All Generations Will Call Me Blessed.": Mary (A Few Points)

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Mary (a few points)

1. What Catholics believe about Mary

a. Mary is the mother of God (the Theotokos, Gk for God bearer)
b. Mary did not give Jesus his divinity, but rather fulfilled his Incarnation by giving the
Son of God her own flesh
c. Mary is a perpetual virgin she remained a virgin before, during, and after the birth
of her Son
d. Mary, by the grace of God, was preserved from being stained with original sin
(Immaculate Conception)
e. Mary ascended into heaven (i.e. the Assumption), not having to endure earthly death
f. Mary is the Queen of Heaven and Earth
g. Mary is a powerful intercessor on our behalf
h. Mary is not only Jesus mother, but also the spiritual mother of all Christians
i. Mary is the second Eve
2. What Catholics DO NOT believe about Mary
a. Mary worship
b. Mary as mediator between us and God
c. Mary did not need a Savior
d. Mary had additional children after Jesus
3. Church history the Nestorian Heresy
a. Nestorius, the patriarch of Constantinople, argued in the early 5
century that Jesus
was two people a divine Person and a human person. Therefore, it would be
incorrect to call Mary the Theotokos (God-Bearer) because, with his logic, Mary
would have to give birth to both peopleJesus divine person and his earthly
b. Ecumenical Council of Ephesus (431 AD) refuted Nestorius claim and defined Jesus
to be one person who has two natures a divine and a human nature. Since mothers
have persons rather than natures in their wombs, the Person of Christ was in Marys
womb and she could be called the Theotokos.
4. A Quick Look at what Martin Luther Thought of Mary (see handout)
5. One Final ThoughtLuke 1:48
a. all generations will call me blessed.

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