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E-Portfolio Signature Assignment

Sarah Nielson
Business 1010
July 21, 2014

Certified Public Accountant
A Certified Public Accountant or short termed CPA is at the base of most all businesses
or companies. Whether large or small, businesses need to utilize the services of CPAs because
their entire financial backing could be inhibited by poor economics. It has been said that
without proper financial management, there is no business! (Better Business, pg 465) This
financial management can be obtained through careful planning and execution of accounting and
that is where CPAs come in. Many CPAs are an important incorporated part of the business
world and their services are redeemed as highly effective and necessary. Though not always
incorporated into every business transaction, CPAs are still an active and poignant aspect of
many communities. Accountants are highly trained in many business ventures and are constantly
improving their services through education, seminars and revision.
Job Description
Though highly sought after, a CPAs job description can be very intense. CPAs prepare
and examine financial documents. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1/8/14) One common use of CPA
services is through tax preparation. Many CPAs are highly knowledgeable about the different tax
documents and tax brackets each individual or business will be allocated. Many CPAs are
thought of as people who are very savvy with numbers and enjoy computing financial
information. (US News, Better Business Jobs) This is a very common outlook on CPAs because
generally their job description involves such things. When asking a CPA through a personal
interview about his job description, Ken Vierczhalek kindly illustrated his career. He described
the importance of customer service because initially working with individuals through business
endeavors or personal pursuits is significant to the business of CPAs. (Vierczhalek, 2014) He
mentioned that if a question arose that could not be answered many CPAs will research the
answer in order to provide the highest quality accounting service. (Vierczhalek, 2014) CPAs
dont just do tax services as tax season comes around though this makes up about 80% of CPAs
jobs in accounting firms. (Vierczhalek, 2014) Many CPAs also contract in accounting services
and auditing. These services are both extremely important to the business that seeks CPA
services. High-quality accounting services are so important to a business because they can
ultimately determine the fate of such a business. Many CPAs deal with not-for-profit companies
also because they need to help balance fees for affordability. (Vierczhalek, 2014) The
importance of CPAs is innumerable to the financial aspect of businesses regardless of the size.
There is a great importance placed on businesses for profit to continue to succeed and grow. This
importance will be greatly influenced by the assistance of CPAs. Accounting is necessary for
businesses of all sizes to help figure out what they have the potential to do. (Better Business, pg.
General Career Path
From an entry level position many CPAs start out just out of college. The career path can
delve from small businesses to large corporations. The career path is largely determined by the
knowledge and expertise gained in each job a CPA obtains. There are a variety of career paths to
choose from as a CPA. You can work as a CPA in a small or large firm. On a government level
you can pursue a career as a CPA on a local, federal or state level. (AICPA, 2014) Upon talking
with Ken Vierczhalek he mentioned that in his 20+ years as a CPA he had six various jobs
involving his career. All the jobs varied in salary and as he collected more knowledge and
became more proficient in customer service and financial preparation his career expanded.
(Vierczhalek, 2014) He had the opportunity to work as a travel auditor which made it possible
for him to see various places and meet all sorts of people. (Vierczhalek, 2014) This was very
interesting to learn because usually most people generalize CPAs as individuals who stay in one
office crunching number and examining finances.
General Education
Education is of great significance in the life of a CPA. CPAs are required to obtain a
Bachelors Degree in Accounting or a degree of in a neighboring field. (US News, Better
Business Jobs) In order to be known as a Certified Public Accountant, CPAs must take and pass
the Certified Public Accountant license. Those three letters really identify your career. (US
News, Better Business) The three letters alluded to above were the infamous CPA letters that can
directly reflect how the marketplace as well as individuals perceive the services of accounting. In
order to receive this certification you need to take an exam that is set forth by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants. As you can see it is a very rigorous four years of
college followed by an exam of great value. It is important to realize that CPAs are actually
certified compared to accountants that have not taken or have not passed the exam. Like many
careers there is a predetermined test that influences your career path.
Average Salary
Because CPAs are highly involved in finances one might presume that they are always
paid extremely well or that they have perfect personal finances. However the average salary for
Ken Vierczhalek right out of college back in 1980 was around $18,000/year. (Vierczhalek, 2014)
This would be a minimal amount of pay for a college degree nowadays however back then
Vierczhalek related that it was a very good wage. He also mentioned that through his various
jobs he has come to negotiate salary based primarily on experience. Some jobs were offered to
him and the wage was lower than anticipated. He went on to express the importance of his
experience and the salary was raised to compensate his knowledge and skill set. The median
annual salary taken from the Bureau of Labor was $63, 550. This would break down to about
$30 per hour. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1/8/14)
Career Outlook
One thing that greatly drew Vierczhalek to a career as a CPA was the importance and
need for CPAs. He felt that financial problems are only becoming more prevalent in business and
personal lives as the years have passed. (Vierczhalek, 2014) There is a great importance placed
on this service because it can be used to avoid financial disasters. The time taken to improve and
plan for financial investments and risks are of great significance to the life of a business and
therefore the livelihood of many business owners and employees. Because of the importance of
CPAs and the importance of their services it is estimated that the career outlook of CPAs will
grow by 16% between the years 2010 to 2020. (Education Portal, 2014) This is remarkable
growth and important to the job stability of CPAs.
Biography of a CPA
When Ken Vierczhalek decided to go to college he studied the various careers he could
pursue and decided the stability and interest of accounting would be his pursuit. He gained his
education with a Bachelors Degree in Accounting in 1980 and went on to his first job as an
accountant. He felt that in order to strengthen his resume and accentuate his skills he needed to
take the Certified Public Accounting Exam. He passed and went on to pursue five other jobs over
the past 20 years as a CPA rather than just having an Accounting Degree. One of his highest
paying jobs was in Copper Mountain, Colorado. He enjoyed this job and loved living close to the
mountains. However he longed to live in a small town for personal reasons. With his family he
moved to the town of Leadville, Colorado to have the small town life and to also have the luxury
of having his job in the same town that he was residing in. In small towns it is difficult to always
work in the town you live in because of the undersized amount of employment. He was able to
secure a job as a partner in a firm as a Certified Public Accountant. Ken enjoys where he lives
and expresses the importance of integrity and quality customer service needed to diversify a
company in a small town. Because Ken works in a small town his firm is largely involved in
many of the small business arrangements and financial aspects of each. Around tax time he and
his partner spend many hours preparing and finalizing many tax forms. After 20+ years as a
CPA, Ken can still say he loves his career and stresses the importance of CPAs. (Vierczhalek,
Pros & Cons
Although most careers have pros and cons CPAs have great futures in sight. A con of
being a CPA is that tax season is out of hand. As the government has the influence and power to
change tax deadlines and rules it becomes more difficult to always meet them. Another con is
that tax laws are constantly changing and improving which means CPAs are largely studying up
on these rule changes in order to provide the most up to date services. (Vierczhalek, 2014) A
large pro is the opportunity to contribute to society. (NJ Society of CPA, 2013) Because many
CPAs are involved face-to-face with their customers they have the opportunity to openly discuss
how people have gotten into financial situations and how to help them. This can result in a very
rewarding career because CPAs are actively helping those around them become more financially
stable. A pro largely loved by CPAs is the fact that their schedules can be flexible. This
flexibility allows many CPAs to have more involved family schedules and allows a more
balanced life. As Ken Vierczhalek mentioned he loves that he has the flexibility to leave work at
work. It has resulted in a lower stress level and a more rounded lifestyle.
My fit as a CPA
As I have taken a beginning Accounting class this semester my interest in Accounting
and CPAs has drastically increased. The importance of Accounting in this Business class has
been ever more prevalent with each passing concept Ive learned. I believe that Accounting
would be a rewarding career that has a great influence on many people, businesses and the
worlds finances in general. Although my knowledge is at a very minute scale thus far I think
that as a CPA I could be constantly learning. This knowledge would be important to my own
personal finances and could greatly affect those around me including my family. Accounting is
important because it incorporates some of the most vital fundamentals in life. It is always needed
and I believe will always be needed if we as a society wish to continue to progress. Progression
cannot be made without knowledge and knowledge is a dynamic part of Accounting and the life
of a CPA.

1.) AICPA- CPA Career Paths. (2014). . Retrieved, from
2.) Bureau of Labor Statistics- Accountants and Auditors. (2014, January 8). . Retrieved, from
3.) Education Portal- CPA: Employment Outlook and Career Profile. (2014). . Retrieved, from
4.) NJ Society of CPA- Benefits of a CPA Career. (2013). . Retrieved, from
5.) Solomon, M., Poatsy, M., & Martin, K.- (2014). Better Business.
6.) US News- Accountant. (2014). . Retrieved, from http://money.usnews.com/careers/best-
7.) Vierczhalek, Ken- CPA Personal interview (7/21/14)

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