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Process Design

Process (Prss), noun. A systematic series of actions directed to

some end; a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking
place in a deinite manner.
Your process is your business. It is the key feature of any successful
company. Your process deines who you are, what you do and how
you do it.
Matrix Technologies, Inc. clearly understands the importance of your
process to your business and the requirement to follow a rigorous
process in the projects we execute for you.
Process design is a complex procedure requiring expertise and the
proper design tools to accurately depict the operation. Process de-
sign, whether designing a new or modernizing an existing process,
requires knowledge of the equipment, the chemical components,
thermodynamic methods, applicable regulatory requirements, and
standard design practices in order to produce accurate mass and
energy balances for the process. Matrix understands all of these re-
quirements and can be a solid resource to augment your design meth-
ods. Once the concept is complete, we can also bring your system to
completion through the use of our complete Engineer, Procure and
Construct (EPC) services.
Process Modications:
Plant Optimization
Process Optimization
Energy Managment
Phone: (419) 897-7200
Fax: (419) 897-7214 Ohio | Colorado | Illinois | Indiana | Kansas
Conceptual Services:
Front End Engineering Design (FEED)
Planning and Feasibility Studies
Process Flow Development
Capital Cost Estimates
Equipment Plot Plans
Plant Layouts
Operating Cost Estimates
Detailed Design:
Mass and Energy Balances
Process Simulation
Process Control Diagrams
Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams
Utility Flow Diagrams
Utility System Design
Equipment Sizing and Speciication
Process Automation and Control
The process followed to develop a project is also very important. Ma-
trix Technologies, Inc. established project procedures the irst day
we were in business and we have been implementing and improving
them ever since.
Your process is the heart of your business. Make sure that you put
only the best resources to work on it. Let Matrix show you A Better
Process for Success
Let Matrix Technologies provide a money saving solution for

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