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Maris Stella High School Name: ___________________

GCE O Level Biology Class (Index No.): Sec 3___ ( )

2008 Practical 1.1 Mark Scheme Date: ________________

Food Tests (Known Samples)

Aim 1: To test for the presence of starch (Iodine test)

Observations: The yellow iodine solution turns the starch solution blue-black;

Aim 2: To test for the presence of reducing sugars (Benedict’s test)

1 mark for proper table with headings;

Solution Sequence Observation Conclusion

A 3rd Benedict’s solution remains blue; Reducing sugars are absent;
B 2nd Red precipitate suspended in blue Small amounts of reducing
solution OR sugar are present;
Green precipitate produced;
C 1st Brick-red precipitate produced; Large amounts of reducing
sugars are present;

Aim 3: To test for the presence of lipids in solid food (Ethanol Emulsion test)

Observations: A white precipitate is produced;

Aim 4: To test for the presence of proteins (Biuret’s test)

Observations: Solution turns lilac;

2008 PW 1.1 1

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