State Rights Castaneda Alejandra

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Castaneda Alejandra

Definition of State Rights
States rights are those powers not given to the National Government b the Constit!tion" S!#h powers
are also those not denied to the state b the Constit!tion" $hese powers are also %nown as reserved
Immigration Reform
&mmigration re'orm is a s!bje#t ver m!#h debated" (e have seen both the state and national
governments tr to ta#%le the iss!e" As o' now 'ailed e''orts have been spotlighted in the national
government" State governments on the other hand have tried their hand at solving the iss!e in man was"
$he most highlighted e''ort o##!rred in Ari)ona whi#h was a law made to *#ontrol the !ndo#!mented
immigrant pop!lation+ b allowing poli#e to target *s!spi#io!s+ individ!als" As we #an see both national
and state government have be#ome involved in this ver #riti#al iss!e 'or man individ!als o' o!r
,e#entl $he -ajorit ho!se leader. /ri# Cantor. has tried to #omprehensivel solve the iss!e o'
immigration" 0is ta#ti# was to maintain his sol!tion both #onservative and h!mane" $his #ost him the
s!pport o' man 'ellow ,ep!bli#ans and possibl also his re1ele#tion" (ithin the national government a
sense o' bipartisan grows even larger" -ost see the loss o' /ri# Cantor as a de'eat o' the immigration
re'orm within this presidential term" 2!t there is still et hope" ,e#entl Senator G!stavo ,ivera is
p!shing 'or a bill within the state o' New 3or% that wo!ld grant state #iti)enship to !ndo#!mented
immigrants" $he senator hopes that he will spar% interest in other states to ta%e the immigration iss!e into
their states hands" $his then #an potentiall mean i' the law was passed it wo!ld be #hallenged in the
S!preme Co!rt" 2!t people s!ggest it is well within the power o' the states" National government has
shown no res!lts there'ore the states are learning how to manage and handle the iss!e"
Min Kim, Sueng. "Eric Cantor Loss Kills Immigration Reform ." Politico, June 10, 2014.
Ei+elson, Jos. "In ,e$ -or., a /ill to 0rant 1n+ocumente+ Immigrants State Citi2ensi!
" BloombergBusinessweek, June 1&, 2014. tt!"##$$$.3usiness$'0&'1&#in'
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Eric Cantor loss kills immigration
Cantors loss means theres little President Barack Obama can expect from the Hill. | Getty
By SEUNG MIN KIM | 6/10/14 11:40 PM EDT Updated: 6/11/14 12:19 AM EDT
Immigration reform is almost certainly dead on Capitol Hill this year.
Many top sources close to the issue privately acknowledged after House Majority Leader Eric Cantors
shocking defeat Tuesday night that the already uphill battle for immigration reform was dealt the knockout

Coming of President Barack Obamas re-election, immigration reform was seen as an issue both parties
could deal with quickly. Democrats wanted to deliver on promises made to their Latino backers and
Republicans wanted to get the issue of the table to avoid reliving the electoral demographic nightmare of
But House GOP leaders have long said they wouldnt bring up the Gang of Eight bill the Senate passed
last year, and Cantors embrace of even piecemeal proposals was derided by opponent Dave Brat and tea
party activists as amnesty for undocumented immigrants.
Tuesdays result is also likely to raise pressure from the left on Obama to use executive authority to act on
deportations. The White House said recently that Obama had asked for a delay of his administrations
deportation review until the end of the summer in an efort to give House Republicans space to act on a
legislative overhaul.
Cantors stunning loss means theres little Obama can expect from the Hill, where reform advocates were
caught Tuesday night trying to fgure out whats next.
I dont know what this means. Im very confused, Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.), who has been
working behind the scenes to gain support for immigration reform, said of Cantors defeat in a phone
interview. It clearly adds a lot of confusion and uncertainty and thats the last thing we need.
Diaz-Balart, his voice clearly indicating that he was in shock over Cantors loss, had been increasingly
optimistic on the chances of immigration reform this year. Now, he said hell take the next few days talking
to his colleagues and assessing how they feel on the issue.
Cantor had been hit from both the left and right on immigration. Many advocates increasingly viewed him
as the key obstacle within the House Republican leadership though Cantors aides said the House
majority leader supported fxing the immigration system, just through smaller-scale measures such as
border security and legal status for young undocumented immigrants.
Immigration advocates Tuesday night were heavily critical of how Cantor had positioned himself on the
issue. He distributed mailers that proudly proclaimed he was stopping an efort from Democrats to push
amnesty to give illegal aliens a free ride a direct response to Brats criticisms. Yet his camp stressed
that he still supported immigration reform.
Cantor misled his voters and they punished him, said Ali Noorani, the executive director of the National
Immigration Forum. He added that it was too early to tell whether his group will change its advocacy
tactics on immigration, saying: Well see how [Speaker John] Boehner reacts in the next couple of days.
Jim Wallis, the founder of the Christian group Sojourners that has lobbied House Republicans on
immigration reform, said bluntly: Eric Cantor was not an ally of immigration reform.
At least as one person who is hoping and praying for immigration reform, I did not trust Eric Cantor to be
on the right side, Wallis said. Now that he is gone, I am more hopeful that John Boehner can follow his
own head and his own heart and do the right thing.
Instead, advocates looked to the strategy employed by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). In the other major
primary of the night involving immigration, Graham a member of the Senate Gang of Eight who
relentlessly advocated for an overhaul sailed through his primary, getting more than the 50 percent he
needed to avoid a runof.
Advocates pointed that Grahams decisive victory should be what guides the infuence of immigration in
primaries not Cantors.
Tonights election shows the Republican Party has two paths it can take on immigration: The Graham
path of showing leadership and solving a problem in a mainstream way, which leads to victory. Or the
Cantor path of trying to play both sides, which is a path to defeat, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a
statement. Cantors defeat does not change the fundamental fact that Republicans will become a
minority party if they dont address our broken immigration system.
Brat, an economics professor, centered his campaign on the second-ranking House Republicans support
for so-called amnesty for undocumented immigrants charges that Cantors camp furiously refuted.
Speaking on Fox News, Brat cited immigration as an issue that helped put him over the top.
Its the most symbolic issue that captures the diferences between myself and Eric Cantor in this race,
but it also captures that fssure between Main Street and Wall Street, right? Brat said. [Y]ou ask
yourself why are the Republicans doing this, right? Why are they so intent on this immigration reform and
theres no answer that really makes logical sense. right?
Its clear they are doing it for the Chamber of Commerce and they want cheap labor and expanded
workforce and whatever, he added. And thats going to lower wages for everybody else.
Groups working against immigration reform eforts in Congress applauded Brats victory and the message
he sent opposing immigration reform.
The fact that an under-funded candidate Dave Brat has upset the sitting majority leader in a primary is
not only a statement that the tea party is alive and well, but that amnesty and comprehensive open
borders is dead on arrival, said Daniel Horowitz of the Madison Project.
Conservative commentator Erick Erickson wrote on that the media will be wrong by
playing up Cantors loss as solely due to immigration reform though he added that an overhaul was
dead on arrival in the House due to Brats victory.
Cantor really did not lose because of immigration alone, Erickson wrote. Immigration was the surface
reason that galvanized the opposition to Cantor, but the opposition could not have been galvanized with
this issue had Cantor been a better congressman these past few years.
Although always a longshot, backers of immigration reform of and on the Hill had looked to the primary
calendar as a potential time frame for the GOP-led chamber to move on immigration measures this year.
Cantors June 10 primary was seen as the major fnal date to clear before the window for an overhaul
could open up.
That said, some reform advocates are holding out hope. Circumstances can always change, said Jeremy
Robbins, executive director of the Partnership for a New American Economy, the pro-reform group backed
by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Obviously not a good sign, but the immigration is dead story always ends up being premature, he said.
A lot can happen between now and the end of the year.
But other activists said the chances in the House were long over and it was time for Obama to move alone
on deportations.
Obama ofered the House another chance and they are making it very clear they have no intention of
taking it, said Cesar Vargas of the Dream Action Coalition. He should ofer deportation relief, and other
forms of administrative relief, now.
Lucy McCalmont contributed to this report.
Read more:
In New York, a Bill to Grant
Undocumented Immigrants State
By Josh Eidelson June 1&, 2014

(hile Congress drags its 'eet on immigration re'orm. New 3or% State lawma%ers are m!lling an
immigration bill o' their own4 &t wo!ld grant state #iti)enship to some non#iti)en immigrants. in#l!ding
!ndo#!mented residents. allowing them to vote and r!n 'or o''i#e" 5nder the New 3or% &s 0ome A#t.
non#iti)en residents who have proo' o' identit and have lived and paid ta6es in the state 'or three ears
#o!ld appl 'or legal stat!s that wo!ld let some 7!ali' 'or -edi#aid #overage. pro'essional li#ensing.
t!ition assistan#e. and driver8s li#enses. as well as state and lo#al9b!t not 'ederal9voting rights" $he
responsibilities o' #iti)enship wo!ld also appl. in#l!ding j!r d!t"
*&t8s mind1boggling.+ sas -i#hael :livas. a pro'essor at the 5niversit o' 0o!ston ;aw Center who
spe#iali)es in immigration law" *& don8t believe there8s ever been a serio!s attempt to #odi' so man
bene'its and opport!nities"+
<emo#rati# State Senator G!stavo ,ivera. who8s sponsoring the legislation. sees it as a pre#edent" *(e
have a bill here that #o!ld be a model o' what we need to do a#ross the #o!ntr.+ he sas" ,ivera
a#%nowledges the bill *#ertainl will not pass this session.+ #omparing it to same1se6 marriage. a #a!se
whi#h too% ears to travel 'rom 'ringe to mainstream" 2!t he e6pressed hope that the primar de'eat o'
,ep!bli#an 0o!se -ajorit ;eader /ri# Cantor o' =irginia. widel #onstr!ed as a 'inal nail in the #o''in
o' near1term 'ederal immigration re'orm. wo!ld #reate interest in state1level re'orms li%e his" <emo#rati#
Assemblman >arim Camara is introd!#ing the same bill on the other side o' the Capitol" Governor
Andrew C!omo8s o''i#e did not immediatel respond to a re7!est 'or #omment"
&' it did pass and C!omo signed it9again. not at all li%el9the new law wo!ld #ertainl be #hallenged in
#o!rt" :livas sas some aspe#ts o' the bill are on sa'e gro!nd ?in1state t!ition 'or !ndo#!mented st!dents
has be#ome widespread@. while others involve *!nsettled or !ntested+ areas o' the law" :livas sas that b
*appropriating the term A#iti)en.8+ a word he sas *is reall tr!l a 'ederal term.+ the bill8s a!thors have
made it more v!lnerable to legal #hallenge"
$he state law wo!ldn8t tr!mp 'ederal immigration stat!tes. so !ndo#!mented wor%ers in New 3or% wo!ld
still be denied some important bene'its o' #iti)enship" :ne big e6ample4 $he8d be s!bje#t to 'ederal laws
barring them 'rom legall wor%ing in the 5"S"
S!pporters insist the bill. !nli%e Ari)ona8s largel overt!rned S2 1070. is well within the law" *$he
problem with the Ari)ona law and the #op#at laws aro!nd the #o!ntr is that the were intr!ding !pon
the !ni7!e provin#e o' the 'ederal government to determine who gets to enter the 5nited States and who
gets deported.+ sas Beter -ar%owit). a pro'essor at New 3or%8s 2enjamin N" Cardo)o S#hool o' ;aw"
0e sas the bill. whi#h he helped dra't. is instead *e6er#ising a 'irml established. #onstit!tionall
enshrined a!thorit o' the state to determine the bo!ndaries o' its own politi#al #omm!nit+ and is
#onsistent with S!preme Co!rt pre#edents that re#ogni)e *state #iti)enship+ as well as *'ederal
*$he ver nat!re o' o!r d!al1sovereign 'ederal str!#t!re.+ sas -ar%owit). *means that New 3or% gets to
de#ide who are New 3or%ers"+

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