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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Mrs. Santoro

Duration in Minutes: 40 Minutes
Curriculum Area: Science
Unit: Classifications of Animals
Grade: 3
Media Collaborative Lesson/Research
Lesson Focus/Topic: Beginning Research /Identifying Animal Classifications
CCGPS Standard/Element(s): CC.3.W.7, CC.3.W.8, AASL Learning Standard 1.1.1,
ELA 3R3. Communication & Collaboration
OPENING (Getting students ready to learn)

Step 1: Audience & Behavior. Teacher and students talk about what they will learn
and do (. Communication of Learning Intentions)
Students will be able to use digital media and collaborate in teams of two or more to research
an animal. They will be able to identify the different classification of animals and work with
peers to gather information. Using a specific classification (example mammals) teams will pick a
specific animal that falls into the classification they were assigned. Once they have confirmed
their selection with the instructor they will begin to research and take notes using a graphic
organizer the teacher will provide. The teacher will provide a Prezi that will show examples of
expectations. They will use the website in order to complete their research.

Step 2: Conditions & Degree. EVALUATE: How will you know when they have
learned it? (Communication of Success Criteria)

Students will evaluate and compare the classification of animals. They will be able to identify
the 5 types of animals we studied (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds). In teams they
will be able to collaborate successfully and agree upon an animal that fits within the parameter
of the project. Using the graphic organizer provided they will be able to demonstrate their
mastery by completing at least 3 out of the 6 items on the first day of research. They will create
a one page brochure about their animal using either a Word Document, PowerPoint, Prezi or

Step 3: ENGAGE with TECHNOLOGY. Activating Approach/Warm Up (Build
Commitment and Engagement):

As a class we will brainstorm together writing out KWL chart on the white board, on the topic
Animal Classification. Students will learn the classifications of animals; mammals, reptiles,
amphibians, birds, fish. As we warm up and discuss animals, a topic most children love, we will
talk about the many online tools that can be used to conduct research. We will talk a little bit
about Digital Citizenship to make it clear that not all websites provide accurate information, a
common example is Wikipedia. Students will tell play a very fun game but before they play they
will be organized into 5 teams of 4. An engaging question will be asked like If we are going to
play a game about animal classifications, what shall we name our teams? They will give many
good suggestions, however the team names will be; Team Mammals, Team Reptiles, Team
birds, Team Fish, Team Amphibians. They will sit in their groups and be given a card with their
team name on it. We will play the game, Grades 3-5 Life Science,
Animal Characteristic Game.
After the game is completed students will 1,2,3 eyes on me, receive a Prezi presentation
describing the expectation of the research assignment along with an example. They will then
break out into groups and begin their research on IPads looking at the following site animals which will be posted on the board. Students will receive a handout
of a graphic organizer and be allowed to do their report on either Prezi, Power Point, publisher
or Word. They must follow the guidelines of the assignment which will be detailed in a handout
to each individual group.

Step 4: Give students new information (Teacher Presentation Strategies-includes
Academic Vocabulary, Procedures, Exploration)
I will have the game up on the whiteboard Grades 3-5 Life Science,
Animal Characteristic Game and I will explain that we are looking to place certain objects where
they belong. I will introduce the 5 teams and point out that in the game these 5 teams all have
certain characteristic and it is our job to provide the characteristic to the right group. So we will
start out with easiest which is fur? Which team would be a team that would have fur? Think
about this question? Once the game is completed I will introduce the students to the website Animals. I will explain what the expectations are for their project and that
they must work together as a group. I will discuss the best procedures used for collecting
information and I will remind them that the graphic organizer is an excellent way to organize
information. I will suggest that each group member pick one of the items on the graphic
organizer to research in order to save time. I will remind student that they only have 2 class
period to produce their project so time management is very important.

CHALLENGE AND DIFFERENTIATION (Providing Rigor and Differentiation)

Critical Thinking and Extension Questions (Differentiation and Academically
Challenging Environment)
What is the benefit of classifying animals into groups? What purpose do you think it

Supporting Student Learning (Scaffolding and Accelerating Learning for Different
Ability Levels)
Can anyone tell me what Vertebrates are?
How about invertebrate?
Is an insect a vertebrate or an invertebrate?

WORK PERIOD (Releasing students to do the work)

Step 5. EXPLORE through the use of TECHNOLOGY. Have students use the new
information. (Guided Practice)
Students will be able to use the game played in the lesson, ,
Grades 3-5 Life Science, Animal Characteristic Game as a reference and it will be left up on
the white board as a visual to identify the different classifications and some of the
characteristic their animal might have. Each student will be able to independently
research different types of animals using the website They will
pick an animal that matches the criteria of their team (example if they are Team
Reptile they might pick an Iguana). Once they have confirmed their animal with the
teacher they will use a graphic organizer provided to take notes and collaborate
together as a group. If they have completed the graphic organizer students can
create their own research paper using a word document or publisher. They should
be creative and make sure to include at least 1 interesting fact about the animal.

CLOSING (Helping students make sense of their learning)

Step 6: EXPLAIN & EVALUATE through the use of TECHNOLOGY. Make sure they can
do it (Closure, Assessment, Evaluation Strategies, Rubric, Product etc., Summarizing
When students have completed their presentation, the technology they use will show
they have utilized their knowledge using technology to reproduce a report. The will be
able to summarize the classification of animals using technology to make their
presentation shine. They will apply knowledge that many things are classified according
to their characteristics and within the animal kingdom this is applied within the 5 class

Step 7: EXTEND/ELABORATE through the use of TECHNOLOGY. Extend the lesson
beyond the classroom (Independent Practice)

(Researched-based strategies to engages student in active learning)

Teaching & learning through the use of technology: How did you use technology to
enhance your instructional strategies?
In order to increase their understanding of the subject of animal classification my goal
was to first, using a simple T chart with KWL on the white board, access their
knowledge of the subject by brainstorming the subject animal classification. My next
goal was to provide an engaging lesson but in the form of a game,
Grade 3-5 Life Science, Animal Characteristic Game. This game would allow the students
the ability to analyze the data given and apply what they know. The next goal was to
break them up into teams and instead of allowing them to pick an animal, I deliberately
had them named after a classification that was used in the game. So team mammal had
to find an animal that was a mammal, team reptile a reptile and so on. They were to use
the website, to find the animal they as a group wanted to do
their research project on. They were able to utilize either word, powerpoint,
publisher or prezi to design their research project.

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