Project 3

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Analicia Ronquillo
Instructor Maya Alapin
English 220.010
15 July 2014

I will use this as a script for my voice-over in Part B. It is subdivided into quotes that I chose
most described my manifesto, or my vision of what education looks or should look like.

On the Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning website they state that An educated
person is one who has undergone a process of learning that results in enhanced mental capability
to function effectively in familiar and novel situations in personal and intellectual life. In order to
function effectively in such situations, one needs to acquire (Mohanan) the ingredients of
educatedness, Knowledge, Thinking and Language Abilities, and a Mind set that facilitates. Do
you have these ingredients in your educational cabinet? If not according to this your not
educated. But I disagree, what I will be presenting to you are three quotes that I feel best explains
what it means to be educated.

The true text-book for the pupil is his teacher. Gandhi
At the Tolstoy Farm Gandhi felt that you remember very little from books, but you retain
information easier independently of books. Alfie Kohn author of, What does it mean to be well
educated?, essay would agree with this, Scraps of information are worth something only if
they are put to use, or at least thrown into fresh combinations (4). This is the reason why at the
farm, Gandhi used vocational training, a carpenter taught woodworking class, a chef taught a

cooking class and so forth. I couldnt agree more with this curriculum. I work in the Los Alamos
High School Special Education Class, and the number one thing, even before academics that they
teach the students is vocational living skills. This can get them so much further in life especially
because they are academically much younger then their actual age. For those studying for their
degrees, fieldwork should be stressed more than bookwork, because this is what the working
field consists of, skills.

Education is certainly only habit. Jean Jacques Rousseau
Education is only habit, meaning it is something that can be lost if it is not practiced enough.
According to Plato, everyone has the power of learning, education would be the act of training
the soul to learn. It never loses its power, but becomes useful and helpful, or useless and
harmful (179). Training the soul is training it how to think, not merely telling it what to think.
David Foster Wallace can attest to this as well, being educated is having that freedom or power
of how to think. You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesnt.

The truly educated never graduate. Anonymous
When you ponder this quote for a second, it really makes sense. When you graduate from high
school or college, it is not the end but merely the beginning. Everyday you learn something new.
You use your experiences to live your life. Recently states have determined that in order to
graduate or receive a diploma, one must pass these standardized tests in order to be considered
educated, but who am I or anyone else to determine if one is truly educated? Being truly
educated doesnt come from books, it doesnt come from an outside force, no single test can

determine how educated you are. It comes from the power we have to know how to think, the
skills we have to become successful, and the drive we have to do so.

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