Sa#n. Infor!aton Wants to Be
Free Does +ore Har! T'an
It4s better to sto) s*r-ellan%e %ontrol
be%a*se t s t'e )eo)le w'o reall# want to
be free
5or 1# years 4G'e %een part o. what the record and .$)m
$ndustry $n'ar$a%)y ca)) the M$n.ormat$on wants to %e
.reeN crowd. 4n a)) that t$me/ 4G'e ne'er heard anyoneO
apart .rom an enterta$nment e0ecut$'eOuse that
t$meworn c)$che.
M4n.ormat$on wants to %e .reeN 24WT=5 herea.ter3 $s
ha). o. *tewart =randGs .amous aphor$sm/ .$rst uttered
at the 8ac&ers Con.erence $n 6ar$n County/ Ca)$.orn$a
2where e)seF3/ $n 1KC, MOn the one hand $n.ormat$on
wants to %e e0pens$'e/ %ecause $tGs so 'a)ua%)e. The
r$"ht $n.ormat$on $n the r$"ht p)ace 9ust chan"es your
)$.e. On the other hand/ $n.ormat$on wants to %e .ree/
%ecause the cost o. "ett$n" $t out $s "ett$n" )ower and
)ower a)) the t$me. *o you ha'e these two .$"ht$n"
a"a$nst each other.N
Th$s $s a chun&y/ chewy )$tt)e &oan/ and as these "o/ $tGs
an e)e"ant statement o. the ma$n contrad$ct$on o. )$.e
$n the M$n.ormat$on a"e.N 4t means/ .undamenta))y/ that
the $ncrease $n $n.ormat$onGs ro)e as an acce)erant and
source o. 'a)ue $s accompan$ed %y a parado0$ca)
$ncrease $n the cost o. pre'ent$n" the spread o.
$n.ormat$on. That $s/ the more 4T you ha'e/ the more
4T "enerates 'a)ue/ and the more $n.ormat$on %ecomes
the centre o. your wor)d. =ut the more 4T 2and 4T
e0pert$se3 you ha'e/ the eas$er $t $s .or $n.ormat$on to
spread and escape any propr$etary %arr$er. !s an
oracu)ar utterance pred$ct$n" the ne0t # yearsG worth
o. po)$cy/ %us$ness/ and po)$t$ca) .$"hts/ you can hard)y
do %etter.
=ut $tGs t$me .or $t to d$e.
4tGs t$me .or 4WT=5 to d$e %ecause $tGs %ecome the
eas$est/ )a?$est straw man .or 8o))ywoodGs
author$tar$an %u))$es to throw up as a 9ust$.$cat$on .or
the monoton$c $ncrease o. sur'e$))ance/ contro)/ and
censorsh$p $n our networ&s and too)s. 4 can $ma"$ne
them say$n", MThese peop)e on)y want networ&
.reedom %ecause they %e)$e'e that [$n.ormat$on wants
to %e .ree.G They pretend to %e concerned a%out
.reedom/ %ut the on)y [.reeG they care a%out $s [.ree o.
=ut th$s $s 9ust wron". M4n.ormat$on wants to %e .reeN
has the same re)at$onsh$p to the d$"$ta) r$"hts
mo'ement that M&$)) wh$teyN has to the rac$a) e@ua)$ty
mo'ement, a thou"ht)ess car$cature that rep)aces a
nuanced/ pr$nc$p)ed stand w$th a cartoon character.
Ca))$n" 4WT=5 the $deo)o"$ca) %as$s o. the mo'ement
$s )$&e character$s$n" %ra %urn$n" as the pr$mary
preoccupat$on o. .em$n$sts 2$n rea)$ty/ the num%er o.
%ras %urned %y .em$n$sts $n the h$story o. the stru"")e
.or "ender e@ua)$ty appears to %e ?ero/ or as c)ose to $t
as ma&es no d$..erence3.
*o what do d$"$ta) r$"hts act$'$sts want/ $. not M.ree
They want open access to the data and med$a
produced at pu%)$c e0pense/ %ecause th$s ma&es %etter
sc$ence/ %etter &now)ed"e/ and %etter cu)tureOand
%ecause they a)ready pa$d .or $t w$th the$r ta0 and
)$cence .ees.
They want to %e a%)e to @uote/ c$te/ and re.erence
ear)$er wor&s %ecause th$s $s .undamenta) to a)) cr$t$ca)
They want to %e a%)e to %u$)d on ear)$er creat$'e wor&s
$n order to create new/ or$"$na) wor&s %ecause th$s $s
the %as$s o. a)) creat$'$ty/ and e'ery wor& they w$sh to
ma&e .ra"mentary or $nsp$rat$ona) use o. was/ $n turn/
comp$)ed .rom the wor&s that went %e.ore $t.
They want to %e a%)e to use the networ& and the$r
computers w$thout mandatory sur'e$))ance and
spyware $nsta))ed under the ru%r$c o. Mstopp$n" p$racyN
%ecause censorsh$p and sur'e$))ance are themse)'es
corros$'e to .ree thou"ht/ $nte))ectua) cur$os$ty/ and an
open and .a$r soc$ety.
They want the$r networ&s to %e .ree .rom "reedy
corporate tamper$n" %y te)ecom "$ants that w$sh to se))
access to the$r customers to enterta$nment con")oms/
%ecause when you pay .or a networ& connect$on/
youGre pay$n" to ha'e the %$ts you want de)$'ered to
you as .ast as poss$%)e/ e'en $. the pro'$ders o. those
%$ts donGt want to %r$%e your 4*:.
They want the .reedom to %u$)d and use too)s that
a))ow .or the shar$n" o. $n.ormat$on and the creat$on o.
commun$t$es %ecause th$s $s the &ey to a))
co))a%orat$on and co))ect$'e act$onOe'en $. some
m$nor$ty o. users o. these too)s use them to ta&e pop
son"s w$thout pay$n".
4WT=5 has an e)e"ant compactness and a m$sch$e'ous
p)ay on the dou%)e(mean$n" o. M.ree/N %ut $t does more
harm than "ood these days.
=etter to say/ MThe $nternet wants to %e .ree.N
Or/ more s$mp)y, M:eop)e want to %e .ree.N

C'rs Anderson4s Free Adds
+*%' to
The Long Tail, b*t Falls S'ort
T'e e%ono!%s of 9free: .oods and ser-%es
%annot be e/)laned n ter!s of t'e
!ar&et)la%e, d.tal or ot'erwse5'*!ans
are !ore %o!)l%ated t'an t'at
Th$s month saw the pu%)$cat$on o. the W$red 1.*.
ed$tor($n(ch$e. Chr$s !ndersonGs )atest %us$ness %oo&/
5ree, The 5uture o. a Rad$ca) :r$ce/ a .o))owup 2o.
sorts3 to the 2##I %estse))er The Lon" Ta$). 4 @u$te
en9oyed The Lon" Ta$)/ a %oo& a%out the mar&et
opportun$t$es created %y the p)ummet$n" cost o.
$n'entory ep$tom$?ed %y the !ma?ons o. the wor)d.
Wh$)e a trad$t$ona) %oo&store may stoc& a .ew
thousand t$t)es/ !ma?on can a..ord to Mstoc&N 2that $s/
)$st3 m$))$ons o. t$t)es/ and when they do so/ they
d$sco'er a remar&a%)e th$n", the t$t)es that some
%oo&stores $"nored .or a%sence o. demand are/ $n .act/
$n demand. Not much demandOa %oo& may se)) a
copy a year/ or tw$ce a decadeO%ut where the cost o.
supp)y$n" that demand $s near)y ?ero 2!ma?onGs
warehouse space $s cheaper than a %oo&se))erGs reta$)
she)./ and many o. the %oo&s that !ma?on se))s are
d$rect)y supp)$ed %y the$r pu%)$sher/ or/ $ncreas$n")y/
pr$nted to order3/ $t %ecomes poss$%)e to .u).$) that
The Lon" Ta$) resonated w$th me as a reader/ a wr$ter/
and a .ormer %oo&se))er. !s a reader/ 4 &new that the
%oo&s 4 )o'ed were o.ten nowhere to %e .ound on the
she)'es o. my )oca) %oo&shopOnot e'en $n the so(
ca))ed me"astores that rep)aced the m$sera%)e ma))
stores that/ $n turn/ had rep)aced the charm$n" mom(
and(pop stores. !s a wr$ter/ 4 &new that once sa)es o.
my %oo&s had .a))en o.. .rom the$r $n$t$a) )aunch/ the
num%er o. stores that carr$ed them dropped o..
prec$p$tous)y. !nd as a %oo&se))er 4 &new that e'ery
day saw one or more customers )oo&$n" .or a %oo& that
we d$dnGt carryO%ut a)ways a d$..erent %oo&.
=ut The Lon" Ta$) wasnGt per.ect. One area where 4
too& "reat e0cept$on w$th $ts ar"ument was when $t
came to d$"$ta))y de)$'ered "oods/ such as d$"$ta)
mus$c/ "ames/ and %oo&s. !ndersonGs e@uat$on )oo&s
)$&e th$s, T<oodsU/TCost o. 4n'entoryU W T=readth o.
6ar&etU. !s TCost o. 4n'entoryU .e))/ the mar&et "ot
%$""er and more '$%rant. 4t there.ore .o))owed that
when TCost o. 4n'entoryU .e)) to ?eroOas w$th the
$Tunes store/ where the cost o. runn$n" a store w$th
1/###/### son"s or 1/###/##1 son"s $s/ pract$ca))y
spea&$n"/ the sameOthe %readth o. the mar&et wou)d
%e e0p)os$'e.
=ut as e'ery "ood pro"rammer &nows/ d$'$d$n" a
num%er %y ?ero y$e)ds an $ndeterm$nate outcome/ and
there$n )ay the pro%)em w$th the hypothes$s. !s "ood
as The Lon" Ta$) was at descr$%$n" many &$nds o.
mar&ets/ $t d$dnGt capture the e0traord$nary stu.. that
happened when the mar"$na) cost o. "oods .e)) to ?ero.
5or one th$n"/ the cost o. e0c)ud$n" peop)e .rom those
"oods "oes to $n.$n$ty. E0c)us$on costs are a necessary
part o. any merchantGs pr$c$n" mode), a sma))
newsa"entGs sta)) can set out p$)es o. newspapers w$th
saucers .or co$ns on top/ and use a haw&(eye and the
soc$a) contract to stop peop)e .rom wa)&$n" away
w$thout pay$n". Th$s )owers the newsa"entGs costs and
$ncreases h$s mar"$ns.
The cost o. e0c)ud$n" peop)e .rom commerc$a))y
a'a$)a%)e d$"$ta) "oods $s now $n.$n$te> th$s $s another
way o. say$n", M!ny popu)ar son"/ %oo&/ mo'$e/ TL
show/ or "ame w$)) e'entua))y %e p$rated.N The on)y
way to pre'ent th$s $s to "o to the $mposs$%)e step o.
.orc$n" e'eryone to trade $n the$r :Cs .or spec$a)$sed
ant$(copy$n" de'$ces/ d$smant)$n" the $nternet as you
do so. 5a$)$n" that/ e0c)us$on $s a )ost cost.
Now/ thereGs st$)) a %$" mar&et .or non(e0c)uda%)e
"oodsOwhether $tGs the %anana that se))s at the ca.e
.or e$"ht t$mes what $t se))s .or at the "rocerGs ne0t
door/ or the %ott)ed water that you %uy .or se'era)
thousand t$mes what $t wou)d cost you at your &$tchen
s$n&. =ut these arenGt rea))y "oods $n the way that/ say/
CDs or %oo&s or sh$rts are "oodsOtheyGre ser'$ces/ the
ser'$ce %e$n" the con'en$ence o. "ett$n" them at th$s
part$cu)ar t$me w$th a m$n$mum o. hass)e and .uss/ at a
pr$ce )ow enou"h not to %other a%out.
L$&ew$se/ $Tunes se))s a )ot o. mus$c that you can "et
.or .ree on the $nternet/ so theyGre not rea))y se))$n" the
mus$c/ theyGre se))$n" the ser'$ce o. "ett$n" the mus$c
w$thout ha'$n" to muc& a%out w$th :2: so.tware and
unsure @ua)$ty.
<oods mar&ets and ser'$ce mar&ets ha'e 'ery d$..erent
character$st$cs/ and The Lon" Ta$)Gs )essons .or d$"$ta)
ser'$ce pro'$ders are necessar$)y d$..erent .rom the
)essons $t o..ers to those who use d$"$ta) techno)o"y to
$mpro'e the mar&et .or phys$ca) "oods.
When 4 read The Lon" Ta$)/ 4 thou"ht !nderson had
e$ther run out o. coura"e or '$s$on when $t came to
d$"$ta) $n.ormat$onOthe coura"e to cons$der that the
mar&et d$dnGt e0p)a$n/ produce/ or a))ocate the
s$"nature MproductN o. the 21st century> the '$s$on to
$ma"$ne what %us$nesses centered on the ser'$ce o.
M"ett$n" $n.ormat$on more eas$)y than you can "et $t
e)sewhereN m$"ht )oo& )$&e.
Enter 5ree/ a %oo& a%out the )atter/ %ut not the .ormer.
5ree does a "enu$ne)y e0ce))ent 9o% o. descr$%$n" the
pro'en and specu)at$'e mar&et opportun$t$es that can
%e %u$)t around d$"$ta) $n.ormat$on ser'$ces/ .rom the
mus$c$ans who use .ree down)oads to .und pa$d "$"s to
the "$ant search compan$es that use .ree search to
$mpro'e the mar&et .or pa$d ad'ert$s$n".
*ome/ such as 6a)co)m <)adwe))/ ha'e .au)ted !nder(
son .or .a$)$n" to %e scept$ca) enou"h o. the %us$nesses
ena%)ed %y .ree/ po$nt$n" out that ser'$ces such as
-ouTu%e )ac& any susta$na%)e re'enue mode)
2someth$n" that !nderson states $n 5ree/ contrast$n" $t
w$th $ts r$'a) 8u)u and ma&$n" some shrewd
o%ser'at$ons a%out the potent$a) .uture .or %oth3.
<)adwe))Gs cr$t$c$sms r$n" ho))ow to me/ %)end$n" a
hand(wr$n"$n" "r$e'ance a%out Mthe.tN o. $n.ormat$on
w$th spec$a) p)ead$n" .or <)adwe)) and h$s .e))ow
Wh$ch $s not to say that 5ree $s per.ect. 4ndeed/ 4 th$n&
$t has e0act)y the same pro%)em as The Lon" Ta$)/
name)y/ an unw$))$n"ness to cons$der the w$der
$mp)$cat$ons o. a wor)d centered on a commod$ty that
can %e $n.$n$te)y reproduced at no mar"$na) cost.
Nowhere $s th$s more e'$dent than $n !ndersonGs
d$sm$ssa) o. the 5ree *o.tware 5oundat$on .ounder/
R$chard *ta))man/ the or$"$na) .ree so.tware hac&er
who )aunched the <N1/L$nu0 pro9ect that $s the
.ore%ear o. todayGs .ree/open source mo'ement.
!nderson ment$ons *ta))man/ d$sm$ss$n" h$m as Mant$(
=ut th$s $s to m$ss one o. the most $mportant po$nts.
ThereGs a pretty stron" case to %e made that M.reeN has
some $nherent ant$pathy to cap$ta)$sm. That $s/
$n.ormat$on that can %e .ree)y reproduced at no
mar"$na) cost may not want/ need/ or %ene.$t .rom
mar&ets as a way o. or"an$s$n" them.
!nd why notF ThereGs p)enty $n our wor)d that )$'es
outs$de o. the mar&etp)ace, $tGs a rare .am$)y that uses
spot(auct$ons to determ$ne the d$nner menu or where
to "o .or ho)$days. Who "ets wh$ch cha$r and des& at
your o..$ce $s more )$&e)y to %e determ$ned on the )$nes
o. M.rom each accord$n" to h$s a%$)$ty/ to each
accord$n" to h$s needN than on the %as$s o. the
$n.a))$%)e w$sdom o. the mar&etp)ace. The $nterna))y
soc$a)$st$c/ e0terna))y cap$ta)$st$c character o. most o.
our $nst$tut$ons te))s us that thereGs someth$n" to the
$dea that mar&ets may not %e the so)ut$on to a)) our
!nd hereGs where 5ree starts to tr$p up. Thou"h
!nderson ce)e%rates the %est o. non(commerc$a) and
ant$(commerc$a) net(cu)ture/ .rom amateur creat$'$ty
to 5reecyc)e/ he a)so "oes throu"h a ser$es o. tortured
2and u)t$mate)y )ess than con'$nc$n"3 e0erc$ses to put a
do))ar 'a)ue on th$s act$'$ty/ to e0p)a$n the monetary
worth o. W$&$ped$a/ .or e0amp)e.
!nd there $s certa$n)y some port$on o. th$s M.reeN
act$'$ty that was created $n a %$d to 9o$n the non(.ree
economy, wou)d(%e 8o))ywood auteurs who hope to
%e d$sco'ered on -ouTu%e/ .or e0amp)e. ThereGs a)so
p)enty o. %)ended .ree and non(.ree act$'$ty.
=ut .or the s$?ea%)e .ract$on o. th$s mater$a)Oand $t $s
s$?ea%)eOthat was created w$th no e0pectat$on o.
9o$n$n" the monetary economy/ w$th no e0pectat$on o.
w$nn$n" some .uture %ene.$t .or $ts author/ that was
created .or 9oy/ or )o'e/ or compu)s$on/ or
con'ersat$on/ $t $s 9ust wron" to say that the Mpr$ceN o.
the mater$a) $s M.ree.N
The mater$a)/ $s/ $nstead/ )$tera))y pr$ce)ess. 4t rep(
resents a )ar"e and $ncreas$n" se"ment o. our pu%)$c
)$.e that $s conducted ent$re)y .or reasons outs$de the
mar&etp)ace. *ome o. the support$n" p)an&s may %e
mar&et(dr$'en 2-ouTu%eGs .ree host$n"3/ other parts
are ph$)anthrop$c 2arch$'e.or"Gs .ree host$n"3/ or s$mp)y
so cheap that creators donGt e'en not$ce the cost 2any
one o. the many super(cheap host$n" s$tes3.
Throu"h most o. the h$story o. the $ndustr$a) era/
mar&ets were seen as a .$t too) .or or"an$s$n" a sma))
p$ece o. human endea'our/ wh$)e the rest o. )$.eOthe
m$)$tary/ 'o)unteer$sm/ .am$)$es/ pu%)$c ser'$ceOwere
outs$de the mar&etp)ace. 6ar&ets may %e "ood at
or"an$s$n" scarce "oods/ and they may e'en %e "ood at
or"an$s$n" a%undant ones/ %ut do a%undant "oods
rea))y need or"an$s$n"F
!)so m$ss$n" $n 5ree $s the .ran& adm$ss$on that .or
many o. the pract$t$oners threatened %y d$"$ta)
techno)o"y/ the .uture $s %)ea&.
5or wh$)e $t $s true that 6adonna and many other
esta%)$shed art$sts ha'e .ound a .uture that em%races
copy$n"/ there w$)) a)so %e many wr$ters/ mus$c$ans/
actors/ d$rectors/ "ame des$"ners/ and others .or whom
the $nternet w$)) pro%a%)y spe)) doom. !nd .or e'ery
creator who )oses her )$'e)$hood %ecause she $s
unsu$ted to the d$"$ta) .uture/ there w$)) %e many more
$ntermed$ar$esOed$tors/ e0ecut$'es/ sa)espeop)e/
c)er&s/ en"$neers/ teamsters/ and pr$ntersOwho w$))
a)so %e rendered 9o%)ess %y techno)o"y.
4t $s poss$%)e to %e compass$onate a%out those peop)esG
.ortunesO9ust as $t $s poss$%)e to mourn the pass$n" o.
mom(and(pop %oo&stores/ the co))apse o. poetry as a
'$a%)e commerc$a) concern/ the wor)dw$de dec)$ne o.
rad$o ser$a)s/ the wan$n" o. the &n$.e(sharpen$n" trade/
and a m$))$on other %y"one human act$'$t$esOwh$)e
st$)) not apo)o"$s$n" .or the .uture.
!nderson pa$nts a rosy p$cture o. M.ree/N e'en not$n"
the "a$ns we a)) e0per$enced as a resu)t o. the creat$'e
destruct$on o. tra'e) a"ents and stoc&%ro&ers than&s to
E0ped$a and EXTR!DE/ %ut he .a$)s to c)ear)y and e0(
p)$c$t)y state someth$n" to the e..ect o., MThe
$n.ormat$on re'o)ut$on $s not pa$n)ess or %)ood)ess. 4ts
wrench$n" chan"es ha'e and w$)) put those o. the
$ndustr$a) re'o)ut$on to shame. 6uch o. 'a)ue w$)) %e
On those )$nes/ 5ree su..ers .rom the same .ate as many
other recent %us$ness %oo&s, $t descr$%es a %us$ness(
c)$mate that no )on"er e0$sts. The anecdotes and
e'$dence come )ar"e)y .rom the era o. the cheap money
%u%%)e. Thou"h there $s a coda $n wh$ch !nderson
tr$es to sum up the )essons o. 5ree .or the
econopoca)ypse/ he .a$)s to note w$th %ruta) honesty
the .act that %oth o. the .ree %u%%)esOdotcom and
cheap moneyOhad the s$de(e..ect o. .und$n" much o.
.reeGs underp$nn$n"s/ .$rst %y tra$n$n" m$))$ons o.
s)ac&er under"rads $n the %as$cs o. 8T6L and :er) at
the e0pense o. $nsurance(company(.unded 'enture
cap$ta)$sts/ and then %y su%s$d$s$n" m$))$ons o.
e0per$menta) sma)) M.reeN 'entures as an $nd$rect e..ect
o. o'er(cap$ta)$sed ad'ert$sers pursu$n" a %e""ar(your(
ne$"h%our mar&et$n" strate"y.
4ndeed/ thereGs someth$n" eer$)y 6ar0$st $n th$s
phenomenon/ $n that $t m$rrors 6ar0Gs pred$ct$on o.
cap$ta)$smGs a%$)$ty to create a surp)us o. capac$ty that
can su%se@uent)y %e .ree)y shared w$thout mar&et
.orcesG %ruta)$ty.
4Gm not say$n" that M.reeN $s commun$st/ or e'en
$nherent)y ant$(cap$ta)$st. =ut to d$scuss M.reeN w$thout
ta&$n" note o. the ways $n wh$ch $t %oth cha))en"es and
re$n.orces non(mar&et ways o. )$'$n" 9ust as much as $t
does .or mar&et(dr$'en ones $s to on)y te)) ha). the

W'# E%ono!%s Conde!ns ;D to
Be No +ore T'an a Blo%&b*ster
Yo* %an4t reall# !a&e a ;D !o-e w'le t'e
!one# %o!es fro! <D D7Ds= And as for
art1'o*se ;D8 t
6y w$.e and 4 had a %a%y 1C months a"o/ wh$ch/
pract$ca))y spea&$n"/ means weG'e ta&en a year and
more o.. .rom "o$n" to the c$nema re"u)ar)y/ and on)y
9ust started to "et our heads o. the water and "et down
to the mo'$es.
*omewhere $n the past year or so/ $t seems as thou"h
e'ery stud$o e0ec has dec$ded to "reen)$"ht one or
more %)oc&%uster $n +D/ us$n" a pretty $mpress$'e
techno)o"y that emp)oys po)ar$sed ")asses that "$'e a
reasona%)y con'$nc$n" $))us$on o. depth. 4 ha'e
asty"mat$sms $n each eye that ma&e $t d$..$cu)t .or me
to con'er"e most +D/ %ut 4 .$nd 4 can "et a pretty "ood
e..ect w$th a m$n$mum o. 2)$tera)3 headache $. 4 s$t $n
the centre o. the %ac& row.
!nd the +D $s`n$ce. Ne$) <a$manGs remar&a%)e
Coraline $s than&.u))y de'o$d o. the "$mm$c&y +D
e..ects that character$?ed the )ast coup)e wa'es o. +D
.$)mma&$n". No '$scera s&ewered on p$&es ho'er$n"
$nches .rom your nose/ no "a" cans o. spr$n"(sna&es
)eap$n" o.. the screen.
Hust some )o'e)y/ @u$et enhancements that are n$ce to
ha'e $n a mo'$e that $s pretty .$ne to %e"$n w$th.
=ut 4Gm scept$ca).
8ereGs why, 4 9ust saw 8p/ the new :$0ar mo'$e/ wh$ch
$s near$n" the end o. $ts run $n Canada 2the mo'$e
doesnGt open $n the 1P unt$) Chr$stmas/ %ut $tGs %een
p)ay$n" $n North !mer$ca .or months now3. 8p $s a
tremendous mo'$e/ made me )au"h and cry/ and $t was
$ntended to %e seen $n +D. 2:$0ar has the )u0ury o.
ma&$n" $ts computer(rendered mo'$es +D s$mp)y %y re(
render$n" them to produce the des$red +D e..ects.3
=ecause 8p has %een out $n Canada .or so )on"/ $tGs
%een mo'ed out o. the rare +D aud$tor$um and $nto a
re"u)ar screen$n" room. !nd $tGs 9ust .$ne/ e'en w$thout
the +D. Not .or one second d$d 4 th$n& MOh/ what 4
must %e m$ss$n"E 4. on)y 4Gd seen th$s $n +DEN Noth$n"
was o%'$ous)y m$ss$n" .rom the 2D e0per$ence that
made me .ee) )$&e the +D was a must(ha'e.
!nd o. course thatGs true o. a)) +D mo'$es. 6o'$es/ a.ter
a))/ re)y on the a.termar&et o. sate))$te/ %roadcast/ and
ca%)e )$censes/ o. home DLD re)eases and re)eases to
a$r)$ne enterta$nment systems and hote) room '$deo(
on(demand ser'$ces/ none o. wh$ch are $n +D. 4. the
mo'$e cou)dnGt %e proper)y en9oyed $n %or$n" o)d 2D/
the econom$cs o. .$)mma&$n" wou)d co))apse. *o no
.$)mma&er can a..ord to ma&e a %$"(%ud"et mo'$e that
$s $ntended as a +D(on)y e0per$ence/ e0cept as a 'an$ty
WhatGs more/ no .$)mma&er can a..ord to ma&e a small(
%ud"et +D mo'$e/ e$ther/ %ecause the c$nema(owners
whoG'e she))ed out %$" money to retro.$t the$r
aud$tor$ums .or +D pro9ect$on donGt want to t$e up
the$r sma)) supp)y o. +D screens w$th art(house mo'$es.
They espec$a))y donGt want to do th$s when thereGs
p)enty o. compet$t$on .rom "$ant(%ud"et +D mo'$es
that add $n the +D as an opt$ona) ad9unct/ a mar&et$n"
"$mm$c& that can %e used to draw $n a .ew more
punters dur$n" the c$nemat$c e0h$%$t$on w$ndow.
4 ha'e no dou%t that there are %r$))$ant +D mo'$es
)ur&$n" in potentia out there $n the %reasts o.
.$)mma&ers/ yearn$n" to %urst .ree. =ut 4 stron")y
dou%t that any o. them will %urst .ree. The econom$cs
9ust donGt support $t, a tru)y +D mo'$e wou)d %e one
where the +D was so $nte"ra) to the storyte))$n" and
the '$sua)s and the e0(per$ence that see$n" $t $n 2D
wou)d %e )$&e see$n" a "$ant(ro%ots(throw$n"(
%u$)d$n"s(at(each(other %)oc&%uster as a .)$p%oo&
wh$)e a hyperact$'e e$"ht(year(o)d supp)$ed the sound
e..ects %y shout$n" M=!N<EN and MCR!*8EN $n your ear.
*uch a .$)m wou)d %e e0pens$'e to produce and mar&et
and cou)d ne'er hope to recoup. 4t wonGt %e made. 4. $t
were made/ $t wou)d not %e .o))owed.
4n 1# years/ weG)) )oo& %ac& on the current round o. +D
.$)ms and say/ MRemem%er that +D "$mm$c&F Whate'er
happened to that/ anywayF 8ey/ "$ant ro%ot/ watch
where youGre throw$n" that %u$)d$n"EN


Not E-er# Clo*d Has a Sl-er
T'ere4s so!et'n. #o* won4t see !entoned
b# too !an# ad-o%ates of %lo*d %o!)*tn.
5t'e !an attra%ton s !a&n. !one#
fro! #o*
The tech press $s .u)) o. peop)e who want to te)) you
how comp)ete)y awesome )$.e $s "o$n" to %e when
e'eryth$n" mo'es to Mthe c)oudNOthat $s/ when a)) your
$mportant stora"e/ process$n"/ and other needs are
hand)ed %y 'ast/ pro.ess$ona))y mana"ed data(centres.
8ereGs someth$n" you wonGt see ment$oned/ thou"h,
the ma$n attract$on o. the c)oud to $n'estors and
entrepreneurs $s the $dea o. ma&$n" money .rom you/
on a recurr$n"/ perpetua) %as$s/ .or someth$n" you
current)y "et .or a .)at rate or .or .ree w$thout ha'$n" to
"$'e up the money or pr$'acy that c)oud compan$es
hope to )e'era"e $nto .ortunes.
*$nce the r$se o. the commerc$a)/ c$'$)$an $nternet/
$n'estors ha'e dreamed o. a return to the h$"h(
pro.$ta%$)$ty monopo)y te)ecoms wor)d that the hyper(
compet$t$'e net ann$h$)ated. 4n'estors )o'ed $ts pay(
per(m$nute mode)/ a mode) that char"ed e0tra .or
e'ery s$n")e Mser'$ce/N $nc)ud$n" tr$'$a)$t$es such as
Ca))er 4DOremem%er when you had to pay e0tra to
.$nd out who was ca))$n" youF 4ma"$ne $. your 4*: tr$ed
to char"e you .or see$n" the M5RO6N )$ne on your
ema$)s %e.ore you opened themE 6$n$te)/ !OL/ 6*NO
these a)) shared the mode)/ and had an $:hone()$&e
monopo)y o'er who cou)d pro'$de ser'$ces on the$r
networ&s/ and what those ser'$ce(pro'$ders wou)d
ha'e to pay to supp)y these ser'$ces to you/ the user.
=ut w$th the r$se o. the netOthe pu%)$c $nternet/ on
wh$ch anyone cou)d create a new ser'$ce/ protoco)/ or
app)$cat$onOthere was a)ways someone ready to eat
$nto th$s pro.$ta%)e )$tt)e consp$racy. The .$rst on)$ne
ser'$ces char"ed you .or e'ery ema$) you sent or
rece$'ed. The ne0t "enerat$on &$c&ed the$r asses %y$n" ema$) .)at(rate. =$t %y %$t/ the compet$t$on
&$))ed the meter runn$n" on your networ& sess$on/ the
meter that turned o'er e'ery t$me you c)$c&ed the
mouse. C)oud ser'$ces can re'erse that/ at )east $n part.
Rather than %uy$n" a hard dr$'e once and pay$n"
noth$n"Oapart .rom the e)ectr$c$ty %$))Oto run $t/ you
can %uy c)oud stora"e and pay .or those sectors e'ery
month. Rather than %uy$n" a h$"h(powered C:1 and
comput$n" on that/ you can mo'e your comput$n"
needs to the c)oud and pay .or e'ery cyc)e you eat.
Now/ th$s ma&es sense .or some )$m$ted app)$cat$ons. 4.
youGre supp)y$n" a ser'$ce to the pu%)$c/ ha'$n" a
c)oudGs worth o. on(demand stora"e and host$n" $s
"reat news. 6any compan$es/ such as Tw$tter/ ha'e
.ound that $tGs more cost(e..ect$'e to %uy %arre)()oads
o. stora"e/ %andw$dth/ and computat$on .rom d$stant
host$n" compan$es than $t wou)d %e to %uy the$r own
ser'ers and rac&s at a data(centre. !nd $. youGre do$n"
supercomput$n" app)$cat$ons/ then tapp$n" $nto the
h$"h(per.ormance comput$n" "r$d run %y the wor)dGs
phys$cs centres $s a "ood tr$c&.
=ut .or the a'era"e punter/ c)oud comput$n" $sOto say
the )eastOo'erso)d. Networ& access rema$ns s)ower/
more e0pens$'e/ and )ess re)$a%)e than hard dr$'es and
C:1s. -our access to the net "rows more and more
.rau"ht each day/ as enterta$nment compan$es/
spyware creeps/ %otnet croo&s/ snoop$n" coppers/ and
shame)ess %osses arro"ate to themse)'es the r$"ht to
spy on/ tamper w$th/ or term$nate your access to the
!)as/ th$s s$tuat$on $snGt )$&e)y to chan"e any t$me soon.
<o$n" $nto the hard(dr$'e %us$ness or the computer
%us$ness $snGt cheap %y any meansOe'en w$th a
Mc)oudN o. Ch$nese manu.acturers whoG)) %u$)d to your
specO%ut $tGs 'ast)y cheaper than $t $s to start an 4*:.
Runn$n" a w$re $nto the ce))ar o. e'ery house $n an
ent$re nat$on $s a %$" 9o%/ and thatGs why youGre )uc&y $.
your )oca) mar&et sports two or three compet$n" 4*:s/
and why you can %uy +# &$nds o. hard dr$'e on
!ma?on. 4tGs $nconce$'a%)e to me that networ& access
w$)) e'er o'erta&e C:1 or hard dr$'e .or cost/
re)$a%$)$ty/ and per.ormance. Today/ you can %uy a
tera%yte o. stora"e .or YBJ. 1n)ess youGre record$n"
hundreds o. hoursG worth o. te))y/ youGd %e hard(
pressed to .$)) such a dr$'e.
L$&ew$se/ you can %uy a no(name @uad(core :C w$th
the a.orement$oned tera%yte d$sc .or Y+C. Th$s
mach$ne w$)) compute a)) the spreadsheets you e'er
need to tot up w$thout %rea&$n" a sweat.
4tGs easy to th$n& o. some e0treme)y spec$a)$sed
co))a%orat$'e en'$ronments that %ene.$t .rom c)oud
comput$n"Owe used a <oo")e spreadsheet to p)an our
wedd$n" )$st and a <oo")e ca)endar to coord$nate w$th
my parents $n CanadaO%ut $. you were des$"n$n" these
app)$cat$ons to pro'$de ma0$mum ut$)$ty .or the$r users
2$nstead o. ma0$mum %us$ness(mode) .or the$r
de'e)opers3/ theyGd 9ust %e a p)ace where encrypted %$ts
o. state $n.ormat$on was he)d .or per$od$c access %y
power.u) :Cs that d$d the %u)& o. the$r ca)cu)at$ons
ThatGs how 4 use !ma?onGs *+ c)oud stora"e, not as an
unre)$a%)e and s)ow hard dr$'e/ %ut as a store .or
encrypted %ac&ups o. my cr$t$ca) .$)es/ wh$ch are
wr$tten to *+ us$n" the Hun")eD$s& too). Th$s $s cheaper
and %etter than anyth$n" 4 cou)d do .or myse). %y way
o. o..s$te secure %ac&up/ %ut 4Gm not "o$n" to %e
wor&$n" o.. *+ any t$me soon.

W'# I Won4t B*# an Pad
>and T'n& Yo* S'o*ldn4t,
4G'e spent ten years now on =o$n" =o$n"/ .$nd$n" coo)
th$n"s that peop)e ha'e done and made and wr$t$n"
a%out them. 6ost o. the rea))y e0c$t$n" stu.. hasnGt
come .rom %$" corporat$ons w$th enormous %ud"ets/
$tGs come .rom e0per$menta)$st amateurs. These peop)e
were a%)e to ma&e stu.. and put $t $n the pu%)$cGs eye
and e'en se)) $t w$thout ha'$n" to su%m$t to the wh$ms
o. a s$n")e company that had dec)ared $tse). "ate&eeper
.or your phone and other persona) techno)o"y.
Danny OG=r$en does a 'ery "ood 9o% o. e0p)a$n$n" why
4Gm comp)ete)y un$nterested $n %uy$n" an $:adO$t
rea))y .ee)s )$&e the second com$n" o. the CD(RO6
Mre'o)ut$onN $n wh$ch McontentN peop)e proc)a$med that
they were "o$n" to rema&e med$a %y produc$n"
e0pens$'e 2to ma&e and to %uy3 products. 4 was a CD(
RO6 pro"rammer at the start o. my tech career/ and 4
.e)t that e0c$tement/ too/ and )$'ed throu"h $t to see
how wron" 4 was/ how open p)at.orms and
e0per$menta) amateurs wou)d e'entua))y %eat out the
spendy/ s)$c& pros.
4 remem%er the ear)y days o. the we%Oand the )ast
days o. CD(RO6Owhen there was th$s ma$nstream
consensus that the we% and :Cs were too durned
"ee&y and d$..$cu)t and unpred$cta%)e .or Mmy momN
2$tGs ama?$n" how many tech peop)e ha'e an $ncred$%)y
)ow op$n$on o. the$r mothers3. 4. 4 had a share o. !OL
.or e'ery t$me someone to)d me that the we% wou)d
d$e %ecause !OL was so easy and the we% was .u)) o.
"ar%a"e/ 4Gd ha'e a )ot o. !OL shares.
!nd they wou)dnGt %e worth much.
In%*!bents !ade bad re-ol*tonares
Re)y$n" on $ncum%ents to produce your re'o)ut$ons $s
not a "ood strate"y. TheyGre apt to ta&e a)) the stu..
that ma&es the$r products "reat and try to use
techno)o"y to char"e you e0tra .or $t/ or proh$%$t $t
4 mean/ )oo& at that 6ar'e) app 29ust )oo& at $t3. 4 was a
com$c(%oo& &$d/ and 4Gm a com$c(%oo& "rownup/ and
the th$n" that made com$cs .or me was shar$n" them. 4.
there was e'er a med$um that re)$ed on &$ds swapp$n"
the$r purchases around to %u$)d an aud$ence/ $t was
com$cs. !nd the used mar&et .or com$csE 4t wasOand
$sOhu"e/ and '$ta). 4 canGt e'en count how many t$mes
4G'e "one spe)un&$n" $n the used com$c(%$ns at a "reat
and musty store to .$nd %ac& $ssues that 4Gd m$ssed/ or
samp)e new t$t)es on the cheap. 24tGs part o. a
mu)t$"enerat$ona) trad$t$on $n my .am$)yOmy momGs
.ather used to ta&e her and her s$%s down to Dra"on
Lady Com$cs on Queen *treet $n Toronto e'ery
wee&end to swap the$r o)d com$cs .or cred$t and "et
new ones3.
*o what does 6ar'e) do to MenhanceN $ts com$csF They
ta&e away the r$"ht to "$'e/ se))/ or )oan your com$cs.
What an $mpro'ement. Way to ta&e the 9oyous/
mar'e))ous shar$n" and %ond$n" e0per$ence o. com$c
read$n" and turn $t $nto a pass$'e/ )one)y underta&$n"
that $so)ates/ rather than un$tes. N$ce one/ 6$sney.
Infantal3n. 'ardware
Then thereGs the de'$ce $tse)., c)ear)y thereGs a )ot o.
thou"ht.u)ness and smarts that went $nto the des$"n.
=ut thereGs a)so a pa)pa%)e contempt .or the owner. 4
%e)$e'eOrea))y %e)$e'eO$n the st$rr$n" words o. the
Maker Mani&esto, $. you canGt open $t/ you donGt own $t.
*crews not ")ue. The or$"$na) !pp)e 44Z came w$th
schemat$cs .or the c$rcu$t %oards/ and %$rthed a
"enerat$on o. hardware and so.tware hac&ers who
upended the wor)d .or the %etter. 4. you wanted your
&$d to "row up to %e con.$dent/ entrepreneur$a)/ and
.$rm)y $n the camp that %e)$e'es that you shou)d
.ore'er %e rearran"$n" the wor)d to ma&e $t %etter/ you
%ou"ht her an !pp)e 44Z.
=ut w$th the $:ad/ $t seems )$&e !pp)eGs mode)
customer $s that same stup$d stereotype o. a
technopho%$c/ t$m$d/ scatter%ra$ned mother as appears
$n a %$))$on rend$t$ons o. MthatGs too comp)$cated .or my
momN 2)$sten to the pund$ts e0to) the '$rtues o. the
$:ad and t$me how )on" $t ta&es .or them to e0p)a$n
that here/ .$na))y/ $s someth$n" that $snGt too
comp)$cated .or the$r poor o)d mothers3.
The mode) o. $nteract$on w$th the $:ad $s to %e a
Mconsumer/N what W$))$am <$%son memora%)y
descr$%ed as Msometh$n" the s$?e o. a %a%y h$ppo/ the
co)or o. a wee&(o)d %o$)ed potato/ that )$'es %y $tse)./ $n
the dar&/ $n a dou%)e(w$de on the outs&$rts o. Tope&a.
4tGs co'ered w$th eyes and $t sweats constant)y. The
sweat runs $nto those eyes and ma&es them st$n". 4t
has no "en$ta)s/ and can on)y e0press $ts
mute e0tremes o. murderous ra"e and $n.ant$)e des$re
%y chan"$n" the channe)s on a un$'ersa) remote.N
The way you $mpro'e your $:ad $snGt to .$"ure out how
$t wor&s and ma&$n" $t %etter. The way you $mpro'e
the $:ad $s to %uy $!pps. =uy$n" an $:ad .or your &$ds
$snGt a means o. 9ump(start$n" the rea)$?at$on that the
wor)d $s yours to ta&e apart and reassem%)e> $tGs a way
o. te))$n" your o..spr$n" that e'en chan"$n" the
%atter$es $s someth$n" you ha'e to )ea'e to the
Da)e Dou"hertyGs p$ece on 8ypercard and $ts $n.)uence
on a "enerat$on o. youn" hac&ers $s a must(read on
th$s. 4 "ot my start as a 8ypercard pro"rammer/ and $t
was 8ypercardGs "ent)e and $ntu$t$'e $ntroduct$on to
the $dea o. rema&$n" the wor)d that made me cons$der
a career $n computers.
Wal1+art3aton of t'e software %'annel
!nd )etGs )oo& at the $*tore. 5or a company whose CEO
pro.esses a hatred o. DR6/ !pp)e sure has made DR6
$ts a)pha and ome"a. 8a'$n" "otten $nto %us$ness w$th
the two $ndustr$es that most %e)$e'e that you shou)dnGt
%e a%)e to mod$.y your hardware/ )oad your own
so.tware on $t/ wr$te so.tware .or $t/ o'err$de
$nstruct$ons "$'en to $t %y the mothersh$p 2the
enterta$nment $ndustry and the phone compan$es3/
!pp)e has de.$ned $ts %us$ness around these pr$nc$p)es.
4t uses DR6 to contro) what can run on your de'$ces/
wh$ch means that !pp)eGs customers canGt ta&e the$r
M$ContentN w$th them to compet$n" de'$ces/ and !pp)e
de'e)opers canGt se)) on the$r own terms.
The $*tore )oc&($n doesnGt ma&e )$.e %etter .or !pp)eGs
customers or !pp)eGs de'e)opers. !s an adu)t/ 4 want to
%e a%)e to choose whose stu.. 4 %uy and whom 4 trust
to e'a)uate that stu... 4 donGt want my un$'erse o. apps
constra$ned to the stu.. that the Cupert$no :o)$t%uro
dec$des to a))ow .or $ts p)at.orm. !nd as a copyr$"ht
ho)der and creator/ 4 donGt want a s$n")e/ Wa)(6art(
)$&e channe) that contro)s access to my aud$ence and
d$ctates what $s and $s not accepta%)e mater$a) .or me
to create. The )ast t$me 4 posted a%out th$s/ we "ot a
str$n" o. apo)o"$es .or !pp)eGs a%us$'e contractua)
terms .or de'e)opers/ %ut the %est one was/ MD$d you
th$n& that access to a p)at.orm where you can ma&e a
.ortune wou)d come w$thout str$n"s attachedFN 4 read
$t $n Don Cor)eoneGs 'o$ce and $t sounded 9ust r$"ht. O.
course 4 %e)$e'e $n a mar&et where compet$t$on can
ta&e p)ace w$thout %end$n" my &nee to a company that
has erected a draw%r$d"e %etween me and my
$o*rnals! s loo&n. for a dadd# f.*re
4 th$n& that the press has %een a)) o'er the $:ad
%ecause !pp)e puts on a "ood show/ and %ecause
e'eryone $n 9ourna)$sm()and $s )oo&$n" .or a daddy
.$"ure whoG)) prom$se them that the$r aud$ence w$)) "o
%ac& to pay$n" .or the$r stu... The reason peop)e ha'e
stopped pay$n" .or a )ot o. McontentN $snGt 9ust that they
can "et $t .or .ree/ thou"h, $tGs that they can "et )ots o.
compet$n" stu.. .or .ree/ too. The open p)at.orm has
a))owed .or an e0p)os$on o. new mater$a)/ some o. $t
rou"h(hewn/ some o. $t s)$c& as the pros/ most o. $t
tar"eted more narrow)y than the o)d med$a e'er
mana"ed. Rupert 6urdoch can ratt)e h$s sa%er a)) he
)$&es a%out taking his content out o& $oogle/ %ut 4 say
do $t/ Rupert. WeG)) m$ss your .ract$on o. a .ract$on o. a
.ract$on o. a percent o. the We% so )$tt)e that weG))
hard)y not$ce $t/ and weG)) ha'e no trou%)e .$nd$n"
mater$a) to .$)) the 'o$d.
Hust )$&e the "ad"et press $s .u)) o. de'$ces that "ad"et
%)o""ers need 2and that no one e)se cares a%out3/ the
ma$nstream press $s .u)) o. stor$es that a..$rm the
$nterna) med$a consensus. -esterdayGs emp$res do
someth$n" sacred and '$ta) and most o. a)) grown up/
and that other adu)ts w$)) e'entua))y come a)on" to
mo'e us a)) away .rom the &$dsG p)ay"round that $s the
w$)d we%/ w$th $ts amateur content and )ac& o.
propr$etary channe)s where e0c)us$'e dea)s can %e
made. WeG)) mo'e %ac& $nto the wa))ed "ardens that
%est return shareho)der 'a)ue to the $n'estors who
ha'enGt updated the$r port.o)$os s$nce %e.ore EXTR!DE
came on)$ne.
=ut the rea) econom$cs o. $:ad pu%)$sh$n" te)) a
d$..erent story, e'en a ste))ar $:ad sa)es per.ormance
$snGt "o$n" to do much to stanch the %)eed$n" .rom
trad$t$ona) pu%)$sh$n". W$sh.u) th$n&$n" and a
nosta)"$a .or the "ood o)d days o. )oc&down wonGt
%r$n" customers %ac& throu"h the door.
Gad.ets %o!e and .ad.ets .o
<ad"ets come and "ad"ets "o. The $:ad you %uy today
w$)) %e e(waste $n a year or two 2)ess/ $. you dec$de not
to pay to ha'e the %attery chan"ed .or you3. The rea)
$ssue $snGt the capa%$)$t$es o. the p$ece o. p)ast$c you
unwrap today/ %ut the techn$ca) and soc$a)
$n.rastructure that accompan$es $t.
4. you want to )$'e $n the creat$'e un$'erse where
anyone w$th a coo) $dea can ma&e $t and "$'e $t to you
to run on your hardware/ the $:ad $snGt .or you.
4. you want to )$'e $n the .a$r wor)d where you "et to
&eep 2or "$'e away3 the stu.. you %uy/ the $:ad $snGt .or
4. you want to wr$te code .or a p)at.orm where the on)y
th$n" that determ$nes whether youGre "o$n" to succeed
w$th $t $s whether your aud$ence )o'es $t/ the $:ad $snGt
.or you.

Can Yo* S*r--e a Bene-olent
T'e )ress lo-es t'e Pad, b*t beware
A))le4s atte!)t to s'a%&le #o*r readers to
ts 'ardware
The .$rst press accounts o. the !pp)e $:ad ha'e %een
)on" on emot$ona) ra'es a%out $ts %eauty and ease o.
use/ %ut ha'e ")ossed o'er $ts compet$t$'e
character$st$csOor rather/ $ts )ac& thereo.. *ome ha'e
character$?ed the $:ad as an e'o)ut$on .rom .)e0$%)e(
%ut(comp)$cated computers to s$mp)e/ e)e"ant
app)$ances. =ut has there e'er %een an Mapp)$anceN w$th
the &$nd o. compet$t$'e contro) !pp)e now en9oys o'er
the $:adF The $:adGs DR6 restr$ct$ons mean that !pp)e
has a%so)ute dom$n$on o'er who can run code on the
de'$ceOand wh$)e that th$n she))ac o. DR6 w$)) pro'e
use)ess at th$n"s that matter to pu%)$shers/ )$&e
pre'ent$n" p$racy/ $t $s dead)y e..ect$'e $n what matters
to !pp)e, pre'ent$n" compet$t$on.
6ay%e the $:ad w$)) .$??)e. !.ter a))/ thatGs what has
happened to e'ery other ta%)et de'$ce so .ar. =ut $.
youGre contemp)at$n" a pro"ram to se)) your %oo&s/
stor$es/ or other content $nto the $:ad channe) w$th
hopes o. $t %ecom$n" a ma9or p$ece o. your pu%)$sh$n"
%us$ness/ you shou)d ta&e a step %ac& and as& how
your $nterests are ser'ed %y !pp)eGs shac&)$n" your
readers to $ts hardware. The pu%)$sh$n" wor)d chaos
that .o))owed the %an&ruptcy o. !d'anced 6ar&et$n"
<roup 2and su%s$d$ar$es )$&e :u%)$shers <roup West3
showed what can happen when a s$n")e d$str$%utor
)oc&s up too much o. the %us$ness. !pp)e $snGt 9ust
"ett$n" %$"/ howe'er> $tGs a)so a'a$)$n" $tse). o. a poor)y
thou"ht(out cod$c$) o. copyr$"ht )aw to )oc& your
readers $nto $ts p)at.orm/ )$m$t $nno'at$on $n the e(
%oo& rea)m/ and u)t$mate)y reduce the compet$t$on to
ser'e your customers.
8ereGs what most ma$nstream press reports so .ar
ha'enGt to)d you. The $:ad uses a DR6 system ca))ed
Mcode(s$"n$n"N to )$m$t wh$ch apps $t can run. 4. the
code that you )oad on your de'$ce $snGt Ms$"ned/N that
$s/ appro'ed %y !pp)e/ the $:ad w$)) not run $t. 4. the
$dea o. add$n" th$s DR6 to the $:ad $s to protect the
copyr$"hts o. the so.tware authors/ we can a)ready
dec)are the system an a%9ect .a$)ureO$ndependent
de'e)opers crac&ed the system w$th$n 2 hours a.ter
the .$rst $:ad sh$pped/ a 'ery poor show$n" e'en $n the
techn$ca))y a%surd rea)m o. DR6. Code(s$"n$n" has
a)so comp)ete)y .a$)ed .or $:hones/ %y the way/ on
wh$ch anyone who wants to run an unauthor$?ed app
can pretty eas$)y M9a$)%rea&N the phone and )oad one up.
=ut DR6 $snGt 9ust a system .or restr$ct$n" cop$es. DR6
en9oys an e0traord$nary )e"a) pr$'$)e"e pre'$ous)y
unseen $n copyr$"ht )aw, the s$mp)e act o. %rea&$n"
DR6 $s $))e"a)/ e'en $. youGre not '$o)at$n" anyoneGs
copyr$"ht. 4n other words/ $. you 9a$)%rea& your $:ad .or
the purpose o. runn$n" a per.ect)y )e"a) app .rom
someone other than !pp)e/ youGre st$)) %rea&$n" the
)aw. E'en $. youG'e ne'er p$rated a s$n")e app/ nor
'$o)ated a s$n")e copyr$"ht/ $. youGre .ound "u$)ty o.
remo'$n" an Me..ect$'e means o. access contro)/N !pp)e
can sue you $nto a smo&$n" ho)e. That means that no
one can tru)y compete w$th !pp)e to %etter
$*tores/ or apps/ w$th %etter terms that are more
pu%)$sher( and reader(.r$end)y. Need)ess to say/ $t $s
a)so a"a$nst the )aw to d$str$%ute too)s .or the purpose
o. %rea&$n" DR6.
Th$n& a%out what that &$nd o. contro) means .or the
.uture o. your e(%oo&s. Does the company that ma&es
your toaster "et to te)) you whose %read you can %uyF
-our d$shwasher can wash anyoneGs d$shes/ not 9ust the
ones so)d %y $ts manu.acturer 2who/ %y the way/ ta&es a
+#^ cut a)on" the way3. WhatGs more/ you can $n'ent
coo) new th$n"s to do w$th your d$shwasher. 5or
e0amp)e/ you can coo& sa)mon $n $t w$thout need$n"
perm$ss$on .rom the manu.acturer 2chec& out the
Surreal $ourmet .or how3. !nd you can e'en se)) your
d$shwasher sa)mon rec$pe w$thout '$o)at$n" some
o%scure )aw that )ets d$shwasher manu.acturers d$ctate
how you can use your mach$ne.
*ome ear)y re'$ews ha'e compared the $:ad to a TL/ a
more pass$'e med$um $n contrast to the $nteract$'e :C.
=ut e'en pass$'e o)d TL %ene.$ted "reat)y .rom the
a%sence o. a DR6(sty)e )oc&down on $ts med$um. No
one needed a %roadcasterGs perm$ss$on/ .or e0amp)e/ to
$n'ent ca%)e TL. No one needed a ca%)e operatorGs
perm$ss$on to $n'ent the LCR. !nd/ te))$n")y/ !pp)e
co.ounder *te'e Wo?n$a& d$dnGt need a TL
manu.acturerGs perm$ss$on to $n'ent the !pp)e 44 Z/
wh$ch p)u""ed $nto the %ac& o. any o)d TL set. O.
course/ ca%)e operators were sued %y %roadcasters/ and
the LCR was the su%9ect o. an e$"ht(year court %att)e
to w$pe $t o.. the .ace o. the Earth. =ut %y any measure/
TL has "reat)y %ene.$ted .rom th$s system o.
Mad'ersar$a) $nno'at$on.N T$Lo and a)) $ts $m$tators and
successors/ $nc)ud$n" the !pp)e TL/ are "ood recent
=ut th$s $s not what $s happen$n" $n e(%oo& pu%)$sh$n"
so .ar. De'$ces )$&e the $:ad and the P$nd)e are a
who))y new &$nd o. th$n"Othey .unct$on )$&e
%oo&she)'es that re9ect a)) %oo&s e0cept those the
manu.acturer has %)essed. :u%)$shers today worry that
reta$)ers )$&e Wa)(6art m$"ht contro) too much o. the$r
%us$nessOand r$"ht)y so. =ut $ma"$ne how much more
precar$ous th$n"s wou)d %e $. Wa)(6art so)d %oo&cases
that were pro"rammed to do what the $:ad and P$nd)e
doOre.use to ho)d %oo&s %ou"ht $n other stores/ and
%y cance)$n" Wa)(6artGs account/ your pu%)$sh$n"
house wou)d )ose access to any customer who d$dnGt
ha'e the des$re to throw out the$r Wa)(6art %oo&cases
or Wa)(6artRappro'ed %oo&s/ or room to add another
%rand o. %oo&case.
8a'$n" too much o. your %us$ness su%9ect to the wh$m
o. a s$n")e reta$)er who $s out .or $ts own $nterests $s a
scary and precar$ous th$n". !)ready/ !pp)eGs !pp *tore
has d$sp)ayed the warn$n" s$"ns o. a )ess(than(
%ene'o)ent d$ctator. 4ts standard dea) w$th de'e)opers
was/ unt$) recent)y/ a secretOthat $s/ unt$) N!*! was
.orced to re'ea) the terms o. $ts dea) w$th !pp)e $n the
.ace o. a 5reedom o. 4n.ormat$on !ct re@uest. Now
that weG'e seen the deta$)s o. that dea)/ we see what $t
means to se)) $nto a mar&etp)ace w$th on)y one
d$str$%utor, de'e)opers are proh$%$ted .rom se))$n"
the$r apps $n compet$n" stores> consumers are
proh$%$ted .rom M9a$)%rea&$n"N any !pp)e product e'en
.or )e"a) uses> !pp)e can &$c& your app out o. $ts store
at any t$me> and !pp)eGs )$a%$)$ty to you $s capped at
DB#/ no matter what the c$rcumstances. !pp)e has a)so
announced a %an on the use o. Mm$dd)ewareN
pro"ramm$n" en'$ronments that )et you de'e)op
s$mu)taneous)y .or mu)t$p)e p)at.orms/ )$&e <oo")eGs
!ndro$d O*/ the N$ntendo W$$Ware mar&etp)ace/ and
so on.
!pp)e w$)) te)) you that $t needs $ts DR6 )oc&($n to
preser'e the $:adGs Me)e"ance.N =ut $. somewhere $n the
$:adGs system sett$n"s there was a %utton that sa$d/ M4
am a "rownup and wou)d )$&e to choose .or myse).
wh$ch apps 4 run/N and c)$c&$n" on that %utton wou)d
a))ow you to %uy e(%oo&s .rom compet$n" stores/
where e0act)y $s the reduct$on $n e)e"ance thereF
!pp)e w$)) a)so te)) you that thereGs compet$t$on .or
appsOthat anyone can wr$te an 8T6LB app 2the
power.u)/ .)e0$%)e ne0t "enerat$on o. the 8T6L
)an"ua"e that We% pa"es are present)y made .rom3.
That may %e true/ %ut not $. de'e)opers want the$r app
to access the $:adGs sensors/ wh$ch a))ow apps to %e
%ou"ht and so)d w$th a s$n")e c)$c&. 4tGs an enormous
compet$t$'e set%ac& $. your customers ha'e to
)a%or$ous)y tap the$r cred$t card deta$)s $nto the screen
&ey%oard e'ery t$me they %uy one o. your products.
!nd hereGs a .un e0per$ment .or the code wr$ters
amon" you, wr$te an app and st$c& a M%uy $n one c)$c&
w$th <oo")e Chec&outN %utton on the screen. Watch
how )on" $t ta&es .or !pp)e to re9ect $t. 5or %onus .un/
send the re9ect$on )etter to the 5TCGs compet$t$on
%ureau. Whaddya <onna DoF
ThereGs an easy way to chan"e th$s/ o. course. Hust te))
!pp)e $t canGt )$cense your copyr$"htsOthat $s/ your
%oo&sOun)ess the company "$'es you the .reedom to
"$'e your readers the .reedom to ta&e the$r products
w$th them to any 'endorGs system. -ouGd ne'er put up
w$th these )oc&down shenan$"ans .rom a hardcopy
reta$)er or d$str$%utor/ and you shou)dnGt ta&e $t .rom
!pp)e/ e$ther/ and that "oes .or !ma?on and the
P$nd)e/ too.
Th$s $s e0act)y what 4G'e done. 4 wonGt se)) my e(%oo&s
$n any store that )oc&s my users $nto a 'endorGs
p)at.orm. ThatGs true .or %oth my .orthcom$n" se).(
pu%)$shed co))ect$on With a Little 'elp and the e(%oo&
ed$t$ons that 8arperCo))$ns and Tor pu%)$sh o. my
%oo&s. !t the same t$me/ 4Gm hop$n" my un)oc&ed
readers w$)) come up w$th "reat 8T6LB rem$0es o. the
stor$es $n With a Little 'elp, $nteract$'e/ cross(p)at.orm
net(toys that can actua))y dr$'e re'enue .or me/
whether throu"h sa)es o. my pr$nt ed$t$ons/ donat$ons
.or the e(%oo&s/ or down)oads o. the aud$o.
4Gm p)ann$n" to %e $n the pu%)$sh$n" %us$ness .or a
"ood ha).(century or more. !nd thou"h 4 am not
e0act)y sure how the e(pu%)$sh$n" %oo& %us$ness w$))
mature 2hence my e0per$ment With a Little 'elp3/ 4 am
&een)y aware that )oc&$n" my readers to a spec$.$c
de'$ce today/ whether the $:ad or the P$nd)e/ cou)d
'ery we)) mean a dramat$c )oss o. contro) .or my
%us$ness tomorrow.


C*rated Co!)*tn. Is No
S*bstt*te for t'e Personal and
Bes)o&e %o!)*tn. e/)eren%es )ro!se a
))e drea! of safet# and bea*t#5b*t t'e
real del.'t les n !a&n. #o*r own %'o%es
The )aunch o. the $:ad and the "enera) success o.
mo%$)e de'$ce app stores has created a %u??word
.ren?y .or McuratedN comput$n"Ocomput$n"
e0per$ences where so.tware and wa))paper and
attendant .oo.araw .or your de'$ce are hand(p$c&ed .or
your p)easure.
4n theory/ th$s creates an aesthet$ca))y un$.orm/ and
a%o'e a)) sa&e and easy/ comput$n" en'$ronment/ as the
curators see to $t that on)y the 'ery prett$est/ eas$est(
to(use/ and most '$rus(.ree apps show up $n the store.
4Gm a)) .or $t. !.ter a))/ 4G'e spent the past 1# years co(
curat$n" =o$n" =o$n"/ a p)ace where my %us$ness(
partners and 4 p$c& the we%s$tes that $nterest us the
most and assem%)e them $nto a &$nd o. deep/ w$de/
searcha%)e cata)o"ue o. th$n"s that you shou)d &now/
do/ and mar'e) at.
WeG'e recent)y )aunched a store/ the =o$n" =o$n"
=a?aar/ cons$st$n" o. the most $nterest$n" $n'ent$ons/
c)oth$n"/ "ad"ets/ decor/ and assorted "u%%$ns that our
readers ha'e created/ as p$c&ed %y us. 6y Tw$tter
account most)y cons$sts o. retweets .rom other
tw$tterersOmy co))ect$on o. the %est tweets 4G'e seen
today. 4 am a %orn curator/ and ha'e spent my )$.e
amass$n" co))ect$ons and show$n" them o...
=ut thereGs someth$n" $mportant to note a%out a))
these curator$a) ro)es 4 en9oy, none o. them are
coerc$'e. No one .orces you to read =o$n" =o$n"/ and $.
you do/ thereGs noth$n" that pre'ents you .rom read$n"
another we%)o" 2or a coup)e hundred other we%)o"s3.
Order as many "$?mos as youGd )$&e .rom the =o$n"
=o$n" =a?aar/ weG)) ne'er te)) you that you canGt .$))
your &n$c&(&nac& she)'es .rom anyone e)seGs curated
wunderkammer. 5o))ow me on Tw$tter $. $t p)eases you/
and .ee) .ree to .o))ow anyone e)se you .$nd $nterest$n".
The %eauty o. noncoerc$'e curat$on $s that there are so
many reasons we 'a)ue th$n"s/ $tGs rea))y $mposs$%)e to
$ma"$ne that any one p)ace w$)) ser'e as a one(stop
shop .or our needs.
Two cate"or$es $n part$cu)ar wonGt e'er %e .u).$))ed %y a
curator, .$rst/ the persona). No curator $s )$&e)y to post
p$ctures o. my .am$)y/ '$deos o. my dau"hter/ notes
.rom my w$.e/ stor$es 4 wrote $n my ado)escence that
my mumGs reco'ered .rom a carton $n the %asement.
6y own med$ascape $nc)udes )ots o. th$s stu../ and $t $s
e'ery %$t as compe))$n" and .u).$))$n" as the s)$c&est/
most art$st$c wor&s that show up $n the pro.ess$ona)
streams. 4 donGt care that the $ma"es are o'ere0posed
or %ad)y .ramed/ that the aud$o $s poor @ua)$ty/ that 4
can %are)y read my 1(year(o)d se).Gs handwr$t$n". The
th$n"s 4 made w$th my own hands and the th$n"s that
represent my re)at$onsh$ps w$th my commun$ty and
)o'ed ones are cr$t$ca) to my $dent$ty/ and 4 wonGt trade
them .or anyth$n".
*econd/ the ta$)ored. 4 ha'e )oads o. )$tt)e scr$pts/
pro"rams/ systems/ .$)es/ and such that ma&e per.ect
sense to me/ e'en thou"h theyGre .ar .rom e)e"ant or
per.ect. ThereGs the scr$pt 4 use .or res$?$n" and
up)oad$n" $ma"es to =o$n" =o$n"/ the she). 4 use to
or"an$se my to(%e(read p$)e/ the care.u))y(%u$)t ma$)
ru)es that .$)ter out spam and tro))s and ma&e sure 4 see
the $mportant stu... 4 am a mar&et o. one, no one
wants to ma&e a commerc$a) propos$t$on out o. .$))$n"
my needs/ and $. they d$d/ your a'era"e curator wou)d
%e nuts to put someth$n" so t$"ht)y opt$m$sed .or my
needs $nto the pu%)$c sphere/ where $t wou)d %e so
much c)utter. =ut a"a$n/ these are the nuts and %o)ts
that ho)d my )$.e to"ether and 4 canGt )$'e w$thout
4n a noncoerc$'e curator$a) wor)d/ these cate"or$es can
peace.u))y coe0$st w$th curated spaces. There are
hundreds o. p)aces where 4 can .$nd recommendat$ons
and )$sts and re'$ews and pac&a"es o. so.tware .or my
computer 21%untu/ the 'ers$on o. <N1/L$nu0 4 use/
has $ts own 'ery "ood so.tware store3. 4 can use as
many or as .ew o. these curators as 4Gd )$&e/ and whatGs
more/ 4 can add $n th$n"s that matter to me %ecause
they e0act)y su$t my needs or .u).$) some sent$menta)
n$che $n my )$.e.
=ut 4 .ear that when ana)ysts s)a'er o'er McuratedN
comput$n"/ $tGs %ecause they mean Mmonopo)yN
comput$n"Ocomput$n" en'$ronments )$&e the $:ad
where a)) your apps ha'e to %e pre(appro'ed %y a
s$n")e curat$n" ent$ty/ one who uses the e0cuse o.
sa.ety and cons$stency to 9ust$.y th$s outra"eous power
"ra%. O. course/ these curators are ne$ther a "uarantee
o. sa.ety/ nor o. @ua)$ty, cont$nuous re'e)at$ons a%out
ma)$c$ous so.tware and capr$c$ous/ $ncons$stent cr$ter$a
.or e'a)uat$n" so.tware put the )$e to th$s. E'en w$thout
them/ $tGs pretty $mp)aus$%)e to th$n& that an app store
w$th hundreds o. thousands 2$. not m$))$ons3 o.
pro"rams cou)d %e %)$nd)y trusted to %e .ree .rom
%u"s/ ma)ware/ and poor aesthet$c cho$ces.
No/ the on)y rea) reason to adopt coerc$'e curat$on $s
to atta$n a monopo)y o'er a p)at.ormOto %e a%)e to
shut out compet$tors/ e0tract h$"h rents on pu%)$shers
whose mater$a)s are so)d $n your store/ and se)) a p$pe
dream o. sa.ety and %eauty that you canGt de)$'er/ at
the cost o. home)y/ handmade/ persona) med$a that
de.$ne us and .$)) us w$th de)$"ht.

Do%torow4s Frst Law
With a Little 'elp $s on trac& .or a *eptem%er re)ease.
The pr$nter has .ound the r$"ht paper> the %$nder $s
ready to do a test %$nd$n"> and a)) $s we)) on Earth. 4
&now/ 4 sa$d Hu)yOand 4 cou)d ha'e )aunched $n Hu)yO
%ut that wou)d ha'e meant $nterrupt$n" the )aunch
w$th a month)on"/ $nternet(.ree .am$)y ho)$day $n
!u"ust/ r$"ht around the t$me 4 "et %ac& .rom the
Wor)d *c$ence 5$ct$on Con'ent$on $n 6e)%ourne/
!ustra)$a/ and my su%se@uent <erman and Dutch
4n the meant$me/ 4G'e %een .$))$n" the t$me
product$'e)y %y attempt$n" to d$sco'er wh$ch on)$ne
%oo&se))ers e0$st to ser'e the $nterests o. copyr$"ht
owners/ )$&e me/ and wh$ch ones are see&$n" to
un.a$r)y %$nd copyr$"ht ho)ders 2and consumers3 to
the$r p)at.orms and/ as a resu)t/ d$m$n$sh our
ne"ot$at$n" power. 4Gm happy to say that a.ter much
wor&/ 4 ha'e persuaded three ma9or reta$)ers to
my e(%oo&s w$thout any techno)o"y or )$cense
cond$t$ons that wou)d proh$%$t my customers .rom
mo'$n" the e(%oo&s theyG'e purchased to a
compet$torGs de'$ce, !ma?on/ =arnes _ No%)e/ and
Strange as it ma sound) this is a ma9or +ictor* # &irst
disco+ered 9ust how little "argaining power creators
ha+e in the digital marketplace "ack in :44;) when
,andom 'ouse 7udio and # approached 7udi"le) the
7ma<on di+ision that controls most o& the audio"ook
market and the sole audio"ook supplier to iTunes) and
asked them to carr the audio edition o& m 2ew 3ork
Times "estseller Little Brother without D,M* We were
turned down*
To !ud$%)eGs cred$t/ they re)ented when my ne0t %oo&/
Makers/ came out. 8owe'er/ they $n.ormed me that
!pp)e/ the$r )ar"est reta$) partner/ wou)d not carry the
t$t)e $n the $Tunes store w$thout DR6. !nd desp$te
a"ree$n" to .or"o the DR6/ !ud$%)eGs )$cense
a"reement st$)) con(ta$ned contract proh$%$t$ons on
customersG mo'$n" the$r property to compet$n"
p)at.orms/ a)on" w$th p)enty o. other terms that e$ther
were no "ood .or my %us$ness $nterests and/or were
terms that 4 persona))y wou)d not a"ree to $n order to
%uy an aud$o%oo&.
4 tr$ed to remedy th$s creat$'e)y %y as&$n" !ud$%)e to
a))ow me to add some pre)$m$nary )an"ua"e to the
aud$o ed$t$on/ someth$n" that sa$d/ Mnotw$thstand$n"
any a"reement you c)$c&ed on to %uy th$s %oo&/ Cory
Doctorow and Random 8ouse !ud$o/ as the copyr$"ht
ho)ders/ here%y "$'e you the$r %)ess$n" to do anyth$n"
that $s perm$tted %y your )oca) copyr$"ht )aw.N 4n other
words, donGt %rea& the )aw/ %ut .ee) .ree to do anyth$n"
e)seOthe same terms under wh$ch your car/
d$shwasher/ and e'ery trad$t$ona) %oo& on your
%oo&she). was so)d to you. !"a$n/ !ud$%)e dec)$ned.
Th$s )ed me to .ormu)ate someth$n" 4 "rand$ose)y ca))
DoctorowGs 5$rst Law, M!ny t$me someone puts a )oc&
on someth$n" that %e)on"s to you/ and wonGt "$'e you
a &ey/ theyGre not do$n" $t .or your %ene.$t.N
Th$s year/ 4 set out to test th$s )aw. 4n 6ay/ 4 cornered
6acm$))an CEO Hohn *ar"ent and CTO 5r$t? 5oy at the
6acm$))an =E! party. !s the pu%)$shers o. my %oo&s
w$th Tor/ 4 as&ed them $. theyGd %e w$))$n" to try$n" my e(%oo&s to a)) the ma9or on)$ne %oo&se))ers
O!ma?onGs P$nd)e store/ !pp)eGs $:ad store/ =arnes _
No%)eGs Noo& store/ *onyGs e(%oo& store/ and Po%oOas
DR6(.ree products w$th the .o))ow$n" te0t $nserted at
the %e"$nn$n" o. the .$)e,
M4. the se))er o. th$s e)ectron$c 'ers$on has $mposed
contractua) or techn$ca) restr$ct$ons on $t such that you
ha'e d$..$cu)ty re.ormatt$n" or con'ert$n" th$s %oo& .or
use on another de'$ce or $n another pro"ram/ p)ease
'$s$t http,// .or a)ternate/ open .ormat
'ers$ons/ author$?ed %y the copyr$"ht ho)der .or th$s
wor&/ Cory Doctorow. Wh$)e Cory Doctorow cannot
re)ease you .rom any contractua) or other )e"a)
o%)$"at$ons to anyone e)se that you may ha'e a"reed to
when purchas$n" th$s 'ers$on/ you ha'e h$s %)ess$n" to
do anyth$n" that $s cons$stent w$th app)$ca%)e
copyr$"ht )aws $n your 9ur$sd$ct$on.N
!s 4 e0p)a$ned to Hohn and 5r$t?/ a)thou"h a)) my %oo&s
are a'a$)a%)e as down)oads .or .ree/ 4 o.ten hear .rom
readers who want to %uy them/ e$ther %ecause $t $s a
s$mp)e way to compensate me 24 a)so ma$nta$n a pu%)$c
)$st o. schoo)s and )$%rar$es whoG'e so)$c$ted cop$es o.
my %oo&s so that "rate.u) e(%oo& readers can purchase
and send a pr$nt copy to one o. them/ thus repay$n"
my .a'or and do$n" a "ood deed at the same t$me3 or
%ecause they )$&e the no(hass)e opt$on o. tapp$n" on
the$r de'$ce to %uy a %oo&. 4 am more than happy to my otherw$se .ree %oo&s .or sa)e $n any 'endorGs
store/ o. course/ %ut on)y $. the 'endors a"ree to carry
them on terms 4 .ee) 4 can stand %eh$nd as an
entrepreneur/ as an art$st/ and as a mora) actor.
Hohn and 5r$t? stron")y supported the $dea. 6ac(
m$))an/ a.ter a))/ had 9ust "one to the mat w$th !ma?on
.or contro) o. e(%oo& terms o. sa)e/ ma&$n" contro) a
pr$or$ty $n $ts .uture dea)$n"s w$th e)ectron$c reta$) and
who)esa)e channe)s. Now/ there are some wr$ters/
a"ents/ or pu%)$shers that want DR6 and restr$ct$'e
E1L!s. !nd thou"h 4 canGt understand why/ we are at
)east $n a"reement on th$s po$nt, $t shou)d %e the
copyr$"ht ho)derGs cho$ce. When $t comes to wh$ch
restr$ct$ons copyr$"ht )aw shou)d p)ace on e(%oo&
readers/ the copyr$"ht propr$etorOwhether the author
or the pu%)$sherOshou)d ca)) the shots/ not the
4Gm happy to report that !ma?on/ to $ts eterna) cred$t/
was de)$"hted to my e(%oo&s w$thout DR6 and
w$th the ant$(E1L! )$cense )an"ua"e/ as was =arnes _
No%)e and Po%o. Why !ma?onGs P$nd)e d$'$s$on was
happy to do what $ts !ud$%)e d$'$s$on had cate"or$ca))y
re9ected $s st$)) %eyond me/ %ut 4G)) ta&e any s$"n o.
.a$rness 4 can "et. 4 can on)y hope that !ma?onGs other
d$"$ta) d$'$s$ons catch up w$th P$nd)e/ and $. they do/
4G)) %e ea"er to ha'e my aud$o%oo&s .or sa)e $n the
!ud$%)e store. !ma?on $s a reta$)er that has )$tera))y
re'o)ut$on$?ed my )$.e/ my "o(to supp)$er .or
e'eryth$n" .rom to$)et %rushes to used DLDs .or my
todd)er. !nd $n add$t$on to se))$n" my own wor&s/ 4
a)so se)) upwards o. 2B/### %oo&s a year throu"h
!ma?on a..$)$ate )$n&s $n my on)$ne %oo& re'$ews. Th$s
ma&es me a one(man/ "ood(s$?ed $ndependent
%oo&store/ w$th !ma?on do$n" my .u).$))ment/
payment process$n"/ stoc&$n"/ etc.
1n.ortunate)y/ 4 had no such )uc& w$th !pp)e or *ony.
True to my ear)$er e0per$ence w$th !pp)eGs $Tunes
store/ !pp)e has a mandatory DR6 re@u$rement .or
%oo&s o..ered .or sa)e .or the $:ad. 4 &now many !pp)e
.ans %e)$e'e that %ecause *te'e Ho%s penned an open
)etter decry$n" DR6 that the company must use DR6
%ecause they ha'e no cho$ce. =ut th$s s$mp)y $snGt true.
*ony has the same dea).
Cracked Thinking
D$rty .$"ht$n" $nstructors say, Many weapon you donGt
&now how to use %e)on"s to your enemy.N One
$))ustrat$'e e0amp)e o. th$s pr$nc$p)e $s to %e .ound $n
DR6. 1nt$) )ast wee&/ 1.*. )aw protected DR6/
ma&$n" $t $))e"a) to %rea& encrypt$on or other
techno)o"$ca) protect$ons under near)y any
c$rcumstance. 4n other words/ $. !pp)e o..ers a DR6(
)oc&ed ed$t$on o. one o. my %oo&s/ e'en 4 am not
)e"a))y a))owed to remo'e the DR6 w$thout !pp)eGs
perm$ss$on/ e'en $. 4Gm ma&$n" a per.ect)y )e"a) use
under copyr$"ht )aw. !nd 4 certa$n)y canGt author$?e
my readers to do so.
On Hu)y 2I/ the )aw eased a )$tt)e when the 1.*.
Copyr$"ht O..$ce "ranted an e0empt$on to the D$"$ta)
6$))enn$um Copyr$"ht !ct that a))ows DR6(crac&$n"
on $:hones and other mo%$)e phones 2and poss$%)y
other de'$ces/ )$&e $:ads/ thou"h no one &nows .or
sure3 .or the purpose o. $nsta))$n" th$rd(party so.tware.
=ut the e0empt$on doesnGt a))ow .or the creat$on or
d$str$%ut$on o. too)s to accomp)$sh th$s/ wh$ch ma&es
the who)e th$n" someth$n" o. a :yrrh$c '$ctory. !nd
remem%er/ d$"$ta) ed$t$ons are "enera))y )$censed/ not
owned. There.ore/ 9ust %ecause you may not %e
%rea&$n" the )aw %y crac&$n" your de'$ce/ $. youGre
'$o)at$n" your )$cense terms you can st$)) %e den$ed
4. you th$n& a%out $t/ th$s $s a rather cur$ous
c$rcumstance/ %ecause $t means that once a techno)o"y
company puts a )oc& on a copyr$"hted wor&/ the
propr$etor o. that copyr$"ht )oses the r$"ht to author$?e
h$s aud$ence to use $t $n new ways/ $nc)ud$n" the r$"ht
to author$?e a reader to mo'e a %oo& .rom one
p)at.orm to another. !t that po$nt/ DR6 and the )aws
that protect $t stop protect$n" the w$shes o. creators
and copyr$"ht owners/ and $nstead protect the %us$ness
$nterests o. compan$es whose so)e creat$'e $nput may
%e )$m$ted to assem%)$n" a s&$nny p$ece o. e)ectron$cs
$n a Ch$nese sweatshop.
WhatGs more/ many o. these d$str$%ut$on channe)s
wonGt e'en a))ow copyr$"ht ho)ders the opt$on o.
present$n" the$r wor&s w$thout DR6. *o $. you se)) one
m$))$on do))ars worth o. DR6()oc&ed P$nd)e %oo&s/
you are essent$a))y a m$))$on %uc&s $n hoc& to !ma?on
Othat %e$n" the cost o. the $n'estment youGd ha'e to
as& your aud$ence to a%andon $n order to sw$tch to a
compet$n" p)at.orm. 8ow does "$'$n" your reta$)
partners that &$nd o. mar&et contro) %ene.$t you/ the
copyr$"ht ho)derF
*t$))/ 4Gm encoura"ed %y the act$ons o. !ma?on/ =arnes
_ No%)e/ and Po%o $n adopt$n" my terms .or sa)e on
the$r p)at.orms. 8ey/ three out o. .$'e $s a pretty "ood
show$n"O$tGs three more than we had a year a"o. !nd
$t "$'es me hope that authors and the pu%)$sh$n"
$ndustry can pu)) to"ether and start to demand that a))
the reta$) channe)s y$e)d copyr$"ht contro) to creators
and pu%)$shers/ rather than h$9ac&$n" $t to the$r %ene.$t.

Re)orts of Blo..n.4s Deat' Ha-e
Been Greatl# E/a..erated
Blo..n. s not on t'e wa# o*t5t4s 0*st
t'at ot'er so%al !eda 'a-e ta&en o-er
!an# of ts f*n%tons
! report )ast month $n the =conomist te))s us that
M%)o""$n" $s dy$n"N as more and more %)o""ers
a%andon the .orm .or $ts cous$ns, the tweet/ the
5ace%oo& Wa))/ the D$"".
Do a search(and(rep)ace on M%)o"N and you cou)d
rewr$te the co'era"e as e'$dence o. the death o.
te)e'$s$on/ no'e)s/ short stor$es/ poetry/ )$'e theatre/
mus$ca)s/ or any o. the hundreds o. the other med$a
that went .rom %reath)ess ascendancy to mere)y
another t$)e $n the mosa$c.
O. course/ none o. those med$a are dead/ and ne$ther $s
%)o""$n". 4nstead/ whatGs happened $s that theyG'e %een
succeeded %y new .orms that share some o. the$r
character$st$cs/ and these new .orms ha'e pee)ed away
a)) the stor$es that su$t them %est.
When a)) we had was the sta"e/ e'ery per.ormance was
a p)ay. When we "ot .$)ms/ a "reat )ot o. these stor$es
mo'ed to the screen/ where theyGd a)ways %e)on"ed
2theyGd %een s@uee?ed onto a sta"e %ecause there was
no a)ternat$'e3. When TL came a)on"/ those stor$es
that were %etter su$ted to the sma)) screen were pee)ed
away .rom the c$nema and re)ocated to the te))y. When
-ouTu%e came a)on"/ $t )$%erated a)) those stor$es that
wanted to %e +RC m$nutes )on"/ not a 22(m$nute s$tcom
or a C(m$nute drama. !nd so on.
WhatGs )e.t %eh$nd at each turn $snGt )ess/ %ut more, the
stor$es we te)) on the sta"e today are there not %ecause
they must %e/ %ut %ecause theyGre %etter su$ted to the
sta"e than they are to any other p)at.orm we &now
a%out. Th$s $s wonder.u) .or a)) concernedOthe
aud$ence num%ers m$"ht %e sma))er/ %ut the .orm $s
much/ much %etter.
When %)o""$n" was the eas$est/ most prom$nent way
to produce short/ $n.orma)/ th$n&$n"(a)oud p$eces .or
the net/ we a)) %)o""ed. Now that we ha'e Tw$tter/
soc$a) med$a p)at.orms/ and a)) the other too)s that
cont$nue to emer"e/ many o. us are .$nd$n" that the
mater$a) we used to sa'e .or our %)o"s has a %etter
home somewhere e)se. !nd some o. us are d$sco'er$n"
that we werenGt %)o""ers a.ter a))O%ut %)o""$n" was
"ood enou"h unt$) someth$n" more su$ted to us came
4 st$)) %)o" 1#R1B $tems a day/ 9ust as 4G'e done .or 1#
years now on =o$n" =o$n". =ut 4 a)so tweet and retweet
+#RB# t$mes a day. !)most a)) o. that mater$a) $s stu..
that wou)dnGt %e a "ood .$t .or the %)o"Omater$a) 4 9ust
wou)dnGt ha'e pu%)$shed at a)) %e.ore Tw$tter came
a)on". =ut a .ew o. those tweets m$"ht ha'e %een
stretched $nto a %)o"post $n years "one %y/ and now
they can )$'e as a short thou"ht.
5or me/ the "reat attract$on o. a)) th$s $s that prepar$n"
mater$a) .or pu%)$c consumpt$on .orces me to c)ar$.y $t
$n my own m$nd. 4 donGt rea))y &now $t unt$) 4 wr$te $t.
Thus the more med$a 4 ha'e at my d$sposa)/ the more
ways there are .or me to wor& out my own $deas.
*c$ence .$ct$on wr$ter =ruce *ter)$n" says, MThe .uture
composts the past.N ThereGs e'en a )aw to descr$%e th$s/
R$ep)Gs LawOwh$ch says Mnew/ .urther de'e)oped types
o. med$a ne'er rep)ace the e0$st$n" modes o. med$a
and the$r usa"e patterns. 4nstead/ a con'er"ence ta&es
p)ace $n the$r .$e)d/ )ead$n" to a d$..erent way and .$e)d
o. use .or these o)der .orms.N
That was co$ned $n 1K1+ %y Wo)."an" R$ep). 4tGs as true
now as $t was then.

Strea!n. Wll Ne-er Sto)
Far fro! ben. a %*re for t'e nd*str#4s
woes, s*bstt*tn. strea!s for downloads
wastes bandwdt', red*%es )r-a%#, and
slows nno-aton
*omeone con'$nced the record and mo'$e and TL $n(
dustr$es that there $s way o. )ett$n" someone )$sten to
aud$o or watch '$deo o'er the $nternet w$thout ma&$n"
a copy. They ca)) th$s Mstream$n"N aud$o/ and compare
$t to rad$o/ and contrast $t w$th Mdown)oad$n"/N wh$ch
they compare to %uy$n" a CD.
The $dea that you can show someone a mo'$e o'er the
$nternet w$thout ma&$n" a copy has "ot )ots o. peop)e
$n po)$cy c$rc)es e0c$ted/ s$nce $t seems to Mso)'e the
copyr$"ht pro%)em.N 4. ser'$ces such as 8u)u/ Last..m/
and -ouTu%e can Mp)ay you a .$)eN $nstead o. Msend$n"
you a .$)e/N then weGre sa.e)y %ac& $n the pre(Napster
era. -ou can se)) su%scr$pt$ons to on(demand
stream$n"/ and %e sure that your su%scr$%ers w$)) ne'er
stop pay$n"/ s$nce they donGt own the$r .a'our$te
enterta$nment and w$)) ha'e to stump up $n order to
p)ay $t a"a$n.
ThereGs on)y one pro%)em, *tream$n" doesnGt e0$st.
Oh/ OP. *tream$n" exists. 4t $s a su%set o.
down)oad$n"/ wh$ch comes $n many .)a'ours.
Down)oad$n" $s what happens when one computer 2a
ser'er/ say3 sends another computer 2your :C/ say3 a
.$)e. *ome down)oads happen o'er http/ the protoco)
on wh$ch the we% $s %ased. *ome happen o'er
=$tTorrent/ wh$ch pu))s the .$)e .rom many d$..erent
)ocat$ons/ $n no part$cu)ar order/ and reassem%)es $t on
your s$de. *ome down)oads ta&e p)ace o'er secure
protoco)s )$&e **8 and **L/ and some are part o.
$nte))$"ent systems that/ .or e0amp)e/ &eep your
computer $n sync w$th an encrypted remote %ac&up.
*tream$n" descr$%es a co))ect$on o. down)oad$n"
techn$@ues $n wh$ch the .$)e $s "enera))y sent
se@uent$a))y/ so that $t can %e d$sp)ayed %e.ore $t $s
.u))y down)oaded. *ome streams are open(ended 2)$&e
the '$deo stream com$n" o.. your CCTL camera/ wh$ch
$snGt a .$n$te .$)e/ %ut rather cont$nues to transm$t .or as
)on" as the CCTL $s up and runn$n"3.
*ome tra'e) o'er 1D:/ a cous$n o. the more .am$)$ar
TC:/ $n wh$ch re)$a%$)$ty can %e traded o.. .or speed.
*ome stream$n" ser'ers can commun$cate w$th the
down)oad$n" so.tware and dynam$ca))y ad9ust the
stream to compensate .or poor networ& cond$t$ons.
!nd o. course/ some stream$n" so.tware throws away
the %$ts a.ter $t .$n$shes down)oad$n" them/ rather than
stor$n" them on the hard dr$'e.
4tGs th$s )ast part that has the techno)o"$ca))y na$'e
e0c$ted. They assume that %ecause a down)oad$n"
c)$ent can %e des$"ned $n such a way that $t doesnGt
sa'e the .$)e/ no McopyN $s %e$n" made. They assume
that th$s $s the techn$ca) e@u$'a)ent o. Mshow$n"N
someone a mo'$e $nstead o. M"$'$n" them a copyN o. $t.
=ut the reason some down)oad c)$ents d$scards the %$ts
$s %ecause the pro"rammer chose not to sa'e them.
Des$"n$n" a compet$n" c)$ent that doesnGt throw away
the %$tsOone that Mma&es a copyNO$s tr$'$a).
!)) stream$n" $n'o)'es ma&$n" a copy/ and sa'$n" the
copy 9ust $snGt hard.
Does th$s matterF !.ter a))/ $. the enterta$nment
$ndustry can %e %ou"ht o.. w$th some pretty stor$es
a%out a ma"$ca) &$nd o. down)oad that doesnGt ma&e a
copy/ shou)dnGt we 9ust )ea'e them to the$r $))us$onsF
What harm cou)d come .rom thatF
:)enty/ 4 .ear. 5$rst o. a))/ wh$)e stream$n" mus$c .rom
Last..m $s a "reat way to )$sten to mus$c you ha'enGt
d$sco'ered yet/ thereGs no reason to %e)$e'e that peop)e
w$)) )ose the ur"e to co))ect mus$c.
4ndeed/ the record $ndustry seems to ha'e .or"otten
the )esson o. J# yearsG worth o. rad$o, peop)e who hear
son"s they )$&e o.ten "o on to ac@u$re those son"s .or
the$r persona) co))ect$ons. 4tGs ama?$n" to hear record
$ndustry e0ecut$'es deny that th$s w$)) %e the case/
espec$a))y "$'en that th$s was the dom$nant sa)es
strate"y .or the$r $ndustry .or most o. a century.
Co))ect$n" $s eas$er than $t has e'er %een, you can store
more mus$c $n )ess space and or"an$se $t more read$)y
than e'er %e.ore.
:eop)e w$)) "o on us$n" stream$n" ser'$ces/ o. course.
They may e'en pay .or them. =ut peop)e w$)) a)so "o on
down)oad$n". *tream$n" wonGt decrease down)oad$n".
4. stream$n" $s success.u)Othat $s/ $. $t succeeds $n
ma&$n" mus$c more $mportant to more peop)eOthen
down)oad$n" w$)) $ncrease too. W$th that $ncrease w$))
come a concom$tant $ncrease $n =$" ContentGs attac&s
on the pr$'acy and due process r$"hts o. $nternet users/
wh$ch/ these days/ $s pretty much e'eryone.
4. you want to so)'e the Mdown)oad$n" pro%)emN you
canGt do $t %y wa'$n" your hands and dec)ar$n" that a
tota))y specu)at$'e/ h$stor$ca))y unprecedented sh$.t $n
user %eha'$ourO)ess down)oad$n"Ow$))
spontaneous)y ar$se throu"h the "ood o..$ces o.
There are more pro%)ems/ o. course. *tream$n" $s an
$mp)aus$%)e and $ne..$c$ent use o. w$re)ess %andw$dth.
Our phones and persona) de'$ces can %e e@u$pped
w$th a)) the stora"e necessary to carry around tens o.
thousands o. son"s .or 9ust a .ew pounds/ $ncurr$n" a
s$n")e cost. =y contrast/ )$sten$n" to mus$c as you mo'e
around 2another .actor that has %een &ey to the mus$c
$ndustryGs strate"y/ start$n" w$th the $n(car e$"ht(trac&
p)ayer and cont$nu$n" throu"h the Wa)&man and $:od3
'$a streams re@u$res that you use the scarce
e)ectroma"net$c spectrum that compet$n" users are
try$n" to "et the$r ema$) or we% pa"es o'er. Count the
num%er o. ear%uds on the ne0t tu%e(carr$a"e/ a$rp)ane/
or %us you r$de/ mu)t$p)y $t %y 12C&%ps 2.or a poor
@ua)$ty aud$o stream3 and $ma"$ne that you had to .$nd
enou"h w$re)ess %andw$dth to ser'e them a))/ w$thout
s)ow$n" down anyoneGs compet$n" net app)$cat$ons.
*omeday/ e'ery JJJ m$"ht come w$th a sate))$te )$n&/
%ut w$)) $t pro'$de a)) JK passen"ers w$th enou"h
%andw$dth to p)ay mus$c a)) the way .rom London to
WhatGs more/ stream$n" re@u$res that w$re)ess
compan$es %e at the centre o. our da$)y cu)tura) )$'es.
These are the same w$re)ess compan$es that present)y
screw us $n e'ery conce$'a%)e way, char"$n" a prem$um
.or d$a))$n" an #CJ# num%er> ha'$n" )$m$ts on
Mun)$m$tedN data p)ans> char"$n" e0tra .or M)on"
d$stanceN te0t messa"es. TheyGre the same w$re)ess
compan$es whose ho)d(@ueues/ decept$'e mu)t$(year
contracts/ surpr$se %$))s/ and .)a&y networ& co'era"e
ha'e caused more %ad days than any other modern
Why wou)d we 'o)untar$)y $ncrease our re)$ance on
e0pens$'e/ scarce w$re)ess %andw$dth de)$'ered %y
a%us$'e thu"s when we are awash $n cheap/ commod$ty
stora"e that "rows cheaper e'ery day and wh$ch we
can %uy .rom hundreds o. manu.acturers and
thousands o. reta$)ersF
Espec$a))y when e'ery stream$n" son" creates a ra.t o.
pr$'acy d$sc)osuresOyour )ocat$on/ your taste/ e'en the
peop)e who may %e near you and when youGre near
themOthat are .ar more contro))a%)e when you )$sten
to your own mus$c co))ect$on.
5$na))y/ thereGs the cost o. "o$n" a)on" w$th the "a".
The more we pretend that there $s a techn$ca)
poss$%$)$ty o. des$"n$n" a down)oader that canGt sa'e $ts
.$)es/ the more $ncent$'e we create .or )e"a) and
techno)o"$ca) systems that attempt to ma&e th$s come
true. The way you h$nder a down)oader .rom sa'$n"
.$)es $s %y o%.uscat$n" $ts des$"n and %y creat$n" )e"a)
pena)t$es .or users who open up the pro"rams they use
and try to $mpro'e them. -ou canGt e'er ha'e a
.ree/open source down)oader that sat$s.$es the des$re
to en.orce de)et$on o. the .$)e on rece$pt/ %ecause a)) $t
wou)d ta&e to remo'e th$s str$cture $s to mod$.y the
!n $ncent$'e to o%.uscate code/ to proh$%$t th$rd(party
mod$.$cat$ons and $mpro'ements/ and to we)d the
%onnet shut on a)) the wor)dGs computers wonGt
actua))y stop down)oad$n". =ut $t w$)) ha'e ant$(
compet$t$'e e..ects/ $t w$)) reduce pr$'acy/ and $t w$))
s)ow down $nno'at$on/ %y "$'$n" $ncum%ents the r$"ht
to contro) new entrants $nto the mar&et.
8ard pro%)ems canGt %e so)'ed w$th techn$ca) den$a)(
$sm. The mar&et has spo&en, peop)e want to down)oad
the$r mus$c 2and somet$mes they want to stream $t/
too3. The supposed)y .or(pro.$t record )a%e)s cou)d a))(you(can(down)oad pac&a"es that captured the
)aw(a%$d$n" down)oader/ and then they cou)d reta$n
those customers %y cont$nu$n" to ma&e new/ "reat
mus$c a'a$)a%)e. 4tGs %een 1# years s$nce Napster/ and
the record $ndustryGs hypothes$s that an a))(you(can(
down)oad re"$me canGt wor& %ecause users w$))
down)oad e'ery son" and then unsu%scr$%e .rom the
ser'$ce $s not %orne out %y e'$dence. The .act $s that
most down)oaders .$nd cheap/ )ow(r$s& mus$c
d$sco'ery to %e a tremendous $ncent$'e to more
consumpt$on/ as they d$sco'er new mus$c/ new art$sts/
new son"s/ and new "enres that t$c&)e the$r .anc$es.
*e))$n" customers what they des$re $s .undamenta) to
any success.u) %us$ness. 4. =$" Content canGt .$"ure out
how to do that/ then we can on)y pray .or the$r hasty
dem$se/ %e.ore they can do too much more dama"e to
human$tyGs most ama?$n" and wonder.u) $n'ent$on,
the $nternet.

Sear%' Is Too I!)ortant to Lea-e
to One Co!)an#5E-en Goo.le
It !a# see! as *nl&el# as a )*bl%l# edted
en%#%lo)eda, b*t t'e nternet needs
)*bl%l# %ontrolled sear%'
*earch $s the %e"$nn$n" and the end o. the $nternet.
=e.ore search/ there was the $dea o. an or"an$sed/
h$erarch$ca) $nternet/ set up a)on" the )$nes o. the
Dewey Dec$ma) system.
!"a$n and a"a$n/ net p$oneers tr$ed to %u$)d such
systems/ %ut they were a)ways outcompeted %y the
messy ha$r%a)) o. the rea) wor)d. !s W$&$ped$a shows/
%u$)d$n" consensus a%out what "oes where $n a %$" or"
chart $s hard/ and the %roader the su%9ect area/ the
harder $t "ets.
6e)'$n Dewey d$dnGt pred$ct computers> he a)so m$0ed
4s)am $n w$th *u.$sm/ and "a'e ta%)e(&noc&$n" psych$cs
the$r own cate"ory. ! .u))(contact sport )$&e the
$nternet 9ust doesnGt )end $tse). to a pr$or$
Enter search. Who needs cate"or$es/ $. you can 9ust p$)e
up a)) the wor)dGs &now)ed"e e'ery wh$ch way and use
so.tware to .$nd the r$"ht document at 9ust the r$"ht
=ut th$s $s not w$thout r$s&, search en"$nes accumu)ate
near(comp)ete $nde0es o. our $nterests/ our )o'es/ our
hopes/ and asp$rat$ons. Our re)at$onsh$p w$th them $s
as $nt$mate as our re)at$onsh$ps w$th our )o'ers/ our
con.essors/ our therap$sts.
WhatGs more/ the way that search en"$nes determ$ne
the ran&$n" and re)e'ance o. any "$'en we%s$te has
%ecome more cr$t$ca) than the ed$tor$a) %erth at the
New -or& T$mes com%$ned w$th the ch$e. spots at the
ma9or TL networ&s. <ood search en"$ne p)acement $s
ma&e(or(%rea& ad'ert$s$n". 4tGs $deo)o"$ca) m$ndshare.
4tGs re)e'ance.
Contrar$w$se, %e$n" poor)y ran&ed %y a search en"$ne
ma&es you $rre)e'ant/ %ro&e/ and $n'$s$%)e.
WhatGs more/ search en"$nes rout$ne)y d$sappear
we%s$tes .or '$o)at$n" unpu%)$shed/ $n'$s$%)e ru)es.
6any o. these s$tes are spammers/ )$n&(.armers/
ma)ware snee?ers/ and other "amers o. the system.
ThatGs not surpr$s$n", e'ery comp)e0 ecosystem has $ts
paras$tes/ and the $nternet $s as comp)e0 as they come.
The sta&es .or search(en"$ne p)acement are so h$"h
that $tGs $ne'$ta%)e that some peop)e w$)) try anyth$n"
to "et the r$"ht p)acement .or the$r products/ ser'$ces/
$deas/ and a"endas. 8ence the search en"$neGs
prero"at$'e o. en.orc$n" the death pena)ty on s$tes that
underm$ne the @ua)$ty o. search.
4tGs a terr$%)e $dea to 'est th$s much power w$th one
company/ e'en one as .un/ user(centered/ and
techno)o"$ca))y e0ce))ent as <oo")e. 4tGs too much
power .or a hand.u) o. compan$es to w$e)d.
The @uest$on o. what we can and canGt see when we "o
hunt$n" .or answers demands a transparent/
part$c$patory so)ut$on. ThereGs no d$ctator %ene'o)ent
enou"h to entrust w$th the power to determ$ne our
po)$t$ca)/ commerc$a)/ soc$a)/ and $deo)o"$ca) a"enda.
Th$s $s one .or The :eop)e.
:ut that way/ $tGs o%'$ous, $. search en"$nes set the
pu%)$c a"enda/ they shou)d %e pu%)$c. WhatGs not
o%'$ous $s how to ma&e such a th$n".
We can $ma"$ne a pu%)$c/ open process to wr$te search
en"$ne ran&$n" systems/ craw)ers/ and the other
m$nut$ae. =ut can an ad hoc "roup o. net(heads
marsha)) the ser'er resources to store cop$es o. the
ent$re $nternetF
Cou)d we %u$)d such a th$n"F 4tGd %e as un)$&e)y as a
noncommerc$a)/ 'o)unteer(wr$tten encyc)oped$a. 4t
wou)d re@u$re 'ast resources. =ut $t wou)d ha'e one
"$"ant$c ad'anta"e o'er the propr$etary search en"$nes,
rather than re)y$n" on wea& Msecur$ty throu"h
o%scur$tyN to .$"ht spammers/ creeps/ and paras$tes/
such a system cou)d e0p)o$t the power.u) pr$nc$p)es o.
peer re'$ew that are the "o)d standard $n a)) other areas
o. $n.ormat$on secur$ty.
<oo")e $tse). was pretty damned un)$&e)yOtwo "rad
students $n a "ara"e "o$n" up a"a$nst 'ast/ we))(
cap$ta)$sed mature search compan$es )$&e !)taL$sta
2remem%er themF3. *earch $s 'o)at$)e and weGd %e nuts
to th$n& that <oo")e owned the )ast word $n or"an$s$n"
a)) human &now)ed"e.

Co)#r.'t Enfor%ers S'o*ld
Learn Lessons fro! t'e War on
Those who .or"et h$story are doomed to repeat $t.
5or e0amp)e, say youGre an enterta$nment e0ecut$'e
)oo&$n" to stop some $ncred$%)y popu)ar &$nd o. on)$ne
$n.ormat$on transm$ss$onO$n.r$n"$n" mus$c copyr$"ht/
say. Where wou)d you )oo& to .$nd a r$ch h$story o. th$s
&$nd o. on)$ne %att)eF Why/ the *pam Wars/ o. course.
Where e)seF
E)ectron$c spam has e0$sted $n one .orm or another
s$nce 1KJC. 5or +# years/ networ&s ha'e ser'ed as
%att)e.$e)d $n the .$"ht %etween those who want your
ma$)%o0 .$))ed w$th the$r ad'erts and those who want
to he)p you a'o$d the come(ons.
The war a"a$nst spam has %een a d$sma) .a$)ure, thereGs
.ar more spam today than e'er %e.ore/ and $t "rows
more s$n$ster %y the day. <ary Thuer&Gs 1KJC %u)&
ema$) ad'ert$sement .or a new D$"$ta) E@u$pment
mode) 2w$de)y he)d to %e the .$rst spam3 was mere)y
annoy$n" and "orm)ess. Today/ the spam you rece$'e
m$"ht h$9ac& your computer/ turn$n" $t $nto a spyware(
r$dd)ed ?om%$e that har'ests your %an&$n" deta$)s and
passwords and uses $ts $d)e resources to send out e'en
more spam. 4t m$"ht encrypt your .$)es and demand
anonymous cash trans.ers %e.ore un)oc&$n" them. 4t
m$"ht %e a .ront .or a *pan$sh :r$soner scammer who
w$)) ro% you o. e'ery cent you and your )o'ed ones
!nd 2pract$ca))y3 e'eryone hates spam. 4tGs not )$&e
copyr$"hted mus$c/ where m$))$ons o. t$me(r$ch/ cash(
poor teena"ers and cheaps&ates are w$))$n" to spend
the$r days and n$"hts .$"ur$n" out how to "et more o. $t
$n the$r )$'es. 4n the *pam War/ the messa"e rec$p$ents
are enthus$ast$c supporters o. the cause.
LetGs ha'e a )oo& at some o. the spam war tact$cs that
ha'e %een tr$ed and ha'e %een .ound want$n".
Content(%ased .$)ters
These were pretty e..ect$'e .or a 'ery %r$e. per$od/ %ut
the spammers @u$c&)y outmanoeu'red them. The
$n'ent$on o. word(sa)ads 2random)y cut/pasted
stat$st$ca))y norma) te0t har'ested .rom the net3/
a)pha%et$ca) su%st$tut$ons/ and other tr$c&sy
techn$@ues ha'e trumped the $dea that you can .$"ht
spam 9ust %y proh$%$t$n" certa$n words/ phrases/ or
8nintended conse>uence1 4tGs pract$ca))y $m(poss$%)e to
ha'e an ema$) con'ersat$on a%out L$a"ra/ $nher$tances/
med$ca) cond$t$ons re)ated to "en$ta)s/ and a host o.
other su%9ects %ecause o. a)) the Mhe)p.u)N .$)ters st$))
.$"ht$n" )ast yearGs spam %att)e/ d$)$"ent)y 'apor$s$n"
anyone who uses the .or%$dden words.
!nt$(spam "roups ma$nta$n %)ac&)$sts o. Mro"ueN
$nternet ser'$ce pro'$ders and the$r 4:sOthe num%ers
that $dent$.y $nd$'$dua) computers. These are 4*:s that/
due to ne")$"ence/ ma)$ce/ error/ or a d$..erence o.
op$n$on on how to %est %)oc& %ad actors/ end up
em$tt$n" a )ot o. spam to the rest o. the $nternet.
!"a$n/ th$s wor&ed pretty we)) .or a short per$od/ %ut
was @u$c&)y o'erwhe)med %y more soph$st$cated
spammers who sw$tched .rom runn$n" ro"ue ema$)
ser'ers to s$mp)y h$9ac&$n" end usersG :Cs and us$n"
them to send spams .rom m$))$ons o. 4:s.
8nintended conse>uence1 4: %)oc&$n" %ecomes a .orm
o. co))ect$'e pun$shment $n wh$ch $nnocent peop)e are
pun$shed 2%)oc&ed .rom part or a)) o. the $nternet3
%ecause one person d$d someth$n" nau"hty/ and none
o. the pun$shed had the power to pre'ent $t. ! s$n")e
4: can stand $n .or thousands or e'en m$))$ons o. users.
The %)ac&)$sts are ma$nta$ned %y "roups whose $dent$ty
$s shrouded $n secrecy 2Mto pre'ent reta)$at$on .rom
cr$m$na) spam synd$catesN3 and operate at *tar
Cham%ers who con'$ct the$r tar"ets $n secrecy/ w$thout
the r$"ht o. appea) or the a%$)$ty to con.ront your
accuser. !))e"at$ons a%ound that %)ac&)$sters ha'e
tar"eted the$r cr$t$cs and stuc& them $n the %)ac& ho)es
mere)y .or cr$t$c$s$n" them/ and not %ecause o. any
=)oc&$n" open ser'ers
Ema$) ser'ers used to %e set up to accept and de)$'er
ma$) .or anyone, a)) you needed to do to send an ema$)
was to contact any &nown ema$) ser'er and as& $t to
.orward your messa"e .or you. Th$s made ema$)
send$n" $ncred$%)y easy to set up and runO$. your )oca)
ma$)ser'er croa&ed/ you cou)d 9ust sw$tch to another
one. =ut these ser'ers were
a)so 9u$cy tar"ets .or spammers who a%used the$r
hosp$ta)$ty to send m$))$ons o. spams. ! com%$nat$on o.
%)ac&)$st$n" and soc$a) pressure has a)) %ut &$))ed the
open ser'er $n the w$)d.
8nintended conse>uence1 4tGs $n.$n$te)y harder to send
)e"$t$mate ema$)/ as anyone who has e'er )o""ed $nto a
hote) or $nst$tut$ona) networ& and d$sco'ered that you
canGt reach your ma$)ser'er any more can attest. !nd
st$)) the spam ro))s $n, )e"$t$mate users )ac& the
mot$'at$on and capac$ty to )earn to send ma$) $n a
%)oc&(r$dden en'$ronment/ whereas spammers ha'e
the mot$'at$on and capac$ty $n spades.
There ha'e %een other .a$)ures $n the .$e)d/ and a .ew
successes 2my da$)y spam $n.)u0 dropped .rom more
than 2#/### to a .ew hundred when my sysadm$n
sw$tched on someth$n" ca))ed "rey)$st$n"3. =ut these
three .a$)ures are part$cu)ar)y $nstruct$'e %ecause they
represent the ma$n strate"$c o%9ect$'es o. the
enterta$nment $ndustryGs copyr$"ht en.orcement p)ans.
E'ery )e"$s)at$'e and normat$'e proposa) recap$tu)ates
the worst m$sta&es o. the spam.$"ht, .rom L$acomGs
demand that <oo")e automat$ca))y detect copyr$"ht(
$n.r$n"$n" '$deos wh$)e theyGre %e$n" up)oaded> to the
three(accusat$ons(and(youGre(o..)$ne proposa) .rom the
=:4> to the not$on $n the <CGs !nt$(Counter.e$t$n"
Trade !"reement o. turn$n" copyr$"ht ho)ders $nto
9ud"e/ 9ury/ and e0ecut$oner .or what content can
tra'e) on)$ne and who can see $t.
The *pam Wars ha'e shown us that "reat $ntent$ons
and power.u) weapons can ha'e terr$%)e outcomesO
outcomes where the $nnocent are $ncon'en$enced and
the "u$)ty mere)y e'o)'e $nto more res$stant/ more
dead)y or"an$sms.

Warnn. to All Co)#r.'t
T'ree Str&es and Youre O*t
4 th$n& we shou)d permanent)y cut o.. the $nternet
access o. any company that sends out three erroneous
copyr$"ht not$ces. Three str$&es and youGre out/ mate.
8a'$n" %een d$sconnected/ your customers can on)y
.$nd out a%out your product$n"s %y r$n"$n" you
up and as&$n"/ or %y re@uest$n" a pr$nted %rochure.
:erhaps you cou)d "$'e a)) your sa)espeop)e .a0
mach$nes so they can .a0 ur"ent $n.ormat$on up and
down the supp)y cha$n. !nd thereGs a)ways the phone
O9ust ma&e sure youG'e "ot a %unch o. phone %oo&s $n
the o..$ce/ %ecause youG)) ne'er <oo")e another phone
Ca)) $t a modest proposa) $n the *w$.t$an sense $. you
must/ %ut 4Gm dead)y ser$ous.
-ou see/ the %$" copyr$"ht compan$esOrecord )a%e)s/
%roadcasters/ .$)m stud$os/ so.tware compan$esOare
)o%%y$n" $n the ha))s o. power around the wor)d
2$nc)ud$n" Westm$nster3 .or a three str$&es ru)e .or
copyr$"ht $n.r$n"ers. They want to o%)$"e $nternet
ser'$ce pro'$ders 24*:s3 to se'er the %road%and )$n&s o.
any customer who has %een thr$ce accused o.
down)oad$n" $n.r$n"$n" mater$a)/ and to o%)$"e we%(
host$n" compan$es to term$nate the accounts o.
anyone accused o. st$c&$n" $n.r$n"$n" mater$a) on a
we% ser'er three t$mes.
TheyGre not e'en propos$n" that th$s pun$shment
shou)d %e reser'ed .or con+icted $n.r$n"ers. :ro'$n"
$n.r$n"ement $s s)ow and e0pens$'eOso much so that
the 6ot$on :$cture !ssoc$at$on o. !mer$ca 9ust .$)ed a
%r$e. w$th the 1.*. court cons$der$n" the appea) o.
Hamm$e Thomas/ a woman sentenced to pay D222/###
$n .$nes .or down)oad$n" mus$c/ $n wh$ch the trade
assoc$at$on ar"ued that they shou)d ne+er ha'e to
pro'e $n.r$n"ement to co))ect dama"es/ s$nce proo. $s
so hard to come %y.
4 mean/ $tGs not as thou"h $nternet access $s someth$n"
important) r$"htF
4n the past wee&/ 4G'e on)y used the $nternet to contact
my emp)oyers around the wor)d/ my 6: $n the 1P/ to
part$c$pate $n a European Comm$ss$on e0pert
proceed$n"/ to .$nd out why my $n.ant dau"hter has
%ro&en out $n t$ny p$n& po)&a(dots/ to commun$cate
w$th a "o'ernment wh$st)e(%)ower who wants to &now
$. 4 can he)p pu%)$sh e'$dence o. o..$c$a) corrupt$on/ to
pro'$de re.erences .or one .ormer student 2and .o))ow(
up ad'$ce to another3/ %oo& my p)ane t$c&ets/ access
my %an&$n" records/ na'$"ate the new 8ome O..$ce
$mm$"rat$on ru)es "o'ern$n" my '$sa/ w$re money to
he)p pay .or the headstone .or my "reat unc)eGs "ra'e
$n Russ$a/ and to send se'era) 5atherGs Day cards 2and
rece$'e some o. my own3.
The $nternet $s on)y that w$re that de)$'ers .reedom o.
speech/ .reedom o. assem%)y/ and .reedom o. the press
$n a s$n")e connect$on. 4tGs on)y '$ta) to the )$'e)$hood/
soc$a) )$'es/ hea)th/ c$'$c en"a"ement/ educat$on/ and
)e$sure o. hundreds o. m$))$ons o. peop)e 2and "row$n"
e'ery day3.
Th$s tr$'$a) %$t o. &$t $s so un$mportant that $tGs on)y
natura) that we e@u$p the compan$es that %rou"ht us
:o)$ce !cademy 11/ W$ndows L$sta/ 6$))$ Lan$))$/ and
Danc$n" W$th the *tars w$th w$re(cutters that a))ow
them to d$sconnect anyone $n the country on the$r
own say(so/ w$thout pro'$n" a so)$tary act o.
=ut $. that ma"$c w$re $s $ndeed so tr$'$a)/ they wonGt
m$nd $. we ho)d them to the same standard/ r$"htF The
s)oppy/ tr$""er(happy )$t$"ants who sue dead peop)e
and ch$)dren/ who accused a )aser pr$nter o.
down)oad$n" the new 4nd$ana Hones mo'$e/ who say
that proo. o. wron"do$n" $s too much to as& .orO$.
these .$rms %e)$e'e that %e$n" d$sconnected .rom the
$nternet $s such a tr$'$a) annoyance/ they shou)d %e
w$))$n" to put up w$th the same m$nor $rr$tat$on at
corporate 8Q and the sate))$te o..$ces/ r$"htF

For W'o! t'e Net Tolls
R*)ert +*rdo%' wants to re!a&e t'e web
as a toll boot', wt' '! n t'e %olle%tor4s
seat, b*t t'e net won4t s'ft to 's wll
Hust what/ e0act)y/ $s Rupert 6urdoch thinkingF 5$rst/
he announces that a)) o. News CorpGs we%s$tes w$))
erect paywa))s )$&e the one emp)oyed %y the Wa))
*treet Hourna) 2howe'er/ Rupert mana"ed to "et the
deta$)s o. the WS?Gs wa)) wron"Ono matter/ heGs a M%$"
p$ctureN "uy3. Then/ he announced that <oo")e and
other search en"$nes were Mp)a"$ar$stsN who Mr$p o..N
News CorpGs content/ and that once the paywa))s are
up 2a date that &eeps s)$pp$n" .arther $nto the .uture/
a)most as thou"h the %est 4T peop)e wor& .or someone
whoGs not Rupert M4 8ate the NetN 6urdochE3 heG)) %e
%)oc&$n" <oo")e and the other Mparas$tesN .rom h$s
s$tes/ ma&$n" a)) o. News CorpGs propert$es $n'$s$%)e to
search en"$nes. Then/ as a &$nd o. )oon$e cherry atop a
%anana sp)$t w$th e0tra cra?y sauce/ Rupert announces
that M.a$r use $s $))e"a)M and heG)) %e a%o)$sh$n" $t
What $s he th$n&$n"F WeG)) ne'er &now/ o. course/ %ut 4
ha'e a theory.
5$rst/ the %us$ness o. %)oc&$n" search en"$nes. Rupert
has "ot dea)ma&erGs .)u/ a %u" he ac@u$red when he
%ou"ht 6y*pace and so)d the e0c)us$'e r$"ht to $nde0
$t to <oo")e. Th$s had the temporary e..ect o. ma&$n"
Rupert )oo& )$&e a techno)o"y "en$us/ as <oo")eGs
putat$'e payout .or th$s r$"ht made the 6y*pace dea)
$nstant)y pro.$ta%)e/ at )east on paper> meanwh$)e/
6y*paceGs star was $n dec)$ne/ than&s to compet$t$on
.rom 5ace%oo&/ Tw$tter/ and a m$))$on me(too soc$a)
networ&$n" too)s.
4t a)so put $deas $nto RupertGs head.
-ou can pract$ca))y see the maths on the %)ac&%oard
%eh$nd h$s eye)$ds, e0c)us$'e dea)s Z paywa))s W money.
4 th$n& that Rupert $s %ett$n" that one o. <oo")eGs
%ad)y tra$)$n" compet$tors can %e coa0ed $nto pay$n"
.or the r$"ht to $nde0 a)) o. News CorpGs on)$ne stu../ $.
that r$"ht $s e0c)us$'e. Rupert $s th$n&$n" that a
company such as 6$croso.t w$)) %e w$))$n" to pay to
shore up $ts a)so(ran search too)/ =$n"/ %y %uy$n" the
r$"ht to $nde0 the .ract$on o. a .ract$on o. a s)$'er o. a
crum% o. the $nternet that News Corp owns.
TheyG)) %e a%)e to ad'ert$se, MWe ha'e RupertGs pa"es
and <oo")e doesnGt/ so search w$th usEN 2!ctua))y/
theyG)) ha'e to ad'ert$se, MWe ha'e RupertGs pa"es and
<oo")e doesnGt/ e0cept 6y*pace/ wh$ch <oo")e has.N3
Or may%e notO6y*pace $s not de)$'er$n" the tra..$c
Rupert "uaranteed <oo")e $n h$s )$tt)e dea)/ and <oo")e
may %a$) $. thereGs a )$&e)y suc&er on the )$ne.
6ay%e the tar"et $snGt 6$croso.t. 6ay%e $tGs some
"u))$%)e startup thatGs e'en now wa)&$n" up and down
*and 8$)) Road/ the heart o. Lenture Cap$ta) Country
$n *$)$con La))ey/ show$n" o.. a :ower:o$nt dec& whose
ent$re messa"e can %e summar$sed as, M-ou "$'e us a
hept$))$on do))ars/ weG)) do e0c)us$'e search dea)s w$th
Rupert and the other med$a %ehemoths/ and weG))
.ree?e <oo")e out.N 4Gd %e surpr$sed $. such a p$tch so)d/
thou"h. WhatGs the )$@u$d$ty e'ent that wou)d return
some pro.$t to the LCF 4tGs not going to %e an 4:O
24n$t$a) :u%)$c$n"3/ not $n todayGs re"u)atory
c)$mate. 4tGd ha'e to %e an ac@u$s$t$on/ and the two
most )$&e)y tar"ets wou)d %e <oo")e and News Corp.
Now/ what a%out .a$r use %e$n" $))e"a)F !t a "uess/ 4Gd
say that some Card$na) R$che)$eu .$"ure $n News CorpGs
)e"a) department may ha'e %een pass$n" some
wh$spers to Rupert a%out $nternat$ona) copyr$"ht )aw.
*pec$.$ca))y/ a%out the =erne Con'ent$onOa centur$es(
o)d copyr$"ht accord thatGs %een $nte"rated $nto many
other trade a"reements/ $nc)ud$n" the Wor)d Trade
Or"an$?at$on 2WTO3/ and $ts Mthree(step testN .or
whether a copyr$"ht e0empt$on $s )e"a).
Copyr$"ht e0empt$ons are a)) the r$"hts that copyr$"ht
"$'es to the pu%)$c/ not to creators or pu%)$shers/ and
Mthree(stepsN descr$%es the pr$nc$p)es that =erne
s$"natory countr$es must )oo& to when cra.t$n" the$r
own copyr$"ht e0empt$ons.
Those three steps )$m$t copyr$"ht e0empt$ons to,
1. certa$n spec$a) cases...
2. wh$ch do not con.)$ct w$th a norma) e0p)o$tat$on o.
the wor&> and...
+. do not unreasona%)y pre9ud$ce the )e"$t$mate
$nterests o. the r$"hts ho)der.
Now/ ar"ua%)y/ many countr$esG .a$r dea)$n" or .a$r use
ru)es donGt meet these cr$ter$a 2the 1.*. ru)es on LCRs/
%oo& )end$n"/ ca%)e TL/ 9u&e%o0es/ rad$o p)ays/ and a
hundred other cases are .a'our$te '$))a$ns $n these
d$scuss$ons> %ut many European ru)es are a)so d$..$cu)t
to cram $nto the three(steps .rame3. !nd 4G'e certa$n)y
heard many corporate )aw mo'er(sha&ers announce
that/ w$th the r$"ht )awsu$t/ you cou)d "et trade courts
to .orce th$s country or that country to "et r$d o. $ts .a$r
dea)$n" or .a$r use pro'$s$ons.
8owe'er/ th$s '$ew o. $nternat$ona) copyr$"ht )ac&s an
apprec$at$on o. the su%t)et$es o. $nternat$ona) trade/
name)y, %$"/ power.u) countr$es can $"nore trade
courts and treaty ru)es when $tGs $n the$r $nterest to do
so/ %ecause no one can a..ord to stop trad$n" w$th
The 1.*. "ets D1 tr$))$on added to $ts <D: e'ery year
than&s to )$%era) .a$r use ru)es. 4. the WTO says that $t
has to %an '$deo recorders or e)$m$nate compu)sory
)$censes on mus$c compos$t$ons 2or shut down search
en"$nesE3/ $t w$)) 9ust $"nore the WTO. The 1.*. $s an
o)d hand at $"nor$n" the 1n$ted Nat$ons. The 1.*.
owes %$))$ons to the 1N $n %ac&(dues and shows no
s$"ns o. repay$n" $t. The .act that the WTO )oo&s upon
the 1.*. w$th d$sappro'a) w$)) cause prec$se)y noth$n"
to happen $n the !mer$can )e"$s)at$'e %ranch.
!nd/ $. the WTO tr$es to "et other countr$es to
em%ar"o the 1.*./ $t w$)) @u$c&)y )earn that Ch$na and
other .actory states canGt a..ord to stop sh$pp$n" p)ast$c
"ew"aws/ poc&et(s$?ed e)ectron$cs/ and cheap te0t$)es
to the 1n$ted *tates.
!nd .urthermore/ other countr$es canGt a..ord to
%oycott Ch$naO%ecause those countr$es canGt a..ord to
a))ow a p)ast$c "ew"aw and cheap te0t$)e "ap to emer"e
w$th !mer$ca.
O. course/ the e)$m$nat$on o. .a$r use wou)d present
many pro%)ems to News CorpO%ecause/ as w$th a))
med$a compan$es/ News Corp re)$es hea'$)y on
copyr$"ht e0empt$ons to produce $ts own
pro"ramm$n". 4Gm sure that/ $. thereGs a )awyer who put
th$s $dea $nto RupertGs head/ she &nows th$s. =ut 4
)$&ew$se %e)$e'e that she wou)d %e per.ect)y w$))$n" to
e0pand the )e"a) department to the thousands o.
)awyers $t wou)d ta&e to ne"ot$ate perm$ss$on .or a))
those uses $. .a$r use "oes away.
ThatGs my theory, Rupert $snGt a technopho%$c )oon
who w$)) send h$s med$a emp$re to the %ottom o. the
ocean wh$)e wa"$n" war on search en"$nes. 4nstead/
heGs an out(o.(touch moustache(tw$r)er whoGs set h$s
s$"hts on rema&$n" the we% as a to)) %ooth 2w$th h$m
$n the co))ectorGs seat3/ and h$s p)an h$n"es on a
touch$n")y na$'e approach to "eopo)$t$cs.
E$ther way/ o)d Rupert shows s$"ns o. de"enerat$n"
$nto a co)our.u) 8oward 8u"hes .$"ure $n a housecoat/
demand$n" that rea)$ty sh$.t to h$s w$)).

How Do Yo* 2now If Co)#r.'t
Is Wor&n.8
! recurr$n" @uest$on $n d$scuss$ons o. d$"$ta) copyr$"ht
$s how creators and the$r $n'estors 2that $s/ )a%e)s/
mo'$e stud$os/ pu%)$shers/ etc.3 w$)) earn a )$'$n" $n the
d$"$ta) era. =ut thou"h 4G'e had that @uest$on posed to
me thousands o. t$mes/ no one has e'er sa$d which
creators and which $n'estors are to earn a )$'$n"/ and
what const$tutes Ma )$'$n".N Copyr$"ht $s $n tremendous
.)u0 at the moment> "o'ernments a)) o'er the wor)d are
cons$der$n" what the$r copyr$"ht systems shou)d )oo&
)$&e $n the 21st century/ and $tGs pro%a%)y a "ood $dea to
na$) down what we want copyr$"ht to do. Otherw$se/
the @uest$on/ M4s copyr$"ht wor&$n"FN %ecomes as
mean$n")ess as M8ow )on" $s a p$ece o. str$n"FN
LetGs start %y say$n" that there $s on)y one re"u)at$on
that wou)d pro'$de e'eryone who wants to %e an art$st
w$th a m$dd)e(c)ass $ncome. 4tGs a 'ery s$mp)e ru)e,
M4. you ca)) yourse). an art$st/ the "o'ernment w$)) pay
you Y#/### a year unt$) you stop ca))$n" yourse). an
*hort o. th$s w$)d)y un)$&e)y re"u)at$on/ .u))
emp)oyment $n the arts $s a %eaut$.u) and $mpro%a%)e
dream. Certa$n)y/ no copyr$"ht system can atta$n th$s.
4. copyr$"ht $s to ha'e w$nners and )osers/ then )etGs
start ta)&$n" a%out who we want to see w$nn$n"/ and
what '$ctory shou)d %e.
4n my wor)d/ copyr$"htGs purpose $s to encoura"e the
w$dest part$c$pat$on $n cu)ture that we can mana"eO
that $s/ $t shou)d %e a system that encoura"es the most
d$'erse set o. creators/ creat$n" the most d$'erse set o.
wor&s/ to reach the most d$'erse aud$ences as $s
That $s/ 4 donGt want a copyr$"ht system that prec)udes
ma&$n" money on art/ s$nce there are some peop)e who
ma&e "ood art who/ cred$%)y/ wou)d ma&e )ess o. $t $.
there wasnGt any money to %e had. =ut at the same
t$me/ 4 donGt th$n& that you can 9ud"e a copyr$"ht
system %y how much money $t de)$'ers to creatorsO
$ma"$ne a copyr$"ht system .or .$)ms that a))owed on)y
one s$n")e 1B(m$nute short .$)m to %e made e'ery year/
wh$ch/ %y d$nt o. $ts rar$ty/ turned o'er Y1=. 4. on)y one
person "ets to ma&e one mo'$e/ 4 donGt care how much
money the system %r$n"s $n/ $tGs not as "ood as one $n
wh$ch )ots o. peop)e "et to ma&e )ots o. mo'$es.
D$'ers$ty o. part$c$pat$on matters %ecause part$c$(
pat$on $n the arts $s a .orm o. e0press$on/ and here $n
the WestGs )$%era) democrac$es/ we ta&e $t as read that
the state shou)d )$m$t e0press$on as )$tt)e as poss$%)e
and encoura"e $t as much as $s poss$%)e. 4t seems s$))y
to ha'e to say th$s/ %ut $tGs worth not$n" here/ %ecause
when we ta)& a%out copyr$"ht/ weGre not 9ust ta)&$n"
a%out who pays how much to "et access to wh$ch art,
weGre ta)&$n" a%out a re"u)at$on that has the power to
m$dw$.eOor stran")eOenormous amounts o.
e0press$'e speech.
8ereGs someth$n" e)se copyr$"ht canGt and wonGt do
and doesnGt do, de)$'er a mar&et where creators 2or
$n'estors3 set a pr$ce .or creat$'e wor&s/ and aud$ences
%uy those wor&s or donGt/ )ett$n" the %est .)oat to the
top $n a pure and .ree mar&etp)ace. Copyr$"ht has
ne'er rea))y wor&ed )$&e th$s/ and $t certa$n)y doesnGt
wor& )$&e th$s today, .or e0amp)e/ $tGs %een more than a
century s$nce )e"a) systems around the wor)d too&
away son"wr$tersG a%$)$ty to contro) who per.ormed
the$r son"s. Th$s %e"an w$th the .$rst records/ wh$ch
were '$ewed as a .orm o. the.t %y the composers o. the
day. -ou see/ composers %ac& then were $n the sheet(
mus$c %us$ness, they used a copy$n" de'$ce 2the
pr$nt$n" press3 to "enerate a product that mus$c$ans
cou)d %uy.
When record$n" techno)o"y came a)on"/ mus$c$ans
%e"an to p)ay the tunes on the sheet mus$c theyGd
%ou"ht $nto m$crophones and re)ease commerc$a)
record$n"s o. the$r per.ormances. The composers
.umed that th$s was p$racy o. the$r mus$c/ %ut the
per.ormers sa$d/ %as$ca))y/ M-ou so)d us th$s sheet
mus$cOnow youGre te))$n" us weGre not a))owed to p)ay
$tF What d$d you th$n& we were "o$n" to do w$th $tFN
The )awGs answer to th$s was a *o)omon$c d$'$de(the(
%a%y so)ut$on, per.ormers were .ree to record any
compos$t$on that had %een pu%)$shed/ %ut they had to
pay a set rate .or e'ery record$n" they so)d. Th$s rate
was pa$d to a co))ect$'e r$"hts soc$ety/ and today/ these
soc$et$es thr$'e/ co))ect$n" .ees .or a)) sorts o.
Mper.ormancesN where mus$c$ans and composers "et
)$tt)e or no sayO.or e0amp)e/ rad$o stat$ons/ shopp$n"
ma))s/ and e'en ha$rdressers %uy )$censes that a))ow
them to p)ay whate'er mus$c they can .$nd. The mus$c
$s samp)ed %y more(or()ess accurate means and
d$spersed to art$sts %y more(or()ess .a$r means.
O. course/ some art$sts ar"ue that the samp)$n" and
d$spersa) are un.a$r/ %ut $tGs a rare art$st who says that
the pr$nc$pa) o. co))ect$'e )$cens$n" $s $tse). a .orm o.
the.t. No one wants to "et a phone ca)) e'ery 1B
m$nutes .rom some su%ur%an %arman who wants to
&now $. p)ay$n" the$r 2#(year(o)d h$t on the &arao&e
mach$ne $s "o$n" to cost 1Bp or 2Bp $n )$cense .ees.
There $s an anc$ent copyr$"ht a"reement that L$ctor
8u"o came up w$th ca))ed the =erne Con'ent$on that
most western nat$ons are part$es to. 4. you read the
a"reement c)ose)y/ $t seems to ma&e th$s who)e
%us$ness o. %)an&et )$cens$n" $))e"a). When 4G'e as&ed
$nternat$ona) copyr$"ht spec$a)$sts how a)) these =erne
nat$ons can ha'e rad$o stat$ons and &arao&e %ars and
ha$rdressers and such p)ay$n" mus$c w$thout
ne"ot$at$n" a)) the$r p)ay)$sts one at a t$me/ the usua)
answer $s/ MWe))/ techn$ca))y/ 4 suppose/ they shou)dnGt.
=ut thereGs an aw.u) )ot o. money chan"$n" hands/
most)y $n the d$rect$on o. )a%e)s and art$sts/ so whoGs
"o$n" to comp)a$n/ rea))yFN
Wh$ch $s %y way o. a..$rm$n" that "rand o)d
!mer$can$sm, 6oney ta)&s and %u))sh$t wa)&s. Where
the st$..(nec&ed mora) r$"ht o. a copyr$"ht ho)der to
contro) usa"e ru%s up a"a$nst the pract$ca)$t$es o.
a))ow$n" an ent$re $ndustryGs capac$ty .or cu)tura)
e0chan"e and use/ the )aw usua))y responds %y
con'ert$n" the mora) r$"ht to an econom$c r$"ht.
Rather than ha'$n" the r$"ht to spec$.y who may use
your wor&s/ you mere)y "et the r$"ht to "et pa$d when
the use ta&es p)ace.
Now/ on hear$n" th$s/ you m$"ht %e th$n&$n"/ M<ood
<od/ thatGs pract$ca))y *ta)$n$stE Why canGt a poor
creator ha'e the r$"ht to choose who can use her
wor&sFN We))/ the reason $s that creators 2and/ nota%)y/
the$r $ndustr$a) $n'estors3 are notor$ous)y res$stant to
new med$a. The composers damned the record
compan$es .or p$rates> the record )a%e)s damned the
rad$o .or its p$racy> %roadcasters '$)$.$ed the ca%)e
compan$es .or ta&$n" the$r s$"na)s> ca%)e compan$es
.ou"ht the LCR .or $ts record$n" Mthe.t.N =$"
Enterta$nment tr$ed to &$)) 56 rad$o/ TL remote
contro)s 2wh$ch made $t easy to sw$tch away .rom
ad'erts3/ 9u&e%o0es/ and so on/ a)) the way %ac& to the
:rotestant Re.ormat$onGs .$"ht o'er who "ot to read
the =$%)e.
<$'en that new med$a typ$ca))y a))ow new creators to
create new .orms o. mater$a) that $s p)eas$n" to new
aud$ences/ $tGs hard to 9ust$.y "$'$n" the current )otto(
w$nners a 'eto o'er the ne0t "enerat$on o. d$srupt$'e
techno)o"$es. Espec$a))y when the w$nners o. today
were the p$rates o. yesteryear. Turna%out $s .a$r p)ay.
*o the %est copyr$"ht $snGt the one that )ets e'ery
creator )$cense e'ery use o. her wor& p$ecemea).
4nstead/ $tGs the system that a))ows .or such )$cens$n"/
e0cept where other .orms o. )$cens$n"Oor no )$cens$n"
at a))Oma&es sense. 5or e0amp)e/ $n the 1*!/ wh$ch
has the )ar"est/ most pro.$ta%)e %roadcast and ca%)e
$ndustry $n the wor)d/ the )aw "$'es no compensat$on
r$"hts to r$"hts(ho)ders .or home record$n" o. TL
shows. ThereGs no )e'y on %)an& cassettes or :LRs $n
e0chan"e .or the r$"ht to record o.. the te))y. 4tGs .ree/
and $t has consp$cuous)y .a$)ed to destroy !mer$can
There are who)e c)asses o. creat$on and copy$n" that
.a)) $nto th$s cate"ory, $n .ash$on/ .or e0amp)e/ des$"ns
en9oy )$m$ted or no protect$on under the )aw. !nd each
yearGs des$"ner ra"s are $nstantaneous)y p$rated %y
&noc&(down shops as soon as they appear on the
runway. =ut shou)d we protect .ash$on the way we do
mus$c or %oo&sF 4tGs hard to see why/ apart .rom a
.oo)$sh cons$stency, certa$n)y/ e'ery current)y
ascendant .ash$on des$"ner whoGd %ene.$t .rom such a
th$n" started out %y &noc&$n" o.. other des$"ners. !nd
thereGs no $nd$cat$on that .ash$on $s under($n'ested/ or
.a$)s to attract new ta)ent/ or that there $s a )ac& o. new
.ash$on a'a$)a%)e to the pu%)$c. Creat$n" e0c)us$'e
r$"hts .or .ash$on des$"ners m$"ht a))ow more money
to %e made %y todayGs w$nners/ %ut these w$nners are
a)ready ma&$n" as many des$"ns as they can/ and so
the net d$'ers$ty o. .ash$on a'a$)a%)e to the wor)d
wou)d .a)) o...
=ac& to the @uest$on, whatGs a "ood copyr$"ht )oo&
We))/ $tGs "ot to %e %oth e'$dence(%ased and %a)anced.
5or e0amp)e/ $. arch$tects come .orward w$th the c)a$m
that they need to %e a%)e to contro) photos o. the$r
%u$)d$n"s or no one w$)) $n'est $n an arch$tectGs
educat$on/ theyGd %etter ha'e some pretty compe))$n"
e'$dence to %ac& up that c)a$m. On the one hand/ we
ha'e the $ncontro'ert$%)e .act that today/ prospect$'e
arch$tects spend a )ot o. money on pro.ess$ona)
tra$n$n" w$thout any such "uarantee.
O. course/ $tGs easy to $ma"$ne that more peop)e wou)d
enro)) $n arch$tecture schoo)s $. des$"n$n" a %u$)d$n"
"a'e you a copyr$"ht $n $ts )$&enessOe'eryone who
wanted to photo"raph a pu%)$c road wou)d ha'e to pay
you a )$cense .ee .or the use o. MyourN %u$)d$n". =ut
"$'en that thereGs no e'$dence that arch$tecture
pro"rammes are wast$n" away .or want o. students/
and "$'en that arch$tects seem to %e thr$'$n" as a trade
e'erywhere/ the e'$dence su""ests that we donGt need
to "$'e arch$tects these r$"hts.
ThatGs e'$dence/ %ut what a%out %a)anceF We))/ say
that tomorrow/ the num%er o. arch$tects d$d she)'e o..
rad$ca))y/ and no one cou)d .$nd anyone to draw up
p)ans .or a new conser'atory or mansard roo. anymore.
8ow cou)d we sa'e arch$tectureF We))/ we could "$'e
arch$tects a copyr$"ht $n the )$&eness o. the$r %u$)d$n"s/
and essent$a))y put arch$tects $n the rent(co))ect$n"
%us$ness, rather than de'ot$n" a)) the$r t$me to
des$"n$n" %u$)d$n"s/ arch$tects wou)d spend most o.
the$r t$me send$n" )e"a) threats to s$tes )$&e 5)$c&r and
:$casa and Tw$t:$c whene'er some poor sod up)oaded
a p$cture o. h$s .)atGs e0ter$or Chr$stmas decorat$ons
and $nad'ertent)y '$o)ated the arch$tectGs copyr$"ht.
Th$s wou)d certa$n)y ma&e more money .or some
arch$tects 2espec$a))y ones whose %u$)d$n"s were
s$tuated near pu%)$c we%camsOe'eryone who
operated one o. those wou)d ha'e to stump up .or a
)$censeE3. =ut the pu%)$c cost wou)d %e enormous.
4nstead o. the mere a%surd$ty o. coppers "o$n" around
t$c&$n" o.. tour$sts .or photo"raph$n" pu%)$c %u$)d$n"s
2as thou"h %om%$n" was a prec$s$on underta&$n"/
re@u$r$n" that terror$sts photo"raph %u$)d$n"s $n deta$)
%e.ore wander$n" $nto them w$th %om%s under the$r
coats and %)ow$n" themse)'es up3> weGd ha'e 'ast
arm$es o. pr$'ate secur$ty "uards represent$n" the .ar(
.)un" descendants o. Chr$stopher Wren and that
m$sera%)e %astard who des$"ned the aw.u) tower(%)oc&
at the end o. my road $n 1KIB or so/ hass)$n" anyone
who too& out a camera to snap a p$cture o. the car that
9ust ran them o'er/ or the$r &$ds adora%)y eat$n" $ce
cream/ or the$r mates hea'$n" up a &e%a% $nto the
"utter a.ter a n$"htGs re'e)s.
<oo")e *treet'$ew wou)d %e $mposs$%)e. *o wou)d
ho)$day snaps. !mateur photo"raphy. 5ash$on shoots.
News photo"raphy. Documentary .$)m(ma&$n". Essen(
t$a))y/ the cost o. record$n" your )$.e as you )$'e $t/
captur$n" your memora%)e moments/ wou)d "o to
$n.$n$ty/ as you had to .$"ure out how to contact and
%uy )$censes .rom thousands o. o%scure arch$tects or
the$r )$censees. *ure)y $n th$s case/ the costs outwe$"h
the %ene.$ts 2and yes/ 4Gm per.ect)y aware that certa$n
European countr$es were stup$d enou"h to "$'e
arch$tects th$s r$"htOthere are a)so p)aces $n the wor)d
that proh$%$t women .rom dr$'$n" cars/ where they
chop down ra$n.orests to "ra?e catt)e/ and where the
used car ad'erts .eature .)or$d men wear$n" .oam
cow%oy hats scream$n" $nto a cameraO$. e'eryone $n
5rance 9umped o.. the E$..e) Tower/ wou)d you do $t
*o a %a)anced and e'$dence(%ased copyr$"ht po)$cy $s
one that re@u$res creators to show a need .or
protect$on/ and a)so that the protect$on sou"ht w$))
de)$'er more %ene.$t than the cost $t $mp)$es.
8ow wou)d th$s app)y to the $nternetF Ta&e mus$c
down)oads, %y the mus$c $ndustryGs own account/ the
pay(per(down)oad systems on)y capture a m$nute
.ract$on o. the mus$c traded on the net. =ut a %)an&et
)$cense that 4*:s cou)d opt $nto that ent$t)ed the 4*:Gs
customers to down)oad and share a)) the mus$c they
wanted wou)d de)$'er e'er"reen pro.$ts to the record
$ndustryOw$thout necess$tat$n" spy$n"/ )awsu$ts/ and
threats o. d$sconnect$on .rom the $nternet. 4. the pr$ce
was r$"ht/ pract$ca))y e'ery 4*: wou)d opt $nto the
system/ s$nce the cost o. the )e"a) headaches attend$n"
the operat$on o. a ser'$ce w$thout such a )$cense wou)d
%e more e0pens$'e than "ett$n" )e"$t. Then we cou)d
.ocus on ma&$n" the co))ect$on and d$spersa) o. .ees
and the samp)$n" o. mus$c down)oad$n" as transparent
as poss$%)e/ %r$n"$n" 21st(century metr$cs to %ear on
ma&$n" sure that art$sts are .a$r)y compensated 2rather
than spend$n" 'ast sums .$"ur$n" out wh$ch mus$c .ans
to send )e"a) threats to th$s month3.
Now/ ta&e D+##6 C<4 summer %)oc&%uster .$)ms, $. the
producers o. these th$n"s are to %e %e)$e'ed/ the
on"o$n" capac$ty to produce ")$t?y/ %$" %ud"et
product$ons demands that ser'$ces )$&e -ouTu%e %e
shut o.. 2see/ .or e0amp)e/ L$acomGs )awsu$t a"a$nst
<oo")e o'er -ouTu%e3. 4. th$s $s trueO4Gm no mo'$e
e0ec/ may%e $t $sOthen we need to as& ourse)'es the
M%a)anceN @uest$on, -ouTu%eGs users produce 2K hours
o. '$deo e'ery minute and the 'ast ma9or$ty o. $t $s not
$n.r$n"$n" TL and mo'$e c)$ps/ $t $s $ndependent)y
produced mater$a) that accounts .or more '$ewer(
m$nutes than te)e'$s$on. *o/ the %$" stud$osG demand
amounts to th$s, M-ou must shut down the system that
de)$'ers %$))$ons o. hours o. en9oyment to hundreds o.
m$))$ons o. peop)e so that we can "o on de)$'er$n"
a%out 2# hoursG worth o. %$" %ud"et .$)m e'ery
To me/ th$s $s a no %ra$ner. 4 mean/ 4 )o'e s$tt$n" $n an
a$r(cond$t$oned ca'e watch$n" =ruce W$))$s %eat up a
.$"hter 9et w$th h$s %are hands as much as the ne0t "uy/
%ut $. 4 ha'e to choose %etween that and all o&
3ouTu"e/ we))/ sorry =ruce.
The re9o$nder 4 hear .rom the .$)m $ndustry $n these
d$scuss$ons $s downr$"ht %$?arre, they c$te the .act that
a)) those %$))$ons o. hoursG worth o. mater$a) on
-ouTu%e cost 'ery )$tt)e to ma&e/ and conse@uent)y/
-ouTu%e $s a%)e to pay 'ery sma)) sums o. money $n ad
re'enue and st$)) "et a)) that '$deo. To hear an
$ndustr$a)$st damn$n" a compet$tor %ecause heGs
.$"ured out a way o. ma&$n" a compet$n" product that
costs a )ot )ess $s 9ust we$rd. There $s no '$rtue $n
spend$n" a )ot o. money. !nyone can do $t. *pend$n"
sma)) sums o. money to ma&e someth$n" "reatOwe))/
thatGs 9ust ma"$c.

News Cor) 2re!lnolo.#(
W'at Do t'e Times Pa#wall
N*!bers +ean8
Th$s wee&/ Rupert 6urdochGs News Corp 4nternat$ona)
re)eased a set o. pu%$c .$"ures on the per.ormance o.
the paywa)) $t put around the Times )ast Hu)y. The
ta&eaway .rom the press re)ease was rosy, The Times
had a%out 2##/### pa$d users/ 1##/### o. whom were
d$"$ta)(on)y customers 2mean$n" that the other 1##/###
were pr$nt su%scr$%ers whoGd "otten a .ree on)$ne su%
%o)ted on to the$r e0$st$n" o..er3. WhatGs more/ those
2##/### prec$ous pa$d users were worth more to the
Times/ %ecause the persona) $n.ormat$on they
surrendered $n the payment process cou)d %e used to
%etter(tar"et ad'erts to them/ thus the Times cou)d
command a h$"her ad'ert$s$n" rate $n $ts paywa))ed
5undamenta))y/ the @uest$on News Corp $s try$n" to
answer $s/ MW$)) the Times ma&e more money w$th a
paywa))FN !nd the .$"ures weG'e 9ust seen do noth$n" to
answer th$s @uest$on. Rather/ the Times seems to th$n&
that the new .$"ures pro'e someth$n" e)se, M:eop)e are
w$))$n" to pay .or the$r news.N 4 donGt th$n& that anyone
has e'er d$sputed that someone/ somewhere/ was
w$))$n" to pay .or the Times/ thou"h, sure)y the
$mportant @uest$on/ .rom a %us$ness perspect$'e/ $s/
MW$)) add$n" a paywa)) $ncrease your pro.$tsFN
4. these num%ers were supposed to ser'e as 'a)$dat$on
.or the paywa)) %us$ness mode)/ they .e)) short o. the
mar&. The coarseness o. these .$"ures $s such that a
mu)t$tude o. %us$ness s$ns cou)d %e h$dden w$th$n
them. To try to "et to the %ottom o. th$s/ 4 spo&e to a
News Corp spo&esperson whoO%$?arre)yOas&ed not
to %e $dent$.$ed %y name 24G'e ne'er encountered an
anonymous o..$c$a) spo&esperson %e.ore and 4 was
pretty surpr$sed at th$s re@uest/ espec$a))y as the
.$"ures the spo&esperson "a'e me are Ma)) $n the pu%)$c
8ere are the @uest$ons News Corp w$)) need to answer
$. $t wants to up the Times paywa)) as a success,
What sort o. purchases are the pa$d su%scr$%ers
There are mu)t$p)e reta$)$n"s .or the Times, you
can %uy a month)y su%scr$pt$on .or YC.II/ wh$ch
$nc)udes $:ad access 2as we)) as access '$a other mo%$)e
de'$ce apps3. -ou can %uy a monthGs worth o. $:ad(
on)y access .or YK.KK 2yes/ the Times costs more as an
$:ad(on)y$n" than $t does $. you "et the $:ad and
the .u)) we% access to"etherO"o .$"ure3.
Then there are the )ower(cost opt$ons. -ou can "et a
monthGs $ntroductory to the Times .or a mere Y1.
-ou can a)so "et a day pass to the s$te .or Y1 2$t costs
the same to access the s$te .or one day and one month
O%ut the d$..erence $s that you donGt ha'e to
remem%er to unsu%scr$%e at the end o. the day )est you
%e s$"ned on .or $nde.$n$te month)y YC.II payments3.
-ou can a)so "et .ree access to the Times w$th your
Ta)&Ta)& mo%$)e phone su%scr$pt$on.
The 1##/###(odd pa$d users who pay e0tra .or the
Times are a m$0 o. a)) these num%ers/ and News Corp
wonGt d$sc)ose the nature o. the m$0/ thou"h the
anonymous o..$c$a) spo&esperson sa$d that they do
ha'e these .$"uresOwh$ch $s "oodE 4. youGre "o$n" to
try someth$n" )$&e th$s/ youGd %e mad not to aud$t the
per.ormance o. a)) your$n"s 'ery c)ose)y.
8ereGs what the Times w$)) say, a%out B#/### o. the
current pa$d users are on a month)y su%scr$pt$on o.
some sort, YC.II/ Y1/ or .ree w$th a Ta)&Ta)&
su%scr$pt$on. They w$)) not d$sc)ose how many Y1 tr$a)
users turn $nto YC.II users/ or how many susta$n the$r
YC.II su%scr$pt$on $nto the second or th$rd month.
8owe'er/ the anonymous o..$c$a) spo&esperson d$d say
that wh$che'er users are rema$n$n" a.ter three months
are more than K# percent )$&e)y to stump up .or a
.ourth month. 5rom th$s/ 4 th$n& we can sa.e)y assume
that )ots less than K# percent o. pa$d users st$c& around
.or a second month/ and o. those/ )ess than K# percent
susta$n themse)'es .or a .ourth month.
=ut the Times $snGt say$n".
The rema$n$n" B#/###/ o. course/ are peop)e who pa$d
Y1 .or a s$n")e dayGs access. *ome num%er o. these
con'erted to month)y su%scr$%ers. *ome num%er
%ou"ht a second art$c)e. 8ow manyF The Times $snGt
*o, %est case, there are B#/### pa$d su%scr$%ers/ a)) o.
whom "ot there %y pay$n" Y1 .or an art$c)e/ con'erted
$mmed$ate)y to Y1 month)y su%scr$pt$ons/ and now pay
YC.II e'ery month 2or YK.KK $n the case o. $:ad users
who want to pay e0tra .or the pr$'$)e"e o. not %e$n"
a))owed to access the we%s$te3.
Worst case, B#/### peop)e tr$ed a day(pass and
%u""ered o... 2#/### Ta)&Ta)& su%scr$%ers "ot a .ree
su%scr$pt$on w$th the$r phone wh$ch they may or may
not &now or care a%out. B/### peop)e use $t w$th an
$:ad. JB/### peop)e tr$ed a Y1 month tr$a). #/### o.
them s$"ned up .or a second month/ +#/### o. them .or
a th$rd/ and 2B/### stayed on .or a .ourth month.
4 donGt &now wh$ch one $s c)oser to the truth/ %ecause
the Times $snGt say$n". =ut 4 do &now that when there
was a pos$t$'e num%erOmore than K# percent renewa)
at the th$rd monthOthe .$"ure was read$)y a'a$)a%)e/
wh$ch )ea'es the d$st$nct $mpress$on that a)) the
und$sc)osed num%ers are )ess than ste))ar.
8ow much do ad'ert$sers 'a)ue the add$t$ona)
$n.ormat$on the Times can supp)y a%out pay$n" usersF
The anonymous o..$c$a) spo&esperson to)d me that
a%out B# percent o. the TimesGs %ottom )$ne comes
.rom ad'ert$s$n"/ and that the num%er o. un$@ue users
'$s$t$n" the s$te has .a))en .rom a%out 2#/###/### per
month to 2##/### at presentOa drop(o.. o. a%out KK
percent 2and on)y ha). o. those are pay$n" separate)y
.or on)$ne access/ wh$ch means than )ess than one ha).
o. one percent o. the Times readersh$p has %een
w$))$n" to spend Y1 or more to access the s$te3.
The Times $s %ett$n" that th$s drop(o.. can %e
o'ercome w$th h$"her ad'ert$s$n" rates. *o how much
more are ad'ert$sers w$))$n" to spend to reach these
)o""ed $n usersF
The Times $snGt say$n".
Wh$)e the TimesGs pr$nt ed$t$on has a pu%)$shed rate(
card 2as do many o. News CorpGs newspapersG on)$ne
ed$t$ons/ such as the Wall Street ?ournal) the Sun and
2ews o& the World3/ $ts on)$ne ed$t$on rate(card $s
con.$dent$a) 2thou"h $t wasnGt/ pr$or to the paywa))3. *o
thereGs no way to &now how much the Times $s as&$n"
ad'ert$sers to pay .or p)acement on the paywa))ed s$te.
WhatGs more/ the Times has opted out o. the nat$ona)/
$ndustry(standard c$rcu)at$on aud$ts/ ma&$n" the who)e
'enture $nto more o. a %)ac& %o0. The anonymous
spo&esperson wou)dnGt ru)e out opt$n" %ac& $nto $nde(
pendent c$rcu)at$on aud$ts/ %ut made no prom$ses
What does $t cost to "et a su%scr$%erF
The TimesGs paywa)) was attended %y an enormous
amount o. 29ust$.$a%)e3 pu%)$c$ty as $t was $n $tse). a
newsworthy e'ent. =ut th$s .ree pu%)$c$ty was
au"mented w$th an enormous mar&et$n" %)$t? $n pr$nt/
%$))%oard/ TL/ etc.Oa campa$"n that %rou"ht $n
1##/### customers. 8ow much d$d th$s campa$"n costF
The Times $snGt say$n".
Th$s $s $mportant. ! we))(e0ecuted and we))(.$nanced
ad'ert$s$n" campa$"n can "et a coup)e hundred
thousand peop)e to try anthingO"$'e me YB/### to
spend reach$n" e'ery person $n =r$ta$n and 4G)) .$nd you
2##/### peop)e whoG)) spend a pound to ru% %)ue mud
$n the$r na'e)s on a tr$a) %as$s. To %e pro.$ta%)e/ your
mar&et$n" costs ha'e to %e )ower than the $ncome they
5$na))y/ there are some m$sce))aneous @uest$ons .or
wh$ch $tGd %e n$ce to ha'e answers. 5or e0amp)e, the
Times "a'e .ree su%scr$pt$ons to 1B#/### o. $ts pr$nt
su%scr$%ers/ !%out 1##/### o. those su%scr$%ers tr$ed
the .ree%$e out. 8ow act$'e are those two(th$rds who
too& the p)un"eF Do they come %ac& da$)yF Wee&)yF
6onth)yF The TimesGs anonymous spo&esperson sa$d
that they were M'ery act$'eN %ut wou)dnGt say how
many had )o""ed $n $n the past +# days.
*o/ what are we meant to ma&e o. the TimesGs )atest
num%ersF We))/ perhaps the answers to the @uest$ons
a%o'e are e0treme)y .)atter$n" to the Times and $ts
d$"$ta) strate"$sts/ and theyGre w$thho)d$n" them 2out
o. modestyF $n order to ma&e a %$" sp)ash )aterF3. On
the other hand/ perhaps the Times has spent an
enormous amount o. money on a p)an that chased o..
KK percent o. $ts readers/ and money hasnGt yet rushed
$n to .$)) the 'acuum they )e.t %eh$nd.
On)y the Times &nows/ and theyGre not say$n".

Perssten%e Pa#s Parastes
6y .r$end Pather$ne 6yronu& once to)d me/ M!))
comp)e0 ecosystems ha'e paras$tes.N *he was ta)&$n"
a%out spam and ma)ware 2these days theyGre o.ten the
same th$n"3 and other undes$ra%)e cr$tters on the net.
4tGs one o. the smartest th$n"s anyoneGs e'er sa$d to me
a%out the netOand a%out the wor)d. 4. thereGs a n$che/
a paras$te w$)) .$)) $t. ThereGs a reason the ce))s o. the
or"an$sms that )$'e $n your %ody outnum%er your own
%y 1## to one. !nd e'ery comp)e0 system has un.$))ed
n$ches. The on)y way to e)$m$nate un.$))ed n$ches $s to
&eep e'eryth$n" s$mp)e to the po$nt o. $ns$"n$.$cance.
=ut e'en armed w$th th$s $nte))$"ence/ 4G'e %een pretty
ca'a)$er a%out my e0posure to net(%ased secur$ty r$s&s.
4 run an up(to(date 'ers$on o. a 'ery ro%ust .)a'or o.
<N1/L$nu0 ca))ed 1%untu/ wh$ch has a s$n")e/ easy(to(
use $nter.ace .or &eep$n" a)) my apps patched w$th the
)atest .$0es. 6y %rowser/ 5$re.o0/ $s .ar )ess prone to
ser$ous secur$ty 'u)nera%$)$t$es than do"s )$&e 4nternet
E0p)orer. 4 use "ood secur$ty techno)o"y, my hard dr$'e
and %ac&up are encrypted/ 4 sur. throu"h 4:REDator 2a
"reat and secure anonym$?er %ased $n *weden3/ and 4
use <RCGs password "enerator to create new/ stron"
passwords .or e'ery s$te 4 '$s$t 24 &eep these passwords
$n a te0t .$)e that $s separate)y encrypted3.
!nd 4Gm med$a()$terate, 4 ha'e a "ood nose .or scams
and )$n&%a$t/ 4 &now that no oneGs p)ann$n" to "$'e me
m$))$ons .or a$d$n" $n a %aro@ue scheme to smu"")e
cash out o. N$"er$a/ and 4 can spot a ph$sh$n" ema$) at
a thousand paces.
4 &now that ph$sh$n"Ous$n" c)e'er .a&es to tr$c& the
unsuspect$n" $nto re'ea)$n" the$r passwordsO$s a rea)
pro%)em/ w$th rea) '$ct$ms. =ut 4 9ust assumed that
ph$sh$n" was someone elseGs pro%)em.
Or so 4 thou"ht/ unt$) 4 "ot ph$shed )ast wee&.
8ereGs the th$n", 4 thou"ht that ph$shers set the$r
s$"hts on a certa$n &$nd o. na$'e person/ someone who
hadnGt heard a)) the warn$n"s/ hadnGt )earned to %e
wary o. the$r attac&s. 4 thou"ht that the reason that
ph$shers sent out m$))$ons o. 46s and ema$)s and other
messa"es was to .$nd those na$.s and ensnare them.
=ut 4Gm not one o. those na$.s. 4Gd ne'er %een tr$c&ed/
e'en .or a second/ %y one o. those ph$sh$n" messa"es.
8ereGs how 4 "ot .oo)ed. On 6onday/ 4 un)oc&ed my
Ne0us One phone/ $nsta))$n" a new and more power.u)
'ers$on o. the !ndro$d operat$n" system that a))owed
me to do some neat tr$c&s/ )$&e us$n" the phone as a
w$re)ess modem on my )aptop. 4n the process o.
re$nsta))at$on/ 4 de)eted a)) my stored passwords .rom
the phone. 4 a)so had a coup)e o. ed$tor$a)s come out
that day/ and d$d a coup)e o. $nter'$ews/ and "enera))y
em$tted a pretty .a$r whac& o. $n.ormat$on.
The ne0t day/ Tuesday/ we were ten m$nutes )ate "et(
t$n" out o. the house. 6y w$.e and 4 dropped my
dau"hter o.. at the daycare/ then hurr$ed to our re"u)ar shop to "et ta&e(outs %e.ore part$n" ways to "o
to our respect$'e o..$ces. =ecause we were a )$tt)e )ate
arr$'$n"/ the )$ne was )on"er than usua). 6y w$.e went
o.. to read the .ree newspapers/ 4 stood $n the )$ne.
=ored/ 4 opened up my phone .$red up my .resh)y
re$nsta))ed Tw$tter c)$ent and saw that 4 had a d$rect
messa"e .rom an o)d .r$end $n *eatt)e/ someone 4 &now
throu"h .andom. The messa"e read M4s th$s youFFFFN
and was .o))owed %y one o. those u%$@u$tous shortened
1RLs that cons$st o. a doma$n and a short code/ )$&e
th$s, http,//ow).)y/$ue.uew.
4 opened the )$n& w$th my phone and .ound that 4Gd
%een red$rected to the Tw$tter )o"$n pa"e/ wh$ch was
prompt$n" me .or my password. *ee$n" the pa"eGs 1RL
2truncated $n the )$tt)e phone(%rowserGs )ocat$on %ar as
Mhttp,//tw$tter`.N3 and ha'$n" "rown accustomed to
re(enter$n" a)) my passwords s$nce 4Gd re$nsta))ed my
phoneGs O* the day %e.ore/ 4 care.u))y tapped $n my
pas(sword/ c)$c&ed the )o"$n %utton/ and then .e)t my
stomach do a s)ow .)$p(.)op as 4 saw the 1RL that my
%rowser was contact$n" w$th the )o"$n $n.o,
http,//tw$tter.scams$ 2$t wasnGt rea))y scams$te/
$t was some other doma$n that had %een h$9ac&ed %y
the ph$shers3.
!nd thatGs when 4 rea)$?ed that 4Gd %een ph$shed. !nd
$t was %ad. =ecause 4Gd s$"ned up .or Tw$tter ears a"o/
when E' W$))$ams/ Tw$tterGs co(.ounder sent me an
$n'$te to the $n$t$a) %eta. 4Gd used a password that 4
used .or a)) &$nds o. s$tes/ %ac& %e.ore 4 started str$ct)y
us$n" )on"/ random str$n"s that 4 cou)dnGt remem%er
.or passwords. 4n de.ense o. the o)d me/ 4 on)y used
that password .or un$mportant s$tes/ )$&e ser'$ces that
.r$ends wanted me to samp)e $n %eta.
=ut un$mportant s$tes ha'e a way o. %ecom$n" $m(
portant. 4G'e "ot #/###Z Tw$tter .o))owers/ and $. my
account was h$9ac&ed/ the h$9ac&ers cou)d do "reat
dama"e to my reputat$on and career throu"h the$r
$dent$ty the.t. WhatGs more/ Tw$tter $snGt the on)y p)ace
where 4 used my M)ow(secur$tyN password that has
turned $nto a h$"h(secur$ty conte0t/ wh$ch means that
h$9ac&ers cou)d conce$'a%)y %rea& $nto )ots o.
$nterest$n" p)aces w$th that $n.ormat$on.
*o 4 sat down at a ta%)e/ &$ssed my w$.e "ood%ye/ "ot
my )aptop out/ and started chan"$n" passwords a)) o'er
the net. 4t too& hours 2%ut at )east 4G'e e0pun"ed that
o)d password .rom my e0$st$n" accounts/ 4 th$n&3. =y
the t$me 4 .$n$shed/ three more cop$es o. the ph$sh$n"
scam had )anded $n my Tw$tter $n%o0. 4. theyGd come a
.ew m$nutes ear)$er/ the mu)t$p)e cop$es wou)d ha'e
tr$pped my radar and 4 wou)d ha'e seen them .or a
scam. The )on" process "a'e me )ots o. t$me to
recons$der my $nterna) mode) o. how ph$sh$n" wor&s.
:h$sh$n" $snGt 29ust3 a%out .$nd$n" a person who $s
techn$ca))y na$'e. 4tGs a%out attac&$n" the seem$n")y
$mpre"na%)e de.enses o. the techn$ca))y soph$st$cated
unt$) you .$nd a s$n")e/ $ncred$%)y un)$&e)y/ short()$'ed
crac& $n the wa)).
4. 4 hadnGt re$nsta))ed my phoneGs O* the day %e.ore. 4.
4 hadnGt %een )ate to the ca.e. 4. 4 hadnGt %een pr$med
to hear .rom o)d .r$ends wonder$n" $. some press
ment$on was me/ ha'$n" 9ust pu%)$shed a )ot o. new
wor&. 4. 4 hadnGt %een us$n" a %rowser that d$dnGt .u))y
e0pose 1RLs. 4. 4 hadnGt used the same password .or
Tw$tter as 4 use .or )ots o. other ser'$ces. 4. 4Gd %een ten
m$nutes later to the ca.e/ )ate enou"h to "et mu)t$p)e
cop$es o. the scam at onceO.or the want o. a na$)/ and
so on.
=ut a)) the stars a)$"ned .or that one moment/ and $n
that e0act and prec$se moment o. 'u)nera%$)$ty/ 4 was
attac&ed %y a ph$sher. Th$s $s eer$)y %$o)o"$ca)/ th$s $dea
o. paras$tes try$n" e'ery conce$'a%)e 'ar$at$on/ at a))
t$mes/ on e'ery .ront/ see&$n" a way to co)on$?e a host
or"an$sm. The netGs comp)e0 ecosystem $s so crowded
w$th paras$tes now that $t $s a sure %et that there w$))
%e a paras$te )ur&$n" $n the ne0t 'u)nera%)e moment 4
e0per$ence/ and the ne0t. !nd 4 w$)) ha'e 'u)nera%)e
moments. We a)) do.
4 donGt ha'e a so)ut$on/ %ut at )east 4 ha'e a %etter
understand$n" o. the pro%)em. 5a))$n" '$ct$m to a scam
$snGt 9ust a matter o. not %e$n" w$se to the ways o. the
wor)d, $tGs a matter o. %e$n" cau"ht out $n a moment o.
d$stract$on and o. un)$&e)y c$rcumstance.

L&e Teena.ers, Co!)*ters
AreB*lt to Hoo& @)
De!andn. t'at *sers abstan fro! net wll
ne-er wor& w'en t'e# need t for t'er 0obs=
Better to )ra%tse safe 'e/
Rea)(wor)d d$sease(pre'ent$on o.ten means chec&$n"
$n the word Mshou)dN at the door. Ta&e a%st$nence pro(
"rammes, whether or not you th$n& &$ds should %e
ha'$n" se0/ you canGt m$ss the .act that they are ha'$n"
se0. 4. you want &$ds to stay d$sease(.ree and hea)thy/
you ha'e to pro'$de them w$th the too)s and s&$))s to
ha'e se0 wh$)e do$n" so. The .acts spea& .or
themse)'es> countr$es where a%st$nence $s the pr$mary
m$t$"at$on strate"y ha'e h$"her rates o. teena"e
pre"nancy and se0ua))y transm$tted $n.ect$ons than
countr$es where se0ua) educat$on and .ree %$rth
contro) and condoms are the ru)e.
O. course/ $tGs worth as&$n" why &$ds are ha'$n" se0
and whether you can do someth$n" a%out that .act/
too. The researcher danah %oyd has $dent$.$ed at(r$s&
&$ds haunt$n" se0ua))y e0p)$c$t chatroomsOand $tGs
there that predators "o to .$nd prey/ not random
messa"e%oards or chatrooms 2%oyd )$&ens the $dea that
predators w$)) .$nd '$ct$ms on random 6y*pace pa"es
to the $dea that they wou)d p$c& phone num%ers at
random and d$a) them3. 4. you want to ma&e &$ds
reall sa.e/ $tGs worth )oo&$n" $nto the .actors that send
&$ds out )oo&$n" .or trou%)e.
ThereGs a )esson .or 4T secur$ty $n here.
E'ery t$me a state secret d$sappears .rom an $nternet(
connected :C/ e'ery t$me a hosp$ta) computer re%oots
$tse). $n the m$dd)e o. a sur"$ca) procedure %ecause $t
has 9ust down)oaded the )atest patch/ e'ery t$me an
6R4 mach$ne "ets $n.ected w$th an $nternet worm/ 4
hear secur$ty e0perts dec)a$m$n"/ MThose computers
shou)d ne'er %e connected to the $nternetEN and
sha&$n" the$r heads at the .oo)$sh users and the .oo)$sh
4T department that "a'e r$se to a s$tuat$on where
sens$t$'e .unct$ons were %e$n" e0ecuted on a computer
connected to the seeth$n"/ ma)ware(haunted pu%)$c
=ut no amount o. head(sha&$n" $s "o$n" to chan"e the
.act that computers/ %y and )ar"e/ "et connected. 4tGs
what theyGre des$"ned to do. -ou m$"ht connect to the
$nternet w$thout e'en mean$n" to 2.or e0amp)e/ $. your
computer &nows that $tGs a))owed to connect to a =T
W$(5$ access po$nt/ $t w$)) connect and d$sconnect .rom
hundreds o. them $. you carry $t w$th you throu"h the
streets o. London3.
Operat$n" systems are "ett$n" more prom$scuous
a%out net connect$ons/ not )ess, e0pect operat$n"
systems to start see&$n" out =)uetooth(ena%)ed +<
phones and us$n" them to reach out to the net when
noth$n" e)se $s a'a$)a%)e.
!)) e'$dence su""ests that &eep$n" computers o.. the
$nternet $s a )os$n" %att)e. !nd e'en $. you th$n& you
can d$sc$p)$ne your wor&ers $nto stay$n" o..)$ne/
wou)dnGt $t %e )o'e)y $. you had a secur$ty so)ut$on that
wor&ed e+en i& someone %ro&e the ru)esF M-ou
shou)dnGt %e ha'$n" net at your a"e/ %ut $. you do/ you
shou)d at )east pract$ce sa.e he0.N
! "ood secur$ty systemOespec$a))y .or sens$t$'e
mach$nesOshou)d contemp)ate the poss$%$)$ty that a
computer $s "o$n" to %e connected to the net e'en $.
thatGs not supposed to happen, need)ess ser'$ces
turned o../ appropr$ate .$rewa)) ru)es 2$nc)ud$n" ru)es
that d$strust the L!N as we)) as the W!N3/ "ood auto(
update po)$c$es that re@u$re human $nter'ent$on.
=ut 4T departments need to "o %eyond de.ense $n
depth. To e..ect$'e)y secure a networ&/ you need to
%ecome an ep$dem$o)o"$st o. your usersG unsa.e
act$'$ty. D$d the rad$o)o"$st p)u" the ethernet $nto the
6R4 mach$ne %ecause she needed to update the
contro))er so.tware w$th a new 'ers$on $n order to "et
her 9o% doneF !re the operat$n" theatreGs mach$nes on
the L!N %ecause sur"eons ha'e .o))owed the ent$re
rest o. the wor)d $n outsourc$n" the$r remem%rance o.
petty .acts to search en"$nesF Does that de.ence
contractor carry h$s sens$t$'e mater$a)s on h$s )aptop
%ecause he $s co))a%orat$n" w$th hundreds o. other
contractors $n a hu"e/ comp)e0 endea'our on)y
poss$%)e w$th networ&ed commun$cat$onsF
1sers w$)) a)ways pr$or$t$se "ett$n" the$r 9o% done o'er
honour$n" your networ& po)$cy/ and who can %)ame
themF 4. networ& po)$cy %reaches arenGt .o))owed up
w$th sa.e so)ut$ons to usersG demonstrated needs/
theyG)) &eep on happen$n"/ no matter how much
secur$ty you put %etween your users and the$r dut$es.
4n the era o. cheap and easy '$rtua)$sat$on and
sand%o0$n"/ thereGs no reason users shou)dnGt %e a%)e
to part$t$on the$r computers $nto Md$rtyN pu%)$c(.ac$n"
s$des and Mc)eanN pr$'ate s$des. O. course/ a user m$"ht
su%'ert th$s separat$on de)$%erate)y/ %ut the on)y way
to comprehens$'e)y pre'ent that .rom occurr$n" $s to
ma&e $t poss$%)e .or a user to "et the 9o% done w$thout
need$n" to do so.
Hust )$&e the parents who are runn$n" around sha""$n"
the$r %ra$ns out wh$)e preach$n" a%st$nence/ 4T
departments are "enera))y happy to step outs$de the
%oundar$es they set out .or the$r users $n order to "et
their 9o%s done. Teena"ers arenGt the on)y peop)e who
$"nore a%st$nence pro"ramsOusers and &$ds can sn$..
out hypocr$sy a m$)e away.

Pro!otn. Statst%al Ltera%#(
A +odest Pro)osal
W'# do o*r nstt*tons5)art%*larl#
ban&s5fal to .ras) t'e !ost r*d!entar#
bas%s of )assword se%*rt#8
8ereGs a modest proposa), what $. the "o'ernment too&
$t on %oard to promote a reasona%)e/ sane "rasp o. r$s&/
secur$ty/ and pro%a%$)$tyF Or/ $. youGre a M=$"
*oc$ety/*ma)) <o'ernmentN L$%Con/ how a%out a more
modest mandate st$)), we cou)d as& the state to )ea'e
o.. promoting stat$st$ca) $nnumeracy and the $na%$)$ty
to understand r$s& and reward.
*tart w$th the )ottery, $n the 1.*./ $ts s)o"an $s MLotto,
-ouG'e <ot to =e $n 4t to W$n 4t.N ! more numerate
s)o"an wou)d %e MLotto, -our Chance o. 5$nd$n" the
W$nn$n" T$c&et $n the Road 4s !ppro0$mate)y the
*ame as -our Chance o. =uy$n" 4t.N The more we te))
peop)e that there $s a mean$n" "ap %etween the one($n(
a(s@u$))$on chance o. .$nd$n" the w$nn$n" t$c&et and
the one($n(se'era)(m$))$on chance o. %uy$n" $t/ the
more we encoura"e the stat$st$ca) .a))acy that e'ents
are $nherent)y more )$&e)y $. theyGre 'ery sp)ashy and
$nterest$n" to cons$der.
Th$s $s the same reason$n" that causes parents to run
$n c$rc)es s@uaw&$n" $n terror at the thou"ht o.
paedoph$)es sta)&$n" the$r &$dd$es/ e'en as they )et
Hun$or r$de $n the car w$thout h$s seat%e)tOauto
.ata)$t$es %e$n" orders o. ma"n$tude more common
than random paedoph$)e attac&s. 2O. course/ the most
)$&e)y paedoph$)e $n your ch$)dGs )$.e $s you or your
spouse/ or a c)ose .r$end/ re)at$'e/ or author$ty .$"ure.3
:repar$n" .or the un)$&e)y wh$)e ne")ect$n" the
2re)at$'e)y3 common $s a terr$%)e way to ma&e the
wor)d .or you and yours.
=an$sh the )ottoF Wou)dnGt that mean )os$n" a)) the
)o'e)y money e0tracted %y way o. a 'o)untary ta0 on
$nnumeracyF :erhaps/ %ut $. "ett$n" r$d o. the )ottery
cou)d "$'e r$se to a modest $ncrease $n common sense
a%out r$s& and secur$ty/ th$n& o. the soc$ety(w$de
sa'$n"s $n money not spent on a)arm$st newspapers/
@uac& ch$)d(protect$on schemes/ 66R scares/ and the
Once we "et r$d o. the )ottery/ )etGs attac& the %an&s.
4tGs not %ad enou"h that they co))ect enormous
%onuses at pu%)$c e0pense wh$)e destroy$n" the
economy> they a)so systemat$ca))y d$sorder our
capac$ty to understand r$s& and secur$ty throu"h an
e'er(more(.arc$ca) stream o. Mcomp)$anceN hoops and
%$?arro(wor)d Msecur$tyN measuresE
5or e0amp)e/ my own %an&/ the Co(op/ recent)y
updated $ts %us$ness %an&$n" s$te 2the o)d one was
M%est '$ewed w$th W$ndows 2###EN3/ Mmodern$s$n"N $t
w$th a new two(.actor authent$cat$on scheme $n the
.orm o. a )$tt)e numer$c &eypad "ad"et you carry
around w$th you. When you want to see your %a)ance/
you &ey a :$n $nto the "ad"et/ and $t returns a @4/digit
num%er/ wh$ch you then ha'e to &ey $nto a %rowser(
.$e)d that he)p.u))y mas&s your &eystro&es as you enter
th$s "$"ant$c one(t$me password.
DonGt "et me wron", two(.actor authent$cat$on ma&es
per.ect sense/ and thereGs noth$n" wron" w$th us$n" $t
to &eep usersG passwords out o. the hands o. &ey)o""ers
and other sur'e$))ance creeps. =ut a system that )oc&s
users out a.ter three %ad tr$es does not need to
"enerate a 1#(d$"$t one(t$me password, the )$&e)$hood
o. "uess$n" a modest .our( or .$'e(d$"$t password $n
three tr$es $s sma)) enou"h that no apprec$a%)e %ene.$t
comes out o. the other d$"$ts 2%ut the hass)e to the Co(
opGs many customers o. these e0tra num%ers/
mu)t$p)$ed %y e'ery )o"$n attempt .or years and years
to come/ $s $ndeed apprec$a%)e3.
!s $. to underscore the Co(opGs secur$ty $))$teracy/ we
ha'e th$s %us$ness o. mas&$n" the one(t$me :$n as you
type $t. The who)e point o. a one(t$me password $s that
$t doesn!t matter $. $t )ea&s/ s$nce $t on)y wor&s once.
ThatGs why we ca)) $t a Mone(t$me :$n.N !s&$n"
customers to &ey $n a mean$n")ess 1#(d$"$t code
per.ect)y/ e'ery t$me/ w$thout '$sua) .eed%ac&/ $snGt
secur$ty. 4tGs sad$sm.
4t "ets worse, the :$n you use w$th the "ad"et $s your
%as$c .our(d$"$t :$n/ %ut num%ers canGt %e se@uent$a).
Th$s has the e..ect o. reduc$n" the &eyspace %y an
enormous .actorOa %$?arre)y contrar$an mo'e .rom a
%an& that M$mpro'esN $ts secur$ty %y turn$n" th$s
constra$ned .our(d$"$t num%er $nto a whopp$n" 1#(
d$"$t one. Does the Co(op )o'e or )oathe )ar"e
&eyspacesF =oth/ $t seems.
4tGs not 9ust the Co(op/ o. courseOth$s $s endem$c to
the who)e $ndustry. 5or e0amp)e/ C$t$%an& 1P re@u$res
you to $nput your password %y chas$n" a t$ny/ on(
screen/ a))(caps password w$th your mouse(po$nter/ $n
the name o. pre'ent$n" a &ey)o""er .rom captur$n"
your pas(sword as you type $t. Th$s has the neat tr$p)e(
p)ay e..ect o. s)$c$n" the &eyspace $n ha). 2and more3 %y
e)$m$nat$n" spec$a) characters and )ower(case )etters>
$ncent$'$s$n" customers to use shorter/ )ess secure
passwords %ecause o. the hass)e o. $nputt$n" them>
and )ea'$n" the who)e th$n" 'u)nera%)e to screen(
)o""ers that s$mp)y ma&e mo'$es o. wh$ch &eys you
mouse o'er.
=ut 4 @u$t C$t$%an&/ and 4 st$)) use the Co(op .or my
commerc$a) %an&$n" out o. some %)oody(m$nded/
%o)shy comm$tment to M"oodN %an&$n"/ e'en thou"h
they re@u$re that .ore$"n dra.ts %e re@uested %y means
o. .a0es on headed paper 2ne$ther .a0es nor headed
paper %e$n" any sort o. secur$ty system3 and so on.
:oss$%)y $tGs %ecause they occas$ona))y see reason/ as
when 4 opened an account w$th my w$.e and
d$sco'ered that 4 cou)d e$ther %r$n" cert$.$ed cop$es o.
%oth our passports to a %ranch> or 4 cou)d %r$n" my
w$.e and her passport to a %ranch. The .act that my
w$.e d$dnGt ha'e to %e present $n order to "et a cert$.$ed
copy was a d$..$cu)t concept .or the Co(op to master/
%ut once $t d$d/ a comp)$ance o..$cer a"reed that th$s
meant 4 shou)d %e a%)e to s$mp)y show up at a %ranch
w$th %oth passports w$thout throw$n" money at some
r$ch so)$c$tor .or the pr$'$)e"e o. "ett$n" h$s stamp at
the %ottom o. a photocopy.
4t wasnGt easyOthe %ranch sta.. cou)dnGt %e)$e'e that 4
had won an e0cept$on to th$s we$rd po)$cyO%ut $n the
end/ they opened the account .or me. Now/ )$&e a
mouse thatGs .ound an e0per$menta) )e'er that on)y
sometimes "$'es up a pe))et/ 4 .$nd myse). repeated)y
press$n" $t/ hop$n" to h$t on the ma"$ca) com%$nat$on
that w$)) "et my %an& to %eha'e as thou"h secur$ty was
someth$n" that a reasona%)e/ sane person cou)d
understand/ as opposed to a ma"$c property that ar$ses
spontaneous)y $n the presence o. su..$c$ent o%.uscat$on
and %ureaucracy.
The "reat $rony/ o. course/ $s that a)) the %an&s w$)) te))
you that theyGre on)y putt$n" you throu"h the 8e)) o.
Nonsens$ca) *ecur$ty %ecause the 5*! or some other
author$ty ha'e put them up to $t. The re"u)ators
strenuous)y deny th$s/ say$n" that they on)y spec$.y
pr$nc$p)esOMthou sha)t &now thy customerNOnot
spec$.$c pract$ces.
Wh$ch %r$n"s me %ac& to my modest proposa), )etGs
empower our re"u)ators to .$ne %an&s that create
nonsens$ca)/ $ncoherent secur$ty pract$ces $n'o)'$n"
$do)atrous worsh$p o. easy(to(.or"e ut$)$ty %$))s and
headed paper/ $n the name o. preser'$n" our nat$ona)
capac$ty to th$n& cr$t$ca))y a%out secur$ty.
E'en $. $t doesnGt &$)) the power o. the ta%)o$ds to se))
w$th scream$n" head)$nes a%out paedos/ terror$sts/ and
'acc$nat$ons/ $t wou)d/ at )east/ %e $ncred$%)y sat$s.y$n"
to &eep your money $n an $nst$tut$on that appears to
ha'e the most rud$mentary "rasp o. what secur$ty $s
and where $t comes .rom.

Personal Data Is as Hot as
N*%lear Waste
We s'o*ld treat )ersonal ele%tron% data
wt' t'e sa!e %are and res)e%t as wea)ons1
.rade )l*ton*!5t s dan.ero*s, lon.1
lastn. and on%e t 'as lea&ed t'ere4s no
.ettn. t ba%&
When 86 Re'enue _ Customs haemorrha"ed the per(
sona) and .$nanc$a) $n.ormat$on o. 2B m$))$on =r$t$sh
.am$)$es $n No'em%er/ wa"s du%%ed $t the M:r$'acy
Cherno%y)/N a me)tdown o. ")o%a)/ ep$c proport$ons.
The metaphor $s apt, the data co))ected %y
corporat$ons and "o'ernmenta) a"enc$es $s pos$t$'e)y
rad$oact$'e $n $ts tenac$ty and )on"e'$ty. Nuc)ear
acc$dents )ea'e us wonder$n" 9ust how weGre "o$n" to
warn our descendants away .rom the resu)t$n"
waste)and .or the ne0t JB#/### years wh$)e the
rad$o$sotopes decay away. :r$'acy me)tdowns ra$se a
s$m$)ar)y )on"()$'ed spectre, w$)) the )ea&ed 86RC data
e'er actua))y 'an$shF
The .$nanc$a) data $n @uest$on came on two CDs. 4.
youGre $nto down)oad$n" mo'$es/ th$s $s a%out the same
s$?e as the )ast coup)e o. =ond mo'$es. ThatGs an
$ncred$%)y sma)) amount o. dataOmy new phone ho)ds
1# t$mes as much. 6y camera 2s$0 months o)der than
the phone3 can on)y .$t .our cop$es o. the nat$onGs
.$nanc$a) data.
Our capac$ty to store/ copy/ and d$str$%ute $n.or(
mat$on $s ascend$n" a cur'e that $s scream$n" s&yward/
headed stra$"ht $nto $n.$n$ty. Th$s .act has not escaped
the not$ce o. the enterta$nment $ndustry/ where $t has
%een "reeted w$th sa'a"e apop)e0y.
Wet P)eene0
=ut $t seems to ha'e ent$re)y escaped the attent$on o.
those who re"u)ate the "ather$n" o. persona) $n.orm(
at$on. The wor)dGs tou"hest pr$'acy measures are as a
wet P)eene0 a"a$nst the merc$)ess ons)au"ht o. data
ac@u$s$t$on. Data $s ac@u$red at a)) t$mes/ e'erywhere.
5or e0amp)e/ you now must %uy an Oyster Card $. you
w$sh to %uy a month)y tra'e)card .or London
1nder"round/ and you are re>uired to comp)ete a .orm
"$'$n" your name/ home address/ phone num%er/
ema$)/ and so on $n order to do so. Th$s means that
Transport .or London $s amass$n" a rad$oact$'e
mounta$n o. data p)uton$um/ persona) $n.ormat$on
whose )$m$ted 'a)ue $s .ar outstr$pped %y the potent$a)
r$s&s .rom reta$n$n" $t.
8$dden $n that to0$c p$)e are a m$))$on seams wa$t$n" to
%urst, a woman secret)y '$s$ts a .ert$)$ty c)$n$c/ a man
secret)y '$s$ts an 84L support "roup/ a %oy passes
throu"h the turnst$)es e'ery day at the same t$me as a
"$r) whom h$s parents ha'e .or%$dden h$m to see> a))
that and more.
!)) these peop)e cou)d potent$a))y %e $dent$.$ed/
)ocated/ and contacted throu"h the L1 data. We may
say weG'e noth$n" to h$de/ %ut a)) o. us ha'e pr$'ate
deta$)s weGd not to see on the co'er o.
tomorrowGs paper.
8ow )on" does th$s $n.ormat$on need to %e &ept
pr$'ateF ! century $s pro%a%)y a "ood start/ thou"h $.
$tGs the &$nd o. $n.ormat$on that our $mmed$ate
descendants wou)d to %e &ept secret/ 1B# years $s
more )$&e $t. Ca)) $t two centur$es/ 9ust to %e on the sa.e
Weapons("rade data
4. we are "o$n" to conta$n e'ery heap o. data
p)uton$um .or 2## years/ that means that e'ery s$n")e
person who w$)) e'er %e $n a pos$t$on to see/ copy/
hand)e/ store/ or man$pu)ate that data w$)) ha'e to %e
'etted and tra$ned e'ery %$t as care.u))y as the .o)&s $n
the ru%%er su$ts down at the )oca) .ast(%reeder reactor.
E'ery "ramOsorry/ %yteOo. persona) $n.ormat$on
these .ec&)ess data(pac&rats co))ect on us shou)d %e as
care.u))y accounted .or as our weapons("rade rad$o(
$sotopes/ %ecause once the sea)s ha'e crac&ed/ there $s
no "o$n" %ac&. Once the )oca) sandw$ch shopGs CCTL
has %een '$o)ated/ once the 86RC has dumped
another 2B m$))$on records/ once London 1nder"round
has h$ccou"hed up a monthGs worth o. tra'e)card data/
there w$)) %e no conta$n$n" $t.
!nd whatGs worse $s that we/ as a soc$ety/ are as&ed to
shou)der the cost o. the )on"(term care o. %us$ness and
"o'ernmentGs persona) data stoc&p$)es. When a
data%ase me)ts down/ we a%sor% the cr$me/ the
persona) m$sery/ the chaos/ and terror.
The %est answer $s to ma&e %us$nesses and
"o'ernments respons$%)e .or the tota) cost o. the$r data
co))ect$on. Today/ the :C you %uy comes w$th a
surchar"e meant to co'er the d$sposa) o. the e(waste $t
w$)) %ecome. Tomorrow/ perhaps the Y2## CCTL you
%uy w$)) ha'e an added YJB surchar"e to pay .or the
cost o. re"u)at$n" what you do w$th the .oota"e you
ta&e o. the pu%)$c.
We ha'e to do someth$n". ! country where e'ery
snoop has a p)uton$um re.$nery $n h$s "arden shed $s a
country $n ser$ous trou%)e.

+e!ento +or
4Gm o.ten pu??)ed %y how satis&ing o)der techno)o"y
$s. What a treat $t $s to musc)e around an anc$ent
te)etype/ .eed$n" $t new(o)d paper(tape or ro))s o.
$ndustr$a) paper w$th the we$"ht o. a %y"one era. What
p)easure 4 ta&e .rom the )en"th o. p$ano ro)) 4G'e hun"
)$&e a %anner .rom a h$"h p)ace $n e'ery o..$ce 4G'e had
s$nce 2###. 8ow much sat$s.act$on 4 der$'e .rom the
rac$n" wor&s o. the 1KIB mechan$ca) watch 4 rece$'ed
.or a 5atherGs Day present th$s year/ aud$%)e $n rare
moments o. am%$ent s$)ence or when my hand strays
near my ear/ "o$n" t$c&(t$c&(t$c&(t$c& )$&e the patter$n"
heart o. a pet mouse he)d )oose)y $n my hand. What 9oy
4 ta&e $n the 1Kth(century Ch$nese copy o. a 1th(
century 5rench s&e)eton c)oc& 4 "a'e my w$.e as a
wedd$n" present/ t$c&(toc&$n" )oud)y $n proud
%rasswor&s under the ta)) %e)) 9ar that protects $ts
de)$cate e0posed mechan$smsE
The standard e0p)anat$on .or the attract$'eness o. th$s
o)d stu.. $s s$mp)y that They 6ade 4t =etter 4n The O)d
Days. =ut th$s $snGt necessar$)y or e'en usua))y true.
*ome o. my .a'or$te o)d techno)o"$es are as poor)y
made as the most throwaway products o. the
sweatshops o. todayGs :ear) R$'er De)ta. Ta&e that
p$ano ro))/ .or e0amp)e, a cheap and .)$msy
enterta$nment/ hard)y made to %e apprec$ated as an
art$.act $n $tse).. !nd those ratt)$n" mach$ne("un
te)etypes and caterp$))ar(.eed da$sy(whee) pr$ntersF
5eed$n" them was a dar& art/ )$&e sproc&et$n" a
.$)mstr$p on the most c)apped out pro9ector $n the
schoo)Gs !L c)osetOthey ha'e a)) the en"$neer$n"
e)e"ance o. a p)ast$c cap "un that .a))s apart a.ter the
.$rst ro)) o. caps has run throu"h $t.
Today/ 4 ha'e a d$..erent answer. *$tt$n" %es$de me as 4
type th$s $s an open 1*= *!T! enc)osure w$th a B12<=
P$n"ston so)$d state dr$'e .$tted to $t/ and the caseGs
)$"hts are stro%$n" )$&e the wor)dGs t$n$est ra'e as my
computer $d)y wr$tes $ts part$t$ons and .$)esystems.
E'ery t$me 4 )oo& at th$s th$n"/ 4 "$"")e. 4G'e %een
"$"")$n" a)) a.ternoon.
4 "ot my .$rst persona) computer $n 1KJK/ an !pp)e 44Z/
and $t came w$th CP o. ma$n memory 2%e.ore we "ot a
persona) computer $n the house/ we used te)etypes
w$th acoust$c coup)ers to ta)& to :D:s at the 1n$'ers$ty
o. Toronto3. 4 remem%er we)) the day we up"raded the
R!6 to IP/ my .ather s)ott$n" $n the hu"e %oard re'(
erent)y/ &now$n" that $t represented DKB worth o. our
.am$)yGs t$"ht techno)o"y %ud"et 2a%out D1/B## $n
todayGs money3. What 4 rea))y remem%er/ o. course/ $s
the scream$n" per.ormance %oost that we "ot .rom
that %oard.
That set a pattern .or the rest o. my comput$n" )$.e,
R!6/ R!6/ R!6. The more memory you stu..ed $n
the mach$ne/ the %etter $t "ot. 4t was )$&e Ta%asco
*auce .or comput$n", $t $mpro'ed e'eryth$n" you
added $t to. =ut un)$&e Ta%asco/ R!6 cost the wor)d.
4 remem%er the .$rst t$me R!6 made me )au"h.
4t was the m$d(1KK#s. 4 was )earn$n" to do 1n$0 systems
$nte"rat$on .or prepress/ and commut$n" %ac& and
.orth to *$)$con La))ey. 6y mentor and .r$end/ 6$@e/
wou)d dr$'e us .rom *an 5ranc$sco to Cupert$no e'ery
morn$n" at oh(dar&(hundred to %eat the commuter
tra..$c. WeGd ta)& computers. We were do$n" prepress
$nsta))at$ons/ "o$n" $nto shops where e'ery des$"ner
had two or more %rand(new Quadras on her des&.
!.ter comp)et$n" a 9o%/ sheGd h$t cmd(: and the
Quadra wou)d start r$pp$n"/ somet$mes ta&$n" three or
.our days to comp)ete the 9o%. Wh$)e that was "o$n"
on/ sheGd mo'e to the ne0t Quadra and start wor&$n"
on the ne0t 9o%. One o. the ma9or comput$n"
%ott)enec&s was pa"$n" memory out to d$s&/ and/ o.
course/ e'ery mach$ne a)ready had as much R!6 as $t
cou)d hand)e 21+I6=3.
6$@e and 4 "ot to ta)&$n" a%out how much these
mach$nes wou)d %ene.$t .rom ha'$n" )ots o. R!6. We
ta)&ed a%out the per.ormance $mpro'ements weGd %e
a%)e to "et w$th an unth$n&a%)e B##6= o. R!6. Then
we thou"ht a%out 1<= o. R!6 and a)) we cou)d do
w$th $t. 5$na))y/ we stra$ned our $ma"$nat$ons out to
the$r outer )$m$ts and tr$ed to $ma"$ne comput$n" at
one tera%yte o. R!6.
!nd we started to )au"h. 5$rst a )$tt)e/ then a )ot. Th$s
su%stance that cost more than $ts we$"ht $n "o)d/ that
so)'ed a)) our pro%)emsOsomet$me $n our )$.et$mes $t
wou)d %e so cheap and a%undant that we wou)d ha'e
)$tera))y unimagina"le amounts o. $t.
!nd thatGs why 4G'e %een "$"")$n" at th$s ha).(tera%yte
R!6 2OP/ R!6()$&e3 dr$'e that 4 9ust spent D1/B## on
Othe same sum Dad parted w$th .or that IP up"rade
card +# years a"o.
Wh$ch %r$n"s me %ac& to these %eaut$.u) o)d mach$nes
4G'e "ot around my o..$ce/ .rom the +##/###(year(o)d
stone a0e(head to the rust$n"/ non.unct$ona) w$nd(up
%an&. 4 donGt ha'e these here %ecause theyGre
$nherent)y we))(made or %eaut$.u). 4 ha'e them here
%ecause they are uproar$ous/ the %est 9o&e we ha'e.
They are the con(t$nuous/ e'er(de)$"ht.u) rem$nder
that we $nha%$t a .uture that rushes past us so )oud)y
we can %are)y hear the t$c&$n" o. our watches as they
are su%sumed $nto our phones/ wh$ch are su%sumed
$nto our :Cs/ wh$ch are present)y do$n" the$r
damndest to %urrow under our s&$n.
The poets o. yore &ept human s&u))s on the$r des&s as
mementos mor$/ rem$nders o. human$tyGs .ra"$)$ty. 4
&eep these o)d .oss$) mach$nes around .or the oppos$te
reason, to rem$nd me/ a"a$n and a"a$n/ o. the
'ert$"$nous h$)ar$ty o. our a"e o. wonders.

Lo-e t'e +a%'ne, Hate t'e
WeG'e heard a )ot a%out how scary the $ndustr$a)
re'o)ut$on wasOthe d$s)ocat$ons $t wrou"ht on the
a"rar$an popu)at$on o. the ear)y 1Kth century were
wrench$n" and terr$%)e/ and the re'o)ut$on was a
%)oody one. 5rom that t$me/ we ha'e the word
MLudd$te/N re.err$n" to upr$s$n"s a"a$nst the mach$nes
that were undo$n" anc$ent ways o. )$'$n" and wor&$n".
=ut the trou%)es o. the 1C1#s were on)y the %e"$nn$n".
=y the end o. the century/ the wor&p)ace was chan"$n"
a"a$n. Wor&ers whoGd adapted o'er three "enerat$ons
to wor&$n" $n .actor$es at mach$nes/ rather than t$))$n"
the )and and wor&$n" $n sma)) cotta"e wor&shops/ once
a"a$n .ound the$r )$'es %e$n" dramat$ca))y remade %y
the .orces o. cap$ta)/ throu"h a process ca))ed
Msc$ent$.$c mana"ement.N
*c$ent$.$c mana"ement 2wh$ch was a)so ca))ed
MTay)or$smN or M*c$ent$.$c Tay)or$sm/N .or $ts most pro(
m$nent ad'ocate/ 5reder$c& W$ns)ow Tay)or3 was %u$)t
around the $dea o. reduc$n" a manu.actur$n" process
to a ser$es o. opt$m$?ed s$mp)e steps/ creat$n" an
assem%)y )$ne where wor&ers were 9ust part o. the
mach$ne. Each wor&erGs mo'ements were as scr$pted as
those o. a co" or p$ston/ de.$ned %y outs$de o%ser'ers
who sou"ht to ma&e the wor& "o as smooth)y as
poss$%)e/ w$th as .ew $nterrupt$ons as poss$%)e.
Tay)or/ 8enry 5ord/ and 5ran& and L$))$an <$)%reth
used t$me(mot$on stud$es/ wr$tten )o"%oo&s/ h$"h(
speed photo"raphy/ and other emp$r$ca) techn$@ues to
.$nd wasted mot$ons/ wasted t$mes/ potent$a) )o"9ams
$n the manu.actur$n" process/ and pract$ca))y e'ery
$ndustry saw mass$'e $ncreases $n product$'$ty than&s
to the$r wor&. The <$)%rethsG research "a'e us modern
sur"$ca) procedure/ touch(typ$n"/ and a host o. other
ad'ances to human endea'our.
=ut a)) th$s "a$n was not w$thout cost. The
Munsc$ent$.$cN wor&er persona))y wor&ed on se'era)
tr$c&y sta"es o. manu.acture/ o.ten see$n" a pro9ect
throu"h .rom raw mater$a)s to .$n$shed product. 8e or
she cou)d choose how to s$t/ wh$ch too) to use when/
and what order to comp)ete the steps $n. 4. $t was a
sunny day w$th a .$ne autumn %ree?e/ the wor&er cou)d
choose to p)ane the 9o$nts and &eep the sme)) o. the
)ea'es $n the a$r/ sa'$n" the )ac@uer .or the ne0t day.
Wor&ers who were ha'$n" a %ad day cou)d ta&e $t easy
w$thout ho)d$n" up a product$on )$ne. On "ood days/
the wor& cou)d .)y past w$thout creat$n" tra..$c 9ams
.urther down the )$ne.
5or e'ery "a$n $n e..$c$ency/ sc$ent$.$c mana"ement
e0acted a cost $n se).(determ$nat$on/ persona) d$"n$ty/
and a wor&erGs connect$on w$th what s/he produced.
5or me/ the %$""est appea) to steampun& $s that $t
e0a)ts the mach$ne and d$spara"es the .actory 2th$s $s
the motto o. the e0ce))ent and .ree Steampunk
ma"a?$ne, MLo'e the 6ach$ne/ 8ate the 5actoryN3. 4t
ce)e%rates the e)a%orate $n'ent$ons o. the sc$ent$.$ca))y
mana"ed enterpr$se/ %ut $ma"$nes those mach$nes
com$n" .rom $nd$'$dua)s who are the$r own masters.
*teampun& doesnGt ra$) a"a$nst e..$c$encyO%ut $t ne'er
puts e..$c$ency ahead o. se).(determ$nat$on. 4. youGre
"o$n" to ra$se your wor&%ench to spare your %ac&/
thatGs our dec$s$on/ not someth$n" $mposed on you
.rom the top down.
8ere $n the 21st century/ th$s &$nd o. manu.acture
.$na))y seems $n reach, a wor)d o. des&top .a%%ers/ )ow(
cost wor&shops/ commun$t$es o. he)p.u)/ )$&e(m$nded
ma&ers puts utop$a $n our "rasp. 5$na))y/ weG)) %e a%)e
to wor& )$&e an art$san and produce )$&e an assem%)y

@nto*%'ed b# H*!an Hands
Worry$n" a%out the or$"$n o. a product $s as o)dOat
)eastOas the 5)orent$ne trad$t$on o. %a&$n" unsa)ted
%read so as to a'o$d %uy$n" sa)t .rom the archr$'a)s $n
ne$"h%or$n" :$sa. Whether $tGs <andh$Gs de.$ant sa)t(
ma&$n"/ a M=uy !mer$canN or MLoo& .or the un$on )a%e)N
campa$"n/ a :ET! ant$(.ur protest/ or the Mor"an$cN
%ad"e on a carrot at the "rocery store/ the act o.
consumpt$on has a)ways %een .rau"ht w$th eth$ca)
conundra and cons$derat$ons.
4 spent most o. 2##C research$n" my no'e) For the Win/
wh$ch $s )ar"e)y set $n the .actory c$t$es o. *outh
Ch$naGs :ear) R$'er De)ta. 4. you own someth$n"
stamped M6!DE 4N C84N!N 2and you doE3/ chances
are $t was made $n one o. these c$t$es/ where tens o.
m$))$ons o. youn" women ha'e m$"rated s$nce the
com%$nat$on o. Den" X$ao :$n"Gs econom$c re.orms at
the Wor)d Trade Or"an$?at$on a"reement set $n
mot$on the )ar"est m$"rat$on $n human h$story.
4tGs d$..$cu)t to character$?e the products o. these
.actor$es, e'eryth$n" .rom h$"h(pr$ced des$"ner "oods
to the cheapest &noc&(o..s or$"$nate there 2on a'era"e/
one conta$ner per second )ea'es *outh Ch$na .or
!mer$ca/ e'ery second o. e'ery hour o. e'ery day3. =ut
there $s one character$st$c a)most a)) these products
share, they are produced on an assem%)y )$ne/ and they
are supposed to )oo& )$&e $t. Lery .ew o. the "oods $n
the stream o. ma$nstream commerce are hand(made/
and when they are/ they are supposed to )oo& )$&e they
arenGt 2the o%'$ous e0cept$on $s d$stressed c)oth$n"/
%ut the $mpress$on o. a un$@ue wear pat$na $s @u$c&)y
d$spe))ed when you see twenty $dent$ca))y patched and
worn 9ean(9ac&ets .or sa)e at an out)et ma))/ $n sma))/
med$um/ and )ar"e3.
4ndeed/ $tGs a)most $mposs$%)e to $ma"$ne a ma$nstream
store that so)d handmade "oods .or the purpose o.
da$)y use %y a'era"e peop)e. The not$on o. Mhand(
madeN has under"one se'era) re'o)ut$ons $n the past
century/ $ts mean$n" a)ternat$n" %etween Mprec$ous
and art$sana)N to Mcheap and $$or.N !rt$sana)
.ash$ons ha'e )$&ew$se swun" %etween the two po)es o.
Mrou"h and $d$osyncrat$cN and Ma)) seams h$dden/ e'ery
rou"h ed"e sanded away.N
Today/ the .$t and .$n$sh that the most care.u)/
consc$ent$ous art$san %r$n"s to her creat$ons usua))y
ends up ma&$n" $t )oo& mach$ne(.$n$shed/ $n9ect$on(
mou)dedOseam)ess %ecause $t was untouched %y
human hands/ not %ecause $t was )o'$n")y hand)ed
unt$) e'ery %)em$sh was "one. WhatGs more/ the
$ncreas$n" awareness o. the en'$ronmenta) and human
cost o. $ntens$'e man(u.actur$n" has started to "$'e
.actory "oods a wh$.. o. %)ood and death. -our new
mo%$)e phone was made %y a su$c$da) 5o0conn wor&er/
.rom co)tan mud e0tracted %y s)a'es $n a %ruta)
d$ctatorsh$p/ sh$pped across the ocean $n a p)anet(
warm$n" d$ese) .re$"hter/ and $s dest$ned to spend a
m$))$on years $n a )and.$))/ )eech$n" po$son $nto the
water ta%)e.
Wh$ch )eads me to wonder, $s there a %oardroom
somewhere where a mar&et$n" and product des$"n
"roup $s try$n" to .$"ure out how to ma&e your ne0t
8appy 6ea) toy/ )aptop/ or 4&ea ta%)e )oo& )$&e $t was
hand(made %y a M7K= reader/ recyc)ed .rom scrap/
so)d on Etsy...F W$)) we soon ha'e :otem&$n cra.ters
whose .a&e/ procedura))y("enerated p$ctures/ mottoes/
and )o"os "race each $tem arr$'$n" .rom an anonymous
o'erseas .actoryF W$)) the 21st(century e@u$'a)ent o. an
o..shore ca))(center wor&er who $ns$sts he $s M=o% .rom
Des 6o$nesN %e the <uan"?hou assem%)y()$ne wor&er
who care.u))y Mhand wrapsN a ce))(phone s)ee'e and
$nserts a homespun ant$corporate man$.esto 2produced
%y 6ar&o' cha$ns .ed on an"ry %)o"(posts .rom on)$ne
ma&er .orums3 $nto the en'e)opeF
4 wou)dnGt %e surpr$sed. Our spec$esG capac$ty to
commod$.y e'eryth$n"Oe'en the ant$commod$.$cat$on
mo'ementOhas yet to meet $ts match. 4Gm sure weG))
adapt/ thou"h, we cou)d start a ma"a?$ne .or ho%%y$sts
who want to set up nosta)"$c mass(product$on
assem%)y )$nes that use o)d(.ash$oned $n9ect$on
mou)ders to stamp out stu%%ourn)y $dent$ca) o%9ects $n
react$on to the corporate mach$neGs $ns$stence on
$nd$'$dua)$?ed/ +D(pr$nted/ .a&e art$sansh$p.

Close Eno*.' for Ro%& 4n4 Roll
4 once "a'e a 2now(notor$ous3 ta)& at 6$croso.t
Research a%out D$"$ta) R$"hts 6ana"ement
2http1AAcraphound*comAms&tdrm*txt3 where 4 sa$d/ $n
part/ MNew med$a donGt succeed %ecause theyGre )$&e
the o)d med$a/ on)y %etter, they succeed %ecause
theyGre worse than the o)d med$a at the stu.. the o)d
med$a $s "ood at/ and %etter at the stu.. the o)d med$a
are %ad at.N
4Gd )$&e to ta&e that su%9ect up w$th you today.
*pec$.$ca))y/ 4Gd )$&e to e0am$ne $t $n )$"ht o. the anc$ent
pr$nc$p)e o. MC)ose enou"h .or roc& GnG ro))/N and a)) that
that enta$)s.
What/ e0act)y/ does Mc)ose enou"h .or roc& GnG ro))N
meanF Does $t mean that roc& GnG ro)) $snGt 'ery "ood/ so
$t doesnGt matter $. the deta$)s are a )$tt)e .u??yF 4 say
no. 4 say that Mc)ose enou"h .or roc& GnG ro))N means,
MRoc& GnG ro))Gs '$rtue $s $n $ts e0u%erance and $ts
access$%$)$ty to wou)d(%e per.ormers. 4. you want to
p)ay roc& GnG ro))/ you donGt need to "ather up a .u))
orchestra and teach them a)) to read sheet mus$c/ dr$))
them w$th a conductor/ and set them )oose $n a 'au)ted
ha)). 4nstead/ you can "ather two or three .r$ends/ teach
them to p)ay a 4(4L(L pro"ress$on $n / t$me/ and
ma&e some .antast$c noise.N
Roc& GnG ro)) has two $mportant '$rtues re)at$'e to
orchestra) mus$c,
1. 4t costs a )ot )ess to ma&e/ and so $t costs )ess to ma&e
e0per$menta) m$sta&es
2. 6ore peop)e can part$c$pate $n $t/ and can %r$n"
more e0per$menta) $deas to the .$e)d 2see 13
On the other hand/ $t )ac&s a )ot o. the $mportant
'$rtues o. orchestra) mus$c, the sheer ma9esty o. a))
that t$"ht)y coord$nated '$rtuos$ty/ the su%t)et$es and
poss$%$)$t$es opened up %y ha'$n" so many $nstruments
$n one p)ace and a'a$)a%)e to %e com%$ned $n so many
4n other words/ roc& GnG ro)) $s cheap/ e0per$menta)/ and
.)u$d/ and de'otes most o. $ts ener"y $nto the
product$on o. mus$c. Orchestra) mus$c $s e0pens$'e/
.orma)/ and ma9est$c/ %ut t$thes a )ar"e port$on o. $ts
e..ort to coord$nat$on and o'erheads and ma$ntenance.
4. the $nternet has a mot$./ $t $s roc& GnG ro))Gs :rotes(
tant Re.ormat$on thrash$n" a"a$nst the orchestra) One
Church. Roc& GnG ro)) "ets )ots o. wee &$r&s %u$)t $n
e'ery h$)) and da)e $n wh$ch par$sh$oners can .$nd
re)$"$on $n the$r own ways> chora) mus$c erects
ma9est$c cathedra)s that hum%)e and ama?e/ %ut ta&e
three "enerat$ons o. )a%orers to %u$)d.
The $nterest$n" %$t $snGt what $t costs to replicate some
%$"/ pre($nternet %us$ness or pro9ect.
The $nterest$n" %$t $s what $t costs to do someth$n"
hal& as well as some %$"/ pre($nternet %us$ness or
Ta&e 2ewsweek. 4. you wanted to )aunch 2ewsweek
today/ youGd pro%a%)y ha'e to spend as much as
2ewsweek d$d. 6ay%e more/ s$nce youGd not on)y ha'e
to do what 2ewsweek does/ youGd ha'e to somehow
outspend or outmaneu'er 2ewsweek to "et there.
=ut what does $t cost to pu%)$sh someth$n" ha). as
"ood as 2ewsweek/ say/ the 'u&&ington BostF *ure/
'u&&Bo has %rou"ht $n a%out D2#66 $n 'enture
cap$ta)/ %ut $"nore that sumOthatGs how much they
can sweet ta)& out o. the wor)d o. .$nance. 4Gm ta)&$n"
a%out how much cap$ta) $t cost to %u$)d and operate
'u&&Bo. ! t$ny/ unmeasura%)e .ract$on o. what $t cost
to %u$)d and run 2ewsweek.
=ut 'u&&Bo $s at )east ha). as "ood as 2ewsweekO$n
aud$ence reach/ $n $n.)uence/ $n news @ua)$ty/ $n
return(on($n'estment 2thou"h not $n a%so)ute
pro.$ta%$)$tyOthat $s/ a do))ar put $nto 'u&&Bo w$))
"enerate more $ncome than a do))ar put $nto
2ewsweek/ %ut 'u&&Bo uses a )ot .ewer do))ars than
2ewsweek does/ and returns .ewer do))ars $n tota) than
2ewsweek/ too3.
WhatGs more/ as t$me "oes %y/ we can e0pect $t to "et
cheaper to "et more 2ewsweek()$&e. Cheaper and
%etter ad(sa)es mar&ets. Lar"er poo)s o. $nterested
peop)e w$th the t$me and s&$)) and too)s to .o))ow
%rea&$n" news. E'en cheaper pr$nt$n" and )o"$st$cs/
shou)d 'u&&Bo "o hardco'er/ than&s to the spread o.
cheap pr$nter(%$nders around the wor)d.
Th$s $s the pattern, do$n" someth$n" 0 percent as we))
w$th )ess(than(0 percent o. the resources. ! %)o" may
%e 1# percent as "ood at co'er$n" the )oca) news as the
o)d/ )oca) paper was/ %ut $t costs )ess than 1 percent o.
what that o)d )oca) paper cost to put out. ! home
record$n" stud$o and se).(promot$on may "et your
a)%um $nto +# percent as many hands/ %ut $t does so at
B percent o. what $t costs a record )a%e) to put out the
same record$n".
What does th$s meanF Cheaper e0per$mentat$on/
cheaper .a$)ure/ %roader part$c$pat$on. Wh$ch means
more d$'ers$ty/ more d$sco'ery/ more "ood stu.. that
cou)d ne'er sur.ace when the startup costs were so
h$"h that no one wanted to ta&e any r$s&s.
WhatGs dr$'$n" th$s cost(reduct$onF :art o. $t $s the .ree
r$de on "enera) techno)o"$ca) de'e)opment. E'ery(one
Oe'en the %$"/ )um%er$n"/ e0pens$'e compan$esO
needs cheaper hard dr$'es/ cheaper networ&s/ cheaper
computers. E'ery soc$ety $s try$n" to $ncrease the
"enera) techn$ca) )$teracy o. $ts popu)at$on/ %ecause
e'ery emp)oyer %ene.$ts .rom techn$ca) )$teracy $n $ts
:art)y/ $tGs a .ree r$de on o'er$n'estment %u%%)es.
When the dotcoms came a)on"/ they wereO
canon$ca))yO.ounded %y two hac&ers $n a "ara"e
wor&$n" on doors %a)anced on sawhorses. They were
so hum%)e $n or$"$n that $t was easy to %e)$e'e that
theyGd "row to three or .our hundred t$mes the$r
present s$?e. E'en three or .our thousand t$mes the$r
present s$?e. *o they attracted cap$ta)Owho doesnGt
)$&e a crac& at a /###X payoutF 6ore cap$ta) than they
cou)d a%sor%O%ecause %uy$n" more sawhorses and
doors and "ara"es and commod$ty ser'ers 9ust doesnGt
cost that much. W$th a)) that money came a %urden to
spend/ to try to "row a %us$ness )ar"e enou"h to pay o..
a)) that $n'estment/ wh$ch meant )ur$n" "reat num%ers
o. %r$"ht peop)e $nto the startup wor)d/ tra$n$n" them
as you went on techn$ca) matters/ turn$n" them $nto
$nternet peop)e.
When the o'er$n'estment %u%%)es 2dotcom/ .$nance3
crashed/ you were )e.t w$th a )ot o. s&$))ed smart
peop)e/ a )ot o. e@u$pment that had "otten cheap .ast
than&s to enormous consumpt$on %y o'er.$nanced
compan$es. Th$s/ too/ made $t cheaper to start
someth$n" new.
=ut e'en w$thout o'er$n'estment/ the "ap %etween
roc& GnG ro)) and the orchestra $s narrow$n".
Techno)o"y $s "$'$n" us the or"an$?at$ona) e@u$'a)ent
o. a rea))y &$c&(ass synthes$?er/ one that can a))ow a
one(man %and to sound )$&e a who)e .$rm. 4t may %e
that weG)) ne'er "et to a po$nt where you cou)d %u$)d
D$sney)and today .or one tenth o. what D$sney has
spent s$nce 1KBB. =ut 4Gm pretty sure that $n my
)$.et$me/ youG)) %e a%)e to %u$)d an C# percent
D$sney)and 2you cou)d ca)) $t MD$sney)aN3 .or may%e +#
percent o. the cap$ta) sun& $nto the 6a"$c P$n"dom.
Th$s $s one o. the "reat conundra o. our era, the
spectre that haunts e'ery e0ecut$'e/ e'ery "o'ernment/
e'ery power.u) person who owes her stature to her
command o. an emp$re that en9oys $ts pr$de o. p)ace
than&s to the proh$%$t$'e cost o. rep)$cat$n" $t.
=ut )ur&$n" $n those C# percent rep)acements are an
$n.$n$tude o. $deas too we$rd and too .un&y and
$mp)aus$%)e to try at .u)) pr$ce. Lur&$n" there are $deas
as we$rd and dum% as a company ca))ed 24 &$d you not3
<oo")e/ an encyc)oped$a that e'eryone can wr$te/ a
w$re)ess networ& standard %ased on open spectrum
that anyone $s a))owed to use/ w$thout centra)
4tGs roc& GnG ro))/ and $. $tGs too )oud/ youGre too o)d.

Abo*t t'e A*t'or
Cory Doctorow 2www.craphound.com3 $s a sc$ence(
.$ct$on no'e)$st/ %)o""er/ and techno)o"y act$'$st. 8e $s
the co(ed$tor o. the popu)ar we%)o" =o$n" =o$n"
2www.%o$n"%o$n".net3 and a contr$%utor to the
<uard$an/ the New -or& T$mes/ :u%)$shers Wee&)y/
W$red/ and many other newspapers/ ma"a?$nes/ and
we%s$tes. 8e was .ormer)y D$rector o. European !..a$rs
.or the E)ectron$c 5ront$er 5oundat$on 2www.e...or"3/ a
nonpro.$t c$'$) )$%ert$es "roup that de.ends .reedom $n
techno)o"y )aw/ po)$cy/ standards/ and treat$es.
8$s no'e)s are pu%)$shed %y Tor =oo&s and
8arperCo))$ns 1P and s$mu)taneous)y re)eased on the
4nternet under Creat$'e Commons )$censes that
encoura"e the$r reuse and shar$n"/ a mo'e that
$ncreases h$s sa)es %y en)$st$n" h$s readers to he)p
promote h$s wor&. 8e has won the Locus and *un%urst
awards/ and has %een nom$nated .or the 8u"o/ Ne%u)a/
and =r$t$sh *c$ence 5$ct$on awards.
DoctorowGs youn" adu)t no'e)s $nc)ude New -or&
T$mes %estse))er L$tt)e =rother/ and $ts .o))ow(up 5or
the W$n. Tachyon pu%)$shed the .$rst co))ect$on o. h$s
essays/ Content, *e)ected Essays on Techno)o"y/
Creat$'$ty/ Copyr$"ht/ and the 5uture o. the 5uture>
4DW pu%)$shed a co))ect$on o. com$c %oo&s $nsp$red %y
h$s short .$ct$on/ Cory DoctorowGs 5utur$st$c Ta)es o.
the 8ere and Now. 8$s )atest adu)t no'e) $s 6a&ers/
and h$s )atest short(story co))ect$on $s W$th a L$tt)e
8e)p. 8$s .orthcom$n" %oo&s $nc)ude :$rate C$nema/
Rapture o. the Nerds/ and The <reat =$" =eaut$.u)
On 5e%ruary +/ 2##C/ Cory Doctorow %ecame a .ather.
The )$tt)e "$r) $s ca))ed :oesy Emme)$ne 5$%onacc$
Naut$)us Tay)or Doctorow and $s a mar'e) that puts a))
the wor&s o. techno)o"y and art$.$ce to shame.

F*ll Creat-e Co!!ons L%ense
4* NOT ! L!W 54R6 !ND DOE* NOT
D4*TR4=1T4ON O5 T84* L4CEN*E DOE*
:ROL4DE* T84* 4N5OR6!T4ON ON !N
;!*(4*; =!*4*. CRE!T4LE CO66ON*
D4*CL!46* L4!=4L4T- 5OR D!6!<E*
RE*1LT4N< 5RO6 4T* 1*E.
:1=L4C L4CEN*E 2;CC:L; OR ;L4CEN*E;3. T8E
OT8ER !::L4C!=LE L!W. !N- 1*E O5 T8E WORP
OT8ER T8!N !* !1T8OR4SED 1NDER T84*
L4CEN*E OR CO:-R4<8T L!W 4* :RO84=4TED.
=- EXERC4*4N< !N- R4<8T* TO T8E WORP
=O1ND =- T8E TER6* O5 T84* L4CEN*E. TO T8E
*1C8 TER6* !ND COND4T4ON*.
1. &e'initions
a. ()daptation( means a wor& %ased upon the
Wor&/ or upon the Wor& and other pre(e0$st$n"
wor&s/ such as a trans)at$on/ adaptat$on/
der$'at$'e wor&/ arran"ement o. mus$c or other
a)terat$ons o. a )$terary or art$st$c wor&/ or
phono"ram or per.ormance and $nc)udes
c$nemato"raph$c adaptat$ons or any other .orm
$n wh$ch the Wor& may %e recast/ trans.ormed/
or adapted $nc)ud$n" $n any .orm reco"n$?a%)y
der$'ed .rom the or$"$na)/ e0cept that a wor&
that const$tutes a Co))ect$on w$)) not %e
cons$dered an !daptat$on .or the purpose o.
th$s L$cense. 5or the a'o$dance o. dou%t/ where
the Wor& $s a mus$ca) wor&/ per.ormance or
phono"ram/ the synchron$?at$on o. the Wor&
$n t$med(re)at$on w$th a mo'$n" $ma"e
2;synch$n";3 w$)) %e cons$dered an !daptat$on
.or the purpose o. th$s L$cense.
%. (Collection( means a co))ect$on o. )$terary or
art$st$c wor&s/ such as encyc)oped$as and
antho)o"$es/ or per.ormances/ phono"rams or
%roadcasts/ or other wor&s or su%9ect matter
other than wor&s )$sted $n *ect$on 12"3 %e)ow/
wh$ch/ %y reason o. the se)ect$on and
arran"ement o. the$r contents/ const$tute
$nte))ectua) creat$ons/ $n wh$ch the Wor& $s
$nc)uded $n $ts ent$rety $n unmod$.$ed .orm
a)on" w$th one or more other contr$%ut$ons/
each const$tut$n" separate and $ndependent
wor&s $n themse)'es/ wh$ch to"ether are
assem%)ed $nto a co))ect$'e who)e. ! wor& that
const$tutes a Co))ect$on w$)) not %e cons$dered
an !daptat$on 2as de.$ned a%o'e3 .or the
purposes o. th$s L$cense.
c. (&istri%ute( means to ma&e a'a$)a%)e to the
pu%)$c the or$"$na) and cop$es o. the Wor& or
!daptat$on/ as appropr$ate/ throu"h sa)e or
other o. ownersh$p.
d. (*icense Eleents( means the .o))ow$n" h$"h(
)e'e) )$cense attr$%utes as se)ected %y L$censor
and $nd$cated $n the t$t)e o. th$s L$cense,
!ttr$%ut$on/ Noncommerc$a)/ *hare!)$&e.
e. (*icensor( means the $nd$'$dua)/ $nd$'$dua)s/
ent$ty or ent$t$es that o..er2s3 the Wor& under
the terms o. th$s L$cense.
.. (+riginal )uthor( means/ $n the case o. a
)$terary or art$st$c wor&/ the $nd$'$dua)/
$nd$'$dua)s/ ent$ty or ent$t$es who created the
Wor& or $. no $nd$'$dua) or ent$ty can %e
$dent$.$ed/ the pu%)$sher> and $n add$t$on 2$3 $n
the case o. a per.ormance the actors/ s$n"ers/
mus$c$ans/ dancers/ and other persons who act/
s$n"/ de)$'er/ dec)a$m/ p)ay $n/ $nterpret or
otherw$se per.orm )$terary or art$st$c wor&s or
e0press$ons o. .o)&)ore> 2$$3 $n the case o. a
phono"ram the producer %e$n" the person or
)e"a) ent$ty who .$rst .$0es the sounds o. a
per.ormance or other sounds> and/ 2$$$3 $n the
case o. %roadcasts/ the or"an$?at$on that
transm$ts the %roadcast.
". (,ork( means the )$terary and/or art$st$c wor&
o..ered under the terms o. th$s L$cense
$nc)ud$n" w$thout )$m$tat$on any product$on $n
the )$terary/ sc$ent$.$c and art$st$c doma$n/
whate'er may %e the mode or .orm o. $ts
e0press$on $nc)ud$n" d$"$ta) .orm/ such as a
%oo&/ pamph)et and other wr$t$n"> a )ecture/
address/ sermon or other wor& o. the same
nature> a dramat$c or dramat$co(mus$ca) wor&>
a choreo"raph$c wor& or enterta$nment $n
dum% show> a mus$ca) compos$t$on w$th or
w$thout words> a c$nemato"raph$c wor& to
wh$ch are ass$m$)ated wor&s e0pressed %y a
process ana)o"ous to c$nemato"raphy> a wor&
o. draw$n"/ pa$nt$n"/ arch$tecture/ scu)pture/
en"ra'$n" or )$tho"raphy> a photo"raph$c wor&
to wh$ch are ass$m$)ated wor&s e0pressed %y a
process ana)o"ous to photo"raphy> a wor& o.
app)$ed art> an $))ustrat$on/ map/ p)an/ s&etch or
three(d$mens$ona) wor& re)at$'e to "eo"raphy/
topo"raphy/ arch$tecture or sc$ence> a
per.ormance> a %roadcast> a phono"ram> a
comp$)at$on o. data to the e0tent $t $s protected
as a copyr$"hta%)e wor&> or a wor& per.ormed
%y a 'ar$ety or c$rcus per.ormer to the e0tent $t
$s not otherw$se cons$dered a )$terary or art$st$c
h. (-ou( means an $nd$'$dua) or ent$ty e0erc$s$n"
r$"hts under th$s L$cense who has not
pre'$ous)y '$o)ated the terms o. th$s L$cense
w$th respect to the Wor&/ or who has rece$'ed
e0press perm$ss$on .rom the L$censor to
e0erc$se r$"hts under th$s L$cense desp$te a
pre'$ous '$o)at$on.
$. (Pu%licly Per'or( means to per.orm pu%)$c
rec$tat$ons o. the Wor& and to commun$cate to
the pu%)$c those pu%)$c rec$tat$ons/ %y any
means or process/ $nc)ud$n" %y w$re or w$re)ess
means or pu%)$c d$"$ta) per.ormances> to ma&e
a'a$)a%)e to the pu%)$c Wor&s $n such a way
that mem%ers o. the pu%)$c may access these
Wor&s .rom a p)ace and at a p)ace $nd$'$dua))y
chosen %y them> to per.orm the Wor& to the
pu%)$c %y any means or process and the
commun$cat$on to the pu%)$c o. the
per.ormances o. the Wor&/ $nc)ud$n" %y pu%)$c
d$"$ta) per.ormance> to %roadcast and
re%roadcast the Wor& %y any means $nc)ud$n"
s$"ns/ sounds or $ma"es.
9. (!eproduce( means to ma&e cop$es o. the
Wor& %y any means $nc)ud$n" w$thout
)$m$tat$on %y sound or '$sua) record$n"s and
the r$"ht o. .$0at$on and reproduc$n" .$0at$ons
o. the Wor&/ $nc)ud$n" stora"e o. a protected
per.ormance or phono"ram $n d$"$ta) .orm or
other e)ectron$c med$um.
2. Fair &ealing !ights. Noth$n" $n th$s L$cense $s
$ntended to reduce/ )$m$t/ or restr$ct any uses .ree .rom
copyr$"ht or r$"hts ar$s$n" .rom )$m$tat$ons or
e0cept$ons that are pro'$ded .or $n connect$on w$th the
copyr$"ht protect$on under copyr$"ht )aw or other
app)$ca%)e )aws.
$. *icense .rant. *u%9ect to the terms and cond$t$ons
o. th$s L$cense/ L$censor here%y "rants -ou a
wor)dw$de/ roya)ty(.ree/ non(e0c)us$'e/ perpetua) 2.or
the durat$on o. the app)$ca%)e copyr$"ht3 )$cense to
e0erc$se the r$"hts $n the Wor& as stated %e)ow,
a. to Reproduce the Wor&/ to $ncorporate the
Wor& $nto one or more Co))ect$ons/ and to
Reproduce the Wor& as $ncorporated $n the
%. to create and Reproduce !daptat$ons pro'$ded
that any such !daptat$on/ $nc)ud$n" any
trans)at$on $n any med$um/ ta&es reasona%)e
steps to c)ear)y )a%e)/ demarcate or otherw$se
$dent$.y that chan"es were made to the or$"$na)
Wor&. 5or e0amp)e/ a trans)at$on cou)d %e
mar&ed ;The or$"$na) wor& was trans)ated .rom
En")$sh to *pan$sh/; or a mod$.$cat$on cou)d
$nd$cate ;The or$"$na) wor& has %een
c. to D$str$%ute and :u%)$c)y :er.orm the Wor&
$nc)ud$n" as $ncorporated $n Co))ect$ons> and/
d. to D$str$%ute and :u%)$c)y :er.orm
The a%o'e r$"hts may %e e0erc$sed $n a)) med$a and
.ormats whether now &nown or herea.ter de'$sed. The
a%o'e r$"hts $nc)ude the r$"ht to ma&e such
mod$.$cat$ons as are techn$ca))y necessary to e0erc$se
the r$"hts $n other med$a and .ormats. *u%9ect to
*ect$on C2.3/ a)) r$"hts not e0press)y "ranted %y
L$censor are here%y reser'ed/ $nc)ud$n" %ut not )$m$ted
to the r$"hts descr$%ed $n *ect$on 2e3.
/. !estrictions. The )$cense "ranted $n *ect$on + a%o'e
$s e0press)y made su%9ect to and )$m$ted %y the
.o))ow$n" restr$ct$ons,
a. -ou may D$str$%ute or :u%)$c)y :er.orm the
Wor& on)y under the terms o. th$s L$cense. -ou
must $nc)ude a copy o./ or the 1n$.orm
Resource 4dent$.$er 21R43 .or/ th$s L$cense w$th
e'ery copy o. the Wor& -ou D$str$%ute or
:u%)$c)y :er.orm. -ou may not or $mpose
any terms on the Wor& that restr$ct the terms
o. th$s L$cense or the a%$)$ty o. the rec$p$ent o.
the Wor& to e0erc$se the r$"hts "ranted to that
rec$p$ent under the terms o. the L$cense. -ou
may not su%)$cense the Wor&. -ou must &eep
$ntact a)) not$ces that to th$s L$cense and
to the d$sc)a$mer o. warrant$es w$th e'ery copy
o. the Wor& -ou D$str$%ute or :u%)$c)y
:er.orm. When -ou D$str$%ute or :u%)$c)y
:er.orm the Wor&/ -ou may not $mpose any
e..ect$'e techno)o"$ca) measures on the Wor&
that restr$ct the a%$)$ty o. a rec$p$ent o. the
Wor& .rom -ou to e0erc$se the r$"hts "ranted
to that rec$p$ent under the terms o. the
L$cense. Th$s *ect$on 2a3 app)$es to the Wor&
as $ncorporated $n a Co))ect$on/ %ut th$s does
not re@u$re the Co))ect$on apart .rom the Wor&
$tse). to %e made su%9ect to the terms o. th$s
L$cense. 4. -ou create a Co))ect$on/ upon not$ce
.rom any L$censor -ou must/ to the e0tent
pract$ca%)e/ remo'e .rom the Co))ect$on any
cred$t as re@u$red %y *ect$on 2d3/ as re@uested.
4. -ou create an !daptat$on/ upon not$ce .rom
any L$censor -ou must/ to the e0tent
pract$ca%)e/ remo'e .rom the !daptat$on any
cred$t as re@u$red %y *ect$on 2d3/ as re@uested.
%. -ou may D$str$%ute or :u%)$c)y :er.orm an
!daptat$on on)y under, 2$3 the terms o. th$s
L$cense> 2$$3 a )ater 'ers$on o. th$s L$cense w$th
the same L$cense E)ements as th$s L$cense> 2$$$3
a Creat$'e Commons 9ur$sd$ct$on )$cense 2e$ther
th$s or a )ater )$cense 'ers$on3 that conta$ns the
same L$cense E)ements as th$s L$cense 2e."./
!ttr$%ut$on(NonCommerc$a)(*hare!)$&e +.#
1*3 2;!pp)$ca%)e L$cense;3. -ou must $nc)ude a
copy o./ or the 1R4/ .or !pp)$ca%)e L$cense w$th
e'ery copy o. each !daptat$on -ou D$str$%ute
or :u%)$c)y :er.orm. -ou may not or
$mpose any terms on the !daptat$on that
restr$ct the terms o. the !pp)$ca%)e L$cense or
the a%$)$ty o. the rec$p$ent o. the !daptat$on to
e0erc$se the r$"hts "ranted to that rec$p$ent
under the terms o. the !pp)$ca%)e L$cense. -ou
must &eep $ntact a)) not$ces that to the
!pp)$ca%)e L$cense and to the d$sc)a$mer o.
warrant$es w$th e'ery copy o. the Wor& as
$nc)uded $n the !daptat$on -ou D$str$%ute or
:u%)$c)y :er.orm. When -ou D$str$%ute or
:u%)$c)y :er.orm the !daptat$on/ -ou may not
$mpose any e..ect$'e techno)o"$ca) measures on
the !daptat$on that restr$ct the a%$)$ty o. a
rec$p$ent o. the !daptat$on .rom -ou to
e0erc$se the r$"hts "ranted to that rec$p$ent
under the terms o. the !pp)$ca%)e L$cense. Th$s
*ect$on 2%3 app)$es to the !daptat$on as
$ncorporated $n a Co))ect$on/ %ut th$s does not
re@u$re the Co))ect$on apart .rom the
!daptat$on $tse). to %e made su%9ect to the
terms o. the !pp)$ca%)e L$cense.
c. -ou may not e0erc$se any o. the r$"hts "ranted
to -ou $n *ect$on + a%o'e $n any manner that $s
pr$mar$)y $ntended .or or d$rected toward
commerc$a) ad'anta"e or pr$'ate monetary
compensat$on. The e0chan"e o. the Wor& .or
other copyr$"hted wor&s %y means o. d$"$ta)
.$)e(shar$n" or otherw$se sha)) not %e
cons$dered to %e $ntended .or or d$rected
toward commerc$a) ad'anta"e or pr$'ate
monetary compensat$on/ pro'$ded there $s no
payment o. any monetary compensat$on $n
con(nect$on w$th the e0chan"e o. copyr$"hted
d. 4. -ou D$str$%ute/ or :u%)$c)y :er.orm the Wor&
or any !daptat$ons or Co))ect$ons/ -ou must/
un)ess a re@uest has %een made pursuant to
*ect$on 2a3/ &eep $ntact a)) copyr$"ht not$ces
.or the Wor& and pro'$de/ reasona%)e to the
med$um or means -ou are ut$)$?$n", 2$3 the
name o. the Or$"$na) !uthor 2or pseudonym/ $.
app)$ca%)e3 $. supp)$ed/ and/or $. the Or$"$na)
!uthor and/or L$censor des$"nate another
party or part$es 2e."./ a sponsor $nst$tute/
pu%)$sh$n" ent$ty/ 9ourna)3 .or attr$%ut$on
2;!ttr$%ut$on :art$es;3 $n L$censor7s copyr$"ht
not$ce/ terms o. ser'$ce or %y other reasona%)e
means/ the name o. such party or part$es> 2$$3
the t$t)e o. the Wor& $. supp)$ed> 2$$$3 to the
e0tent reasona%)y pract$ca%)e/ the 1R4/ $. any/
that L$censor spec$.$es to %e assoc$ated w$th the
Wor&/ un)ess such 1R4 does not to the
copyr$"ht not$ce or )$cens$n" $n.ormat$on .or
the Wor&> and/ 2$'3 cons$stent w$th *ect$on
+2%3/ $n the case o. an !daptat$on/ a cred$t
$dent$.y$n" the use o. the Wor& $n the
!daptat$on 2e."./ ;5rench trans)at$on o. the
Wor& %y Or$"$na) !uthor/; or ;*creenp)ay
%ased on or$"$na) Wor& %y Or$"$na) !uthor;3.
The cred$t re@u$red %y th$s *ect$on 2d3 may %e
$mp)emented $n any reasona%)e manner>
pro'$ded/ howe'er/ that $n the case o. a
!daptat$on or Co))ect$on/ at a m$n$mum such
cred$t w$)) appear/ $. a cred$t .or a)) contr$%ut$n"
authors o. the !daptat$on or Co))ect$on
appears/ then as part o. these cred$ts and $n a
manner at )east as prom$nent as the cred$ts .or
the other contr$%ut$n" authors. 5or the
a'o$dance o. dou%t/ -ou may on)y use the
cred$t re@u$red %y th$s *ect$on .or the purpose
o. attr$%ut$on $n the manner set out a%o'e and/
%y e0erc$s$n" -our r$"hts under th$s L$cense/
-ou may not $mp)$c$t)y or e0p)$c$t)y assert or
$mp)y any connect$on w$th/ sponsorsh$p or
endorsement %y the Or$"$na) !uthor/ L$censor
and/or !ttr$%ut$on :art$es/ as appropr$ate/ o.
-ou or -our use o. the Wor&/ w$thout the
separate/ e0press pr$or wr$tten perm$ss$on o.
the Or$"$na) !uthor/ L$censor and/or
!ttr$%ut$on :art$es.
e. 5or the a'o$dance o. dou%t,
$. 0on1#aiva%le Copulsory *icense
Schees. 4n those 9ur$sd$ct$ons $n
wh$ch the r$"ht to co))ect roya)t$es
throu"h any statutory or compu)sory
)$cens$n" scheme cannot %e wa$'ed/ the
L$censor reser'es the e0c)us$'e r$"ht to
co))ect such roya)t$es .or any e0erc$se %y
-ou o. the r$"hts "ranted under th$s
$$. ,aiva%le Copulsory *icense
Schees. 4n those 9ur$sd$ct$ons $n
wh$ch the r$"ht to co))ect roya)t$es
throu"h any statutory or compu)sory
)$cens$n" scheme can %e wa$'ed/ the
L$censor reser'es the e0c)us$'e r$"ht to
co))ect such roya)t$es .or any e0erc$se %y
-ou o. the r$"hts "ranted under th$s
L$cense $. -our e0erc$se o. such r$"hts $s
.or a purpose or use wh$ch $s otherw$se
than noncommerc$a) as perm$tted
under *ect$on 2c3 and otherw$se wa$'es
the r$"ht to co))ect roya)t$es throu"h any
statutory or compu)sory )$cens$n"
scheme> and/
$$$. 2oluntary *icense Schees. The
L$censor reser'es the r$"ht to co))ect
roya)t$es/ whether $nd$'$dua))y or/ $n the
e'ent that the L$censor $s a mem%er o. a
co))ect$n" soc$ety that adm$n$sters
'o)untary )$cens$n" schemes/ '$a that
soc$ety/ .rom any e0erc$se %y -ou o. the
r$"hts "ranted under th$s L$cense that $s
.or a purpose or use wh$ch $s otherw$se
than noncommerc$a) as perm$tted
under *ect$on 2c3.
.. E0cept as otherw$se a"reed $n wr$t$n" %y the
L$censor or as may %e otherw$se perm$tted %y
app)$ca%)e )aw/ $. -ou Reproduce/ D$str$%ute or
:u%)$c)y :er.orm the Wor& e$ther %y $tse). or as
part o. any !daptat$ons or Co))ect$ons/ -ou
must not d$stort/ mut$)ate/ mod$.y or ta&e other
dero"atory act$on $n re)at$on to the Wor&
wh$ch wou)d %e pre9ud$c$a) to the Or$"$na)
!uthor7s honor or reputat$on. L$censor a"rees
that $n those 9ur$sd$ct$ons 2e.". Hapan3/ $n wh$ch
any e0erc$se o. the r$"ht "ranted $n *ect$on +2%3
o. th$s L$cense 2the r$"ht to ma&e !daptat$ons3
wou)d %e deemed to %e a d$stort$on/ mut$)at$on/
mod$.$cat$on or other dero"atory act$on
pre9ud$c$a) to the Or$"$na) !uthor7s honor and
reputat$on/ the L$censor w$)) wa$'e or not
assert/ as appropr$ate/ th$s *ect$on/ to the
.u))est e0tent perm$tted %y the app)$ca%)e
nat$ona) )aw/ to ena%)e -ou to reasona%)y
e0erc$se -our r$"ht under *ect$on +2%3 o. th$s
L$cense 2r$"ht to ma&e !daptat$ons3 %ut not
3. !epresentations, ,arranties and &isclaier
1NLE** OT8ERW4*E 61T1!LL- !<REED TO =-
T8E :!RT4E* 4N WR4T4N< !ND TO T8E 51LLE*T
L4CEN*OR O55ER* T8E WORP !*(4* !ND 6!PE*
46:L4ED/ *T!T1TOR- OR OT8ERW4*E/
4NCL1D4N</ W4T8O1T L464T!T4ON/
W!RR!NT4E* O5 T4TLE/ 6ERC8!NT!=4L4T-/
54TNE** 5OR ! :!RT4C1L!R :1R:O*E/
W!RR!NT4E*/ *O T84* EXCL1*4ON 6!- NOT
!::L- TO -O1.
4. *iitation on *ia%ility. EXCE:T TO T8E EXTENT
LE<!L T8EOR- 5OR !N- *:EC4!L/ 4NC4DENT!L/
D!6!<E* !R4*4N< O1T O5 T84* L4CEN*E OR T8E
1*E O5 T8E WORP/ ELEN 45 L4CEN*OR 8!* =EEN
!DL4*ED O5 T8E :O**4=4L4T- O5 *1C8
5. "erination
a. Th$s L$cense and the r$"hts "ranted hereunder
w$)) term$nate automat$ca))y upon any %reach
%y -ou o. the terms o. th$s L$cense. 4nd$'$dua)s
or ent$t$es who ha'e rece$'ed !daptat$ons or
Co))ect$ons .rom -ou under th$s L$cense/
howe'er/ w$)) not ha'e the$r )$censes
term$nated pro'$ded such $nd$'$dua)s or
ent$t$es rema$n $n .u)) comp)$ance w$th those
)$censes. *ect$ons 1/ 2/ B/ I/ J/ and C w$)) sur'$'e
any term$nat$on o. th$s L$cense.
%. *u%9ect to the a%o'e terms and cond$t$ons/ the
)$cense "ranted here $s perpetua) 2.or the
durat$on o. the app)$ca%)e copyr$"ht $n the
Wor&3. Notw$thstand$n" the a%o'e/ L$censor
reser'es the r$"ht to re)ease the Wor& under
d$..erent )$cense terms or to stop d$str$%ut$n"
the Wor& at any t$me> pro'$ded/ howe'er that
any such e)ect$on w$)) not ser'e to w$thdraw
th$s L$cense 2or any other )$cense that has %een/
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