A06-S26-04-Philippine Judges Assoc. vs. Prado

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Jul%(!!@, in Ad$. Case 1o. =804VIS4AD84!*4++??

, aroved &% the =$&uds$an,wh

ich reco$$ended the dis$issal of etitioner fro$ the 7hiliine Charity
Sweesta9es =ffice <7CS=>, Ce&u, as well as the order dated )+ Januar% (!!?den
%ing etitioners $otion for reconsideration.7etitioner Douglas R. Villavert is a Sales T
7ro$otion Suervisor of 7CS= Ce&u0ranch resonsi&le for the sale and disosal of
7CS= sweesta9es tic9ets withdrawn&% hi$, which are alread

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