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Question Consumer has a right to get redressal of ________.
Correct Answer Grievances

Question To create product differentiation, manufacturers have to continuously ________ their products.
Correct Answer Upgrade

Question Organisational buyers buy products/services from ________.

Correct Answer Manufacturer

Question Attitudes are resultant of the combination of :-

Correct Answer Beliefs and Values

Question Every ________ youngster in Bihar, Assam and West Bengal is unemployed.
Correct Answer Seventh

Question Managerial approach of Consumer behavior is :-

Correct Answer Micro in nature , Cognitive in nature , Overemphasis rationality of consumers

Question If the outcome of post purchase experience is in line with the expectation, it is called :-
Correct Answer Positive discrepancy

Question In the present business scenario CB is complex due to :-

Correct Answer Competition , Rapid pace of innovation , Declination of product differentiation

Question ________has opened new avenue in collection of data in actual users.

Correct Answer Information technology

Question Attitudes, Beliefs, Values towards any product / Brand are :-

Correct Answer Different

Question Types of personality are :-

Correct Answer Introvert , Extrovert

Question Various statutory regulations enforced by government are :-

Correct Answer MRTP Act , 1969 , Essential commodities Act, 1955 , Drugs control Act , 1950

Question Higher ________ level helps in understanding consumer behavior.

Correct Answer Sophistication

Question The production of crops like sorghum, pearl milet, barley and ragi have gone down over the years.
Correct Answer True

Market research Regular process Regular process

Complaint resolution mechanism Integration with decision making level
Marketer's challenge Satisfaction of each customer
Xerox synonymous with photocopy machine Brand level expectation

Question Trait theory is based on the following assumptions :-

Correct Answer Relatively stable behavioual tendencies among individuals , Difference in the degree to
behavioural tendencies , Relative differences help in characterising their personalities

No black marketing Social responsibility

Infancy stage Consumerism
Statutory regulation Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act 1958
Full time forcing Variation of tie-up sales

Question Pre-purchase decision are unimportant as compared to post purchase decision.

Correct Answer False

Question Customer expectation built up from a particular class of product is at which level?
Correct Answer Category

Question It is the period when customer starts using the product/service to meet his specific needs :-
Correct Answer After sales

Question It is a general sum of traits of characteristics of the person :-

Correct Answer Personality

Question Any person's attitude towards any brand/products is largely influenced by his peer group.
Correct Answer True

Question Expectations built up based on customer's knowledge and information about a particular brand and
organisation owning that brand is at a level of :-
Correct Answer Brand

Question It constitutes the moral factor of personality :-

Correct Answer Ego

Question Ways to increase low involvement product's purchase are :-

Correct Answer Coupons , Displays , Price deals

Question Which type of involvement is temporary in nature?

Correct Answer Situational involvement

Question The washing powder brand maximum used in India is :-

Correct Answer Nirma

Question By and Large Attitudes are :-

Correct Answer Interconnected

Question Individuals are strong in which activities while gathering information?

Correct Answer Sensation , Intuition

Question Factor of convenience in purchasing :-

Correct Answer Is very important

Question ________ leads to either satisfaction or dissatisfaction to the consumer.

Correct Answer Discrepancy
Question In depth interviewing tech of consumer research is known for :-
Correct Answer Informal approach , Appropriate Questions , Identify record subtle reaction

Question More members will be involved in decision making if the problem is an extentive one.
Correct Answer True

Question Expectations built up at the time of transaction between company and consumer is at which level ?
Correct Answer Transaction

Question Various sources of information like exhibitions, trade shows, etc influences one's expectations.
Correct Answer True

Question When the benefits of product are not clear but is an important one, then one should use ambiguous
messages in ads.
Correct Answer True

Question ________ is defined as repetitive behaviour in absence of evaluation of alternative choices.

Correct Answer Habit

Question The first major reason for the companies to think differently in eighties
Correct Answer Increasing competition

Question The salt brand maximum used in India is :-

Correct Answer Tata

Question Congruity theory of Attitudes is developed by Osgood &________.

Correct Answer Tannen baun

Question Characteristics of low involvement products :-

Correct Answer Brand beliefs are formed first by passive learning , Purchase decision is made , Brand
may/may not be evaluated afterward

Question A consumer is likely to be more involved with a product when the product is ________.
Correct Answer Expensive

Question Attitudes are ________ in nature.

Correct Answer Dynamic

Question There are high chances of product failure if product categorisation is not there in consumer's mind.
Correct Answer True

Question Persons with high authority are accorded :-

Correct Answer High status in the society

Question Types of restrictive trade practices are :-

Correct Answer Full time forcing , Area restriction , Predatory pricing

Question In organisational buying, formal buying is represented by an official and formal ________ .
Correct Answer Purchase order

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