ZOX Module 7 - Student Guide

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for Triggering
There are several ways to trigger the recall of information you mentally_ photographed'
That is, to bring the in{ormutlott back to the conscious level. These methods are described
Speed Readi ng:
your book on the table in front of you and open it up to the first page. You
will be reading in the usual manner from front to back and right side up- If you wear
glasses, put them on.
2. Separate your index finger and your middle finger to the widlh of the page of the
print. If that is uncomfortable, iake your little finger and your index finger and separate
them to the width of the print on the page.
3. \Atrhen you read, run your fingers down the outside of the
pacing yourself at
the rate of 10 seconds per full page of print. You will need a timer or have someone time
you. This will help you gage the amount of time you are spending per page
out the most important words, those words that
jump off the page at you.
These words you sub-v ocalize.These
will be conscious level trigger words, and will be
used to trigger back inJormation that you have already mentally photographed.
Tri ggeri ng For Recal l Methods:
1,. Answer questions or take progress checks.
2. Verbal exam bY a friend.
3. Speed-read & discuss or write about the book.
4. Look at front cover.
5. Read first page and start writing about the book'
Photographi ng
Recal l :
1. Emotions---Feelings
2. Vivid Mind Pictures
ZOX Module 7
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