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Phase 2 Outline

I- Reference Group Influence (Ch. 7)

a) Informative influence
b) Normative influence
c) Identification influence
N.B: If not used in the ads, suggest ads to be done for each influence.
II- Perception (Ch. 8, p.307-311)
a) Retail Strategy
o ravel more in-!tore (increa!e e"po!ure)
o #i$h-traffic area! (increa!e e"po!ure)
o %helf po!ition & amount of !helf !pace (attract attention)
o 'oint-of-purcha!e di!pla(! (increa!e attention, increa!e !ale!)
o Cro!!-promotion! (complementar( product! ) e.$. mil* & coo*ie!)
b) Brand Name and Logo Development
o +in$ui!tic Con!ideration
o %emantic meanin$ of the brand name (meanin$ of the ,ord)
o %ound of the ,ord or letter!
o -randin$ %trate$ie!
o -rand e"ten!ion (ne, cate$or( ) e.$. +evi %trau!!, +e"u! ,ith o(ota)
o Co-brandin$ (. brand!, 1 product ) e.$. /it /at & Ne!tle ice cream)
o 'erception of cu!tomer! of that !trate$(0 po!itive or ne$ative1
o +o$o 2e!i$n and (po$raphic
o +o$o de!i$n ) !(mbol
o +o$o & brand name to$ether better1 3r name onl( better1
o +o$o0 %hape & 4orm of the letter! ) 4ont u!ed (perception)
c) Media Strategy
o 'lace ad! me!!a$e! in media ,here the con!umer! are mo!t e"po!ed
o 5edia outlet ,ith content relevant to the product (!peciali6ed ma$a6ine!, 7)
o Compan( ,eb!ite
o 8valuate media !trate$( u!ed
d) dvertisements
N.B: Any ad should perform two tasks (! "apture attention, AN# ($! "on%ey meaning
o %timulu! Characteri!tic! (p.300 9 303)
o %i6e, !hape, color affect interpretation (e.$. :ed 9 cool ) all pac*a$e!
9 more volume)
o 8a!e of proce!!in$ (under!tandable)
o Incon$ruit(0 de$ree to ,hich the !timuli i! une"pected
o 'ro"imit(0 t,o !timuli po!itioned clo!ed to$ether are perceived a!
belon$in$ to the !ame cate$or( (e.$. 'ep!i & Cup of Nation!) )
;mbu!h mar*etin$
o Clo!ure0 incomplete !timulu!
o 4i$ure-<round0 pre!ent (our !timulu! a! focal ob=ect
o ie the me!!a$e to a topic in ,hich (our tar$et mar*et i! intere!ted
o 8valuate the ad!0 po!itive or ne$ative effect on con!umer!
e) Pac!age Design and Labeling
N.B: A package should attract attention & con%ey information
o Color! u!ed ) -ri$ht color! ) aller pac*a$e! ) >nu!ual !hape!
o 'roduct! information & ,arnin$! (ethical & le$al implication!)

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