Cover Letter Writting

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7 July 2014

The Head of HR,
EK Spinning Mills Ltd.
Sub: Application for the position of Accounts Officer
Dear Sir:
Greetings. In response to your job a!ertise"ent# I $oul li%e to apply for the position of
Accounts Officer.
I unerstan fro" your a!ertise"ent that your organi&ation nees talente an yna"ic people
for $or%ing as Accounts Officer. I ha!e got "y Bachelor of Business d!inistration "B.B.#
in ccounting and $nfor!ation S%ste!s fro" &ni'ersit% of Dha(a in 2012. I ha!e co"plete
Master of Business d!inistration "MB# !a)oring ccounting and $nfor!ation S%ste!s
fro" &ni'ersit% of Dha(a in 2012. I ha!e e'perience of co"pleting "y ( "onths Internship
progra" fro" Inustrial an Infrastructure )e!elop"ent an *inance +o"pany ,II)*+- li"ite.
I belie!e that $or%ing in a repute organi&ation li%e your one $ill pro!ie "e e'cellent
opportunity for "y career gro$th. I a" confient that if pro!ie the opportunity to ser!e your
organi&ation# I $ill pro!e "yself to be an i"portant asset for this organi&ation through "y
sincerity# eication an honesty.
I $oul re.uest for an inter!ie$ at your con!enience. *or any .uery# you can reach "e at "y
"obile *+,--.-/0+0 you can also e/"ail "e at
0han% you.
Md. Sha!i! Raihan
222# 3ohsin 4all
5ni!ersity of )ha%a

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