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The following are some basic EViews commands and operations. More details can be found in the PDF users
guides and manuals available from the EViews help menu, and from Griffiths, W.E., Hill, R.C. and Lim, G.C
(2008) Using EViews for Principles of Econometrics, New J ersey: J ohn Wiley and Sons. Students who are
unfamiliar with menu-driven statistical software packages are advised to start by selecting EViews Illustrated
An EViews Primer from the EViews help menu.

Managing Workfiles

File New Workfile to create an empty workfile:
File Import Read Text-Lotus-Excel File to import text, ASCII or EXCEL data into an empty workfile
File Open Foreign Data as Workfile to import EXCEL data when the first row contains variable names
File Open EViews Workfile to open an existing workfile
File Save to save a pre-existing workfile
File Save As to save a newly-created workfile

Working With Data

Quick Series Statistics to obtain histograms and descriptive statistics for a single variable
Quick Group Statistics to obtain descriptive statistics for a group of variables
Quick Generate Series to create a new variable (series)
Quick Graph to obtain line or bar graphs, scatter plots and pie charts
Quick Estimate Equation to run regressions


+ add
- subtract
* multiply
/ divide
^ raise to the power
> greater than
< less than
= equal to
<> not equal to
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to

Basic Mathematical Functions

@abs(x), abs(x) absolute value, |x|
@exp(x), exp(x) exponential, e

@fact(x) factorial, x!
@inv(x) reciprocal, 1/x
@log(x), log(x) natural logarithm, log
@log10(x) base-10 logarithm, log
@roundx) round to the nearest integer
@sqrt(x), sqrtx) square root

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