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CATking DILR Workbook

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Workshops Mocks GDPI Consul ti ng
Goal Setting
Class Handouts
Actual CAT Questions
Revision Sheet

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DI LR Workbook

Table of Contents

A. Getting Started 3
1. Top 10 Myth Busters 4
2. Before the workshop Homework 6
3. DI / LR Diagnostic Test 7
4. Back to Basics 8
5. SWOT Analysis Conscious Competence... 10
6. Evening Revise 11
7. Complete your syllabus 5 times before CAT! .. 12
8. Daily Schedule for the week CAT 2009 - CHECKLIST... 13
9. Temperature Check 14
10. Tables 15
11. Long Tables 29
12. Bar / Line Charts 41
13. DI Miscellaneous 47
14. Logical Reasoning 54
15. Data Sufficiency 65
16. Solutions DI Workbook 72
17. Final words 84
18. Sectional Test 1 90
19. Sectional Test 2 96
20. Live Mock 102
21. CATking Frameworks 121
22. Mockngineering 122
23. Score Analyser Software 123
24. Studycovigilance 124

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Zen Koan Principle
your thoughts
Have to buy Mobile
phone on way home.
Will not get leave
for Monday.
Area Vertical 2008 2007 2006 Total
DI Bar Chart 4 4
DI Misc 3 5 8
Long Table 5 5 10
Table 6 12 18
Table Multiple 4 4
DI Total 13 21 10 44
DS DS LR Based 4 4
LR Table 4 4
Investment 5 5 10
Matrix 3 3
Ranking 5 5
Selection 5 5
LR Total 12 15 27
Total 25 25 25 75
Vertical Difficulty 2008 2007 2006 Total
Bar Chart Easy 2 2
Difficult 2 2
DI Misc Easy 2 2
Medium 3 3 6
DS LR Based Easy 4 4
Long Table Easy 5 3 8
Medium 2 2
Table Easy 4 8 12
Difficult 1 1 2
Medium 5 3 8
Table Multiple Easy 4 4
Investment Easy 3 3
Difficult 2 3 5
Medium 2 2
Matrix Easy 3 3
Ranking Difficult 5 5
Selection Easy 5 5
Total 25 25 25 75
Getting Started

Learning Objectives
Learn Shortcuts and tricks
Identify Weaknesses
Confidence Building
Dedication towards CAT
Make time table for preparation
Do homework given in Workshop
Increase your score by 20 marks
Match winning strategies

Ice Breaker

Has a bike Reads daily newspaper Hates Meat Speaks 3+ languages Brown eyes
Plays a music
Loves Football Loves reading books Is wearing black Has a BF/GF

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1. Top 10 Myth Busters

Before you start your final preparation for CAT, you should understand DI Section thoroughly.
Take this Quiz to test your understanding of CAT DI Section.

What you think about
True or False?
DI & LR are becoming more and more complex in CAT True False
1 wrong interpretation doesnt mean losing more then 10 marks! True False
DI is always more important than LR in CAT preparation True False
Its all about Calculations honey... True False
Best way for DI/LR Take a book of puzzles and finish it in a week.. True False
Ram sits here and shyam there.. I love puzzles they are easys True False
Tables, charts, DS and Puzzles, Should be 2 days job! True False
I just run through DI questions Its easy! True False
Instructions are always boring.. I skip them True False
DI is more about logic... you dont need Vedic maths? True False

Count your score by giving 1 mark for each FALSE you circled in the test above. Answer to all the above
questions is FALSE.

Score Analysis

Your Score Analysis
8 + right
You have very good understanding of CAT Environment and are well prepared to
take the CAT headon! For you CATking workshop will be about learning shortcuts
and techniques only.
6 8 right
You have got decent score. But still need a better understanding of CAT before
you sit for the exams. CATking workshop will provide you an overall
understanding of CAT along with shortcuts and techniques.
5 & less
You need more understanding of the dynamics of CAT. Going for CAT half
prepared can be suicidal and can seriously hamper your chances to get into top
B-school. Joining CATking will help you develop the right attitude and skills for
CAT along with shortcuts and techniques.

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10 Myths Explained

Myth no. Statements
1 No the level of DI & LR remains same in CAT over the years
2 Yes, 1 wrong interpretation means you will lose more then 10 marks!
3 Logical Reasoning & DI are equally important in CAT preparation
4 Its NOT all about Calculations honey... focus of DI/LR is shifted to Logic based DI
5 Take a book of puzzles and finish it in a week.. doing this will make you bored
6 Ram sits here and shyam there.. Puzzles are now more difficult then they used to be
7 DI / LR aptitude cannot be improved over night
8 DI / LR questions are not to be done quickly rather give time to each question set
9 Its very important to focus on Instructions as they are tricky..
10 30% of DI is still based on calculations so master your Vedic Maths skills.

DI / LT Section is becoming complex:

My old friends DI & LR

DI & LR in CAT are still old sweet type of questions,
There is no rocket science to understand type of
DI questions. You have already done that million of
times. The type of questions which comes in DI are
Tables, Long Tables, Bar Charts and Line Charts are still
same and with same complexity. Same goes for LR,
the type of puzzles still remains same Matrix based,
Investment, Arrangement and Selection based.

DI is more important than LR in CAT

Era of Logic Reasoning

DI is no longer dominating in CAT.
In 2006 & 2008 DI/LR section was more based on Logical reasoning then DI, with more then 50% of the
paper dedicated to LR only. We doubt why students were surprised to see more of LR questions. From last
5 years DI/LR section is shifted from Calculations to Logical based questions.

Rest of the Myths will be discussed with examples in the Workshop.

Area 2008 2007 2006 Total
Bar Chart 4 4
DI Misc 3 5 8
DS LR Based 4 4
Long Table 5 5 10
Table 6 12 18
Table Multiple 4 4
Puzzles 12 15 27
Grand Total 25 25 25 75
Area 2008 2007 2006 Total
DI 13 21 10 44
DS 4 4
LR 12 15 27
Total 25 25 25 75
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2. Pre workshop Homework

We expect you to do some homework before you come for the workshop. This will make sure that we all are on the
same page and will be very easy for you to grasp the shortcuts and strategies taught in the workshop.

1. Back to basics
You will understand the shortcut better if you know the longcut of doing
the problem. So take any book you have and run though the basics
(Introductions and formulas) of all the chapters.
Step 1: Take any book - your coaching institutes material book or
independent books like Arun sharma.
Step 2: Take a chapter, say Chapter 1 Numbers, go through and
have clear understanding of the basics like concepts,
formulas, theorems and other topics)
Step 3: Make notes of all the basics like we used to do in school days

Check list for 1 & 2.
Topic Basics
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 6
Topic 7
Topic 8
Topic 9
Topic 10
Topic 11
Topic 12
Topic 13
Topic 14
Topic 15

2. Solved examples
Best way to understand the basics in a practical way is to solve the solved examples of a topic from books. So take
any book you have (coaching material of other books) and run though the basics (Introductions and formulas) of all
the chapters.
Step 4: Reinforce the basics and concepts learned by solving the 20 odd solved examples given in starting of each
Step 5: Make notes of the practical applications of each concept.

4 step approach
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3. Building blocks - Mocks & Test
Mocks are best way to simulate your D-Day performance. We recommend you to take 5 Sectional tests and 5 full
length mocks. If you have joined a coaching institute then you might have done this otherwise download last 5 years
CAT papers from and solve them as 5 mocks.
Step 6: Take a minimum of 5 sectional tests and analyse your mistakes
Step 7: Take 5 full length mocks and analyse your performance

Checklist for 3:
Mocks Score
Mock 1 Test 1
Mock 2 Test 2
Mock 3 Test 3
Mock 4 Test 4
Mock 5 Test 5
Mock 6 Test 6
Mock 7 Test 7
Mock 8 Test 8
Mock 9 Test 9
Mock 10 Test 10
Mock 11 Test 11
Mock 12 Test 12
Mock 13 Test 13
Mock 14 Test 14
Mock 15 Test 15

4. Final Touch CATking Workshops
Now the final assault, sharpen your axe with shortcuts and strategies from the CATking workshops. Joining our
month long workshop will boost up your score by 20 marks.
Step 7: Learn strategies and shortcuts from CATking workshop
Step 8: Finish your syllabus 5 times before CAT as discussed in workshop

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3. Legend

Book Based
You will find this icon next to questions
The Questions which are based on direct usage of book
based concepts and forumale will have this sign next to
them in the workbook.

You will find this icon next to questions
The questions which require out of the box thinking will
have this icon next to them in the workbook.

You will find this icon next to questions
The questions which can be done by shortcuts will have this
icon next to them in the workbook.

You will find this icon next to questions
The questions which can be done by Tricks will have this
icon next to them in the workbook.

You will find this icon next to questions
The questions which should have been avoided will have
this icon next to them in the workbook.

You will find this icon next to BrainGym exercises
Through out the workbook we have exercises called
BrainGym as a refresher for you, this icon next to them.

You will find this icon next to exercises
Through out the workbook we have exercises for you to do
at home, this icon next to them.

You will find this icon next to information about CAT
Through out the workbook we have information like
number of question in CAT on this topic, etc. this icon next
to them.
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Year Overall Total
2008 Easy 3
Medium 3
2007 Easy 8
Medium 4
2004 - 4
2003 - 5
2002 - 7
Grand Total 34

Diagnostic Test

Directions for Questions 1 to 3: CAT 2008

For admission to various affiliated colleges, a university conducts a written test with four different
sections, each with a maximum of 50 marks. The following table gives the aggregate as well as the
sectional cut-off marks fixed by six different colleges affiliated to the university. A student will get
admission only if he/she gets marks greater than or equal to the cut-off marks in each of the section and
his/her aggregate marks are at least equal to the aggregate cut-off marks as specified by the college.

1. Aditya did not get a call from even a single college. What could be the
maximum aggregate marks obtained by him?
(1) 181 (2) 176
(3) 184 (4) 196
(5) 190

2. Bhama got calls from all colleges. What could be the minimum aggregate marks obtained by her?
(1) 180 (2) 181
(3) 196 (4) 176
(5) 184

3. Charlie got calls from two colleges. What could be the minimum marks obtained by him in a section?
(1) 0 (2) 21
(3) 25 (4) 35
(5) 41
00:25 min
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Answer Questions 4 to 8 on the basis of the information given below: CAT 2006

Two traders, Chetan and Michael, were involved in the buying and selling of MCS shares over five trading
days. At the beginning of the first day, the MCS share was priced at Rs 100, while at the end of the fifth
day it was priced at Rs 110. At the end of each day, the MCS share price either went up by Rs 10, or else, it
came down by Rs 10. Both Chetan and Michael took buying and selling decisions at the end of each
trading day. The beginning price of MCS share on a given day was the same as the ending price of the
previous day. Chetan and Michael started with the same number of shares and amount of cash, and had
enough of both. Below are some additional facts about how Chetan and Michael traded over the five
trading days.

Each day if the price went up, Chetan sold 10 shares of MCS at the closing price. On the other hand,
each day if the price went down, he bought 10 shares at the closing price.
If on any day, the closing price was above Rs 110, then Michael sold 10 shares of MCS, while if it was
below Rs 90, he bought 10 shares, all at the closing price.

4. If Chetan sold 10 shares of MCS on three consecutive days, while Michael sold 10 shares only once
during the five days, what was the price of MCS at the end of day 3?
(1) Rs 90 (2) Rs 100
(3) Rs 110 (4) Rs 120
(5) Rs 130

5. If Michael ended up with Rs 100 less cash than Chetan at the end of day 5, what was the difference in
the number of shares possessed by Michael and Chetan (at the end of day 5)?
(1) Michael had 10 less shares than Chetan (2) Michael had 10 more shares than Chetan.
(3) Chetan had 10 more shares than Michael (4) Chetan had 20 more shares than Michael.
(5) Both had the same number of shares.

6. If Chetan ended up with Rs 1300 more cash than Michael at the end of day 5, what was the price of MCS
share at the end of day 4?
(1) Rs 90 (2) Rs 100
(3) Rs 110 (4) Rs 120
(5) Not uniquely determinable

7. What could have been the maximum possible increase in combined cash balance of Chetan and Michael
at the end of the fifth day?
(1) Rs 3700 (2) Rs 4000
(3) Rs 4700 (4) Rs 5000
(5) Rs 6000

8. If Michael ended up with 20 more shares than Chetan at the end of day 5, what was the price of the
share at the end of day 3?
(1) Rs 90 (2) Rs 100
(3) Rs 110 (4) Rs 120
(5) Rs 130
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DIRECTIONS for Questions 9 to 13
A low-cost airline company connects ten Indian cities, A to J. The table below gives the distance between a
pair of airports and the corresponding price charged by the company. Travel is permitted only from a
departure airport to an arrival airport. The customers do not travel by a route where they have to stop at
more than two intermediate airports. CAT 2007

Airport of
Airport of
between the
Airports (km)
Price (Rs.)
1 A B 560 670
2 A C 790 1350
3 A D 850 1250
4 A E 1245 1600
5 A F 1345 1700
6 A G 1350 2450
7 A H 1950 1850
8 B C 1650 2000
9 B H 1750 1900
10 B I 2100 2450
11 B J 2300 2275
12 C D 460 450
13 C F 410 430
14 C G 910 1100
15 D E 540 590
16 D F 625 700
17 D G 640 750
18 D H 950 1250
19 D J 1650 2450
20 E F 1250 1700
21 E G 970 1150
22 E H 850 875
23 F G 900 1050
24 F I 875 950
25 F J 970 1150
26 G I 510 550
27 G J 830 890
28 H I 790 970
29 H J 400 425
30 I J 460 540

Difficulty 2008 2007 2006 Total
Easy 12 21 10 43
Medium 8 3 7 18
Difficult 5 1 8 14
Total 25 25 25 75
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9. What is the lowest price, in rupees, a passenger has to pay for travelling by the shortest route from A to
(1) 2275 (2) 2850
(3) 2890 (4) 2930
(5) 3340

10. The company plans to introduce a direct flight between A and J. The market research results indicate
that all its existing passengers travelling between A and J will use this direct flight if it is priced 5% below
the minimum price that they pay at present. What should the company charge approximately, in rupees,
for this direct flight?
(1) 1991 (2) 2161
(3) 2707 (4) 2745
(5) 2783

11. If the airports C, D and H are closed down owing to security reasons, what would be the minimum
price, in rupees, to be paid by a passenger travelling from A to J?
(1) 2275 (2) 2615
(3) 2850 (4) 2945
(5) 3190

12. If the prices include a margin of 10% over the total cost that the company incurs, what is the minimum
cost per kilometer that the company incurs in flying from A to J?
(1) 0.77 (2) 0.88
(3) 0.99 (4) 1.06
(5) 1.08

13. If the prices include a margin of 15% over the total cost that the company incurs, which among the
following is the distance to be covered in flying from A to J that minimizes the total cost per kilometer for
the company?
(1) 2170 (2) 2180
(3) 2315 (4) 2350
(5) 2390

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Directions for Questions 14 to 17: CAT 2007
The following table shows the break-up of actual costs incurred by a company in last five years (year 2002
to year 2006) to produce a particular product.

Volume of production and sale
(units) 1000 900 1100 1200 1200
Costs (Rs.)
Material 50,000 45,100 55,200 59,900 60,000
Labour 20,000 18,000 22,100 24,150 24,000
Consumables 2,000 2,200 1,800 1,600 1,400
Rent of building 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,200
Rates and taxes 400 400 400 400 400
Repair and maintenance expenses 800 820 780 790 800
Operating cost of machines 30,000 27,000 33,500 36,020 36,000
Selling and marketing expenses 5,750 5,800 5,800 5,750 5,800

The production capacity of the company is 2000 units. The selling price for the year 2006 was Rs. 125 per
unit. Some costs change almost in direct proportion to the change in volume of production, while others
do not follow any obvious pattern of change with respect to the volume of production and hence are
considered fixed. Using the information provided for the year 2006 as the basis for projecting the figures
for the year 2007, answer the following questions.

14. What is the approximate cost per unit in rupees, if the company produces and sells 1400 units in the
year 2007?
(1) 104 (2) 107
(3) 110 (4) 115
(5) 116

15. What is the minimum number of units that the company needs to produce and sell to avoid any loss?
(1) 313 (2) 350
(3) 384 (4) 747
(5) 928

16. If the company reduces the price by 5%, it can produce and sell as many units as it desires. How many
units the company should produce to maximize its profit?
(1) 1400 (2) 1600
(3) 1800 (4) 1900
(5) 2000

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17. Given that the company cannot sell more than 1700 units, and it will have to reduce the price by Rs.5
for all units, if it wants to sell more than 1400 units, what is the maximum profit, in rupees, that the
company can earn?
(1) 25,400 (2) 24,400
(3) 31,400 (4) 32,900
(5) 32,000

1.(3), 2.(1), 3.(3), 4.(3), 5.(5), 6.(2), 7.(4), 8.(1), 9.(4), 10.(2), 11.(3), 12.(2), 13.(4), 14.(2), 15.(3), 16.(5),

A ______ Attempts
C ______ Correct
W______ Wrong
S _______ Score

Time taken: ______
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Lets fix up
your MBA
What is CATking
CATking is committed to provide innovative ways to
crack CAT. We conduct workshops to help students
score good percentiles with our shortcuts and
techniques. The aim of the workshops is to increase
your score by 20 marks.

believes that
everyone learns
best when they
want to learn
CATking faculty
are enthusiastic,
energetic and
passionate. The
toppers of B-
Schools and
great role
CATking inspires
students to learn
innovative skills
and shortcuts to
crack CAT
What do our students

Workshop gave me a
clear cut idea as to where
I stand and how much I
have to put in and what to
chuck out.
- Kiran, JBIMS

Sufficiently filled the gap
left by coaching institutes
- Sumit, IIM-A

Workshop provided me
EXTRAAA edge over
other students
- Rohit, IIM-I,L, K

Strategies, approach,
motivation and shortcuts
they have it all
- Vinod, SIBM, JBIMS

They did not let go /
forget about the goal ie
MBA Seat as a result
speed of teaching and
understanding was good

Made me realize my
Strength and
- Suhas, IIT Bombay,
Delhi, Kgp
Increase your score by 20 marks
Increase your score by 20 marks
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Why join CATking
CATking workshops develop confidence and passions in students by providing
hands on training on shortcuts and strategy to crack CAT.
DI without pen!
believes that
short cuts and
techniques are
key to success in
exams like CAT.
Faculty from top
develop new
techniques to
solve fast and
quick at
CATkings Labs.
I can do it
Students gain
enthusiasm for
cracking CAT.
During last few
weeks of CAT,
students loose
focus. CATking
provide the much
needed passion to
sail thought the
most important
time of
30 / 40 principle
One of the most
important part of
any exam, game
or even war is
CATkings time
tested strategies
and match
winning are tailor
made your
students need
CATking students
confidence. They
are not afraid of
CAT and cant
wait to answer
questions with
shortcuts and
Increase your score by 20 marks
Be the Smartest one!
Join CATking Workshops

Increase your score by 20 marks
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Shortcuts in
Vedic Maths
Solve questions
without formulae
techniques for
Quant problems

DI without pen!
Basic Speed
Techniques for DI
(short cut
techniques for
Calculations do -
Tables, Bar Chart,
Line Chart, Pie
Chart & Reasoning
Based DI.
Formulation : DI

World of Verbal..
Innovative ways to
Speed Reading.
Rambling through
Verbal Ability,
Grammar and
Formulation : VA /
Mock CAT..
Test Taking
Strategies tailor
Made for CAT.
Time Optimisation,
Mock - Engineering
First Section
Selection technique
Some of our Faculty
Rahul, JBIMS grad
has more than 10
years of coaching
experience in India
and UK. He likes
travelling and
Harshit, IIM A
graduate has more
than 5 years of
corporate and
experience. He is
passionate about
Handouts and Material
Goal Setting
Formulae & Tips Sheet
Back to Basics
Pre Class Work
Classroom Handout

Post class Work
Cheat sheets
Homework Exercises
Sectional Test
Sectional Strategies
Mock Strategies & Mockngineering

Some of our flavour

Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks
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3 33 3 2 22 2 1 11 1

We have a brilliant team
for CAT, with more than
10 years of coaching
experience. Team
consists of Alumni of IIM-
A, IIM-B, SP Jain, NITIE &
JBIMS with substantial
work experience in
corporate & CAT training.

We recruit the best..
Material Lead: Harshit
IIMA Strategy Lead:
Mahi IIMB Faculty
Lead: Rahul - Alumni
JBIMS Operations Lead:
Sunil SPJain

We provide excellent
All our mentors are trained
to become experts in the
curriculum and
knowledgeable about
current teaching methods.

Best available material..
We use the best available
tools. They are interactive,
engaging and map to the
requirement of CAT. They
adapt to each student and
challenge them at exactly
the right level.

An inspiring environment..
CATking workshops are
lively, vibrant, energetic
and inclusive. Students fell
they are attending a
learning club with hands
on experience, not a

A culture of learning..
CATking workshops
provides a culture of
Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks
No coaching institute can
get you into IIMs or any
other BSchool unless you
have the passion to do it.
CATking will build your
confidence and Can do
attitude in you.

Groupe group..
CATking encourages small
groups for further practice
and learning near their

We have developed
innovative frameworks to
help students achieve their
Score Analyser



Open ended discussion
and ease of explaining new
- Suman IIM A.B,K,L,I,
SPJain, IIT-Bombay
Explaining shortcuts on
actual CAT questions was
best part
Positive Attitude of faculty
and research done on
- Abhi, IIM-K,I
Fantastic Mentors.. Supported by.. In partnership with..
How do we achieve this?
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Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks
Before After Increase
Abhay K 92 108 16
Rahul J 70 95 25
Bjoy S 82 100 18
Neha K 56 76 20
Tejas L 70 95 25
Richa S 48 70 22
Bhavik S 62 85 23
Ajay Ag 89 105 16
Bhakti S 92 110 18
Anirban M 110 122 12
Pooja J 97 120 23
Puneet N 72 95 23
Abhinav K 68 92 24
Ritesh K 90 112 22
Sunil H - 90 -
Rahul A 56 89 33
Chetan S 60 92 32
Varsha R 74 100 26
Tanvi N 80 110 30
Average Increase: 22.7
Increase in Score
Students Feedback
We take feedback from
students after every
workshops. In the last
workshop students rated
us: 4.3 / 5

100% of our students
recommend this
workshops to all MBA
Aspirants. 100% of our
students felt that this
workshop is different and
will help them increase
their score.
Our Goal
Everyone at CATking
shares a common goal
with our students - to help
them secure admission
into their dream colleges.
We will work everyday to
ensure that our Students
have the best material,
training, strategies and
support they need to
reach the pinnacle of their

A truly positive experience!
6 students with 99.99%ile in 2008 -09
helped me
realize my
weak points

CETking was
in my

- Narayan K

Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks Increase your score by 20 marks
Increase in score

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