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Created by: Mary Hoover

School/Location: Montgomery Blair High School

1. Grade: 11

2. Library Context:
Fixed X Flexible Combination Individualized Instruction

3. Lesson Context: (check one)

Stand-alone lesson X Lesson in a unit

Multiple lessons in a unit Indicate lesson order

4. Collaboration Continuum: (check one)

None Cooperation Coordination X Collaboration

5. Content/Unit: Careers

6. Estimated Lesson time: 30/45 Minutes

7. Learner Characteristics & Implication to Lesson:

The class was made up of 25 ESOL students. The students ranged from level 3-5 in their English
proficiency. The teacher had informed me that this class had high English proficiency and were
good with computers. It was a diverse population and students are motivated to learn.

8. Instructional Objectives:

Unit Objective: Students will be able to communicate researched information about a career of their choice
using Power Point or Prezi.

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to accurately cite two sources for their project.

9. Standards for the 21
-Century Learner:

S1 1-1 _x_1_x_2__3__4__5__6__7_x_8__
S1 1-2 __1_x_2__3__4__5__6__7__
S1 1-3 _x_1__2__3__4_x_5__
S1 1-4 _x_1__2__3_x_4__
S2 1-1 __1_x_2__3__4__5_x_6__

S2 1-2 __1__2__3_x_4__
S2 1-3 _x_1__2__3__
S2 1-4 __1__2__3__4__
S3 1-1 __1__2_x_3__4__5__6__
S3 1-2 __1__2__3__
S3 1-3 __1__2__3_x_4__5__6__7__
S3 1-4 __1__2__3__
S4 1-1 __1__2__3_x_4__5__6__7_x_8__
S4 1-2 __1__2__3__
S4 1-3 __1__2_x_3__4__
S4 1-4 _x_1__2__3__4__5__6__

10. Connection to local or state standards:

Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions,
concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of
the topic.

Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products
in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.

Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated
question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources
on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

11. Library lesson:
(Indicate step by step activity done in the library/classroom/computer lab that the LMS will be

*Classroom teacher will be in the room during the lesson helping to scaffold, support, and monitor

1. Students will be guided to the conference room for our citation lesson.
2. Students will take the graphic organizer for the lesson and write their name on it.
3. Teacher will ensure that students sit near the front of the room.
4. LMS will start to talk about the word citation and who has heard it before.
5. Using the example of Beyonc, LMS will share why citing sources is so important. We need
to give credit to those who have put in the work.
6. LMS will talk about the importance of career research and finding a career that will have
longevity. (examples of friends)
7. Then we will go to the promethean board. LMS will guide students to the Lib Guide that was
created for their project.
8. Students will help guide which pieces for the citation can be found where on the website.
9. LMS will flip between the website and word document to show students where to write the
corresponding information.
10. Students will complete their practice source card.
11. LMS will ask if there are any questions.
12. LMS will accompany class to the lab to help students research.
13. LMS will walk around with teacher to ensure all students are finding information and citing
their sources correctly.

12. Justification for choice of Instructional Strategies and Research Models (if used)

Graphic Organizer (Vocabulary)- With a variety of learning levels it is important to scaffold thinking for
students. Graphic organizers do this for the learner. It helps guide the thinking and ensures students are
focused on the main ideas of the assignment.

Promethean Board/Projector- Using technology not only increases engagement but it helps create a real
world connection that is useful for all students.

LibGuide- Lib Guides allow for students to have an aide during the research process and really help
students to ensure they are on the right track with their research. Students can also access this from

13. Resources for Students (check all that apply):
Online subscription database(s) xWeb sites X Books
Reference Nonprint Periodicals/newspapers
Other (list):

14. List of resources/materials used in this lesson
Projector/Promethean-Used to display the websites
graphic organizer- For Citation
Power Point/ Prezi will be used to create final project.

15. Justification for Selection of Materials and Resources:

Due to our limited time for the lesson and limited time in summer school it was imperative that we
selected resources that students would be familiar with and would be easy to use. The graphic organizer is a
tool students have worked with in the past and help the varied abilities structure their thinking. Additionally,
using technology will help students with other real world skills they can enhance before they graduate high

16. Assessment (indicate how assessment will be conducted to evaluate the achievement of
objectives - include instrument, rubrics etc.):

Lesson Assessment- Citation will be formatively assessed by the LMS and teacher using the graphic
organizer. We will look at students work to determine if students need further instruction before class comes
back to the library.

Unit Assessment- Power Points/ Prezis will be graded using a teacher created rubric for students final


How to find the information to cite your Source correctly

Source #: Your teacher may ask you to use several sources. Each source gets its own Source Card.
Author: Always enter Last Name, then First Name of author. Some sources may not have an author.
Title of Page or Site: Write the full name of the websiteor web page. You are going to use 2 websites. Each
website is a source, so you will make 2 source cards.
Date of publication: This may not be listed on the page. If it is listed, it is usually on the bottom of the page.
If all you see is a year, just write the year of publication. Sometimes, this date is written as lase update.
Date accessed: This is the date YOU found the material. Web pages change often, so you must always list
the date you used it!
URL: This is the web link. Formal research does not require you to list this, but some teachers want this
information. Only list the URL if it is short. Example of a short URL:
Other Information: Use this area to write the name of the web page if at the top of the card, you listed the
web site.

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