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WB0EvER becomes police commissionei foi

Noithumbiia in Novembei, they will be able

to call upon the wise assistance of a "police
anu ciime panel" consisting of local council
anu othei woithies, which will ieplace the
existing police authoiity. Sunueilanu's
Laboui-contioleu city council is nominating
foui of its membeis to sit on the panel. All
place a stiong emphasis on family values:
council leauei Paul "Stabbei" Watson; his
sistei, Clli Celia uofton (mothei of Tv's
Lauien Laveine); his wife, Clli Susan Watson;
anu Clli Amy Wilson, who useu to woik as a
baimaiu at a social club foimeily iun by Clli
Watson. The same social club, in fact wheie
an intiuuei was stabbeu to ueath uuiing a
confiontation with Watson in 199S (hence
his affectionate sobiiquet).
Watson anu two othei men weie chaigeu
with muiuei, but theii tiial was halteu aftei
key piosecution witnesses mysteiiously
changeu theii stoiies (Eye 11S7). No bettei
man to keep tabs on the Knackei's new boss!

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