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Signature of Tenderer with seal

Tender Inviting Authority: Office of the Estate Officer Swami Keshawanand Rajasthan Agricultural University !i"aner
#ame of $or": %onstruction of !oundary wall at A&R&S& Sriganganagar
%ontract #o: %ivil $or"s'
E(cess ) * + ,
-escri.tion of wor" Unit Estimated Rate
/igure $ords
1.00 412.00 No 15.00 #VALUE !1"0.00
2.00 ##.00 $ntl. %&5.00 #VALUE #21&5.00
#.00 !5&.00 'u( 254.00 #VALUE 1!!"&".00
4.00 &".00 'u( #1&#.00 #VALUE 24&4%4.00
5.00 4"2.00 'u( #&24.00 #VALUE 1&%4%!".00
!.00 4%1.00 'u( 405!.00 #VALUE 1%%14%!.00
)This !O2 tem.late must not 3e modified're.laced 3y the 3idder and the same should 3e u.loaded after filling the relevent columns else the 3idder is
lia3le to 3e rejected for this tender& !idders are allowed to enter the !idder #ame and 4alues only+
#o& or
Rs& 6
)is(antling and sta*+ing within 50 (eter lead fen*ing ,ost- struts-
in*luding earth wor+ dis(antling of *on*rete et*. in the *ase of ./''
)is(antling 0ar0ed wire or *hain lin+ fen*ing in*luding 0ending (a+ing
rolls and sta*+ing within 50 (eter lead.
Earth wor+ in e1*a2ation in foundation tren*hes or drains in*luding
dressing of sides and ra((ing of 0otto(s- lift u, to 1.5 3tr. in*luding
ta+ing out the e1*a2ated soil and de,ositing and refilling of 4hiri with
watering 5 ra((ing and dis,osal of sur,lus e1*a2ated soil as dire*ted
within a lead of 50 (eter. All +inds of soil.
6ro2iding and la7ing in ,osition *e(ent *on*rete in*luding *uring
*o(,a*tion et*. of s,e*ified grade e1*luding the *ost of *entering and
shuttering 8All u, to ,linth le2el1.5.10 91'e(ent .5 'ourse Sand .10
:raded stone aggregate 40 (( no(inal si;e
<ri*+ (asonar7 in foundation and ,linth with 0ri*+s of *lass designation
100 in .'e(ent 3ortar 1.! 91='e(ent.!=*oarse sand>.
<ri*+ wor+ in su,erstru*ture u, to third store7 with 0ri*+s of *lass
designation 100 in .'e(ent 3ortar 1.! 91='e(ent.!=*oarse sand>.
6laster on new surfa*e on walls in *e(ent sand (ortar 1.! in*luding
ra*+ing of 4oint et*. *o(,lete fine finished.
Signature of Tenderer with seal
Tender Inviting Authority: Office of the Estate Officer Swami Keshawanand Rajasthan Agricultural University !i"aner
#ame of $or": %onstruction of !oundary wall at A&R&S& Sriganganagar
%ontract #o: %ivil $or"s'
E(cess ) * + ,
-escri.tion of wor" Unit Estimated Rate
/igure $ords
)This !O2 tem.late must not 3e modified're.laced 3y the 3idder and the same should 3e u.loaded after filling the relevent columns else the 3idder is
lia3le to 3e rejected for this tender& !idders are allowed to enter the !idder #ame and 4alues only+
#o& or
Rs& 6
&.10 20 (( thi*+. 24!4.00 S?( 14!.00 #VALUE #5%&44.00
&.20 12 (( thi*+. 2#!%.00 S?( 120.00 #VALUE 2"42"0.00
".00 4"##.00 S?( 12.#0 #VALUE 5%445.%0
Total Esti(ated 'ost in @igures 7879::;&8;
$uoted A(ount 7879::;&8; 7879::<&;;
$uoted /ate in Aords =4A1UE>
'olour washing of all shades to gi2e an e2en shade in*luding all
s*affolding New wor+ 9two or (ore *oats> with a 0ase *oat of white
washing with li(e

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