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2007 SECTION I, PART A SAaT2/SA.972M SPECIFICATION FOR CARBON AND ALLOY STEEL FORGINGS FOR THIN-WALLED PRESSURE VESSELS C4) SA-372/SA-372M of (laentieat with ASTM Specification A 372/A 372M.95, excep for «new pus. 4.3.1 on the timing of heat eaten ad renumbering ofthe exiting pats, 43.1 rough 434), 1. Scope therefore, cach system must be used independently of the 1.1. This specification covers relatively thin-walled other. Combining values from the two systems may result forgings (including gas bottles) for pressure vessel use, it nonconformance with the specification ‘Three types of carbon steel and six types of alloy steel are included, Provision is mae for integrally forging the ends of vessel bodies made from seamless pipe or tubing 1.3. Unless the order specifies the applicable “M" speci fication designation (SI units), the material shall be fur nished to inch-pound units, NOTE | — When working tothe chomical and tensile requirements of ‘is speciation, the fntvence oF wal thickaes ad cooling rate wil ecu cise eas guests er as erect ee NOTE? Dagny hve tn cmgo flo alia oie Gee eae [AZIS/A 215M Test Method for Magness Patil Pai me wal ration of Stel Fosigs Grade B ‘Type IL A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Test- Grate c ri rs ing of Steel Products e=) "ype a 388M Pra Ultrasonic Exami of Sa Og ME sce A.MRIA IM Prt or Unni anno of Grade B Class 65 Type V Grade 1 Class 65 leavy Steel Forgings Grade B Class 70 ‘Type V Grade | Class 70 A.530/A 530M Specification for General Requirements for cetranal nny censoen ss Specialized Caton and Alloy Stel Pipe erona Dre vows 2c A788 Spoceaton for Steel Porgings, General Rea Grade F Class 70 “Type V Gnide 2 Class 70 att re - Gin. Che 5S Tye ¥ G3 Cs 112 Test Methods for Determining the Average Grin Grade G Class 70 ‘Type V Grade 3 Class 70 Size Gneitems = BaveaeacenS 1165 Pacce for Liquid Penetant Examination Grade H Class 65. Type V Grade 4 Class: - E 290 Test Method for Semi-Guided Bend Test for Ductil- Susie = Raveursacs . es ie) oan Pevousems fof Menle Matis : Gide} Ca 3 ‘hme V rn 5 cas 3 E433 Referenced Photographs for Liguid Penctrnt Grade J Class 70 ‘Type V Grade 5 Class 70, Inspection mr a cue a ees 3. Ordering Information and General Grade M Class B ‘Type IX Class B Requirements 3.L_In addition to the ordering information required by 1.2. The values stated in either inch-pound or SI [metric] Specification A 788, the purchaser shall include with the units are to regarded separately as the standard. Within the inquiry and order a detailed drawing, sketch, or written text and the tables, the SI units are shown in brackets. The description of the forging and the areas of significant load- values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; ing in the forging when required (see mo SAs72I84.372M, 3.2. Material supplied to this specification shall conform to the requirements of Specification A 788, which outlines additional ordering information, manufacturing require- ‘ments, testing and retesting methods and procedures, mark- ing, certification, product analysis variations, and ‘additional supplementary requirements, 3.3 If the requirements of this speci flict with the requirements of Specification A 788, the requirements of this specification shall prevail Materials and Manufacture AL Melting Practice: 41.1 The steel melting procedures of Specification ‘A788 shall apply except that for Grade M forgings, only steel that has becn vacuum treated prior to or during the pouring of the ingot, in order to remove objectionable gases, particularly hydrogen, shall be used, 4.2 Production Methods: 4.2.1 Methods for the production of gas bottles and similar vessels may include the cupping of slabs or plates, the piercing of billets or plates, and the subsequent drawing ‘of cups so produced, Such semi-finished forgings or seam- less sleel pipe or tubing may be closed by spinning, swedg- ing, or pressing. In ull cases there shall be sufficient discard to ensure soundness in the completed forging, 43 Heat Treatment 43.1 Cold drawing or cold working operations shall be completed before any heat treatment that is done for the enhancement of mechanical properties. 4.3.2 At the option of the manufacturer, Grades A, B, C, D and Classes 55, 65, 70 of Grades B, F, G, H, and ‘forgings shall be normalized, normalized and tempered, (or Tiguid-quenched and tempered 433 Grades K, L, M, and Class 110 of Grade 3 forgings shall be liquid-quenched and tempered. 434 When normalized forgings are to be tempered, ‘or when forgings have been quenched, they shall be reheated to a subcritical temperature and held for at feast 16 hfin, 25 mm] of maximum cross section, Minimum tempering temperatures shall be as follows Grades B, FG, H, Jin Classes 85, y00%r [595°C] 6,70 Grae K 1100"F (595°C) Gade 1. 0G0"F (540°C Geule J Clas 110 10G0°F [540°C] Gesde H1QO°F [595°C] 43.8. All quenched and tempered forgings shall be subject to magnetic particle examination in accordance with Section 7, m2 2007 SECTION TH, PART A 5. Chemical Composition 5.1 Heat Analysis —The heat analysis obtained trom sampling in accordance with Specification A 788 shall comply with Table 1 5.2 Product Analysis — The purchaser may use the proxluct analy'sis provision of Specification 788 fo obtain, a product analysis from a forging representing each heat or multiple heat. 5.3. Starting material produced 1 a specification that specifically vequires the addition of any element beyond those listed in Table 1 for the applicable grade of material is not permitted. This does not preclude use of deoxidation or inclusion control additions. Supplementary Require ents $} and $2 of Specification A 788 shall apply 6. Mechanical Properties 6.1 Mechanical tests for acceptance shall be made after the final heat treatment of the forgings. 6.2 Tension Test — When tested in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A 370, the material conform to the requirements of Table 2. The yield strength shall be determined by the 0.2% offset method, 6.3 Bending Properties Depending upon the outside diameter, D, and the wall thickness, 7; of hollow or bored forgings, a bend test or flatiening test will be required, 6.3.1 For bored or hollow forgings with outside diameters of 14 in, [355 mm] or less and with a D/T ratio of more than 10,0, a flattening test is required. This shall be carricd out in accordance with Specification A 580/A 530M and Table 3. No breaks or cracks in the est ring are acceptable until the distance between the plates is Jess than that shown in Table 3. 6.3.2 For bored or hollow forgings with outside diameters 14 in. [355 mm}, or where the D/T ratio is 10.0 ‘or less at the manufacturer’s option, the flattening test specified in 6.3.1, or a transverse bend test in accordance with Arrangement C of ‘Test Method E 290 is required. ‘The bend sest pin diameter shall be as specified in Table 4, No cracks or ruptures in the test piece are allowable when the test piece is bent through the required angle, 2007 SECTION M, PART A 6A Orientation and Location of Test Specimens: 6.4.1. Test specimens representing vessel bodies or shells shall be taken from a prolongation ofa forging, feom test rings thet have been heat treated with the forgings they represent, or ftom a representative forging after heat treatment in accordance with 4.3.3 GALA ‘Test specimens representing vessel bodies or shells shall be located at a position corresponding to the mid-wall location ofthe parallel side wall of the heat treated forging and shall be oriented parallel to the longitu- dinal axis of the vessel. A test ring shall be in the shape of a right circular cylinder having the same diameter and wall thick ness as the cylinders it represents. In addition, the test ring shall be from the same heat of steel and be subjected to the same heat treatment as the cylinders it represents. The method of quenching the test ring must duplicate that of the cylinders; ifthe eylinders are quenched from the outside only, then the test ring must have its ends closed. The Jength of test rings that will be liquid quenched must be at least 24 in. [610 mn}. The ends of such test rings may be vented to prevent pressure buildup during heat treating, 6.4.2. Test specimens representing vessel covers or similar components may be taken from a full section pro- Jongation of the cover, from a representative forging, or from an integral prolongation when the part is contour- machined prior to heat teatment Test specimens taken from full size prolon- gations or representative forgings shall be located at a position midway between the center and the surface. 64.2.2. When forgings are comout-machined prior to heat treatment so that highly stressed surfaces ate exposed, the test specimens may be taken al an equal distane (fromthe nearest quenched surface as the highly stressed area, but not fess than % in. {20 mm]. The location of the specimens from a second surface shall be atleast the greater of 14 in, [40 nm] or 2c 65 Number of Tests 65.1 Up to 200 tike forgings, each with a heat treated weight of less than 1000 Ib [510 kg] when heat treated in a single batch furnace charge, shall have one tension test taken in accordance with 64.1 or 64.2 to represent each heat. In addition, for hollow or bored forg- ings, one bend or fattening test shall be taken in accordance with 6.3, 6.5.2 Like forgings, weighing less than 1000 Ib [450 kg] each when heat treated in a continuous furnace, shall have one tensile est taken to represent each heat and not more than 200 forgings in any continuous period up to 4 h duration. In addition, bored or hollow forgings shall have one bend or flattening test taken per heat per 200 forgings 703 SA72/SA-972M in any continuous period up to 4 h duration in accordance with 63, 6.5.3. For heat-treated forgings weighing 1000 Ib [450 kg] or more, one tension test shall be taken in accor dance with 6.4.1 or 6.4.2 to represent each heat and not more than ten forgings in a hest-treat lot, In addition, hollow or bored forgings shall have one bend or flattening test, taken in accordance with 6.3, 1 represent each ten or fewer forgings for the same heat and heat-treatment lot. 66 Hardness Testing: 6.6.1 Forgings under 1000 tb [450 kgm} in weight, heat treated in a batch lot of up to 200 pieces (6.5.1) or in a continuous furnace run covering up to 200 pieces in up to four hours production (6.5.2) shall be subject to a uniformity check by Brinell hardness testing, or an equiva- lent method. For this purpose, 10% of the furnace produc: tion shall be sampled and shall mect the minimum hardness specified in Table 2 for the type and shall also be within 20 Brinell points of the hardness of the forging from which the tensile test was taken, 66.2. In the event that the (est sample does not meet these criteria, the remainder of that production group shall be hardness tested and all of those forgings that fall ouside these limits shall be retempered or reheat-treated at the ‘manufacturer’ option and retested. 7. Magnetic Particle Examination 7.1 All quenched anc tempered forgings shall be subject fo magnetic particle examination after heat treatment. The yethods used shall be in accordance with Test Method A275) 215M. 7.2 Only direct current or rectified alternating (full or half wave) current shall be used as the electric power source for any of the magnetizing methods. 7.3 The forgings shall be frve from linear indications indicative of cracks. In case of doubt as to the type of condition giving rise to linear magnetic particle indications, they may be inspected for ‘Type Ul indications referenced in Reference Photographs E433 when inspected by the liquid penetrant method in accordance with Practice E 165. Alternatively, some other svitable method for classifying the indications may be used as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser, 8. Workmanshi 8.1 Ifthe thickness of portion of the wall ofa forging is less than that specified, the forgings may be accopted by the purchaser, provided that such irregularity will not SASTIISAI72M, 22007 SECTION requise lowering the allowable working pressure below that for which the forging was designed. 9. Repair Welding 9.1 Repair welding shall be permitted wl agreed upon between the purchaser and the hen mutually ‘manufacturer HPART A, and shall be performed in accordance with all the require- rents of the applicable code or rules of construction. 10. Keywords 10.1 alloy steel forgings; carbon steel forgings; gas bottles; pressure vessels; thin wall TABLE 1 CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS Composition, Elements Grade A Grade B Grade ¢ Grade 0 Carbon 0.30 max 0.35 max 9.48 max 0.40-0.50 Manganese 1.00 max 1.35 max 1.65 max 1.40-1.80 Phosphorus, max 0.025, 0.025 9.025 e025, Sulfur, max 0025, 0.025 0.025 0.025 Silico 015-038 015-035 05-035 015-035 riche chromium Molybdenum 17-027 Grade E Grade F Grade & Grade ‘rade J Classes Classes Classes Classes Classes 55, 55,65, 70 55,65,70 __55,65,70 55,65, 70 65, 70, 110 ‘carbon 0.25-0.35 020-040 0.25-0,55 0.50040 0.35-0.50 Manganese 0.40-0.90 070-100 .70-1.00 75-105 0.75-2.08 Phosohoris, mae 0.025 0.025 0.925 025 0.025 Sulfr, me e028 0.025 025 002s 0.025 Sition 025-035 015-055 G1S-0.38 035-035 0.50.55 Nlcket chromium ogo-115 060-125 040-065 040-065 0.80-1:15 Molybdenum 05-025 945-025 0.10.25 OARS ——_—0.1S-0.05 ‘Grade Wt ‘lasses Grade K Grade L Rand 8 Caron 0.38 max 038-043 0.23 max Mangarese 0.30-9.40 0.60-0.89 0.20-0.40 Phosphoras, max 0.025 max 0.025 020 Suitor, max 0.025 max 0.025 020 Silicon 0.15-0.35 0.15-0.35 030 max Nickel 2033 1.65-2.00 26-39 Chroeniur 2.00-1.60 070-090 1.50-2.00 Malybderum 0.20-0.60 020-030 0.40-0.60 Yvanadiver 0.08 me ‘moa 2007 SECTION 11, PART A. TABLE 2 MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Yield Elongation Strength ini Tensile Strenath, (0.2% Offsed), (GO me, Hardness, Type si APA ksi (MPa, min mi, % HE, min Grade A 60-85 (425-585) ssr240) 20 aa Grade 8 75-100 1515-690! asia 18 156 Grade ¢ 90-125 1620-795) ss L3e0) 35 187 Grade D 205-130 1725-8957, 5 Casal 15 ar Grades EF, 6, Hy 85-120 (545-760), 55 (380) 20 19 (Clas $5) Grades E,F, GH, 105-130 (725-2051 65 (4501 w a7 “(Clase 65) Grades E,F,G,H, 120-248 r@25-10002 rotsesi uw 248 “(Class 70) Grade J (Clas 210) 135-1601930-1100) na (7601, as 27 Grade i 200-125 1690-860) 80 (850) 20 207 Grade 353-180 [1070-12401 13519301 2 on Grade Mi (Class A) 105-130 1725-895) 95 (5851 18 ai Grade M (Class BY 120-245 825-1000) ___100 {6901 6 248 4 when required by 6.6, TABLE3 TABLE DISTANCE BETWEEN PLATES FOR FLATTENING MAXIMUM PIN DIAMETERS AND MINIMUM ANGLE Tests4 FOR BEND TEST Distance Between Plates, Type Pin Diameter Angle, deg Tye ‘i, tn, Gr Grade A 2 180 Grade A 0500 Grade & ze 150 Grade 8 06 D Grade ¢ Bt 80 Grade ¢ 065 0 Grade D 4 150, Grade © 07 D Grades GF, G, HJ (Chase $5) ae aso Grades E, F, 6, HJ (Class 55) 07 D Grades EF, G, HJ (Clave 65) a as0 Grades E, FG, H, J (Class 65) os 0 Grades EF, G, H, J (Class 70) a 350 Grades E, F, 6. K, J (Class 70) 08 0 Grade J (Class 110) et 350 Grade J (Class 110) 09 0 Grace K at 150 Grade 08 o Grade L ee 350 Grade 09 o Grade Mt (Class) a 350 Grae W (Class A) 07D Grade M (Class 8) ae 150 Grade Mi (Class 8) oa 2 EEE eer EEEEEEEEEE 4 p= outside diameter 705 SASMISASTIM 2007 SECTION 1 PART A SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS ‘One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified fhe parchascr on the inquiry, contract, or order. Details of these supplementary require- ments shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser: SI. Grain Size S11 When a grain size range is required, it shall be specified in the ordering information and shall be deter- ‘mined by an agreed-upon method for Test Methods 5 112. 1.2 Samples for gyain size estimation shall be taken from the tension test specimen location 82. Rough Machining $2.1 Rough machining shall be performed in the sequence and manner as specified. Impact ‘Festing S3.1 Charpy V-notch test specimens shall be taken from the same location and in the same orientation as tension test specimens. The number of specimens, mini mum energy values, and test temperature(s) shall be 3 specified. 706 S4, Fracture Toughness S41 Specific fracture toughness requirements are lev- jed by certain sections of the ASME Boiler and Pressure ‘Vessel Code, Forgings in the permitted types shall comply ‘with the applicable Code sections. 4.2. The necessary Code references toughness criteria and test temperature data shall be included in the ordering information, 8. $5.1. Ultrasonic examination of forgings shall be ‘out in accordance with Practice A 388/A 388M. Untrasonie Examination 85.2 Acceptance criteria shall be specified and shall be in accordance with the applicable Code or purchaser's specification and shail be included as part of the ordering information

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