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Hi everyone! The English Navigator is here to practice English with you.

How has your

day been so far?
Any romance in the air on Valentines !ay? "#
Thu Nga says that she is $half the world away from her boyfriend.$ That must be so
difficult! Nowadays% many people meet their boyfriends and girlfriends on
the internet. These relationships can be very difficult if the two people live in
different cities or countries. &e call them '(!)s'% which means *long+
distance relationship.
++, !o you -now anyone who met their boyfriend.girlfriend online?
/'m not big on Valentine's !ay. 0aybe that's what happens after 12 years of
marriage? "#
3'/'m not big on ...' is an informal e4pression. /t means 'something isn't that
important to me.' &e can also say% $/'m not huge on ...'5. /t's slangy. 6ot it?
7/'m not big on parties. 38 / don't li-e to go to parties.5
0y son is turning 9 on :aturday% so /'m planning a party. Actually% / li-e to plan
parties! /'m big on planning parties. / can say;
7/ love to plan parties.
7/m a great party planner.
7/m an awesome party planner.
7/m a good party planner.
7/m great at planning parties.
7/m a party+panning guru. <informal!#
7/m ace at planning parties. <informal#
7/ rule at planning parties. <informal#
++, &hat about you? &hat are you good at? =hoose two e4pressions above
and write two sentences.
/'m terrible at writing than-+you notes. / don't li-e getting presents% because / hate to
write than- you cards!
++, &hat are you bad at?
7/'m terrible at 3>+ing5
7/'m really bad at 3>+ing5
7/'m hopeless at 3>+ing5
7/'m awful at 3>+ing5
7/ suc- at 3>+ing5<informal!#
/f / weren't so bad at writing than-+you cards% /'d love to get presents. 3/ used the 2nd
conditional here. :ee?
7 3/?5 > 3/5 > 3&E)EN'T5 ...% 3/5 > 3&@A(!5 ...
++, Now% you choose a sentence below. )ewrite it li-e this model.
(et me show you something. / wrote; '/f / weren't so bad at writing than-+you cards% /'d
love to get presents.' 3/ !@N'T love to get presents5.
++,Here are two of your sentences.
7/f / weren't so far from my dear% / would 3love to5 give him a big hug now.
7/f / weren't going to the movies tonight% / would 3love to5 ride my bi-e.
++, /t's better N@T to use 'love to' <because / thin- you !@ love to do the
action in the second part.# :o% these sentences are better &/TH@AT 'love to'.
!o you see?
@B! Clease don't feel frustrated if you don't understand the last post. /t's a very small
point% so let's Dust focus on the 2nd conditional.
++, /f / didn't have a busy day% /'d stay on ?aceboo- with you for another
hour. 3/f5 > 3past5% 3would5 > 3base verb5 8 N@T C@::/E(E! ;#
Than-s for Doining in today. The English Navigator will be bac- tomorrow at 19;FF
60T. Have a good one! ;#

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