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(WhaL l know)
(WhaL l WanL Lo know)
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Soclal sLudles lnvolves
learnlng abouL mulLlple
perspecLlves ln a personal
and meanlngful way.
Whose perspecLlves are
consldered? Why? Pow?
WhaL makes someLhlng
meanlngful? Pow do we
know or make lL personal?
WhaL compare and conLrasL
Lechnlques wlll we use?

?ou musL be careful when
you speculaLe abouL Lhe
experlence of marglnallzed
groups who do noL have flrsL
person documenLaLlon.
Pow do we deLermlne blas ln
a source? WhaL marglnallzed
groups are Lhere? Pow do we
ensure LhaL we are belng

Soclal sLudles should
produce auLhenLlc
appllcaLlons of hlsLorlcal
evenLs and clrcumsLances.
WhaL hlsLorlcal evenLs? Pow
do you prove auLhenLlclLy?
uo our culLural dlfferences
affecL perspecLlve?

ClLlzenshlp and hlsLorlcal
democracy was noL as
dlverse as Loday and
depended upon race and
Pow do you approach a
dlscusslon on race and class?
Where are resources on
voLlng pollcy, eLc? WhaL ls
democracy? WhaL are
alLernaLlves Lo democracy?
WhaL ls dlverse?

1he scope and sequence of
soclal sLudles ls ldenLlfylng
Lhe mulLlple perspecLlves on
culLural undersLandlng.
Can we ever Lruly
undersLand? WhaL sorLs of
experlences bulld culLural
undersLandlng? Pow can we
help sLudenLs Lake on oLher

5(26+..12,'7 82'7.

- Learn Leachlng sLraLegles speclflc Lo soclal sLudles
- Pow Lo make soclal sLudenLs engaglng and lnLeresLlng
- AssessmenL Lools and sLraLegles speclflc Lo soclal sLudles
- Pow Lo lnsLlll care abouL soclal sLudles ln your sLudenLs
- lnLegraLlng soclal sLudles across Lhe currlculum (parLlcularly ln elemenLary)
- 8rlng prevlous experlence wlLh Leachlng soclal sLudles
- 8rlng an open mlnd, ready and eager Lo learn

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