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Imagine the will it took to create a fortress

like this. And what have you elves built?
Nothing. You can only loot and break.
You're not dwarves!! You're just termites at

It's not that I don't suffer, it's that I know
the unimportance of suffering, I know that
pain is to be fought and thrown aside, not
to be accepted as part of one's soul and as a
permanent scar across one's view of
This is not merely a madhouse designed by
a madman, but a madhouse designed by
many madmen, each with an intense hatred
for the previous madman's unique flavour
of madness
...and a third died in his bunk of natural
causes - for a dagger in the heart quite
naturally ends one's life.
I've got a siege coming in from above,
demons from below, some forgotten beasts
in the middle, lava flooding in between the
forgotten beasts and the demons, and half
my population going berserk. All in all, a
normal day in Dwarf Fortress.
It's a game of self discovery, booze,
magma, and FUN. You begin with seven
megalomaniacal, lazy, alcoholic, magma-
loving, morally-compromised dwarfs with
no common sense, who must earn their
way to dwarfliness. 7 dwarves, 4 types of
booze, 1 cat (preferably male), and the
rugged wild. Mine, farm, fight, build, drink,
cry, drink again, get into fetal position by
your computer and cry, because THIS! IS!
Its a game of drinking, tantrums, killing,
crying, digging to hell, ripping your eyes out,
murdering your pets, throwing people in
magma, watching blood fill the streets,
intense fighting action...
"Dwarf fortress? In one of my games, I tried
to build a system to filter sea water through
a complex of cage traps in order to capture
pregnant mermaids so I could build baby
merfolk tallow soap."
"Unfortunately, the dwarf engineer who
was building the wind powered mermaid
compressors was killed by an undead
whale. The engineer's couldn't endure the
grief, became batshit insane and started
destroying everything around him."
"I tried to put him in jail to protect the
other dwarves, but he was a legendary
hammerdwarf and captain of the fortress
Soon later, only two recent immigrants
were still alive, hidden in the old fortress,
eating what berries they could find on the
surface, while they wait the crazy son to die
of thirst or suicide."

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