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Interns Name:

Jeannette Lorena Myers

Language Arts
Grade Level:
1.Teks :
1A, 1B, 1C, 3A, 3D, 10B, 10C.
Students recognize that a poem is
constructed by using different concepts
that when used together create an
2. Big Understandings:
-Poems increase vocabulary.
-Poems help to communicate
3. Assessment Evidence:
Cheering is good because it communicates feelings (ex. Go team!)
Our heart can feel good when we eat healthy, exercise, get enough rest)
Now we will mix our hearts and cheers (different concepts) and discover
a nice poem.

4. Opening Hook: Ask the students
Have you heard people cheer at a game or other event? When people are
happy, they sometimes give a cheer, such as Lets go, team! When people
cheer, they speak louder than usual. After this, ask the student Show me how
you cheer?
Now lets talk about the heart
When our hearts are healthy, they feel good. How can you keep your
heart healthy? (ex. By eating healthy foods, being physically active, getting
enough rest, and never starting to smoke.)
5.Instructional Strategies/Student Activities:
Say the entire poem below, using the hand motions and the voice tone as
directed. Teach the poem to the students, two lines at a time.
My heart is inside of me. (medium voice, touch chest)
Here, here, here.

It beats very quietly. (soft voice, touch ears)
Hear, hear, hear.

My heart keeps me happy. (loud voice, arms up and out)
Cheer, cheer, cheer!
6. Materials/Resources:
-Poster with the poem.
-Props for the words cheer and heart.
7. Grouping Patterns:
The students will be on the carpet.
8. Ending, Summary/ Reflection:
Give me a cheer and remember that you can build poems to express your
9. Technology: I will use technology to enhance the students, with different activities like
music, math and dancing.,

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