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2007 SECTION 1X ARTICLE Xi BRAZING PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATIONS QB-300 GENERAL QB-300.1 This Articie lists the brazing processes sepa rately, with the essential variables which apply to brazer and btezing operator performance qualifications, ‘The brazer qualification is limited by the essential va ables given for each brazing process. These variables are listed in QB-350, and are defined in Article XIV, Brazing Data, The brazing operator qualification is limited by the essential variables given in QB-350 for each brazing process QB-300.2 (a) The basic premises of responsibility in regard to brazing are contained within QB-103 and QB-301.2. These paragraphs require that each manufacturer or contractor shall be responsible for condkicting tests to qualify the performance of brazers and brazing operators in accordance with one of his qualified Brazing Procedure Specifications, which his organization employs in the construction of brazements built in accordance withthe Code. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that the manufacturer or contractor has determined that his brazers and brazing oper- ators using his procedures are capable of developing the minimum requirements specified for an acceptable brazement. This responsibility cannot be delegated to another onganization. (0) The brazers or brazing operators used to produce such brazements shall be tested under the full supervision and control of the manufacturer or contractor during the production of these test brazements. It is not permissible for the manufacturer or contractor to have the brazing performed by another organization, It is permissible, how ever, to subcontract any or all ofthe work of preparation of test materials for brazing, subsequent work on the preps- ration of fest specimens from the completed brazement, and performance of nondestructive examination and mechanical tests, provided the manufacturer or contractor accepts full responsibility for any such work. (c) The Code recognizes a manufacturer or contractor as the organization which has responsible operational con- trol of the production of the brazement to be made in ocordanee with this Code. If in an organization effective ‘operational control ofthe brazer performance qualification for two or more companies of different names exists, the companies involved must establish, to the satisfaction of the ASME Boiter and Pressure Vessel Committe, that the necessary controls are applied, in which case requalifica- tion of brazers and brazing operators within the companies of such an organization will not be required, provided all other requirements of Section IX are met. (d) The Code recognizes that manufacturers or contrac: {ors may maintain effective operational control of Brazet/ Brazing Operator Performance Qualification (BPQ) rec- ords under different ownership than existed during the ‘original Brazer ot Brazing Operator qualification. When a manufacturer of contractor or part of « manufacturer or contractor is acquired by a new owner(s), the BPQs may bbe used by the new owner(s) without requalification, pro- vided all of the following are met: (1) the new owner(s) takes responsibility for the BPQs (2) the BPQs reflect the name of the new owner(s) (3) the Quality Control System/Quality Assurance Program reflects the source of the BPQs as being from the former manufacturer or contractor QB-300.3 More than one manufacturer or contractor may simultaneously qualify one or more brazers or brazing operators. When simultaneous qualifications are con- ducted, each participating organization shall be represented by a responsible employee during brazing of the test coupons. ‘The brazing procedure specifications (BPS) that are fol- lowed during simultaneous qnalifications shall be com- pated by the participating organizations, The BPSs shall ‘be identical forall essential variables, except that the flow Position, base metal thickness, and overlap lengths need not be identical, bt they shall be adequate to permit brazing of the fest coupons. Altematively, the participating organi- zations shall agree upon the use of a single BPS, provided each participating organization has a PQR(S) to support the BPS covering the range of vasiables to be followed in the performance qualification. When a single BPS is to be followed, each participating organization shall review and accept that BPS. Each participating organization's representative shall positively identify each brazer or brazing operator who is, being tested. Bach organizational representative shall also 2007 SECTION 1X verify marking of the test coupon with the brazer’s or brazing operator's identification, and marking of the top ‘of the test coupon when the orientation must be known in ‘order {0 remove test specimens. Each organizational representative shall complete and certify a Record of Brazer or Brazing Operator Qualifica- tion orm QB-484 of equivalent) for each brazer or braz- ing operator. When a brazer or brazing operator changes employers, that new participating organization shall verify that the brazer’s continuity of qualifications has been maintained as required by QB-322 by previous employers since his qualification date. If the brazer or brazing operator has had his qualification withdrawn for specific reasons, the ‘employing organization shall notify all participating orga- nizations that the brazer's ot brazing operator's qualifica- tion(s) has been revoked in accordance with QB-322(b). ‘The new organization shall determine that the brazer oF brazing operator can perform satisfactory work in accor dance with this Section. ‘When a brazer's or brazing operator's qualifications are renewed in accordance with the provisions of QB-322, each renewing organization shall be represented by a responsible ‘employee and the testing procedures shall follow the rules of this paragraph QB-301 Tests QB-301.1 Intent of Tests. The pesformance qualifica- tion tests are intended to determine the ability of brazers and brazing operators to make sound braze joints, QB-301.2 Qualification Tests, Each manufacturer or contractor shall qualify each brazet ot brazing operator for each brazing process to be used in production brazing, The performance qualification test shall be brazed in accordance with one of any of his qualified Brazing Procedure Specif- cations (BPS) ‘The brazer ot brazing operator who prepares the BPS ‘qualification test coupons is also qualified within the limits of the performance qualifications, listed in QB-304 for brazers and in QB-305 for brazing operators. Heis qualified ‘only for the positions tested in the procedure qualification in accordance with QB-407, ‘The performance test may be terminated at any stage of the testing procedure, whenever it becomes apparent t0 the supervisor conducting the tests that the brazer or brazing operator does not bave the required skill to produce satis- factory results QB-301.3 Identification of Brazers and Brazing Operators. Each qualified brazer and brazing operator shall be assigned an identifying number, letter, or symbol by the manufacturer or contractor, which shall be used to identify the work of that brazer or brazing operator 210 QB-301.4 Record of Tests. The record of Beazer or Brazing Operator Performance Qualification (BPQ) tests shall include the essential variables (QB-350), the type of tests and the test results, and the ranges qualified in accordance with QB-452 for each brazer and brazing opera- tor, A suggested form for these records is given in Form ‘QB-484 (see Nonmandatory Appendix B). QB-302 Type of Test Required QB-3021 Test Specimens. The type and number of test specimens required shall be in accordance with (QB-452, and shall be removed in a manner similar to that shown in QB-463. Al test specimens shall meet the requirements pre- scribed in QB-170 or QB-180, as applicable. Tests for brazing operators shall meet the requirements of QB-305, QB-302.2 Test Coupons in Pipe. For test coupons ‘macle in pipe, specimens shall be removed as shown in figure QB-463,2(¢) at approximately 180 deg apart QB-302.3 Combination of Base Metal Thicknesses. ‘When joints are brazed between two base metals of differ- cent thicknesses, a performance qualification shall be made. for the applicable combination of thicknesses, even though {qualification tests have been made foreach of the individual base metals brazed to itself. The range of thickness of each of the base metals shall be determined individually per QB-452, QB-303 Limits of Qualified Positions (See figures QB-461.1 and QB-461.2) QB-303.1. For plate, qualification inthe lat flow, vest cal-upfiow, or borizontal-flow positions shall qualify for the vertical-downflow position QB-303.2 For pipe, qualification in either the hori- zontal-flow or vertical-upflow position shall qualify for the vertical-lownflow position. QB-303.3 Qualification in pipe shail qualify for plate, but not vice versa. Horizontal-low in pipe shall qualify for flat-flow in plate, QB-303.4 Special Positions. A fabricator who does production brazing in a special orientation may make the tests for performance qualification in this specific orienta- tion. Such qualifications are valid ony for the flow posi- tions actually tested, except that an angular deviation of £15 deg is permitted in the inclination of the braze plane, as defined in figures QB-461.1 and QB-461.2, QB-304 Each brazer who brazes under the cules of this Code shall hhave passed the tests prescribed in QB-302 for performance, qualifications. Brazers

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