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Name: Robby Craig

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Approximate Time: 60 minutes

Objective: The students will discover and recognize locations throughout the school.
They will be able to read and understand a map of the school.

IN Standard:
SS.K.3 2007 - Geography
Students learn that maps and globes are different representations of the Earth's
surface and begin to explore the physical and human geographic characteristics of their
school, neighborhood and community.
SS.K.3.3 2007
Places and Regions: Locate and describe places in the school and community.
Content: The students will learn how to read a map of the school. From that map they
will be able to find multiple locations throughout the school (library, playground, office,
cafeteria, gym). The students will travel about the school to these locations throughout
the school.
Construction paper, Crayons, Markers, printed maps (blank)
Pre-Assessment: The students will be asked to explain to me how to get to get to certain
points of the school.
a. Students will be using self-motivation in order to complete this
project. They will get the tool of map building, as well as planning
and coordinating. They will also be collaborating with other
classmates, as this is a group project.
2. Goal for learner:
a. The students will be able to navigate throughout the school and create
a drawing of the school indicating important locations throughout the
3. Procedure:
a. Pre-assessment
b. Every student should receive a preprinted paper of a map of the
school. It should be blank for the students to fill in as they go to each
c. Every student should receive a pencil to fill in his or her map.
d. Students will be lead throughout the school to each destination.
i. They will be able to explain the importance of each room as the
tour goes on.
e. Students will write in the label of each spot on their map
f. Once back in the classroom, students will use crayons, markers, and
paper to create their own map of the school. This will be for them to
use only their memory to draw what they remember the school map
should look like. They will also ad pictures of something significant
from each room. (Example: library books, sports equipment, food,
4. Prior knowledge:
a. The students will have been in the school a few weeks by the time this
lesson is taught. They should have a general idea and be able to
verbalize where each room is located.
5. New information
a. Students will learn exactly where each room is located and how to
map it out. We will also discuss the location of other important places
in the community. (Fire station, police station, park)
6. Checking for understanding:
a. Are the students filling in the appropriate places on the map? Are
students also leading to destinations?
7. Modeling:
a. I will have a map previously made to show them. I will also be
leading them to destinations.
8. Guided practice:
a. The tour of the school will provide the guided practice.
9. Checking for understanding:
a. Are students continuing to fill in the map? Can they verbalize how to
get back to a previous destination?
10. Practice:
a. The students will be able to create a personalized map to use on their
own. Students will also
11. Post-assessment:
a. Can the students create of something else? They will be assigned to
have their parents help create a map of their homes with color and a
drawing of something significant for each room.
12. Extension:
a. Scavenger hunt song with the class, as well as books covering
adventures to be read during group time.
b. Students will be able to create an escape route for tornado or fire
c. Escape routes while at home.
d. How to get to safe zones from different areas of the school.
13. Closure:
a. The students will have a better understanding of there whereabouts
on a map. They should be able to map out how to get from point A to
point B on a small scale (school, home, friends home).
14. Evaluation:
a. The students were motivated by, not only the trip around the school,
but also the ice cream waiting for them at the end. The overall lesson
was good for them to not only grasp the standard, but also use it in
their daily lives. The students will be have the opportunity to show off
the finished project of mapping out their homes.
15. Rubric:
4 3 2 1
Knowledge Gained When shown a blank
base map, the student
can rapidly and
accurately label at least
5 locations.
When shown a blank
base map, the student
can rapidly and
accurately label 4
When shown a blank
base map, the student
can rapidly and
accurately label 3
When shown a blank
base map, the student
can rapidly and
accurately label 1-2
Color Choices Student always uses
color appropriate for
features (e.g. blue for
water) on map.
Student usually uses
color appropriate for
features (e.g. blue for
Student sometimes uses
color appropriate for
features (e.g. blue for
Student does not use
color appropriately.
Labels - Accuracy At least 5 of the items
are labeled and located
4 of the items are
labeled and located
3 of the items are
labeled and located
1-2 of the items are
labeled and located

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