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Teacher: Chelsea Class: MEP1 Sunflower Week: 9 Dates: July 21-25 2!

#nu$an Weekly %utl&ne
Sitapatr School
Th&s week we are learn&n':
C&rcle T&(e )e*&ew
After the daily meditation song we
will sing some other fun songs we
have already learned this semester. I
want to touch base quickly with
colors, body parts, numbers and
everyday greetings. It is important to
remind the students of the topics they
have already learned, especially the
basic responses like What is your
#ct&*&ty T&(e
!his week we will continue to talk about fruit. We will describe the fruit by talking
about its color and si"e. !he vocabulary will be# banana, cherry, watermelon,
apple, orange, strawberry, papaya, mango, pineapple, and numbers $%&$.
'orners# !o get the students activated and having fun while learning
(eed the puppet%!o understand the capability of each individual student and help
them with any vocabulary they can or can not comprehend.
(ly )wat *ame# !o recogni"e the correct fruit.
+ineapple Art +ro,ect -Week ./
I 0ike to 1at Apples and 2ananas
,ew -etters an. Soun.s
We will now start the third series of 3olly +honics letters. !his will consist of the
letters *g, 0l, 4u, 5o, (f and 2b. We will first learn the sounds and the actions to
these letters. After we will learn the songs that go along with each each letter.
5nce the students become more comfortable we will play games and really get
the students activated and thinking.
We have ,ust finished the 6
of 3olly +honics letters. I would like
to not only go over the 6
but also the &
. I would like to keep
all of the letters fresh in the
students mind so they don7t forget
anything. A quick review will be at
either the start or the end of the
lesson depending on the tone of
the class.
Wr&t&n' Pract&ce
!his is not in the 81+ +rogram
Parent /ollow 01 2 0seful
We$s&tes 2 3o(ework:

I 0ike !o 1at#
8editation )ong#

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