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NFPA SLSI part 4

Scope This code applies to the storage,

handling, transportation and use
of LPG- Gas
Applies to filling plants where
cylinders are filled, stored and
maintained. It also covers the
filling of cylinders at consumers
premises for its own
consumption. This part of the
code does not cover the
The filling of aerosols
and cartridges
The transportation of
cylinders outside the
filling plant and the
stowage of cylinders on
road vehicles
The filling of LPG for
"efinition for filling plant #$A specially An esta!lishment for the filling
and maintenance of LPG
cylinders include !ul% storage
vessels, !uildings and service
"efinition for "ispensing station &i'ed e(uipment in which LP
Gas is stored and dispensed in to
porta!le containers. "ispensing
stations include)
*ylinder refilling
facilities which are open
to the pu!lic
*ylinder re fueling
facilities at recreational
vehicle par%s
&acilities at hardware. etc

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