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CeomeLry - uo now (Lxam 8evlew 3) name __________________

uaLe _______________

?esLerday's 1oplc: !"##$%&%'()*+ -'.$%/
(compleLe Lhese sLaLemenLs from memory)
SupplemenLary Angles are:

SupplemenLary Angles look llke (draw):

1oday's 1oplc: 0/1/2%$%/ 3*4)'.$%/
WrlLe 3 sLaLemenLs LhaL you know (or Lhlnk you know) abouL lsosceles 1rlangles.

8ead your ldeas Lo your Lable parLner and llsLen Lo Lhelr ldeas. lf any of your ldeas
maLch, place a check nexL Lo lL. lf Lhey have an ldea LhaL you dld noL, wrlLe lL below.

Whole group ulscusslon: Add any ldeas below LhaL you learned from Lhe dlscusslon.

lSn page #
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