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Questions And Answers –

1] What are the risk mitigation factors in e-Commerce Application?

2] What is Phase Containment.[ Requires details and w.r.t Defect
Prevention. I know the basic analogy]
1)Define and explain ant three aspects of code review

Ans : In my opinion Review for code is nothing different than review of

any other artifact. So following aspects are important
1) Participant should come with preparation and Review meeting must
not long more that two hours

2) Review the product not the producer

3) Concentrate on finding the defects not on solution.

2)prepare a check list for the developers on unit

testing before the application comes to testing

1 General
1. All Programs are Compiled successfully

2. All Programs are commented properly.

3. All Programs do not have spelling mistakes and grammar

errors in comments.

4. All program names in Build are same as in Release Notes.

5. Online Help exists for each program unit.(for each page if


6. User Manual does contain all program names and associated


1.1 GUI Interface

• Background and Foreground color combination suits the eyes

• Program works in all screen resolution modes

• Program does not contain orphan/broken web links

• Application does not raise any critical error message ( It

should be returned to developer if continuously severe
errors encountered)
3)List what you think are the primary goals of testing

Ans : In my opinion first primary goal of testing is to find defects.

Dynamic Testing is the last opportunity to fix the problems before they
become exponentially expensive as they enter in production after that.

Other primary goal – User Satisfaction and Cost Reduction.

4)Write any attributes which will impact the testing


• Maintainability

• Reliability

• Correctness

• Flexibility

5)What are the product standards for test plan ,Test

script and Test Report

Test Plan

1. Preface

2. Executive Summary

3. Introduction of the Project

4. Organization of Document

5. Test Organization

6. Test Techniques
7. Test Tools

8. Acceptance Criteria

9. Glossary

Test Script

• Date of Test Conducted

• Type of Test Conducted

• Serial Number

• Statement to Execute

• Expected Result

• Actual Result

• Remark

(Make this in table format)

Test Report

• Name of the Project

• Name of the Module/Subsytem

• Type of the Testing

• In the Heading Present the total number of Defects

• Graphical Analysis of Test Result visa Histogram or so….

6)what is the activity done in acceptance Testing

which is not done in System Testing to ensure the
customer requirements
• Customers are involved in Acceptance Testing which is normally
not done in System Testing. Usually in Ideal cases Acceptance
Testing is Customer’s responsibility , though most of the time it
is done with the support of developers.

7)What 3-tools would you purchase for your company for
use in testing and justify why you would want them

o I will buy these tools

 Microsoft Word ( To make Test Plan , Test Script,

Test Case)

 Microsoft Excel ( For Defect Metrics )

 Microsoft PowerPoint ( For Presentations)

8)Write a Sample Test Policy that will be used in
hiring qualified testers

1. Definition of Testing – Claims Management System is HIPAA


2. Testing System – Static and Dynamic Testing will be done using

the tools of MS Office, Empirics etc

3. Evaluation- Overall Failure Cost

4. Standards – Application has to follow all company standards.

9)What qualities a Tester should have

o Good Communication Skills (Includes Good Listener)

o Test to Break Attitude

o Critical Eye

o Programming Fundamental knowledge

o Good Aptitude

o Convincing Skills

o Diplomatic
o Friendly

o Good Error Guessing

o Tools Knowledge

o Latest Industry Trend Knowledge

o Certified as Testers

o Conflict Resolution Technique

10)If your company is going to conduct a review Meeting
what position would U select the review committee and

o I will like to take the position of moderator. That will

give me full control on the review before the Review,
During the Review and after the review.

11)Explain Points in favour of Testing by development
team themselves and Testing by independent Team

o If Testing is done by developers themselves

 they can find out logical programming errors more

quickly and easily and it is cost effective

 Since the problems are not being pointed out by

outside people morale will be high.

 There will not be concerns which Testers face usually

as us versus them mentality, Testers lose-lose
situations etc.

o Testing if Done by Independent Test Team

• Hiring those who are experienced in finding defects

will help in long run as customer will find less

• Sometimes in programming SET appears in developers

mind and they repeat the same mistake again while
reviewing and debugging the code also there are few
things which are hard to know by themselves on their
own. So independent testing will help.

• Independent testing team will not have any bias. So

they will not do any partiality and will report to
different management chain so more reliable.


Here's an attempt by me to answer these CSTE

> questions. There's definitely
> room for improvement, so, please suggest.
> Difference between Static Testing and Dynamic
> Testing
> Static testing could be termed as the Verification
> process where in the
> work products or the plans or any documents made by
> or for testers are
> tested (more so, verified).
> Dynamic testing could be termed as the Validation
> process, where the actual
> testing of the application happens. All the testing
> phases (unit,
> integration, system???) come under Dynamic testing.
> Difference between Test efficiency and Test
> Effectivenss
> Test efficiency is the ratio between the No. of bugs
> found other than the
> tester (probably the client) to the total number of
> bugs. This ratio will
> reveal how efficient testing has been performed
> Test effectiveness ???????.???I am confused....
> Explain any 3 section of Unit Test Plan
> a) Planning for the software that would be required
> for performing the
> testing ?
> This is one of the most important aspects of test
> planning. Here we decide
> upon the tools that would be necessary to perform
> the testing at various
> phases.
> b) Criteria for accepting applications for testing ?
> Before accepting an application for testing, certain
> criteria needs to be
> fulfilled by the development team to accept it for
> testing. They could be:
> Clean and descriptive codes (following the coding
> standards of the
> organization), unit test should have been performed
> on the code, reviews
> and walkthroughs should have happened on the code
> etc.
> c) Identifying the appropriate personnel and
> allocating the same.
> Contents of Acceptance test plan
> Acceptance test plan consists of a checklist that
> would need to be
> satisfied by the testing team in order for the
> software to be accepted by
> the client (could be external as well as internal
> customers).
> 1. Detailed and thoroughly reviewed Test Cases
> 2. Bugs lists
> 3. Test plan
> 4. Test approach
> 5. Phases of testing carried out etc etc....
> Concept of overtesting and When a application is
> said to be overtested ?
> Overtesting is a situation where the test deadline
> has crossed its limit,
> the application is being tested even after the
> specified conditions have
> met (something like, 'we will stop testing once the
> tests pass a certain
> number of test cases' etc), the people allocated are
> more than sufficient
> for a functionality to test (consider, a 3 person
> given 5 functionality
> each. Suppose 1 them who is a member amongst them
> finishes testing before
> time (he could have done this due to poor planning),
> he would still be made
> to test the application again and again until the
> person is allocated for
> the functionality).
> Prepare a Checklist for Test case.
> 1. Are all the functionalities covered
> 2. Have the test cases been reviewed
> 3. How good are the test cases at finding errors
> 4. Do each test case satisfy the criteria of an
> ideal test case (i.e.,
> probability to catch the max number of bugs)
> Design a Defect tracking screen - Fields in defect
> database.
> Someone please????..
> Explain Concerns of testers
> The primary concern of a tester should be to deliver
> a quality product to
> the customer. This Quality should come in the
> expected duration and cost.
> Testers should also look into the codes to ensure
> that all coding standards
> are followed (if possible, also suggest code changes
> for performance
> issues)
> Explain : Boundary value, equivalence partitioning,
> special value testing
> a) Boundary values are the extreme values
> provided to test how the AUT
> performs under extreme scenarios. In its simplest of
> forms, if a field has
> the range of 0 to 100, checking for conditions less
> than 0, zero itself or
> just more than 0, similarly for 100.
> b) Equivalence partitioning are the further
> divisions of test cases
> based on their similarities with other test cases.
> Suppose 2 functionality
> has 10 test cases each, then they could further be
> reduced to 5 test cases
> c) Special value testing ? Someone please?????
> Testing of Clientserver or webbase application
> over standalone application
> a) The performance issues is one of the most
> important factors in
> web-based apps, in standalone, it's the
> functionality that matters most
> b) Need to consider scenarios of 1000s and lakhs
> of users for web-based
> apps. Not necessary for standalone apps.
> d) The speed at which one has the network
> connection is a factor for
> web-based apps (it needs to be upto the mark),
> standalone apps are not
> constrained by this.
> e) Client server or web-based applications
> usually follow the
> object-oriented approach of software development.
> I.e., they probably
> follow the RAD model. Standalone applications
> usually are developed using
> the waterfall model
> f) Data protection / encryption is of prim
> importance for web-based
> apps, not so in standalone.
> Explain any 5 Test Metrics
> (i) Test case effectiveness ? Bugs out of TC
> (BOTC) / Total # TC
> (ii) Test case efficiency ? Total # bugs / Total #
> TC
> (iii) Coding efficiency ? Total # bugs / LOC
> (iv) Debugging efficiency (bugs in each cycle) ?
> Bug in I cycle / Total #
> bugs
> (v) Bugs in each phase ? Bugs in I phase / Total #
> bugs


1) Difference : Static Testing and Dynamic Testing

2) Difference : Test efficiency and Test Effectivenss.
3) Explain any 3 section of Unit Test Plan.
4) Contents of Acceptance test plan
5) Concept of overtesting and When a application is
said to overtested ?
6) Prepare a Checklist for Test case.
7) Desing a Defect tracking screen - Fields in defect
8) Explaing Concerns of testers.
9) Explain : Boundary value, equivalence partitioning,
special value testing
10) Testing of Clientserver or webbase application
over standalone application.
11) Explain any 5 Test Metrics


Multiple Choice:

1. Which of the following is not one of the 6 Structural Test Approaches?

2. Which of the following is not one of the 8 Functional Test Approaches?
3. Which of the following is not a perspective of quality?
a. transcendent
b. product-based
c. translucent
d. user-based
e. value-based
f. manufacturing based
4. True or False. Effectiveness is doing things right and efficiency is doing the right things.
5. Which of the following is not one of Deming's 14 points for management?
a. Adopt a new philosophy
b. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force
c. Mobility of management
d. Create constancy of purpose
6. True or False. The largest cost of quality is from production failure.
7. Defects are least costly to correct at what stage of the development cycle?
a. Requirements
b. Analysis & Design
c. Construction
d. Implementation
8. A review is what category of cost of quality?
a. Preventive
b. Appraisal
c. Failure
9. True or False. A defect is related to the term fault.
10. What type of change do you need before you can obtain a behavior change?
a. Lifestyle
b. Vocabulary
c. Internal
d. Management
11. Software testing accounts for what percent of software development costs?
a. 10-20
b. 40-50
c. 70-80
d. 5-10
12. The purpose of software testing is to:
a. Demonstrate that the application works properly
b. Detect the existence of defects
c. Validate the logical design
13. True or False. One of the key concepts of a task force is that the leader be an expert in leading
groups as opposed to an expert in a topical area.
14. Match the following terms with their definitions:
a. Black box testing
b. White box testing
c. Conversion testing
d. Integration testing

1. What fields would you include in creating a new defect-tracking program
(used by QA, developers, etc)? (25 points)
a. Draw a pictorial diagram of a report you would create for developers to
determine project status.
b. Draw a pictorial diagram of a report you would create for users and
management to show project status.
2. What 3 tools would you purchase for your company for use in testing and
justify why you would want them? (this question is in both parts, only rephrased. I
think 10 points each time)
3. Describe the difference between validation and verification. (5 points)
4. Put the following testing types in order and give a brief description of each.
System testing, acceptance testing, unit testing, integration testing, benefits
realization testing. (10 points)
5. Describe automated capture/playback tools and list the benefits of using them.
(10 points)
6. The QAI is starting a project to put the CSTE certification online. They will
use an automated process for recording candidate information, scheduling
candidates for exams, keeping track of results and sending out certificates. Write a
brief test plan for this new project. (30 points)
7. List what you think are the two primary goals of testing. (5 or 10 points)
8. If you company is going to conduct a review meeting, what position would u
select in the review committee and why?
9. What are the three factors will effect the Testing to stop? When you should stop
testing? (10)
10. Write any three attributes which will impact the Testing Process?
11. This is a Problem solving question, Write a Test Transaction for the below, If a
company is going to deduct 6.2% of sales reduction on first $62,000 earning.
12. What activity is done in Acceptance Testing, which is not done in System
testing to ensure the Customer requirements? (10)
13. Prepare a checklist for the developers on Unit Testing before the application
comes to Testing Department?
14. What is acceptance testplan and what is should include (15 points)
15. Draft testplan for an e-business software. what are the major points you will
consider while testing e-business s/w (15)
16. How will you manage testing of a software if you are not getting enough
resources to test it and development manager wants to release the software as
soon as possible. What testing strategy you will implement? (15)
17. What are the product standards for testplan, test script and test report? (10)
18. Describe equivalence class, equivalence partitioning and boundary value
analysis (15)
19. What do u test in a system which accepts inputs from multiple nodes that you
will not test in a system which has only one system? (10)


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