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Module 09, Human Factors.

09.1. General.
Question Number. 1. Accidents and engineering faults are.
Option A. insignificant and decreasing.
Option B. significant and increasing.
Option C. insignificant and increasing.
Correct Answer is. significant and increasing.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.". CAP 71# App.$ pg." Para 1.%.1.
Question Number. ". &urp!'(s law is perpetuated mainl' b'.
Option A. )iolations.
Option B. poor aircraft design.
Option C. complacenc'.
Correct Answer is. complacenc'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.%.1.
Question Number. %. &urp!'(s law can be regarded as t!e notion.
Option A. *f somet!ing can go wrong it will(.
Option B. *t can ne)er !appen to me(.
Option C. *f somet!ing goes wrong * am certain to get t!e blame(.
Correct Answer is. *f somet!ing can go wrong it will(.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.%.1.
Question Number. +. A compan'(s safet' polic' s!ould be defined in.
Option A. in CAP 71#.
Option B. t!e &aintenance ,c!edule.
Option C. t!e &aintenance Organi-ation Exposition.
Correct Answer is. t!e &aintenance Organi-ation Exposition.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".1.
Question Number. . .!ic! of t!e following is least associated wit! t!e stud' of !uman factors/.
Option A. Ergonomics.
Option B. 0ealt! and ,afet'.
Option C. 0uman error.
Correct Answer is. 0ealt! and ,afet'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 21st Para.3.
Question Number. #. 4!e incident w!ere a 737 lost oil from both engines is a direct result of.
Option A. poor design.
Option B. !uman error.
Option C. engine )ibration.
Correct Answer is. !uman error.
Explanation. CAP 71# C!.+ Para..+." and App.5 Para.1.7.
Question Number. 7. *f a 737 !ad both engines ser)iced and lost oil from both engines in flight. 4!is.
Option A. can be expected to !appen statisticall' due to t!e number of aircraft in ser)ice.
Option B. would be a direct result of human error.
Option C. can be considered an acceptable probabilit'.
Correct Answer is. would be a direct result of !uman error.
Explanation. CAP 71# App.5 Para 1.7.
Question Number. 6. .!at do 'ou do w!en someone is !'pot!ermic/.
Option A. Warm them up.2A7uece8l9s3.
Option B. 5eed t!em sweet t!ings because of t!eir diabetes.
Option C. $i)e t!em a drin: because of de!'dration.
Correct Answer is. .arm t!em up.
Explanation. Hpothermia is dangerousl lo! bod temperature.
Question Number. 1. 4!e percentage of accidents attributable to aircraft maintenance and inspection causes is.
Option A. now less significant due to t!e introduction of more sop!isticated aircraft.
Option B. significant and rising.
Option C. now less significant due to more ad)anced maintenance practices.
Correct Answer is. significant and rising.
Explanation. CAP 716 C!.1 Para.1 and +. CAP 71# App.$ Para.1.%.1.
Question Number. 1;. .!at !appened to contribute towards t!e incident in 199" w!ere a #oeing 737 lost oil pressure and
had to di$ert 2des)iar3/.
Option A. Bot! warning indications were fault'< due to crossed connections.
Option B. %he H& rotor dri$e co$ers of both engines !ad not been refitted after a boroscope inspection.
Option C. 4!e boroscope inspection !ad been inade7uate.
Correct Answer is. 4!e 0P rotor dri)e co)ers of bot! engines !ad not been refitted after a boroscope inspection.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.# App.5 Para.1.7 or CAP71. C!.1 Para. ".#.1.
Question Number. 11. .!at is t!e most common cause of in8flig!t engine s!utdown/.
Option A. 'ncomplete installation.
Option B. *mproper fault isolation< inspection or test.
Option C. 5oreign ob=ect damage.
Correct Answer is. *ncomplete installation.
Explanation. *n a Boeing stud' of "7# inflig!t s!utdowns< 1+> of were due to incomplete< improper instalation< damage on
instalation< e7uipment not installed 8 5O? was a contributing factor.
Question Number. 1". &ost engineering related incidents are due to.
Option A. installing dirt' connectors.
Option B. installing components incorrectl.
Option C. installing worn or old components.
Correct Answer is. installing components incorrectl'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.".
Question Number. 1%. .!at causes t!e most aircraft accidents/.
Option A. 4ec!nical faults.
Option B. Communication.
Option C. &isunderstanding between A4C and pilot on approac!.
Correct Answer is. Communication.
Explanation. ?educed from CAP 71 C!.1 Para."." since (inade7uate cross c!ec:( is a communication problem.
09.(. Human &erformance and )imitations.
Question Number. 1. 7; 8 6;> of t!e total focusing abilit' of t!e e'e is carried out b' t!e.
Option A. iris.
Option B. cornea.
Option C. lens.
Correct Answer is. cornea.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".".
Question Number. ". At w!at distance s!ould a person wit!out !earing difficulties be able to !ear an a)erage con)ersational
)oice in a 7uiet room.
Option A. " metres 2# feet3.
Option B. % metres 21 feet.
Option C. 1 metre 2% feet3.
Correct Answer is. " metres 2# feet3.
Explanation. A.N +7 Para.%. and CAP 71 C!." Para.%.1;.1.
Question Number. %. A perforated ear drum could occur if.
Option A. 'ou were sub=ected to intermittent noise abo)e " :0-.
Option B. 'ou blew 'our nose excessi)el'.
Option C. 'ou were sub=ected to continuous noise below 6 :0-.
Correct Answer is. 'ou were sub=ected to continuous noise below 6 :0-.
Explanation. Normal audible range is "; 8 ";<;;; 0- 2CAP 71 C!. Para.1.13. 6 :0- is !ig! fre7uenc'. An't!ing below t!at can
cause damage if sound le)el is too !ig!.
Question Number. +. 0ow long is t!e s!ort term memor' good for remembering 7 items/.
Option A. %; to #; seconds.
Option B. @p to %; seconds.
Option C. Abo)e #; seconds.
Correct Answer is. @p to %; seconds.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+...
Question Number. . .!at is w!ite finger/.
Option A. A disorder of t!e finger w!ic! ma' occur t!roug! continuous use of pneumatic tools because of reduced blood flow.
Option B. A reaction w!en t!e w!ite blood cells die and contaminate t!e fingers.
Option C. A s:in disorder caused b' extensi)e contact wit! oils and sol)ents.
Correct Answer is. A disorder of t!e finger w!ic! ma' occur t!roug! continuous use of pneumatic tools because of reduced blood
Explanation. CAP 71 C!. Para..".
Question Number. #. .!en someone is wor:ing in an enclosed space 2suc! a fuel tan:3< anot!er person s!ould be outside t!e
space in constant communication to.
Option A. pro)ide instructions to t!e tradesman.
Option B. ensure compliance wit! t!e maintenance manual.
Option C. for safet' reasons.
Correct Answer is. for safet' reasons.
Explanation. CAP71 C!. Para. # 4!is is t!e normal procedure for t!e safet' of t!e tradesman.
Question Number. 7. 4!e scientific stud' of measurements of t!e !uman bod' is :nown as.
Option A. ergonomics.
Option B. p!'siolog'.
Option C. ant!ropometrics.
Correct Answer is. ant!ropometrics.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.1.+.+ 5rom t!e $ree: (Ant!ropos( meaning (a man( and (&etron( meaning (measurement(.
Question Number. 6. 0ow long can t!e aural reflex protect t!e ear from loud noise/.
Option A. seconds.
Option B. 1 seconds.
Option C. 1 minutes.
Correct Answer is. 1 minutes.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%.%.
Question Number. 1. .!at part of t!e e'e controls t!e amount of lig!t t!at is allowed to enter t!e e'e/.
Option A. 4!e pupil.
Option B. 4!e iris.
Option C. 4!e cornea.
Correct Answer is. 4!e iris.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".%.
Question Number. 1;. Aearning of a routine b' repeated practice is :nown as.
Option A. cogniti)e learning.
Option B. motor programming.
Option C. episodic memor'.
Correct Answer is. motor programming.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+.#.
Question Number. 11. 4!e ear is used to detect.
Option A. speed.
Option B. neit!er acceleration or speed.
Option C. acceleration.
Correct Answer is. acceleration.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%.1.1.
Question Number. 1". Aig!t enters t!e e'e t!roug! t!e.
Option A. cornea.
Option B. )isual cortex.
Option C. retina.
Correct Answer is. cornea.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".1.
Question Number. 1%. 4o focus on a near ob=ect< t!e lens of t!e e'e must.
Option A. be widened.
Option B. be flattened.
Option C. be t!ic:ened.
Correct Answer is. be t!ic:ened.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".+.
Question Number. 1+. .!ic! t'pe of memor' is most susceptible to interference from external influences/.
Option A. Aong term.
Option B. @ltra s!ort term.
Option C. ,!ort term.
Correct Answer is. ,!ort term.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+.6.6.
Question Number. 1. Perip!eral )ision is detected b' t!e.
Option A. cones.
Option B. fo)ea.
Option C. rods.
Correct Answer is. rods.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para."..1.
Question Number. 1#. Extreme discomfort experienced b' a maintenance engineer due to wor:ing in a confined space is
:nown as.
Option A. claustrop!obia.
Option B. acrop!obia.
Option C. agorap!obia.
Correct Answer is. claustrop!obia.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para..1.1.
Question Number. 17. .!at part of t!e e'e is colour sensiti)e/.
Option A. 4!e rods.
Option B. 4!e cones.
Option C. 4!e iris.
Correct Answer is. 4!e cones.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para."..1.
Question Number. 16. .!at t'pe of lens is used to o)ercome s!ort sig!tedness/.
Option A. Conca)e.
Option B. Bi8focal.
Option C. Con)ex.
Correct Answer is. Conca)e.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".7.".
Question Number. 11. 4!e t'pe of memor' w!ic! is most easil' influenced b' a person(s expectations of w!at s!ould !a)e
!appened is t!e.
Option A. long term memor'.
Option B. semantic memor'.
Option C. episodic memor'.
Correct Answer is. episodic memor'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+..6.
Question Number. ";. 4!e inabilit' for t!e e'es to accommodate sufficientl' is :nown as.
Option A. Presb'opia.
Option B. 0'permetropia.
Option C. m'opia.
Correct Answer is. Presb'opia.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".7.+.
Question Number. "1. An aircraft maintenance engineer w!o wears glasses or contact lenses s!ould.
Option A. not re7uire t!eir duties to be restricted pro)iding t!e' wear t!eir glassesBcontact lenses at all times t!e' carr' out t!eir
Option B. !a)e t!eir duties restricted accordingl'.
Option C. not re7uire t!eir duties to be restricted pro)iding t!e' !a)e fre7uent c!ec:s to ensure t!e ade7uac' of t!eir
glassesBcontact lenses.
Correct Answer is. not re7uire t!eir duties to be restricted pro)iding t!e' !a)e fre7uent c!ec:s to ensure t!e ade7uac' of t!eir
glassesBcontact lenses.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".1"." and C!.# Para.%.%.
Question Number. "". @ltra s!ort term memor' !as a duration of about.
Option A. 1; to "; seconds.
Option B. 6; 8 1;; milliseconds.
Option C. " seconds.
Correct Answer is. " seconds.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+..+.
Question Number. "%. .!at t'pe of lens is used to correct long sig!tedness/.
Option A. Conca)e.
Option B. Con)ex.
Option C. Bi8focal.
Correct Answer is. Con)ex.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".7.1.
Question Number. "+. Cisual Acuit' is t!e abilit'.
Option A. to differentiate between different colours.
Option B. to detect ob=ects in t!e perip!eral )ision.
Option C. of t!e e'e to discriminate s!arp detail at )ar'ing distances.
Correct Answer is. of t!e e'e to discriminate s!arp detail at )ar'ing distances.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".+.
Question Number. ". 4!e (wor:ing memor'( is.
Option A. long term memor'.
Option B. s!ort term memor'.
Option C. ultra s!ort term memor'.
Correct Answer is. s!ort term memor'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+..%.
Question Number. "#. Colour defecti)e )ision affects.
Option A. almost 1 in 1; of men.
Option B. more women t!an men.
Option C. almost 1 in 1; of women.
Correct Answer is. almost 1 in 1; of men.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".11.".
Question Number. "7. At lower lig!t le)els< t!e )isual sensing is performed mainl' b' t!e.
Option A. fo)ea.
Option B. cones.
Option C. rods.
Correct Answer is. rods.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para."..1.
Question Number. "6. *f an image formed on t!e retina of t!e e'e is in)erted relati)e to t!e )iewers normal perception of t!e
image< t!e )iewer will.
Option A. become disoriented and di--'.
Option B. consciousl' mentall' re)ert t!e image so as to ma:e sense of !isB!er surroundings.
Option C. be!a)e and feel normal.
Correct Answer is. be!a)e and feel normal.
Explanation. 4!e lens of t!e e'e in)erts t!e image< w!ic! is subconsciousl' re)erted b' t!e brain.
Question Number. "1. People wit! colour defecti)e )ision usuall' !a)e difficult' differentiating between.
Option A. red and green.
Option B. blue and 'ellow.
Option C. blue and green.
Correct Answer is. red and green.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".11.".
Question Number. %;. 4!e (coc:tail part' effect( is descripti)e of.
Option A. selecti)e attention.
Option B. di)ided attention.
Option C. focused attention.
Correct Answer is. selecti)e attention.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+.%.%.
Question Number. %1. 0'permetropia is t!e medical name for.
Option A. s!ort sig!tedness.
Option B. long sig!tedness.
Option C. deafness.
Correct Answer is. long sig!tedness.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".7.1.
Question Number. %". .!at range of sound is usuall' impaired first wit! t!e onset of presb'cusis/.
Option A. 0ig! pitc! sound.
Option B. Aow pitc! sound.
Option C. &id range sound.
Correct Answer is. 0ig! pitc! sound.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%.1.
Question Number. %%. 4!e amount of lig!t w!ic! is allowed to enter t!e e'e can )ar' b' a factor of.
Option A. ;;D1.
Option B. D1.
Option C. 1D.
Correct Answer is. D1.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".%.
Question Number. %+. Presb'opia often effects t!e e'es of people after t!e age of.
Option A. .
Option B. +;.
Option C. 7;.
Correct Answer is. +;.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".7.+.
Question Number. %. 5rom w!at age does !earing abilit' normall' begin to decline/.
Option A. +;.
Option B. ;.
Option C. %;.
Correct Answer is. %;.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%.1.
Question Number. %#. A person wit! ";B+; )ision !as.
Option A. worse e'esig!t as a person wit! ";B"; )ision.
Option B. better e'esig!t t!an a person wit! ";B"; )ision.
Option C. t!e same e'esig!t as a person wit! ";B"; )ision.
Correct Answer is. worse e'esig!t as a person wit! ";B"; )ision.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".#.%.
Question Number. %7. Aong term memor' capacit' is usuall'.
Option A. unlimited.
Option B. + 8 6 'ears.
Option C. 1" mont!s.
Correct Answer is. unlimited.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+..7.
Question Number. %6. 4!e inabilit' for t!e e'es to accommodate sufficientl' is :nown as.
Option A. m'opia.
Option B. !'permetropia.
Option C. presb'opia.
Correct Answer is. presb'opia.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".7.+.
Question Number. %1. @ltra s!ort term memor' !as a duration of about.
Option A. 1; to "; seconds.
Option B. " seconds.
Option C. 6; 8 1;; milliseconds.
Correct Answer is. " seconds.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+..+.
Question Number. +;. 4!e memor' can be aided b'.
Option A. a c!ec:list.
Option B. memor' c!ec:ing.
Option C. mind logging.
Correct Answer is. a c!ec:list.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.# Para.+. 2(appropriate 7uidance material(3.
Question Number. +1. *n A.N +7 w!at is t!e recommended !earing test/.
Option A. 4!e abilit' to !ear an a)erage con)ersation )oice at a distance of 1; feet.
Option B. 4!e abilit' to !ear a certain noise at 6 feet.
Option C. 4!e abilit' to !ear an a)erage con)ersation )oice at a distance of # feet.
Correct Answer is. 4!e abilit' to !ear an a)erage con)ersation )oice at a distance of # feet.
Explanation. A.N +7 Par.%..
Question Number. +". *conic memor'.
Option A. stores sounds and lasts up to " seconds.
Option B. stores )isual information and lasts up to 1B" second.
Option C. stores )isual information and lasts up to " seconds.
Correct Answer is. stores )isual information and lasts up to 1B" second.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+.".
Question Number. +%. 4!e first stage in information processing is.
Option A. decision.
Option B. memori-ing.
Option C. perception.
Correct Answer is. perception.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+.%.6.
Question Number. ++. *nformation< if not re!earsed is lost in.
Option A. 1; 8 "; seconds.
Option B. 1 minute.
Option C. %; 8 +; seconds.
Correct Answer is. 1; 8 "; seconds.
Explanation. eCAP 71 C!." Para.+...
Question Number. +. *n A.N +7< w!at is t!e standard !earing test/.
Option A. 4!e abilit' to !ear a con)ersation in a 7uiet room at " metres.
Option B. 4!e abilit' to !ear a con)ersation in a 7uiet room at 1; metres.
Option C. 4!e abilit' to !ear a con)ersation in a nois' room at " metres.
Correct Answer is. 4!e abilit' to !ear a con)ersation in a 7uiet room at " metres.
Explanation. A.N +7 Para.%.
Question Number. +#. *nformation in t!e s!ort term memor' not re!earsed will be lost in.
Option A. 1; 8 "; seconds.
Option B. 1 8 % mont!s.
Option C. " 8 % wee:s.
Correct Answer is. 1; 8 "; seconds.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+...
Question Number. +7. .!at is t!e CAA standard for )ision/.
Option A. Acceptable uncorrected )ision.
Option B. Acceptable corrected )ision.
Option C. 16B"; )ision.
Correct Answer is. Acceptable corrected )ision.
Explanation. A.N +7 Para.%.+.
Question Number. +6. *n t!e !uman e'e most of t!e refraction re7uired to bring an image into focus on t!e retina is
accomplis!ed b' t!e. iris.
Option A. lens.
Option B. cornea.
Option C.
Correct Answer is. cornea.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".".
Question Number. +1. 4!e a)erage capacit' of t!e wor:ing memor' is about.
Option A. 7 c!un:s of information.
Option B. + c!un:s of information.
Option C. 1" c!un:s of information.
Correct Answer is. 7 c!un:s of information.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+.. ,!ort term memor' 2a:a wor:ing memor'3 is also :nown as t!e 7 EB8" memor'.
Question Number. ;. 4!e retina is situated.
Option A. be!ind t!e cornea wit! t!e lens.
Option B. in front of t!e cornea.
Option C. at t!e bac: of t!e e'e wit! t!e optic ner)e.
Correct Answer is. at t!e bac: of t!e e'e wit! t!e optic ner)e.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".1.
Question Number. 1. &otor programme refers to.
Option A. moti)ational computer software.
Option B. a tas: t!at !as been carried out so man' times t!at it becomes automatic.
Option C. a tas: t!at becomes programmed into s!ort term memor'.
Correct Answer is. a tas: t!at !as been carried out so man' times t!at it becomes automatic.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+.#.
Question Number. ". &emor' w!ic! can be influenced b' a persons expectations of w!at s!ould !a)e !appened is.
Option A. ec!oic.
Option B. semantic.
Option C. episodic.
Correct Answer is. episodic.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+..6.
Question Number. %. *nformation in t!e long term memor'.
Option A. is easil' transferred to t!e s!ort term memor'.
Option B. is easil' lost.
Option C. is onl' a)ailable under !'pnosis.
Correct Answer is. is easil' lost.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+..7 8 6.
Question Number. +. 0ow man' t!ings can be stored in t!e s!ort term memor'/.
Option A. ; 8 .
Option B. 1 8 1.
Option C. No limit.
Correct Answer is. 1 8 1.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.+.. 7EB8" ma:es or 1< but b is considered correct due to memor' en!ancement tec!ni7ues
Question Number. . *n t!e e'e< t!e cones are used mainl' in.
Option A. brig!t lig!t to gi)e fine detail.
Option B. brig!t lig!t le)els and t!e' gi)e poor colour )ision.
Option C. low lig!t le)els and t!e' gi)e poor colour )ision.
Correct Answer is. brig!t lig!t to gi)e fine detail.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para."..1.
Question Number. #. A person suffering from presb'opia would normall'.
Option A. wear spectacles w!en reading or carr'ing out close detail wor:.
Option B. !a)e defecti)e colour )ision and not be allowed to carr' out maintenance wor: on cable looms.
Option C. be s!ort sig!ted and need to wear spectacles to see ob=ects more t!an %; cm awa'.
Correct Answer is. wear spectacles w!en reading or carr'ing out close detail wor:.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".7.+.
Question Number. 7. Noise signals are carried to t!e brain b' t!e.
Option A. sensor' ner)e.
Option B. auditor' ner)e.
Option C. Eustac!ian ner)e.
Correct Answer is. auditor' ner)e.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%.+.
Question Number. 6. Po:ing s!arp ob=ects into t!e ear s!ould be a)oided as it is li:el' to result in.
Option A. tinnitus ringing.
Option B. conducti)e !earing loss.
Option C. t'mpanic membrane perforation.
Correct Answer is. t'mpanic membrane perforation.
Explanation. 4'mpanic membrane is t!e tec!nical name for t!e ear drum.
Question Number. 1. Attention $etters are designed to.
Option A. to gain t!e operators attention w!ilst allowing t!em to continue wit! t!e tas: in !and.
Option B. to ma:e t!e operator focus !isB!er attention full' on t!e tas: in !and.
Option C. to get t!e operators full attention.
Correct Answer is. to get t!e operators full attention.
Explanation. Attention $etters are used in ad)ertisements and posters etc to grab t!e operators full attention.
Question Number. #;. At w!at maximum fre7uenc' does t!e !uman ear !ear/.
Option A. 1# :0-.
Option B. 6 :0-.
Option C. "; :0-.
Correct Answer is. "; :0-.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%..1.
Question Number. #1. &otor programmes.
Option A. are be!a)iour subroutines.
Option B. re7uire conscious t!oug!t to engage.
Option C. are stored as wor:ing rules in long term memor'.
Correct Answer is. are stored as wor:ing rules in long term memor'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ para +.#.
Question Number. #". 4!e pupil of t!e e'e grows smaller.
Option A. in condition of reduced lig!t.
Option B. to focus t!e fo)ea.
Option C. in condition of increased lig!t.
Correct Answer is. in condition of increased lig!t.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." para ".%.
Question Number. #%. Conducti)e deafness can be caused b' damage to t!e.
Option A. coc!lea.
Option B. otolit!s.
Option C. semi circular canals.
Correct Answer is. coc!lea.
Explanation. Nil. !ttpDBBwww.enc'clopedia.comB!tmlBsectionBdeafnessFConducti)e?eafness.asp
Question Number. #+. ?etail is best sensed b' t!e FFFFFF and mo)ement best sensed b' t!e FFFFFF.
Option A. t!e perip!er' and t!e perip!er'.
Option B. t!e perip!er' and fo)ea.
Option C. t!e fo)ea and perip!er'.
Correct Answer is. t!e fo)ea and perip!er'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." para "..
Question Number. #. *f a person is colour blind< w!ic! colours would be most difficult to see/.
Option A. Ged and green.
Option B. Blue and red.
Option C. Hellow and red.
Correct Answer is. Ged and green.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." para ".11.".
Question Number. ##. &'opia is FFFFFFF and a FFFFFF lens is needed to correct it.
Option A. long sig!tedness and conca)e.
Option B. s!ort sig!tedness and con)ex.
Option C. s!ort sig!tedness and conca)e.
Correct Answer is. s!ort sig!tedness and conca)e.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." para ".7.".
Question Number. #7. 4!e Otolit!s detect.
Option A. angular acceleration.
Option B. linear acceleration.
Option C. bot! angular and linear acceleration.
Correct Answer is. linear acceleration.
Explanation. Nil. !!ain.comBotoneurolog'BdisordersBbpp)Botolit!s.!tmlIorientation
Question Number. #6. 4!e nose.
Option A. filters t!e air into t!e lungs.
Option B. filters< warms and moistens t!e air into t!e lungs.
Option C. filters t!e air into t!e lungs.
Correct Answer is. filters< warms and moistens t!e air into t!e lungs.
Explanation. Nil. !ttpDBBwww.sirinet.netBJ=g=o!nsoBrespirator'.!tml
Question Number. #1. 4!e most common cause of m'opia is.
Option A. wea: accommodation.
Option B. a s!ortened e'eball.
Option C. an elongated e'eball.
Correct Answer is. an elongated e'eball.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." para ".7.".
09.3. *ocial &scholog.
Question Number. 1. .!at is peer group pressure/.
Option A. 4!e influence t!e 0ouse of Aords !a)e o)er t!e 0ouse of Commons.
Option B. Our be!a)iour influenced b' our friends and colleagues.
Option C. 4!e influence an indi)idual !as o)er a group of people.
Correct Answer is. Our be!a)iour influenced b' our friends and colleagues.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.+.1.
Question Number. ". A regular be!a)iour of an indi)idual is :nown as.
Option A. t!e norm.
Option B. !abit.
Option C. culture.
Correct Answer is. !abit.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Par."..".
Question Number. %. *n a discussion< t!e person w!o is most li:el' to be agreed wit! is.
Option A. t!e person w!o repeats t!e point most times.
Option B. t!e most argumentati)e person.
Option C. t!e person wit! t!e !ig!est status.
Correct Answer is. t!e person wit! t!e !ig!est status.
Explanation. No reference found in CAP 71 or 71#< but t!is is one of t!e problems found wit! pilots (steep coc:pit status gradient(.
Question Number. +. An engineer w!o !as de)eloped !is own wa' of performing a tas:.
Option A. is in regular )iolation.
Option B. is impro)ing maintenance efficienc'.
Option C. s!ould be commended for !is resourcefulness.
Correct Answer is. is in regular )iolation.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.+..
Question Number. . 4!e aim of !uman factors programs wit!in an organi-ations is.
Option A. to safeguard t!e !ealt! and safet' of maintenance personnel b' reducing accidents in t!e wor:place.
Option B. to optimi-e t!e relations!ip between maintenance personnel and s'stems wit! a )iew to impro)ing safet'< efficienc'
and well8being.
Option C. to reduce costs b' increasing efficienc'< safet' and 7ualit' and decreasing waste t!roug! !uman error.
Correct Answer is. and s'stems wit! a )iew to impro)ing safet'< efficienc' and well8being.
Explanation. CAP 71# App., Para."." and CAp 71 C!.1 Para.1.+.%.
Question Number. #. An aircraft engineer w!o !as (responsibilit'(.
Option A. must be licensed on t!e particular t'pe of aircraft.
Option B. are liable to be called to account as being in c!arge or control of< or answerable for somet!ing.
Option C. is in a management position wit!in t!eir compan' !ierarc!'.
Correct Answer is. are liable to be called to account as being in c!arge or control of< or answerable for somet!ing.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.".1.
Question Number. 7. 4!e impact of !uman factors and !uman error is most important to.
Option A. tec!nicians and engineers.
Option B. planners and managers.
Option C. *t is e7uall' important to tec!nicians< engineers< planners and managers.
Correct Answer is. *t is e7uall' important to tec!nicians< engineers< planners and managers.
Explanation. CAP 71# App., Para.%.1.
Question Number. 6. .!ere are t!e responsibilities of Aicensed Aircraft Engineers laid down/.
Option A. A.N %.
Option B. 4!e Air Na)igation Order.
Option C. CAP 71.
Correct Answer is. A.N %.
Explanation. A.N %.
Question Number. 1. ?iffusion of responsibilit' ma' occur.
Option A. to an indi)idual wor:ing as a member of a team.
Option B. wit! certain people w!et!er t!e' are wor:ing in a team or alone.
Option C. to an indi)idual wor:ing alone.
Correct Answer is. to an indi)idual wor:ing as a member of a team.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para."..".
Question Number. 1;. Gis:' s!ift( is.
Option A. t!e probabilit' of being assigned to a wor: tas: w!ic! in)ol)es some element of ris: or p!'sical danger.
Option B. t!e name gi)en to an inade7uate s!ift !ando)er.
Option C. t!e tendenc' for a group of wor:ers to arri)e at a course of action w!ic! is ris:ier t!an t!at w!ic! an' indi)idual
member mig!t pursue.
Correct Answer is. t!e tendenc' for a group of wor:ers to arri)e at a course of action w!ic! is ris:ier t!an t!at w!ic! an'
indi)idual member mig!t pursue.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para."...
Question Number. 11. 4o ensure t!at a tec!nician remains reasonabl' current on t!e aircraft t'pes to w!ic! t!e' !old
aut!ori-ations< t!e' are re7uired t!at.
Option A. t!e' !a)e appropriate continuationBrefres!er training onl'.
Option B. t!e' are in)ol)ed in at least # mont!s of actual aircraft maintenance experience in an' " 'ear period onl'.
Option C. t!e' are in)ol)ed in at least # mont!s of actual aircraft maintenance experience in an' " 'ear period and t!e' !a)e
appropriate continuationBrefres!er training.
Correct Answer is. t!e' are in)ol)ed in at least # mont!s of actual aircraft maintenance experience in an' " 'ear period and t!e'
!a)e appropriate continuationBrefres!er training.
Explanation. EA,A Part81+< ## and A.N % and CAP 71# C!.+ Para.+.% K.
Question Number. 1". 4!e difference between w!at a person (can( do and w!at !e (will( do is largel' determined b' !is.
Option A. moti)ation.
Option B. education and training.
Option C. p!'sical and mental !ealt!.
Correct Answer is. moti)ation.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.%.1.
Question Number. 1%. .!ose responsibilit' is it t!at an engineer remains current on new tec!nolog' and procedures/.
Option A. 4!e organi-ation(s.
Option B. 4!e CAA(s.
Option C. 4!e engineer(s.
Correct Answer is. 4!e engineer(s.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.7 Para.%.+.
Question Number. 1+. According to &aslow< safet' needs 2protection from potentiall' dangerous ob=ects or situations3.
Option A. is t!e last need of !uman after all ot!er needs !a)e been satisfied.
Option B. is second onl' to p!'siological needs 2food drin:< ox'gen etc.3.
Option C. is t!e most primal need of !umans.
Correct Answer is. is second onl' to p!'siological needs 2food drin:< ox'gen etc.3.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.%.+.
Question Number. 1. 4!e s'mptoms of de8moti)ation are )er' similar to t!e s'mptoms of.
Option A. stress.
Option B. tiredness.
Option C. mental illness.
Correct Answer is. stress.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.%..%.
Question Number. 1#. 4!e desire of an indi)idual to (conform( to a group b' allowing one(s opinions< attitudes and actions to be
affected b' pre)ailing conditions is :nown as.
Option A. peer pressure.
Option B. esteem needs.
Option C. culture issues.
Correct Answer is. peer pressure.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.+.%.
Question Number. 17. Confirmation bias( is.
Option A. error in wor: carried out b' a super)isor w!o !as also inspected and signed for !is own wor:.
Option B. an inspection of wor: carried out b' an independent inspector or super)isor.
Option C. t!e subconscious attention to e)idence w!ic! confirms an engineer(s beliefs< and inattention to e)idence w!ic!
contradicts !is beliefs.
Correct Answer is. engineer(s beliefs< and inattention to e)idence w!ic! contradicts !is beliefs.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1..7.
Question Number. 16. A person wit! low self8esteem is.
Option A. more li:el' to conform to peer pressure.
Option B. less li:el' to conform to peer pressure.
Option C. Conformit' to peer pressure is not affected b' le)el of self8esteem.
Correct Answer is. more li:el' to conform to peer pressure.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.+.+.+.
Question Number. 11. &oti)ation is.
Option A. a reward or punis!ment designed to reduce errors.
Option B. a reward or punis!ment designed to increase wor: rate.
Option C. t!e t!ing t!at dri)es someone to do somet!ing.
Correct Answer is. t!e t!ing t!at dri)es someone to do somet!ing.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.%.
Question Number. ";. Peer pressure is
Option A. t!e percei)ed pressure to carr' out a tas: in t!e same wa' 'our colleagues would.
Option B. t!e percei)ed pressure to conform to w!at 'ou belie)e 'our colleagues expect of 'ou.
Option C. Not!ing
Correct Answer is. t!e percei)ed pressure to conform to w!at 'ou belie)e 'our colleagues expect of 'ou.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.+.1. Question missing
Question Number. "1. 4!e e'esig!t of an engineer is t!e responsibilit' of.
Option A. t!e Qualit' &anager.
Option B. t!e optician.
Option C. t!e engineer.
Correct Answer is. t!e engineer.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".1".+.
Question Number. "". A good team is one w!ere e)er' member !as.
Option A. an opinion.
Option B. an input.
Option C. a =ob.
Correct Answer is. an input.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.#.1.1.
Question Number. "%. A.N +7 states t!at t!e engineer.
Option A. is responsible for !ealt! and safet'.
Option B. is responsible for t!e wor: !e !as signed for.
Option C. does not report for wor: if unfit.
Correct Answer is. does not report for wor: if unfit.
Explanation. A.N +7.
Question Number. "+. An effecti)e group wor: is w!en.
Option A. e)er'one contributes in some wa'.
Option B. e)er'one discusses ideas and opinions.
Option C. e)er'one !as a =ob to do.
Correct Answer is. e)er'one contributes in some wa'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para #.1.1.
Question Number. ". .!ic! of t!e following defines a peer pressure situation/.
Option A. Hour super)ising manager pressuring 'ou to complete t!e current tas: on time.
Option B. Hour girlfriend telling 'ou to go out wit! !er.
Option C. Hour colleagues pressuring 'ou to wor: faster so t!e' can go !ome.
Correct Answer is. Hour colleagues pressuring 'ou to wor: faster so t!e' can go !ome.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.+.
Question Number. "#. ,uccessful wor:ing teams !a)e t!e following attributesD8.
Option A. &embers participate in team acti)ities but retain t!eir own indi)idual re7uirements.
Option B. All t!e members participate in team acti)ities and discussions.
Option C. All t!e team members wor: in isolation and t!erefore pro)ide !ig!l' indi)idual solutions to t!e same problems.
Correct Answer is. &embers participate in team acti)ities but retain t!eir own indi)idual re7uirements.
Explanation. Closest reference found to t!is is CAP 71 C!.% Para.#.
Question Number. "7. $ood aircraft maintenance super)isor' =udgment is usuall' based upon.
Option A. :nowledge and experience and reference to appro)ed data.
Option B. t!e e)idence a)ailable and forceful management abilit'.
Option C. :nowledge and experience and reference to course notes.
Correct Answer is. :nowledge and experience and reference to appro)ed data.
Explanation. Closest reference found to t!is is CAP 71 C!.# Para.+..
Question Number. "6. Organi-ational culture 2w!et!er good or bad3 is best described as.
Option A. t!e wa' we do t!ings around !ere(.
Option B. written procedures.
Option C. team resource management.
Correct Answer is. t!e wa' we do t!ings around !ere(.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.1.".
Question Number. "1. *n an organi-ation w!ic! practices !uman factors t!ere is.
Option A. punis!ment for all )iolations.
Option B. no blame unless t!ere is a deliberate )iolation.
Option C. a no blame culture.
Correct Answer is. no blame unless t!ere is a deliberate )iolation.
Explanation. CAP 71# App.E.
Question Number. %;. A person can be said to be moti)ated if.
Option A. t!e' cut corners to get t!e =ob done 7uic:l'.
Option B. t!e' are on a producti)it' bonus.
Option C. t!e' are ta:ing action to ac!ie)e somet!ing.
Correct Answer is. t!e' are ta:ing action to ac!ie)e somet!ing.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para.%.
Question Number. %1. $roup polarisation can result in.
Option A. a group ma:ing a more cautious or extreme decision.
Option B. a group ma:ing a better decision t!an t!e indi)idual.
Option C. members of t!e group not tal:ing to one anot!er.
Correct Answer is. a group ma:ing a more cautious or extreme decision.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.% Para."...
Question Number. %". .!o is most li:el' to de)iate from standard procedure/.
Option A. Houng< inexperienced man.
Option B. O)er confident< 'oung man.
Option C. Old tired man.
Correct Answer is. O)er confident< 'oung man.
Explanation. CAP 71# App.G Para.1.".
Question Number. %%. 4!e ideal be!a)iour of a professional aircraft engineer is.
Option A. goal directed rat!er t!an person directed.
Option B. bot! person and goal directed.
Option C. neit!er person or goal directed.
Correct Answer is. bot! person and goal directed.
Explanation. N*A.
09.+. Factors ,ffecting &erformance.
Question Number. 1. *nformation on drugs and alco!ol can be found in.
Option A. BCAGs.
Option B. A.N +7.
Option C. A.N %.
Correct Answer is. A.N +7.
Explanation. A.N +7.
Question Number. ". *f 'ou !a)e been prescribed new medicine b' 'our doctor 'ou s!ould.
Option A. continue wit! 'our normal s!ift pattern.
Option B. ta:e % da's off wor: to tr' out t!e new medication.
Option C. gi)e t!e new medication a "+ !our trial.
Correct Answer is. gi)e t!e new medication a "+ !our trial.
Explanation. A.N +7 Para.%.7 and CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.+.%.
Question Number. %. After a general anaest!etic 'ou s!ould.
Option A. return to wor: as soon as possible.
Option B. not return to wor: for at least "+ to +6 !ours 2depending on t!e indi)idual3.
Option C. ta:e at least 7 da's off wor:.
Correct Answer is. not return to wor: for at least "+ to +6 !ours 2depending on t!e indi)idual3.
Explanation. A.N +7 Para.%.1.
Question Number. +. Hour doctor !as prescribed 'ou tran7uilli-ers as 'ou are suffering from depression. Hou s!ould.
Option A. not tell 'our emplo'er and carr' on wor: as normal.
Option B. tell 'our emplo'er and carr' on wor: as normal.
Option C. not wor: at all w!en ta:ing t!e tran7uilli-ers.
Correct Answer is. not wor: at all w!en ta:ing t!e tran7uilli-ers.
Explanation. A.N +7 App.1 Para.1 2ii3.
Question Number. . 4!e use of (pep( pills b' an aircraft engineer.
Option A. is recommended onl' w!en wor:ing late or on nig!t s!ift.
Option B. as t!e' stimulate t!e senses and ma:e 'ou less prone to accidents.
Option C. can onl' be used if prescribed b' 'our doctor s!ould ne)er be done 2except for coffee3.
Correct Answer is. s!ould ne)er be done 2except for coffee3.
Explanation. A.N +7 App.1 Para.1 2)3 and CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.+.%.
Question Number. #. Hou are ta:ing ,@?A5E? to relief nasal congestion.Hou s!ould.
Option A. sta' awa' from wor: until 'ou no longer re7uire t!e ,@?A5E?.
Option B. continue to ta:e t!em at wor: because ,@?A5E? !as no side effects.
Option C. a)oid ma:ing engineering decisions or performing licensed duties.
Correct Answer is. a)oid ma:ing engineering decisions or performing licensed duties.
Explanation. A.N +7 App.1 Para.1 2ix3 and CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.+.%.
Question Number. 7. .!at is slow wa)e sleep/.
Option A. Paradoxical sleep.
Option B. ,tage "8 + sleep.
Option C. GE&.
Correct Answer is. ,tage "8 + sleep.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para..1.%.
Question Number. 6. P!ase %B+ sleep.
Option A. can be induced b' alco!ol.
Option B. occurs onl' once per sleep c'cle.
Option C. is most beneficial for t!e bod'(s restoration.
Correct Answer is. is most beneficial for t!e bod'(s restoration.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para..1.%.
Question Number. 1. 0uman error can be caused b'.
Option A. !ig! bod' temperature.
Option B. normal bod' temperature.
Option C. low bod' temperature.
Correct Answer is. low bod' temperature.
Explanation. Bot! !ig! and low bod' temperature can cause error. 4!e answer !ere is ta:en from CAP 71# App.L Para.+.".
Question Number. 1;. .!at meal is most recommended after a long s!ift/.
Option A. 0ig! carbo!'drates.
Option B. Aow carbo!'drates.
Option C. 0ig! protein.
Correct Answer is. 0ig! carbo!'drates.
Explanation. Carbo!'drates replace blood sugar le)els most 7uic:l'.
Question Number. 11. Aong s!ift wor: will.
Option A. initiall' decrease 'our diagnostic and maintenance abilit' but e)entuall' increase 'our diagnostic and maintenance
abilit' as 'ou get used to it.
Option B. alwa's decrease 'our diagnostic and maintenance abilit'.
Option C. alwa's increase 'our diagnostic and maintenance abilit'.
Correct Answer is. alwa's decrease 'our diagnostic and maintenance abilit'.
Explanation. CAP 71# C!.+ Para.%.
Question Number. 1". 4!e circadian c'cle bod' temperature.
Option A. does not )ar'.
Option B. )aries b' 1.MC.
Option C. )aries b' 1.M5.
Correct Answer is. )aries b' 1.M5.
Explanation. Bod' temperature )aries from 16. deg.5 2da'time3 and drops to about 17 deg.5 2at about %8+am3.
Question Number. 1%. Acute stress is.
Option A. intense stress of long duration.
Option B. t'picall' intense but of s!ort duration.
Option C. a fre7uentl' reoccurring stress or of long duration.
Correct Answer is. t'picall' intense but of s!ort duration.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.".%.1.
Question Number. 1+. C!ronic stress is.
Option A. a fre7uentl' reoccurring stress or of long duration.
Option B. t'picall' intense but of s!ort duration.
Option C. intense stress of long duration.
Correct Answer is. a fre7uentl' reoccurring stress or of long duration.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.".%.1.
Question Number. 1. ,mo:ing cannabis.
Option A. subtl' impairs performance for up to "+ !ours.
Option B. !as onl' a s!ort term affect upon performance.
Option C. !as a noticeable affect on a persons be!a)iour and performance for up to "+ !ours.
Correct Answer is. subtl' impairs performance for up to "+ !ours.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#..".
Question Number. 1#. Performance is.
Option A. in)ersel' proportional to t!e indi)iduals state of arousal.
Option B. directl' proportional to t!e indi)iduals state of arousal.
Option C. greatest onl' at one optimum le)el of arousal but diminis!es as arousal decreases or increases.
Correct Answer is. in)ersel' proportional to t!e indi)iduals state of arousal.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.+.%.1.
Question Number. 17. &issing a brea: in an effort to get a =ob done wit!in a certain time frame.
Option A. can be done b' t!ose actuall' doing t!e =ob pro)iding t!e super)isors ta:e regular brea:s.
Option B. can be counterproducti)e< as fatigue diminis!es motor s:ills< perception< awareness and standards.
Option C. can be done pro)iding ade7uate rest period is a)ailable at t!e end of t!e s!ift.
Correct Answer is. can be counterproducti)e< as fatigue diminis!es motor s:ills< perception< awareness and standards.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.# Para.1."..
Question Number. 16. 4iredness causes )isual acuit' to.
Option A. decrease.
Option B. Cisual acuit' is not affected b' tiredness.
Option C. increase.
Correct Answer is. decrease.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".+.
Question Number. 11. Narrowing of attention occurs at.
Option A. low le)els of arousal.
Option B. bot! !ig! and low le)els of arousal.
Option C. !ig! le)els of arousal.
Correct Answer is. !ig! le)els of arousal.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.+.%.".
Question Number. ";. 4!e bloodBalco!ol limit is.
Option A. "; milligrams of alco!ol per 1;; millilitres of blood for commercial aircrew< air traffic controllers and 6; milligrams of
alco!ol per 1;; millilitres of blood for maintenance engineers.
Option B. +; milligrams of alco!ol per 1;; millilitres of blood.
Option C. "; milligrams of alco!ol per 1;; millilitres of blood for commercial aircrew< air traffic controllers and maintenance
Correct Answer is. "; milligrams of alco!ol per 1;; millilitres of blood for commercial aircrew< air traffic controllers and 6;
milligrams of alco!ol per 1;; millilitres of blood for maintenance engineers.
Explanation. A.N CAP+ Notice + Para.#.
Question Number. "1. Paradoxical sleep is also :nown as.
Option A. ,tage % sleep.
Option B. ,tage + sleep.
Option C. GE& sleep.
Correct Answer is. GE& sleep.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para..1.".
Question Number. "". .!en ta:ing medicine for t!e first time.
Option A. ta:e t!e first dose at least "+ !ours before an' dut' to ensure t!at it does not !a)e an' ad)erse effects.
Option B. absent 'ourself from wor: for t!e duration of use of t!e medicine.
Option C. consult a doctor if 'ou need to carr' out an' duties.
Correct Answer is. ta:e t!e first dose at least "+ !ours before an' dut' to ensure t!at it does not !a)e an' ad)erse effects.
Explanation. A.N +7 Para.%.7 2b3.
Question Number. "%. 5or a man to maintain !is fitness and !ealt! t!e conduci)e maximum recommended alco!ol inta:e is.
Option A. % 8 + units per wee:.
Option B. "6 units per wee:.
Option C. "6 units per da'.
Correct Answer is. "6 units per wee:.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.1.#.1.
Question Number. "+. 0uman Circadian r!'t!ms c'cle on a.
Option A. " !our timescale.
Option B. 6 !our timescale.
Option C. "+ !our time scale.
Correct Answer is. " !our timescale.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para..".1.
Question Number. ". Gemo)al of alco!ol from t!e blood stream.
Option A. can be speeded up b' sleeping.
Option B. cannot be speeded up.
Option C. can be speeded up b' drin:ing strong coffee.
Correct Answer is. cannot be speeded up.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.%.".
Question Number. "#. 5or a person wit! normal Circadian r!'t!ms< t!e bod' temperature will be lowest.
Option A. between + and # o(cloc: in t!e morning.
Option B. upon wa:ing.
Option C. at midda'.
Correct Answer is. between + and # o(cloc: in t!e morning.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para..".%.
Question Number. "7. *f a maintenance engineer !as a cold or flu !e s!ould.
Option A. onl' absent !imself from dut' if !is wor: contract includes sic:ness pa'.
Option B. onl' absent !imself from dut' if t!ere are no staff s!ortages at !is wor:place or wit!in !is wor: team.
Option C. absent !imself from dut' until full' reco)ered< regardless of ot!er factors.
Correct Answer is. absent !imself from dut' until full' reco)ered< regardless of ot!er factors.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.1...
Question Number. "6. Consumption of alco!ol.
Option A. increases mental and p!'sical reaction times.
Option B. !as no affect upon mental and p!'sical reaction times.
Option C. decreases mental and p!'sical reaction times.
Correct Answer is. increases mental and p!'sical reaction times.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.%.1 Please t!in: about t!e wording )er' carefull'.
Question Number. "1. Alertness and performance is reduced w!en t!e bod' temperature is.
Option A. abo)e normal.
Option B. below normal.
Option C. eit!er abo)e or below normal.
Correct Answer is. below normal.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para..".%.
Question Number. %;. A good rule of t!umb for an ade7uate amount of sleep is.
Option A. one !our of !ig! 7ualit' sleep is good for two !ours of acti)it'.
Option B. two !ours of !ig! 7ualit' sleep is good for one !our of acti)it'.
Option C. one !our of !ig! 7ualit' sleep is good for one !our of acti)it'.
Correct Answer is. one !our of !ig! 7ualit' sleep is good for two !ours of acti)it'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para...1.
Question Number. %1. 5inding t!at familiar tas:s 2suc! as programming t!e )ideo recorder3 seems more complicated t!an
usual< could be an earl' indication of.
Option A. acute stress.
Option B. c!ronic fatigue.
Option C. a cold or flu.
Correct Answer is. c!ronic fatigue.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para...+.
Question Number. %". 4!e onl' permitted stimulant is.
Option A. bromine.
Option B. caffeine.
Option C. amp!etamine.
Correct Answer is. caffeine.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.+.% and A.N +7 App. Para.2)3.
Question Number. %%. Aarge amounts of caffeine can.
Option A. cause anxiet'< !eadac!es and stress.
Option B. reduce anxiet' and stress.
Option C. impro)e alertness and increase awareness.
Correct Answer is. cause anxiet'< !eadac!es and stress.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.+.%.
Question Number. %+. 4!e s'mptoms of stress are.
Option A. )iolence< sic:ness< absence from wor:< drug and alco!ol abuse.
Option B. indications of impro)ed wor: performance.
Option C. irritabilit'< forgetfulness< sic:ness< absence from wor:< drug and alco!ol abuse.
Correct Answer is. irritabilit'< forgetfulness< sic:ness< absence from wor:< drug and alco!ol abuse.
Explanation. A.N +7 and CAP 71 C!.+ Para.".%.+.
Question Number. %. ,leeping tablets can.
Option A. slow reaction and dull t!e senses.
Option B. increase alertness after wa:ing t!e following morning.
Option C. !elp GE& sleep and realign circadian r!'t!ms.
Correct Answer is. slow reaction and dull t!e senses.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.+.%.
Question Number. %#. *nformation for certif'ing staff w!en medicall' unfit is found in.
Option A. A.N %.
Option B. A.N +7.
Option C. ANO.
Correct Answer is. A.N +7.
Explanation. A.N +7.
Question Number. %7. .!at effect would t!e consumption of % 8 units ofalco!ol/.
Option A. Aoss of 7ualit' of sleep.
Option B. Aow GE& sleep.
Option C. A drop in bod' temperature.
Correct Answer is. Aoss of 7ualit' of sleep.
Explanation. Alco!ol produces a loss of 7ualit' sleep.
Question Number. %6. Aong s!ift wor:.
Option A. decreases t!e abilit' to recogni-e defects.
Option B. increases t!e abilit' to recogni-e defects.
Option C. !as no effect on t!e abilit' to recogni-e defects.
Correct Answer is. decreases t!e abilit' to recogni-e defects.
Explanation. CAP 71# App.1 Para 1..
Question Number. %1. Circadian G!'t!ms control.
Option A. bod' temperature.
Option B. urine output.
Option C. sleeping patterns.
Correct Answer is. bod' temperature.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para..".1.
Question Number. +1. A stimulant allowed to be ta:en wit!out a doctor(s prescription is.
Option A. bromine.
Option B. caffeine.
Option C. anti!istamine.
Correct Answer is. caffeine.
Explanation. N*A.
Question Number. +". 4!e conditions laid down in A.N +7 are applicable to aircraft engineers.
Option A. w!o sign for wor: completed.
Option B. w!en under t!e influence of drin: or drugs.
Option C. for t!eir safet' at wor:.
Correct Answer is. w!en under t!e influence of drin: or drugs.
Explanation. A.N +7 Paras ".1 and ".".
Question Number. +%. Consumption of % 8 + units of alco!ol before sleep can.
Option A. increase GE& sleep.
Option B. decrease t!e 7ualit' of sleep.
Option C. lower t!e bod' temperature.
Correct Answer is. decrease t!e 7ualit' of sleep.
Explanation. Alco!ol !as no beneficial 7ualities 2as far as wor: and sleep is concerned an'wa'3.
Question Number. ++. 4!e c'cles of bod' temperature< sleep re7uirement and alertness are called.
Option A. eart! c'cles.
Option B. circadian r!'t!ms.
Option C. ecto 8 meridian c'cles.
Correct Answer is. circadian r!'t!ms.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para..".
Question Number. +. 4!e inta:e of caffeine in moderate 7uantities can result in.
Option A. anxiet'< !eadac!es and negati)e mood states.
Option B. lac: of sleep and subse7uent disruption to t!e circadian r!'t!ms.
Option C. a temporar' increase in t!e abilit' to sustain )igilance and increased alertness.
Correct Answer is. a temporar' increase in t!e abilit' to sustain )igilance and increased alertness.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.+.% 2(Pep( pills3.
Question Number. +#. .or:ing excessi)el' long s!ifts during unsociable !ours can lead to.
Option A. decreased abilit' to detect defects during aircraft maintenance.
Option B. an increased immunit' to stress.
Option C. increased abilit' to detect defects during aircraft maintenance.
Correct Answer is. decreased abilit' to detect defects during aircraft maintenance.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para...+.
Question Number. +7. *n t!eor'< !uman error is most li:el' to occur.
Option A. w!en t!e bod' temperature is at its lowest.
Option B. during )er' !ot weat!er.
Option C. w!en t!e bod' temperature is stable.
Correct Answer is. w!en t!e bod' temperature is at its lowest.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para..".%.
Question Number. +6. An indi)idual suffering from stress w!en confronted wit! a tas: wit!in !is capabilit' is li:el' to t!in:
t!e tas: is.
Option A. too demanding.
Option B. not demanding enoug!.
Option C. someone else(s responsibilit'.
Correct Answer is. someone else(s responsibilit'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.".# One defence strateg' of a person under stress is to a)oid additional stressors< b' 2for example3
s!ifting responsibilit'.
Question Number. +1. A.N +7 does not mention.
Option A. pep(s.
Option B. sudafed.
Option C. melatonin.
Correct Answer is. melatonin.
Explanation. &elatonin is mentioned in CAP 71< C!.+ Para.#.+.+ 2e)en t!oug! t!e section is a transcript from A.N+73.
Question Number. ;. % 8 + units of alco!ol ta:en before sleep reduces.
Option A. bot!.
Option B. 7uantit' of sleep.
Option C. 7ualit' of sleep.
Correct Answer is. bot!.
Explanation. N*A.
Question Number. 1. .!ic! is important in sleep/.
Option A. Quantit'.
Option B. Qualit'.
Option C. Bot!.
Correct Answer is. Bot!.
Explanation. N*A.
Question Number. ". ,tressors in t!e en)ironment of noise and !eat will cause.
Option A. no loss of attention.
Option B. a total loss of attention.
Option C. a loss of attention and a distraction.
Correct Answer is. a loss of attention and a distraction.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!..
Question Number. %. .!en going from da' s!ift to nig!t s!ift< efficienc'.
Option A. sta's t!e same.
Option B. will drop off after t!e first four wee:s.
Option C. will drop off in t!e first four wee:s.
Correct Answer is. will drop off in t!e first four wee:s.
Explanation. CAP 71# App.*.
Question Number. +. .!en wor:ing on aircraft< t!e consumption of alco!ol.
Option A. is permissible pro)iding t!e drin: dri)ing limit is not exceeded.
Option B. 'ou cannot wor: on aircraft e)en 6 !ours after consuming large 7uantities of alco!ol.
Option C. a certain amount is permissible.
Correct Answer is. 'ou cannot wor: on aircraft e)en 6 !ours after consuming large 7uantities of alco!ol.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#." 21B" drin:8dri)e limit3 and Para.#.%.%.
Question Number. . ?rin:ing % 8 + units of alco!ol before sleeping results in.
Option A. loss of non8GE& sleep.
Option B. loss of 7ualit' sleep.
Option C. a drop in bod' temperature.
Correct Answer is. loss of 7ualit' sleep.
Explanation. N*A.
Question Number. #. .!at effect does alco!ol !a)e on sleep/.
Option A. Bot!.
Option B. ?ecreases 7uantit' of sleep.
Option C. ?ecreases 7ualit' of sleep.
Correct Answer is. Bot!.
Explanation. N*A.
Question Number. 7. Narrowing of attention occurs in states of.
Option A. optimum arousal.
Option B. low arousal.
Option C. !ig! arousal.
Correct Answer is. !ig! arousal.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.+.%.".
Question Number. 6. 0'poxia can.
Option A. cause a person to slip into a coma if t!e' are not 7uic:l' warmed up again.
Option B. impair t!e sensiti)it' of t!e rods and !ence !a)e a detrimental effect on e'esig!t.
Option C. impro)e t!e nig!t )ision of t!e cones of t!e e'es.
Correct Answer is. impair t!e sensiti)it' of t!e rods and !ence !a)e a detrimental effect on e'esig!t.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".6.
Question Number. 1. Hou are ta:ing prescribed drugs.
Option A. Carr' on wor:ing< as long as 'ou :now t!e primar' and secondar' side effects.
Option B. ?o not wor:.
Option C. .or: and don(t care about ot!er t!ings.
Correct Answer is. Carr' on wor:ing< as long as 'ou :now t!e primar' and secondar' side effects.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.+.
Question Number. #;. .!ic! of t!e following is an acceptable substance< wit! regard to aircraft maintenance/.
Option A. Penicillin.
Option B. Caffeine.
Option C. Beta Bloc:ers.
Correct Answer is. Caffeine.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para.#.+.% (Pep( pills and A.N +7.
Question Number. #1. Circadian G!'t!ms !a)e a c'cle of.
Option A. " 0ours.
Option B. "+ 0ours.
Option C. "% 0ours.
Correct Answer is. " 0ours.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ Para..".1.
Question Number. #%. After drin:ing alco!ol< absorption is dependant on.
Option A. weig!t.
Option B. age.
Option C. time.
Correct Answer is. time.
Explanation. CAP 71# App.G Para.1.1.
Question Number. #+. An engineer !as a bod' mass index of "6. 4!iswould normall' be classed as.
Option A. a !ealt!' weig!t wit! no real ris: of de)eloping !ealt!problems.
Option B. underweig!t wit! no real ris: of de)eloping !ealt! problems.
Option C. o)erweig!t and at a ris: of de)eloping !ealt! problems.
Correct Answer is. a !ealt!' weig!t wit! no real ris: of de)eloping !ealt!problems.
Explanation. $ood B&* is 17 8 "" 2men3. "6 is considerabl' o)erweig!t. ,ee. !ttpDBBn!lbisupport.comBbmiBbmicalc.!tm
Question Number. ##. *f an a)erage adult !as consumed t!e e7ui)alent of four units of alco!ol< !ow long will it ta:e for t!is
le)el to drop to two units.
Option A. four !ours.
Option B. eig!t !ours.
Option C. two !ours.
Correct Answer is. two !ours.
Explanation. *A, 5act ,!eet Pg.+.
Question Number. #7. 0ow man' stages of sleep are t!ere/.
Option A. .
Option B. %.
Option C. +.
Correct Answer is. .
Explanation. CAP 71 c!apter + page 11.
Question Number. #6. GE& sleep can also be referred to as.
Option A. paranormal sleep.
Option B. slow wa)e sleep.
Option C. paradoxical sleep.
Correct Answer is. paradoxical sleep.
Explanation. CAP 71 c!apter + page 11.
Question Number. #1. 4!e presence of somet!ing damaging to ones !ealt! would be an example of a.
Option A. ps'c!ological stressor.
Option B. reacti)e stressor.
Option C. p!'sical stressor.
Correct Answer is. p!'sical stressor.
Explanation. CAP 71 c!apter + page +.
Question Number. 7;. Aircraft engineers can ta:e common sense steps to maintain t!eir fitness and !ealt!. 4!ese are :nown as.
Option A. self8impro)ement measures.
Option B. positi)e self8impro)ement.
Option C. positi)e measures.
Correct Answer is. positi)e measures.
Explanation. CAP 71 c!apter + page % 1.# Positi)e &easures.
Question Number. 71. 4!e amount of stress experienced wit! a particular tas: is dependent on.
Option A. t!e percei)ed demand and actual abilit'.
Option B. t!e percei)ed demand and percei)ed abilit'.
Option C. t!e actual demand and actual abilit'.
Correct Answer is. t!e percei)ed demand and percei)ed abilit'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.+ para ".%.
Question Number. 7%. Aong s!ift wor: will.
Option A. increase 'our diagnostic and maintenance abilit'.
Option B. initiall' decrease 'our diagnostic and maintenance abilit' but t!en 'ou will get used to it.
Option C. decrease 'our diagnostic and maintenance abilit'.
Correct Answer is. decrease 'our diagnostic and maintenance abilit'.
Question Number. 7+. P!ase % and + sleep is.
Option A. occurs onl' once per sleep c'cle.
Option B. most beneficial for t!e bodies reco)er'.
Option C. induced b' alco!ol.
Correct Answer is. most beneficial for t!e bodies reco)er'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C! + para .1.%.
Question Number. 7. Clinical insomnia can be caused b'.
Option A. caffeine.
Option B. =et lag.
Option C. a c!ange of en)ironment.
Correct Answer is. caffeine.
Question Number. 7#. 4!e normal reco)er' for Circadian d'sr!'t!mia is.
Option A. at a rate ". !ours a da'.
Option B. at a rate 1. !ours a da'.
Option C. at a rate " !ours a da'.
Correct Answer is. at a rate 1. !ours a da'.
Explanation. !ttpDBBen.wi:ipedia.orgBwi:iBNetFAag 1 da' per time -one is 7uoted !ere
Question Number. 77. .!en comparing noise le)els on 0uman Performance.
Option A. noise !as no effect on t!e number of errors or t!e speed of performance of an indi)idual.
Option B. an indi)idual can find noise le)els anno'ing but still perform well indefinitel'.
Option C. noise is directl' proportional to t!e number of errors and t!e speed of performance of an indi)idual.
Correct Answer is. noise is directl' proportional to t!e number of errors and t!e speed of performance of an indi)idual.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." para %.#.
09.". &hsical -n$ironment.
Question Number. 1. En)ironmental stresses are.
Option A. caused b' noise< fumes< !eat and )ibration.
Option B. tolerated b' e)er'one e7uall'.
Option C. not normall' cumulati)e.
Correct Answer is. caused b' noise< fumes< !eat and )ibration.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!. O C!.+ Para.".%.".
Question Number. ". Emplo'ers must pro)ide t!eir emplo'ees wit! personal ear protectors if t!e noise le)el reac!es.
Option A. 7; dB.
Option B. 6 dB.
Option C. #; dB.
Correct Answer is. 6 dB.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%.7.".
Question Number. %. 4!e maximum allowable noise dose is.
Option A. 6 dB.
Option B. an' combination of noise and time w!ic! exceeds 1; dB 4.A.
Option C. 1; dB for "+ !ours.
Correct Answer is. an' combination of noise and time w!ic! exceeds 1; dB 4.A.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%.7.%.
Question Number. +. En)ironmental capture( is a t'pe of error possible w!en an engineer does t!e same =ob repeatedl'.
Option A. but on different t'pes of aircraft.
Option B. on t!e same t'pe of aircraft.
Option C. in a s!ort timescale.
Correct Answer is. on t!e same t'pe of aircraft.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1..+.
Question Number. . *n t!e @L< an air8side ramp )e!icle dri)er is most li:el' to go deaf in.
Option A. t!e left ear.
Option B. bot! ears.
Option C. t!e rig!t ear.
Correct Answer is. t!e rig!t ear.
Explanation. Because !e usuall' !as t!e window open.
Question Number. #. @p to w!at proximit' to an aircraft wit! engines running is t!e use of ear protection recommended for
maintenance personnel/.
Option A. ";; 8 %;; metres.
Option B. "; 8 %; metres.
Option C. " 8 % metres.
Correct Answer is. ";; 8 %;; metres.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%.6.".
Question Number. 7. ,tudies !a)e s!own t!at wor:ing outside in a temperature of M5 will !a)e w!at effect on !and
Option A. Around ;>.
Option B. Cer' slig!t.
Option C. None.
Correct Answer is. Around ;>.
Explanation. ?aanen 0. ?eterioration of manual performance in cold and wind' climates. A$AG? Conference Proceedings +; 4!e
support of air operations under extreme !ot and cold weat!er conditions 111% &a'. NatoP 111%. p. 181;.
Question Number. 6. .!en wor:ing wit! brig!t lig!ts consideration s!ould be gi)en to.
Option A. blurred image.
Option B. s!adows.
Option C. glare.
Correct Answer is. glare.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!. Para.%.+.
Question Number. 1. .!ic! of t!e following is true/.
Option A. Noise affects t!e standard of wor: proportionatel' wit! t!e le)el of t!e noise.
Option B. Noise does not affect a person(s standard of wor:.
Option C. Noise does affect t!e standard of wor: wit! certain people.
Correct Answer is. Noise does affect t!e standard of wor: wit! certain people.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%.#." and CAP 71# App.L Para..".
Question Number. 1;. 4!e effect on an engineer of en)ironmental noise is.
Option A. it impro)es concentration and 7ualit' of wor:.
Option B. it decreases concentration and 7ualit' of wor:.
Option C. it !as no affect on concentration of 7ualit' of wor:.
Correct Answer is. it decreases concentration and 7ualit' of wor:.
Explanation. CAP 71# App.L Para..
Question Number. 11. Excess noise in a wor:ing en)ironment can.
Option A. raise resistance to ot!er stresses.
Option B. not affect performance.
Option C. lower resistance to ot!er stresses.
Correct Answer is. lower resistance to ot!er stresses.
Explanation. CAP 71# App.L Para ..
Question Number. 1". *f t!e temperature is 8 1MC and 'ou are wor:ing on t!e line< 'ou s!ould.
Option A. rotate engineers regularl' and !a)e a super)isor :eep an e'e on t!em.
Option B. carr' on regardless of t!e weat!er to :eep t!e aircraft fl'ing.
Option C. stop all maintenance until t!e weat!er impro)es.
Correct Answer is. stop all maintenance until t!e weat!er impro)es.
Explanation. NAG 1+ A&C 1+."2c3 and CP 71 C!. Para.+.+.
Question Number. 1%. ,tudies !a)e s!own t!at wor:ing outside in a temperature of M5 will !a)e w!at effect on !and
Option A. None.
Option B. Around ;> reduction.
Option C. Cer' slig!t reduction.
Correct Answer is. Around ;> reduction.
Explanation. ,o studies !a)e s!own 8 but 'ou won(t find it in eit!er CAP 71 or 71#.
Question Number. 1+. Cold stress can be influenced b'.
Option A. insufficient )itamins in t!e diet.
Option B. a drop in bod' temperature.
Option C. t!e wind c!ill factor.
Correct Answer is. t!e wind c!ill factor.
Explanation. Contributor' factors of cold stress are temperature< wind speed and wetness.
Question Number. 1. En)ironmental stresses in an extreme !ig! temperature and nois' en)ironment causes.
Option A. attention to be disturbed and distributed.
Option B. no loss of attention or distraction.
Option C. total loss of attention.
Correct Answer is. attention to be disturbed and distributed.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!..
Question Number. 1#. .!ic! of t!e following en)ironments is best suited to aircraft maintenance/.
Option A. .or:ing outside< at nig!t< in t!e rain.
Option B. .or:ing outside< in t!e direct midda' sun.
Option C. .or:ing inside in a well lit< comfortable !angar.
Correct Answer is. .or:ing inside in a well lit< comfortable !angar.
Explanation. N*A.
Question Number. 17. *ntense or loud noise ma' lead to.
Option A. deafness.
Option B. fatigue.
Option C. no effects.
Correct Answer is. fatigue.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.%.#.1.
Question Number. 16. 5acilit' lig!ting in a !angar s!ould be.
Option A. no brig!ter t!an 1; lux.
Option B. pro)ided b' fixed lig!t units gi)ing lig!t to s!adow ratio of %D1.
Option C. portable so t!at indi)idual tas:s ma' be well lit.
Correct Answer is. pro)ided b' fixed lig!t units gi)ing lig!t to s!adow ratio of %D1.
Explanation. CAP 71# Appendix A Para.".".% 2alt!oug! no reference can be found for t!e % to 1 bit3.
Question Number. 11. .!en tas:s are being designed< t!e maximum mass an engineer s!ould lift is.
Option A. %" :g.
Option B. "% :g.
Option C. ; :g.
Correct Answer is. "% :g.
Explanation. "% :g or ; lbs.
Question Number. ";. ,ensing and perception errors are most li:el' to result from.
Option A. distraction of ot!er engineers.
Option B. poor lig!ting or noise.
Option C. lac: of ade7uate training.
Correct Answer is. poor lig!ting or noise.
Explanation. ,ensing and perception are " stages in t!e *nformation Processing &odel 2CAP 71 C!." Para.+.13 and affected b'
lig!ting and noise.
Question Number. "1. 4as: lig!ting in a !angar is mainl'.
Option A. pro)ided b' fixed lig!ting.
Option B. pro)ided b' fluorescent tubes.
Option C. portable so t!at indi)idual tas:s ma' be well lit.
Correct Answer is. portable so t!at indi)idual tas:s ma' be well lit.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!. Para.%." and %.%.
09... %as/s.
Question Number. 1. .!en inspecting an airframe structure for small crac:s< to a)oid a crac: being missed 'ou s!ould.
Option A. !old t!e )ision stationar' for se)eral seconds on eac! area to allow t!e e'e to focus correctl'.
Option B. not use a mirror as mirrors absorb and refract lig!t and ma' obscure a crac:.
Option C. constantl' mo)e t!e e'e across and around t!e area of interest to a)oid t!e crac: falling into t!e e'e(s natural blind
Correct Answer is. interest to a)oid t!e crac: falling into t!e e'e(s natural blind spot.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para."..".
Question Number. ". .!en a person mo)es from a poorl' lit area to a well lit area< w!at is t!e minimum time t!e' s!ould
allow for t!e e'es to adapt/.
Option A. 7 minutes.
Option B. 7 seconds.
Option C. %; seconds.
Correct Answer is. 7 minutes.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!." Para.".1.1.
Question Number. %. *temi-ed c!ec:lists s!ould be dealt wit!.
Option A. in an' order< pro)ided all steps are completed.
Option B. item b' item< in order< to co)er e)er' step diligentl'.
Option C. as memori-ed.
Correct Answer is. item b' item< in order< to co)er e)er' step diligentl'.
Explanation. Closest reference found to t!is is CAP 71 C!.# Para.+..
Question Number. +. 4!e main disad)antage of carr'ing out critical inspections under )er' brig!t artificial lig!t is.
Option A. glare.
Option B. s!adows.
Option C. filtered lig!t.
Correct Answer is. glare.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!. Para.%.+.
Question Number. . .!en carr'ing out a )isual inspection< an engineer is li:el' to ma:e a parallax error w!en.
Option A. inspecting a component using a x or 1;x magnif'ing glass.
Option B. using precision measuring instruments suc! as a )ernier gauge or ACO meter.
Option C. Not!ing.
Correct Answer is. using precision measuring instruments suc! as a )ernier gauge or ACO meter.
Explanation. Parallax Q (4!e apparent displacement of an ob=ect as seen. from two different points t!at are not on a line wit! t!e
09.7. 0ommunication.
Question Number. 1. .!at constitutes a good wor: !ando)er/.
Option A. A written and )erbal account of t!e wor: done.
Option B. A written documentation of t!e wor: done.
Option C. A )erbal account of t!e wor: done.
Correct Answer is. A written and )erbal account of t!e wor: done.
Explanation. CAP 71# C!.1 Para.1.+.
Question Number. ". A good s!ift !ando)er s!ould include details of.
Option A. tas:s t!at !a)e been completedP persons w!o carried out t!e tas:sP tas:s to be carried out and general compan' and
tec!nical information.
Option B. tas:s t!at !a)e been completedP tas:s in progress< t!eir status< an' problems encountered etc.P tas:s to be carried out
and tools re7uired to carr' out t!e tas:s.
Option C. tas:s t!at !a)e been completedP tas:s in progress< t!eir status< an' problems encountered etc.P tas:s to be carried out
and general compan' and tec!nical information.
Correct Answer is. tas:s t!at !a)e been completedP tas:s in progress< t!eir status< an' problems encountered etc.P tas:s to be carried
out and general compan' and tec!nical information.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.7 Para.1..1 and CAP 71# App.& Para.%.7.%.
Question Number. +. A good practice for a s!ift !ando)er is for s!ifts to be specificall' rostered so t!ere is an o)erlap of.
Option A. " 8 % !ours.
Option B. 8 1; minutes.
Option C. "; 8 %; minutes.
Correct Answer is. "; 8 %; minutes.
Explanation. CAP 71# C!.1 Para.1.%.
Question Number. . As'nc!ronous( communication includes.
Option A. immediate )oice communication b' radio lin:.
Option B. tec!nical manuals< memos< Ad)isor' Circulars and Airwort!iness ?irecti)es.
Option C. face8to8face communications.
Correct Answer is. tec!nical manuals< memos< Ad)isor' Circulars and Airwort!iness ?irecti)es.
Explanation. Nil
Question Number. 7. 4!e most effecti)e form of communication is.
Option A. )erbal communication.
Option B. written communication.
Option C. explicit communication.
Correct Answer is. explicit communication.
Explanation. Nil.
Question Number. 1;. .!at is t!e most important means of communication in aircraft maintenance engineering/.
Option A. .ritten.
Option B. *mplicit.
Option C. Cerbal.
Correct Answer is. .ritten.
Explanation. CAP 71# App 4 Para 1. *nterrogation and confirmation can be used in )erbal communication to ensure t!at t!e
recei)er !as understood. (*mplicit communication( is implied 2non8)erbal3 communication and is open to
interpretation and errors..
Question Number. 1%. *f 'ou are gi)en a tas: t!at 'ou are unsure of 'ou s!ould.
Option A. consult t!e appropriate appro)ed data.
Option B. as: someone w!o !as done it before.
Option C. consult t'pe course notes.
Correct Answer is. consult t!e appropriate appro)ed data.
Explanation. Nil.
Question Number. 1#. 4!e alerting s'stem for an important s'stem failure s!ould be.
Option A. an aural warning.
Option B. a flas!ing )isual signal< preferabl' red.
Option C. a dolls8e'e indicator.
Correct Answer is. an aural warning
Explanation. Nil.
09.1. Human -rror.
Question Number. 1. 4!e ,0EA model of !uman factors ta:es into account.
Option A. ,oftware< !ardware< en)ironment and li)eware.
Option B. ,oftware< !ardware< efficienc' and li)eware.
Option C. ,oftware< !ardware< en)ironment and location.
Correct Answer is. ,oftware< !ardware< en)ironment and li)eware.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.1..1.
Question Number. ". .!at part of t!e ,0EA model would t!e writing and interpretation of maintenance manuals fit into/.
Option A. 0ardware.
Option B. ,oftware.
Option C. En)ironment.
Correct Answer is. ,oftware.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.1..".
Question Number. %. 4!e (error c!ain( t!eor' refers to.
Option A. a c!ain of errors wit!in an organi-ations can be in)estigated< and similar errors pre)ented b' determining a common
lin: between t!em.
Option B. a compan' is onl' as good as its wea:est emplo'ee or emplo'ees< and remo)al of t!atBt!ose emplo'ee from t!e c!ain
s!ould pre)ent errors.
Option C. errors are caused b' a c!ain of lin:ed e)ents< and t!e brea:ing of one lin: in t!e c!ain will pre)ent t!e error.
Correct Answer is. errors are caused b' a c!ain of lin:ed e)ents< and t!e brea:ing of one lin: in t!e c!ain will pre)ent t!e error.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.".7.".
Question Number. +. .!at part of t!e ,0EA model would t!e aircraft design fit into/.
Option A. Ai)eware.
Option B. 0ardware.
Option C. En)ironment.
Correct Answer is. 0ardware.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.1..".
Question Number. . .!ic! part of t!e ,0EA model is most difficult to protect from errors b' (designing out( or to (wor:
Option A. Ai)eware.
Option B. ,oftware.
Option C. En)ironment.
Correct Answer is. Ai)eware.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.1..+.
Question Number. #. A )iolation in an aircraft maintenance procedure.
Option A. is usuall' carried out wit! t!e best intentions from a genuine desire to (get t!e =ob done(.
Option B. is alwa's considered an act of )andalism or sabotage.
Option C. is alwa's carried out to satisf' some personal need< often unrelated to t!e actual tas:.
Correct Answer is. is usuall' carried out wit! t!e best intentions from a genuine desire to (get t!e =ob done(.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.+..
Question Number. 7. .!ic! t'pe of !uman error is easiest to correct/.
Option A. Constant error.
Option B. Ge)ersible error.
Option C. Cariable error.
Correct Answer is. Constant error.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.".1.
Question Number. 6. *n t!e (slips< lapses and mista:es( definition of errors< forgetting to replace an engine cowling would be
considered a.
Option A. mista:e.
Option B. lapse.
Option C. slip.
Correct Answer is. lapse.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.+.%.
Question Number. 1. *n t!e (slips< lapses and mista:es( definition of errors< a mista:e would t'picall' occur at t!e.
Option A. storage 2memor'3 stage.
Option B. execution stage.
Option C. planning stage.
Correct Answer is. planning stage.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.+.+.
Question Number. 1;. On a tas: t!at is complex< an engineer uses !is own procedures due to pressure. 4!is is legall' termed.
Option A. modification.
Option B. initiati)e.
Option C. )iolation.
Correct Answer is. )iolation.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.".+ and Para.1.+..
Question Number. 11. Cisual inspection b' an (experienced( maintenance engineer is.
Option A. :nowledge and rule base be!a)iour.
Option B. s:ill and :nowledge based be!a)iour.
Option C. s:ill and rule based be!a)iour.
Correct Answer is. :nowledge and rule base be!a)iour.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1..1 and C!.# Para.%.+.
Question Number. 1". 4roubles!ooting is.
Option A. rule based.
Option B. s:ill based.
Option C. :nowledge based.
Correct Answer is. rule based.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1..
Question Number. 1%. A )iolation is.
Option A. an unintentional error.
Option B. a deliberate departure from t!e rules.
Option C. an intentional act of sabotage.
Correct Answer is. a deliberate departure from t!e rules.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.+..
Question Number. 1+. A mista:e is.
Option A. a deliberate departure from t!e rules.
Option B. an intentional act of sabotage.
Option C. an unintentional error.
Correct Answer is. an unintentional error.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.+.%.
Question Number. 1. .!ilst wor:ing on an aircraft a spanner placed on t!e wing surface is :ic:ed off and subse7uentl' falls
into an open engine cowl< brea:ing off a sensor connector. 4!is is an example of.
Option A. a s:ill based error.
Option B. &urp!'(s law.
Option C. a punis!able occurrence.
Correct Answer is. &urp!'(s law.
Explanation. A ,:ill based error are errors associated wit! (intrinsic )ariabilit' of force< space or time coordination( 20uman Error<
Names Geason pg.+%3.
Question Number. 1#. An experienced engineer fits t!e wrong seal during a routine component c!ange. 4!is is.
Option A. s:ill based.
Option B. rule based.
Option C. :nowledge based.
Correct Answer is. rule based.
Explanation. @sing t!e *PC is a rule based be!a)iour.
Question Number. 17. An engineer is wor:ing on a wing and :ic:s a spanner off into an engine cowl and brea:s a sensor. 4!is
Option A. :nowledge based error.
Option B. s:ill based error.
Option C. rule based error.
Correct Answer is. s:ill based error.
Explanation. A s:ill based error 2slip3 is an error in force< space or time coordination 2Geason< 0uman Error pg +%3.
Question Number. 16. 4!e difference between a mista:e and a )iolation is.
Option A. a mista:e is less serious t!an a )iolation.
Option B. a )iolation is not deliberate.
Option C. a mista:e is unintentional and a )iolation is deliberate.
Correct Answer is. a mista:e is unintentional and a )iolation is deliberate.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.+.
Question Number. ";. An experienced engineer is fitting a )al)e. A re7uired seal is not fitted. .!at t'pe of error is t!is/.
Option A. Lnowledge based.
Option B. Gule based.
Option C. ,:ill based.
Correct Answer is. Gule based.
Explanation. 4!is is a rule based error. *n Gule Base errors are t'picall' associated wit! misclassification of situations leading to t!e
application of t!e wrong rule or wit! t!e incorrect recall of procedures. 2Geason< 0uman Error pg +%3.
Question Number. "1. 4!e !ub of t!e ,0EA model of !uman factors is.
Option A. li)eware.
Option B. !ardware.
Option C. en)iroment.
Correct Answer is. li)eware.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para. 1..
Question Number. "". A t'pe 1 )isual inspection error occurs w!en.
Option A. a fault' item is missed.
Option B. a good item is incorrectl' identified as fault'.
Option C. a duplicate inspection is not carried out.
Correct Answer is. a good item is incorrectl' identified as fault'.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.".#.
Question Number. "%. .!at is t!e difference between error and )iolation/.
Option A. Ciolation is deliberate< error is not.
Option B. Error is deliberate< )iolation is not.
Option C. No difference.
Correct Answer is. Ciolation is deliberate< error is not.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.+..
Question Number. "+. .!at is a latent failure/.
Option A. A mista:e t!at !as alread' been made< but !as not 'et caused an accident.
Option B. Gecei)ing bad instruction from a manager w!o is out of touc! wit! maintenance.
Option C. A failure w!ic! could not !a)e been predicted.
Correct Answer is. A mista:e t!at !as alread' been made< but !as not 'et caused an accident.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.#.".
Question Number. ". .!at !appens w!en 'ou brea: t!e (c!ain of error(/.
Option A. Accident !appens.
Option B. Pilot submits report wit!in 7" !ours.
Option C. Accident does not !appen.
Correct Answer is. Accident does not !appen.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.1 Para.".7.".
Question Number. "#. *f an engineer forgets to fit a seal to an engine drain plug< !e or s!e !as.
Option A. made an error of commission.
Option B. committed a )iolation.
Option C. made an error of omission.
Correct Answer is. made an error of omission.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.1.+.%.
Question Number. "7. An engineer is performing a tas: in less t!an ideal conditions in order to meet an operational deadline is.
Option A. committed a routine error.
Option B. committing a situational )iolation.
Option C. ma:ing a rule based slip.
Correct Answer is. committing a situational )iolation.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.".+.%.
Question Number. "6. An engineer w!o !as de)eloped !is or !er own met!od of performing a complex tas:.
Option A. s!ould be commended for !isB!er resourcefulness.
Option B. is performing a rule based be!a)iour.
Option C. is )iolating on a regular basis.
Correct Answer is. is )iolating on a regular basis.
Explanation. CAP 71 C!.6 Para.".+.".
Question Number. "1. Error tolerance in maintenance progress refers to.
Option A. performance of tas:s specificall' designed to identif' errors during a maintenance tas:.
Option B. abilit' of a s'stem to remain functional after a maintenance error.
Option C. process of eliminating t!e contributing factors to error.
Correct Answer is. process of eliminating t!e contributing factors to error. OG abilit' of a s'stem to remain functional after a
maintenance error.
09.9. Ha2ards in the Wor/place.
Question Number. 1. Engineers often wor: on raised platforms< ladders etc. .!at dangers can t!is contribute to/.
Option A. ,taging ma' be made of wood.
Option B. Aadder ma' slip and man falls.
Option C. 4wo wor:ers ma' be carr'ing out maintenance on t!e same lift.
Correct Answer is. Aadder ma' slip and man falls.
Explanation. CAP 71# C!. Para..1.
Question Number. ". Gis: assessment and management is.
Option A. reduction of ris:s to a tolerable standard and monitoring t!e situation.
Option B. t!e in)estigation of ris:s and totall' remo)ing t!em and t!e monitoring of new wor: practices.
Option C. c!oosing a c!eaper supplier or manufacturer for parts.
Correct Answer is. reduction of ris:s to a tolerable standard and monitoring t!e situation.
Explanation. N*A.
Question Number. %. .!en carr'ing out a ris: assessment.
Option A. a !ard !at s!ould be worn.
Option B. it is necessar' to identif' w!ere e7uipmentBprocedures mig!t fail.
Option C. Not!ing.
Correct Answer is. it is necessar' to identif' w!ere e7uipmentBprocedures mig!t fail.
Explanation. N*A.

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