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Protect your excel with Password for security reasons

1. Click File > Save As.

2. Click a location, such as Computer or your My Site web page.
3. Click a folder, such as Documents or one of the folders on your Oneri!e, or click Browse.
". #n the Save As dialog bo$, go to the folder you want to use, then open the Tools list and
click General Options.
%ou can enter either of two passwords here, one to open the file, another to change the file.
See the notes below for &ore.
#M'O()*+) ,rite your passwords down and store the& so&eplace safe. #f you lose the&,
we honestly can-t help you find the&.
.. /nter your password, enter it again to confir&, and click OK.
+O)/ )o re&o!e a password, follow the steps abo!e and delete the password. 0asically,
1ust enter a blank password. %ou can do that for any type of password that you use in /$cel.
Password protect your excel if its 2003 version, then
please follow these steps
Go to the File Menu, and click Save As
From the Tools menu, click Options.
#f you want users to enter a password before they can !iew the workbook, type a password in the 'assword
to open bo$, and then click O2.
#f you want users to enter a password before they can sa!e changes to the workbook, type a password in the
'assword to &odify bo$.
#f you want to use a different encryption type, click *d!anced, click the type you want in the Choose an
encryption type list, and then click O2.
#f needed, specify the nu&ber of characters you want in the Choose a key length bo$.
k OK. Wait to e prompte! an! then ret"pe "our passwor!s to con#irm.
Click Save As...
to e prompte! an! click Yes to replace the e$istin% workook.

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