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When Quality Counts...

Why Settle For Less?

Proudly made in
the UK & USA


When Quality Counts...
Why Settle For Less?
Proudly made in
the UK & USA
When Quality Counts...
Why Settle For Less?
Proudly made in
the UK & USA
When Quality Counts...
Why Settle For Less?
Proudly made in
the UK & USA


Company Pro|e
Introduction Adams E|ectron|cs |s frm|y pos|t|oned as market |eader w|th|n the fe|d of spec|a||zed
meta| detect|on dev|ces. The company |s h|gh|y respons|ve to the ever-chang|ng needs of |ts customers
by cont|nuous|y formu|at|ng |nnovat|ve new |deas and products for the constant|y cha||eng|ng
requ|rements of today`s secur|ty profess|ona|.
Our philosophy is simple - Superior perf ormance, Highest Quality and
Reliability of our products, together with an unsurpassed Customer Service
with no compromises, all at a competitive price.
Our History Adams E|ectron|cs was or|g|na||y founded |n 1965 w|th the |ntroduct|on of the frst tru|y
se|f-conta|ned portab|e hand he|d meta| detector (Mode| B100}.
Today, Adams E|ectron|cs |s now ded|cated to des|gn|ng, manufactur|ng and se|||ng some of the
h|ghest qua||ty and most re||ab|e range of portab|e meta| detector products money can buy, w|th
uncomprom|s|ng standards for performance, re||ab|||ty. From our genera| purpose mode|s: AD10-2 &
AD11-v, for use |n a|rports, court rooms and genera| guard|ng app||cat|ons, to our super h|gh sens|t|v|ty
mode|s ER-3000, AMR-11, for more spec|a||zed app||cat|ons, such as m|||tary app||cat|ons or |ocat|ng
extreme|y sma|| meta| fragments or objects concea|ed deep w|th|n sk|n t|ssue or body cav|t|es, w|th p|n
po|nt accuracy.
W|th manufactur|ng fac|||t|es |n both the n|ted K|ngdom and the n|ted States, Adams E|ectron|cs
products are |n use extens|ve|y wor|d w|de by customers w|th some of the most demand|ng and
d|verse app||cat|ons, as we|| as be|ng a contracted supp||er to .K, .S. and other overseas
government departments and |nternat|ona| organ|sat|ons
Hea|th & Safety Great care has been taken to ensure that Adams E|ectron|cs products have
been tested to be safe for use on most persons w|th heart pacemakers and defbr|||ator dev|ces.
However, |t |s a|ways best to check w|th your E|ectron|c lmp|anted Dev|ce manufacturer frst to ensure
that the dev|ce |s safe for e|ectron|c secur|ty screen|ng. Any |nd|v|dua| not want|ng to be screened by
a hand he|d or wa|kthrough meta| detector shou|d ask the secur|ty checkpo|nt staff to use a manua| or
alternative search method.
A|| of our current products conform to a|| |nternat|ona| standards:
TesIed and approved Io EEC EN5008-1 Tab/e 1. EN50082-1 Tab/e 1.1.1 Rad/aIed Em/ss/ons.
Conforms Io /nIernaI/ona/ sIandards. CE mark /EC, NlLEC, FCC, FAA.
Med/ca//y IesIed and approved No r/sk Io persons w/Ih pacemakers or pregnanI women.
No /nIerference Io magneI/c recorded maIer/a/.
Opt|ona| Accessor|es
For opt|ona| accessor|es ava||ab|e for our current range of products p|ease check out our web s|te at :
Robert Adams
Company Pro|e
Introduction Adams E|ectron|cs |s frm|y pos|t|oned as market |eader w|th|n the fe|d of spec|a||zed
meta| detect|on dev|ces. The company |s h|gh|y respons|ve to the ever-chang|ng needs of |ts customers
by cont|nuous|y formu|at|ng |nnovat|ve new |deas and products for the constant|y cha||eng|ng
requ|rements of today`s secur|ty profess|ona|.
Our philosophy is simple - Superior perf ormance, Highest Quality and
Reliability of our products, together with an unsurpassed Customer Service
with no compromises, all at a competitive price.
Our History Adams E|ectron|cs was or|g|na||y founded |n 1965 w|th the |ntroduct|on of the frst tru|y
se|f-conta|ned portab|e hand he|d meta| detector (Mode| B100}.
Today, Adams E|ectron|cs |s now ded|cated to des|gn|ng, manufactur|ng and se|||ng some of the
h|ghest qua||ty and most re||ab|e range of portab|e meta| detector products money can buy, w|th
uncomprom|s|ng standards for performance, re||ab|||ty. From our genera| purpose mode|s: AD10-2 &
AD11-v, for use |n a|rports, court rooms and genera| guard|ng app||cat|ons, to our super h|gh sens|t|v|ty
mode|s ER-3000, AMR-11, for more spec|a||zed app||cat|ons, such as m|||tary app||cat|ons or |ocat|ng
extreme|y sma|| meta| fragments or objects concea|ed deep w|th|n sk|n t|ssue or body cav|t|es, w|th p|n
po|nt accuracy.
W|th manufactur|ng fac|||t|es |n both the n|ted K|ngdom and the n|ted States, Adams E|ectron|cs
products are |n use extens|ve|y wor|d w|de by customers w|th some of the most demand|ng and
d|verse app||cat|ons, as we|| as be|ng a contracted supp||er to .K, .S. and other overseas
government departments and |nternat|ona| organ|sat|ons
Hea|th & Safety Great care has been taken to ensure that Adams E|ectron|cs products have
been tested to be safe for use on most persons w|th heart pacemakers and defbr|||ator dev|ces.
However, |t |s a|ways best to check w|th your E|ectron|c lmp|anted Dev|ce manufacturer frst to ensure
that the dev|ce |s safe for e|ectron|c secur|ty screen|ng. Any |nd|v|dua| not want|ng to be screened by
a hand he|d or wa|kthrough meta| detector shou|d ask the secur|ty checkpo|nt staff to use a manua| or
alternative search method.
A|| of our current products conform to a|| |nternat|ona| standards:
TesIed and approved Io EEC EN5008-1 Tab/e 1. EN50082-1 Tab/e 1.1.1 Rad/aIed Em/ss/ons.
Conforms Io /nIernaI/ona/ sIandards. CE mark /EC, NlLEC, FCC, FAA.
Med/ca//y IesIed and approved No r/sk Io persons w/Ih pacemakers or pregnanI women.
No /nIerference Io magneI/c recorded maIer/a/.
Opt|ona| Accessor|es
For opt|ona| accessor|es ava||ab|e for our current range of products p|ease check out our web s|te at :
Robert Adams
Mode| MIT & HF-1
Pat-Down !"#$%&!'

"From Ihe /nvenIors of Ihe wor/ds very

rsI meIa/ deIecIor you wear on your hand"
Hand Worn Pat-Down Meta| Detectors

Adams |ntroduced the mode|s 'MlT" and HF-1
as the wor|d`s very frst meta| detectors that the
operator wears on the hand or the wr|st, over ten
years ago.
The MlT & HF-1 have been spec|fca||y des|gned
for Pat down and hand search procedures where
the operator wants to be |n c|ose contact w|th
the subject be|ng searched. The HF-1 g|ves the
operator the added protect|on of a 'Kev|ar" g|ove.
Both mode|s can be worn on e|ther |eft or r|ght
hand or even both hands at the same t|me, g|v|ng
the operator the ab|||ty to search w|th two meta|
detectors s|mu|taneous|y, a||ow|ng for rap|d search
procedures and greater effc|ency.
When a meta| object has been detected the 'MlT"
& HF-1 g|ve an a|arm |nd|cat|on by means of a s||ent
v|brat|on aga|nst the wearers wr|st, a||ow|ng the
operator a covert, tact|ca| advantage. The 'MlT"
a|so g|ves the operator`s fngers comp|ete dexter|ty
to fee| for concea|ed objects that are non-meta|||c.
Both mode|s are fu||y automat|c and requ|re no
adjustments for use. They are powered by one
standard 9 vo|t battery (per un|t} or opt|ona|
N|Oad rechargeab|e battery. There are no v|s|b|e
w|res, sw|tches or buttons. Everyth|ng |s housed
|n a mach|ne washab|e (MlT on|y}, soft stretch|ng
neoprene mater|a|. The operator just s||ps the
'MlT" or HF-1 on to the hand, sw|tches |t to the
'On" mode and starts search|ng... Its that simple!
The mode| HF-1 |s bu||t |n to a Kev|ar g|ove that
g|ves the wearer the added protect|on aga|nst
hypoderm|c need|es punctures and |njury from kn|fe
b|ades and other sharp objects.
ADAMS "MIT" & HF-1 mode|s deIecI a//
meIa/s & a//oys
["MlT" /s so/d as a s/ng/e un/I. HF-1 /s so/d as
a pa/r of g/oves - e/Iher LefI or R/ghI hand
acI/ve [P/A} or boIh hands acI/ve [D/A}

AD16 - AD17 - AD15/18
AD16 - App||cat|ons
Our mode| AD16 has been very effect|ve
where a greater sens|t|v|ty and a h|gher
defn|t|on search capab|||ty are requ|red. lt
|s very user-fr|end|y and |s |dea||y su|tab|e
for the detect|on of sma|| and med|um s|ze
targets as we|| as for rap|d, genera| personne|
screen|ng app||cat|ons
AD17 - App||cat|ons
The mode| AD17 |s st||| as good today
as |t was over 20 years ago. lt |ss a h|gh
performance fu||y automat|c, 2-pos|t|on
sensitivity hand held metal detector that is
easy to use and su|tab|e for app||cat|ons
where a h|gher degree of performance |s
requ|red. W|th two |eve|s of sens|t|v|ty contro|,
the AD17 |s ldea| for the detect|on of med|um
to sma|| s|ze meta| objects dur|ng secur|ty
screen|ng app||cat|ons.
AD15/18 - App||cat|ons
Th|s h|gh|y respected and w|de|y used mode|
|s st||| |n use today after more than 20 years
of serv|ce.
The AD15 |s part|cu|ar|y effect|ve for |ocat|ng
t|ny meta| objects that may have been
concea|ed on, or |ngested w|th|n body w|th
p|npo|nt accuracy.
The AD15 has the ab|||ty to fu||y adjust
the sens|t|v|ty of the detector to a||ow for
'max|mum fnd capab|||ty". At the f|ck of a
sw|tch, the AD15 can a|so e||m|nate |arge
amounts of stat|c meta| |n foor|ng (|.e. re-bar
or stee| beams}, wa||s and ce|||ng, wh||e st|||
be|ng ab|e to detect, a hand cuff key or a
sma|| p|ece of razor b|ade |n the shoe or sock
area, w|th prec|s|on and accuracy mak|ng
the AD15 a very popu|ar detector for Pr|son
AD Ser|es

Fu||y Adjustab|e H|gh Sens|t|v|ty
(AD18} 2 pos|t|on sens|t|v|ty (AD17}
AD16 - Fu||y Automat|c
Aud|o/v|sua| A|ert
Re-bar E||m|nat|on contro| AD17/AD18
Rugged & ||ght We|ght construct|on
Powered by a s|ng|e standard 9 vo|t battery
|tra h|gh sens|t|v|ty to very sma|| and
|arge targets
Aud|o/v|sua| and s||ent v|brat|ng a|arm
|tra ||ght we|ght construct|on (1kg or 35-oz}
|nc|ud|ng battery
S|mp|e to use. Press the 'on" button
and start search|ng
AX777 Contro|
Mode| AX777
Ground Search Meta| Detector
Spec|fca||y des|gned for gr|d searches
and scenes of cr|me
U|tra - Ground Search

H|gh sens|t|v|ty
Fu||y (NO tun|ng}
Rugged Po|ycarbonate/ Ny|on construct|on
Easy operat|on
Aud|o/v|sua| A|ert
Mode| AD2300
Our mode| AD2300 |s our '|tra Ser|es"
fu||y automat|c (factory pre-set} super h|gh
sensitivity metal detector.
Th|s easy to use detector features h|gh speed,
h|gh defn|t|on techno|ogy, requ|r|ng ||tt|e or no
tra|n|ng to use, that |s su|tab|e for app||cat|ons
that requ|re a h|gh sens|t|v|ty h|gh performance
detector search w|thout the need for phys|ca|
contact w|th the subject be|ng screened.
Th|s makes AD2300 a preferred meta| detector
of cho|ce and has been contacted for use |n
some of the wor|ds bus|est major a|rports and
|oss prevent|on operat|ons today.
AD10-2 - AD11-2 - AD11-V
AD - "Wand" Ser|es

After more than 20 years of serv|ce our
'AD" ser|es hand he|d meta| detectors need
no |ntroduct|on. They have been operat|ng
around the c|ock under some of the bus|est
and harshest work|ng cond|t|ons and have
earned the reputat|on as one of the most
easy to use and most reliable metal detectors
|n the wor|d.
Our new generat|on of AD-Wand Ser|es
detectors offer the secur|ty profess|ona| our
|atest deve|opments |n techno|ogy as we||
as super|at|ve performance, together w|th
m|||tary standard ruggedness and re||ab|||ty at
a very affordab|e pr|ce
Audio/visual alert
Audio/visual & visual alert
Audio/visual vibrationl alert
Po||ce & |aw enforcement
Public events
N|ght c|ub secur|ty
Court rooms
Aud|o/v|sua| and sw|tchab|e 'Sound On|y" A|ert
Fu||y Adjustab|e Super H|gh Sens|t|v|ty Performance
Mode| AD2600S
Adams mode| AD2600S |s a d|rect
deve|opment |n response to the vary|ng needs
of pr|son and correct|ona| offcers demands
for a h|gher sens|t|v|ty, user-fr|end|y meta|
detector, spec|fca||y des|gned for correct|ona|
Th|s dev|ce has become known and trusted as
a meta| detector that rea||y gets the job done!
The AD2600S has proved |tse|f t|me and
t|me aga|n where an extreme|y h|gh |eve| of
performance |s expected.
U|tra Ser|es

Fu||y Adjustab|e |tra H|gh Sens|t|v|ty
Rugged construct|on
|tra |ong battery ||fe
Aud|o/v|sua| a|ert(
A|so ava||ab|e w|th vlBRATlON a|ert feature}
Mode| ER3000
ls one of the most successfu| super h|gh
sens|t|v|ty meta| detectors we have produced
to date. lt has been spec|fca||y des|gned for the
detect|on and |ocat|on of very sma|| or even t|ny
fragments of meta|.
Th|s further deve|opment n h|gh sens|t|v|ty meta|
detector techno|ogy has estab||shed a new |eve|
of performance, g|v|ng the user the ab|||ty to
detect |arge or even the t|n|est meta| objects that
are st||| undetectab|e w|th a standard a|rport sty|e
hand wand.
ER3000 has the ab|||ty to detect meta| fragments
that are concea|ed or even bur|ed deep w|th|n the
sk|n t|ssue, as we|| as c|oth|ng and appare|.
AD Ser|es Genera| Spec|cat|ons:
AD10-2 AND AD11-2: |ength: 362mm. W|dth: 55mm. He|ght: 30mm We|ght: 262grms.(|nc|ud|ng
battery} Sens|t|v|ty: Automat|c - factory preset sens|t|v|ty.
AD16: |ength: 360mm. W|dth: 105mm (probe} Body: 55mm. He|ght: 35mm. We|ght: 280grms.
(|nc|ud|ng battery} Sens|t|v|ty: Factory pre-set - Automat|c
AD17 (AD14|: |ength: 360mm. W|dth: 105mm. (probe} Body: 55mm. He|ght: 35mm. We|ght:
280grms (|nc|ud|ng battery} Sens|t|v|ty: H|gh factory pre-set Turbo sens|t|v|ty - HlGH/STANDARD
AD15 (AD18|: |ength: 360mm. W|dth: 105mm. (probe} Body: 55mm He|ght: 35mm We|ght:
280grms. |nc|ud|ng battery Sens|t|v|ty: H|gh Sens|t|v|ty - Fu||y Adjustab|e -Turbo Oontro|. HlGH/REBAR
Techn|ca| Spec|cat|ons:
Operat|ona| Frequency: 20Khz
Aud|o Frequency: 3.4 Khz
Operat|ng temperature: -20O to +65O
Storage temperature: -30O to +80O
Protect|on of un|t aga|nst env|ronmenta| cond|t|ons and waterproofng to lP64 (|EO 529}
Hum|d|ty: 98%
Battery cond|t|on mon|tor|ng. A pro|onged a|arm s|gna|s need to rep|ace battery. When battery |s
exhausted a cont|nuous aud|o/v|sua| |ED s|gna| |s produced.
A|arm |nd|cat|on by means of p|ezo aud|o a|arm and H|gh |ntens|ty |ED
. Sound: Sw|tchab|e Aud|o/v|sua| & v|sua| on|y (AD11-2} & or v|brat|on /
Aud|o v|sua| A|ert (AD11-v}. Battery |nserted 'cartr|dge" sty|e - no w|res or connectors.
Battery: 9vo|t b|ock battery can be e|ther rep|aceab|e 9vo|t 550mA hours
or 280 hours norma| use Opt|ona| rechargeab|e N|Oad 180mA hours
Instant response to a|| meta|s.
S|ze of target |nd|cat|on: At constant sweep speed: short d|g|ta| pu|se = sma|| target. |ong pu|se =
|arge target
Comp//es Io a// /nIernaI/ona/ sIandards.
2 year warranIy on a// mode/s spec/caI/on subjecI Io change w/IhouI noI/ce.
U|tra Ser|es Spec|cat|ons:
AD2600S / AD2300 / ER3000 / AMR-11
D|mens|ons: |ength: 360mm. W|dth: 105mm (probe}. Body 55mm. He|ght: 35mm
We|ght: 295grms |nc|ud|ng battery
Sens|t|v|ty: Super H|gh-adjustab|e sens|t|v|ty (except mode| AD2300 - fu||y automat|c - Factory pre-set}
(Mode| AMR-11|: Programmab|e sens|t|v|ty adjustment of E|EvEN (11} |nd|v|dua| sett|ngs
Operat|ng Frequency: 20 kHz
Aud|o Frequency: - 3.4Khz
Operat|ng Temperature: -20c to +65c
Hum|d|ty: 98%
Ingress Protect|on: lP64 (lEO 529} (Waterproofng & env|ronmenta| protect|on}
Power Consumpt|on: A|arm Mode Ourrent (meta| detected}: 6.5mA
Operat|ng T|me: 360 hours cont|nuous at +25O (a|ka||ne battery} Or 100 hours cont|nuous at +25O
(rechargeab|e battery s|ng|e charge} Battery: 9 vo|t b|ock battery MN1604, 6|R61 or equ|va|ent a|ka||ne
d|sposab|e or rechargeab|e. Fu|| Battery Management System - Prec|s|on mon|tor|ng. |ow vo|tage
|s s|gna|ed |n two stages: Ye||ow |ED ||ghts warn|ng the user that the battery w||| need rep|ac|ng or
recharg|ng |n the near future. When the battery |s exhausted a cont|nuous aud|o and Red + Ye||ow
v|sua| a|arm s|gna| |s produced. A|arm |nd|cat|on by means of aud|o a|arm and H|gh |ntens|ty |.E.D.
(AD2600S Aud|o/v|sua| & v|sua| on|y} Speed of detect|on: |tra fast; Detect - a|arm - reset` ready
for another target - 0.1 second. S|ze of target |nd|cat|on: At constant sweep speed: short d|g|ta|
pu|se = sma|| target. |ong pu|se = |arge target. Battery |nserted "cartr|dge" sty|e - no w|res or
connectors for greater re||ab|||ty. Instant response to a|| meta|s - Ferrous and Non-Ferrous
3 year warranIy on a// mode/s spec/caI/on subjecI Io change w/IhouI noI/ce
NEW Products - AMR-11 & AD360

Detects A|| Meta|s
S||ent v|brat|on A|ert
Extreme|y rugged a|| weather construct|on (lP66}
Sma|| & ||ght We|ght
Fu||y Automat|c (no adjustments necessary}
|ong Battery ||fe
ldea| For Tact|ca| App||cat|ons
Mode| AD360
The Adams mode| AD360 |s an extreme|y
rugged, sma|| and ||ghtwe|ght hand he|d meta|
detector that |s comfortab|e and s|mp||c|ty to
use. lt has a detect|on area that |s the ent|re
|ength, c|rcumference and t|p of the detect|on
probe, offer|ng the user a very effc|ent and fast
way of carry|ng out a search procedure |n any
weather or cha||eng|ng env|ronment, yet sma||
and ||ght enough to wear on the be|t. Des|gned
for tact|ca| |aw enforcement, correct|ona| and
genera| guard|ng app||cat|ons
E|even programmab|e sens|t|v|ty sett|ngs
that g|ve the operator the ab|||ty to se|ect
a prec|se sens|t|v|ty sett|ng even w|th
mu|t|p|e users.
A||ows the detect|on of a spec|fca||y s|zed
meta| target.
AMR-11 a|so d|g|ta||y compensates for h|gh
amounts of env|ronmenta| stat|c meta|
S|mp|e to use
Mode| AMR-11
Th|s new dev|ce has been spec|fca||y des|gned
for use |n correct|ona| fac|||t|es, |aw enforcement
and |oss prevent|on app||cat|ons to ass|st |n
the search for meta| objects or contraband that
may have been secreted w|th|n body cav|t|es or
h|dden deep w|th|n c|oth|ng and appare|.
AD Ser|es Genera| Spec|cat|ons:
AD10-2 AND AD11-2: |ength: 362mm. W|dth: 55mm. He|ght: 30mm We|ght: 262grms.(|nc|ud|ng
battery} Sens|t|v|ty: Automat|c - factory preset sens|t|v|ty.
AD16: |ength: 360mm. W|dth: 105mm (probe} Body: 55mm. He|ght: 35mm. We|ght: 280grms.
(|nc|ud|ng battery} Sens|t|v|ty: Factory pre-set - Automat|c
AD17 (AD14|: |ength: 360mm. W|dth: 105mm. (probe} Body: 55mm. He|ght: 35mm. We|ght:
280grms (|nc|ud|ng battery} Sens|t|v|ty: H|gh factory pre-set Turbo sens|t|v|ty - HlGH/STANDARD
AD15 (AD18|: |ength: 360mm. W|dth: 105mm. (probe} Body: 55mm He|ght: 35mm We|ght:
280grms. |nc|ud|ng battery Sens|t|v|ty: H|gh Sens|t|v|ty - Fu||y Adjustab|e -Turbo Oontro|. HlGH/REBAR
Techn|ca| Spec|cat|ons:
Operat|ona| Frequency: 20Khz
Aud|o Frequency: 3.4 Khz
Operat|ng temperature: -20O to +65O
Storage temperature: -30O to +80O
Protect|on of un|t aga|nst env|ronmenta| cond|t|ons and waterproofng to lP64 (|EO 529}
Hum|d|ty: 98%
Battery cond|t|on mon|tor|ng. A pro|onged a|arm s|gna|s need to rep|ace battery. When battery |s
exhausted a cont|nuous aud|o/v|sua| |ED s|gna| |s produced.
A|arm |nd|cat|on by means of p|ezo aud|o a|arm and H|gh |ntens|ty |ED
. Sound: Sw|tchab|e Aud|o/v|sua| & v|sua| on|y (AD11-2} & or v|brat|on /
Aud|o v|sua| A|ert (AD11-v}. Battery |nserted 'cartr|dge" sty|e - no w|res or connectors.
Battery: 9vo|t b|ock battery can be e|ther rep|aceab|e 9vo|t 550mA hours
or 280 hours norma| use Opt|ona| rechargeab|e N|Oad 180mA hours
Instant response to a|| meta|s.
S|ze of target |nd|cat|on: At constant sweep speed: short d|g|ta| pu|se = sma|| target. |ong pu|se =
|arge target
Comp//es Io a// /nIernaI/ona/ sIandards.
2 year warranIy on a// mode/s spec/caI/on subjecI Io change w/IhouI noI/ce.
U|tra Ser|es Spec|cat|ons:
AD2600S / AD2300 / ER3000 / AMR-11
D|mens|ons: |ength: 360mm. W|dth: 105mm (probe}. Body 55mm. He|ght: 35mm
We|ght: 295grms |nc|ud|ng battery
Sens|t|v|ty: Super H|gh-adjustab|e sens|t|v|ty (except mode| AD2300 - fu||y automat|c - Factory pre-set}
(Mode| AMR-11|: Programmab|e sens|t|v|ty adjustment of E|EvEN (11} |nd|v|dua| sett|ngs
Operat|ng Frequency: 20 kHz
Aud|o Frequency: - 3.4Khz
Operat|ng Temperature: -20c to +65c
Hum|d|ty: 98%
Ingress Protect|on: lP64 (lEO 529} (Waterproofng & env|ronmenta| protect|on}
Power Consumpt|on: A|arm Mode Ourrent (meta| detected}: 6.5mA
Operat|ng T|me: 360 hours cont|nuous at +25O (a|ka||ne battery} Or 100 hours cont|nuous at +25O
(rechargeab|e battery s|ng|e charge} Battery: 9 vo|t b|ock battery MN1604, 6|R61 or equ|va|ent a|ka||ne
d|sposab|e or rechargeab|e. Fu|| Battery Management System - Prec|s|on mon|tor|ng. |ow vo|tage
|s s|gna|ed |n two stages: Ye||ow |ED ||ghts warn|ng the user that the battery w||| need rep|ac|ng or
recharg|ng |n the near future. When the battery |s exhausted a cont|nuous aud|o and Red + Ye||ow
v|sua| a|arm s|gna| |s produced. A|arm |nd|cat|on by means of aud|o a|arm and H|gh |ntens|ty |.E.D.
(AD2600S Aud|o/v|sua| & v|sua| on|y} Speed of detect|on: |tra fast; Detect - a|arm - reset` ready
for another target - 0.1 second. S|ze of target |nd|cat|on: At constant sweep speed: short d|g|ta|
pu|se = sma|| target. |ong pu|se = |arge target. Battery |nserted "cartr|dge" sty|e - no w|res or
connectors for greater re||ab|||ty. Instant response to a|| meta|s - Ferrous and Non-Ferrous
3 year warranIy on a// mode/s spec/caI/on subjecI Io change w/IhouI noI/ce


AD360 Spec|cat|ons:
Operat|ng Frequency: 20Khz
Length (|nc|ud|ng probe|: 24cm (9.3 |nches} (lnc|ud|ng battery cap
D|ameter: Probe end: 2.5cm (0.98 |nches} Hand|e End: 4.4 cm (1.73 |nche}
We|ght: 219grams (7.75 Ounces} lnc|ud|ng Battery .
Power Source: 1 x 9 vo|t b|ock a|ka||ne or rechargeab|e battery
A|arm Ind|cator: v|brat|on a|arm (|n hand|e} - Power |nd|cator: Green co|ored fash|ng |ED
Search Sensor: Detect|on area that |s the ent|re |ength, c|rcumference and t|p of the detect|on probe
Sens|t|v|ty: H|gh defn|t|on - 360 degree & P|n Po|nt sens|t|v|ty - Fu||y Automat|c - Factory Pre-set
Battery L|fe: Standard 9 vo|t A|ka||ne MN1604}: 380 hours. Opt|ona| Rechargeab|e N|Mh: 80 Hours.
Power Operat|on - M|| spec On/Off: Rugged s|ng|e pushbutton |atch|ng sw|tch. lngress protect|on
(dust and mo|sture protect|on and res|stance}: lP66
Case Construct|on: H|gh |mpact ABS w|th rubber|zed hand|e gr|p
Conform Io a// lnIernaI/ona/ SIandards
WarranIy. 24 monIhs L/m/Ied warranIy.
AX777 Spec|cat|ons
Construct|on: Po|ycarbonate, a|um|num and ABS.
Probe D|mens|ons: D|ameter: 8 |nches.
He|ght: 91cm (36 lnches} hand|e to foor (short mode} 142cm (56 |nches} fu||y extended.
We|ght: 48.2 oz - 1.5kg (|nc|ud|ng battery}
Sens|t|v|ty: Fu||y adjustab|e h|gh sens|t|v|ty.
Operat|ng Temp: -20O to +65O
Storage Temp: -30O to +80O
Hum|d|ty: 98%
Ingress Protect|on: [lP64 (lEO 529} OONTRO| PANE|| - [SEAROH PROBE - SBMERSlB|E|
Power Source: One Standard 9 vo|t a|ka||ne (MN1604, 6|R61 or equ|va|ent d|sposab|e or rechargeab|e
b|ock battery. |oaded 'Oartr|dge sty|e". Operat|on to 'ON" mode by on/off rocker sw|tch.
Power Consumpt|on:
Act|ve Mode Ourrent: |ess than 1mA (No detect|on}
A|arm Mode: 6.5mA (aud|o/v|sua| mode}(Meta| detected}
Battery Management: Prec|s|on battery mon|tor|ng. Ye||ow |.E.D |nd|cator on ma|n contro| pane| s|gna|s
|ow power. Oont|nuous Red and Ye||ow |ED |nd|cate exp|red battery (ln a|arm mode}
Battery L|fe: Battery ||fe from 1 s|ng|e 9vo|t battery up to 360 Hrs., cont|nuous use |n aud|o/v|sua| mode.
(Standard A|ka||ne} (100 Hrs. N|Oad Rechargeab|e} P|ease note: v|brat|on mode w||| run battery down
faster than Aud|o/v|sua| mode}.
A|arm Ind|cat|on: A|arm |nd|cated |n two modes w|th 2-way rocker sw|tch
(a} Aud|o v|sua| (beeper and Red |ED} (b} v|brat|on on|y (tact||e v|brat|on from the hand|e
of the detector to the hand of operator. Detector beeps on|y when meta| |s present.
Detect|on Speed: |tra fast Detect - A|arm and Reset - ready for another target: 0.1 seconds.
Target S|ze Ind|cat|on: At constant sweep speed: short a|arm = sma|| target -
|ong a|arm = |arger target.
Contro|s: (a} On/Off rocker sw|tch (green fash|ng |ED |nd|cates ON mode} (b} Red |ED |nd|cates a|arm
mode. (c} Ye||ow |ED |nd|cates battery power |s |ow and needs chang|ng or re-charg|ng. (d} Two way
sw|tch chang|ng between A/v (Aud|o/v|sua|} and vlB (v|brat|on mode} (e} M|n|ature sens|t|v|ty adjustment
Target Types: Detects a|| meta|s |nc|ud|ng a||oys, w|th lnstant response to a|| meta|s.
Test|ng: (a} Tested and approved to EEO EN5008-1 Tab|e 1. EN50082-1 Tab|e1:1.1 rad|ated em|ss|ons
(OE marked}. (b} Oonforms to |nternat|ona| standards lEO, Nl|EO, FOO, FAA. (c} Med|ca||y tested - No
r|sk to persons w|th pacemakers. d} Non-|nterference w|th magnet|c recorded mater|a|.
Operat|ng Frequency: 20Khz (Sensor}
Aud|o Frequency: 3.4 Khz
MIT - HF-1 Ser|es Spec|cat|ons:
Construct|on: Neoprene - ve|cro (HF1-Kev|ar & Neoprene}
D|mens|ons: Med|um or |arge, standard gener|c s|ze. (HF-1 |arge, |, |}
Operat|ng Frequency: 20kHz
We|ght: 5.2oz (149g} |nc|ud|ng battery.
Sens|t|v|ty: Target S|ze 0.5 grams.
Contro|s: Fu||y Automat|c - (No Sens|t|v|ty Adjustment Requ|red - Factory pre-set}
Operat|ng Temperature: -20O to +65O
Storage Temperature: -30O to +80O
Hum|d|ty: 98%
Ingress Progress|on: lP64 (lEO 529} (Waterproofng & env|ronmenta| protect|on}
Operat|ng T|me: p to 3 months w|th norma| use. 48 hours cont|nuous at +25O (a|ka||ne battery} 40
hours cont|nuous at +25O (s|ng|e rechargeab|e battery charge}. lnstant response to a|| meta|s.
Battery: Standard 9 vo|t b|ock battery, MN 1604, 6|R61 or equ|va|ent a|ka||ne d|sposab|e or
rechargeab|e. When the battery |s exhausted a cont|nuous tact||e a|arm s|gna| |s produced Battery
|nserted |ns|de water res|stant neoprene & ve|cro pocket. No v|s|b|e w|res.
TesIed and approved Io EEC EN5008-1 Tab/e 1. EN50082-1 Tab/e 1.1.1 Rad/aIed em/ss/ons
["CE" mark} Med/ca//y IesIed and approved - No r/sk Io persons w/Ih pacemakers. Non-
/nIerference Io magneI/c recorded maIer/a/. A|arm |nd|cat|on by means of v|brat|ng tact||e |nd|cator.
Detect|on speed: |tra fast; 'Detect - A|arm - Reset` ready for another target - 0.1 second. P|npo|nt
target accuracy from APT search head at the base of |ndex fnger, concea|ed |ns|de water res|stant
neoprene fabr|c ||n|ng. Mass proport|on d|scr|m|nat|on a|arm |nd|cat|on: At constant sweep speed: short
d|g|ta| pu|se = sma|| target |ong pu|se = |arge target.
M|n|mum pressure push button |atch|ng sw|tch On/Off sw|tch operat|on, |ns|de water res|stant neoprene
fabr|c |ayer.
When Quality Counts... Why Settle For Less?
ADAMS - bu||t to |astI
AD360 Spec|cat|ons:
Operat|ng Frequency: 20Khz
Length (|nc|ud|ng probe|: 24cm (9.3 |nches} (lnc|ud|ng battery cap
D|ameter: Probe end: 2.5cm (0.98 |nches} Hand|e End: 4.4 cm (1.73 |nche}
We|ght: 219grams (7.75 Ounces} lnc|ud|ng Battery .
Power Source: 1 x 9 vo|t b|ock a|ka||ne or rechargeab|e battery
A|arm Ind|cator: v|brat|on a|arm (|n hand|e} - Power |nd|cator: Green co|ored fash|ng |ED
Search Sensor: Detect|on area that |s the ent|re |ength, c|rcumference and t|p of the detect|on probe
Sens|t|v|ty: H|gh defn|t|on - 360 degree & P|n Po|nt sens|t|v|ty - Fu||y Automat|c - Factory Pre-set
Battery L|fe: Standard 9 vo|t A|ka||ne MN1604}: 380 hours. Opt|ona| Rechargeab|e N|Mh: 80 Hours.
Power Operat|on - M|| spec On/Off: Rugged s|ng|e pushbutton |atch|ng sw|tch. lngress protect|on
(dust and mo|sture protect|on and res|stance}: lP66
Case Construct|on: H|gh |mpact ABS w|th rubber|zed hand|e gr|p
Conform Io a// lnIernaI/ona/ SIandards
WarranIy. 24 monIhs L/m/Ied warranIy.
AX777 Spec|cat|ons
Construct|on: Po|ycarbonate, a|um|num and ABS.
Probe D|mens|ons: D|ameter: 8 |nches.
He|ght: 91cm (36 lnches} hand|e to foor (short mode} 142cm (56 |nches} fu||y extended.
We|ght: 48.2 oz - 1.5kg (|nc|ud|ng battery}
Sens|t|v|ty: Fu||y adjustab|e h|gh sens|t|v|ty.
Operat|ng Temp: -20O to +65O
Storage Temp: -30O to +80O
Hum|d|ty: 98%
Ingress Protect|on: [lP64 (lEO 529} OONTRO| PANE|| - [SEAROH PROBE - SBMERSlB|E|
Power Source: One Standard 9 vo|t a|ka||ne (MN1604, 6|R61 or equ|va|ent d|sposab|e or rechargeab|e
b|ock battery. |oaded 'Oartr|dge sty|e". Operat|on to 'ON" mode by on/off rocker sw|tch.
Power Consumpt|on:
Act|ve Mode Ourrent: |ess than 1mA (No detect|on}
A|arm Mode: 6.5mA (aud|o/v|sua| mode}(Meta| detected}
Battery Management: Prec|s|on battery mon|tor|ng. Ye||ow |.E.D |nd|cator on ma|n contro| pane| s|gna|s
|ow power. Oont|nuous Red and Ye||ow |ED |nd|cate exp|red battery (ln a|arm mode}
Battery L|fe: Battery ||fe from 1 s|ng|e 9vo|t battery up to 360 Hrs., cont|nuous use |n aud|o/v|sua| mode.
(Standard A|ka||ne} (100 Hrs. N|Oad Rechargeab|e} P|ease note: v|brat|on mode w||| run battery down
faster than Aud|o/v|sua| mode}.
A|arm Ind|cat|on: A|arm |nd|cated |n two modes w|th 2-way rocker sw|tch
(a} Aud|o v|sua| (beeper and Red |ED} (b} v|brat|on on|y (tact||e v|brat|on from the hand|e
of the detector to the hand of operator. Detector beeps on|y when meta| |s present.
Detect|on Speed: |tra fast Detect - A|arm and Reset - ready for another target: 0.1 seconds.
Target S|ze Ind|cat|on: At constant sweep speed: short a|arm = sma|| target -
|ong a|arm = |arger target.
Contro|s: (a} On/Off rocker sw|tch (green fash|ng |ED |nd|cates ON mode} (b} Red |ED |nd|cates a|arm
mode. (c} Ye||ow |ED |nd|cates battery power |s |ow and needs chang|ng or re-charg|ng. (d} Two way
sw|tch chang|ng between A/v (Aud|o/v|sua|} and vlB (v|brat|on mode} (e} M|n|ature sens|t|v|ty adjustment
Target Types: Detects a|| meta|s |nc|ud|ng a||oys, w|th lnstant response to a|| meta|s.
Test|ng: (a} Tested and approved to EEO EN5008-1 Tab|e 1. EN50082-1 Tab|e1:1.1 rad|ated em|ss|ons
(OE marked}. (b} Oonforms to |nternat|ona| standards lEO, Nl|EO, FOO, FAA. (c} Med|ca||y tested - No
r|sk to persons w|th pacemakers. d} Non-|nterference w|th magnet|c recorded mater|a|.
Operat|ng Frequency: 20Khz (Sensor}
Aud|o Frequency: 3.4 Khz
MIT - HF-1 Ser|es Spec|cat|ons:
Construct|on: Neoprene - ve|cro (HF1-Kev|ar & Neoprene}
D|mens|ons: Med|um or |arge, standard gener|c s|ze. (HF-1 |arge, |, |}
Operat|ng Frequency: 20kHz
We|ght: 5.2oz (149g} |nc|ud|ng battery.
Sens|t|v|ty: Target S|ze 0.5 grams.
Contro|s: Fu||y Automat|c - (No Sens|t|v|ty Adjustment Requ|red - Factory pre-set}
Operat|ng Temperature: -20O to +65O
Storage Temperature: -30O to +80O
Hum|d|ty: 98%
Ingress Progress|on: lP64 (lEO 529} (Waterproofng & env|ronmenta| protect|on}
Operat|ng T|me: p to 3 months w|th norma| use. 48 hours cont|nuous at +25O (a|ka||ne battery} 40
hours cont|nuous at +25O (s|ng|e rechargeab|e battery charge}. lnstant response to a|| meta|s.
Battery: Standard 9 vo|t b|ock battery, MN 1604, 6|R61 or equ|va|ent a|ka||ne d|sposab|e or
rechargeab|e. When the battery |s exhausted a cont|nuous tact||e a|arm s|gna| |s produced Battery
|nserted |ns|de water res|stant neoprene & ve|cro pocket. No v|s|b|e w|res.
TesIed and approved Io EEC EN5008-1 Tab/e 1. EN50082-1 Tab/e 1.1.1 Rad/aIed em/ss/ons
["CE" mark} Med/ca//y IesIed and approved - No r/sk Io persons w/Ih pacemakers. Non-
/nIerference Io magneI/c recorded maIer/a/. A|arm |nd|cat|on by means of v|brat|ng tact||e |nd|cator.
Detect|on speed: |tra fast; 'Detect - A|arm - Reset` ready for another target - 0.1 second. P|npo|nt
target accuracy from APT search head at the base of |ndex fnger, concea|ed |ns|de water res|stant
neoprene fabr|c ||n|ng. Mass proport|on d|scr|m|nat|on a|arm |nd|cat|on: At constant sweep speed: short
d|g|ta| pu|se = sma|| target |ong pu|se = |arge target.
M|n|mum pressure push button |atch|ng sw|tch On/Off sw|tch operat|on, |ns|de water res|stant neoprene
fabr|c |ayer.

When Quality Counts... Why Settle For Less?
ADAMS - bu||t to |astI


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