Approaching Women Confidently

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Approaching Women Condently v1.

0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 1

...and making attractive rst impressions.
by Nick Notas
1ab|e of Contents
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Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 2
6 keasons ou Shou|d Acnve|y Meet Women
8eallzlng l had Lhe opuon of meeung women compleLely changed my
llfe. Pere's how lL can change yours.
nave contro| over your danng ||fe
Cnce you sLarL meeung women acuvely, you are ln Lhe posluon of
power. lL's your cholce Lo plck a greaL woman and you don'L have Lo
feel helpless. lf she lsn'L your Lype and you don'L cllck, you can nd
someone else.
8u||d h|gher qua||ty re|anonsh|ps
WhaL's Lhe llkellhood LhaL Lhe rsL woman who comes lnLo your llfe ls
perfecL for you? Cr even hlghly compauble? 1he dlvorce raLe ls 30
because people rush lnLo relauonshlps LhaL aren'L rlghL.
8y havlng Lhe opuon Lo meeL any woman, you dramaucally lncrease
your chances of creaung someLhlng meanlngful and fullllng. 1rusL me,
lL's beuer Lo be slngle Lhan ln an unhealLhy relauonshlp.
Conhdence |n the bedroom |s conhdence |n the boardroom
As your condence wlLh women lncreases, so does your condence ln
soclal and professlonal semngs. 1he same skllls you use Lo auracL a
woman wlll beneL you ln presenLauons, neLworklng opporLunlues, and
meeungs. SLrong body language, vocal LonallLy, and eye conLacL are
vlLal Lo your career.
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 3
Lxpand your soc|a| c|rc|e
Lven lf you don'L hlL lL o wlLh a glrl, you can make a new frlend. And
guess whaL? Women have female frlends Lhey'll lnLroduce you Lo. Also,
havlng a wlngwoman by your slde ls one of besL ways Lo meeL otbet
women. 8y golng ouL and belng more soclal, you'll nd good company.
ou w||| grow as a man
Approachlng an auracuve woman Lakes courage. ?ou have Lo overcome
your fears and puL yourself on Lhe llne. ?ou geL beuer aL llsLenlng, belng
comforLable ln your own skln, and noL Laklng re[ecuon personally. MosL
of all, you learn how Lo express yourself honesLly and creaLe deep
connecuons wlLh people.
Meeung women ls essenual Lo Lransform from a nlce guy" Lo a real
8ecause |t's rea||y fun
Lxperlenclng a magneuc connecuon wlLh a woman ls an unbellevable
feellng. Pavlng a glrl laugh aL your [okes, open up Lo you, and become
auracLed Lo you ls a feellng LhaL no man should ever mlss ouL on.
And leL me Lell you, Lhere are few Lhlngs as lncredlble as belng ln bed
wlLh a gorgeous woman. 1o geL Lhere, lL all sLarLs wlLh hello.
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 4
1he 4 Iundamenta|s of a Good Approach
!" A Genu|ne Sm||e. noLhlng makes a sLronger rsL lmpresslon -- lL
exudes posluve energy, ls non-LhreaLenlng, and shows you've goL
A glrl wanLs Lo be wlLh a guy she can have fun wlLh. She won'L be
able Lo relax and en[oy herself lf you seem nervous, Lense, or [usL
plaln blank-faced. And lf yoo don'L smlle, you can'L expecL her Lo
#" Strong Lye Contact. ConsLanLly looklng down or anxlously darung
your eyes makes a woman uneasy. 8e boldly honesL and
communlcaLe your lnLeresL Lhrough locklng eyes -- she'll nd you
more LrusLworLhy and lnLrlgulng.
xetclses to lmptove eye cootoct.
Walk down a busy sLreeL. lor every person comlng Lowards you, hold
eye conLacL and smlle. ?ou'll nouce how many people perk up and
wlll reLurn a warm smlle or greeL you.
Aer LhaL, sLarL greeung Lhem wlLh a slmple "Pl" whlle smlllng.
Agaln, you'll nouce how many people reLurn Lhe gesLure and how lL
encourages your mood and mouvaLes you. 1hls wlll help overcome
approach anxleLy as well.
racuce eye conLacL regularly LhroughouL Lhe day wlLh cashlers,
barlsLas, Lellers, and everyone ln beLween.
$" A C|ear and owerfu| Vo|ce. Slow down and speak clearly. ?ou can'L
bulld a connecuon wlLh a glrl lf she's sLruggllng Lo undersLand whaL
you're saylng. Speak wlLh purpose - lL draws her ln and hldes any
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 5
nervousness you're feellng.
Learn Lo pro[ecL from your dlaphragm (chesL volce) and noL from
your LhroaL (head volce). ?ou wlll have a more resonanL and
auracuve Lone LhaL carrles. When you're uslng Lhe rlghL muscles,
your real volce wlll begln Lo come Lhrough.
See Lhls charL on dlaphragmauc breaLhlng and Lhls arucle on vocal
pro[ecuon for reference. ?ou1ube has Lons of greaL vldeos on Lhese
sub[ecLs as well.
xetclse to foJ yoot cbest volce.
Pum aL a comforLable plLch. Move Lhe plLch sllghLly lower, pay
auenuon Lo how your chesL feels. Pum unul you can feel Lhe
vlbrauon ln your chesL. Conunue hummlng and Lry Lo lncrease Lhe
vlbrauon. nexL, move Lhe plLch sllghLly hlgher, pay auenuon Lo how
your nose and mouLh feel.
Cpen your mouLh. Pum unul you feel Lhe vlbrauon ln your Longue
and llps, behlnd and above your mouLh. Conunue hummlng and Lry
Lo lncrease Lhe vlbrauon agaln. llnally, reLurn Lo your chesL once
more. 8epeaL Lhe whole exerclse, always endlng wlLh your chesL ln
order Lo develop a full, lusclous sound.
xetclse to Jevelop yoot cbest volce.
Slmng sLralghL or lylng down, puL one hand on your sLomach. 8reaLh
ln, auempung Lo move your hand ouL as far as posslble. ?our
sLomach should rlse whlle your chesL sLays relauvely sull.
nouce how lL feels, Lhls ls how you wanL Lo breaLhe when you speak
ln order Lo use your enure lung capaclLy and geL Lhe fullesL,
sLrongesL, and rlchesL sound.
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 6
Lxhale qulckly buL make no sound as you do. Sound ls an lndlcauon
of Lenslon. 8reaLh ln agaln. now, when you exhale, say Lhe rsL leuer
of Lhe alphabeL. Conunue unul you reach Z.
As you progress Lhrough Lhe alphabeL, preLend LhaL wlLh each leuer
you are speaklng Lo a LargeL farLher and farLher away. 8y Lhe ume
you reach Lhe end, you should be very loud and sLrong.
%" Se|f-Assured 8ody Language.

Stand ta||. uon'L slouch or hunch over. ?ears of playlng Cuake and
ulablo dldn'L make Lhls a slmple Lask for me, buL by conslsLenLly
remlndlng myself lL became second naLure.

keep your head up. Look sLralghL ahead aL Lhe horlzon and avold
looklng down whlle you walk.

1ake up more space. lace your feeL shoulder wldLh aparL whlle
sLandlng and slmng. 1hls demonsLraLes you are relaxed and

ke|ax your shou|ders. 1hey should noL be su or Lense. Ll your

shoulders up and leL Lhem drop. 1hey should fall back and resL

Don't cross your arms or |egs |n front of you. Closed body

language looks defenslve and llke you're proLecung yourself.
1hlnk abouL lL: when someone geLs mad or upseL, whaL do Lhey
lnsLanLly do? Also, we Lend Lo mlrror body language and lf you
don'L look relaxed, Lhe oLher person can'L relax elLher.
1he only excepuon ls Lhe gure 4 posluon as you are sull Laklng up
space ln a comforLable fashlon.

Avo|d |ean|ng |n to ta|k to women |n |oud venues. Cemng Loo

close Loo soon from Lhe fronL ls aggresslve and dlsLracung. Speak
louder (from your dlaphragm) or move Lo her slde (helps you
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 7
Louch easler as well!). lf you're ln a ughL space, raLher Lhan
sLandlng awkwardly, see lf Lhere ls someLhlng you can lean

no|d your dr|nk to your s|de. When you're aL a parLy or bar,

noLhlng shows you're nervous llke clenchlng a drlnk agalnsL your
chesL. Always keep your glass down and Lo your slde whlle noL

Never put both hands |n your front pockets. Cne hand ls okay
buL boLh looks nervous. lf you absoluLely need somewhere Lo puL
your hands, your back pockeLs wlLh your Lhumbs ouL dlsplays
open and lnvlung body language.

Move s|ower and w|th purpose. Sudden movemenLs scare people

and seem llke you're anxlous. A man who walks and Lalks ln a
collecLed manner radlaLes condence.

1a|k w|th your hands. use your hands Lo emphaslze polnLs and
add passlon Lo whaL you're saylng. Always keeplng your hands
su by your slde makes you seem uncomforLable. !usL don'L puL
Lhem ln someone's face - chesL level and below ls perfecL.

L||m|nate nervous ncks and bad hab|ts. 1hls goes for fooL
Lapplng, face Louchlng, nallblung, noseplcklng, or dgeung ln
general. 1hey dlsLracL Lhe oLher person and you appear uneasy
and aglLaLed.

Don't approach from beh|nd. Always from Lhe fronL or Lhe slde. lL
doesn'L allow her Lo see you comlng, sLarLles her, and sLarLs Lhe
lnLeracuon awkwardly.

Cbserve others. 1hls ls Lhe besL plece of advlce l can glve you.
WaLch Lhe guy surrounded by women aL Lhe bar and see how he
presenLs hlmself. Slmllarly, pay auenuon Lo handsome Pollywood
acLors (llke !on Pamm on Mad Men) ln lnLervlews and on screen.
1ake noLe of Lhelr faclal expresslons, hand gesLures, and overall
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 8
xetclses to lmptove boJy looqooqe.
Core and 8ack 1ra|n|ng
When l sLarLed worklng on my body language, no mauer how
hard l Lrled, my body foughL agalnsL lL. Cnce l began exerclslng my
core and back, everyLhlng came LogeLher. ull-ups,
squaLs, deadlls, and crunches developed my muscles so Lhey
held me up ln correcL form.
1he Wa|| 1echn|que
SLand wlLh your back agalnsL a wall. Look sLralghL ahead, relax
your upper body, and place your feeL shoulder-wldLh aparL. AL
Lhls polnL, your heels, shoulders, and head should be Louchlng Lhe
wall. lf any of Lhem aren'L, ad[usL your sLance unul all Lhree make
conLacL whlle sull feellng comforLable.
Go|den kope
8elax your whole body whlle sLandlng. 1ake one hand and Louch
Lhe crown of your head. now lmaglne you are pulllng yourself up
from a rope on LhaL very spoL. ?ou should feel your body rlse lnLo
an uprlghL sLance wlLh your splne allgned under your head. ?our
shoulders should fall back naLurally whlle keeplng your chesL up.
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 9
Meenng and Starnng Conversanon
1he perfecL ume and besL way Lo approach ls when you [usL man-up
and go for lL. 1here are an unllmlLed number of places Lo meeL women:


Coee shops

8ook sLores

CloLhlng sLores



ubllc parks

ubllc LransporLauon (buses, Lralns, Laxls)

8ars and clubs

Soclal evenLs and hobbles (concerLs, dances, classes, parues)

Cnllne (daung slLes, groups, soclal medla)

AL school (college ls an amazlng place Lo meeL people)

now before you run up Lo Lhe chlck aL Lhe booksLore, you should
undersLand Lhe concepL of r|sk vs. reward and lLs lmpacL on meeung
1be ptloclple tbot poteouol tetoto tlses wltb oo locteose lo tlsk. low
levels of oocettoloty (low tlsk) ote ossocloteJ wltb low poteouol tetotos,
wbeteos blqb levels of oocettoloty (blqb tlsk) ote ossocloteJ wltb blqb
poteouol tetotos. AccotJloq to tbe tlsk-tetoto ttoJeo[, lovesteJ mooey
coo teoJet blqbet ptofts ooly lf lt ls sobject to tbe posslblllty of beloq
lost. (lnvesLopedla)
ln relauon Lo daung: generally, belng upfronL wlLh your lnLenuons (hlgh
rlsk) wlll lncrease your poLenual progress wlLh a woman buL also
lncrease your chance of re[ecuon. lf you suck wlLh small Lalk (low rlsk),
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 10
she'll mosL llkely be recepuve and frlendly Lowards you, buL lL'll Lake
more eorL Lo hold her romanuc lnLeresL.
Someumes you've goL Lo go all-ln Lo see lf she feels Lhe same way
abouL you, lf you're noL gemng re[ecLed, you're noL Laklng enough
1he three ma|n ways to start a conversanon
Ind|rect - Asklng a frlendly quesuon or oplnlon (low rlsk, low reward)
uo yoo koow wbete tbe oeotest uooklo uooots ls?
wbot ote yoo tokloq plctotes of?
nowJ yoo llke tbe booJ?
l oeeJ some oJvlce oo qemoq my 5-yeot olJ oepbew o blttbJoy
pteseot. Aoy soqqesuoos?
ney coo l osk yoo sometbloq, wbot Jo yoo tblok of tbese sboes? (ln a
sLore, whlle shopplng)
S|tuanona| - Commenung on someLhlng ln Lhe momenL (medlum rlsk,
medlum reward)
oot Joq ls owesome! coo l pet blm?
5 bocks soys be woot moke tbe ttolo Joots befote tbey close.
1bot book ls locteJlble by tbe woy, yoo bove qooJ toste.
1bls Jtook qoy bebloJ me keeps bomploq loto me.sove me!
l oouceJ yoo eouoq olooe, mloJ lf l jolo yoo?
D|rect - SLaung your lnLenuons upfronL (hlgh rlsk, hlgh reward)
l koow tbls ls qoloq to seem completely tooJom, bot l tbooqbt yoo
wete cote ooJ wooteJ to lottoJoce myself. lm Nlck.
l bove to tell yoo, yoo qoys look llke yoote bovloq tbe most foo bete!
1bose ote some sweet Jooce moves yoo qot tbete .)
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 11
oo bove socb o boJoss cteouve style, l love lt.
ney, yoo lookeJ lotetesuoq ooJ l wooteJ to come soy bl. or [usL a
slmple nl (my favorlLe)
All Lhree ways Lo sLarL conversauon have Lhelr own advanLages and
dlsadvanLages. Some may work beuer dependlng on your personallLy
or Lhe personallLy of Lhe glrl you're Lalklng Lo. 1ry uslng all Lhree many
umes - you'll sLarL Lo see whaL's your forLe.
8emember, Lhese are guldellnes and noL a scrlpL. ?ou can use Lhe
examples as a fallback buL you should always Lry Lo approach wlLh your
own genulne words.
xetclses to ovetcome opptoocb/soclol ooxlety.

LlsLen Lo some muslc you love on Lhe way ouL or whlle drlvlng. lL'll
puL you ln a pumped up and exclLed mood.

Ask someone whaL ume lL ls, where a sLore ls locaLed, or for

dlrecuons. lL's slmple, safe, and Lhen you can go on your way.

lay a game wlLh a frlend where you choose a unlque word for
each oLher. Lach person has Lo use LhaL word wlLhln Lhe rsL 30
seconds or mlnuLe of speaklng wlLh a glrl.

Clve your frlend $30. lor each glrl you Lalk Lo, he glves back $10.

lollow Lhe yes or no rule. lf you see a glrl and you Lhlnk she's
auracuve, Lell yourself yes" and approach her rlghL away. SLarL
movlng your legs and don'L glve yourself a second Lo geL ln your
head, worry abouL lL, or make excuses.

lf dlrecL approachlng ls Loo scary, sLarL wlLh a llghLer dlrecL

approach. lnsLead of Pey l saw you over here and LhoughL you
were cuLe, l had Lo lnLroduce myself. l'm nlck" make lL casual.
1ry "Pey l [usL had Lo Lell you l LhoughL you looked cuLe." She says
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 12
Lhanks and you say "Pave a good day!" and leave. 1hls way you
don'L have Lo be afrald of noL knowlng whaL Lo say / gemng a
re[ecuon unul you feel more ready.

MosL lmporLanLly, Lalk Lo evetyooe - lL's Lhe besL Lhlng l ever dld.
Someone holdlng Lhe door for you, people ln Lhe elevaLor, Loll
booLh operaLors, a person slmng nexL Lo you on Lhe bus, a glrl ln
Lhe booksLore, a glrl aL Lhe bar, anyone. ?ou wanL Lo become
comforLable ln any soclal slLuauon and LhaL's Lhe one Lrue way Lo
do lL.
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 13
Dress|ng We|| and Look|ng our 8est
1he 8as|c ku|es of Iash|on

I|t |s k|ng. 1he mosL lmporLanL rule ln looklng sLyllsh. MosL guy
dress ln cloLhes LhaL are way Loo loose. 1hls comprehenslve L
gulde ls amazlng. uon'L heslLaLe Lo ask sales assoclaLes for advlce
on Lhe y.

Learn your measurements. Any Lallor, deparLmenL sLore, or

men's sLore wlll do lL for free. Cen, when you buy someLhlng
from a sLore you wlll need Lo geL lL Lallored. A few dollars can
make you look llke a mllllon bucks.

Understand co|or usage. ulscover Lhe rlghL Lones for your skln/
halr and whaL colors work LogeLher. LlmlL your ouulL Lo no more
Lhan Lhree prlmary colors aL once.

Match correct|y. alr your belL wlLh your shoes and accessorles.
Make sure Lhey're Lhe same color and preferably Lhe same
LexLure - shlny shoes wlLh a shlny belL. WlLh dress panLs, maLch
your socks Lo your panLs. WlLh [eans, maLch your socks Lo your

Do not m|x and match meta|s ln accessorles, choose elLher all

sllver or all gold. lease don'L overdo Lhe bllng, one or Lwo pleces
ls usually sumclenL.

Avo|d excess|ve "peacock|ng" (dresslng exLravaganLly). Slmple ls

always besL. unless LhaL's teolly your Lhlng, choose one sLaLemenL
plece. 1haL can be a blg belL buckle, a vlbranL ue, a fedora, or
exLra ashy shoes.

Get a watch. WaLches are sexy, buL Lhey have Lo be Lhe rlghL klnd.
MeLal, leaLher, or nylon bands wlLh clock faces are besL, lose Lhe
rubber dlglLal waLch unless lL's durlng aLhleuc acuvlues.
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 14
xomples. 1lmex, Selko (budgeL sLyllsh)

Lmbrace the ne. ?ou don'L need Lo wear a blazer wlLh lL, [usL an
lroned buuon-down shlrL. no novelLy ues (carLoon characLers,
eLc). 1he up of your ue should reach your belL buckle - no more,
no less. lf you're a sllmmer guy, sklnny ues are a greaL opuon.
kequ|red Items Ior our Wardrobe

Dark wash [eans - 1he mosL unlversally auerlng panLs a man can
wear. LxcellenL for any occaslon. Sllm and sLralghL cuLs are
recommended. Avold Lhe over-dlsLressed" look
and whlskerlng on Lhe Lhlghs.
xomples. Levl's, Cap

I|ued 1-sh|rt - !eans and a L-shlrL looks greaL as long as lL's ued.
keep Lo black, whlLe, navy blue, and grey Lo begln wlLh.
xomples. ! Crew, Zara

I|ued buuon-down sh|rt - 1hls ls your prlme nlghmme shlrL. !usL

llke wlLh 1-shlrLs, suck wlLh neuLrals rsL ln solld colors or subLle
pauerns. ?ou can also roll up Lhe sleeves Lo lengLh Lo lnsLanLly
look more sLyllsh and casual. Also, learn Lhe correcL collar Lype for
xomples. Lxpress, Zara

Casua| b|azer - lL can brlng LogeLher an oLherwlse borlng ouulL.

leel free Lo grab LhaL 1-shlrL on Lhe oor and palr lL wlLh a knlL/
couon blazer Lo dress lL up. ?ou should be looklng for a [ackeL
LhaL's shorLer Lhan Lhe one you wear wlLh a sulL.
xomples. Zara, Macy's
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 15

Dress shoes - 8lack or brown preferred. 8lack ls consldered

sexler" and wlll glve you more opuons when golng ouL. Avold
square-Loed shoes and cheap leaLher. 1hls ls one area where
paylng a llule more ls worLh lL.
xomples. Allen Ldmonds, Cole Paan

C|ass|c be|t - 8lack or brown, dependlng on whaL color shoes you

xomples. Cole Paan, !ohnsLon & Murphy

Sty|ed ha|rcut - Look on ? and nd a well-revlewed

professlonal salon LhaL does men's halr. Spend some exLra money
Lo geL a greaL halrcuL and Lake plcLures from every angle of Lhe
nlshed producL. 1hen ln Lhe fuLure, you can go Lo your normal
place and brlng Lhose phoLos as a reference.
lf you wanL addluonal ldeas, check ouL MlA's 8aslc Wardrobe
Culde and 1he SLyle 8logger's 23 Lssenual lLems.
Iash|on kesources
8eddlL's Male lashlon Advlce CommunlLy - 1he mosL comprehenslve
fashlon communlLy l know. SLarL wlLh Lhe sldebar (menu on Lhe rlghL)
for how cloLhes should L, sLyle guldes for each plece of cloLhlng, and
buyer's advlce for good brands.
klnowear's SLyle Culdes - LxcellenL blog wlLh some serlously well-
wrluen arucles. l nd myself reLurnlng here oen.
Lveryguyed - Cool slLe l recenLly found wlLh Lhorough how-Lo's, ldeas
for new pleces, and even some groomlng ups.
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 16
Irequent|y Asked uesnons
What |f she re[ects me?
?ou're golng Lo geL Lurned down someumes - lL's lnevlLable. Lven Lhe
besL guys sLrlke ouL way more oen Lhan Lhey succeed.
8uL don'L Lhlnk of lL as a re[ecuon", you [usL weren'L meanL Lo be. oo
don'L wanL Lo be wlLh every slngle glrl, rlghL? Well you aren'L golng Lo
cllck wlLh everyone elLher.
8esL assured, re[ecuon doesn'L suck. lL's way worse ln your head Lhan lL
ever acLually ls. ?ou walk away and ln a couple mlnuLes lL's no blg deal.
lus, Lhere's always anoLher greaL woman walung Lo be approached by
a greaL man :)
What are the d|erences between meenng g|r|s at n|ght vs dur|ng the
N|ght (8ars, arnes, C|ubs):

Women are generally dressed Lo Lhe nlnes and expecL Lo be


usually wlLh a group of frlends. MosL of Lhe ume you should Lalk
Lo Lhe group for a couple of mlnuLes before [usL her.

Longer lnLeracuons (can lasL for hours or unul Lhe nexL mornlng).

Plgher energy and racler lnLeracuons.

A solld number Lakes longer Lo geL and has a beuer chance of

falllng Lhrough. Women can someumes label you as anoLher bar
guy" or meanlngless fun.

More physlcal and lrLauous. 1ouchlng early and oen ls advlsed.

Sexual escalauon can happen qulckly. LlmlLed Lo your lmaglnauon.
Can lead Lo same nlghL sex.
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 17

Women may be dressed casual/buslness and don'L expecL Lo be


Cen alone whlch allows for a qulcker personal connecuon.

ShorLer lnLeracuons (usually 3-10 mlnuLes) unless you lnvlLe Lhem

on a sponLaneous daLe (known as an lnsLa-daLe").

Conversauons generally more organlc and casual.

Can geL a number ln shorL ume LhaL's llkely Lo respond. She's

sober and lL carrles welghL. LoLs of opporLunlLy Lo seLup daLes.

Less physlcal. MosLly llmlLed Lo handshakes, hlgh ves, maybe a

hug (excepuon lf lnsLa-daLe).

A wlder varleLy of women.

AL a bar, women are more proLecuve and Lake longer Lo open up. 1hey
wlll also poLenually re[ecL you ln harsh ways such as back Lurnlng or
belng aL ouL rude. 1hls ls alded by alcohol, her looklng her besL, and
Lhe supporL of her frlends.
uurlng Lhe day, mosL glrls never geL approached by guys whlle dolng
Lhelr errands. So when you lnLroduce yourself, Lhey're oen [usL as
nervous as you are. ?ou auLomaucally seem condenL for havlng Lhe
guLs Lo say hl Lo her.
And a key dlerence ls LhaL lf she's noL lnLeresLed, 99 of Lhe ume
you'll geL a slmple "1hanks, l have Lo geL golng now." or "Sorry, l've goL
a boyfrlend." 1he chances of her lpplng ouL on you are sllm Lo none
unless you're acung llke a dlck.
8oLh semngs are excellenL for meeung women -- lL's really [usL your
personal preference of aLmosphere.
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 18
now do I get r|d of my approach anx|ety?
Lxper|ence. 1he fear never compleLely goes away, you [usL learn Lo
sLop lemng lL hold you back. 1here's no maglcal momenL you're golng
Lo feel ready", you [usL need Lo grab your balls and go Lalk Lo her.
Cne of my blg eplphanles came whlle readlng Lhls Mark 1waln quoLe:
1weoty yeots ftom oow yoo wlll be mote JlsoppoloteJ by tbe tbloqs
tbot yoo JlJo't Jo tboo by tbe ooes yoo JlJ Jo. 5o tbtow o[ tbe
bowlloes. 5oll owoy ftom tbe sofe botbot. cotcb tbe ttoJe wloJs lo yoot
solls. xplote. uteom. ulscovet.
l reallzed LhaL l'm Lhe only person who has Lo deal wlLh Lhe
consequences. lf l don'L approach, l lose ouL. lf l don'L Lalk Lo her, l'm
Lhe guy who wlll regreL lL. l'm Lhe man who's golng Lo be alone lnsLead
of embraclng a beauuful woman.
Allow your fears Lo conquer you and you'll never achleve Lhe llfe you
wanL. A llule re[ecuon ls worLh a llfeume of happlness.
Don't g|r|s [ust want to be |eh a|one?
?es, some glrls wanL Lo be le alone. 8uL Lhe ma[orlLy of slngle women
wlll [ump aL Lhe opporLunlLy for an awesome guy Lo Lalk Lo Lhem.
Serlously, lL's Lhe sLu Pollywood romances are made of. So many glrls
llghL up when a guy sLrlkes up a conversauon wlLh Lhem.
lor Lhe women who don'L wanL Lo be approached, Lhey'll casually leL
you know. As long as you aren'L belng rude, you have noLhlng Lo worry
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 19
What |f I don't have anyth|ng to say?
Llke l've always sald, lL's noL wbot you say lL's bow you say lL. ln facL,
anyLhlng and everyLhlng can work -- l've done lL and l've seen lL done by
many. As long as lL's genulne and you have a greaL amLude (body
language lncluded), LhaL's whaL mauers.
lf you nd yourself sLuck, go dlrecL (reference examples above). 1hey
work well and you wlll always have someLhlng Lo say.
Agaln, Lhe only soluuon ls experlence. ?ou need Lo learn how Lo express
your mosL auracuve self ln varlous slLuauons and LhaL only happens
wlLh ume and eorL. lf you say you don'L know how Lo begln, lL means
you haven'L approached enough.
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 20
Contact Me
l really hope you guys en[oyed readlng
Lhls e8ook as much as l dld wrlung lL.
lf you ever have any quesuons or [usL
wanL Lo Lalk, please e-mall me. Lvery
message ls exLremely lmporLanL Lo me
and l'll respond wlLhln 48 hours.
lf you're lnLeresLed ln daung coachlng,
please ll ouL my free strategy
sess|on form (Lakes less Lhan 2
l promlse Lhere's no pressure Lo move forward unless you wanL Lo. All
sesslons are 100 condenual.
N|ck Notas
1be uouoq 5peclollst
1wluer / lacebook (Llke" me for dally ups!)
(781) 473-0330
CopyrlghL 2012 1he uaung SpeclallsL.
1hls gulde ls LoLally free and you may glve lL away Lo your frlends,
nelghbors, and everyone else ln beLween. ln facL, l encourage lL :)
Approaching Women Condently v1.0 - By Nick Notas - The Dating Specialist 21

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