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¿Que enfermedad será?

 Paty
 Femenina
 19 años
 Lesión oral de 3
dias de evolución,
no dolorosa.
 Fabian
 Masculino
 35 años
 Lesión oral a nivel de
lengua de 1 semana
de evolución, no
 Pedro
 20 años
 “ Me salio una chaga
en el que te conte,
pero no me duele”
•28 años
 Cristhian
 21 año
 Ha presentando dolor
al evacuar y
últimamente ha
presentado sangrado.
•22 años
•Lesión en mano y pies de 1
semana de evolución
 Hepatoesplenomgelia
 Linfadenopatía
 Lesiones mucocutaneas
 Osteocondritis
 Pseudoparalisis
 Edema
 Erupción
 Anemia
 Trombocitopenia
 Nacimiento
 Primeros meses
Treponema pallidum
 Espiroqueta
 De 5 a 20 micras de largo
 De 0.5 micras de
 Móvil
 Gram negativa
 Trofoespecifica
 Imposible de cultivar
Pruebas Serológicas

 Dos tipos :
 No Treponémicos :
 Venereal Disease Research Laboratory ( VDRL )
 Rapid Plasma Reagin ( RPR )
 Treponémicos :
 Fluorescent Treponema Antibody Absortion ( FTA-ABS )
 Microhemagglutination Test for Antibodies to Treponema
Pallidum ( MHA-TP )
 Treponema Pallidum Particle Agglutination Assay ( TPPA )
 Primaria
 Secundaria
 Latente temprana
 Penicilina G Benzatinica 2.4 millones U IM
 Dosis unica
 Alergicos (sin embarazo)
 Doxicilina 100 mg c/ 12 hs VO 2 semanas
 Tetraciclina 500 mg c/ 6 hs VO 2 semanas
 Eritromicina 500 mg c/ 6 hs VO 2 semanas
Владимир Ильич Ульянов
Vladimir Lennin
Simbirsk, Rusia , 22 de abril 1870 – Gorki 21 de enero de 1924
Vladimir Lenin en un discurso en la Plaza Roja de Moscú en el primer aniversario de la revolución bolchevique.
© Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
A Retrospective Diagnosis Says Lenin Had Syphilis
Published: June 22, 2004
Published: June 22, 2004
Whispers have circulated for decades that Lenin, founder of the Bolshevik Party and the totalitarian Soviet state it ushered to power, was afflicted with syphilis throughout his career. Now a new study turns that
speculation into a retrospective diagnosis.
In an article this month in The European Journal of Neurology, three Israeli physicians sift through historical references to build what they regard as a probable diagnosis that Lenin contracted the sexually transmitted
disease in Europe years before he led the October Revolution in 1917. Not long after the socialists' victory, the authors write, the illness strengthened its grip, leading to an agonizing decline and, in 1924, his death.
The idea is not entirely new. Despite the former Soviet Union's efforts to preserve a near theology around its central political figure, Lenin was long rumored to have suffered from the disease. The new thesis is not so
much a breakthrough as a historical rumor revived and reframed.
To do so, the authors quote the journals of doctors who treated Lenin in Europe and the Soviet Union and review materials related to his medical condition and autopsy, which they suggest was a propaganda job.
They ask a question of enduring importance to civic life. Do modern societies know enough about the health of their political leaders? In Lenin's case, they strive to show, the answer is a resounding no.
''If you take Lenin's case and you cancel Lenin's name on the file and you give it to a neurologist who is an expert in infectious disease, the expert will say, 'Syphilis,''' said Dr. Vladimir Lerner, head of the psychiatry
department at the Be'er Sheva Mental Health Center in Israel and an author of the study.
Reviews have been mixed. Some scholars of the early Soviet period are skeptical, saying the talk of syphilis circulated for decades, to little effect. ''There has been a vague rumor of this,'' said Dr. Robert Conquest, a
research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford. ''But of course in Russia, as you know, you have rumors about most everything.''
Dr. Gregory L. Freeze, a professor of history at Brandeis, was direct. ''They don't have the smoking gun,'' he said.
The study's authors concede this point but insist that they have a strong circumstantial case. They also propose a possible way to settle the question, further testing of Lenin's brain material, which is stored in Moscow.
'''Skeptical' is a healthy position,'' said another author of the study, Dr. Eliezer Witztum, a professor of psychiatry at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. ''But the point is that there are a lot of medical questions that have
to be answered.''
Lenin was 53 when he died, after battling an erratic but progressively debilitating illness. His death has been variously attributed to cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, syphilis, exhaustion or cerebral arteriosclerosis, which
had killed his father.
The difficulty with a diagnosis of syphilis is that the symptoms are common to other ailments, so much so that it is called ''the great imitator.''
The infection, caused by a bacterium called the Treponema spirochete, first appears as an ulcerous sore, from which it spreads throughout the body, including the brain. Fever, an extensive rash and malaise typically
follow. After initial infection, a syphilitic can spend years alternating between bouts of illness and apparently fine health.
When they occur, symptoms can be severe, including headaches, nervous disorders and gastrointestinal, muscle or joint pain.
In late stages, often 20 or more years after infection, the victim can experience mood swings and bursts of creativity, as well as depression, lethargy and dementia. Cardiovascular damage can lead to paralysis,
aneurysm or stroke.
Until the advent of therapeutic penicillin in World War II, the disease was incurable.
Lenin's illness at least mimicked the progression of syphilis, afflicting him for months with occasional seizures and excruciating headaches, as well as bouts of nausea, sleeplessness and partial paralysis. As Stalin
plotted for control of the Communist Party, Lenin was alternately lucid and incapacitated. Sometimes, he was unable to walk without assistance or to speak.

The worst spells were horrific. According to ''Lenin: A Biography,'' by Dr. Robert J. Service, professor of Russian history at St. Anthony's College, Oxford, he twice asked for poison with which he might end his life,
remarkable requests from a man whose name was synonymous with struggle.
Communist Party orthodoxy required suppression of the deterioration, and many details were kept secret. But time has unlocked some of the confidences, and the authors combed the disparate evidence, some from
archives available only after the collapse of Communism, to render their diagnosis.
Among the supporters of their conclusion is Deborah Hayden, author of ''Pox: Genius, Madness, and the Mysteries of Syphilis'' (Basic Books, 2003).
''A number of Lenin biographers have reported that the doctors attending him at his death suspected syphilis, but until this article no one has pulled the relevant information together in one place,'' Ms. Hayden wrote in
an e-mail message. ''The authors argue convincingly that Lenin was suffering from meningovascular syphilis on his deathbed.''
Ms. Hayden, who playfully calls herself a ''syphilographer,'' said she was impressed by evidence that prominent syphilis specialists examined Lenin. And she noted that in previous work, listed in the footnotes, the
authors found that Lenin was briefly treated with salvarsan, a drug that was used specifically to combat the disease. Salvarsan had powerful side effects. In a telephone interview, Ms. Hayden said there would be no
reason but syphilis to give it to him.
Dr. Frances Bernstein, an assistant professor at Drew University who specializes in sexuality and public health in the Soviet period, also called the theory plausible. ''I think the science does support, or could support, a
diagnosis of syphilis,'' she said.
Dr. Bernstein pointed to a potentially curious context. Venereal disease was an acute problem under the tsars. After the revolution, the Soviet Health Ministry reversed the imperial
position of suppressing sex education and launched a campaign to treat syphilitics and ease the stigma of the disease.
In light of that campaign, Dr. Bernstein said, ''it would have been the height of irony if Lenin died of syphilis.''
Disagreement over the merits of the theory seems unlikely to end soon.
Dr. Freeze found two factual errors in the article that he said undermined its credibility. Lenin survived an assassination attempt in 1918, not 1919, as the authors wrote, and the Soviet
Union collapsed in 1991, not 1992. (Dr. Witztum said the errors came from sources quoted in the study.)
Dr. Freeze also described Lenin as a dynamo of activity in the years after the October Revolution and added, ''The massive amount of documents he wrote in that period do not suggest
a man who was suffering from syphilis.''
Ms. Hayden said that many syphilitics did not lapse into full paralysis or dementia and that some experienced intense periods of creativity not long before dying. ''People think that if you
have syphilis you get to be feeble minded, but the opposite is true,'' she said.
Although Lenin's stature has been eroded by the terror he relied on to build the Soviet state and by its eventual collapse, he remains a colossus. Eight decades after his death, his corpse
still lies in state outside the Kremlin. In some circles, reverence clings to his name.
Importantly, for those seeking an answer to the syphilis question, his brain tissue remains at the Moscow Institute of the Brain, where in early Soviet times it was sliced into wafers in an
effort to find anatomical explanations for genius.
The authors end their article by suggesting that an examination of the tissue might find the DNA of syphilis and yield a definitive answer. Dr. Freeze said he would support a conclusive
test. ''That would settle it,'' he said.
But like much of the discussion, the suggestion is subject to disagreement. A representative of the brain institute declined even to discuss syphilis last week.
''We don't have any wish or time to discuss this,'' he said, adding that the theory had been reviewed in the past and proved wrong. ''We simply don't want to rake over the dust and ashes

of the past.''

Ms. Hayden also cautioned that even if tests were conducted, the results might not close the case. In late-stage syphilis, she said, the spirochete was not always found in the brain.
Article Date: 17 Jan 2005

Shakespeare probably had syphilis and lost his hair as a result of it

Shakespeare may well have had syphilis, known at the time as 'French pox', says Dr J Ross, from
the Caritas St. Elizabeth's Medical Center, Boston, USA. Dr Ross says Shakespeare seemed to
know a great deal about the disease.

Shakespeare was probably being treated with mercury for syphilis, it seems. He lost his hair, wrote
with a trembling hand and later became withdrawn and unsociable - mercury poisoning can do this
to you.

Treating syphilis with mercury was common during the 16th Century.

Ross believes Shakespeare wrote too well about syphilis in his final sonnets - his knowledge was
too detailed for somebody who had just an average knowledge of the venereal disease.

You can read about Dr Ross' report on the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases.

London was rife with syphilis during Shakespeare's time.
Cristobal Colón
1451 – 1520
Adolfo Hitler
Vincent van Gogh
 Carlos VIII, el Afable (1470-1498), rey de Francia.
 Alberto Durero (1471-1528), pintor y grabador alemán.
 Diego de Almagro (1475-1538), conquistador español.
 Hernán Cortés (1485-1547), conquistador español. †
 Enrique VIII (1491-1547), rey de Inglaterra y segundo monarca de la
dinastía Tudor. S.
 María Estuardo (1516-1558), reina de Inglaterra, hija de Enrique VIII.
 Iván el Terrible (1530-1584), zar de Rusia. S.
 Isabel I (1533-1603), reina de Inglaterra.
 Eduardo VI (1538-1553), rey de inglaterra y tercer monarca Tudor. S.
 Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley (1545-1567), segundo esposo de María, reina
de Escocia.
 John Wilmot (1647-1680), 2.º conde de Rochester, escritor y estafador
británico. †

 Retrato de Gérard de Lairesse por Rembrandt van Rijn, ca. 1665-67, óleo.
De Lairesse, teórico del arte y pintor, sufría de sífilis congénita, con severas
deformaciones en cara y finalmente quedó ciego.13
 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), músico austriaco.
 Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage (1765-1805), poeta. †
 Manuel Belgrano (1770-1820) politico y militar argentino.
 Beau Brummell (1778-1840), árbitro de modas.
 Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840). violinista italiano. S.
 Simón Bolívar (1783-1830), militar venezolano. S.
 Franz Schubert (1797-1828), compositor austríaco. †
 Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848), compositor italiano.
 Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), poeta alemán. †
 Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), escritor estadounidense.
 Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), presidente estadounidense.
 Charles Darwin (1809-1882), naturalista y escritor británico.
 Robert Schumann (1810-1856), compositor austríaco. Padecía de
demencia sifilítica, aunque la causa de su muerte fue el envenenamiento
con mercurio, usado en esa época como tratamiento para la enfermedad.
 Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), poeta. †
 Bedřich Smetana (1824-1884), compositor checo. S.
 Camilo Castelo Branco (1825-1890), escritor.
Otros mas
 León Tolstoi (1828-1910), escritor ruso.
 Édouard Manet (1832-1883), pintor francés. †
 Isabella Beeton (1836-1865), escritora (Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management). S.
 Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), filósofo alemán. S.
 Bram Stoker (1847-1912), escritor irlandés, autor de Drácula. S.
 Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), pintor francés. †
 Lord Randolph Churchill (1849-1895), político británico y padre de Winston S. Churchill. S.
 Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893), escritor francés. †
 Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), escritor británico. S.
 Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), presidente estadounidense.
 Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), compositor alemán. †
 Frederick Delius (1862-1934), compositor. †
 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), pintor francés. †
 Scott Joplin (1867-1917), músico estadounidense. †
 Isak Dinesen (1885-1962), escritora.
 Henry Miller (1891-1980) escritor estadounidense.
 António Botto (1897-1959), poeta.
 Al Capone (1899-1947), gángster estadounidense. †
 Howard Hughes (1905-1976), millonario estadounidense.
 Eduardo Brito (1906-1946), barítono dominicano. †
 Robert Johnson (1911-1938), guitarrista estadounidense de blues. S.

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