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Red Hat RPM Dependency problem

Posted By nixCraft <> On October 21, 2005 @ 3:30 pm [ 4 Comments ]
Well when RPM works, you think life is better and when it does not works then you thinks life sucks ;) However, RPM has -
-aid option that solves the Dependency problem. It is created to automatic installation of dependent packages. To use this
--aid switch with rpm you need to install special RPM package first called rpmdb-redhat. Locate this package from CD and
install it via rpm command:
# rpm -ivh rpmdb-redhat*
Once installed then use rpm command as follows:
# rpm -ivh --aid mysql*
# rpm -ivh --aid rpm-file-name-version.rpm
It will install mysql client with all dependencies. If you are RHN subscriber then you dont have to use rpmdb-redhat
package use up2date command (see how to configure RHN
# up2date -i -v mysql*
Please note that --aid switch does not works with third party RPM. Fedora user must use YUM
. --aid works best if you
have all rpm packages copied to single directory on hard disk or on ftp/http server. For example:
# rpm --aid -ivh*
See also:
RPM cheat sheet
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URL to article:
URLs in this post:
[1] configure RHN:
[2] YUM:
[3] RPM cheat sheet:
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