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Legend M M Alam

-Aslam Bazmi
A Tribute to legend M M Alam

M Most adored, globally acclaimed
U Unafraid pilot, wedded to combat flying
H He was a magnificent ace hero in air war 65
A Alam astounded the nation and world
M Making history, to the envy of air warriors
M Mauling and shooting down five enemy airplanes;
A A stunning feat enacted in less than a minute
D Decidedly setting a world record, yet to be excelled

M Most agile and daring in the extreme
A Alam, strapped in his Sabre, struck terror in the sky
H His adversaries dared not face his ferocity
M M M Alam sprang to instant fame in the fight
O Over Sargodha in the battle for air superiority;
O Odds, however grim, vanished in no time
D Delivering air victory at PAFs hands

A A warrior to the hilt, profound scholar, passionate speaker
L legend M M Alam was laid to eternal rest in the Quaids city
A At age seventy-seven, on March, eighteen , two thousand thirteen
M May Allah abundantly bless the great air warriors soul!

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