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1.Aadaki boluklar MDK ZAMAN veya GEN ZAMANa gre doldurun.

a) She (eat) a sandwich now.
b) He ..(drink) milk at the moment.
c) She always (play) tennis.
d) We .. (go)to cinema everyday.
e) The children ( play) football now.

2. Boluklar WAS veya WERE ile doldurunuz. (5x5 = 25 pts)

a) They _____________ at the cinema yesterday.
b) He ______________ at school two days ago.
c) I ________________ twenty years old last year.
d) We _______________ very rich ten years ago.
e) The students ______________ excited for the exam.

3. Aada verilen fillerin 2. HALLERN karlarna yaznz. (5x5=25 pts)

a) Go: ..
b) Watch:
c) Eat: ..
d) Come: .
e) Play:.

4. Cmlelerdeki boluklar uygun meslekle doldurunuz (5x5=25 pts)

Carpenter -

gardener - doctor - principal - scientist

a) A works in hospital.
b) A.use laboratory equipment.
c) in the garden.
d) A..cunstructs furniture.
e) A responsible for school management.

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