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Resource 11.


(Created by the Ist!tute "or De#e$o%&et Maa'e&et( )ots*aa "or the
NGO Ist!tute( +T,. (Some materials in this module have been extracted from A Guide
to Project Management Body of Knowledge !
" edition #$$%&
-hat !s a %ro.ect/
0A te&%orary edea#or uderta1e to create a u!2ue %roduct or ser#!ce.3
The Three P4s
-or1!' de"!!t!o o" %ro.ect &aa'e&et
Project management is the a''lication of (nowledge s(ills tools and techni)ues to 'roject
activities in order to meet or exceed sta(eholder needs and ex'ectations from a 'roject"
*Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Project Management +nstitute #$$%&
Pro.ect Maa'e&et ! 5our Or'a!6at!o
, -hat are the current methods of 'roject management in your organi.ation/
, -hat 'roject management issues is your organi.ation facing/
I&%ortat Character!st!cs o" Rea$ L!"e Pro.ects
Pro'ra&7 o'erates over the long0term and is designed to use the organi.ation1s
resources to im'act a s'ecific subject area that is 'art of an organi.ation1s mission
to im'rove 'ublic health"
Pro.ect7 has a beginning and end defined resources and creates a uni)ue 'roduct
or service"
Process7 'art of the ongoing o'erations of the organi.ation2 may be introduced or
changed over time but once established an organi.ational 'rocess o'erates on a
continuous basis without a s'ecified end"
, Accom'lish with shared resources often only available on 'art0time basis
, 3e)uire cross0functional team wor(
, +nvolve uncertainty and are subject to change during execution
, Subject to s'ecific deadlines and time and resource constraints
, Project manager often lac(s functional authority over team members
Pro#e )ee"!ts o" Pro.ect Maa'e&et
Provides clear roles res'onsibilities activities and schedules for team efforts
+ncludes a method for considering the conse)uences of decreasing or increasing funds
resources time or )uality
S'ecifies a detailed 'lan of how to achieve our objectives
Assists in the realistic assignments of tas(s and res'onsibilities to team members
according to the s(ills and resources available
Gives structure to communicating the 'rogress of 'rojects
Allows teams to identify 'otential 'roblems and ta(e 'reventive action early
Kee's management officers and 'roject sta(eholders well0informed and su''ortive
4el's manage 'ressure for ex'anding the sco'e of 'rojects without 'ro'er decision
criteria and analysis of changes
D!#erse +1!$$s Needed "or Pro.ect Maa'e&et
, P$a!' s1!$$s5the ability to 'lan the use or organi.ational resources of time
'ersonnel budget facilities e)ui'ment and su''lies to achieve organi.ational
, Tech!ca$ s1!$$s5the s'ecific 'rofessional technical s(ills needed for a 'roject"
, Peo%$e s1!$$s5the ability to manage and motivate 'eo'le who will im'lement the
'roject activities communicate effectively with sta(eholders and resolve conflicts and
inter'ersonal 'roblems"
-hat s1!$$s &a1e the best %ro.ect &aa'ers so 'ood/
6" Co&&u!cat!o8 listening 'ersuading negotiating
#" Or'a!6at!oa$8 'lanning goal0setting
!" Tea& bu!$d!'8 em'athy motivation team s'irit
%" Leadersh!%8 sets exam'le energetic vision delegates 'ositive attitude
7" Co%!'8 flexibility creativity 'atience 'ersistence
8" Tech!ca$8 ex'erience 'roject (nowledge
Pro.ect Maa'e&et Method
+te% 18 +e$ect %ro.ect

De"!e %ro.ect sco%e8 +e$ect!' Pr!or!ty Pro.ects
, -here do we begin/
, Project selection can be a difficult 'rocess es'ecially when there are a large number of
'otential 'rojects com'eting for scarce dollars"
, Some selection methods are highly intuitive2 some very 'olitical"
, 9thers try to add rigor through more scientific selection 'rocesses"
T*o ru$es to "o$$o*8
6" Ma(e selection 'rocess trans'arent *who is involved 'rocess used&
#" Ma(e criteria used to evaluate 'rojects ex'licit *s'end time defining your criteria
+e$ect!o Cr!ter!a Matr!98 U7*e!'hted Cr!ter!a
Pro.ect A'ree&et
Our Winner!!
-hat8 A written descri'tion that clearly communicates what the 'roject is *and is not&
-he: +deally at the beginning of a 'roject" Also useful to develo' one for a 'roject already
started" ;'date it as needed"
, <stablish agreement between 'roject team members and sta(eholders about what the
'roject is *and is not&
, Build team member commitment = team should write the charter together
, >oundation for 'roject 'lanning
, 4el's in managing ex'ectations
, ?ommunicate 'roject to others
Pro.ect +ta1eho$ders
1. -!th! the tea&
, Project manager
, @eam members
:. -!th! the or'a!6at!o
, +nternal customers
, Project s'onsor
, Senior managers
, >unctional managers
;. Outs!de the or'a!6at!o
, <xternal customers
, ?ollaborating organi.ations
, Affected organi.ations
, Aendors
The Ru$e o" U&aa'ed E9%ectat!os
+ta1eho$der Acce%tace ad +uccess
Re&e&ber our *or1!' de"!!t!o o" %ro.ect &aa'e&et<
the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to
meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations.
= 9 A > +
=ua$!ty 9 Acce%tace > +uccess
Pro.ect A'ree&et De#e$o%&et Meet!'
of the 'roject
results by
-hat you
thin( is good
of the
, Allow # B hours to half day de'ending on com'lexity or 'roject
, 3ecogni.e that the 'rocess and team involvement is as im'ortant as document
, <nsure 'artici'ation by all team members
, ;se grou' techni)ues such as brainstorming and consensus
, Co not let the 'roject manager dominate the meeting
Pro.ect De$!#erab$es
, Cefine the measurable tangible items that must be 'roduced to com'lete the 'roject
, -hen all deliverables are com'leted the 'roject is com'lete
, ;sually subject to a''roval or 'roject manager s'onsor or customer
Pro.ect =ua$!ty8
Cr!t!ca$ +uccess ,actors
, >actors critical to the success of the 'roject
, 9utcomes or )uality re)uirements
, +f not achieved will jeo'ardi.e success
, +nternal and external factors
= Sta(eholder interests
= @echnical re)uirements
, 4el's team focus efforts on most im'ortant as'ects of 'roject
Pro.ect Assu&%t!os
, >actors the team considers to be true certain and necessary for a successful 'roject
, Should be documented and validated that they are true
, ?reate a ris( to 'roject if they are not true
The Tr!%$e Costra!t
-hat do 'roject managers really manage/
Maa'!' the Tr!%$e Costra!t8 +et Pr!or!t!es
, Deed to discuss with customer and s'onsor near startu' and agree on 'riority order"
, May change over time but a change is a significant eventE

how good?
how much?
how fast?
Cha'e Maa'e&et
, 3e)uest for changes to 'roject elements or sco'e need to be analy.ed and a''roved
, +m'act of changes on 'roject need to be documented
, ?hanges that im'act 'roject need to be negotiated *they may re)uire more budget time&
, A''roved changes need to be recorded
, Too$s: ?hange 3e)uest >orm ?hange Fog
+te% :8 De"!e %ro.ect act!#!t!es
-or1 )rea1do* +tructure
, Based on 'roject sco'e objectives andGor deliverables
, and defines wor( to be done
, Civides wor( into logical manageable segments
, May be organi.ed
= By 'hase of the 'roject
= By com'onent
, 9bjective is to identify all 'roject tas(s that must be com'leted with action verbs
Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure
Graphical Format Graphical Format
1. Establish
Youth Advisory
1. Establish
Youth Advisory
1.1 Meet youth
1.2 Write policy
1.3 Select youth
board members
1.4 Hold first board
1.1 Meet youth
1.2 Write policy
1.3 Select youth
board members
1.4 Hold first board
2.1 Select team
2.2 udit youth
media strategies
2.3 Write!up 2 year
media plan
2.4 "btain
appro#al of plan
2.1 Select team
2.2 udit youth
media strategies
2.3 Write!up 2 year
media plan
2.4 "btain
appro#al of plan
3.1 Select
magazine team
3.2 $id contract
3.3 %e#elop
3.4 Select design
3.& %e#elop
content plan
3.' %e#elop
distribution plan
3.1 Select
magazine team
3.2 $id contract
3.3 %e#elop
3.4 Select design
3.& %e#elop
content plan
3.' %e#elop
distribution plan
!onduct a one"year #$%&A$'S awareness and prevention
media campai(n tar(eted toward youth a(es 1)"1*.
!onduct a one"year #$%&A$'S awareness and prevention
media campai(n tar(eted toward youth a(es 1)"1*.
+ro,ect +ro,ect
'escription 'escription
1. 'evelop
-edia +lan
1. 'evelop
-edia +lan
). .aunch
abloid Youth
). .aunch
abloid Youth
'eliverables 'eliverables
Youth Advisory
Youth Advisory
Youth -edia
Youth -edia
'etermine ime 0or Each 'etermine ime 0or Each
ask ask
1. Establish
Youth Advisory
1. Establish
Youth Advisory
1.1 Meet youth organization
stakeholders (& days)
1.2 Write policy memo (1 day)
1.3 Select youth board members
(& days)
1.4 Hold first board meeting (&
1.1 Meet youth organization
stakeholders (& days)
1.2 Write policy memo (1 day)
1.3 Select youth board members
(& days)
1.4 Hold first board meeting (&
Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure
$ndented .ist Format $ndented .ist Format
asks ime
#$%&A$'S Awareness !ampain(
0or Youth 1'ays2
1. Establish Youth Advisory
1.1 Meet youth organization
1.2 Write policy memo
1.3 Select youth board
1.4 Hold first board meeting &
A simple e3ample
A simple e3ample
*lean room
(3+ minutes)
*ompose menu
(4& minutes)
$egin party,
(+ minutes)
Set up tables
and chairs
(3+ min)
$uy food -
(.+ min)
Make food
(.+ min)
Start /ro0ect
(+ minutes)
(3+ min)
Lets have a party! Lets have a party!
-or1 )rea1do* +tructure
, Fevel of -BS detail de'ends on audience and the scale of intervention
, Farger intervention H more com'lex -BS
, <liminate any tas(s not absolutely necessary
, >oundation for schedule and staff res'onsibility assignments
+te% ;8 Deter&!e tas1 de%edec!es ad cr!t!ca$
A s!&%$e e9a&%$e8
Net*or1 D!a'ra&
, Start by writing each tas( from the -BS on a sheet of 'a'er
, ?reate a networ( diagram that shows how the activities can be im'lemented ste'0by0
*lean room
$uy food -
Mi1 be#erages
Make food
$egin party,
5etwork 'ia(ram 5etwork 'ia(ram
Set up tables
and chairs
Cr!t!ca$ Path Aa$ys!s
, Cr!t!ca$ %ath > the longest 'ath from the beginning of the networ( to the end"
= +f the activities on the critical 'ath are delayed the 'roject is delayed
= ?ritical 'ath activities re'resent the activities that the 'roject manager has to
oversee the closest"
= +$ac1 or ,$oat > those where there is extra time built into the schedule
*lean room
$uy food -
Mi1 be#erages
Make food
$egin party,
!ritical +ath Analysis 162 !ritical +ath Analysis 162
3+ min
Set up tables
and chairs
3+ min
4& min
.+ min
3+ min
.+ min
+ min
-ays to Reduce Pro.ect Durat!o
, Co activities at the same time instead of in se)uence
, 9verla' activities *start the next activity before 'roceeding one is fully finished&
, 3educe 'roject sco'e
, ?hange technical a''roach
, Add additional resources to Icrash1 'roject activities *ma(e them move faster&
Cr!ter!a to ?Crash4 Act!#!t!es
J Activities on the critical 'athE
, Fess ex'ensive to crash
, Fess li(ely to have negative im'act on )uality
, <arlier vs" later in the 'roject
, Fonger vs" shorter duration
, Bottlenec( activities
, Fabor intensive = low s(ill
, ;nder management control
+te% @8 De#e$o% schedu$e
)u!$t u%o the %re#!ous too$s<
, -or1 brea1do* structure
, Net*or1 aa$ys!s
, Cr!t!ca$ %ath
Why is it so important?
Gatt Chart
Use the Gatt Chart to<
, ?ommunicate 'roject 'lan easily to a variety of audiences
, ;'date 'roject 'rogress efficiently
, Monitor tas( im'lementation and ma(e adjustments
, Monitor the critical 'athE
Pro.ect +chedu$e8 Gatt Chart
Re%ort!' Pro'ress8 M!$estoe Chart
asks Schedule
'ate 'ay 1 'ay ) 'ay 6 'ay 7 'ay 8 'ay * 'ay 9 'ay :
11a2 !ultural belie0 vaccine not sa0e 31!3an 4!2eb
-onthly meetin(s on immuni/ations
with women;s cooperatives
'evelop curriculum
ssess needs among audience
*reate content based on assessment
"btain appro#al for curriculum
'esi(n evaluation
Meet 4ith e#aluation staf f
%e#elop e#aluation instrument
5est and re#ise
Schedule meetin(s
Meet 4ith cooperati#es6 scheduling of f icer
%etermine staff a#ailability
Schedule meetings at coops
Meetings at Coops Completed
cti#ity key
ctual -ilestone ime elapsed
-onthly education meetin(s on
#$%&A$'S with women;s cooperatives
!urriculum completed
Evaluation plan and tools completed
-eetin(s Scheduled
-eetin(s at !oops !ompleted
+te% A8 Ass!' +ta"" Res%os!b!$!t!es
, ?ritical for ensuring success2 must be clear to everyone
, 9ne staff 'erson *only& res'onsible for ensuring a tas( is com'leted
, @hree categories of res'onsibilities:
, Res'onsible = lead staff 'erson
, Partici'ant = other staff 'artici'ating
, A''roval = staff who must a''rove final 'roduct or action *only if
Ass!' Res%os!b!$!t!es
+te% B8 De#e$o% %ro.ect bud'et
De#e$o%!' Pro'ra& )ud'ets
, -hat needs to be done/ (easy to know with a good work breakdown structure
, -ho should do it/ (project team member, outside contractor, other!
, -hat 'hysical resources do they need to do it/
, 4ow much will it cost/
Dec!de o ho* &uch( ho* &ay( C *hy/
Personnel: 'rofessional administrative su''ort staff
>acilities: office s'ace clinics s'ecial re)uirements
<)ui'ment: com'uters co'iers fax machines medical
e)ui'ment vehicles
Su''lies: vaccines medical su''lies office su''lies
?ontracts: s'ecial services maintenance other
@ravel: who where how length of stay how many times
Ca$cu$ate the "!ac!a$ resources eeded
Phys!ca$ Resources ,!ac!a$ Resources
6" Personnel KKKK Salaries fringe benefits etc"
#" >acilities KKKK 3ent mortgage utilities etc"
!" <)ui'ment KKKK 3ental 'urchase maintenance
%" Su''lies KKKK <stimate unit cost
7" ?ontracts KKKK <stimate annual cost
8" @ravel KKKK @rans'ortation lodging meals 'er diem etc"
Do* to Preset a )ud'et
Estimated +ro,ect !ost
Year 1
Activity Activity
Bud(et $tem otal cost
, May need a variety of formats
, Fevel of detail de'ends on audience
, -hen 'resenting for funding a''roval include:
= Budget Summary
= Cetailed Budgets by Program +ntervention
= Budget Lustification
+u&&ary )ud'et Ear!ace Aa$ys!s =uarter 1F5ear 1
)ud'et Ite& P$aed
(Actua$ G
Ho4 to manage risk9
Ho4 to manage risk9
%e#elop risk reduction strategies
R!s1 Maa'e&et
Mou have 'lanned your 'roject down to the last detailN"what could possibly go wrong!!!
=u!te a $otI
Areas o" R!s1
, +chedu$e *unrealistic&
, Resources *not available when needed2 under )ualified 'eo'le&
, )ud'et *when resources are uncertain&
, +co%e *technical re)uirements and changes&
, E9tera$ E#ets *'olicy changes crises&
Ucerta!ty > R!s1
+te% J8 R!s1 Maa'e&et P$a
1. Re#!e* %ro.ect %$a *!th tea& ad !det!"y r!s1s that cou$d !&%act %ro.ect !
these areas8
= -hat could cause delays to the schedule/
= -hat might threaten the )uality of the 'roject1s end 'roduct/
= -hat factors or events might increase costs beyond the budget/
= -hat is ris( of 'eo'le or resources not being available when needed/
:. E#a$uate the %robab$e causes o" each r!s1
;. E#a$uate the !&%ortace o" each r!s1 by as1!'8
= -hat is the 'robability that this ris( will occur/
= -hat would be the im'act if the ris( should occur/
= 4ow much control do we have over this ris(/
@. ,or r!s1s *!th h!'h r!s1 !de9( create &aa'e&et %$a that !c$udes8
= Preventive 'lan to 'revent the ris( from occurring
= ?ontingency 'lan to define what we will do if the ris( occurs
= @rigger 'oint for contingency 'lan
= Assign a ris( manager for each ris(
R!s1 Maa'e&et P$a
, <nter ris( scenario *how an event could jeo'ardi.e 'roject outcome&
, 3ate 'robability im'act and degree of control using rating scale of:
6 H Fow
# H Medium
+robability < $mpact
=isk $nde3 >
! H 4igh
, ?om'ute ris( index using formula:
, +f 'ossible enter financial im'act"
, Cetermine actions to ta(e:
= +gnore *do nothing&
= <liminate *sideste'&
= Manage
, >or managed ris(s indicate mitigations and contingencies and assign ris( manager"
, Fog actions ta(en as they occur"
Create %$a to co&&u!cate *!th sta1eho$ders
Co&&u!cat!o P$a
, Kee' sta(eholders u' to date on 'roject 'rogress
, Deed to write it down in a formal 'lan and follow it
, 4el's entire team communicate effectively about 'roject
, +m'ortant to define res'onsibilities
, Maintain delivery schedule once it is established
Kee% Co&&u!cat!o +!&%$e
@he @wo0>loor 3uleO
, <very sta(eholder should receive information at just the right level of detail for
, 4igh0level managers won1t want to see all the details of the 'roject"
, Mour team members need to see a great deal more"
, +f your level of re'orting is a''ro'riate and one of your sta(eholders ste's into
the elevator and as(s about the status of the 'roject you should be able to brief
him or her by the time the elevator sto's two floors away"
Co&&u!cat!o Re2u!re&ets
Project s'onsor and customers are fully aware of state of 'roject
All other sta(eholders who need to be informed of 'roject 'rogress are receiving
ade)uate information
@eam members are fully aware of state of 'roject including any revisions or changes
@eam members understand their s'ecific assignments and how they fit into the overall
Project team meets on regular basis to discuss accom'lishments status share new
information and 'lan near term activities
Co&&u!cat!o P$a
+ta1eho$der I&%ortat
!ssues "or th!s
Ty%es o"
co&&u!cat!o *e
*!$$ use *!th the&
Do* o"te *e
*!$$ co&&u!cate
Ch!e" ,!ac!a$
Project is
com'leted on
Budget variance
re'ort2 milestone

Trac1 ad &aa'e the %ro.ect
E9ecute ad cotro$
E9ecut!o ad cotro$ ha%%e at the sa&e t!&e.
Pur%oses o" %ro.ect cotro$8
= >inding and resolving 'roblems before they have a negative im'act
= @rac(ing costs and resources
= Generating revised 'lans
= Maintaining team member commitment
Pro.ect Cotro$
Cay0to0day effort to (ee' 'roject wor( on trac( and according to 'lan
, ?ontrol based on com'leted wor( *not com'leted P of wor(&
, ?ontrol data must be built into wor( 'rocess5only data neededE
, ?ontrol data must go to 'erson who does the wor(
, ?ontrol of a com'lex 'rocess through brea(ing down levels of control
, ?ontrol system must focus on response otherwise it is ineffective
Cotro$ #s. Peo%$e
, Projects are managed through 'eo'le
, ?ontrol a''lied to 'roject 'lan not to 'eo'le
, Peo'le re)uire 'artici'ative management and use of soft s(ills
+ro,ect -ana(ement
+ro,ect -ana(ement
.i0e !ycle
.i0e !ycle
ime ime
.evel o0 .evel o0
Activity Activity
112 $nitiatin(
162 E3ecutin(
172 !ontrollin(
1)2 +lannin(
182 !losin(
3ole of effective communication in facilitating 'roject results
Three K!ds o" Pro.ect Re#!e*s
, Project status reviews
, Project design reviews
, Project 'rocess reviews
@hree basic )uestions:
6" -hat is the actual status of the 'roject/
6" +f a difference between actual and 'lanned exists what caused it/
6" -hat should be done about it/
O%e Tas1 Re%orts
, ;se subset of 'roject 'lan listed tas(s that were re)uired for the 'eriod
, Add tas(s for next 'eriod *time between 'roject meetings&
, ;sing o'en tas( re'ort get status of every tas( that should have been com'leted since
last meeting
, ;se entire team to identify issues and ma(e 'lan to resolve them= write it downE
O%e Tas1 Re%orts
Pro.ect %er!od8
Tas1s Due Perso P$a start P$a "!!sh +tatusFAct!os

)ud'et Ear!ace8 A Cr!t!ca$ Pro.ect Cotro$ Too$
, Cevelo' a system of budget monitoring and re'orting *monthly andGor )uarterly&
, +nclude schedule and res'onsibility for budget re'orting tas(s in Gantt ?hart
, ?ontrol budget variances *'lanned vs" actual ex'enditures& on a regular basis
Pro.ect )ud'et Ear!ace Aa$ys!s
)ud'et Ite& P$aed
(Actua$ G P$aedH

Pro.ect Des!' Re#!e*s
, A''lies only to 'rojects in which a new 'roduct or 'rocess is being designed
= Coes it meet agreed u'on s'ecifications/
= +s it customer or user friendly/
= ?an we 'roduceGmaintain it/
= Are 'roduct s'ecifications still a''ro'riate/
= Coes it meet the needs/
, >ocus is on how the team is doing the 'roject wor(
= -hat 'art of our wor( 'rocess is going well/
= Coes everyone have what they need/
= Are we wor(ing well as a team/
= Are sta(eholders involved and satisfied/
= -hat do we want to im'rove/
Pro.ect &eet!'s shou$d<
Be structured to increase team cohesion
Kee' the team fully informed of new develo'ments about sources external to team
<nsure the team wor(s together to decide necessary changes
4el' the entire team share res'onsibility for meeting all of the 'roject objectives
Be evaluated 'eriodically by 'artici'ants to ma(e sure they are effective and meeting
the 'roject needs
Cha'e Maa'e&et
, 3e)uest for changes to 'roject elements or sco'e need to be analy.ed and a''roved
, +m'act of changes on 'roject need to be documented
, ?hanges that im'act 'roject need to be negotiated *they may re)uire more budget time&
, A''roved changes need to be recorded
, Too$s: ?hange 3e)uest >orm ?hange Fog
Pr!c!%$es o" E""ect!#e Pro.ect Cotro$
Always have an u'dated 'lan
4old regular 'roject control meetings
4ave team members regularly re'ort 'rogress
<nsure team members are accountable to each other
?orrect small deviations as they occur
>ocus on team 'roblem0solving
Ty%es o" Pro.ects D!""!cu$t to Cotro$
, Farge 'rojects with com'lex communications
, Geogra'hically dis'ersed 'rojects
, Projects re)uiring high technical standards
, Fong duration 'rojects with 'ersonnel turnover
, Projects with multi'le subcontractors
,!#e Esset!a$ E$e&ets
, >unction to be controlled
, ?ontrol standard
, ?ontrol authority
, ?ontrol mechanism
, Aariance indication
E""ect!#e Cotro$ Processes
, 3elevant
, <fficient
, Sim'le
, @imely
C$ose7out ad %ost7%ro.ect re#!e*
Post7%ro.ect Re#!e*
, ?ritical 'rocess for learning from organi.ational ex'erience
, +m'ortant to document (nowledge gained for others who come later
, +m'ortant time for self0reflection and analysis after the 'roject
C$ose7out Act!#!t!es
6" Project review and feedbac( from customers and s'onsors
#" @eam analysis of 'roject 'rocess and ideas for im'rovements
!" ?reate final close0out re'ort

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