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10 Common Controversial (Categories) Factors in Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is a science based on the authorities of the ancient rishis or seers of India.
Notably !arasara and "aimini#s $or%s have remained the classic te&t through $hich $e use
astrological rules to base an inter'retation. (o$ever there still remains much controversy over
various factors in determining the correct inter'retation of a chart. )his is largely due to
differences of o'inion of other classic authorities as $ell as due to the additions given by more
modern vedic astrologers based on their e&'erience.
)his 'ost is a list of 10 such factors $hich usually have to do $ith either*
i) determination of strength or $ea%ness of the 'lanet
ii) technicality of rules and their a''lication
iii) technicality of calculation
i) Strength or weakness of a planet
+trength , the 'o$er to manifest 'otential of combinations de'ends on inherent strength of
'lanets in chart. )$o a''roaches considered-.
a) Quantative , +hadbaba ('lanetary strength) /hava /ala ((ouse +trength) Vimsh'aa% (sign
strength) 0 Ashtavarga (as'ectual strength)* noting ishta 'hala
b) Qualitative , angular 'lanets tri'od strength (of Ascendant 1oon and +un) de'ositorshi'
as'ects retrogression combustion avastha 'ush%ara 'osition vargotomma no. of
times 'lanet in o$n2e&altation sign in divisionals (ie. observing vimsho'a% im'act in 3asi eg.
lordshi') neechabhanga etc.
Note that the strength of a 'lanet can indicate the !4AN5)A36 )6!5. 5ach 'lanet should be
individually assessed combining all rules for strength to determine their 'o$er. 7sing the
8uantitive measure of Ishta !hala and the 8ualitative analysis of all as'ects ('lanetary rasi
argala ashta%varga orbs configurations bhavat bhavam) on the 'lanetary ty'e its 'ositive or
negative e&'ression can be assessed.
From the above factors for strength some of the controversial ones have been categorised belo$
under 10 headings. )he first factor on retrogression includes e&am'les of (ho$ you can do your
o$n) research for the various o'inions on the sub9ect matter (8uestions 'osed).
1. RETROGRESSION . $hen does it contribute to strength or $ea%ness of a 'lanet as $ell as
ho$ does it modify the effect of a 'lanet (malefic or benefic* e&altation or debilitation* sign before
to$ards or a$ay combustion or on other 'lanets in con9unction $ith a retrograde 'lanet:). ;hat
is the s'ecial rule for as'ects $ith regard to retrograde 'lanets: (ie. as'ects include from 'revious
sign). (o$ does house 'osition affect retrogression: (ie. retrograde natural malefic 'lanet in
angle or trine V+ a retrograde natural benefic in angle or trine houses V+ a retrograde natural
malefic2benefic in dusthana houses:). And $hat if (as in these mentioned cases) the 'lanet is in
e&altation or debilitation:. <oes a retrograde 'lanet act li%e the sign o''osite to it: Is
Neechabhanga 'ossible for a 'lanet that is debilitated and retrograde or does it de'end on house
'osition: ;hat ha''ens $hen a 'lanet is retrograde but e&alted: (eg. 3ama 0 +aturn). =r do
retrograde 'lanets strengthen all 'lanets but the above 8ueries must be a''lied to
e&altation2debilitation 'lanets only:
Research according to Classics
!arasara states that a retrograde is stronger (Chesta /ala)than a direct 'lanet. 4al >itab states
that a direct 'lanet achieves its aim and destination $hereas a retro 'lanet is de'rived of its
destination. According to +arvartha Chintamani as lord of an evil house it increases the evil effect
(ie. increases effect of house he rules and $here he 'laced). !hala <ee'i%a states that the dasa
'eriod of an unafflicted retro 'lanet increases the things it signifies. In 7ttara >alamrita it states
?;hen a 'lanet is retrograde motion his strength is similar to to a 'lanet in e&altation. If a 'lanet
is con9oined a retrograde 'lanet his strength is half ru'a. ;hen a 'lanet is in his sign of
e&altation but retrograde he gets @ero ru'a. If a 'lanet be retrograde $hile in debilitation his
strength is similar to e&altation?.
Research according to contemporary astrologers
ie. <r <avid Fra$ley indicates retrograde 'lanets gives uncertain results. 4evacy indicates that a
retro 'lanet e&hibits more of $hat is already has (for good or bad)* others say it causes energy to
reverse internalise etc...(<o not forget to consider the contem'orary o'inions of authorities such
as /.V. 3aman >N 3ao 0 +an9ay 3ath) /e'in /ehari gives a good descri'tion of the 8ualitative
'sychological effects of retrogression. Aenerally retrogression seems to indicates some
%armic2'ast2subconscious intros'ective cause to be $or%ed through. It can reveal a challenge the
soul has to go through in not follo$ing the dictates of the outer $orlds e&'ectations but the
'rom'tings of the conscience. Arace Inglis boo% on retrograde 'lanets (Ch B) is also a very useful
resource on the sub9ect.
Research the Web (examples)
D. O!"#STION . $hat is the orb of combustion for 'lanets: $hat is the effect: Are there any
e&ce'tions to the rule or factors that $ill modify the effect on a 'lanet $ithin its orb of
combustion in a chart:
As above no$ research the classics contem'orary o'inions your e&'erience 0 the $eb ...
C. $%$ST$&'#S()$R$&%$RGOTO!!$&N$%$!S$ . $hich factor of strength
'redominates $hen a 'lanet is in its last or first degree but is in vargotomma and2or 'ush%ara
;hat ha''ens to the strength of an e&altation 'lanet $hen it is debilitated in Navamsa and vica
versa (debilitated 'lanet e&alted in Navamsa:). ;hat ha''ens $hen a 'lanet is debilitated but
J. !$($'#R#S($&NEE($"($NG$&%I'REET *OG$S . $hat are the factors that
clearly constitute these yogas: ie. $hat are the re8uirements for a 'ure 1aha'urusha yoga:*
factors for an effective /hanga ra9ayoga or cancellation of e&altation:* does a 'lanet as'ecting a
vi'reet yoga reduce or cancel its effects: ;hat other combinations a'art from lordshi'
constitute a vi'reet ra9a yoga:
(Note 7ttara >alamrita states that ?a 'lanet in con9unction $ith an e&alted 'lanet gets half ru'a
but in con9unction $ith a debilitated 'lanet he gets @ero ru'a. A 'lanet in con9unction $ith a
malefic $ho is a friend or $ith a benefic $ho is an enemy gets half ru'a?).
In terms of ? doshas? in general such as %endra 'ati dosha (for "u'iter) or >u9a dosha ho$ do
they a''ly and ho$ are they modified in a chart (eg. for Aemini 0 +ag Ascendants):
For overall yogas of charts $hat factors out$eigh each other (eg. the negative of a 'a'a argala
%emadruma sa%ata 'asca shra'it (+aturn 3ahu) guru.chandal or %alsa'ra yoga V+ the 'ositives
of a 'o$erful ra9ayoga or "u'iter in Ascendant etc) $ell as com'aring these yogas from
1oon (inner:) vs Ascendant (outer:) levels of o'eration.
ii) technicalit+ of rules an, their application
)o a some e&tent many factors to do $ith assessing strength also im'act rules and their
a''lication (as in 'oint J.). For e&am'le (for the follo$ing 'oint H.) does the use of rasi in
determining benefic vs malefic influences in a 'lanet in a house contribute to strength:.
H. R$SI '-$NET$R* $S'ETS . eg. Are 3asi as'ects used in a 3asi chart inter'retation: Are
!lanetary as'ects used in divisionals: ;hat is their use in 6ogas (for rules of !arasara 0 "aimini
astrology). <o 3asi as'ects vary de'ending on a relationshi' of houses ie. if 'lanet in fi&ed sign
as'ects a 'lanet in a cardinal sign by a B2F relationshi' rather than a C211 one:
B. $RG$-$ ./ %iro,hargala) 0 $S(T$)%$RG$ as modified ty'e as'ects . eg. Is argala to
be treated li%e an as'ect: ;hat is the difference bet$een a bhada%a 'lanet and 'a'a argala in
causing obstructions and $hat are their remedials: <oes an argal aid or obstruction vary
de'ending on Dnd ($ealth) Jth (comforts) vs 11th 'osition (gains) vs 1Dth (losses) 10th ($or%) 0
Crd (effort): (o$ do secondary argalars $or%: (ie. Hth and Eth form a sign). Are there e&ce'tions
to the rule: (ie. many malefics Crd from a house etc.). ;hat ha''ens $hen a 'lanet causing
argala is stronger (or having a more advanced longitude in the sign)than the one obstructing it
(Virodhargala) and vica versa:
<oes a high number of (/inna 0 +avra Ashtavarga) 'oints to a sign contribute to the strength of
'lanets in that sign:
N=)5- that both Argala and ashta%varga a''ear li%e com'le& as'ects revealing the 'lanets
relative 'osition to each other. Along $ith bhavat bhavam (sign lord 'osition) from the 'lanet can
reveal a lot about a 'lanet.
I. "($%$ ($)R$ vs R$SI ($)R$ ./ house lor,ship in general) and the
a''lication of yogas in the areas of life.
;hat are the difference house systems that are used in Vedic astrology (ie. +ri !ati e8ual house
division) and ;estern astrology:
(o$ do 'lanets in a different bhava to its 'osition in a sign manifest in the chart: ;hat is the
outcome of a 3a9a yoga $hen a 'lanet is in a different bhava des'ite forming the yoga in a sign:
In terms of influences on a 'erson ho$ does one 'rioriti@e and com'are houses (0 their lordshi')
from their %ara%as. eg. Eth house (e&istential e&'erience of father) vs +un (nature of father):
In terms of house lordshi' of t$o houses (ie. for the 1D Ascendants) $hich of the D houses gains
influence: (ie. $hich of the D signs have more 'lanetary as'ect 'lanets 'ositioned there or
moolatri%ona o$nershi')
In terms of a house ho$ do $e 'rioritise the influences on a house* ie. 'lanet(s) in a house
as'ects on the house influence on the lord influence of the %ara%a of a house on it argalas to a
house ashtavarga arudha relevant divisional etc..
(o$ do $e inter'ret and 'rioritise arudha (1aya) 'ositions from the houses and 'lanets vs the
inanimate houses themselves: (o$ does one inter'ret the subtle factors of arudha
eg. 'ostions from A4 along $ith >ara%amsa 0 +$amsa for $ealth: (ie. Dnd Ith 11th vs 1Dth or
Fth) or courage (Crd 0 Bth) ha''iness (Jth):
eg. $hen the A4 and 74 (7'a'ada lagna) are both ruled by the same lord:
;hat are the other lagnas and ho$ do $e use them: (ie. bhava lagna ghati lana hora lana indu
lagna 'a%a lagna 'rana'ada lagna sree lagna u'a'ada lagna varanada
F. '$R$S$R$ vs 1$I!INI .0 2I%ISION$- ($RTS)astrology rules (in yogas divisionals
and as'ects) . can any of the rules of "aimini be a''lied to !arasara astrology: +hould they be
inter'reted com'letely se'arately from each other using their different %ara%as and as'ects or
can they be integrated in chart inter'retation:
ie. ho$ do their different yogas and as'ects a''ly in 3asi 0 divisionals:
ie. ho$ do $e read divisionals relative to the 3asi 0 Navamsa charts:
;hat factors ta%e 'revalence in divisional chart reading:
ie. 3elevant rasi lords and %ara%as into divisional V+ the divisional itself V+ divisional lords into
rasi charts: <o $e read a divisional in the same $ay $e read the rasi $ith a''lication of lordshi'
argala bhada%a etc..:
;hich houses are es'ecially relevant in divisionals due to the harmonic2octave theory on houses
eg. <DJ (J&B) and Jth Eth (B a$ay from Jth) Dnd and Ith houses:
ie. (o$ does one differentiate and 'rioritise bet$een rasi lordhsi' 'arasara vs 9aimini %ara%as
houses and Arudha in divisionals:
E. %I!SOTT$RI 2$S$3 OT(ER 2$S$ S*STE!S 0 #SE O4 N$)S($TR$S . does
Vimsottari dasa system de'end on the strength of the 1oon or Ascendant to use its Na%shatra
lord for the beginning of ones dasa cycle: If three are more than J 'lanets in a sign ho$ is it used:
;hen and for $hat 'articular factors are other dasa systems used: (o$ are Na%shatras to be
a''lied to chart lordhsi' and ho$ do they a''ly to stellar dasa systems li%e Vimsottari: (o$
im'ortant are Na%shatras to transits analysis: (ie. Vedha 4atta Na%shatra Anga !hal etc.) (o$
do arudha house 'ositions a''ly in 'redictions:
iii) technicalit+ of calculation
10. $*$N$!S$ 0 R$TE O4 ($NGE (very im'ortant in rectification and subtler divisional
charts) . $hich calculation does one use and under $hat rationale: (ie. ayanamsa subtraction and
rate of change. eg. 4ahiri 3aman +urya +iddhanta etc.). (o$ much do 'lanetary 'ositions
change at dee'er divisional varga charts by the degree differences bet$een the various
;hat is the difference bet$een +idereal astrology above and ;estern )ro'ical astrology:
Note the various calculations bet$een schools (ie. do$nload the free 9agannath hora soft $are and
note the different ?'references? for calculations)
In or,er to gain e5pertise an, confi,ence in %e,ic $strolog+3 it is i6portant to
personall+ a,,ress an, answer these t+pe of ,ou7ts8 I suggest stu,ents to i,entif+
the a7ove factors 7+ nu67er .1910) an, state for the6selves the rationale 7ehin,
+our answers ie8 7ase, on which classical te5t3 conte6porar+ authorit+ or personal
e5perience .$S IN 'OINT 1 on RETROGRESSION)8 Alternatively you can research the
$eb for varying o'inions to consider and contem'late on.

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