On Aircel: Pocket Internet Unlimited Data Plans

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14/4/2014 3G Tariffs- Aircel UP East 3g plan and 3G services

http://www.aircel.com/AircelWar/appmanager/aircel/upeast?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=P18403480341299238888387 1/1
Home Services Tarif f s 3G Devices 3G Of f ers Manage your Usage Do more with 3G FAQs Fair Usage
Pick your plan
High Speed Data
(@3.6 Mbps)

8 1 Limited
100 MB 2G/3G
Data (Post Free
Up to 3.6 Mbps Mobile
17 4 Limited
150 MB 2G/3G
Data (Post Free
Up to 3.6 Mbps Mobile
37 10 Limited
250 MB 2G/3G
Data (Post Free
Up to 3.6 Mbps Mobile
67 7 Limited
1 GB 2G/3G Data
(Post Free 1p/10kb)
Up to 3.6 Mbps Mobile
128 30 Limited
1 GB 2G/3G Data
(Post Free 1p/10kb)
Up to 3.6 Mbps Mobile
198 30 Unlimited 1.5 GB Unlimited Up to 3.6 Mbps Mobile+Dongle
399 30 Unlimited 3 GB Unlimited Up to 3.6 Mbps Mobile+Dongle
697 30 Unlimited 6 GB Unlimited Up to 7.2 Mbps Mobile+Dongle
997 30 Unlimited 10 GB Unlimited Up to 7.2 Mbps Mobile+Dongle
Pocket Internet unlimited data plans
No more confusion in choosing plans.
All Pocket Internet plans work on 3G and 2G networks, across all locations and devices.
*The performance and speed of data browsing is dependent on network usage patterns. Post reaching fair usage limit,
3G data browsing/downloading speed may be reduced up to 128 kbps for maintaining quality of services as per
discretion of Aircel.
**Plans for dongles start from Rs. 198 and work on mobiles as well.
Best viewed in Firef ox 3 & above or Chrome 4 and above or Internet Explorer 6 & above, at a resolution of 1024 X 768 or higher
3G on Aircel

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